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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  July 11, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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brad thor and naomi woolf tomorrow. good night from new york. thanks for being with us. . kennedy: oh, thank, lou very much. it's our last show of the week, let us make it good and on the watch tonight, jeb bush stepping in a big pile of his own context. he was in the middle of making a good point about our limp economy when he dropped an inartful line of americans needing to work longer hours. that was immediately picked up by hillary clinton and her philosophically aligned brethren in the press. go for it, jeb. >> we have to be a lot more productive, workforce participation has to rise from all-time modern lose.
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means that people need to work longer hours and through their productivity gain more income for their families. kennedy: it was that longer hours part, he might have wrapped that thing in a tiffany box with a big bow and handed it to hillary with a handwritten note. she went into full exploitation mode tweeting -- which, of course, launched a tweetoff with jeb who responded anyone who discounts 6.5 million people hasn't listened to working americans. jeb then whined predictably about being taken out of context. >> you can take it out of context all you want, high sustained growth means people work 40 hours instead of 30 hours. kennedy: hard to say which of the boobs is the worst campaigner, they're going to be side-by-side in the electoral bra outidioting each other if
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we're not careful. jeb, she had a horrible impersonal interview with cnn with misstatements and lies and all anyone can talk about is you! what is wrong with you senor common core. the ted cruz campaign said the problem is not that americans aren't working hard enough. it's that the washington cartel, special interests and lobbyists have rigged the game against them. cruz is right of course on this but sounding like elizabeth warren and bernie sanders love child. he said it wrong. here's what he should have said. people don't need to work longer hours, 40% of you work more than 50 hours a week as it is. we need the government to get the hell out of the way so people can start businesses and create their own damn job, the kind that breed creativity and success, with out of touch politicians running things, what more could you expect than
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finger-pointing, gum flapping and lots of stagnation to come. get the hell out of the way. very good, on the show, donald trump says he's got the latino vote. he says he'll get the whole damn thing. not sure what to say about that. i'll talk to a navy s.e.a.l. ready to teach yours truly the lost art of manhood. a little later look at a nat geodocuseries about the last decade. what a decade it was. richard hatch is here. indeed so are you! very happy about it. i'm kennedy. . kennedy: hi there. jeb bush made it christmas in july with a gift for hillary, while the mainstream media slapped a big old bow on the sucker. talk about it with the panel. who do we have? comedian jim norton, is on netflix beginning july 23rd. i've seen a preview of it.
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it is glorious. michael moynihan a columnist at the daily beast and my spiritual mentor, and ainsly earhart is here. she's the host of fox and friends first. welcome, panel. i would have all of you at a cocktail party and buy you little tiny cocktail wieners and we would be happy. let us discuss jeb bush saying this people need to work longer hours, michael, obviously, i say more people need to start more small businesses. what do you say? >> i don't think that in politics they call this bad optics, when you have a guy trying to be the third bush in 20 years to take the presidency, another coronation. saying that americans have to work more hours. americans work some of the highest number of hours like below singapore, we're like doubling, tripling the french. this is the thing, this is why it's bad optics, inartfully
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sad, he clarifies it. i suspect he was being honest when he said, look, the actual unemployment rate, which is what bernie sanders said it's not 5%, it's double that because the number of people that are no longer participating in the labor force. if that's what he was saying, he can't be that stupid, that yeah, fair point. poorly executed. lou: people need good jobs. they need good jobs that pay more money, they need jobs that make them feel good about the work they're doing, but what would you say to jeb bush to get him back on message. every time he says something like this he has to complain he's taken out of context why. can't he say the right thing in context the first time? >> if you read the headlines, he says one thing, if you listen to the sound bite, that's not what he's saying, what hillary clinton is accusing him of saying that people need to work harder. he's saying i want to provide more opportunities for families suffering. 6.5 million individuals have part-time work and want full-time work.
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that does not include the 12 million that like having part-time work. 6.5 million i want to provide more opportunities for the families and i'm going to do that by putting more money in your pocket, allowing more jobs and increase job support. kennedy: people working at tedious jobs that they hate are working longer hours. there are ways of talking about productivity and success, and i guess that's my point with him, if you've got a great message -- >> what he's saying is they need to work longer hours. they have a need at their homes to work longer hours because they've got to put food on the table. put their kids in college. kennedy: jim? >> advise him to think of walter mondale in 1980. that's what happens when you say things truthfully. he lost his own state. so you have to phrase things right. you don't come out and be
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blunt, and he did mean part-time workers that need to make money they want to make. kennedy: also the government forcing businesses to hire people just part-time. so you have to get two part-time jobs with crappy benefits to equal one full-time job. >> he just didn't say it well. i don't care what he says, i don't want him or hillary, i'm sick of those stupid names, clinton and, but i want anyone other than them. kennedy: that's why i called them a couple of boobs fighting for the electoral bra. donald trump continues to face questions and backlash about comments about illegal immigrants and you might think with a growing influence of latino voters, trump is worried about his pack at the white house. think again. >> i have many legal immigrants working for me, they come from mexico, they love me and i love them. if i get the nomination, i will win the latino vote. i'll win it.
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kennedy: he will win it. what does he have to do, sombrero and marachas? >> bill cosby has a better endorsement by n.o.w., he did say it stupidly what he said, but it's like he wants a truth and telling it as he sees it and they crucify him for it. he's being truthful to the way he feels. kennedy: he's doing what we claim we want politicians to do, but the second they do it, they get vilified and bullied and have things taken away. >> we teach them to be smooth and lie properly or we'll start pulling businesses away and pulling money. kennedy: how can you argue with someone who in his words a great relationship with the mexicans. >> he does with the mexicans. i don't know what he's thinking like there's going to be mexicans, he's a straight talker. notice the switch in language there. he's like i've got mexicans working for me, i sound like
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rickles, and switches to and the latinos, the vote. is he relying on rivalry between guatemalans and mexicans. maybe there are enough that dislike mexicans that they'll vote for him. i suspect what he means is he's out of his mind, delusional in no one is going to vote for him. this presumes he gets through the primary and a lot of mexicans voting for him. i doubt it. kennedy: look at polls. >> they come and go pretty fast. kennedy: only takes one howard dean moment. does the republican establishment want trump out of the race. >> they find him refreshing, they feel he's saying what they're thinking. if you think about what he said, obviously, it was not very smart of him to say what he said. i think by him saying now he's going to get the latino vote. those who came here legally will vote for him, they did it the right way. he's saying if you come in our country, follow by our rules.
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look at statistics, democrats, mexicans and latinos in general vote for a democrat. the only republican that has gotten 44%, that high, the highest amount of any other republican was in 1992, that was george w. bush. since then, no one has ever gotten that high. that was 44% of the latino vote. kennedy: you know which presidential candidate has gotten that high, that's gary johnson because he believes in medical marijuana. >> president obama got 70% of the latino vote. kennedy: that's a problem, even though donald trump is presenting a logical argument for the bifurcation of latino voters in this country, it's not embraced as handsomely as he would like. >> it's a bad thing for republicans. in the 90s there was a promise that republicans made, they're so fantastic, latinos are more socially conservative, religious, we can snatch them for that reason, and one of the
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candidates is talking about rapists. kennedy: coming into this country, to rape our women. >> they want him out. they want to have polite discussions where they leave things out. kennedy: bobbles and trinkets for each other. >> they debate politely and avoid things politely, he will be fine after this. kennedy: he's john belushi at nice restaurant. >> i hope he sticks around and makes their lives miserable. kennedy: we can always count on the donald to make a ridiculous statement. one of these is not a real quote from donald trump. you can guess which one? the answer is coming up later in the show. first more with the panel. a university says one way students can prove their
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consensual sex by taking a picture of themselves saying yes, we agree, before making sweet love. so romantic! we'll be right back. super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck, and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip. super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place, so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip. i built my business with passion.
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if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine, stop taking spiriva respimat and call your doctor right away. side effects include sore throat, cough, dry mouth and sinus infection. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. to learn about spiriva respimat slow-moving mist, ask your doctor or visit . kennedy: you don't want to know
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what's happening here and this turned into chaos, emotional orgy. while drug companies promise older companies you don't have to lose spontaneity in sex life. college kids are learning affirmative consent laws, they say sex is okay only if both parties express consent through clear and unambiguous words and actions by signing a consent form before they make sexy. and they're serious. here it is in action. >> this night calls for the love contract. >> what's this? >> nothing, just a document saying you're a willing participant in the sexual experience. >> well, i am. >> sign here and here. kennedy: yeah, that was from the chappelle show. california passed an affirmative consent law, and the university of minnesota may implement their very own version later this year. our panel is here to discuss.
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jim, michael and ainsley, when is college a place where men are brutal rapists and women are innocent victims. >> all about the lawsuits, the colleges are so afraid of being named in lawsuits, they couldn't provide a safe environment. kennedy: safe environment? these are adults presumably. >> that's what the law says. never logical with a lawyer, they want to stop themselves from having to defend lawsuits. i think this will help, because there's nothing a girl in college likes more than legal proof she's getting laid. so easy to get. kennedy: documentation is great, you want pictures of guys that you've been making body congress with. >> aren't the women the ones that lie and stay didn't happen. the men say it didn't happen even if it didn't. i'm being serious and cynical here. >> this is like oo i'm joining isis if this is true. i clicked through to make sure the story was true. it's almost worth it at this
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point. absolutely bananas that we're saying that you have to get this contract. usually somebody is so drunk, this is what happens in college sex. kennedy: your one time. >> didn't they say if the signature looks a bit sketchy, then it doesn't count. kennedy: what do does that mean? someone can be accused of sexual assault? that's scarier. >> it could mean that you drank too much. if you have too much to drink, you are overserved and the contract is null and void. kennedy: if you had relations like it magically didn't happen? >> many people do forget. maybe in their minds it magically did not happen. if you want to be cleared of all accusations it says you have to test the blood-alcohol level of your partner beforehand. kennedy: how! is there a 24-hour lab. >> repeatedly sign the contract. in the middle of everything, you have to keep signing the contract.
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kennedy: hold on, this feels so good. just a second. >> this is my thing, if you have to sign a contract you're worried the person is going to charge with you rape afterwards, maybe pull back and don't have sex. kennedy: don't have sex and don't drink to the point where you black out. i have come up with a great sorority prank. what do you is if you and your sorority sisters get blackout drunk which never happens in college. get one of the forms, fake her signature and fake the signature of the most slovenly unattractive guy and slide it under the door. >> the jim norton stamp is very popular. kennedy: michael, i'm worried about you, how does this change your dating life now that you have to get consent? >> the check is usually signed. i get consent when she cashes it. nobody actually ever talks about men being drunk. this is i know clever, strong,
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smart women in college. men, i am proof of this, get very, very drunk and do things they regret, too. and the idea, this is focused on get the women to sign. kennedy: that's why i asked but that first. men are viewed as predators and women as victims and it's ridiculous. what a ridiculous way. >> the documentary is popular, on cnn, it's a ridiculous documentary called the hunting ground. about women on campuses. walking into the hunting ground. kennedy: was it published in rolling stone before? >> all the research came from there. kennedy: the panel is coming back in a little while to talk about a company that may have the worst idea in the world for air travel. if you don't like the seating situation now, if you think your seat made a stinky. just wait. worse, what we need is sense knocked into it. >> i don't know what to do, i don't know what to do. >> you can act like a man! what's the matter with you!
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>> a navy s.e.a.l. is here to teach me the lost art of manhood. there he is. yeah. yeah.
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. kennedy: what is the difference between being a male and being a man? my next guest is somewhat of an expert on the subject. he's spent 26 years as a navy s.e.a.l. and deployed to five continents. he also served in iraq and afghanistan, but luckily for all of us, he manly enough, and for all the males, he's written a book that will teach you all of life's manliest tasks. how to bait a hook, change a tire, kiss a girl the right way. derek van orton is here to talk about his book, available only
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at walmart and welcome. >> thank you. kennedy: let's talk about this book. i agree with you, i think there is a dearth of manly men, not the guys that watch this show, i know you can throw a punch, start a campfire. there are a lot of guys that lost touch with that, what is that from? >> happens within our lifetime or mine because i'm a bit older than you. kennedy: tiny bit. >> it became a punch line to be a man, a manly man is supposed to be derided, mocked, but there are millions of american men that wake up every day and they go to work to support their family and their kids. that's what they've dedicated their life to. hundreds of millions and billions of men that do the same thing, try to improve their circumstances and the circumstances for their families. that is very cool. i've had unfortunately several friends grievously injured and killed, supporting, i would say
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freedom in america, and that's not a joke. kennedy: yeah. >> but along the way people have forgotten what it truly means to a man, and it is a mixture of humility, courage, commitment and in the book, i explain through stories of being a s.e.a.l. and then through some really great interviews of some of the people i think are the awesomest folks in the world, including your brother. kennedy: my brother brian montgomery has a bit in the book how to sharpen a knife. way to go. >> these guys tell people what it's like from their experiences to be a man. kennedy: i love the practical information and the reminder that it's okay to know how to do all these things and never too late to learn these things, and you were raised by a single mom, and you said she's the best father you could ever have. what do you mean by that? >> being a man, there's all this talk in the country about gender identity and all these
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things. nowhere in the book is it tied -- being a man being tied to male genitals. there's a male and a man, one common thing they have is external genitalia, my mother exhibited all the characteristics of a great man, someone who was committed, that worked to help us as children to become better. that applied herself every single day to be a better person and a better american. that's what it's about. kennedy: even though you dropped out of high school, you had an incredible career serving this country, a decorated navy s.e.a.l., decorated by many branches of the armed forces, not just the navy. and this book, like i said, how to throw a bunch. what's the best way to throw a punch? >> quickly, and then to escape immediately following that. the guy that wrote that, to throw a punch is jody neil, he is a karate master. he is not a s.e.a.l. i wanted him to write that specifically. step five, no kidding is to
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call your lawyer after throwing the punch. kennedy: i love that a lot of these things are enumerated. the book is awesome and beautifully written, derrick van orden, thank you for being here. >> thank you. kennedy: come on back any time. when you're in new york, we will discuss more manliness. we'll start a campfire and have s'mores and can you pay for it. new version of grease with sandy and danny as they might appear in hell. ariana grande caught licking a doughnut. that is not a euphemism, at the same time, she was hating america. i will see her straight into the next "topical storm" and if you take multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse, spray or gel so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth.
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♪ kennedy: toss off that hat, drop the umbrellas and lose the rubbers. no match for what is coming for you. this is the "topical storm." boom. topic number one. parents are smart but you knew that. they can repeat words. they can whistle. yes, i have heard that they can
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even eat crackers. but wow, this guy, he wants to play a game with you. check it. >> peekaboo. >> peekaboo. kennedy: not impressed? a cockatoo was driving that car. but unfortunately the lady with the camera really liked play peekaboo. so the bird had to oblige. >> topic number two. why do edm d.j.'s get paid millions of dollars. they know how to crowd lose themselves in beats and melody and everyone think as song climaxed a good d.j. send you over the edge to state of euphoria. a funny d.j. take you to the point of climax, when you think you explode in heart pounding rythym throws in spandau ballet
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and kills the vibe. ♪ kennedy: oh, the audible grown from the crowd is my favorite part. the slowing it down with a '80s ballad trick. it works every time. that was d.j. mashd, n, kutcher. get it. you and i should go to that next year. topic number three. we all know ariana grande and great singer and one woman hit factory. she has become a total pain in the arsical. she is doughnut licking, fat shaming anti-american? watch this "tmz" video. kennedy: oh, yeah. there she is licking doughnuts. she didn't intend to eat. using her tongue as weapon,
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spewing venom at the u.s. of a. tried to justify it all saying there are too many fat kids in this country. we need more education. arianna, i prefer fat kids to skinny, annoying judgmental rude puke stains in fake ponytails. pulled out of mlb all-star concert because they know people would boo her for being a jerk face. lick this doughnut, sister. topic number four. now this is an impressive bird trick. watch as this winged creature at flight speed drifts a two meter-wide hole in a swiss rock formation. that is merely six feet to you. but wait, that is not a bird. it is a wing suit wearing italian. the daredevil said he trained more than three years to complete the stunt. that is definitely the most amazing thing i seen a bird or human do all night, even the peekaboo-playing cockatoo.
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the italian describes as basic jumper and pilot. life insurance companies just call him, uninsurable. topic number five. greece is classic movie move call that thrusts john travolta and olivia newton-john into stardom. the movie missing something. chemistry was unparalleled. they needed something more guttural to make it more complete. i know. death metal. watch. ♪ kennedy: oh that is so much better. so edgy.
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that is courtesy of andy who felt the music need ad sound a little more like can ball corpses than rogers and hammerstein. electrifying indeed. if you have any weird stories and in the "topical storm," at kennedy nation. find me on instagram at kennedy nation. hughes hashtag "topical storm." coming up the panel returns trying to imagine sitting on an airplane awkwardly facing
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♪ kennedy: hello there and welcome back. earlier in the show i asked you which one of these quotes was actually not said by donald trump? a, i'm not a shmuck. b, i have a great relationship with the blacks. c, i built several mexican restaurants or d, i don't like the crime. referring to house speaker john boehner. all are a bit outrageous, only
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one donald didn't say, c, i have built several mexican restaurants. that is actually surprises me. oh, white people. white people is actually a new mtv documentary from pulitzer prize-winning journalist jose antonio vargas that explores racial identity among young people. filmmaker stated goal was to make people uncomfortable. did he succeed? >> we're doing a film for mtv on what it means to be young and white. >> okay. [laughter] >> okay. ♪ >> say the wrong thing then suddenly you are a racist. >> trying to be careful here. >> i don't want to offend people. >> i feel like you guys are attacking me now. kennedy: white people airs later this month. comedian jim norton at the borgata in atlantic city tomorrow and saturday, absolutely go on a plane, get on a bus, hop own my back to get there. ainsley earhardt,
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"fox & friends" first co-host. michael moynihan "daily beast" columnist. isn't he white shaming? >> i thought that is what it was going to be. i watched whole thing. i thought it was expecting to be white people apologizing hitting their testicles with a mall lot. kennedy: that's what you did this morning. >> very different reasons. talking about discomfort speaking about race. that is honest. white people, black people are much more honest when it toms race. most white people stammer, i don't see color. it was not as revolting as i thought it would be. kennedy: interesting. i'm glad you watched it. i hear about something like this, mtv posting nine ways you can use the white privilege for good. how have you used your white privilege for good? >> i'm here, aren't, i. this is offensive in number of ways idea of white privilege. treats like white people as a block. there are some people that have incredible privilege and some people have none. both of them might be white.
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so yeah i'm glad mtv, i'm sure people will go to that retool their life based on a page on mtv site. i really can't stand this idea. mostly comes from white people. i see this a lot on twitter, like, oh, god, look at all these white people. white people say this all the time? have you seen this happening? panel full of white people. jim is right. that is actually makes me happy because you see in the trailer all of these people stammering saying, oh, my god. there is a version of this actually very good, that i have seen, from jim norton's show on vise vice. begins with people in harlem. rich vos, both you know, back people totally honest. no, i never said anything racist. i'm great. this is fantastic. and that kind of thing. that point has been proven before. kennedy: we're supposed to be having a national discussion on race but i feel like that discussion is automatically by
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definition divisive. >> it is. makes people uncomfortable. you saw at beginning of this clip of the documentary. he said we'll talk about white people. what is it like to be while. everyone is ha, ha, ha. they're uncomfortable. thinking about what they say before they say it. it is a becoming such a sensitive topic. i find this interesting, they give you white perspective only interviewing five people that are white. i think you need a bigger spectrum. kennedy: doesn't this prove charles manson has won? >> i really has. i'm not saying that i agree with his ideology and tattoo. he is charlesing man. i like his wife. she is attractive. >> really she is. >> love her. >> i thought i was only one. >> in prison, like 20. kennedy: you how old is he? >> maybe 20. >> jim dated squeaky fromme. >> we cut our hair together.
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kennedy: oh, can this be even more awkward than a film about white privilege? a french company patterned a new seating configuration for planes it will add shoulder and elbow room with alternating and rear-facing seats. yeah, you will be facing a stranger next to you. >> great. >> huffing their plane gas. the day at staring back of seat replaced by creepy guy staring at you from the middle, spilling over sides of his seat. ainsley, what -- >> how do you get in that seat? can you show that configuration. how do you get in the middle seat? you have to crawl over. kennedy: crawl over. >> there is no aisle. i don't see an aisle except for the middle aisle. kennedy: hexagonal configuration. >> hard to sit next to stranger. you have privacy. if you're facing each other, like this to you, so uncomfortable. kennedy: what could possibly go wrong here is?
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>> their argument, you will have more shoulder room. but it is just uncomfortable to be looking at somebody. i read lips a lot. i'm looking forward to that for three hours. kennedy: i don't know, dude. i just, commuting back and forth from new york to l.a. every single week. >> welcome. kennedy: thank you so much. i think nice etf thing to do would be to have first class pods for every cabin. >> that's what i figured when i saw that really detailed schematic, that you wouldn't be like, cheek to jowl with somebody. they would have a screen, right? like one of those japanese -- kennedy: that would be amazing. >> with that i'm fine with. the middle seat is terrorism. it is worst. if i fet it, i get weepy because i have diabetes. i feel like i have to pee. kennedy: shoot yourself up with insulin. >> person falls asleepy won't wake them up. i feel bad.
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kennedy: i will pull yoga moves. get in happy baby. >> i've done that too. i've done that too. you wake them up. trying not to spill your drink. kennedy: then i've also been the person in the aisle all the time like happy baby. people try to get over me. they end up doing things to my face and body i would rather not discuss here in mixed company. guys, thank you so much for being here. jim, lovely to have you back. >> lovely to be back, kennedy. kennedy: have a wonderful time at the borgata. >> thank you. kennedy: take ainsley and james with you that would be a power treo i would survive. survivors richard hatch and other documentary.
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>> twenty-first century began, it didn't even have a name. >> double oos. >> naughties. >> 2000s. >> who cares. >> the good times were just beginning. >> people were spending money with abandon. >> everybody trying to make a fast buck. >> a new generation was on the march. >> young people finally saying, i care, i have a voice. i now want to use it. >> then, everything changed. ♪ kennedy: amazing shot. that is preview from the natgeo special, the 2,000s, a new reality looks back at first decade of the millennium. might seem a little too soon to take historical view of era, we're only a few years removed from. the period pack ad lot of history in very short amount of time and a lost turmoil as well. i'm joined by a few witnesses and participants in that history. it is richard hatch. winner of season one of the
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reality series, "survivor.". >> what? >> you know who she is. one of the original iphone engineers. what was that like when they were putting that together. jane root is series executive producer. welcome to you, all. >> pleasure. kennedy: two-part mini sears starts sunday at 9:00 p.m. richard, i'm a huge "survivor." i have seen every season. i love the show. i had children since the show's inception. you were the first winner and uncharted territory. what was it about you that made it, made it possible for you to win that show. >> if you saw the show you know everything. it is, for me it is one of those things where i think people recognize that i loved camping but my background is in social science, psychology, et cetera. i'm a people watcher. that's the game. it's a people watching game. kennedy: people didn't realize that it was the first season of the real world. >> players or viewers had no idea. kennedy: certainly the game has changed since you have been on. you have gone back. you have not won it again. >> yeah.
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kennedy: but if you were playing first time now could you win "survivor"? >> i believe so. i believe i could win again. kennedy: i don't know if you could win again. i seen you back there. >> on all-stars but they got rid of all the winners. kennedy: might be, i don't care if you went to the big house. >> yes. kennedy: andy, iphone, i am a mac nerd. i-my iphone. i love everyone else's iphone. i get every incarnation. this was not a easy road to the device that changed the game entirely. in fact, you were going for, your first demonstration, your first big demonstration for steve jobs. you stopped and bought a bottle of scotch. what happened in that demo. >> actually, so here's the idea. we thought we would be nervous when we introduce this thing. you saw the demo where he has like music player, a web browser, revolutionary internet -- all this other stuff. we broke it all apart, we had a bunch managers, right in row 10, whatever. we thought it would be great idea whoever was responsible for that part to do a shot.
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which seemed awesome. then i realized, i was responsible for all of it. so at the end i'm like five shots n i was, a mess. kennedy: so you got hammered presented this thing. is it possible to overstate the importance of the independednt phone? >> you know, we didn't know that's with we were building at time. it was important to apple. we sure knew that. we had no idea what we were to announce would be as big as it was. we had no plans to build an app store. no plan at all. kennedy: only make sense, jane, people start to feel some sort of longing for a decade. people have been in this '90s love for some time. i certainly have been enjoying that. i love looking back on the 90's having participated in it. it is great. i didn't expect the 2000s to rear their retro head so soon. what is it about this? >> it crept up. everyone like we're in the '90s. is it zoo soon? we're all asking is it too soon to look at it? we looked at some of the things
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that weren't there in the year 2000. like iphone and "survivor." a ton of stuff that seems like ancient history. for us we thought it was really to put the whole decade under the microscope. look what made great, what made it crazy. what were the real things that fit it together. kennedy: the defining elements because you know, it is not just 9/11. it is almost hard to conceive of a world before 9/11 though, isn't it? >> before 9/11 you're talking about a world without youtube. you're talking about a world with no one has a camera in their phone. kennedy: yeah. >> talking about people don't, celebrities don't make reality shows. a ton of stuff we just kind of now absorbed into our life. no facebook. kennedy: yeah. >> and so it is like a really good moment to say, what on earth happened? what brought all these things together. how do they fit together? kennedy: do they fit together? >> sometimes they fit together in really surprising ways. one of the stories in the show
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the way janet jackson wardrobe malfunction kind of led into the foundation of youtube. that was the moment where people were like, got really replay that moment to find out what was going on. kennedy: yeah. people realized what tivo was for. if you didn't have tivo. you didn't have typical dvrs. everybody was rewind, rewind. >> guys creating youtube they were watching it. what if we gave everybody the capacity to put up their own videos, would people watch? at that moment they said we live in culture that wants to experience that stuff immediately. kennedy: if you're longing for the 2000s, is that what we call it, the name of the decade? >> yes. kennedy: not naught aught. >> i'm been say the 2000s. kennedy: hatch goes for it. sunday, july 12th at 9:00 p.m. start to check out the series. really fascinating. seems like something not that
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far away but that is just because you're getting old. coming up -- thanks a lot, guys. thank you. >> beautiful. >> happy to be here. kennedy: i will reach into the fun pile for nice, mean, hilarious viewer mail. thanks, guys. coming up next. ♪ ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better.
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it's a calling. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. a love affair. a quest. the next horizon. everyone loves the chase. hand apparently, they also lovee what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that
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as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? he does. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. kennedy: welcome to the night cap. two long weeks since i climbed majestic mountain which is your viewer mail. let's hike to the top together. here we go. this week i had perez hilton. omar felt, watching this was a complete waste of my time. oh. jim thornton writes, there will never be a woman on the 10-dollar bill. the reason is simple. it would be too much of an expense on the treasury department to change her hair every year. ha. todd says, congratulations to gay couples on the nationwide legalization of same-sex marriage. as a typical married head row
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sexual man i would be happy to have some sex marriage. please don't use my last name so i can stay married. don't worry, mr. shaw, your secret is safe with me. brian writes, i loved you on mtv. didn't realize how brilliant you are. you are awesome. see my dissertation of plasma physics before i was run out of of the university. robert messaged me i've been following since days on mtv you messaged me to say you've been following her. talking about tabitha soren? i will pass on your regards. can i ask you, kennedy? that message is a question. way to take matters into your own hands, aaron. james was so excited to reach out to me to give this heartfelt message that he didn't even put any content in the body of the email. he wrote this in the subject line. please tell varney his mailbox is full. stuart? all right. thank you so much for watching
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the show tonight. follow me on twitter @kennedynation. kennedy fbn on facebook. kennedy i check it all the time. see you on monday. have a great weekend. that's it for us tonight, thank you for joining us, see you next time. john: batman won't save you so who are america's heroes? weirdly the media or politicians. >> if i could get your autograph here on my copy of the first warren bill. >> the perfect barack obama, he's a perfect specimen. >> drawing up my leg. >> really? >> that is an objective assessment. john: no, it's not. we'll show you the real heroes, most are not politicians, they're entrepreneurs. and parents like this mom who went to jail because she wanted to give her daughters a choice. >> holy batman, it's exciting.


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