tv Varney Company FOX Business July 30, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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us. we are looking at a market that worsened on the heels of that gdp number comes up 2.3% and the first quarter revised upward. "varney & company" is next, have a great show the. stuart: i'll take it maria. hold on did i get this wrong? after his mccain comments i thought trump would fade i repeat, whoa did i get it wrong! good morning everyone. look at this a reuters poll shows the donald with 25% of the republican vote. that's more than doubled jeb bush, eight days to the first debate. all right, trump up hillary down. she's losing ground in the latest polls and her foundation took a lot of money from swiss bankers right after they won a favorable ruling on bank accounts. facebook, it's now the most widely used technology products in the world. 968 million check it every single day. and let's not forget this. yet again, we make the jon stewart show blake berman is a
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star. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ remember malaysia airlines flight 370 disappeared 17 months ago, a section of a wing found on an island in the indian ocean can't say conclusively it's from the 370 plane, but investigators have identified the component on the french island as a flapper arm from the trailing edge of a boeing triple 7 wing. there's only one 777 missing and that's flight 370. now the island is near mad gas madagascar madagascar, 2300 miles from the search from australia. if it's correct it would be the first physical piece of evidence since the plane crashed in march of 2014. there's the update and now this. donald trump has taken a commanding lead in the republican presidential race, according to a now reuters
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poll, trump has 25% of the vote, that's double the next candidate in line jeb bush. ashley, this poll was taken after trump made the comments. ashley: it's interesting, they call it rolling on-line poll. last friday 15%, by this tuesday, two days ago, it had jumped to 25%. which is really impressive. in fact trump himself is in scottland and one of his golf courses and he was touting the reuters poll he says we're going from strength to strength. stuart: is it surprising? >> no he's the ultimate-- and if the polls, hillary win at 37% antrum and bush tied at 27 and if he goes independent they could win easily because he would drain away the g.o.p.
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vote. stuart: more on hillary in a second. i want to get to facebook, that stock is poised to open lower this morning, a couple of bucks lower, probably the reason is apparently, that they are spending too much money and that's taking a bite out of profits. i'm not sure i'm going to buy that analysis certainly not in the long-term and here is tech watcher who knows more about this than i do. first of all, they're spending a lot more money, are they spending it in areas that are likely to bring in profit in the future? >> absolutely. they purchase the risk and think that the 3-d content is the next big thing and probably will be. they're putting out drones in countries that don't have internet because they want to bring internet to them and providing facebook services and bring in more revenue on their site and more people paying in and get more money out of it. >> these are the businesses they're putting more money into and not pulling back? >> they need to look toward the future. right? there's a lot of competition now they're losing the young
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generation to snap chat and they want it to become the home page for everyone your content and news and social. >> 968 million people check in every day, that's pretty much what, a fifth of the world population. that's huge. >> the other side of that is only one third of the world is actually connected to the internet and they've started this initiative and this is what they're talking about the drones. they started an initiative and came up with samsung and qualcomm and nokia to provide independent to remote areas and this will bring the numbers much much higher. >> and bring them into facebook. >> and a third of the world to go at. >> and a lot of people on the program said that maybe facebook could make the same kind of run up as we saw in amazon, a sudden burst by 10% or something like that and the same thing with google a sudden burst, much higher. what do you think? facebook? >> i think they're in it for a long haul. much like amazon and google
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they'll burst when they bring out technology and the risk and things like that it becomes huge, whether it's in video games or medical. it will give them the burst and it will allow them to go for the long haul. >> would you say that facebook is a must for anybody's portfolio? no way around it. >> we've said on this program, you've got to have some google and got to have some amazon netflix and maybe a little apple and now facebook too, that joins the club. >> yeah. >> that's where the money is flowing. >> that's where it is so many businesses are getting on facebook and business advertising from facebook, and they're just going to keep going and going and going and they have a great baseline to start up from. >> it's going down on the opening bell, but you and i are putting them on watch. >> it's interesting, some analysts say it's such an overvalued company and i had an analyst last night. saying what you're saying. video is huge for them. advertising on video, they're way behind, but can they catch
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up? >> i think at some point they will. it's tough with google having owned youtube already and they need to step up their game a little bit and they think that the 3-d, zuckerberg said that 3-d is the next thing. >> 2.7 billion on reinvestment and they think it's going to be huge in 3-d. >> yeah and in 3-d. i'm waiting for the-- okay i'm with you. >> i'm waiting for the advertisements where i get a hamburger that pops up 99 cents in front of my face and waiting for them to solve the seasickness program. and you saw that and i'll buy that one. check dow futures, where are we going to open in a few minutes' time. the answer is down. 50, 60 points on the down side. economic growth somewhat disappointing and we have numbers at 8:30 this morning somewhat disappointing and that's why the dow is now down 60 points or will be. the price of oil, 48 49 per barrel, that's a shift. earlier this week it was down
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at 46. the price of gas continues to fall a penny a gallon a day. 2.56 your average now. more news on hillary, it's not necessarily good. swiss bankers get a nice deal hillary's foundation gets some money. here is the story. america wanted the names of 52,000 people who had swiss bank accounts while hillary was secretary of state. the swiss got a deal. only some revealed and the foundation got a deal. and 51 is% negatively and more than half of the independents came on the negative side. and her numbers are falling across every metric we're talking about trustworthiness, caring about voters leadership. and hillary as trustworthy or
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honest and pieces of news have been coming out adding to that including the $600 haircut. stuart: let's not forget the $6600 haircut, please. she beats bush and she beats trump. >> and this poll has her in a dead tie with walker and bush in the election was held today. that's how the polls fluctuate. stuart: got it. the economy grew at an annual rate of 2.3% in the spring of this year. from washington come on in peter mauricy. it looks like the same old, same old to me the same pace of economic growth six years roughly 2, 2 1/2% no big deal what do you say? >> well there are some interesting things in the numbers and one of the things in intellectual properties have been fairly constant growing every quarter and very solid. that's very good news about the economy and think what you said about facebook. the growth about the companies
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is to take your technology global. what's holding up growth is an absence of fixed investment, structures machines things like that. to some extent it reflects the evolution to one of the times, ideas in intellectual property and so forth. >> it's a movement that the economy is developing moving far more towards intellectual property and technology i've got that. do we have to put up with 2% growth? i mean sure this is below-- this is subpar for america, isn't it? >> it certainly is. during the reagan recovery it was about 4% as compared to the obama recovery at 2.2. and the big difference is we have taxed so heavily the employment of semi quilled workers and people in the lower half of the wage scale. i mean think about it. what they're doing in new york. if you're going to have to pay $15 an hour sick leave, vacation time family leave and obamacare because you have to
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make them employees, big push from the labor department on that for a lot of small businesses it becomes a $30 an hour deal. look at folks doing those jobs. i have compassion for them, but $30 an hour? not unless you're swiss land can you do something like that. >> look down the road 2 1/2% growth right now roughly speaking, is that enough yeah i mean just just, but is that enough to make the federal reserve raise rights at the end of this year? >> the question you have to ask is, do zero rates do us any good any longer? and the answer is no. they're distorting capital markets and where you are in manhattan through cheap mortgages they really shouldn't be with us long-term and getting rid of them won't harm growth very much if at all. how would it affect facebook? the answer it wouldn't. i think it's time to start raising rates and there is no clear evidence that raising the
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core rate of inflation, forget about energy prices from about 1 1/2% a year to 2 1/2% a year would do anything positive for growth. i find that reasoning specious at the fed. it's like a guy with a role ex the people in business have a rolex watch. like-wise in the old days if you're doing well and growing at 2 1/2% inflation, does that mean cooking it up now with a globallized labor market to give you growth? i think not. >> and that's your final conclusion. >> i think not. >> that's good. raise rates now. >> and get back and tell the students about capitalism. they could use a good lesson from you. >> the greatest engine of growth ever conceived by the minds of men. >> all right. thanks very much. whole foods, the stock, down. lauren, why? in case you-- >> you're the reason and i'm the reason we're the reason
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hopefully they're pointing this at us the media saying meningitis press coverage to alleged overcharging in new york dented overall sales. they came in the worst in six years. a third of what they were last year. if you look at the bid-ask, the shares are going to open sharply to the down side. there's an on demand parking service, it's now converting hundreds of parking attendants to employees, rather than independent contractors. this reclassification is costly, but with it less control of drivers and their schedules. an unbelievable scene at citi field last night. shedding tears thinking he was traded to the milwaukee brewers. he continued to play even wiped away the tears at one point it wasn't until after the game that he learned the
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trade rumors on social media were not true. the mets lost to the san diego padres. >> were they tears of joy that he was going to be traded. ashley: no. >> he was sad, he was sad. >> he didn't want to go to milwaukee. >> the media doesn't always get it right. he found out about it during the game and one point got a standing ovation from the crowd thinking he was going to be gone. stuart: oh tough. >> they never traded him. stuart: you have the best stories. by the way, at 5:00 in the morning you've got the best stories. >> yes. stuart: tune into this network, i know it's early, but you get lauren sandra nicole bright and early, best early morning business show on tv anywhere. a great show. >> thank you. stuart: you're welcome. >> appreciate the plug. stuart: the republicans plan to defund planned parenthood. it will not take away from women's elk had -- health care. i say that's a smart play by
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>> new this morning f-150. mix the results from the crash tests on the aluminum model. first of all, they cost more to repair and the f-150 didn't do that well in full frontal crashes. okay, it kind of performed poorly on that particular test. remember please the f-150 is the top selling vehicle in the u.s. for decades. no impact the stock down a few cents at the opening bell. it's my opinion that republicans are going off planned parenthood in a smart way. come on in marsha blackburn from tennesseement. here is what you're doing right i think. instead of beating them down you're taking the money off planned parenthood and giving it to other organizations and the left cannot say it's a war on women. i think you're doing the right thing. >> thank you, i appreciate that and, yes, it's time for us to look at what planned parenthood
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does with the money that they get and of course after a half million taxpayer dollars every year, they put much of that money into women's health services, they claim, but we know money is fungible and they do not separate their abortion and health care services. stuart: so what you're doing is taking the sting out of your attack on planned parenthood. >> sure. stuart: you're going after them for the moral reasons what they've been doing with aborted fetuses. >> yes. stuart: and making sure that the money does still go to women's health care? >> that's right. i think it's time for planned parenthood to decouple their two operations. they need to have the abortion service operation completely separate and apart for what they do for family planning. there are thousands, thousands of community clinics and hospitals that do women's health, and make these services available. the money needs to be going to them, not to an entity that's
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the nation's largest abortion provider and we hear this is over 90% of their business? our investigations are going to get to the bottom of this look at how planned parenthood spends that money. we know money is fungible. look what they've done with the selling of these fetal body parts look how the interstate commerce clause impacts that and look at whether these were done for just transfer fees or if there's a profit. stuart: i've got 20 seconds left, martha, but i think this is a moral issue, but i want to talk politics. could this be a winner for republicans? >> of course, it could. the hillary clinton has said she's seen images and pictures from the video that leads you to believe that she has not seen the videos so yes. i think it's going to be a political issue. stuart: marsha blackburn, thank you for joining us on an important issue.
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>> the dentist to paid $50,000 to shoot diesel the lion mia farrow. >> would you say the outrage has gone too far? >> listen this guy is going to get buried as far as he's no longer going to be able to enjoy his hobby of hunting. because they're revoking his licenses and the safari club. they've pulled it. so, listen mia farrow, too far. he did break the law here. >> ashley there's a headline this morning in the hill d.c. publication. now the lion killing dentist to the party. they say the dentist was donated to the 2014 and donated in 2012 and there the
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connection has been made. >> they just love to get out there and make a connection. >> and tap into that. >> the lion killer. >> yes. >> and therefore, mitt romney is a bad guy. >> there are legal ways to trophy hunt and this guy was not one of them and he was not doing that. >> and it doesn't answer the moral question should you be shooting lions anyway. >> we'll agree to this. facebook, stock of the day, and nearly a billion people log on every day at least once and wall street is not pleased. why? they didn't make enough money. opening bell three minutes away.
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opening bell is going to start ringing soon. trading will begin in 15, a few seconds and we expect the dow to drop 40 points in "the opening bell". that is up pretty flat opening from 17,000 index. we are trading, off and running thursday morning, 20, 30, 40 points is where we are. quick look at the economy. backdrop to today's trading, gdp growing at an annual pace of 2.3% in the springtime of the year. this is the stock of the day, this is facebook stock of the day. we shall see. ashley webster is here. troy is with us and tom horowitz joins us, you are first.
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facebook, the most used tech product, 960 million people chicken every single day, a lot of people saying put this in your portfolio. >> young person under 55 or 60 but if you are in the later stage. facebook is a big winner in social media. a lot depends, it continues to disappoint. stuart: you think it will disappoint for a couple years? >> it is trading around 99 earnings, high evaluations in a multi-year period or it goes sideways and underlying business doing extremely well. stuart: the amazon model of development, todd horowitz
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should you by facebook for your portfolio at your age? >> no, i am not buyer of facebook here. i think facebook needs to sell off all little bit. stock is 400% for all time lows, up 150% from the ipo price. it had a nice run up 24% but needs a bit of a sell-off. you want to look around the to 85 would be a good level, look to get in here. it is a great company, great stock but not at this price. stuart: we thank you. not much on the economy, we grew at an annual rate of 2.3% in springtime. that is the same page we have been at for six years, kind of lackluster. >> it is lackluster. there are a lot of policy mistakes to constrain it. good news from the revisions, growth and improvement in 14 has a chance to do slightly better in 15, and 14. the consumer is getting stronger, probably the best shape they have been since the 19s or 2,000s, and the
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government is not a fiscal drag any more. we think the economy gradually gets better but we won't have 3.5%. >> enough for the fed to raise rates. >> we think it is. stuart: you are saying the fed is raising rates in september or fall of this year. sandra smith? >> could be less. >> can you approach the fed without using jargon. >> i watched the fed watch the cme group which looks at the fed funds futures and tells us it is a good idea what the market is predicting and now probability or likelihood of the first rate hike in december, keeps getting pushed back. that could likely move back into 2016. we will see. >> 2.3% growth. lackluster is what i'm calling it, you say what? >> i say it is more of what we have seen what the fed driving without the ability of raising rates and a won't raise rates
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this year. i don't care what the fed funds rate racing right now there's no way to raise rates because we don't have any lows and eliminate the need is the corporate takeovers, mergers and acquisitions and company buybacks, the jobs picture stinks'. where do we think we're getting growth and had to be justified increase. >> we hear you. let's see what happens on the market. i want to look at the shell oil co. 6500 jobs, low oil prices, you were a trader. what do you make of cheap oil, is it good or bad for the economy? >> i don't want to be the one who says lower oil prices are bad for the economy because everyone loves a lower oil prices, it means you are paying less for gas prices and that is good for the consumer. that is fact and that is true but these lower oil prices have led to job losses in the united states, the first six months of this year alone, u.s. based energy firms cut more than 60,000 jobs so this drop in oil
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prices has resulted in a weakness in the energy sector and the jobs market in this country and looks like these, or oil prices are here to stay. royal dutch shell said they expect a prolonged period of lower oil prices. >> which means, troy, you stay away from energy stocks. >> we think so. the foreign curve for oil which is a fancy way of saying -- >> look at that chart. >> the oil price over is that. >> don't catch a falling knife. if you look at this case people expect oil prices to be down substantially two three years out but they're being hourly optimistic. a lot of evaluations are weather in energy stocks because of that view which we think will prove to be optimistic and energy stocks will do poorly for quite some time. >> all right. a wet bar and on that one. gambling revenue is down, but a win, the great las vegas guide steve wynn is still bullish. what have you got?
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nicole: key is still bullish and despite the fact in the latest quarter, profit dropped 70%, gambling revenue dropped 37%. in las vegas it dropped 6%. and it is still bullish, he got the okay to open up another casino and in the after-hours stock pulled back a little bit and look at it up 4.7%. he did actually, i want ask about m&a activity and he said i would be open to defy thought the mack worked. need very speculation there because he did mention it so he doesn't seem so hot on it right away but this affected the door to open a little. >> i keep telling this story but i have been in their casinos and their totally different from a casino in las vegas. >> tell us something different. >> it is all table deems, very few slots. the gambling floor is not
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surrounded by a bars. it is much more intense, you don't have all the music going on. you don't get that. it is just intense flapping of money on the table. >> a riverboat casino. got to tell you this. i say every day willingly. at 5:00 every morning you got to watch lauren simonetti, sandra, and nicole. great to start your day. watch it please. look at whole foods, growth slowed following allegations that it overcharged customers in new york city. ashley has details. overcharged, box, $15. >> this is a company blaming the media because they took this story and went wild with it, it went viral says whole foods but these inspectors went to eight different stores around york city and wage 80 different items, every item was inaccurately labeled, every one.
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this is not the first time they have been cited for this, whole foods blaming the media for going crazy on this story saying it is unbelievable, sometimes we make mistakes, every supermarket makes mistakes that tickles whole foods, it was really tarnished by this with the blame the media or not. stuart: lowest price on all field stock, putting up a moment ago. can you so it me again? lowest since $201,236 a share, a 10% drop today. now look at mobil, t mobile, 1 research firm says t mobile may have finally taken out sprint to become the nation's third wireless carrier. that is a big thing for t mobile. >> we won't get to know this happened until august 4th but for now this research firm looked at it and tracked the mobile industry more closely than anybody else they say. they predict t mobile may have finally passed springed in the
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latest quarter becoming a larger company, taking the number three spot and there's been a fierce battle between the heads of these companys. is an intense one. a heated competition. stuart: the t mobile ceo is the guy who appears on television in jeans and sweatshirts? >> the leatherjacket. >> not your normal ceo. what about luxe valet, the on demand valet parking service, converting its independent contractors to employees to give them benefits. so much for the sharing economy. assad -- uber will pay the heat of the have to make their -- >> absolutely wright. the shipping company, they have all done the same thing, contractors and to employees. it is all part of what they called the geek economy.
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people online using the online market place, consumers with workers improving smart phone apps and there's a growing trend. where's the blurred line between contractor and employee? we know california labor commissioner said on one occasion with one worker, yes you were being used as a full-time employee but this does put the heat on blood they are holding tight, standing firm. stuart: the sharing economy wants them to be independent contractors a you don't have to pay the lesser amount of money or give them benefits but the authorities are pressuring saying you want to do business here you want to have employees, benefits, health care. any comment? >> whenever you get involved, jack obliges and hurt consumers but it can be marginally better for workers. stuart: not for the overall industry. four time in the all-star working at starbucks.
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sandra, $97 million in salary, working the starbucks. >> 60 for franchises over 13 seasons, named to four in the all-star teams, $97 million in salary now looking at starbucks. >> $97 million -- >> you wouldn't work at starbucks if he had a million. need be i am wrong but struggled with alcoholism. a lot of things happened during the course of his career, had some advice, the most important thing you can do learning from this experience, surround yourself with people you trust, have somebody around to continue you are wrong, that person is no good. i agree with that advice. stuart: is it correct to say some family members took the money? >> some people around him helps make some bad decisions that
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were definitely leaning on him for his money. stuart: thank-you, sandra. check the big board because we are down. now we are up the points. twitter look at that. we were down 31 yesterday, still at 31, roughly 52 week low. 31 on twitter, up $0.46. more trouble for hillary clinton, more and more voters view her negatively ended is revealed her foundation received money from swiss bankers after those bankers got a favorable ruling and secret bank accounts. we got it next. >> when families are strong america is strong. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman. >> i want them out as soon as they can get out. they are not mine. >> what difference at this point does it make?
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the economy grew at a 2.3% annual rate in the springtime, the same pace, modest at best the we have been growing the last six years. look at whole foods, growth slowed following allegations that it overcharged festers in new york, ashley just gave you the story and whole foods is now down 11% on that. facebook profits down, they are spending a lot of money, cut into the bottom line market doesn't like that, twitter oh 52 week low, very close to it, $31 a share on twitter this morning. twist worthiness to leadership, hillary clinton's numbers continue to fall. new quinnipiac poll shows hillary viewed as unfavorable by 51% of the voters. coming in fox news contributor camera holders, all well known clinton supporter. you are a clinton supporter. >> i'm a liberal so i am a clinton supporter. i am an obama supporter,
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obamacare supporter, throw it on me. >> bernie sanders? >> of course. >> those viewers just love you. stuart: here is my point. stuart: i think she is running a very bad campaign. dairy elementary mistakes. $600 hair cut. roping off reporters are you kidding me? >> google tells all. i google that most expensive haircuts in hollywood, kim kardashian's erica, 3 and $5, katie perry, $450, shocking that her hair cut costs this much money. i am not defending her but it seems, alice hillary clinton and turkoman more than kim kardashian's. stuart: that is not the point. here is one of the people who wants to topple the 1% and she gets a $600 haircut on fifth avenue new york?
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>> it is hard to be a liberal and have money and say you are . i don't know why, if you are donald trump you cannot be for the people but if you are which you can't be for the people. stuart: what about bill clinton? >> he didn't have money when he was in the white house. stuart: where is he now? his wife is in trouble in this campaign. i have seen neither hide nor hair of bill clinton. >> he ran a good enough campaign to become president twice. i liken this to the caitlin jenner, win caitlin came out, chris diss appeared. where was she? she came out yesterday and was seen at the house. the same with bill clinton. where is he? >> you are trying to parallel between jenna and bill? >> not a sexual thing. stuart: you are a liberal, trying to defend hillary
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clinton, trying to define the left in this presidential campaign and that campaign is not doing well and you as a defender of the left not doing well these. >> not doing well and i don't know why. she's not even on the defensive. she is doing since in ports taste without any advice whatsoever. $600 haircut sounds obscene even to meet. i don't understand the roping off, doesn't even respond to it. stuart: are you worried? would you like to see her step aside and make way for joe biden for example? >> i am not worried. i am not the biggest hillary supporter. i am not worried about it because that poll also showed the people who are being told see her as a good leader. at the end of the day when people go to the polls that is what they want. i don't think these other guys on the right are such good
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leaders. stuart: i think of a relapse position as a good leader may change before we get to the election. >> no one else is coming out. stuart: i want to see her track record at the state department. >> that one again? bernard: was fun. we come back? >> anytime. stuart: you are on. come back soon. jon stewart's daily show strikes again. a star is born. more on this next. >> not necessarily secret, it is on the log, they are coming out now so depends on how you look at it. >> if you look at it is not a secret.
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help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. stuart: look at this. program gamble, six straight drop in quarterly sales among other problems, strong dollar. it is the biggest loser in the dow right now and it is off 4%. yesterday on "varney and company" washington correspondent blake berman and i questioned jon stewart's secret appearances at the white house. mr. stewart caught wind of that and had this to say on his show. secret meetings, where it they?
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>> not necessarily secret because it is on the log, just coming out now so it depends on how you look at it. >> right. so i guess if you look at it than it is not a secret. like if you look at it that it was only listed and i went to the normal white house interns and told my mom what i was doing and she told her friends and her friends were like still not a cardiologists. stuart: it would have been nice to know you were meeting with the president prior to his appearances on your show. we would like to have known that. blake berman got his 15 minutes of fame. we wanted him on the show but he was on vacation. something really serious. the irs. i they dragging their feet and turnover e-mail and targeting scandal. he is really unhappy about that.
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>> the crankier 6 change between government official and a judge. can't believe how a agreed this judge is, the irs is not providing information it has to under court order. judge emmett smith says i will call into court the irs commissioner, to hold him personally in contempt. that is what he is spreading to call in john koskinen and tell him we have to have this information and the terms of our freedom of information request. the judge describing the justice department's attorney as indefensible, ridiculous and absurd. it was nasty let me tell you. the justice department trying to -- stuart: when getting harsh on that. one last point. i watch at the end and ted cruz had a very interesting question. what was it all about? >> ted cruz senate hearing yesterday afternoon with john koskinen, talked about this on
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the show yesterday. ted cruz asked tell me about the william wilkins irs chief counsel meeting at the white house people twenty-third 2012. it went on for seven hours starting at 3:54 in the afternoon. what happened? we got no answers. the big question, has the chief counsel colluded with the white house to go after these conservative groups? peter: one interesting question. unanswered at this point, thank you. in the next hour you will get my take on the gop plan to defund planned parenthood. remind us their plan does not take money away from women's health. interesting move. debris found in the indian ocean might be from the missing malaysian plane flight 370. i am still perplexed about this. in this day and age how can a state of the are jetliner simply disappear for 17 months? licensed pilot tom sullivan on
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this program on that subject at 10:15, second hour of "varney and company" is two minutes away. when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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>> here are the big stories. facebook is the biggest used text -- technology in the world. and plus fallout from the leaked planned parenthood videos. we have the lawmaker who wants them audited by the irs. and a possible breakthrough in the malaysia airline plane. aircraft debris a piece of luggage washed ashore. new pictures to you coming up. the second hour of "varney & company" starts now. ♪ breaking as of this moment mortgage rates, freddie mac says the average on 30-year fixed 3.98%, below 4%.
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fixed for 30 years. and joining us is the ceo barry habib he would go for adjustable, you don't want to lock in under 4% for 30 years. go with adjustables. >> i think they're a great choice, only 6 1/2% of all applications are adjustable great mortgages. >> wait a minute is that a re-fi? >> it doesn't matter whether it's an application for a re-fi. think about this mathematically speaking even under the absolute worst conditions, if you take a look at fixed for seven and ten years it mathematically needs to be it will be under any circumstances cheaper than a 30 year fixed would be at least 10 to 12 years, probably longer than the average individual to stay in a home for ten years
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with the same mortgage in the same home your chances of doing that less than 8%. >> mathematically you're absolutely correct, but emotionally i'm thinking of the risk. if i get myself a 3.9% 30-year fixed rate loan i sleep well at night because i know exactly for 30 years. >> you're correct and that's what many people think, that's why only 6.6% when you do the math, it does work out and i think a lot of people don't actually take the time to do the math and here is another interesting thing you can do. in many cases, that adjustable rate might save you 150 or $200 a month and people say we're going to blow that money anyway, and you take that difference and you put it into the mortgage payment and reducing your principle overtime. what you do is adjust it at the lower principle balance and you build up a tremendous amount of equity. in many cases, build, 20 3 30,000.
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stuart: if i come to you, you can send me to the right person to get me what rate on an adjustable loan that stays at that adjustable rate for ten years? in other words pay this for ten years and after that it balloons or whatever what is the rate i pay for ten years? >> the interesting thing that happened. fixed rates have gone up since-- adjustable rates have not moved up as much and you're probably looking at on a seven-year adjustable about three quarters to 7/8 of a percent lower on a 10-year probably looking at 3/8 to 1/2 a percent. if i go out after seven years you can get me a loan for 3 3 1/4%. >> 3 and 1/8 and-- depends look at 3.98 or 4%. freddie mac numbers, what's tough about them it represents what happens last week we can't get last week's rate. >> what does it adjust to after
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seven years? what's the higher rate? >> depends, but many are based on libor. 0.73 and then you'd have either a 2% cap and some have a 5% cap. stuart: you do good math there, barry, we appreciate it. very interesting stuff. a lot of our viewers hit re-fi and fixed rate adjustable. good stuff. >> breaking news this hour we do indeed have a picture of a suitcase that malaysian officials found in a remote island in the indian ocean, you see it here on your screen. that luggage, probably from flight 370. now, this follows a discovery of a piece of the wing almost certainly from the boeing 777 that would be flight 370. according to the n.t.s.b. shall the malaysian airlines plane is the only missing 777 in that part of the world. so, the wreckage is very likely to be from flight 370. it's been sent to france, so the investigators get a close look at it.
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remember, that flight vanished in march of 2014. amazing that it could just disappeared disappeared. extraordinary. to the big board, the economy is limping along at an annual growth rate 2.3% same as for six years. down goes the market. look at whole foods. allegations that they overcharged customers in new york city. the media's gone to town on this one. it's all over the place, down 12% on whole foods and whole foods blames the media, not their price. look at procter & gamble six straight quarterly drops in sales that is. biggest loser in the dow, 3 3/4% down. triple-a says gasoline-- and this is the real headline here. this is triple-a saying this gas prices could fall below $2 for the winter. there is a shocker, they said that?
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triple-a said that? >> that's astonishing. >> that's not forecasting often. the current average, 2.67 on the regular gradeses kroo-- grades across the country and they say $2. questions raised about donations to the clinton foundation, ubs. donations increased ten-fold after hillary helped to settle a dispute with the irs early in her stint as secretary of state. the hits keep coming for hillary. a quinnipiac poll showed 51% held negative view of hillary clinton. >> wow. ashley: yeah liz: she's all about income inequality and going after the rich, but she's working with and behalf of ubs in a fight with the justice department over sheltering secret you know, bank accounts away from the u.s. and that fight with ubs started in 2007 so pre dates hillary's allegedly helping ubs.
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stuart: america went to the swiss and said we want the names of 52,000 americans who have secret swiss bank accounts. there were intense negotiations and the swiss said okay we'll give you 4,400 names liz: right. stuart: not many out of 52,000. a win for the swiss and right there thereafter ten-fold gave money to the clinton foundation just saying. and defunding planned parenthood over the selling of fetal body parts. >> mike kelly wants to audit them. welcome to the program. why on earth would you want the irs to be brought into this? the irs audit planned parenthood? why not defund them? >> we look at 501 c3 and gives people a nontax exempt
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position, but in order to have that, to be tax exempt you have to work within a certain parameter. there are some purposes that the agency has to be fulfilling. now, we watched the last month or so we've seen instances that they're in this for profit when you cannot sell fetal tissue or fetal organs and that can't be part of your business. and i set about the purposes you're allowed to do that 501 c3's carefully constructed you have to perform one or more of these purposes. you can do it for religious purposes, for charitable purposes and scientific purposes, purposes of public safety testing. you can do it for literary purposes and educational purposes and even do it for fostering sports national and international as long as you don't do it. and finally and most important, the prevention of cruelty in children and animals and you have to fall within that 50 c3 construct in order to have the tax exempt status we believe that they are far outside that and when you look at what's
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happening you cannot look at the last month and think oh my goodness, everything is all right. we're referring to the irs that they do an audit of what planned parenthood is doing. stuart: congressman, would you hold on for a second news i want to get to on this story. ashley, did i hear there's a temporary restraining order issued to the center for medical progress that's the organization that's putting out the-- >> that's exactly right. stuart: a restraining order on them. ashley: an l.a. superior court judge banning at least one of the videos about the baby organ harvesting operations and accusing this group of multiple infractions and invasion of privacy and unfair competition and issuing the temporary injunction. >> congressman kelly, i'm sure you heard that temporary injunction against the people with these videos here is what i make of it. we know right now, public funding of planned parenthood this is american taxpayer money going to fund planned parenthood, i think it deserves
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a look into. the irs has come under great attack lately of not fulfilling what they're supposed to do and the american people have lost their faith and trust in this organization. we're talking specifically about a 501 c-3 status which gives them they are tax exempt, again, as i said earlier certain purposes they have to fulfill. this is carefully instructed to make sure they're falling within this construct. look at this it's public funding why would a judge say we can't look to where our tax dollars are going? this is chilling and the white house doesn't seem to understand that looking into this is important. the ways and means needs to look into and the irs needs to look into it. >> thank you so much for joining us on an important subject. >> appreciate it, sir. >> thank you so much. >> next story, the government has released a report on the hacking of 21 million government employees information through the office of personnel management. liz-- >> yeah, this is a big story. >> this keeps getting worse. >> that's right, and what the
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congressional research service says this is a nonpartisan group and found potentially, 1.1 million records with official federal worker fingerprints in them and they found, also too, that the hacking dated back to 2012 or even earlier, this is what i'm hearing from insiders in the government. in other words the fingerprints could have been used to do espionage. maybe china's government is doing it. and they found, too, they don't see a lot of the black market activity with stolen identity on the black market. this leaves the researchers to say this is likely about fines. that's why the fingerprint data is so important that that's been released and the other thing too, they're going after the obama administration which is rare for them to do saying the obama administration is starting with security and it's not working. stuart: ouch. stuart: here are other headlines following for you today. lauren simonetti has them.
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>> if you want to avoid the long line at shake shake or chipotle, there's a way to search businesses to see when thr he a -- they're busy how is google doing this? they're collecting gps activity through google maps. whirlpool is calling back 40,000 jen air, single and double wall ovens because of a rack that can fall out and burn you. stop using the rack and contact them if you're affected by the recall and you're looking at the product. >> well 1400 pieces of rocky and rambo memorabilia worn by sylvester stallone in the movies. he's not giving up the movies however he's playing rocky this fall and working on another rambo, i think's 69. if you're not doing anything friday night.
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look up you might see a blue moon. stuart: ♪ blue moon ♪ >> every three years, we should play that music. and the science reporter why does it look blue? uncommon atmospheric conditions like, you know dust in the atmosphere. >> that's the reason for blue moon? >> . stuart: i thought there was an as logical or astronomical reason. ashley: it's dirty air. dirty air. stuart: dust that's all it is. >> dust particles volcanic ash. ♪ blue moon ♪ >> don't forget if you want more of this 5:00 in the morning is your time. tune in with lauren sandra and nicole. this lady gets up at 1:30 in the morning. >> i get here at 1:30. yes i do. stuart: oh coming up debris
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hi my name is tom. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here we're here and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile it is you.
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>> there's been a deadly mistake by the feds. an illegal immigrant in ohio suspected of murdering one woman as well as wounding one other and attempting to rape a young well, that suspect was released just this month after border agents had ordered the local police to release him. and ann coulter joins me on that one. with more on that particular story. ann coulter at 11:30. and we're down 68. look at the shell oil company, it's counting 6500 jobs the stock is up 4 1/2%.
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after that plane debris found on a tiny island in the indian ocean. a suitcase has been found in addition to a piece of a wing. this raises the possibility that all of this may be from the missing malaysian airline flight 370 that went down 18 months ago. tom sullivan a noted pilot, knows a thing or two about this. how is it possible in this day and age that a giant jetliner goes missing for 17 months? we don't see anything of it? >> remember they were talking about we need to change the trans responders and the satellites and they haven't done a thing. it will take them years, but they should. and why this may all tie in the suitcase news is important, because obviously if that belonged to somebody from the manifest you've got it. but this piece is what's called a flapper on it's a flapper and you put your flaps down and
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they extend out from the wing which can be broken off on a landing. so if you're trying to slow the aircraft down and land in the water gently carefully, you're going to put your flaps out. the flap hits the water first, it breaks off. this may play into the whole theory about the pilots were involved and gently as gentle as they could put it into the ocean and therefore, you would not-- it would take long for pieces to break off or pieces to float. so it may be fairly intact wherever it is. but sully sullen burger put the plane in the hudson, but i'll bet he had theflaps down. stuart: the flaps were down-- >> otherwise it's flush with the wing and would not have any way to easily be broken off. if it's extending down off the
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wing by itself. bammo. >> the pilots knew they've got a problem of some kind and tried to bring it down as gently as possible, but it was miles off course. >> or or not if they thought they had a problem, if they wanted to make the plane disappear. stuart: are you implying the possibility of pilot suicide. >> yes. stuart: mass suicide. >> sadly, we did this with the german plane. stuart: look on the map. the area of search is just off australia on the right-hand side of the screen the debris was found in the indian ocean, 2300 miles away. that's an awfully long way away from the supposed crash site. >> do people know the wind around the earth go from west to east? so the wind are generally, it's always slower to fly westbound than eastbound, okay? so you would think that the winds would blow it towards australia. and it probably did originally,
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but there's also a circular motion in the ocean and if it caught that circular motion and brought it back to reunion islands. >> in 17 months an incredible round trip. >> the question is if he did put the thing in gently whether on purpose or not, the plane probably is still somewhere back there, 2300 miles away. stuart: that again, is-- if it's still intact virtually intact. surely they would have found it you know. >> it's a mystery. stuart: it's a mystery. and shed some light on this thank you very much. good stuff. republicans taking the moral high ground when it comes to planned parenthood. i think the latest bill may win some approval and win some votes. it helps women while they're doing it. more varney next.
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>> look at facebook that stock is down today, but it is the most widely used technology product in the world. and their problem today is that they've spent a lot of money and that cut into their profit. so the stock is down. there are plenty of analysts who think this thing is going back above 100 a share. we'll see. republicans have taken on a social issue and they are being politically smart about it. usually, democrats make all the noise and win the votes, but this time around republicans have taken the moral high ground and look like it could win the votes too, here is the issue the defunding of planned parenthood. after release of gruesome video, they've crafted a bill to take plans out of the
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operations. an attack on women, they said denying money for women's health care. not so fast. the republican bill does so such thing. it transfers the money for women's health from planned parenthood to clinics and hospitals and other providers, the money will be there for women, but won't be going to the people who specialize in crushing a baby to preserve the selling price for the organs. they can say this is an attack on women and they have to confront their own sense of morality. i'm a realist and i'm pretty sure there will be a chorus of war on women. but the political tide is turning faced with the inhuman crushing for babies for organ preservation and sales. it will be for the left to insist that you pay for it. by crafting an intelligent piece of social legislation, the republicans might win this one.
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's tree into look at this. stock is down but not as much as before. the dow up 100 often mere 63. the price of oil we could go up 46. now we are up 49. whole foods please. slowing growth apparently because here's the story. there are allegations in new york whole foods way overcharged consumers. news media got ahold of it publicized a widely and whole foods doesn't like it the stock down 11%. t-mobile, one research firm says t-mobile may have finally surpassed print to the third-largest wireless carrier. facebook is now the most widely used technology company in the
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world. however, the stock is down sharply for% because it is spending a lot of money in the market apparently doesn't like it. tell me what they're spending the money on. >> they're spending lots of money on data centers and talented virtual reality. of course the revenue growth may slow down over time. that is the challenge. you remember last year $2 billion a lot of analysts including mark mahaney at rbc center investments have paid off very well. perhaps facebook looks like google from 2007. trade to facebook looks a lot like amazon to me. >> except it made more money. stuart: they shut it all back into the company. and they stop doing that and the stock went to the moon.
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>> and they can show that they are. if you look at facebook they are very interested in the future. he is not just about creating one product. he has shown he has an ability to pick other companies to acquire mr. graham 300 monthly users. twitter which is a 9-year-old company just cracked 300 million multi-active users. monthly active users. mr. graham versus twitter, the product is simple easy-to-use and people love it. >> 45 minutes average of people a day whereas twitter 140 word count tweets. >> especially mobile. stuart: google and facebook together take half of the global mobile revenue. those two companies take half of it.
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>> 1.5 billion on facebook right now. the most used product now surpassing microsoft windows. sure into surpassing? ashley: easy stuart. easy. >> do you own shares in microsoft? stuart: yes i have. if i'm the first to sell them, you'll be the first to know. back to my take on republican plan to divert funds from planned parenthood itself provide women's health care. that is the republican plan. fox news contributor monica crowley is here. if you want to take me on, take me on but the republicans are doing this smartly. they are not allowing a left and say of war and women. they will say it anyways. this is money from planned parenthood to regular women's health providers. >> tactically and strategically you are correct. the question is that the
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republicans will break through the left-wing media and communicate what they're doing. cecil richards who is the president of planned parenthood put out an op-ed this morning where she invoked all of the language of war and women called the group that exposed them extremists. there is nothing more extremist than the democratic party's official platform on abortion which is any abortion at any time for any reason and it's only an official live once it leaves the hospital. the left is very good at project in the other side of things they themselves are guilty of. stuart: in my opinion this is a moral story and how we value human life or don't value it. the left is trying to shift out a way to a war in women taking resources away from women's health. you say they might be successful. >> maybe they can punch through the message. they are the abortion industry. they are the industry. it is interesting to see the
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dynamic change in public opinion. other social issues like gay marriage the public has moved in the direction of approving gay marriage. on abortion using increasing numbers of pro-life people moving up 50%. >> do think the gop would be on board with this making birth control over the counter? >> they might go there. want to talk about the economy and national security in 2016 what should be a smart thing. the press and democrats will force them to talk about issues and not by come out. trying to stay there. i want to do another news story. i want your opinion in a moment. swiss bankers in a nice deal and hillary clinton foundation to the money. here's the story. america wanted the names of 52,000 people in swiss bank accounts. a lot of negotiation about how many games they would get. they won 52,000. the americans in swiss eventually gave 4400 names. the swiss cut a deal.
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soon after the deal hillary sanders received $600. rudy giuliani had this to say about it. >> that is the point i was making before. she cannot make decisions about ubs while her husband is taking it. stuart: looks like a quit pro quote. monica, that is a bad case of optics. >> yes but another example of things we've been talking about since peter schweizer's book came out about allegations of alleged corruption that tens of millions of dollars came into the foundation washington secretary of state and had the authority to make decisions about companies, public policy and by the way her husband was a former president and she was looking at presidency. there were no to more influential people apart from the current president of the united states than bill and hillary clinton.
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the government of switzerland in all these companies to talk about with clayton cash allegations all knew what they were getting involved with when they approached her and are the foundation. stuart: i think she is running a poor campaign. the quinnipiac poll says 51% of those polled say she's got an unfavorable opinion negative opinion of hillary clinton. the $600 haircut for a woman of the people. trying to keep the media away from her. the private jet. that is not a very good campaign. >> the hypocrisy of income and the quality in the 1% and while stripping taking tens of millions of dollars hand over fist. a column today in the "washington times" talks about how hillary is not the democratic nominee and she won't because i asked the question as president from taking her out. that's another day.
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there's a lot of bad blood between the obama than clinton. president obama needs a successor who make and control. he cannot control bill and hillary clinton. as i lay out of mind: the inspector general released a report made the recommendation of a criminal inquiry approved by barack obama and they will go forward with the investigation as i i speculated in a column that she will be wednesday by this investigation, perhaps a special prosecutor. iraq obama will back price president joe biden for the presidency. if i'm wrong i will say it. mark my words she will not be the democratic nominee. stuart: you did it again. the very first thing out of your mouth. i want this is the headline. >> please check out my column and read all about it. stuart: back stocks please.
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why don't i'll advise is president jason brockman is here and he is going to talk facebook because you really like face the period you think it's going well above $100 a share right? >> the sky is the limit and that's pretty much not an exaggeration. for many reasons. here is the deal with facebook. i am coined phrase in it as the ultimate roast stock in your portfolio. that doesn't mean it's going to 100 tomorrow. the ultimate growth stock as mark zuckerberg has urged many times coming in to have patience. and chagrin is not going to start generating billions of dollars overnight, but they are in the process. they have a portfolio of apps such as and chagrin messenger that are already bigger than twitter. facebook has basically gone from 18 to 95 since the ipo. it has a long road of gains
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ahead. stuart: if you're a long-term investor putting money aside you think that is that just has to be a part of your portfolio. you don't sell it. you think that is going to the moon at some point. >> you basically ball side my sentiment exactly. why sell facebook? why sit down $3 today? it's the momentum daytraders that guess what, mobile growth grew 5% but a little bit less than last quarter so that sell facebook and take short-term gain. please, if you're a long-term investor hold facebook. mr. graham has 300 million users. if not begun to monetize and chagrin to the max. oculus, virtual reality. zuckerberg must oculus. it is facebook is the new second
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home of the world and that is mark zuckerberg school. stuart: estes had a dozen times this morning is the most widely used technology product in the world still cry when. thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. stuart: time for the sector report. cheryl: looking at gdp. 2.6%. consumer discretionary status. if americans have more money and we are told low gas prices they do how are the stocks doing today. a lot of guys are down whether amazon, disney, comcast et cetera. mcdonald's and all of us after the show yesterday went in a mcdonald's. twenty-first century fox was that. i thought i would end on this tuna. stuart: that works for us. the hunter becomes the hunted. actress mia farrow taking revenge for cecil the lion.
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she has treated the address of the american dentist who shot him. plus, marmalade meals now staying at home than they were during the recession. and they don't seem to be moving anytime soon. more varney in a moment. lood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga
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moment. let's look at the names pressuring the dow jones industrial average. the decline easily outpacing procter & gamble, boeing apple pfizer to the downside. procter & gamble and the names they've reported quarterly numbers. but that the consumer products with six straight quarterly losses and sales. strong dollar was one of the reasons that went into that category as well. down 1.2%. sketchers, who knew. 14% up 164% this year better than expected quarterly numbers and went stay right here on fox business at 5:00 a.m. the one on the right just used 1% less fuel than the one on the left. now, to an airline a 1% difference could save enough fuel to power hundreds of flights around the world.
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stuart: well, look it under armour go. it is that 10% in the last week. a touch 99. please remember they sponsored the great golfer jordan speed. mia farrow took to twitter yesterday to share the address of the controversial lion hunter arnold palmer -- walter palmer. facing a barrage of negative treats because what she put out there. some call her to be banned from twitter entirely.
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she did later removed the tweet which is about the address. hundreds of protesters gather outside the office yesterday protesting the killing of the beloved lion esol. millennial is more likely -- let me get this straight. the proportion of millennial living at home today is greater than during the great recession. can you explain that? 26% live at home right now. what is going on. u.s.a. charlie cook is here. he is a millennial. there's two explanations. number one, economic circumstances force them to live at home. number two, genuine cultural shift in favor of living with mom and dad. which is it? >> obviously a generation is experiencing unprecedented student loan debt. personal financial indebtedness
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also i think a cultural trend and i put a little bit more responsibility and blame on the parents because the parents could say get out of here. make something of your life and take some risks. i think what is interesting here is young people can't find the work they thought they could find in the job arcade. as the economy recovers it's the adults they previously had employment will find jobs the quickest and easiest. don't people get parts and labor and they can't find full-time lasting work. i think there is a cultural shift in america. we are accepting of a generation that is quite frankly dwelling in mediocrity. they are not you. i think as a whole there is a generational shift in this country becoming what i like to call the bumper bowling generation. we are not allowing you people to fail and take risks.
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many different implications. parent are not sitting to your kids, go live and take risk and do some thing. the young people are maybe asking mom and dad to come back in. after 2008 a lot of adults and parents say i don't want my kids to go out and not big and scary for. >> would you call this generation to this generation and the failure to launch generation? is also the lost generation. almost living and financial purgatory. they have degrees that don't matter. a lot are in debt and they can't do anything to leverage the data and as a whole you are seeing a generation that will not get started. >> one day he'll be president of the united states. if you want to get gary's got to stop calling her a generation your own people. >> there's a reason why donald trump is leading in the polls.
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i'm for people talking to americans the way they want to hear from. i'm sick and tired of tele-prompting pre-scripted politician telling people what they want to hear. >> the president just raised the period stuart: charlie, i think you'll be president one day know personally of finance to her -- >> we will hold you to that. stuart: this is interesting. how papers and vegetables are getting sweeter and now they are less nutritious and have fewer health benefits. that is news to me. >> this is interesting. according to scientists they are making foods traditionally considered bitter. brussels sprouts taking up what they called the phytochemicals which makes them sweeter therefore kids are more likely to be veggies and fruit --
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because it tastes sweeter. stuart: this deliberate. the original product is good for you and kids have to up a bit. >> daylight the sweeter vegetables. tree into a number of american companies becoming corporate tax renegades within headquarters overseas. congress trying to stop that. details on the story in a moment. who is the highest-paid country singer making $90 million in 2014. answer moments away.
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[dad]i wear a dozen different hats doing small gigs,side gigs...gig gigs. quickbooks self-employed helps me get ready for tax time. to separate expenses,i just swipe. it's one hat i don't mind wearing. [passenger] i work for me. and so does quickbooks. it estimates my taxes,so i know how much stays in my pocket. and that's how i own it. [announcer]stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free,thirty-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. ♪ ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...)
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♪ stuart: before the break we asked you who had her who was a highest-paid country singer. the answer is country music veteran garth brooks raking in an estimated $19 million last year. major u.s. corporations testifying today on white papers to several tax immersions. peter burns joins us for the story. >> ashley said investigations
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subcommittee is looking into tax driven corporate mergers that move headquarters of u.s. companies overseas. senators on both sides of the use a hearing to promote corporate tax reform. the u.s. has the highest nominal corporate tax rate in the world at 35% when u.s. company merges with a foreign company based in a low tax country like ireland its tax bills can drop substantially. high-profile deals have included companies like medtronic burger king and myelin. subcommittee chairman rob portman is a major backer and wants to fix our broken tax code to keep corporate headquarters in america and protect american jobs by lowering u.s. tax rates. >> of visibility this door is the u.s. tax code and frankly it's doing what washington should be doing to reform it. >> one congressional study estimated such deals will cost an estimated $19.5 billion in tax revenues over the next 10
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stuart: juan razz-e is in america illegally. he was arrested in ohio. suspected of raping a girl, killing a 60-year-old woman and shooting a mother in front of her children. now we learn he was picked up three weeks ago by local police but the feds said don't hold him. let him go. so here we go again. an alleged criminal detained by locals released by the feds. the excuse from the fed that locals do not want to administer federal immigration law. really? can we inject a little honesty into the immigration argument a moment? the left doesn't care about jurisdiction. they care about the hispanic vote sank remember which cities releasing criminal illegals, don't even question immigration status, soft pedal on the illegals and other hispanics
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will vote democrat. that is the theory and it seems to have worked. but maybe the tide is turning on this issue. the left now has to defend the release of illegal immigrants who kill americans. that is not easy. of course you're not going to hear about this in the establishment media. they will cover it up by ignoring it. but as the juan raz sews of this world keep popping up the left will lose on an issue they used to win. stuart: later this hour, ann coulter responds on the inmy graduation issue illegals set free committing crimes, about 11:30 on this program today. more on the debris washed ashore on an island in the indian ocean, possibly part of the malaysian airlines flight 370, the missing plane. you're looking at a picture of a suitcase that appears submerged in water for quite some time.
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it was found close to a piece of a wing similar to what is found on a boeing 777, the plane that went down. billionaire leon cooperman on "making money with charles payne" last night. i had some harsh words for hillary clinton. listen to this. >> her style doesn't appeal to me. spend a lot of time in the hamptons. spend a lot of time in martha's vineyard and comes out to condemn the hedge fund industry and tries to raise money from the hedge fund industry. stuart: not only one. new "quinnepiac poll" says 51% of the those polled say they they think negatively of hillary. that is a very large negative. charles payne, you are here in the flesh with us this morning. lee on cooperman he donates to republicans i think. >> he donates a lot of money to a lot of people. he tries not to be political. this is why i think he is amazing guy. born in the south bronx. epitome of the american success story. pulled himself up by his boot
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traps. he bought a new car. it is 12 years old. the recent one passat has bluetooth. the others i think have eight-tracks. he live as humble life. pledged to give all his money away. he created all these different non-profit organizations including one recently to pay for kids to go to college on merit. if they don't have the money. this is the kind of person is being deem mizeed in this country. this is the kind of person we should be emulating. this is the kind of person we should look up to. more than that, this is kind of person people on both sides of the aisle telling americans you can still become. stuart: he was critical of hillary clinton. >> of course he was critical, her being a hypocrite. out in all the places where only very wealthy congregate. she is buddy buddy, rubbing elbows and getting money from these people. and commodities back into the public and says these are the one, if you haven't made it yet because of these same people. we talked some off camera listen some of these wall street
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guys are just as guilty they hedge their bets. they put money with her or whoever -- everybody wants to buy influence. think about it if the candidate that you're voting for is for sale to this degree why do their words matter? i think you're seeing from the polls don't matter. >> this could hurt her, charles. that is what happened to john kerry. all about the little guy. next thing i'm out by the way sailing on my boat with all of my yacht friends. he didn't win the presidency based on his actions at the time. it could really hurt hillary. stuart: before you go one more quick point. lee on cooperman was critical of hillary's stand on capital-gains taxes. he did not approve the capital gains tax rates hillary favors. what was his grounds for saying that. >> it stops investment. he seemed worried about taxes that benefit hedge fund managers in particular. he will give away all his money anyway. bottom line engine of growth, if we stop people from investing and punish success in the
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markets you will look at what we're getting 2.3% gdp. stuart: great interview. can i have him on my show. >> no. >> watch your back, stuart. stuart: stay there, charles. >> you got it. stuart: more from you in just a second. i have another poll i want to give to our viewers. donald trump tops the latest reuters survey with 25% of the vote. jeb but, 12%. "wall street journal" dan henninger is here. you wrote about trump today. you're not a great fan of trump are you? >> ultimately i'm not a great fan of trump. let's talk about the positive side of donald trump first. he obviously tapped into something and most writers say he tapped into anger in the american people. pure anger is like insane people do. there has to be a reason why people are upset. and i think the reason they're upset as charles allude toed 2.3% growth rate, still below the postwar average for the united states. it has been that way for entire
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six years of obama presidency. people are upset because there aren't enough jobs out there. last year, last month, 435,000 people dropped out of the economy. according to the fox poll in may, 60% of the people polled think we're still in a recession. stuart, the recession ended in 2009. people feel that something isn't working in the american economy. i think that is what donald trump has tapped into. the problem is he is not going to deliver on that. he is not talking about those issues. he is talking about things like building walls on border with mexico which is not the core of the problem. stuart: so would you -- there is a common feeling i think that he talks straight. he goes right at the issues. he tells the truth as he sees it but heaven for bid he should sit in the oval office, do you agree with the that sentiment? >> well i do. there is sort of a sense what we want in the oval office with a king or monarch simply tells people what to do, orders people
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what to do. you can not do that as president. you have to work with congress and shows no constitutional ability to do that sort of thing. i was struck the other night watching him on sawn hannity's show when scott walker came up. he criticized scott walker for not raising taxes in wisconsin to build more roads. then he said, scott walker was divisive. everybody in wisconsin is fighting with each other. scott walker was divisive in wisconsin because he defeated public unions and survived a recall election. so kind of hard to figure out which side of the fence donald trump is coming from one day to the next. stuart: i haven't got a clue what his economic plan would be. >> he hasn't stated it. stuart: you and i would probably agree to have growth in the economy and the way to get growth is lower corporate and individual tax rates but i haven't heard anything like that from donald trump at all? >> he has this support. he has to figure out what he wants to do next. he can't just keep going on television night after night expressing all the anger for 16
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months. it has to get substantive at some point. stuart: you liken him to the music man. i'm familiar with that movie. >> professor harold hill. stuart: absolutely class. you think donald trump is professor harold hill? >> at this point i think he is professor harold hill. he got people of river city worked up about building a boys band and skipped town. stuart: what about the debate? he will dominate. he will suck the air out of the room. >> he will try to suck the air out of the room. look he will be on the stage with some real professionals like chris christie, marco rubio people like that and i think probably they're going to press him very hard. so i will go under some pressure as we. we'll see how i can perform when hit by other -- stuart: absolutely guarranty the ratings for fox that night will probably be highest in human history. >> no doubt. stuart: we'll see. dan henninger, "wall street journal," thank you very much, sir. check that big board please. where are we now?
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we're down 89 points. we had the report this morning dan alluded to 2.3% growth in early part of this year. kind of moderate at best just the way we've had it the last six years. look at whole foods, yeah growth slowed i got it but there is also allegations that they overcharged customers in new york city and that's not going down well with investors. the stock is down 11%. proctor & gamble, six straight quarterly declines in sales. how about that? strong dollar is partly responsible. i think there is something going else here. down to 77. 3 1/2% down, biggest loser in the dow. this should be the headline of the year aaa says gasoline prices could fall below $2 by this winter. i've been staying. nobody is listening to me. now aaa says it. >> you buried the lead. stuart: that's very true. as soon as i saw that from aaa,
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my goodness, that is the story number one. >> every time we start to say that it goes back up. >> will it help gdp, charles? that was a big reason gdp was stronger today. >> gdp was weaker? >> it was a big part of the gain was lower gas price. >> although the theory i know eric bolling keeps coming on eventually will kick in. people are taking gas savings. paying fuel oil bill and rest under mattress or empty coffee can. they're not spending money. stuart: do you put cash in coffee chan in freezer section of the refrigerator, don't you? >> years ago. years ago. i was notorious for hiding money as a kid. stuart: talk to me about facebook. look at the stock right now. it's way down. last hour we had a guy on the show saying it is ultimate growth stock for your portfolio. at some point you have to have it in the portfolio, don't sell it. turning up your nose at it? >> i'm afraid of these
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ultimate -- there are a few stocks i think you buy and hold right now for the long term. i think boeing's one, nike's one. used to have ibm and mcdonald's on the list. it has to be proven. a long time ago these were same things. stuart: now it is technology. >> it's technology. look at run-up. five-year chart of facebook. wish you came on the show told us five years ago. not so sure. not over for facebook. ultimate growth might have happened already. not that they will have great growth. stuart: valuation. >> valuation is troubling a little bit. i would be all over it if it pulled back but right here it's a no-man's land. >> if you were smart investor you bought when it was cheaper. >> these companies have to reinvent themselves. it is not -- millenials are leaving facebook. going to instagram but leaving facebook. stuart: here is my if you're a long term investor most people are -- >> moats people aren't
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sorrysay. i'm in the business. only thing i agree with what hillary said in last 10 years short-termism in the market. i watch stocks miss by a penny get hammered. the average holding time for a stock is less than six months. in 1960, it was six years. >> isn't it institutional. >> i'm talking individual investors. they get nervous, except for 401(k)s, people that cashed out in 2009, 2010 a lot of them never came back. >> they just didn't come back. stuart: moral of the story watch charles payne's show. it is on fox business network. >> that's a good moral. stuart: that is a segue for you. >> thank you. stuart: the show is called "making money with charles payne." it is tonight at 6:00 eastern. every weekday night, 6:00 eastern. you can indeed make money. we had a young camera guy in the studio said yeah just sold all my stock. i will buy a house. he is getting married. i was taking advice from charles payne. making a fortune. >> i love hearing those. makes me feel good. i get those letters a lot.
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feel good about it. cut away. cut away. stuart: new business venture for uber. it's now offering to lease cars to drivers. becoming a financial services company themselves. we'll explain it in a moment. trailing -- jeb bush trailing donald trump by double digits in the polls. what is going on with that? wield talk to the eldest bush's chief of staff john sununu. we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile it is you.
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stuart: we have big moves up for individual stocks even on a down day. start with gnc, the health food star. it is up around, nearly 10%, despite a slowdown in sales. it is going to expand its franchise business. up she goes. most airline stocks down today but not virgin america. that airline is partly owned by sir richard branson. up around 7%. profit at that company nearly doubled. up she goes. uber is a company we hear
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worth $50 billion but get this. it is now going to offer leases to its drivers. doesn't that change the nature of uber and its car service? jo ling kent has the answers. take it me through this as if i'm a seven-year-old. >> i know you're wiser than that stuart. uber is allowing drivers to lease a car for the short term. the idea give them a vehicle, have them put very small down payment down, give them more flexibility and pilot the program in california, maryland and georgia and the idea here is let more people use uber and become drivers and make money but there is of course a downside. if you lease a vehicle, say, a used toyota corolla to become a uber driver you will pay more monthly through their system than you would say, a dealership. but -- stuart: that's fascinating though. >> it's fascinating and goes back to what the ceo travis calin nick said in his tweet back in february. we want to show you the tweet.
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his intent to make uber so efficient and cars highly utilized, that it is cheaper, uber is cheaper than owning a car. >> good for the valuation story. people say, can't believe uber is valued this is bad move for retail investors. at this point maybe not so much. stuart: fair point but it changes the nature of uber's relationship wits drivers. instead of pulling in drivers with their own car and work whenever they want to work -- >> they will continue to do that without a doubt. stuart: now we'll lease you the car. >> and provide everything and allow you to be more enmeshed in our ecosystem. we learned all about ecosystem from apple and that success story right there. stuart: but not full-time employees. >> no. they. stuart: they will be contractors. even with my lease they will be contractors. jo, thanks very much. the speed which technology companies move amazes me. >> 57 countries. you can't forget all the protest
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growing on against uber as well. stuart: i will not forget. i'm astonished at the expansion. jeb bush falling way behind donald trump in poll after poll. look at this, reuters poll. trump more than double jeb, 25%, 12%. this poll was taken after trump's mccain comments. governor john sununu was george h.w. bush's former chief of staff. author of the new book, "the quiet man." next to me in new york city. >> thanks for having me on. stuart: can you explain why jeb bush is really way behind donald trump? >> donald is a great show man. set shiny object out there everybody is looking at listening to his words. i think the support is more for what he is saying than the man. if you remember at the last cycle we had top of the poll leader change almost every week for a long time. it's early. watch what happens over the next two months. stuart: i'm reading between the lines what you say, sir, you're
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saying he will fade, aren't you? >> he will collapse. fade is too nice a word. stuart: you think he will collapse flat-out? >> oh, sure. he will stay in with his money all the way and make people a little bit miserable but when the republican citizens out there that are going to vote in the primary start taking a hard look who they want sitting in the oval office i think they will really go for somebody that has the capacity of being a respected president. i don't think donald trump fits that mold. stuart: you don't think he is going to do a third party run? if he doesn't get the republican nomination he has hinted maybe he thinks about -- >> have to ask donald trump that but i suspect that if he doesn't win the nomination, which i do not think he is going to do, that he is not going to expose himself to a second defeat in the same year. stuart: okay. there is a lot of talk about how democrats are pulling this election back towards social issues. the big fight about planned
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parenthood for example, the war on woman that kind of thing. democrats coming back to that traditional ground. they think they can win on it. are republicans going the other way pounding the table about growing the american economy and returning prosperity? frankly at the moment i don't see that? >> well you are seeing it but you don't recognize it. you have governors talking about the jobs they created and policies they used to create those jobs. so you're talking on governor's side former governor's side of candidacy. they are talking track records in that direction. rubio has been talking about the fact that the american dream allows that kind of growth. as you listen to them they may not be using the word, we are just going to generate growth but they're explaining to you how they might have done it in the past and how they apply it in the future. stuart: don't you really want to pound the table come on, let's get america back where it belongs? let's have some growth? >> that will happen when the kids go back to school in
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september. relax stuart. if you really want to know how to be a president, read my book, the quiet man. george herbert walker bush. stuart: h.w. bush. >> that's right. stuart: you were his chief of staff. >> that's right. stuart: you were in the white house all those years. >> he was nice guy. he was nice guy. stuart: you were there during invasion of kuwait. >> that's right. i left in march of '92. a great period of time run by a great president that made great impact. stuart: john sununu. thank you, sir. >> thanks for having me. stuart: developing news here. look at this. a protest going on outside the office of hedge fund blue mountain capital. the group there is hedge clippers accusing the hedge fund of exploiting puerto rico's financial crisis, demanding that the hedge fund help the country pay off its debt fairly. blue mountain owns about $400 million worth of puerto rico's bond debt. okay?
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neil cavuto talking to the leader of hedge clippers, 12 noon right here on the fox business network. his program follows this one. hedge clippers chief on that show. watch that. what's next? a commercial. [laughter] people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar
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stuart: one research firm says t-mobile is now the number three in line of the largest wireless carriers. they have just beaten out sprint. now it is t-mobile in the third spot. the market likes that, up 3.7%. t-mobile at 38 as of right now. how about this? yesterday on "varney & company" cheryl casone got into a little bit of a tiff with fox radio's todd starnes. roll tape. stuart: this will be the war on women all over again removing woman's right to choose. >> you know what, stuart -- >> that's where we're going. can't sit here and more. that is where this is going to go. we've talked about this. this is barbaric practice whether you're pro-life or pro-choice. >> what is the choice? the choice is life or death ma'am. the choice is lived or death. stuart: one at a time. okay, let me try to simplify things here just a little. todd starnes was saying, you got to cut this out. you have to stop abortion, basically that is what he was saying. cheryl came in correctly said,
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if you do that you give the democrats a good talking point, a very good argument with which to win votes. you said that, i believe. >> correct. stuart: that is your argument with todd starnes. >> i said that to awe couple times on this show. i think it's a political mistake for the gop -- planned parenthood, the debauchery we've seen with that organization i'm worried that will end up feeding into a fight about abortion rights which i think republicans will lose they will lose on that issue. just hand hillary the nomination. stuart: consider this development. the bill which the republicans have put forward, takes money away from planned parenthood but it gives that same money to other women's health care providers. >> yes. stuart: so the left can not say war on women you're depriving of women a valuable health resource. you can't say that. the money is coming out of planned parenthood, going someplace else. i think that sort of negates the left's argument. >> also too if i'm not mistaken, planned parenthood does other services besides
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abortions. been a fight how much are abortions versus women's health. cancer screenings. family planning issues. stuart: that could be done by other health care providers who do not do abortion. >> correct me if i'm wrong the federal law they can't use federal money towards abortions. stuart: that's true, but, but they can use the federal money for rent towards the offices where abortions are performed. they can buy foresteps which they crush babies. you can buy that with federal money. that is not funding the abortion itself getting around it. money is fungible. >> its the law. i don't know. i hope so. stuart: are we -- good well-done. juan, raz e! o illegal i am min gam accused rape firing at police officers. ann coulter on the story in a moment.
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stuart: may -- hey the market coming back a little. here is the headline of the day if you ask me. aaa says gas prices could fall below $2 a gallon by winter. i want a screaming graphic on that one tomorrow. gas at the moment averages 2.67. i hope aaa is right. all right. all rise, judge andrew napolitano is not in the studio. he is in d.c. here you go, judge, try this.
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a judge not you a judge has said a california court, judge in a california court is stopping release of more videos from the people who uncovered the planned parenthood mess. no more videos says that judge. how on earth can you say that and do that? >> it is a very good question stuart. and obviously he's he's neutral in looking at arguments on both sides. let me say first as you know i am staunchly pro-life and repelled what plan the parenthood does whether government money or not. i'm happy this stuff is being exposed. however they have argued that these people came on to their premises, on to their establish mane, using fake names and fake i.d.s and illegally taped them. so if you tape somebody in a public restaurant, while they're -- you and are having conversation at launch -- lunch people taping us not illegal. somebody comes into your office
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at fox and pretends to sell you a product you're interested in, and you believe them but they're really working for fill in the blank, and tape what you said in an effort to make you look ridiculous you're not happy about it but will want to stop that tape from being distributed. that is at least the argument here. add to that level of common sense argument, i never authorized this the guy lied in order to get into my office, a california statute that prohibits using any deception in order to tape record someone. you have a judge saying you can not show these tapes any longer. now this is a temporary injunction. it only pertains to imply -- employees of planned parenthood. it doesn't pertain to the outside vendors. there will be a hearing to lift the injunction before the week is out but at present time you will not see anymore tapes made in california. stuart: i want to follow and continue down the line here.
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is it possible somebody at planned parenthood or somebody could sue this organization which has put out the videos on the grounds that you cheated, you lied about your i.d.? this is all false, this is fake. you made me look bad by doing an illegal act? i'm suing you. i want your money. is that possible? >> not only is it possible, it has in fact happened of a lawsuit was filed earlier this week and the first salvo in that lawsuit was this order from the judge to stop the release of the tapes until i can take testimony and determine whether or not you did engage in deception and you did violate the law as planned parenthood says you have. the lawsuit is so new, stuart, that the people who did the taping have not even had an opportunity to respond to it. but the allegations in the lawsuit mirror almost precisely what you just suggested. you, you're starting to think like a plaintiffs lawyer. what is wrong with you,
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mr. varney? stuart: i just don't know, judge andrew napolitano. it is really getting to me. maybe the heat in new york, i don't know but there you are. judge as always you show us now is all works and we appreciate that. >> of course. stuart: we're watching "special report." are you on tonight. >> i am. stuart: glued, baby. judge napolitano. >> all the best. stuart: get back to my take on juan razo. he is the illegal immigrant and alleged criminal detained by local authorities in ohio then released by the feds then arrested again by local authorities in ohio on suspicion of raping a girl killing a six-year-old woman and shooting a mother in front of her children. "fox & friends" spoke to the judge who did this, who set razo's bail. listen to this. >> i asked him, do you have a birth certificate? he had interpreter there. no it is in mexico. do you have a drivers license? no. do you have a green card, no? do you have anything to prove your identification, no.
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we still don't have anything to identify him. stuart: that was the guy who was released by the feds. ann coulter is here have no fire. the author of "audios america the left's plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole. quote. love the title. >> great to be here. stuart: the basis of argument about sanctuary cities, and basic of immigrant argument is the hispanic vote. democrats think they won it and running away with it. >> they probably have like mass immigration of peasant cultures to america. they don't care about the much more. stuart: first sentence out of your mouth you explode these peasant cultures invading our country. >> it is true. that is what my book is about. we are not bringing in all we ever hear about is sergey brin at google? can we stop hearing about him? can we get more sergei prince? india asian cultures are extremely peasant cultures.
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thus this massive rape child rape gang rape, drunk driving. you have to read my book, stuart. it is fascinating. what is new now these stories are actually being covered. but first yeah, that is why the democrats are bringing these people in because they are coming not only from peasant cultures, child rape, incest rape are very common but use toed block voting. that is what they do. their idea of democracy. we get it. i get a position in government. i hire all my relatives, right? that is how it works in other cultures. people's revolutionary party held power in mexico for 71 years. stuart: just slammed an enormous number of people. you have just linked -- >> no i have slammed enormous number of cultures. stuart: enormous number of people coming to america. >> okay. but you're turning it into attacks on specific people because our backward cultures and to pretend all cultures are the same is insane. stuart: that is about the most politically incorrect statement i have heard in long time.
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>> harvard symposium on culture of core are up run, whether that is pc or not we have amazingly successful culture. thus we have successful country. that is why so many people want to come here. if we dump millions upon millions of people cultures as different from ours as possible, incredibly poor not only are you getting just a shocking war on women, but why do the democrats want it? because post-1970 immigrants voting 8-2 to democrats. nothing republicans do will change that. in addition, specifically with the hispanic vote which you mentioned only democrats and rnc seem to think, you know all brown people are alike. how would you -- cubans -- stuart: how would you describe british culture. >> british culture? coincidentally the studies from harvard and ucla an you can look them up, two factors they found for the least corrupt cultures two things.
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protestant tim and years of brittish rule. not ethic thing. it is not individual person thing. it is a cultural issue and cultures are really ingrained. stuart: fascinating relately is. inflammatory but fascinating. >> i don't think it is inflammatory but thank you. stuart: believe me, that is inflammatory. >> i will debate anyone on it. stuart: ann coulter come back to new york and sit on set. thank you, ann, appreciate it. university sends out a memo with a list of words it calls offensive and topping the list, american. we're on it. when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help.
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>> nicole petallides with your fox business brief. stocks up off the lows of the day. dow jones down about 31 points at 17,719. s&p 500 down four and nasdaq down three points at the moment. these drops are .1 of 1% roughly. as we got the gdp growth expanding at 2.3%, less than economists expected. virgin america, low-cost airline. guess what? u.s. travel lower fuel costs that helped them along with quarterly numbers and profit jumped 76%. look the stock is up nearly 10%. telecom news we're watching nokia and t-mobile both of which came out with quarterly numbers that did well.
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company hermes to take her name offer bag. people for ethical treatment of animals alerting her to cruel slaughtering practice. >> these bags go 300 to $3,000. peta showed video of killing crocodiles and skins sent to hermes. they were stunned, not killed not cut but shot dead. the she said way animals are slaughtered. take my name off your bag. this is a lot of money. hermes. stuart: 300,000 for a bag. >> they go to 300 grand for a purse yeah. stuart: $300,000? >> yeah. stuart: are you kidding me? >> nope, not at all. stuart: hermes stock is unchanged. >> look i'm not in that camp but there are women that will pay this kind of money, upper side of manhattan don't live, don't know but they will to for it. she said look this is inhumane. stop it. stuart: i would have used
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example of upper west side full of limousine liberals. what do i know. you live there. >> yeah, i do. i do. stuart: i repeat, get this, the word american has been add toed a list of problematic words at the university of new hampshire. in something the university is calling a bias-free language guide, kennedy is here. right. so you're not suppose toed say american. you have got to say a u.s. citizen? >> it is so word did i. stuart: what is behind this. >> thing i don't appreciate about the university of new hampshire language guide you're using far too many terms to describe something when in college you should be learning that the fewer words the better. and the more efficient a scriptor you will be. stuart: fair point. they're saying that the word american is a form of micro aggression. >> it is not micro aggression. this is macro wooserry at this college. i only wish you and i were joint
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matriculating right now to go to the university of new hampshire use all the words they don't want us to. that would be so much fun to see how many feelings we could hurt in one fell swoop. stuart: what grades we would get. there is a question. how about this? you can't say rich a person of material wealth. >> too word did i. stuart: can't say senior citizen. you're supposed to say old people. >> i like the term raisin. stuart: i like season the citizen. can't say obeys, people of size. >> i don't appreciate that at at all. not only too many words but too vague. a person of size could be person of diminished size. stuart: that's right. >> someone a flicked with midget at this. corpulent, my favoritage tiff. stuart: can we say this is bloody nonsense. >> this nonsense is so bloody to go to the american red cross to donate it. stuart: there you go. get to hillary.
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600-dollar haircut. ropes off reporters. take as private jet after making a green speech. i say her campaign is not very good campaign, "quinnepiac poll" out today, 51% have negative view of her. she is running a very bad campaign. >> she is horrible campaigner. she is not a good candidate. she is total hypocrite. i don't begrudge someone their wealth and success, if you worked hard. if you make money heck if you inherited money, get your $600 haircut and $300,000 birkin bag but don't tell me about reshuffling deck or income inequality when you're participating in most offensive form of cronyism on the planet. stuart: name of the show, 8:00 "kennedy" on fox business network is that correct? >> indeed correct. finest network on the land. stuart: what is that? >> k for kennedy. >> thought some gang sign. >> be a part of the gang.
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your insurance company tells you to pay up again. why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it? if you have liberty mutual deductible fund™ you could pay no deductible at all. sign up to immediately lower your deductible by $100. and keep lowering it $100 annually, until it's gone. then continue to earn that $100 every year. there's no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. call to learn more. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: this is live video, protest in new york city. there is a group called hedge
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clippers demonstrating outside the hedge fund, blue mountain. it is accusing the fund of exploiting puerto rico's financial crisis. it demands that the hedge fund help the country pay off its debt fairly. blue mountain the hedge fund, owns about $400 million worth of puerto rico's debt. protests now in new york city. look at facebook. it is actually near the lows of the day. actually had been a bit lower down to 92.93 earlier. coming back a little bit. come on in, ted murphy, social media marketer. now your business, i know for a fact, don't tell me otherwise is based on facebook, isn't it? you have got to be a happy guy this morning, despite the downside move in the stock you're looking at a 968 million people who use and check in on facebook every single day. they're just doing great for you, aren't they? >> yeah, facebook just had a phenomenal q2. these guys continue to deliver growth. you know they surpassed
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$4 billion in revenue for the first time in this quarter. and more importantly, you've got 75% of that revenue has come from mobile devices. engagement on the facebook app is just huge. stuart: so your company organizes the facebook approach, the facebook profile of people and companies, i think. that is what you do? >> well, we actually take people who are on facebook and instagram and other social media apps and we give them an opportunity to earn money by sharing advertiser content through their profile. stuart: you must be happy at facebook. they really are expanding. and the one of the criticisms is look they're spending a lot of money but spending money on ways to get that 1/3 of the world which isn't hooked up to the internet hooked up. which again is very food -- good news for you? >> you have half the people who are on the internet period using facebook and they're using it almost every day. you have got facebook has gone
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from spending $100 million in r&d in 2011 to $1.1 billion in this past quarter. so they're really investing in the future and i think that in the future you're going to see innovations inside instagram. you will see continued development with what's app and still have oculus out there which will provide additional revenue opportunities for them. stuart: the reason why the stock is down today that the analysts or investor generally think they're spending too much money and that is eating into their profitability. their stock gross down. you understand that argument i take it? >> i think it is ridiculous. everybody wants these guys to succeed long term and in order to do that they will need to continue to invest, they will need to look at new ways of monetizing their audience and so i think that the things that they're doing now investing in the future, are going to allow them to continue to grow. if you, if you look what google
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has done in the past, look at google back in 2006 2007 a lot of people had same type of complaints but if you look at them today they're more diversified than ever. they still have the core business coming from advertising revenue but they're into other areas where there is a lot of revenue opportunity much longer term. stuart: ted murphy, congratulations you're hooked into the most widely-used technology product in the world, bar none. nice placement there, ted murphy, nice placement. >> thank you. stuart: we'll see you soon, okay? more "varney" after this.
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stuart: strong vix opinions expressed on "varney and company," monica crowley in our last hour. mike heinen almost got. 10 seconds to go. look who is here, neil cavuto. neil: you are asking like i have something to go -- stuart: really? stuart: always trying to give you 10 seconds of air time. and you don't want it don't take it. neil: fine. your british attitude. thank you very much, stuart varney. we are saying thank you very much for second quarter gdp report that as people were believed we are picking up steam but in the scheme of things are we really? 2.3% is the growth rate we experienced. without getting too are keen they did revise the first quarter to a gain of 0.6% but step back from this unrealized for the first half of the year we're looking at 1.5% growth.
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