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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  July 26, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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we got him. we just ended the war. 6 it would be irresponsible of me not to give everyone else closure. i remember a guy standing up in front of me telling me, explaining to his friend's daughter why did god do this? he said the devil did this. you killed the devil. i salute you for that, sir.laden."
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i'm peter doocy. by 2010, the cia was focused on a compound in pakistan where it was believed osama bin laden was living. after much deliberation, president obama made the call to send in a hand picked group of men from the naval special warfare development group, s.e.a.l. team 6. they spent two weeks training on mock-ups of the compound here >> the helicopters we have it down to a science. we have folding camping chairs, tripods so we could maximize space. some guys sitting on them, some below them. i had a dog right next to me.
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pretty loud inside so nobody's really talking to each other. we don't need to talk. kind of looking around, seeing how people are reacting. we're hearing from the pilots every now and then. very comforting because the army picked the very pilots in the world to fly this mission. >> 15 minutes later two chinook helicopters take off loaded with another sfaudquadron of s.e.a.l.s. rescue force in case anything goes wrong. >> now we know we're inside. at this point you could feel okay, now we're in a sovereign nation. we don't know if they can see us or not. and if they do they can just shoot us down and we can't even be mad because they're defending their nation. so everyone is kind of handling this in their own way. it's a weird feeling to realize they can take a missile right now and blow up at any time. just wondering what's it feel like to get shot out of the sky.
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do you die right away or after you fall? what happens? i'm facing a little bit forward with the pilot in front of me. i'm kind of looking around. guys were doing weird stuff. some guys fell asleep. i saw a guy put his ipod in. to listen to music. other guys were doing stuff. we'd hear every now and then from the pilot, all right 15 minutes in we haven't been painted, meaning no one sees us. we're flying low. what i was doing in between hearing this was counting. i learned as a sniper on recon surveillance missions it gets very boring for 72 hours watching something. so i would learn to count to keep my mind occupied. i'm counting from 0 to 1,000 then 1,000 to 0. speeding it up and slowing it down to keep my mind working. then we'd hear another 30 minutes haven't been painted, which is refreshing to hear how cool and calm and just awesome those pilots are. i feel better, and i keep counting.
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then it's 45 minutes. now the other part of the team had just crossed the border, which is the guys in the bigger helicopters with more guys they were behind us now. so now we're worried about them. like bigger target what if they get hit? >> when they arrive over abadabad the plan was for the two helicopters to sit down in a rendezvous point. >> mark bowden is the best-selling author of "the finish, the killing of osama bin laden." >> the two blackhawks had planned to move over the compound. >> 80 minutes into the 90-minute flight we bank to the south. and i'm counting still. it sounds made up. it sound cheesy. but as i'm counting for some reason i remembered a quote from george w. bush on 9/11, "freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward. and freedom will be defended."
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>> and i kind of got goose bumps. first off, how in the world did i just remember that? then i thought, forget counting. i started saying that over and over. "freedom itself was attacked this morning by a face les coward. freedom will be defended" it kind of hit me then. after weeks of training, 82 minutes into the flight i'm like i'm on this mission and we're going to kill him. two minutes out the doors open. and not a training site in the mountains in the united states. and it's not a desert. it's lights of the city. one minute out and i remember thinking, man, this is some serious navy s.e.a.l. stuff we're about to do. so we were in the second helicopter. and the plan was the first helicopter was going to go in front. >> one of the helicopters was going to land inside the compound itself. the other was going to set down outside the walls of the compound briefly, let off a couple of men and a dog that were going to patrol the
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perimeter and keep people away. and then it was supposed to move back up and hover over the highest point of the building they were assaulting and the s.e.a.l.s were going to rope down onto the roof. when the first blackhawk began to move in to try to land in thed stay in the air and it crashed. >> and we heard something along the lines of dash one going around. we're thinking the first helicopter got shot at which we expected. so they're going to do a race track and come back in and reattack. >> in the practice run they had landed and taken off successfully. but the wall around that mockup was a steel fence. in abadibad the wall was stone. so there was a buildup of feet underneath the falling helicopter which created conditions which made it unable to stay in the air. it was really only due to the extraordinary skill of the nicethe
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night stalker helicopter pilot who realized what was happening and acted quickly enough to put the helicopter down, effectively to crash it in a controlled way, so that it didn't flip over on its side, it didn't become a catastrophic crash. >> the pilot saved everyone's lives. he put the tail on the fence and put the nose in the dirt. saved everyone's lives. so we landed and we let the snipers out, nobody picked up and go right back down to the ground. that wasn't part of the plan. we were talking to our pilot that based on his actions he was telling us you're getting out here. we didn't know the helicopter crashed, the other one. but he did. he saw it crash. he just thought being the genius he is they couldn't hover i might not be able to hover get out. we'll start from here.
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7,000 miles away from
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abbottabad, pakistan in washington, d.c. owe government officials are watching the raid on bin laden's compound and it's clear something had gone very wrong. it was captured by a white house photographer. >> i saw the snapshot a very good snapshot of history. the concern on secretary of state clinton's face, the concern on president obama's face. >> we were only really able to see from high above what had happened. for a few minutes they weren't sure exactly whether the whole mission had been blown. so the point where the helicopters move in the same all they see initially is that one chopper has crashed and the other has landed in a spot where it wasn't supposed to go. there had been the feelings of real dismay. bob gates the defense secretary had been in the white
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house back in 1980 when jimmy cart ter's rescue mission to tehran had gone awry in the desert. so i have no doubt that images of that tragic moment flashed through his head. they're powerless at that point. they've sent these men to perform this mission. they've instructed them to fight their way out of the country if necessary. everyone in the situation was reassured but also surprised at how calmly colonel mcgrave dealt with the setback. because to him it was the kind of thing that just happens. you expect the things are not going to go exactly as planned. all these men were hand-picked precisely because they're very good at making something good happen when something has gone bad. >> the men on the second helicopter that set down on the outside began screaming out and assaulted the compound. so basically the assault just proceeded but from different avenues. >> i remember putting my right foot down and saying sort of out
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loud "and freedom will be defended." then i'm looking at osama bin laden's house and i'm thinking this is so cool. >> so the guys outside the compound had to blow open a gate in order to end ert compound. those who were in the chopper that had crash landed inside the compound began moving towards the target they had planned to hit. >> there's a door on the corner of the wall. we went up to that, one opt breaches put a big bomb on it to blast it and it opened sort of like a tin can. and there's a brick wall behind it. the breacher said fail breach. this is bad. and i remember thinking this is good. that's a fake door. someone is important in this house. >> we still didn't know that the helicopter had crashed. so we think they're flying around. we're going to blast the main car port. letting them know because they're going to be fast hovering in. we don't want them hit. they said we'll just open it for you. we're like what's that mean?
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a door comes open a thumbs up. the door just opened and our guys are obviously in there. we followed them in. as we're there there's a guy next to me on the first helicopter. he's whispering something. he said that helicopter crashed. and when he said that to me i was thinking one of the helicopters behind us was probably shot down. so we just lost a bunch of our guys oh, man which one? he goes dude our helicopter crashed in the front yard. i was probably just too confused looking at the house as opposed to my ride looking at the helicopter just crashed. >> the team assaulting from the outside entered the compound. they were fired upon. a brief volley from an automatic weapon poorly aimed. so i believe one of the s.e.a.l.s was slightly injured from some glass broken cut his cheek there. were no serious injuries. >> fights going on between the main house and the guest house.
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i wasn't involved with that at all. we turn the corner. i remember looking up again at the house like we've seen pictures of nothing that big. this is awesome. there was a couple gunshots going back and forth through the window. >> of course once there's fire, that's when the s.e.a.l. team to the enemy and these guys don't miss. they shot still the person who opened fire on them. and inadvertently wounded his wife who was there with them. then they just proceeded into the first floor of the building along with the team that's approaching from the inside of the compound. >> one of the guys that just did the shooting, he said i just shot one of the women. she just jumped in front of him. am i in trouble. i remember thinking okay first of all we don't need to be thinking are you in trouble. stop thinking about that. second of all no, they're mar tirg themselves in front of the men. another good sign. it's not good that we're shooting and a woman was shot but it's good that that's happening because that means important men are here. >> coming up next on "the man
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who killed osama bin laden." the moment arrives when bob and s.e.a.l. team six come face-to-face with the most
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with operation neptune sphere under way in abottomabad, pakistan, they storm the main building of the compound. >> they cleared a room on the first floor killing the courier, and his wife who were found in the first floor of the main building. >> his wife jumped on top. she was killed. we separated into different rooms and were looking down a hallway. >> it was weird to be in there. we're kind of back in the rooms.
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we don't want to stand in the hallway. that's where the enemy could shoot. >> they began methodically to go room by room the first floor. they work in teams. as they enter the floor they begin looking for rooms where potentially there are beds. they peel off and clear room by room by room. this is happening very rapidly. >> i remember there was a girl in our room, a little girl crying. i had a guy -- i was sort of holding down -- i had a guy taking my spot grabbed her and walked her across the hallway to find a woman to give the girl to. because even in the heat of something that important that moment, we're the good guys. and we don't want her to be any more afraid than she needs to be because she has nothing to do with it. so people were like going around seeing kids huddled with parents. the hallways barricaded to a door. obvious that door goes up the stair. >> steel door lock starting a staircase that goes up to the second floor. they blew that door and began making their way up to narrow
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staircase to the second story. >> following this door, finally opened and we started going up the stairs. i was way in the back. so i'm kind of just walking up the stairs. i'm watching. what the analyst said was that you're probably going to run into khalid bin lauden on the stairs. if you do that's the last line of defense. the guy in front was sort of separated by a bannister between him and khalid. she whispered his name. he whispered come here. and that confused khalid because there wasn't a lot of yelling and screaming and go go go. he kind of turned over peeked his head over what? armed shoot so we shot him. >> that was just because of the spot on intelligence by the cia. telling us whether this person will be here. >> wekeep going up the stairs. once we got to the second floor all the guys except the first guy separated. >> there were women and children on that floor.
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so as the men got up to the landing on the second floor they would have sealed off down hallways, peered room by room. then of course there's a staircase leading up to the third floor. >> i was about seven guys back and clearing all the rooms. the first guy's looking up the stairs. he'd taken a shot up the stairs already before i got there. but five or six guys in front of me stood off to the left or right to clear the room. i stayed the number two man. i was the last guy in the train. i knew he needed two men. sow stayed i stayed with him. i wanted to make sure there were enough guys to go up the stairs. i wanted four guys to go up the stairs. he started talking a little bit saying something on the lane of suicide vests and they're doing stuff and we need to get up there. and the more he didn't get excited but the more he made it known that it's time to go if he hadn't take an shot up the stairs.
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>> this whole operation inside the house lasted about 15 minutes. so those -- bin laden and his wives on the third floor would have had plenty of time to know that the house was under assault to. hear the gunfire, hear the explosions blowing off the door to the second floor, to hear the shots that killed his son, the wailing, i presume the crying of women and children. so you could understand that s.e.a.l.s were now on the second floor. feel a sense of urgency about getting up the third before somebody starts shooting down at them. >> so how is it that you ended up the number two man on the stairs to the third floor? >> just luck. just the way that it worked. the guys ahead of me, based on our tactics we know the guy in front stays in front and everyone behind him when there's other stuff going on they need to get to that threat and take care of the threat which would be other people other rooms other doors. more important we need to clear that level before we go up. and part of me was we just need
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to get it done now. and honestly part of it was this room is the one that's going to blow up, let's get it over with. so i squeezed him and the two of us went into the room. we haven't seen the big guy left. so he's left and if he's here he's in there. >> the first s.e.a.l. up the steps, inspired the initial shot and tackled two women right inside the doorway or in the hallway for fear that they may be wearing explosive vests or something but basically to get them out of the way. >> there was a curtain. he went through the curtain. most of the women were right there, the daughters and one of the wives. she sort of grabbed him and tackled him walking down the hallway and laid on top of them assuming they were going to blow up. so he gave his life so the guy behind him he didn't know who it was could get a shot because he knew bin laden was in there. so he did that. i had my hand kind of pushed him down the hallway and i turned to it right. and standing on two feet in front of me with his hands on
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his wife's shoulders behind her was the face that i'd seen thousands of times. very quickly that i recognized him and just pop pop pop. >> where did you shoot bin laden bin laden? >> in the face three times. >> did he stagger at all? >> he just fell by the left side of the bed. >> how long from the second you saw him until he was laying dead at your feet? >> it was less than a second. probably half a second. just walked in, saw him shot him. he was a threat. he had to be wearing a suicide vest. that's a threat. within my rules of engagement, he's not surrendering. >> how much time was there between that? >> i would guess again the two shots are just quick tap tap and
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third shot however long it takes for a person to fall on the floor. so i was standing above him when he took his last breath and i heard it odd inly. >> did osama bin laden say anything? >> no. >> did you say anything to him? >> no. no. we met for a second, that's it. >> coming up next on "the man who killed osama bin laden." >> now we're there. people know something happened. and now we're trying to get back. i hear them say osama bin laden and then i look at bin laden bin laden. and i literally w
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it's the middle of the night in abbottabad pakistan, and navy s.e.a.l. robert o'neil has just shot and killed the world's most wanted man. >> happened so fast. i shot him standing, shot him when he was down. >> do you know for sure that you were the last person to seeosama bin
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laden alive? >> 100%. >> he said he wasn't surrendering. >> yes. >> so this is a kill or capture mission. >> it was a kill or capture. i think everyone wanted him dead. we realized we had to get as much intelligence out of this house. my thoughts was let's pick him up and go now. we justened the war. >> after they killed bin laden they wanted to get a picture of him, assessment of who it is they've just killed. they immediately saw thought was bin laden. they want to herd the women and children together and get them out of the house to get them out of the way. >> one of the s.e.a.l.s there that spoke arabic was talking to one of the daughters. she finally admitted that's sheik osama. and then the call was made to our boss outside and then he made a call to admiral mcraven what he said for god and country, geronimo geronimo geronimo. geronimo was a pro worldd we would
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use saying we got him so we don't have to say we got bin laden over the radio. >> they started gathering every piece of potential evidence they could find from laptops to computers, to paper files, discs, hard drives, anything that could have valuable information. so very hastily they're moving room to room putting all into plastic bags everything that they want to take back with them. >> we found everything from opium to hard drives, thumb drives discs. everything we could get our hands on. second floor was complete media bedroom. i guess he was run al qaeda from that place. >> the body is put into a body bag. >> i was one of four guys that picked him up carried him all the way out. we brought him outside gave him to the snipe zblrs when he was on the ground they jabbed a syringe into his leg in order to
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get a dna sample. they took the dna sample and put it on the other helicopter. so in the event they lost one chopper they still had proof of who they had killed. >> the other guys, other squads were going to come pick us up much we split up from there. the helicopter'sed in even though the pilot thought they could fly it. my boss made the call we were trying to leave it there. blow the whole thing up so no one could have any of them. >> the crashed chopper was blown up with very hot-burning substance that basically will destroy anything in it. it melts the helicopter down because it's a classified military piece of equipment with a lot of interesting electronics inside it. they wanted to make sure they didn't leave anything behind that people could stumble on. >> we blew that up we got on a helicopter and flew out. that was a bit more intense. now we're there, people know something happened.
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they know helicopters were involved and now we're trying to get back a 90-minute flight. it's almost like watching a race. it's like well, wait a minute we can survive. we can live. we started our watches. we're watching it go. 80 something minutes into it somebody came over the radio to everybody and said, all right, gentlemen, for the first time in your lives you're going to be happy to hear this. welcome to afghanistan. and everyone is like oh, my god. we just did it. we just pulled it off and we got him and we all lived. we're all fine. it was insane. so then there was high fiving. guys were like -- because we got osama bin laden and we're going to live. amazing. >> what's the mood in afghanistan? >> guys were pumped. guys were really excited. the analyst was there. she saw and she was happy. i talked to one other s.e.a.l. that was the closest to me when
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i shot osama bin laden. and he said to me, you need to give her something special. probably the magazine. it was his idea. so i said okay i'll do that. i took it out of my gun and gave it to her. asked her if she had room for it in her backpack and she did. we went over and saw the body. and then we moved him to bagram where they had a big setup where they had a professional from the fbi able to do a dna test. there was actually a big flat scene tv in the middle. and we were watching it was actually on fox news. and we're kind of seeing the buzz. we all walked over and got some breakfast and then i walked back to my spot. i'm standing two feet away from osama bin laden. and i'm watching tv. and the president comes out and everyone is all quiet. and he said -- >> tonight i can report to the american people and to the world the united states has conducted
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an operation that killed osama bin laden the leader of al qaeda. >> i stopped listening right there. i hear him say osama bin laden. then i look at osama bin laden. and i literally wonder how in the world did i get here from butte, montana. then we're watching. and then guys start to say out loud say no one was hurt. tell him no one was hurt for our families. no one was hurt. it took a few sentences. >> a small team of americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. no americans were harmed. >> when did you realize that the entire country basically broke out in patriotism? [ crowd singing the national anthem ] >> i don't know who the guy is. but whoever was hanging from the light post in manhattan who had obviously had a few cock tails, he made me realize this is a big
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deal. when the crowd was chanting "usa" out of the white house. >> it's wild out here. mardi gras, new year's eve. thousands of young people. >> what did your family say when you told them what you did? >> well, i had always told my mother jokingly even in high school, you don't need to worry about me. i'm here to do something special. and i was just joking, messing with her. i joined the navy. you don't need to worry about me, mom. i'm here to do something special. kept saying that crap even when we started going into war. just a comment mom nothing's going to happen. i'm going to do something special. then i called her from virginia beach. and i said hey mom, you can start worrying now. she's like why? i go that special thing i'm supposed to do? pretty sure it just happened.
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with osama bin laden dead, the mission was complete. after a few days back home, rob and the team flew to fort campbell, kentucky, for a private meeting with the president, vice president and cabinet. >> he was just proud of us. he came in i remember hearing his distinctive voice. hey, everybody. walking in a big smile. just cool, happy. he hung it out there. that's a big call. and he made it. i was standing next to one of the guys on the mission who asked who killed him, who took
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the shot. then my buddy and i were like, well we all did. >> why didn't you just say, i did it? >> it was not about me. my guys got one of our guys into a spot to take the shot. the analyst that found him working for years, they deserved the credit. the pilot that got us there. the guys on the ground that physically got people into place by blowing up doors breaking down stuff holding security and finally someone gets a shot. definitely it wasn't me. it wasn't the team. this was the country. this was the entire country. we were just the means to the end. >> rob reserves one more deployment to afghanistan but then decided it was time to least military. >> i stopped getting adrenaline in gun fights. that's dangerous. you can get complacent. someone would shoot us we would go up and eliminate the threat. i realized that kind of not carelessness but complacency could potentially get me killed and i want to be around for awhile. that was a long hard process.
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but i was done with the 12 deployments, a couple contingent itsies. i was just done. i wanted a clean cut. i came through the front door on the first day and i wanted to leave through the front door. i don't feel like the navy owes me anything. i don't feel like i owe the navy anything. my only regret is that i missed my [ inaudible ]. >> are you worried about your personal security? >> yes. >> why specifically? >> well, i don't know how people will react to this. i think all the guys, especially on the mission, but all the guys on the mission, there could be a threat yes. >> one year after operation neptune sphere another navy s.e.a.l. published a book telling his account of the raid using the pen name" mark owen. >> we have essentially two different versions of what happened. >> no easy day claims that the first man's shot up the stairs hit bin laden knock him to the
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floor. >> the version told my mark owen, he places himself as second in the line upstairs. he finds bin laden on the floor, believes he's still alive and pumps bullets into him to finish him off. >> why is the story in "no easy day" different than the story that you are telling us? >> i think that war is foggy. and i think that the author is telling the story as he saw it. based -- and also based on the debrief that he heard. >> but the debrief was missing a few details. >> the debrief was just cleaned up. it was missing a few details yeah. it was very accurate. again, i can just speak on what i saw. >> the only way that i can justify the accounts without accusing someone of lying, which i think is probably not true, given the fact this was all happening very rapidly in the dark, obviously a lot of adrenaline flowing, it's quite possible it seems to me that the first s.e.a.l. coming up the
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stairs shot and missed. the second s.e.a.l. entered the room, shot bin laden twice in the head. the third s.e.a.l. comes in and that in fact is owen, sees bin laden on the floor and pumps bullets into him. in the confusion that owen believed he was the second s.e.a.l. in the room and that that first shot, the one fired by the initial s.e.a.l. up the stairs, had in fact hit bin laden in the head and killed him or knocked him down. which would explain why he found bin laden laying on the floor. >> there was a shot fired up the stairs before i got there. i don't know what happened. when i went in the room i can't say 100% that he was hit when i went into the room. he could have been. but he was definitely on two feet and he was definitely moving. so he was there. and i'll taken it lie detectors on that one. the officer for the most part is telling what he saw and what he heard. but he only knows what we told
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him. >> the only way i can justify the story that mark owen wrote and sold is if he somehow in the confusion believed he was the second man up the stairs when in fact he was the third. >> is it possible that somebody's going to come out now, watching this, and say, rob o'neal did not kill osama bin laden? >> i could probably see that happening. it's one of those things where i heard from a guy that heard from a guy that heard from a guy. and then just all of a sudden it turn noose turns into a different story. again that doesn't bother me because there's two people that were there. the thing that i've learned, especially from this mission, because there are people with differing accounts, the thing that i've learned the most is regardless of rank, position office, unless you were in the room at the time you only know
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what you were told. >> and that speaks to -- >> that speaks to everybody. >> do you worry that by telling your story, the pentagon is going to be upset? >> there's going to be people upset. you can't do anything without upsetting some people. i don't know why that is. i don't believe i'm saying anything that hasn't been confirmed and acknowledged by high-ranking officials. >> photos were taken of bin laden bin laden's dead body. >> yes. >> do you think the public should see those? >> no. >> why? >> they don't need to know what it looks like. it's a graphic picture. a man shot in the face three times. a lot of people don't need that image. they need to know that justice was served. >> up next why rob is breaking his silence now, and the emotional meeting with 9/11 victims' families that convinced him to tell his story. now?
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you kept a secret for a long time. why do you want to tell the story now? >> there never was going to be this. i did want to give something to the 9/11 memorial museum. i wanted to give the shirt that i wore and the flag that was on the hit to the museum because the shirt was present when osama bin laden took his last breath. i did want to document it. that's why we have footage there. because i know it's historic. i thought we were pretty much going to drop it off, get a private tour which we did. >> rob asked us if we would document his tour of the 9/11 memorial museum on the condition that we not airport footage
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until and unless he was comfortable revealing his identity. >> when we finished our part of the private tour we walked into the room. and there was sort of a stage. and there were 27 members, 25 first responders, family members. and i wasn't prepared to speak. >> thank you. >> i didn't know what i was going to say. but i stood in front of them and talked to them. i don't know what they expected to hear. i told them a lot of the story. i told them about osama bin laden dying. and just to see their reaction and to talk to them after. >> i want to thank you. on behalf of my son and youngest daughter and for all of my family members. [ inaudible ]. >> telling me things like you didn't close the chapter, you closed the book on the worst thing that's ever happened to
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me. or you know what, i'm not afraid anymore because i know he's gone now. and just the closure for those families. that was only 20 25 families. there's thousands and thousands of families that are affected by this. that's the reason that we went. accepting death the way we did. because it wasn't for ourselves to get the big mission and have bragging rights. the reason that we left on the mission knowing we're probably going to die more than likely not come home, was for the single mom that went to work on tuesday morning and later that morning she made the conscious decision to jump to her death because it's better than burning alive. i thought that it would be irresponsible of me not to give everyone else closure that it's over. and yes, there's personal risk during this but i've accepted personal risk before because it
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was bigger than me. not about me. every time i talk to someone who lost someone on 9/11 it's an incredible feeling to give them that. >> you're going to donate some of the equipment from the raid to the 9/11 museum. >> yes. >> just for historical purposes. >> yes. >> you asked us to film it just for the historical record. >> to document it, yes. >> there was in plan for the public to see that footage. >> never. >> and tell what happened. >> talk together people talking to first responders, i remember a guy standing up in front of me telling me -- explaining to his friend's daughter why did god do this every single day. he said god didn't do this. the devil did. you don't kill the devil. >> seeing the people with their heads in their hands with people still crying listening to me speak. i just wanted to give them closure knowing the man ultimately responsible got justice.
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rob o'neill's war is now over. his days of parachuting out of airplanes and chasing enemies of america are behind him. after more than 16 years of fighting for freedom rob has returned to the m trout streams of montana where it all began. >> rob why is it that you say montana will always be home? >> well, look around. it's beautiful here. it's peaceful. it's quiet. i grew up here. and this is where everything started for me. and it's like the comfort zone. >> it is so quiet here. this has got to be so much different than the noisy gun fights that you were in for your entire career in the military. this a stress reliever? >> yeah. it's a stress reliever. it's nice to hear the water.
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it's nice to know nothing's going to blow up. yeah, it's good to be out here. it's a great way to relax here. being outside is a lot better than golf. because if you lose something in the bush you can cut it away put something on. >> an tom when rob was off at war and you would come out here was it ever peaceful enough for you to set aside all the concerns that you had for him? >> yes. a lot of times it was. but it also gives you a lot of time to think about what he might be going through, too. but being out here in this environment where it's the middle of the night or just before dawn and you're still here and getting ready to do what you do, it's very calming. you do get a good feel about life, knowing that rob has been doing a lot of that with me and the limited experience i have in the outdoors and everything, i knew he was handling whatever he needed to be in. >> rob, after 9/11 you had a very stressful decade of war.
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what's it like just living at both ends of the spectrum? >> at the time i didn't realize how dangerous the job was. even when we were training. until i got away from it and thought wow we were doing some pretty cool stuff. and then now just to get out and do stuff like this and not doing anything doesn't really bother me. definitely a change. it's not as risky. but it's probably a change for the better. >> rob o'neill went halfway around the world to stare evil in the face. and the manhunt that lasted more than a decade came to an end in less than ten seconds. although the fight for freedom will continue. the contributions of rob and his navy s.e.a.l. brethren can be measured in the eyes of 9/11 victims's families for whom the death of bin laden provides a small feeling of closure. freedom was attacked, and
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america responded. that will be the legacy of "the man who killed osama bin laden." that and so much more. thanks for watching. i'm megyn kelly. this is "the kelly file".." you know you hear over the radio we're taking fire we're under fire. and you hear the pleading in their voices that they need help bad. i actually dropped to a knee and then i got up and like why the hell did i do that. and that's when the rocket hit. he had a machine gun and he started laying down hay. >> i rolled him over. there was no response. i ripped off his body armor,


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