tv Kennedy FOX Business July 8, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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a beach read, mountain read, a backyard read. a go to sleep read if you can. brad's books are always amazing. good to have you here. >> thank you, lou. lou: always good to see you, naomi. >> thank you. lou: that's it for us tonight. come to see us tomorrow. colonel ralph peters. ♪ kennedy: happiest tuesday and it is always of the dobbs variety, lou's day. tonight i'm watching hillary clinton feel the bernie. democrats sweating to the oldies with these two. donkeys are making a dent in the race we have to take sanders seriously. clinton camp is reportingly getting nervous in bernie's surprising surge and growing momentum in early voting states. i see some good news. i want you to hear me out. nice to see hillary exposed for being a terrible campaigner. shame took an avowedded
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socialist to do it. since raul castro can't run bernie will have to do the job. there is more surprising twist to the tale. i want you to hold on to your hat and hold your breath for one second. bernie sanders is actually right about a few things. not a lot. keep your leader hosen on hear me out. right on nsa. gop and hillary agree we need more domestic spying sanders takes a stand with rand against met at that date a collection the number two, day rights. took until about ten minutes ago for hillary to finally favor the gay marriage but bernie has been fighting for the gays since the '70s. no judgments, bernie. i like when you get a little experimental. especially wearing afro wig. it is sexy. number three, sanders economic policies are insane, pat logically insane. he points out unemployment rate is higher than advertised when you factor in people who stopped looking for work or only those that work part time.
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he has totally inappropriate response to the problem at least we can agree on the fuzzy job math. i'm not getting on the socialist band wag bonnie time soon at least the guy is principled conner with entertaining accent and doesn't drift in the win the way hillary and other politicians do. he is hello of a folksinger. listen. ♪ i saw below me, that golden valley ♪ ♪ this land was made or you and me ♪ kennedy: you and me, and bernie makes three. politician gambles to try to pay off student loans. what could possibly go wrong there. have you heard of the selfie vote. you could find out what that could mean for the election. charlie is on the ground in detroit searching for real story about violent crime. he will tell you about the crazy stats he dug up. welcome to it. i'm kennedy. ♪
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kennedy: bernie mania, showing no signs of slowing down. in the last few days he held a q&a with a crowd of nearly 8,000 people in maine. i didn't know there were 8,000 people in maine. thousands turned out for stops in iowa and we're hearing that hillary clinton is reportedly getting very nervous about bernie's surprising surge. oh, he is closing the gap indeed. look who we have here tonight to discuss it. joanne nosuchinski from a correspondent from "the greg gutfeld show." making his debut on the show. and charles cook, "national review" writer and author of the conservism manifesto. welcome to all of you. >> thank you so much. kennedy: thank you. that was very breath think, beautiful and serious hello. i appreciate it. very diane sawyeresque. thank you very much. let's talk about this bernie momentum.
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bernie-mentu has such a great ring to it. is it much more than anti-hillary. >> i think a little bit. he will not beat hillary. he is likeable, a politician that says what he thinks. he doesn't change his mind every day. essentially combining two strands. he has socialists. has the northeastern base that you see. kennedy: those northeastern social its are just -- >> they are there. he has buchananite strain. he doesn't like free trade. he is funny on immigration. he is in favor of immigration reform but talks about jeff sessions often need to upset low income workers and not to replace them. kennedy: i love cannibalism on the left. sounds like pro-immigration, allow as lot of hispanic voters to come into the country to vote democratic. if you're an economic populist that is difficult square to circle. >> sure. he has those two strands maybe the way hillary doesn't. when you have this disaffected
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buchananite part of the country and you have socialists he is doing quite well. kennedy: i wonder how he feels about being called abu cannonnite. andrew, i think sanders is wildly entertaining i think the election is already insane. who can i pay to make him the nominee. >> who can you pay? kennedy: yes. >> i didn't know how that works. you can donate with bernie. kennedy: would you read his books and what not? >> i would. i'm quite a big fan of socialism. kennedy: really? >> yeah. kennedy: are you practices. >> i don't practice it. i went to socialist countries and girls use birth control. kennedy: unlike here they want to get pregnant. >> i'm supportive of birth control and bringing that here. kennedy: you could practice birth control yourself. >> and buchananite. >> you're abu cannonnite? pro-birth control movement is very small. >> talking about, charles. you know what i mean?
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we're bringing the world together. kennedy: there are four of you perhaps. >> you need to start a movement. you got to start with four. >> you believe a witch, buchanan. >> think that. when we kicking it we play squash. >> very big into squash. kennedy: you say that earn about any is socialist lubricant. >> yes. >> whoa, lubricant? >> seasonal tequila. kennedy: very good. >> some people don't drink. they don't touch the stuff. other people want to get drunk. they will drink what's there. other people will take their life savings and invest in this new stock of this new company, tequila company. are they going to lose their money? definitely. but you need tequila to make it a party. kennedy: you absolutely do. >> you do. i say -- kennedy: i love tequila. >> drink what makes you happy. kennedy: all the drinks i made for this summer contain tequila. the i made freedom physician and june swoon. freedom physician is more powerful, more refreshing and
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sweeter because of coconut tequila. i appreciate that analogy more than anything. >> what is in the freedom physician. kennedy: that is great question. pureed watermelon and mix with triple sec and shake it in strainer with i.c.e. and straight through a high ball. >> nothing shakes like this. >> you have guess tick cuelation. kennedy: very free flowing physician. this is where freedom comes from as you know. some establishment republicans are not happy about the attention donald trump is generating for his campaign. and his refusal to back down from controversial immigration a remarks. according to ap top republican donor john jordan wants to block trump from the presidential debates, floating idea of a petition to ban "the donald." charles i will go to you first. is trump starting to make establishment republicans nervous or has he always? >> i don't think he is going to win but he should be making them nervous because he says all
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sorts of terrible things and has horrible political views and generally it is a joke. kennedy: yeah. >> i would like to see him banned. in my view i would get rid of all primaries anyway, replace it with smoke filled corrupt rooms which tended to produce better candidates. kennedy: absolutely true. >> donald would of course not be allowed to attend. kennedy: there is something about his candidacy that i really like. i don't agree with his ideas. i think that at times he can be a bit of a sideshow. i agree with many americans on that but i like the idea of him in the debates because i like the idea of him throwing bombs, forcing these candidates to say things that they will either regret or even worse, the truth. >> this is the forum for it. if these top donors are concerned how their gop candidates are going to look, have trump there then. it will make them look better, no? two, this is entertainment. we need more entertainment in these debates. if i'm watching all of this i need a little excitement happening. kennedy: let him in, andrew,
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that's what i say. >> i'm with you. he serves the same purpose as bernie sanders, right? kennedy: yes. >> he is there to make the other person look better. hillary is there to make little hi look young because she looks old. what is this guy's name again? trump is there to make other republican candidates look less conservative. kennedy: or look sane, maybe. there are people who hate what he says. >> trump he is cool, down, trump hates mex cans. he doesn't mate mexicans he is like us. kennedy: jeb bush loves mexicans. >> he speaks spanish. he speaks cuban. kennedy: totally different dialect. thank you very much for the correction. wouldn't you somewhere in your heart of hearts, i know you're a serious journalist and you're british. >> right. kennedy: which makes you a super serious journalist. somewhere in your heart of hearts secretly wish trump versus sanders? >> the final election? i wouldn't mind not being able to vote. it would be extraordinary if were trump v. sanders.
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oddly enough they would come to agreement on some issues. kennedy: they would. spending way too much money. >> spending way too much money. it will be all about people in america doing everything and not engaging with the rest of the world at all. kennedy: no. sanders wants a trillion dollar infrastructure program. >> trump would take the money. kennedy: he would take the money. he has a real estate development company and wants to build a giant fence down just south. >> he wants mexico to pay for it he said. kennedy: he will get them to pay for it, mark my words. >> that would be argument. agree on the fence, sanders want american workers doing american jobs with american monday any. kennedy: trump knows guys south of the border work a little harder. was that inappropriate? good. i hope so. the party panel returns for another round to take on a new jersey lawmaker who thinks college grads should gamble to pay off their student loans. this is a serious proposition. everyone has gotten in on taking selfies. there is the president. oh, he is so handsome.
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new book explores the selfie vote in 2016. how could that change the election? i will ask the author exactly what that means, coming up. stay right here. ♪ ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them.
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new jersey state legislator has an idea for students to get out of their student loan debt, double down, baby! garden state assemblyman wants grads saddled with debt to play in lottery in hopes of having their loans paid off. he says, quote, people are graduating from university with too much on their shoulders. that hampers them from doing other things when they reach the workforce. any vehicle that could provide some relief seems worth talking about. so, andrew, isn't college already a giant gamble? >> yes. this is really funny. basically you're asking people who didn't go to college to pay for people that did. kennedy: no. i think he should open it up. >> but the lottery, who plays lottery. kennedy: benefactors acting on their behalf to purchase student debt lottery tickets. >> only students? i thought you go to the place like scratch-off. kennedy: there should be scratchers and -- >> who plays lottery? kennedy: pick six. >> everyone in new jersey. i group in new jersey? >> really.
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>> we're top 10 sin tax in terms of revenue. we love gambling in new jersey. i mean, yeah, the best way to make new jersey students fiscally responsible is to encourage gambling. >> i think you're absolutely right. i don't think this is horrible plan. not everyone will buy into it. at least you know exactly where the lottery dollars are going to. but why just close it off to gambling? why shouldn't you have prostitution and moonshine as well. >> i would be absolutely happy with that, as you know. >> prostitution, you like that, charles? >> not personally. >> you believe in it? >> i am happy to be legal, absolutely. kennedy: two consensual adults -- >> prostitution is illegal unless you film it and then it is porn. >> how about pimping? >> are they doing ethically or not? ethical pimping in germany. ethical pimping. late night broadcast. but no, i think it is fine to do
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this but i think that they have sort of started to scrape the barrel on the left because this is huge bubble now. we ear clearly have a problem with higher education. becoming more and more expensive. so many things we could do. not lend people money. the degrees that are stupid. kennedy: the way universities are run, only inflates the bubble. >> right. and so, we're going around the country on the right, hey we have a big problem with the bubble. we need to restructure. no, no a lottery? it does strike me he is sort of scraping the barrel before acknowledging the problem. if they want to it up a lottery, great. kennedy: they're certainly not doing anything about student debt. did you come away from college with debt? >> yes. went to school on full tuition acting scholarship. it was private institution. i stayed on campus. i had to pay room and board. i'm still five years later paying off loans. kennedy: loan for room and board. that is one of the biggest expenditures at school. you're not paying for bloated administration. so many things at college where
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you waste your money. >> should get in touch with me at charles@ethical we can work out. >> without a g. >> without a g. kennedy: leave the last g off for savings. >> hey, hey. kennedy: wherever you can get it. so excited andrew has a one-man dance party. i think that's what they do in new jersey. >> when we get this thing going. kennedy: if they would open it up to soccer moms. i would scratch off some lottery tickets. if a chance to win five dollars to pay for your school. i wouldn't pay are to the school but would love a free slurpee. kennedy: our panel is coming back. candidates spend increasing amount of campaign time taking selfies. we'll talk to an author of a book that this might be a sign of the apocalypse or the best way to get the millenial vote. dustin hoffman says movies are
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kennedy: welcome back. candidates running for president have a new obstacle to master, the selfie. it is so true. forget soccer moms. no more nascar dads. the selfie is the game-changer that is the outer. "new york times" reports on various techniques of 2016 hopefuls to satisfy 2016 selfie needs. jeb bush with long arms taking matters into his own hands. sounds kinky.
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hillary clinton helps people who less tech-savvy than she is. all the self if i seek es can get a turn. it certainly means something. me and kirsten, cofounder of echelon insights and contributor at "daily beast." her book is outnow called, the self if i vote, how millenials lead america and how republicans can keep up. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: will the election go to whoever takes the most self if is? >> i hope that is not how we're deciding who will be president but i will say voters will pick whoever they think best understands their issues. best understands what their life is like. the person they like the best. frankly taking selfies is a way to convey to voters you're one of them. you like them. you're willing to share that moment. kennedy: you say that is one of the biggest problems republicans have to overcome, they're really bad at being normal people at least in the eyes of moderate and independent voters?
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>> particularly younger voters who have grown up in this era where they think about republicans being older, not in touch with technology, not in touch with cultural change. kennedy: yeah. >> being able to demonstrate thaw actually understand what is going on, that you are tech-savvy and up on cultural change is really important to demonstrate that you get what young voters are looking for. kennedy: republicans to your book, the republican party attacks married, rural, church going voters. however millenials tend to disfavor marriage at least early on. they love to live in cities. you know, they sort of clump together. >> right. this is leading them to sort of look at both parties to say they don't know either party is really for them. they're approaching adulthood in a new way than previous generations. they're sort of waiting for someone to jump in who understands what that looks like and what that means for politics. kennedy: what does that mean? are they looking for more independent-minded candidate?
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what exactly could satisfy a millenial that could satisfy the electorate? >> it is tough to satisfy everyone but there are certain things republicans in particular could be doing to show they don't fear change, they're embracing change. they don't fear what is in the future. things of status quote, whether we do the entire public sector or how much we think about retirement. kennedy: or education. >> our education system. so much of status quo is protected by the left, not the right. and folks are looking for something new. education system that set per adapted to our times and technology. a public sector that is leaner and more adapted to our times. and think i young voters they're not idealogical but they're looking for someone to solve problems. the right has an opportunity to kind of step in. kennedy: now you talk about a dividing line amongst millenials because they're not all 22. it is not like all of them have just gotten out of college. >> right. kennedy: what is the dividing line? >> there are millenials into their mid 30s at this point.
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millenial is huge generation, 75 million people. if folks born in the '80s and '90s. i'm millenial but i'm on old edge. i remember september 11th and remember the iraq war. i was pretty much in the workforce before the big crash happened in 2007 and 2008. there are some millenials who are not even 18 years old yet. somebody who turns 18 on the eve of coming presidential election they will be voting until 2076. the big dividing line between older and younger millenials how old were you when the economic crash happened and how much do you remember about the bush administration. kennedy: i remember living in hooverville and cold and dank and depressing. it was 1929 and it sucked. kristin, the book is great. it is comprehensive look at generational politics. what voters are really looking for and how republicans can screw it up again. >> i'm glad you like it. i hope everyone will have a chance to check it out. kennedy: thank you so much for
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coming by. you're awesome. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: really smart writing. dustin hoffman thinks hollywood is turning out the crappiest movies in decades. but there is a silver lining. the panel will discuss. they're disgusted. can music defeat isis? how one artist is sure his music can stop the terrorists in their
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got the biggest he could find, $13 apiece and filled with helium, that cost $80, then he was ready to ride. he will ride his chariot but then he had a banner advertising his business and coke off for what else? the rodeo. the best laid plans lead they illustrate how, he landed of course, by law enforcement, the case of the canadian clean up the couldn't fly story. i love this creativity and ingenuity, so expensive getting on an airplane and use union, propelled himself. good job. i would use your cleaning services any time in 5 of in the middle of nowhere. topic number 2, damon, a musical tour they force, creative genius with more stamina than staying at a yoga retreat, he has a 5 hour set in denmark this
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weekend, that is not even from a jam band, his side projects, he has a solo career, and his mother trucker was set to go all night until he was literally carried off the stage but not before some profanity based protesting. he brought it into the class. and one of the favorite records of the 90s, topic no. 3. the answer to isis has arrived. the power to cripple the terror group now rests with one man who is ready to unleash holy hell on the islamic state's actions. ♪
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>> the original blubber himself, shaggy, bringing isis to the miami times, he can wipe out the terror group, music and to their base camp. he says quote may give you can cut a man's head off, a music evokes the motion. they are not going to want to cut somebody's head off. and getting people high. they might want to kill themselves. i could listen to that too long. topic number 4. if you ever wondered how to get a heart racing there is good news. aware of what camera case.
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and what they're happy puppy came back with a. yummy bowl of campbell, delicias, a ferocious feline stuck in a window. they were vegetarian but have to have -- the photos that will be taken the most by the new doddy cams is this. all about that base. you know, fans. topic number 5. taking your daily relaxing stroll to a libyan airport runway when this happens. talk about a close shave. that will make you think twice
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before playing chicken with a libyan air force jet but the man hit the deck just in time. one thing i am sure we couldn't avoid, a pair of soiled libyan undies. reminds me of jack -- back to the future. go ahead and tweet me at kennedymason and finding none instagram and say hello a news the hash tag tropical storm as many of you have been doing and we appreciate it immensely. one of the best fast-food joints america, national survey that may very well -- i was surprised. justin hoffman says american film is the worst it has been in 50 years. we will talk about that and give the answer to tonight's trivia question in moments.
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>> we have newspaper appeal role on the -- people on the payroll. i got my story that way. it is not personal. it is strictly business. >> so heavy it hits me in the solar plexus. al pacino playing michael corleone in the godfather. many people don't know justin hoffman was considered for that iconic part. how things they have changed. dennis -- hoffman says movies of the worst they have been in the 50 years he has been in the business and he would rather watch tv. charles cook, and crucial, is he a cranky old man or right on? >> i king he is right. tv is great, as good as it has ever been. movies are just sequels and remakes. >> movies are big and expensive
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to make and expensive to go see and now people have big ultra high definition tvs they can get for pretty reasonable and enjoy all sorts of netflix. >> he was talking about movies in general, not just going to the movies, not saying he likes to stay at home and watch movies at home. >> the tv as made now can be enjoyed like the movie. there is no -- i don't see the problem with it. >> i have to agree with him. things are not the same. as 40 years ago. hollywood is out to make money. it is the business. what i think we are going to see is a lot of actors doing that in the route and going to the festivals and stuff like that for art's sake but i can't stand about movies today know shock lasts longer than five seconds. always different camera angles and different things. i miss the days it was more theatrical.
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>> he says it is a bad thing but i don't think it is horrible tab concentration of talent doing episodic television. when you are binge watching something is more satisfying than sitting in a dark theater waiting for the popcorn trek for a marvel movie. i would rather see a model movie on the big screen and then go watch silicon valley at my house. >> i am with you. >> thank you very much finally. >> exit silicon valley, i don't watch it but usually i disagree with charles on everything but he is right. the investment, we have to do sequels, movies cost $150 million to make them and no one will put up $150 million for a concept that hasn't been proven but we will put up $150 million for jurassic world or something like that and these and proven concepts get turned into episodic television and you have these long character arcs we really like. >> or writers shifting from
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writing films to writing -- >> all the quality writers. >> everyone was complaining about the quality of television. now all of a sudden -- >> exactly. 2005 when reality was huge before the advent of lot of these shows. >> sopranos and where it started. >> 99, 2000. >> it shifted back. you watch the twilight king, known as all these great writers, both authors, in a way that was remarkable at the time because it was on a hot new product everyone wanted to be on television and the move to movies and television was left by the wayside and they have gone back to television. >> here they are and here we are and we like television very much. the votes are in and chick fil-a is the number one, 2015 restaurant in american customer satisfaction survey for fast-food, scoring 86 out of 100
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possible points to nab the top spot, joy the only with 83 and panera at 30. taco bell, mcdonald's landed at the bottom of a list. i say that is nonsense. let's talk the best and worst. you are on a 4 day road trip and tell me what fast-food i you eating? is that a necessity? you don't have to be fancy. >> i'm not a fast food person but if i was going for it i think wendy's has the best chicken. i really do, chick fil-a i have -- didn't grow up near chick fil-a. the one, had i found it very greasy. but wendy's i want to see a high on the list. >> i would like to see another list. it is in southern california, one in las vegas, not enough people enjoy it. a southwest concentration would
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be number one. >> i am so other southerners exaggerating how good their food is. chick fil-a is a chicken sandwich. sweet pea is the with sugar, nothing special, grits is a [bleep] >> i don't care what it is, your food sucks, stop acting like it is better, basic quarrel food. it is not. it is bad food. >> will give you diabetes. >> i am ok with it. every person has a right to get their own diabetes. >> absolutely. >> who said that? >> one of the reasons people like chick fil-a is not a sandwiches but the employees are between night. when you go when they are nice. >> and sometimes they give you a massage. >> i say this as an unchristian but no coincidence they are really christian company. >> speaking of which i will be very giving and move on to a new topic. as food and now fitness
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according to data from the air when i fitness pal, california, colorado and washington are the most active states. delaware, north dakota and south carolina ranks dead last. i think it is very interesting that colorado and washington have two of the highest activity rates but these are places marijuana use legal. >> it is about nature, very beautiful, you want to go outside as a stress reliever. >> and what your plans. >> in new york just walking to the gym gives you stress though i just avoid it. >> i tell people they get high and have to rest to a chick fil-a or to get -- debt -- it is late at night, they closed at 2:00 in the morning. >> they're walking, i see a moderate, they burn everything
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off. >> joe biden on the train, sitting down. >> that is no fun. get an earful of joe biden, you know what that does to morales? god bless him. you look like a pretty active person. >> maybe about 10 kilos, i just do kilos. you know what it means? >> to the metric system already. >> don't know is that is that i am with it. >> what about -- >> okay. what was the question? i hate these reports because it is a passive aggressive thing they do every year midwestern people, here's the report, we get it. >> and midwestern, delaware, north dakota. >> in the midwest. where's north dakota? >> you really consider that as a plains state. >> why are there two dakotas? >> they could stand each other. >> can't we put it -- the two
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colors together. >> that i get. if you want to bring those to get there. >> germany -- >> put it back together and win a world cup. >> all the way around. >> i used to have of wiener bob. >> what happened? >> the british expedition force. >> you are all unattractive and fought for. you have your green card connected to gore papers and here is my green dress blues new evidence supporting claims bill cosby drug to women for sex. he will talk about hitting his own words or at least he already did. i joy you, i think it is a nice night cab but first charlie in downtown detroit, to talk about
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doug. you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo. looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglas. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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>> welcome back. the media is full of conflicting stories of violent crime in the nation's most troubled cities. is there more? is there less? isn't getting better? charlie went on the streets of the detroit to find the truth on the ground in his city, found police with very low morales, meager pay and severe concerns about body counts. check it out. >> the truest measure of crime for most anybody is body count so what is the body count? >> let me go to my -- as of
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today we have -- okay -- 144 compared to last year, we were at 128, same time last year. >> almost as much as chicago and chicago is catching hell. >> i don't know what chicago -- don't know. >> overall crime is down 15%. >> cops don't believe that. >> out here crime is not down? >> i would love to tell you yes, but reading the reports i am reading, seeing what i see, i can't say yes, crime is gone. just don't have the officers anymore. >> let me welcome fox's charlie leduff from the americans. it is the depressing picture. every one wants crime in detroit, 0 they won the city to
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improve and stop killing each other. of a lying about it to make themselves feel better, what is going on? >> there is lack of honesty. body count, shootings are the same but the rest of crime is down. body count matters. in detroit we engage in this, we differentiate between a criminal homicide and justifiable homicide even though police chief wants people to carry guns and the justifiables are erased, somebody breaks into the house and you have to kill them is not an act of violence. we want to add them together and know what is going on because you can make all other crimes go down simply by not responding. >> all you have to do is shift bodies from one pile to the other and make this pile look smaller and it is up pile of something else, is this how other cities do it? do that a split difference between homicide and justifiable
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homicide? >> not one that i have ever spoken with, new york from previous years, doesn't bifurcate, up to reporters, to tell the truth. in 2008, the next year in 2009 detroit erased 70. 378, at 308. they put the numbers back, why is crime going up? has to do with policeing, lack of morale, the culture of the streets, street justice has to do with bad criminal justice system is and nobody respecting or believing in them but at the very least we can do that isn't paying our police here, up $14 an hour and change. >> fast-food workers in detroit are making more than most cops?
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>> they want to make more, the national conversation is $15 an hour, that is a great goal for it but don't talk to me until we get the police settle because, means more to me that hamburger. i like wendy's vendor too. >> a tough place to be a cop. even tougher when you are paid so little when there's almost no incentive to do the job. and the police force. >> privy to press conferences and hired 200 more police. we lost 300 police eliminate 200 and when i get 200, i will love lost 400 police and d for each is that, 140 square miles. and in places like midwestern rust belt cities where jobs continue, good jobs continue and nothing for able-bodied men to do. >> keep telling me stories.
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>> bill cosby, i got a message from him. from him. stick around for it, that is [ male announcer ] we know they're out there. you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner, brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. ♪ i built my business with passion. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands
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>> the least surprising news of the century bill cosby admitted in a 2005 deposition he got 7 prescriptions for quaaludes to drug women to have sex with. bill cosby's lawyers uses' the accusers knew they were taking quaaludes from the comedian. are there any bill cosby defenders left who thought these dozens of victims were just making stuff up to get back at dr. huxtable? i talked-about rich hollywood liberals, the judge got it right on the bill cosby issue, he said, quote, a don't think there's anything new here, more people in show business and around the country will stand up
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and tell the people he attacked the we support you and believe you. how is bill cosby not in prison? if he were an i team manager at work or your kids's principle he is clearly a serial rapist in years violating women in unimaginable ways all the la region of them have come forward there has the passionless shrug. bill cosby is a sick friend is then used condescending to people he believes are beneath him and little did we know until there was a joy in the act about that hypocrisy that he was drugging and putting women beneath him as well. the statute of limitations has prevented his prosecution ended doesn't take a guilty verdict in a court of law to magically make something bad. there is a mountain of evidence against the man who profited off of people believing his goodness and purity and this latest under nugget might push him into the bubbling volcano of his own hubris. you have done it again, hopefully karma will hit you where the good lord split you
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