tv After the Bell FOX Business July 23, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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emphasize that the volume today is very heavy third straight of down notes we have heavy volume. >> check out oil unable to find bottom ending now a percent below 49 a barrel that is huge. >> buckle a busy hour as closing bell sounding on wall street. markets wait for tomorrow. here's everything that you need to know. donald trump speaking in laredo, texas. let's listen in. >> we'll go back to the new york. the press has been amazing. turn out of press is incredible. people realize the problem we have will legal immigration. it will be solved. it will be fixed. this group will do such a job. if they're allowed to do their job. there is no doubt anybody's mind taken care of. >> don't you think you hold apology to all the hispanic-americans? >> by the way, such a great relationship with the hispanics.
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very interestingly, in nevada, for those that haven't heard, they just did a poll, and i'm leading not only, am i leading by a lot in the poll, but almost more important to me because i employ hundreds and actually i employ thousands of hispanics, over the years, tens of thousands, i'm leading in the poll by a landslide with hispanics which is great honor for me. [applause] go ahead. >> do you know 53,000 turning 18 years of age in a month, born in the united states, of voting age. >> right. >> 54 million plus hispanics. many feel that what you said, when you said the people across the border are racists and murders -- >> no we're talking about illegal immigration. everybody understands it. that is a typical, wait, that is typical case of the press with misinterpretation. they take a half a sentence --
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[applause] they take a half a sentence, by the way, they take half a sentence and then they take a quarter of sentence, put it all together. typical thing. and you're with telemundo and telemundo should be ashamed. what is really going to be fun. i'm right now suing univision for $500 million. we'll win a lot of money because of what they did. i want to again, thank you -- no you're finished. [cheers and applause] i just want to thank, again, because this is about you. it is not about me. law enforcement. border patrol, all of you folks for being here. because this was actually an extra stop a special stop. i heard you were here. i wanted to come and see you. thank you, we love you. we love you all. thank you very much. thank you. thank you to the border patrol, and to law enforcement. thank you. thank you. >> not being able to do their
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job. [cheers and applause] melissa: that is donald trump on what he says is an extra stop there along as he is in laredo, texas, really handing it to the press there in classic donald trump fashion. let's bring in today's panel, for more reaction. tony sayegh from jamestown associates, fox news contributor. kerry sheffield from "forbes.." former senior writer for "politico" and author of a new book, what makes it worthy. thanks to all of you for joining us. tony, i want to start with you. there is something so satisfying to a lot of people out there when he says something like hillary clinton, she is the worst secretary of state of all time. this is something you wouldn't hear other candidates phrase it exactly like that. you could hear people in the audience go, yes! >> candor, combativeness got donald trump ahead after very packed republican field. because there is this frustration frankly among republican primary voters, i
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would say voters all across the country for the last six years a lot of things aren't happening that should be happening. we have a lot of problems not confronting things honestly. a republican not able to challenge the president effectively. this gentleman is beholden to no one, says what he thinks. granted he goes too far or a lot too far. john mccain veterans point and characterized mexicans who come to the country illegally. but at the end of the day you can not dismiss he is striking a chord. the way he combats the press. this will win him a ton of points with republican primary audience frustrated with the way mainstream media. david: frustrated? only group in america lower than congress is the press. he gets points for that. carrie sheffield don't get a lot of points from republican colleagues that worry he might run as a third party candidate, if one of those he spoke out
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jeb bush, becomes nominee. if he does he will have tony up for that. in today's money, ross perot paid $100 million out of his pocket. i'm not sure donald trump is willing to do that. >> never underestimate value of ego. david: that was $62 million perot paid. >> he has a big ego. we end do i know how much he is worth. he hasn't disclosed his financials. david: do you think he would run for third party candidacy? >> he will, he could if the republican party, even said this, if they don't kiss his ring and bow down to him he might do that. people say ross perot threw the race away for republicans. i question his sincerity. if he wants to make america great and actually thinks that he can win as independent candidate i think he is delusional. i think he would throw the race
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too -- i wonder if hillary is paying him if he is on hillary's payroll to be honest. melissa: david, i would say he probably thinks he could win as independent candidate but if you look at the polling, hillary clinton has been fading versus the other candidates. most recent polling shows three other candidates ahead of her in swing states like ohio. the only person that isn't beating her decisively in head-to-head is donald trump. so democrats have to be hoping that he is really going to stay in for the long haul. >> that's right. i mean without a doubt if trump went third party, the democrats would win the 2016 presidential election. he would effectively consolidate hispanic support for democrats and he would win white working class voters from republicans. that is what ross perot did in 1992. you can't underestimate trumps ability to echo that result if not more. melissa: we have to leave this here and move on to breaking news. thanks to all three of you. david: we have earnings from
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starbucks unof many to report today this hour. gerri willis with the numbers? >> that's right. we have beat on eps and revenue lines. expectations of 41 cents a share. we got 42 cents a share adjusted. revenue, 4.86 billion was the expectation. we got 4.9 billion. a beat for starbucks. this stock has been moving ahead of this release tonight. there you have it, guys. david: well, it is a beat. in fact after-hours the numbers show that beat. jim frischling is back with me. jim, these numbers look pretty good, hey? >> absolutely. i was looking forward to seeing what starbucks put up. we know mr. shults is staying. they are pushing their tea campaign and on demand campaign. the consumer is really loving it. the numbers are delivering and the expectations were high. this is not underpriced or undervalued stock yet they did deliver. david: i believe we have, producers is james there? james is there, yes? no, he is not.
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james frischling, i will stick with you then. the one thing that is concerning a lot of people while the price of coffee is coming down significantly, it is down about 21%, starbucks is raising their prices. are they going to have trouble selling their coffee? >> that's a great point you just raised. while a lot of consumers would love to see a discount on their pricing given the cheapening of coffee beans, the fact as shareholder, i'm not a shareholder, but the fact as shareholders a great thing they're getting benefit on the cost side. melissa: i hate to interrupt you we have more earnings crosses. visa out with third quarter results. lori rothman with the numbers. hey, lori. >> melissa, you saw after-hours trade on visa, way up after a nice beat for the credit card maker. let me give you numbers, earnings per share, 74 cents. 59 cents is estimate. 3.36 billion was the estimate. visa, fascinating story here. they're saying that their process transactions were up 8%,
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to $18 billion. what is great about visa, they're taking cybersecurity issue very seriously. they're doing a deal with fireeye to really improve protection for data breaches. we've known about this we know visa is a preferred credit card by costco and costco companies. so all things seem to be firing on all cylinders for visa. keep an eye on the stock. will be big one we're waiting momentarily. melissa: big one for the hour. amazon, we're waiting on that. jim frischling real quick. what did you get of numbers out of visa? >> a stellar performance. something i wouldn't expect. i thought consumer growth would not be strong enough to put the guys higher. both massacre card and visa, high expectations. visa delivered on it. i think there will be headwinds. many companies are talking about the currency issues. visa vulnerable to that. didn't affect them as much as folks talk. david: visa took a 2.5% hit on curren issues.
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it is costing them big time but not in after-hours trading. they love it. >> i thought they were going to disappoint. expectations were high. i thought they would disappoint. i thought they would see downward pressure on visa. appears the market looks differently. currency headwind i thought would be more significant with the consume reaction to it but that has not taken place. david: they have a big deal with costco. a lot of people wondering whether amex would take over special deals with people, apple, et cetera, but they have their own special deals. with the middle class of america that adds a lot. lori has -- melissa: amazon. david: amazon. the big kahuna is here. go ahead, lori. >> wow. amazon we were looking for a loss. that has been the story of profitability or lack thereof. amazon reported adjust earnings per share of 19 cents. look at after-hours trade. 13% gain in after-hours. amazon, $23.18 billion. a beat on top. to reiterate earnings per share,
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adjusted 19 cents. this has been about profitability. the theme of big tech companies. google last week improving revenue and everybody piling in. in really slow growth environment. don't forget last week, that prime day everybody kind of is that correct?ed at because of products amazon was selling little iffy -- snarkd. david: estimate was for a loss. loss was supposed to be 27 cents. they improved a little bit last couple days to minus fourth tine. but shows a positive 19. that is a huge move, after-hours, this stock is booming to the moon. melissa: no doubt. let's bring in james, back for reaction to this one. james what do you think? are you surprised? >> hi, how are you not riley at all this stock has been performing exactly as one would have hoped with the telegraphed improvements in profitability since two quarters ago. essentially you have a company
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where the top line is being driven by their highest margin categories which are also fastest growing components. you have very attractive margin expansion story. on top of that the cloud offering with aws, which is talked about time and again continues to deliver incremental margins to the story. when you look at overall opportunities, 15% of retail sales only online, amazon commanding, 20, 25%, we're in early days. >> how could you possibly say you're not surprised? if mean estimate was loss of 14 cents and came in at a profit of 19, was that your target? >> i'm, all right, i'm surprised by the magnitude of the beat. i'm not surprised that they did beat because ever since what they have been saying since last two quarters is, they're going to focus on more cost discipline and they will be able to see growth coming out of higher margin categories that will lift the north american margin, international operating break even, aws, the cloud service is
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gravy on top so -- david: their market share is growing tremendously. james frischling is also still with us. james, they are poised to take over macy's by the way as the number one retailer of clothes in the world. so i mean, they're growing market share, but question is always how can a company, what is it $22 billion or something like that, how can it take in that much money without making a profit? well this quarter, it made a profit. this is turning, i think it did that once about two quarters ago. but this is very significant, is it not? >> i agree. i am surprised by it, by the result. in fact they're making me eat my words. i enjoy being a prime customer. i doesn't want to be a shareholder. i'm taking a loss on that. the fact that they are the dominant player in the cloud space. your other guest commented on aws microsoft and others are on their heels and they're still the dominant player. david: would you buy the stock at 551 a share? you regret it not buying at 42.
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>> i'm not chasing here. if you own it, you did better than i did. melissa: add to the conversation, lori. >> 2%, most analysts were looking for around 1%. going to look for guidance on that. very important for key growth. amazon india is amazon's fastest growing geography in terms of sales. web business services, cloud side, huge margins as well. net sales 1.82 billion. net sales of 1.85 billion. david: lori, i got a question for you. >> yes? david: i was told prime day is not included in these numbers that's correct. >> right. but in terms of the share performance that is reasoning for the pile-in because of, expecting so many subscribers. last quarter, amazon would not disclose how many subscribers they had for the prime but they're hoping in this call to have projection for the september quarter. so that is why i mentioned that.
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melissa: james, can i bring you back in for a second. i want to ask you based on what you've seen here, what is the most important color for the call? what is it are you most focused on? >> basically three things. one is india investments. they're ramping up another $5 billion in india. path to profitability there, internationally. prime, they have been telegraphing the fact that prime users are not growing. when and if we see a number on that. really on the cloud side, you know, are they potentially going to see anymore price cuts. but the looks of it, things are all moving in the right direction. david: what about overseas? they saw a big drop-off in their overseas sales of course because everything overseas looks kind of gloomy right now. is that a problem? >> fx is factored in there too. they have clamped down on china. they're taking their learning there. translating all of that into india. and you have a lot of lucrative opportunities in growing that
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prime base and seeing the leverage in the model and potentially seeing that international margin reach where it could be in line with north america so. david: we must be close to your price target now at 550? i think even the most optimistic didn't think it would be this much after-hours. what is your price target? is it above what it is trading of a hours? >> it is 505. david: you're an optimist. this number must have blown you out of the water? >> right now we do have to incorporate the quarter. david: what is your price target. are you going up to 600? >> i haven't even touched my model yet. i will incorporate the numbers. we'll see what it takes us. if you look at what the long-term margin potential of north america, 8%, international can get there too. aws, 30%. build a long term model you can argue a case higher than the 550 we see today. melissa: james frischling, we're seeing a stock popping 14% after-hours. better than, looking at the
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bottom of the screen, still climbing higher. what do you think about this stock here? is this one you back away from to see where it settles? >> yeah. i'm not a chaser here. the amazing thing they put up a profit and we've gotten so used to bezos and team amazon managing our expectations on lower losses than we expected. today they put up big numbers and put up a profit. i think international numbers are stagnant. i look sighing more about it but i think there are headwind over there. the prime number, to your guest as point i would love to see how many prime customers they have. clearly an engine they have working for them and obviously the aws. prime must be large, compensates for other factors going on amazon. david: jim, web services have become a big part of their revenue as well. are you looking at those numbers carefully? >> absolutely, they are growing 50%. it is three hours race between them, google and microsoft. aws has the edge.
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have companies like netflix on board and working with cia. aws is continue to be market leader and go-to provider on cloud. melissa: amazing. jim what is your focus on the call? for me? melissa: yeah. >> i want to hear more about the prime. i think also would like to hear about the competition they're facing. we know jet just launched. i know they are small but attracted a lot of capital. clearly other players want to enter the space. walmart is fierce competitor to amazon. they're dominant player, that being amazon but other folks are trying to enter the market in similar way. prime is where my focus is. melissa: wow, look at that stock. that is amazing. climbing higher. david: lori rothman has numbers -- pandora is not quite as big as amazon. the numbers came out. a lot of people have pandora. you have more information on visa as well. go ahead. >> start with pandora. a lot of people are listening more to pandora, shares up 9%. total listening hours up 5% in
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the most recent quarter to 5.3 billion hours people spend listening to pandora streaming radio service. active listeners, 47 million around the world. but higher ad revenue or ad sales, sales revenue is same thing. getting ahead of myself because i want to move on to visa. shares up 7% in the after-hours. 74 cents on eps. that was a clear beat. revenue $3.5 billion. doing a lot with cyber security, spending money. people are happy about that. this is stronger number, that they didn't get a currency hit for the credit card. david: by the way to put it in perspective that is increase of market cap for $13 billion. nice gain for visa. melissa. melissa: go to our panel for more reaction. kimberly foss, james frischling and chad morganlander from stifel-nicolaus is here as well. kimberly, what is the thing that
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impresses you the most what you heard so far? >> i'm a little bit blown away, amazon with the numbers, yeah. melissa: what was your expectation for amazon? you heard one of our other guests earlier saying he was looking for a number like this. i don't know that anyone else was. what were you thinking? >> i was not looking for that number at all. i was looking for a loss. amazon is great disruptor in the competitive pricing field but at these levels they have proven they have been able to make the bottom line profitable. that's a good thing. i'm not a big fan of this at this level. we own it in our large cap mutual fund. i don't think i would buy it or chase it at this level. melissa: chad is with us as well, is that right? chad, what's your reaction? which stock is most surprising to you at this point? i would point out, visa is stock generally thought to be more boring up better than 7% right now. >> let's go with visa first and cover amazon. with visa we have buy ratings on
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the stock. we are bullish on it. we believe operating margins will continue to expand and of course growth when it comes to the bottom line will be very consistent. so we would be a buyer of vicesa we believe 10 to is a% upside from here should be expected. even with, in addition to the print that you're seeing in the after-market. melissa: yeah. >> when we go with amazon, we have a hold rating on amazon. as a value investor, we would be somewhat more cautious on buying this stock. when you look at earnings for 2015, we're only looking at 1.25 approximately in eps. we would prefer as value investor to buy walmart on retail side or tj maxx on the retail side. david: okay. >> when it comes to the cloud play go with oracle or microsoft or -- david: we have to wrap this. we are hitting a hard break
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here. we have 30 billion-dollars increase in the market cap of amazon just in the past 20 minutes. huge day for markets. we have a lot more earnings coming. keep it right here.o. we'll bring them all to you. nam. kelly. my name is raph. steve. my name is anne. tom. brian. krystal. and i am definitely not a robot. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. whether it's for your business or your personal life, don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up. because we're here. we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul?
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david: what an afternoon we're having. virtually all major stocks reporting amazon, at&t, starbucks, visa, all reporting blowout earnings in the case of amazon. they have added $35 billion to the market cap and just the past 25 minutes as a result of posting a gain when everybody thought they would be posting a loss. at&t, by the way is doing streaming, not as exciting as stock, kind of your grandma as stock, but provides a nice dividend of 5%, right?
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starbucks doing well. all stocks reporting on pretty much doing well. melissa: go back to panel with kimberly foss and james frischling and chad morganlander from stifel-nicolaus. amazon in 14 hours trading after tremendous beat. how does this change perspective on the stock? >> amazed and shocked like everybody else. obviously amazon killing it on the bottom line? their growth in india, that is biggest growth area that they have. and we don't even have prime in the numbers yet either. my perspective they have more growth but gosh, not big fan buying at this level. we bought it in our portfolio so we own it. david: good for you. melissa: chad, let me ask you about starbucks, they came in, the stock is up about 2% in after-hours learning. i don't want to get lost and all
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of this, mobile is huge for them. they have been out in front in the mobile payment app. is that one of your focusing as you drill down on these numbers? >> starbucks comes down to the cost. the cost is coffee beans. coffee beans pretty much at a five-year low. melissa: right. >> that is one thing. that was fully reflected in the stock price at this point. we have a hold rating on starbucks. we do believe though, it does have a long term, consistent growth trajectory. as long term investor we would be more skeptical at this juncture. we look towards another blue-chip stock, abbott lax or danaher or something of that sort. melissa: starbucks shows pricing power in spite of what you're saying. you're saying coffee prices have gone down. at the same time they are able to leverage prices higher. >> that is great. costs are going lower but they have pricing power, hence reason why operating margins will be
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expanding. margins will be expanding. that is bullish for a stock price. you want to look at companies that have that dynamic but you want to get in on those companies before you see that operates leverage take place. starbucks therefore, we believe is fully valued. melissa: fully valued here. jim, what does it tell you about the economy? when you look at these stocks all beating largely speak to the very average consumer? you talk about starbucks, amazon, this is what people are doing with their disposable income, if these earnings are coming up well, what does it say about the economy. >> i think this is great point. gas prices are coming down is, starbucks is benefiting from it. clearly amazon as well. savings at pump. not afraid to i buy 5-dollar latte. lower input cost of coffee versus pricing power i think their on demand or they're trying to change the way people do order. they are actually getting some
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credit for that. i don't want to discount the feature they come out with. don't forget, 10% increase in traffic in china. that is a nice increase in foot traffic. melissa: same thing. looking at economy. visa is up another 7% in after-hours on those earnings as well. all things saying nice things for consumer. thanks to all three of you. huge day for earnings so far this season. we have so much more on all movers coming up. david: we do indeed. amazon is now at $564 after-hours. melissa: wow. david: last february was under 300 bucks. this stock is to the moon. where will it end? we have more coming up.
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iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. technology empowers us it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information
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at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. hurry, before this opportunity cools off. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. melissa: take a look at amazon right now. wow, look at that move in after-hours. it is up about 17, 18% right now. you see at the bottom of the screen. that is the biggest move in six years in a session. david: we have kimberly, david, chad, still with us. kimberly was smart enough to buy amazon a while ago. if you're not as smart as kimberly like me, for example, you are looking for other bargains to be had. other stocks reported great earnings, at&t and visa, both of these stocks. let's start with kimberly. both of these stocks have almost the same market cap, 177, $176 billion. they reported good earnings.
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at&t, we should remind people, unlike amazon gives you a dividend over 5%. if you're looking for a solid stock, one that has been around forever, one probably will be around forever, is at&t your buy, kimberly? >> yeah. they kill it on earnings. they continue to grow moderately. i mean, the year, their earnings, net growth earnings year-over-year averaged about 16.3% with industry average about three. this is really great internal play. i do like the dividend. it is actually 5.46%, david. david: yes. >> for someone who wants slow and steady wins the race with good income on the side, this is your stock. we had this one in our portfolio as well. david: in terms of growth, the sec approved its deal, still has to be approved, chairman of the fcc has to approve it, to send it to the board, but pretty much done a directv deal, will cost a lot more money but will bring in
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more revenue so they are expanding, right? >> huge. >> potentially apparently sleepy company they're not actually resting. they're doing a number of strategic things. directv will be a win. they will acquire more subscribers. it will help them expand certainly in latin america. it is expensive but in a market where price cut sergeant name of the game at&t is being strategic and being very aggressive to get new subscribers on board. david: chad, they may have been in grandma's stock portfolio so they have been around. people wonder what will happen when people start cable cutting whether they diversified enough, deals with directv and others, so the huge 33 billion they have in revenue every quarter won't be hurt when they are cable-cutting strategies when it comes into play? >> we have a hold ratings on at&t. we believe that it is a fine company. it is not going anywhere and it's a very conservative investment. david: gives you that 5 1/2%
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dividend, yeah. >> but, as interest rates start to increase, if they ever do at&t will start trading similar to a bond. everyone is been searching for yield and reaching for yield. this growth by acquisition story comes with some risk because they are taking on substantive amount of debt. we would be a little more cautious. we would look towards maybe more rising dividend stocks as opposed to -- david: such as, for example? >> like at&t. i will give you an example. go with abbott labs. they will have a growth rate on the dividend of over 10%. david: yeah. >> look adana her for example. look at pepsi, as -- danaher or pepsi or budweiser. there are many rising dividend stocks over period of time which will have much more dynamic capabilities to them. david: okay. >> with a lot less pricing pressure. david: kimberly, very quickly, visa, they reported good earnings as well. would you buy into visa right now?
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>> i would, i would. are they a dominant force in the digital payment area. you have a world that is growing fiercely in digital payment world. they're going to be a force to be reckoned with. david: we have more breaking news. melissa: not all green on the screen. capital one down 5% in after-hours. lori rothman on floor of new york stock exchange with that one. >> talking about tale of two credit card companies. talking about visa strong performance. capital one shares down 5%, recouping a little bit. loss of earnings per share $1.78 expected by walt wall street 5.4 billion in revenue. 5.7 was the expectation. they had to expand credit losses. there you have it. quick update on capital one. david: what is in your wallet. maybe more have sass than capital one? melissa: or spent too much money on jennifer garner. what this means for the company moving forward for amazon.
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melissa: amazon just releasing second quarter results with sales topping analyst estimates. revenue soaring 20%. with reaction to you panel, tuna moby. kimberly foss is with us and jim frischling as well. tuna, start with you. sales up year-over-year at 20%. operating margin at 2% which was better than expected. where is this coming from? how do you break that down? >> well i have to say any way you part the numbers these are nothing short of above trend numbers. so amazon outperformed on top line and bottom line as you indicated. you know, i think we expected going into the quarter that foreign exchange headwinds would be a major factor and it was but somehow they were able to put it together. and i think the underlying drivers are north america, you saw the margin expansion over there. they're still investing heavily
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internationally. but i think the highlight i have to say, amazon web services. melissa: yeah. >> number of milestones they reached. 83% growth in revenue, quarter over quarter. so we think that business is the potentially on track to become a $10 billion business faster than we thought. operating margins another milestone. all told i think really great quarter but always comes back to valuation, doesn't it? as an analyst we have to look at the value of the shares and we still have a hold recommendation. melissa: yeah. especially when you see the stock soaring 18% in after-hours, doesn't feel like something you want to chase. at the same time you don't want to get left behind. jim, let me ask you because tuna mentioned web services which is a big chunk of this company as they continue to evolve. numbers, 1.28 billion, or year-over-year, last year the same period it was 1.01 billion. this sector is hugely important. it is something that you mentioned.
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what do you think about that 1.82 billion number? >> i think your guest made a great point. they clearly invested heavily in aws to defend its dominance in that space against microsoft and google. yet they're actually able to put up very meaningful numbers. not only could they defend their turf but executed on it. now they continue to be dominant player. i thought that was very impressive. we talked a lot about prime. really aws i think is driving after hour market reaction you're seeing. melissa: cimberly, does this shut up the critics? critics, customers love it, stores love it but this shows they lose money. they're grabbing market share. getting people involved. i go to amazon prime i will get a pack of gum delivered because i'm a prime member. does this show they're finally leveraging that to make money? >> that is obvious in the bottom line here and the earnings. but that definitely take the
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breath away from all the critics including a lot of people. but i think the bottom line is you're right. i think prime is really responding well. and as long as they keep their costs disciplined and their, they do have, they do have growth. they own, 800-pound gorilla in the room. if you don't have it in the portfolio like we already do, look at pullbacks when the market pulls back or if the market on whole pulls back you might buy into it. melissa: tuna is this the kind of thing they have a quarter and decide to go it to expand in another area? is there a tipping point where they have to stop trying to go into new markets? >> i don't think that tipping point frankly is anytime soon. i think wall street has been trying to be more patient with amazon, in terms of their investment. i think the buzzword for them is innovation, innovation, innovation. what they're demonstrating, hey, listen we can spend all the billions of dollars in all of these new initiatives and, a lot
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of that is coming to fruition. i might add, faster than, than a lot of people thought. while, you know, low single-digit margins is nothing to write home about for typical company, i think for amazon it is actually something that gets people excited. so if they can maintain that momentum an continue to grow and continue to pull out profitability while still investing i think that will help to ease some of the historical concerns with this type of invests. melissa: james, doesn't it really say something about leadership? this is a company that started out delivering books. then jeff bezos now has evolved it to a point where he essential to get into cloud computing space. that was the next area where this would be this rush. he had the capital to invest in that. now we're seeing it pay off. but that kind of continue all transformation that makes you a leader and inspirational company that people want to own for the long haul, right? >> he is certainly no
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blockbuster. he continues to innovate. he is tremendous leader. he also has, wall street will eat their words or naysayers will eat their words based on this quarter's performance. i certainly have but it is one quarter. but the fact he did deliver and constantly thinking what the consumer will need. the consumer considering how much they spend on amazon is rewarding them. melissa: thanks, guys. appreciate it. david? david: it is up now to $570. almost $100 after-hours. melissa: amazing. david: i keep upping the number but gained $40 billion of market capitalization as a result of these earnings. extraordinary numbers. mark zuckerberg has pretty exin order nary numbers, ranked in the top 10 of a very exclusive list. donald trump in texas on the border. we'll give a wrap to what happened with donald trump today. he says he loves the mex cans. they love him on this side of the border and that. that is coming up after this.
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melissa: whether on wall street or main street here who is making money. mark zuckerberg founder of facebook is the ninth richest person in the world. at 29 years old he is worth $43 billion. for context that is worth five million dollars an hour in earnings. must be nice. over to you, david. david: thank you. trying to get my head around that one. mr. trump going to the border. predential contender arriving in laredo, texas. the day began, not unusual, the union representing agents backed out of a and possible third
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party run. >> i want to run as republican. i think i will get the nomination. we'll seen soon enough. the best way for me to get the nomination and run probably against hillary. hillary is the worst, look, easily, she is the worst secretary of state in the history of our country. she is going to be beaten. i'm the one to beat her. david: never mincing words, "the donald." the panel is back. tony sayegh, from jamestown associates and fox news contributor. carrie sheffield from "forbes" and. author of a new book, what makes it work. carrie, whether "the donald" might be work fog are hillary, if he runs as third party candidate we would have definitely a 1992 repeat like ross perot which would hand the election to hillary? >> hillary isp canning out 46, 47%. 95% name saturation. very hard to imagine a scenario where hillary clinton in general
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election matchup almost against any republican, thank you, sir -- david: took your shades off your head. >> my future is so bright i have to wear them. gets more than that. therefore, when you introduce a third party nix person into the mix and person like trump that can finance -- david: you heard all the rumors. do you think there is conspiracy where trump subpoena working for hillary? >> no, i highly doubt it. i don't think he is that disciplined. david: talk about what happened at border. you had all the hispanic-americans surrounding donald trump. we should point out. a lot of people don't like to hear this "the donald" certainly doesn't. this guy hires more -- i used to work in the restaurant business. there are more illegal immigrants in the restaurant business, casino by, perhaps any other particular business. maybe construction as well. which of course "the donald" is involved in. he hires a lot of illegal immigrant, right? is there any hypocrisy there?
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>> i'm curious about the strong the system he checks immigrants. david: i'm sure i don't think he uses that. >> mexicans or hispanics were angry in maryland at one of his hotel projection. they will not work for him. david: right, right. >> it was interesting he brought latinos around him, caesar chavez, who was prominent labor leader was very anti-illegal immigrant. david: my wife is legal immigrant. she is very against illegal immigrants as well. david, do democrats love? what is going on? >> without a doubt, trump strum is gift to hillary clinton. if he goes third party, hillary clinton is next president. david: even with what he doing knew? some people say it is good for the republicans. collects their hardcore base. you say no. >> not good for republicans. certainly awful for ted cruz and rand paul. takes up energy -- david: quickly.
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>> what the primary debates start, trump will have to answer some of these questions about hypocrisy. ted cruz -- david: remember there are 10 people on panel. may not be time to ask, certainly not any follow-up questions. we appreciate you coming. melissa, over to you. melissa: major moves in after-hours trading following big results on wall street. the numbers to know coming up wr next. it is you. new york state is reinventing by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968.
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melissa: wow, we told you it was going to be a busy hour, boy was it ever. huge moves in after-hours, widely-held names, 18% for amazon. david: again we had no idea it would be like this. lori rothman has been covering. she didn't know but covered it very well from stem to stern. she will give us a little wrap what happened. go ahead, lori. >> we're blindsided. amazon the darling of after-hours. that is a understatement. tremendous criticism of for years and years, really, jeff bezos. they turned it around but not only turned it around but did it
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in such a dramatic, amazes fashion. shares are up as you sate 18% right now. the cfo says the revenue increase which was 20% was driven by amazon's prime growth. of course amazon wouldn't specify the number of subscribers they have to prime but the cfo pointing to the prime service as really the driver. and which was which said, if we didn't take a currency hit, amazon revenue would have grown 27%, not just 20%. shares of pandora are up 9% in the after-hourses also a beat. pandora is able to raise its guidance thanks to improving ad sales. take that. shares of visa the credit card company up 7%. overall strong quarter. processed transactions up 8%. that is a significant increase, high single digit percentage increase on transactions for visa. want to bring you over to
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starbucks of the coffee chain a nice beat. enough to please investors. starbucks up 3% in the after-hours. in the earnings notes they plan to expand mobile pay across all stores in the united states before winter f all goes smoothly, they will expand mobile pay internationally as well. that is kind of a wrap. what a difference from the tone set earlier with reports that couple out, crashed markets, don't want to use word crash but dow was down 120 point because of concerns over disappointment on the second quarter earnings results this morning. david: concern earlier in the week when we reported on apple. that set a dour tone. seems what happened with amazon, what happened to apple. everybody was criticizing the chairman of apple, tim cook for a long time. finally he turned corner. apple went to the moon. jeff bezos looks like finally the market believes in what jeff bezos is doing. melissa: we'll see.
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he turn ad lot of investments into profits now. that is what everyone was waiting for. that is really the focus. thanks to you, lori rothman. david: what a day. melissa: cheryl casone to take you through the next hour of fox business with "risk & reward." take it away. >> tim cook's stomach is turning right now. jeff bezos is doing this, guys. hello, everybody. welcome to "risk & reward." this hour we'll begin with mr. trump. donald trump visiting the texas border and true to form he had plenty to say. we'll show you. you will hear from "the donald" himself. you've been hearing about it last hour, amazon earnings blew away every analyst, every trader, every expert. more proof a report that contradicts the president. there is nothing to see here if you're obama. we'll talk about as well. risk and reward
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