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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX Business  July 19, 2015 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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i think it will be higher the rest of the year. >> adam. >> truly out of this world, charles. the aerospace and defense etf. >> ben. >> brookshire hathaway. love it love it love it. >> forbes on fox next. the same week we see a gunman bringing terror to our heartland, the president's national security advisor making a shocking admission about how the iran nuke deal could end up putting more money in terrorists' pockets. take a listen. >> we should expect some portion of that money would go to the iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region up until now. some of you say that's exactly why they should block the deal. are they right or wrong? welcome to "forbes on fox." let's go in focus with steve forbes michael, elizabeth mcdobld carrie sheffield, john
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and mark. susan rice steve says bad behavior may be encouraged or at least financed by this iran wran deal. what to you sni. >> yeah chattanooga, bad behavior. this is one of the worst in diplomatic history. it's going to lead to tens of thousands of deaths. it gives iran over $100 billion for those kinds of activities and allows them on a glide path to get missiles. atomic bomb spz more conventional weapons. it's also going to need to lead to nuke proliferation. not just with turkey and other countries, but around the world people see the u.s. as -- south korea is going to do it. japan will do it and already you are starting to see rumblings of argentina and venezuela. this thing is a disaster. >> mark other than that it's a great deal right? >> i think that's rather alarmist. look we were headed towards war in the middle east. most certainly if we don't stop this nuclear proliferation, there is going to be war. within a year or two years. this is a compromise. it's not the best deal. yes, there's problems with it.
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it will staif this off for at least a decade if not more. in that amount of time i think there could be some meaningful changes in the middle east. i'm more optimistic about the middle east than i've been in a long time. >> all right. some of the changes might be that places like saudi arabia which are more afraid of iran than israel right now, may nuke up as well. >> i'm more pessimistic about the middle east after this. the iaea said iran is cheating and building smaller centrifuges to cheat. they're burying their capability in mountains. we can't access now military sites. this is a really bad deal, and, you know basically what susan rice is doing, and this is the administration's way of doing things is tactical. it's their way of saying you know we were on the record as saying this could happen. you know we told you so. in light what has happened here killing u.s. marines on u.s.
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soil. shouldn't we ban anything that gives terrorists more money? >> i don't know thaits going to make any difference. if iran is as corrupt as the critics say, it is going to search for nukes and try to obtain them no matter what. let's assume they get them. they don't have a navy. they don't have an air force. i don't see the threat to us. what about visa vi israel. the minute iran focuses on israel they could knock them into the stone age. i don't see the worry about it in a country like iran. >> one thing that iran does have is a group of terrorists thousands and thousands of terrorists all around the globe working for them and if they have an extra $100 billion to fund these terrorists as susan rice admitted could happen that's bad for us.
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>> now he sen researching the people who is gassing his own people and we're going to be paying for that. the week that terror hits our shores. four brave marines with great military histories, dead. we're giving iran more money so that they can fund more terrorist says sfwloosh i think you're right. iran has come out and said we want to anile ate us. why would you make somebody who wants to anile ate you anileate israel one of our best friends in the world stronger. you have to look at this david, and what obama is doing on a grand scheme. he is not just doing this. he is also making our military weaker. he is telling our border patrol not to stop murderers, rapists, and terrorists coming into this country.
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>> let me just play a soundbyte from what bing anyone netanyahu told you. >> double bonanza of a guaranteed pathway to a nuclear arsenal, and a jackpot of money to continue their aggression. this deal actually i think, makes the danger of war even nuclear war a lot greater. >> and, of course there was nothing in this deal to prevent them from continuing to fund terror. >> absolutely not. in fact it is a fwlood path to them getting more ballistic missiles which will soon reach the united states. we are making it easier for them. i visited a tunnel in gaza. very sophisticated tunnel. you can bury these things way under ground.
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they'll be harder and harder to detect and hit militarily. >> back to what happened this week in this country. again, we don't know all the details. >> shouldn't we be more on guard than ever about that. stli think it really boils down to this. it bowls down to whether you want to go to war in the middle east or you want to strike a compromise. >> it's going to put in limits on this. >> hold on. hold on. >> one at a time. >> is it a choice between war and this deal? >> no it's a false choice that the president has always deceived the american people with whereby it's not an either-or proposition. ronald reagan went and said we are not standing down from our missile defense systems, and
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guess what the soviet union came to the bargaining table after that. we've had iran on the ropes, and now they are a real threat in the middle east. >> iran is not the soviet union. we're talking about a country that doesn't have a navy. that does not have an air force. >> let me john finish. >> we talk all the time about limited government and how we don't want our government meddling here and we trust it to meddle around the world, and we expect good results. at some point do we look at our track record and say we're not good at had. we make things worse off. >> defending the american people is not muddling. when you have a country that's soon going to have ballistic missiles that will reach the shores of the u.s. then the u.s. as a whole has a guide math to nuclear weapons, assuming they even adhere to this grumt. in a few years they're going to have these weapons. they said what they want to do. this is an extremist regime. same thing in the 1930s.
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>> iran is exploiting us. he was brilliant with the triangulation. we have nothings of the sort. iran is putting the pressure on us, even though we have them against the wall. >> mike. >> the notion that somehow you're safer by making your enemy who vows to destroy you militarily and economically is completely you know what. a lot of balance own where i. >> last word for mike who restrained his verbage. thank you, mike. >> coming up next a plan to permanently fix our battered roads and bridges, but needs a permanent increase to the gas tax. you're going to be amazed at who is actually pushing that tax. that's next.
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s on fox." well the house just passing a short-term fix for the
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cash-strapped federal highway trust fund but republican congressman tom rice says he has a permanent fix for a problem plagued federal program. >> does this program sdesh any more money? >> absolutely not. revenue convoluntarily outed idea absolutely silly idea. the highway trust fund would be fine david, if the original purpose was maintained which was to build a freeway and then maintain them. now they rate it for bike paths.
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make it pure again. problems solved. >> this is a tax that was supposed to be temporary. you know when it was started? 1932. so much for temporary taxes, right? >> the problem is infrastructure. we need more money for our bridges, roads that are falling apart. the society of american civil engineers recommends that we spend at least to bring them up to code because they're falling into rivers. >> double or trip tl. sdroo double or triple. >> triple it. i would double it for truck as well. that's what tears up our roads. >> by the way, it's a republican that is pushing for this tax hike. does that surprise you? >> well yeah. republicans increasingly don't disappoint and i suppose neither does mark on this one. the idea that they lack revenues i think steve hits on it.
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there's all sorts of revenues. they're just spending on the wrong thing. steve has pointed out a lot of years that capitalism is about turning scarcity to abundance. why not hand roads over to the private sector and see what they can do to it in terms of innovations that reduce traffic. >> that's a new idea anyway. this congressman kept telling me you know we have to work within the system. the system is broke. you don't work with a broke system. you hang it. >> toomt taxpayers go along with the crazy idea that this congressman you interviewed had david because they think it's actually like a lockbox where this money goes, and then it gets funneled out. nothing could be further from the truth. >> when i hear the phrase lockbox from congress i reach for my wallet. i know there ain't one. listen i actually liked the offset idea. i think a dime is way too wimpy. i would go to 50 cents. the reason is i think it's
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important to tax consumption, not work. this is what i do with the 50 cents. i would relieve every worker of social security taxes on the first $3 an hour of pay. >> well by the way -- >> offsets never seem to last for long. it's not long where they begin spending spending, spending, and the tacks stay with us. >> that's right. by the way, we have spent about $10 billion on bicycle paths and pedestrian paths since i think 1992. remember bridge to nowhere was an earmark in the highway funding bill. steve is absolutely right. we do not need to raise taxes. we need to let the states handle the building of bicycle paths. we can affix our bridges with what's in the fund right now. >> steve, there's another mark. it's how crazy it is. the states -- the feds take the money from the states, and it goes through the federal bureaucracy. then it goes back to the states because they often work on these projects. you are getting all this waste of money moving around here.
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stwloo yeah. purely politicized. the fact of the matter is in terms of the infrastructure crisis do we have it with freight trains in this country? we have the finest freight train system in the world. why private sector runs it. do we have a problem with shortage of fedex trucks and ups trucks to deliver packages? no. private sector does it. when the government gets involved you get -- >> mark you're absolutely right. the infrastructure of america needs a lot of work. the brinlz and roads are in bad shape. do you really think -- have you been to these government projects where you see the guy standing around and taking their time and not working as hard as they should. have you seen those? >> david, david, if we put money into infrastructure we create jobs. that's what this is all about. >> let's dig holes. >> polt tigss don't build roads. they have roads in existence and all. we get shoes and computers and cars. we don't know where they come from.
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markets provide the whered that we wouldn't have roads and highways without politicians spending money. the only difference is we've had much better ones with less traffic. >> >>. >> listen this is a honey pot for local politicians to raid. that's our federal tax dollars. >> that's a great point. a lot of the state taxes, states don't use it to fix the highways. it gave us the worst recovery since world war ii. >> we got a hand there. the cashin in gang getting ready to roll. >> we'll have the latest on the terror attacks in tennessee. the alleged shooter from the
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middle east making trips back and forth from terror hot spots. is it time to profile? plus afl-cio boss calling scott walker a national disgrace for taking on public union, but does walker have the right message for america's future? see you at 11:30. >> we will be watching. up here first, the new miss usa getting peppered with questions about donald trump, the owner of the pageant, but it's how miss usa runnerup answered a question about capitalism that some here are calling her the real winner. we play the tape. you decide. >> not yet in the united states made around 300 times as much as the average worker's salary. should the government impose boundaries on salaries of executives? >> that's a very good question.
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i think if you work hard enough you can taken anything. this is the land of opportunity, and the ceos i believe that they work hard enough for their money, so i hi they should be able to attain whatever it is that they are working pour. >> that's miss texas at the miss usa pageant getting a big ovation from the audience after answering a question on whether ceo salaries are too high and should be capped. she was the runnerup by the way. john you say she's not only right, but we need even more millionaire ceos? >> we want to multiply these people many many times over. you look at what one individual can on to transform a company. think steve jobs at apple, jack
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welch, michael eisner at disney. we want more and we want them paid well because of what they can do for all of us. >> even higher ceo salaries? >> does the chairman of discovery communications really need a nine figure pay package to get out of bed in the morning and get on the bus? i don't think so. >> absolutely. she's so right. as the niece of a former miss united states and as someone who has participated in the system i got to say good for her. we need more women speaking out about this so that women can understand american exceptionalism. the fact of the matter is american income is 42% higher compared to all countries because we allow competition, because we allow wealth creation. >> is this part of our success mark high salaries? >> it's part of our income
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inequality in the country. the biggest problem is we pay these people when they view up companies. they continue to receive these bonuses and incentives, and they get paid no matter whether they do a good job or bad job because the system rigged. shareholders pay for this. the public wants this change. you look at every poll. they think income inequality is out of whack, and that the system a mess. we're saying more billionaires? give me a break. >> fat cat labor union bosses get paid a lot of money taking those dues from people. >> yeah they get paid like $100 billion, right? >> it is true what mark said that the compensation has gone way up over the past several decades. >> well if you want to get talent you have to pay up for it and there is a real search for talent. you see it in sports. it's ease wrer to fire a bad -- it's easier to fire a bad ceo than it is to get rid of a
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sports contract where you ended up overpaying a player. if a ceo is overpaid people like carl icon and others come in and throw you out. >> there's no limit on sports players pay to play either. it works in both fields. coming up big on-line sale in july. not livings up to the height hype for a lot of shoppers, and bargain hunters say the stocks they found on sale will. the names coming next. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather!
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well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle.
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>> next week we get a big earnings report for apple. don't want to miss that. the big bargain stocks for emac. >> van garde mud cap rose solid names in there. >> you like it? >> good fun, but boring. >> what do you like? >> i don't know. simon here likes this risky gold play. >> well do you lie buy low? gold is very low.
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>> wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. >> that's it for forbes on fox. have a wonderful weekend, everybody. thank you for watching. keep it right here. the number one business block continues with eric and cashin in. protecting americans. marines murdered in cold blood by a mad man born in the middle east, raised in the us u.s., and now investigators are taking the close look at his it inrare. jordan and yemen possible countries he recently made trips to. are these the types of red flagsz our intel should be spending its resources on? hi everyone. i'm eric. welcome to cashin in. our crew this week reign rogers and michelle fields. also joining us our favorite liberal tarn and our favorite liberal jessica. welcome, everybody. michelle it's controversial, but is it time to profile? we don't have a problem with buddhist extremists.


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