tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 2, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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to be told. i'm oliver north. good night. i'm lou dobbs. already substantial congressional opposition to the president's iranian nuclear deal is rising by the day. recognizing the strength of the strengthening opposition the obama administration dispatched three cabinet secretaries and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff to try to defend the president's viewpoints in what appears to be to many to be a reckless deal through shoddy negotiation through reckless presidential representatives far too eager for a deal. any deal. lawmakers are increasingly vocal in opposition expressing anger and frustration at a deal that
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critics say not only allows iran to cheat but invites them to do so. laying out a clear, bright path for iran to develop an atomic weapon while lavishing iran with tens of billions of dollars to buy what happens and to fund terrorism. we take up what is to happen next with this deal which should be a treaty with republican congressman lee zeldin. also tonight, hillary clinton continues her precipitous fall in the polls. the democratic front runner facing negative headlines in recent days from bengahzi to her e-mail scanned toll her falling approval ratings. how does she top all of this? how about a hair cut that costs more than the worker makes in a week? and robert kraft today firing back at the nfl and making his contempt for roger goodell
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clear. it may well be that goodell's job now hangs in the balance. we'll discuss what's next as it becomes clear that goodell's handling of deflategate has actually started a civil war among the barron's of professional football. the obama administration continues its hard sell on its nuclear deal with iran dispatching secretary carter, joint chief chair general martin dempsey to the hill today. yesterday secretary kerry explained why this deal which the administration obviously thinks is important is not being considered a treaty. >> i spent quite a few years trying to get a lot of treaties through the united states senate. frankly it's become physically impossible. that's why. because you can't pass a treaty anymore. >> i think what he meant was he -- he can't pass a treaty anymore.
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that was just dumfounding. we won't both wer traer with tradition, values the ropproper roles of the three branches of government it's just too hard. the last treaty to pass was the s.t.a.r.t. treaty of 2010. since then four have passed including one last year. who who does the counting? these are the same people who negotiated without knowing what was in their negotiating documents. our next guest is among those who question kerry on why the iranian deal is not being handled as a treaty. he said the administration was played like a five-string quartet. with me now is congresscongressman lee zeldin. it wasn't the most jaw dropping
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things anyone in the administration said but it was among them. it was too hard to deal with the little things like the constitution and commonsense. >> it was pretty shocking. >> he was getting asked for a legal reasoning. and what secretary kerry provide was a political excuse. the reason why a bad iranian nuclear deal wouldn't pass the senate is because it's fundamentally flawed. they can't get two-thirds of the senate to approve it on the merits that a treaty wouldn't pass the senate like this. not on the politics. >> i think anyone in this country understands why there should be a treaty. the importance of it. the sweep of it. the historic nature of it. now, the next question is why in the world would anyone in that congress in that senate not be outraged that this president went to the united nations first and didn't even tip a hat on its
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way past capitol hill? >> absolutely. every member of congress it does not matter your political party, should be prioritizing national security over party loyalty. we have members, congressional democrats who know they'll vote against the deal who are saying publicly to the press they're taking time to review the deal to have questions answered even though they know they'll vote against the deal choosing party loyalty first. they should be outraged on behalf of the american public because we're letting the international community decide before the american public gets a chance to review weigh in. >> i'm just still -- just stunned at what secretary kerry said in response to your question. as i think about the fact these side-letter deals and now the white house denies they're side letter deals with the iaea and iran but they say no one knows what's in the agreements that
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don't exist. there doesn't seem to be much one can believe about anything that this administration or its representatives or its officials say. what is your thought about their credibility on all of this? >> secretary kerry on the credibility point, secretary kerry yesterday said there is no secret deal. later acknowledging that there is a deal. the deal is secret. he hasn't reviewed it yet. no one in the administration has. he's only been briefed on it. later saying congress will be briefed on it at some unknown point in the future yet they're already running the 60-day clock. the clip you played earlier from the white house press person, he referenced how there's no secret deal. at the end he says between the p5 plus one and iran. he didn't say between the iaea and iran because there is a secret deal. the level of integrity right now on the part of this executive is
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apparently acceptable to the republicans with loyal opposition many of your colleagues certainly not to you, because i just understand why the interest of the nation the american people is not being represented in what is bald-face lying. is it not? >> they should be insulted by it. especially if it's -- if it's their own political party. kudos to congresswoman grace mane. today she became the first house democrat to come out against a deal that takes real chutzpah. kudos to her. all the other democrats should be following suit. senator schumer, leaders in the house as well. not only coming out against the deal at the end and coming out against it now and encouraging colleagues to come against it. every moment that passes more comes out to light of what's flawed about this deal. >> if anybody needs more than what has been revealed through
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questions like yours, the statements of kerry, the energy secretary, the list goes on i don't know what would be required. the threshold for objection is quite high. congressman, great to have you with us. thank you very much. congressman lee zeldin. >> donald trump topping the polls, all the polls -- almost all the polls. when will the republican party consider him a serious contender? ann coulter people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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joining us tonight, political commentator, syndicated columnist, ann coulter. her newest book is "adios america." the plan to turn our country into a third world hell hole and it's currently number six on the "new york times" best seller list. good to have you here. >> great to be here. >> let's start with the very idea that this judge's ruling that conditions are deplorable and they may well be but without guidance or direction on what do with people who are here illegally and an administration that insists on not deporting anyone. >> that's why we have to be
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careful on who we allow here but federal judges allow them rights and we will never get rid of them. thus a wall. i also want to point out the federal judge is a second generation immigrant. that's great. that's fantastic. they come in and start bossing us around. could you wait a few generations? >> i'm one of those who is thrilled that anyone who comes into this country, i presume they came legally, can rise to that level. that means the american dream is still working. what's stoop fiupifying to me is that we don't have a way to determine who can cross that border. >> of coursebut right now this wall bizusiness has
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been going on for 30 years. even john mccain in 2008 wanted to build the dang fence, but the dang fence never gets built. >> after his dang legislation that he co-sponsored can ted kennedy got turned down. looking at these polls, trump leading in the most haven't national poll. leading in new hampshire, second in iowa. i don't hearanywhere saying trump the front-runner. how long before he is trump, the front-runner? >> he will be president before he's known that. i want rubio and jeb bush to be asked are you going run a third party candidacy if he gets the nomination? why is he the only one getting asked that? he's winning. >> i think maybe in part because he's the only one with enough
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resources, enough money to fund whatever he would choose to do. i take your point. i think you're exactly right. the idea that trump's new target is scott walker. listen to what -- he goes -- one of walker's fund raisers called trump a dumb-dumb, and now trump is talking about wisconsin being in a state of turmoil, the roads are a disaster, schools are a disaster who's dumb dumb now. he makes it very clear. i have no dog in this hunt. i have no candidate. i think all of these folks. but the idea that people would sit there and play schoolyard games and open themselves up to be slapped silly is crazy. >> i love how trump is responding. he's come under relentless attacks. we expect republicans to come under these attacks, especially when they're strong and can beat a democrat as trump can. these are the kind of attacks
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romney came under. we expect it from the left from the media. you don't expect it from our own party. they're all attacking trump. do you think there's validity to those concerned in the republican party, that he's taking up so much media oxygen that there's no other potential survivor amongst this field of now 16? >> i think it's their own fault. i would don't they talk -- it is the chamber of commerce it's wall street the wealthy donees who have a particular and small group of concerns that 80% of americans could not careless about. >> or suffer the consequences of. >> right. and -- but republicans have completely ignored those voters. and particularly after the 2014 election. that was the main issue in that de-fund obama's executive amnesty what do they do? they give us a crappy trade bill that the democrats all secretly wanted but they get to blame
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republican force its for it. they're obsessed with getting the donors and lobbyist monies and trump, god bless him, he doesn't have to worry about the donors. >> any prospects of this being a real horse race? is this going to be close or will he run away with it? very quickly. >> i hope he doesn't back down on immigration. that's the only thing i care about. as long as he stays strong on immigration, he could become the nominee. i don't care if he makes a mistake like the mccain thing. who cares. >> ann coulter in a forgiving mood ladies and gentlemen. good to have you here. >> good to be here. up next a few thoughts tonight on the president's confidence or arrogance about,
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on life after his presidency. a man trying to come to determines it seems with the constitutional reality that well he can only have two terms. >> i love my work. but under our constitution i cannot run again. i can't run again. i actually think i'm a pretty good president. i think if i ran, i could win, but i can't. >> i'm a little confused about where the laughter came and where the support really was. but first, i'm a little disturbed that our president found it necessary to say three times that he can't run again. that seems to be a fellow struggling with a frustrating reality, it seems to me. then i'm a little taken aback by the claim that he's a pretty good president. i know i shouldn't be more more
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happier. he is the opposite of the image he had as a candidate. mr. obama put down mr. bush as a unilateralist. yet he has only proven himself to be a greater unilateralist. taking the presidency from the imperial to the authoritarian and going alone on immigration, trade. president obama vowed to regain respect from the world. yet his administration is the laughing stock all around the world. being played for a fool by iran russia china, of course mexico and the rest of this hemisphere. in his 2008 campaign mr. obama presented himself as the great uniter. he has turned out to be the great divider. during his tenure race relations have profoundly
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worsened. nearly 6 in 10 americans now say race relations in this country are bad. mr. obama promised his administration would be the most open and transparent it has been the least such. defying congress and the news media and denying access to government records at an unprecedented rate and level. but his most frightening statement today, his claim that he could win a third term. why is it so frightening? it's so much closer to the truth than anything else he said today. mr. obama and our national liberal media are allies. and 40% of the electorate follows obama it seems blindly. all of whom seem to care little about the direction in which he is leading us all. the constitution is all that stands between this president and a third term. and frankly, i've never been more afraid that our constitution is in peril. a quotation of the evening as you might suppose on the
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constitution and the words of abraham lincoln who said we the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution. i have another theory there seems to be so many such men. we're coming right back. stay with us. the highly respected owner of the new england patriots has had a bellyful of roger goodell. >> i was wrong to put my faith in the league. personally this is very sad and disappointing to me. >> so just how much trouble is roger goodell super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck. and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud. live loud. super poligrip. seals out more food.
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how to hit a receiver. you even taught him how to hit the open man. but how much time have you spent teaching him... what not to hit? tom brady and robert kraft, well the patriots organization declayreing war on the nfl. kraft said he was wrong to put his faith in the league. brady insists he did nothing wrong. brady said he replaced his broken cell phone with a new one after his attorneys told the nfl the device would not be examined. he wrote i was not made aware at any time that failing to subject my cell phone to investigation would result in discipline. and as the nfl players association on behalf of brady files its appeal in a minnesota federal court today, it's worth looking at the league's recent losing streak. goodell's nfl defeated in a
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number of recent high-profile cases. ray rice adrian peterson greg hardy, all cases successfully challenged on appeal in court. joining us is bob bowlen sports law professor of ohio law university good to have you with us. jim gray, fox news sports ss analyst. your emotion, i can't imagine, you're close to so many of the principals here. what's your reaction to robert craft today saying basically the hell with you, mr. goodell? >> well i guess he's feed up with the process. i gets heuess he felt by taking and accepting that he didn't want to take back in may, the path would be easier for tom brady. didn't work out that way.
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he's been involved in a number of issues with many deals, network television, he's a powerful guy. powerful ally who came out strong for commissioner goodell in the past. i think that he is just fed up with what has gone on. he has had a lot of trouble recently with his fan base for what they see as capitulating in boston giving in taking the penalty and not standing by tom brady -- after all, if it's not for tom brady, they don't have four championships. coach belichick is not considered the greatest coach ever. bob kraft doesn't have a 2 billion or $3 billion franchise. tom brady is why this whole engine runs. tough day for the patriots. tough day for the nfl league office. tom brady will fight back. >> you come at this with varying experience and knowledge base. i want to turn to as you look at sports what kind of idiots
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would go after the top producer in their league, one of them, a brand as recognizable as the shield itself this looks like management gone mad if you're talking about any other business. >> it seems roger goodell has a predatory desire to investigate everything and prosecute everything. he's not a lawyer which is different from the other previous four commissioners. >> looks like they need a full-time lawyer in that seat. he put the credibility of that office into a narrow basket where he has to prevail in court. that's not necessarily assured given the losing streak and the type of hearings that he's been going after in overstepping and overinvestigating. >> you know jim, as we look at this you come at it from the
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sport, the game itself as a terrific broadcaster. but as a fan, i have to say what would you expect if you believe -- if you love business if you love leadership itself the science of it how could you not say back in january to the colts as well as to the patriots look these are the rules. we're here to make sure they're followed. we'll be damn sure they're followed no discussion. no one ever has to know about it. that's a conversation between the referees the coaches, why not that approach? >> well, it should be easy. the process is terribly flawed. that's what brady will fight. when you go to a world championship boxing fight, the other guy says you're hitting below the belt. don't hit below the belt otherwise i'll penalize you. the other guy says i think there's something in his gloves. you don't show up at a football game and one team has been
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informed on friday that they think something is wrong with the footballs, jeopardize the integrity of the game the afc championship game by not telling the other team these balls better be right, if there's a problem, we're coming after you. you don't do it at halftime. you don't say let's throw this away can you resolve it before it happens? they didn't have a baseline of measuring the balls. this is by far and away the stupidest, the dumbest and the most idiotic thing that the national football league has ever engaged in. they have never looked at the footballs. to start doing this at the afc championship game this is all self-inflicted. it makes no sense. >> is goodell's job in jeopardy now? >> it's not in jeopardy in the short run. he is still to some degree the shield for all the other owners. they don't want the press and media digging deeper -- >> they'll dig. >> they're going dig. >> he has been so stupid that he
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has got fans who hate -- hate the patriots who are saying what in the hell are you doing to the game. >> he's going to need to prevail in this or find a settlement that saves some face out of it. he has started a feud among owners that will be hard to settle. >> a civil war, jim? >> i don't think so. roger goodell has made the national football league a tremendous amount of money. here's the problem. the problem is the fans are antagonized, they don't know what they can do. the players do not trust the national football league or its leader at this time. it's hard to retrieve that. the wound is getting so deep. roger goodell has made this a business that continues to rise. revenues are way up. he had a massive failure of judgment on domestic violence. i believe he erred terribly on
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this but his job is not in jeopardy. >> thanks for being here. appreciate it. nato pledging strong solidarity with turkey tonight. after the country called a rare emergency meeting with nato about the threat it now faces from islamic state terrorism. but nato officials are also calling upon turkey to not use what they call excessive force. turkey launching inging strikes in iraq and syria against the kurds and the islamic state in recent days. yes, it is getting complicated. for much more on today's emergency nato meeting and the iranian nuclear deal we are joined by former nato supreme leader jim savaritas.
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let's turn to this meeting, calling upon nato to support turkey. what does that mean? is that bad news for the islamic state and the kurds? what in the world is the result? >> i think it's bad news for the islamic state. turkey has woken up to the fact that along it's 500-mile border it has a clear and present danger. a serious threat from the islamic state. i'm hopeful that we can all -- nato and the united states encourage the turks to focus on job one, clearly the islamic state. >> are we in any position -- excuse me to encourage anybody to do anything? this administration said it would degrade and destroy the islamic state. it has withdrawn and not moved forward with attack against the islamic state. >> iny we are in position in this particular case because of the extreme threat of the islamic state what nato needs to
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do is team with turkey and mount an air campaign and encourage turks to put boots on the ground across the border creating a buffer zone a no-fly zone. >> what does that mean for the kurds? if they have boots on the ground that makes them -- the turks the clear and present danger to the kurds who have been the most effective fighters against the islamic state, right. >> you're putting your finger on the complexity here. what we have to do is move turkey back to where they were only three months ago which is at the negotiating table with the turkish minority. 18% of turkey is kurdish. over the long throw turkey will make a deal with the pkk and the kurds. we need to encourage that focusing the turks on job one, which is clearly the islamic state. >> we've had an administration who said that is job one, destroying the islamic state,
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and has in point of fact reduced, not raised the number of sorties and attacks against the islamic state, its positions, and we have a subsidiary role in any offense to reclaim territory captured by the islamic state. >> lou, i agree. we have not done what we need to do against the islamic state. it's not just the air campaign. today we only have about 3,000 u.s. advisers in country. we don't need 150,000, but we certainly need about 10,000 more to get this thing moving in the right direction. it's going require more focus out of the administration much more than we've seen thus far. >> jim, i've got to get your views and your judgment on the revelations today that the united states will not be permitted inspectors in iran. that in fact the iaea would permit the iranians to carry out their own inspections, if you
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will self-report, an honor system with -- with middle east nuclear power in the balance. is there any chance in the world that this agreement will, in fact go into effect? >> unfortunately -- first of all, it's a very bad agreement because of the verification regime and also lou, what i'm really concerned about is dropping 100 to 150 billion into the iranian economy, which is only 300, 325 billion. this would be like the united states getting a $4 trillion capital injection. this is very bad for the general state of affairs. will the agreement go through? i think the congress will vote it down. the question will be you might ask senator demint whether or not congress can sustain over a presidential veto which is clearly coming. >> that's one of the questions we will put in the hopper and a good one it is jim.
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joining us now is judith miller former white house chief of staff under george h.w. bush former governor of new hampshire, john sununu author of the new book "the quiet man on h.w." great to have you both. judy these latest polls show trump commanding front runner. the republican establishment have be fits. your thought? >> i think i share the fits because i continue to believe that donald trump is bad for the gop brand. but he know house to get an audience. he know house to create news. >> you mean all of the things that the republican party wasn't able to do in 2008 2012 and needs desperately to do in 2016. >> well there's news and there's news. there's good news and then news that drivers voters away in a general election. >> john your thoughts? >> you could get a dancing bear if you just want to draw a crowd -- >> yeah. you know what? did you say dancing bear?
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>> i did. >> tune in tomorrow. we'll have a dancing bear. >> look donald has not seen the hard knocks of politics yet. if people are thinking he will lapse, we have to wait until the contact sport of politics gets underway. >> judy hillary clinton right now is imploding. this is a disaster. o'malley is farcical in his irrelevance, and sanders are a social socialist. what are the democrats doing? >> i think the democrats are quickly looking around for anybody else. could it be joe biden? could it be kerry who is rested? she is in trouble. she's still the front-runner. sheets likely to get the nomination. when the "washington post" attacks her, you know that she's in trouble. >> yeah. but trouble is relative.
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she still has 60% of the support. let me ask you this if i may -- >> actually lou, she doesn't have 60%. she has 47%, which means she's under 50%, which means the majority of the democrats are saying no. judy's absolutely right. there's a lot of running around behind the scenes trying to find an alternative. >> okay. now i'm amused. i got the 60 i got the 47 being less than 50%. who's her nearest competition, professor? >> probably biden or kerry. >> probably? what happened? you were such an impericist just a few seconds ago. >> i can't tell you between one or the other. but it will be one of those two guys. >> and that's -- as the nominee? >> as the nominee. >> wow. who will be the republican? >> one of my four or five favorites. i haven't decided yet. >> it's incredible.
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leading republican has zero down on that democratic side. judy miller what do you think? who will prevail in this runoff amongst 16 17 folks? >> a lot depends on the debate. >> but i'm asking you now, before the debate. >> i'm always interested in the last person i've been looking at. today i saw rick perry. he was really impressive. i had never veen him in person. he's a texan, unique, has a great record as a governor. >> he has run a great, great state for the past several years -- several, two terms. i agree with you, a very sharp fella and good guy. by the way, i'm not saying that because we're both texans either. i'm not. >> and i was nasty about the glasses. he's smart enough he doesn't need the glasses, but he looks very good in them. >> judy thank you very much.
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john thanks for being here. great to see you. in seattle, a cyclist captured the moment that a texting driver smashed into him. the man riding in the bike lane when an suv turning left cut him off and knocked him to the ground. the driver sped off before the cyclist could catch up to him. but, fortunately, the cyclist suffered only minor injuries. the 18-year-old driver turned himself in to police an hour and a half later after the hit and run. justice prevailed. and a good conscious. a cyclist in brazil however, doing the unthinkable when faced with a car parked in his way. this is great. the frustrated biker seen lifting the car by himself, moving out of the bike line by the car's rear bumper. now, you know, that's -- admittedly that's maul car and
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so-called deflategate scandal. goodell cited the quarterback's done have his cell phone destroyed before a meeting with an nfl financed investigator as a key piece of evidence. brady's agent, don yee, just said this. the appeal process was a sham resulting in the commissioner rubber stamping his own decision. the commissioner's decision and discipline has no precedent in all of nfl history. the nfl players association announcing it will appeal goodell's latest decision on behalf of brady, seek an injunction and kick tail. joining us tonight, lee sweel and mercedes coleman. both fox news analysts. destroyed evidence. there was no evidence. they didn't even ask for the phone. >> well -- >> don't mess with me. >> he's got the law degree. >> brady said he said to his
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assistant, destroy cell phone. he said he does that because every four months he gets a new cell phone. >> i feel the same way. >> well -- >> lou -- >> kidding. >> you are kidding me? no. >> but on the other side you know they had no -- he had no obligation to give that to them. >> come on. >> are you defending him? >> i'm not defending brady. >> the nfl commissioner just cited with his direct report executive vice president troy vincent who ruled there should be a four-game suspension based on an nfl finance report which was torn to shreds by the nfl players association. >> wait -- >> we're not through here. we're not through here madam attorney. >> i'm tying to talk. i hate the patriots. >> okay. that -- that is not objective. prejudice. >> exactly. >> recuse yourself.
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>> it boils down to that evidence. we're litigators. if anyone goes into court -- whatever. forget court. goes into a proceeding where there's sworn testimony, where there's investigators, where there's evidence and they say, oops, i destroyed it. you're sanctioned. >> there's no legal constraint on brady whatsoever. that phone was never sought as evidence. it was not once requested. >> it was requested. it was requested. >> it was not subpoenaed but it was requested. i want to go back one step further. >> let me explain when i say it was not requested. ted wells never asked for it. he wanted a third party to go through it. >> well -- well that's the same as request. >> do i sound like one of you now? >> yes, you do. >> let's go back to that original report what they said in that original report it's more probable than not that he
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had some information or knew about the -- so that -- >> i just want you to help me out here. how can a principal in the dispute be also the arbitrator also the arbitrator of a dispute over the arbitration which resulted in a suspension and that's fair? >> that's the way it works. that's the way it works. that's what the rules and regulations work. >> why has it never happened before? the only other time in which there was noncooperation with the nfl, was brett favre. he was fined $50,000. >> dedesid he destroy evidence? de that's the name changer. >> that could be termed if you're in a court of law, destruction of evidence. you get in a lot of trouble. that's a felony. >> it's a felony? >> absolutely. >> now you got tom brady going
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to jail. >> that would be a good thing. >> are you a giants fan? she's a giants fan like i am. >> i'm totally unbiased. i don't watch football. go seahawks. >> no giants. >> it's an accident that you think that the nfl, financing a report with an nfl attorney who had done previous work for the nfl finds that in his judgment it's more likely than not -- >> but that's the congressional report. >> please -- >> lou. >> the same issues remain. the footballs, according to brady's science and defenders could have been explained by cold temperatures. they were -- by the way -- >> really? what about the text messages between the equipment employees that were saying -- >> i'm sorry? >> are you going to give me that autograph? is this dude going to do this? that certainly implicated brady. >> do the rules about footballs
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marks nip and manipulating them do they apply to equipment people. >> i will throw myself right in front of you two i agree with you that the initial report was flimsy. probably more than -- >> okay. >> he got himself into trouble with destroying evidence. you got me recused, her flimsy. we got it all squared away. brady gets away with this. actually it will be upheld. there is no way arbitration will be overturned. >> so no injunction against the suspension? >> that's a b he may be able to get a stay. if he gets a stay that means it goes into the court. >> which means there's a very good chance he could prevail on the merits of the case. >> irreparable harm. >> if he misses four games, he can't make it up. there you go. giants win. >> we have --
12:00 am
>> seahawks. >> we have the counselors on the record. thank you very much. >> you got it. >> thank you. >> good night from new york. advertisement for time life's video collection. (rock music) ♪ it was the summer of 1969. america had just put its first man on the moon. hair was big skirts were short, and sideburns were long. cbs had just pulled the plug on the smothers brothers show by replacing it with well, let's just say it was a real butt kicker. (donkey braying "hee haw") you asked for it now here it is the best of hee haw from time life now on dvd! -♪ hee hee hee ♪ -♪ haw haw ♪ -♪ hee hee hee ♪ -♪ haw haw ♪ for the next 30 minutes hold on to your teeth as host roy clark brings you nonstop pickin'
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