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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  August 4, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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with us, looking at our on-line poll results. only 9s% of you said -- 90% of you said yes. that is it for us, good night from new york. kennedy: web to your week, and the best part of your day, i love watching bumbling politicos fumble over basic terms they should know by heart, debar wassermanwasser stepped in schu. >> i used to thinks before a big difference? >> difference?
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kennedy: that is not what she asked. she pent days thinking about proper response. >> you know chuck always fun to be interviewed by chris matthews, i know he enjoyed that banter, the distinction is difference between democrats and republicans. >> now debbie wassermann schultz, i am surprised at you, admitting there is no difference between a democrat and a socialist. bouncing bernie sanders, and electrical ir elizabeth warren e socialists. they feel cob gated to get all
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of the means of product under government control, there aim is unapologetic, they -- until your business is a bleeding numb that hemorrhages to government coffers, centralization is the central point, they will file down the edges of financial freedom until there is a smooth explain of nothingness, no individualism, no ditc differen. i don't think that debbie downer is apologetic or embarrassed about it. i think she is too thick to know there was once a difference. trying to shift the conversation. >> the difference that democrats want to make sure this people have an opportunity to reach the crime -- climb the ladders of success, reach the middle class have a good education, ay i sece
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retirement. kennedy: if republicans have their way they will take both hughess of congress, presidency and to their dammest to south spend a socialist, but who will pay for it? >> i pay as little as possible, i fight like hell to pay as little as possible, for two reason, number one i am a businessman, that is the way you are supposed to do it, you put money back into your company expesmies issuemployees issue tr reasons and i hate the way our government spends our taxes. kennedy: he is right here. problem with trump, he wants a bigger military, more entitlement spending and a 2000 mile wall built with a managing call mexican tariff. very good.
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on show, is there trouble in had ilhillary land? news about vice president biden. >,dongobama administration unvea slough. i am hitting streets for kwalking can people separate real donald trump quotes from fake ones, glad you are in my clutches, i am kennedy. kennedy: hello, welcome to dnc 's failure to explain difference, between democrats and socialists as bernie sanders is emerging from the pack. money stream dems seeking to distance themselves from the term. we talk with our party panel
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first time deidre bolton. and guy benson. it is fantastic, you need to read it, he is also political editor of town, welcome to you. >> hello. kennedy: lovely. >> thank you very much good company, pleased to be here. kennedy: enjoy it ho en mucho. >> maybe she was caught off guard first time when chris matthews asked but she was asked several days later, still did not have a answer just pivoted to donald trump, which is the opposite of an answer. kennedy: that is what people hate about washington, and like about donald trump, just answer the question. >> she might think i really don't know these days, and even if i think that there are important differences, that is the do dominant part of the pary
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now, for chair to be seen that might be seen as negative of that group could be a big internal problem. kennedy: i think there still could have been a way she could have answer this question, that she is not hiding something, i am thinking in her head she is thinking, i almost got fired, i still have a job, what am i going to not say. >> i think that republican cheerleading on this issue is premature. what is difference between republicans and socialist? kennedy: not all -- they would love, many of them would love to abolish the department of education. >> just pot calling the kettle pink,. kennedy: let me ask you, reince priebus if he had to name
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difference between a republican and a fascist. fascist. would he have a hard time? >> no because he is a smart guy unlike wassermann schulz . >> what is difference between ice cream and gelato. kennedy: what is it. >> all about milk fat, even bernie sanders is not technically socialist, it is more for needs of the people, so she, should say, no one on the ticket right no is socialist, this is a big 10, okay fine there are degrees of left and center left, back to you. kennedy: if you don't have a private market you can't have a properly functioning economy. >> absolutely, they lot of things that we could learn from. kennedy: we love a little bit chaos, we're turning to donald trump.
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he said he fights like hell to pay as little in taxes as possible just like every other taxpayer in america. let me ask you about trump, is he family right on fundamentally right on this issue. >> i think it is wonderful when anyone avoideds paying a dollar in taxes that is a dollar this is be put back into the economy used correctly. kennedy: that is why there is no difference between the two major parties, all people see is spend, don't you agree it is easier for a president to expand the size of contract than to contract it, a president could not write executive orders and contract huge swaths of government. >> it is, that i impulse when yu are in there my ideas are right,
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i am important, let's do what i want. i do not like donald trump on a number of issues, i do agree with him on this you should pay what you legally owe, not a opiniony more, we spend too much. republicans think we spend too much already, democrats think we need to spend much more. republicans say we have a debt problem, democrats say there is no debt problem. kennedy: to michael malice a point they don't do anything about it. >> look at budget. >> look at bush and republican congress. >> i would rather it be spent for poor people than killing people overseas. >> i want to see what happens with capital gains taxes, you know, they are paying 15%. on money they are putting on the line, hillary clinton, said, i'm going to go after this, but such couched language, i don't think that mean people heard her, if she wants to appeal to middle
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class, she has to say the rich are pay are more than you and me, and here is why. >> so i want to ask you, what is more important, to be mart, like -- smart like donald trump said or fair? >> that is an excellent question, if you talk to enough private equity economies, they say this is fair, i am putting mo my own capital to work, therefore i deserve a tax break. kennedy: i like his comments on taxation, but not on -- >> almost anything else. kennedy: expanding military budget. coming up we have more of panel because that is tenable. are you feeling pressure from bernie sanders? i know someone is. that is hillary clinton. here team is making a move to true to shore up surare on the. >> later -- support, later, a
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wife companies her husband -- dumps her husband for the first rocket ship 2 ship to to mars ad
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kennedy: hillary clinton remains favorite for 2016 democratic nomination. the surprising strength from bernie sander, and vice president joe biden have hillary
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team pushing ahead. here is a look at one that will focus on her late mother. >> i think about all dorothys all over america who fight for their families issue who never give up, that is why i'm doing this, that is why i've always done this. >> that is right, my panel is back. diedre, you are a woman, you were moved by this ad. >> moved to tears, really, i am go money. she spend 2 million in new hampshire, in iowa. wa bernie sander spent 2 million in first quarter that shows hillary clinton muscle power of money. kennedy: she does have a lot of
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money, but, sometimes money is not enough, sanders has momentum. every thought that uncle joe biden was crazy for staying out of the race until summer, when he said only then he would decide. now he is pretty smart for stepping. >> does joe have a chance? >> i don't think if it was a chance but he could make her life harder. we saw a clip of that, two different ads, $2 million, reportings they were initially planning on rolling the ads out november that moved it up by months, i think they are looking on her polly on favorability, and empathy and honesty, they are, we have a serious problem on our hands, let's bump it up now. kennedy: why not say, she is a
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horrible person that nobody likes. >> i love her. kennedy: do you like joe biden for the same reason? >> no. i love america's mother in law, her ads be one step away for motivational post ors, if your campaign slogan is like i had a mom, she is throwing her mom under the bus. great work. family. kennedy: she dirted her grandparents, my mother dorothy, such a horrible child her parents left her. >> now i want to be america's mom. kennedy: i don't think, i really' there to be -- i will say this every night until election night, i really want it to btrump-sanders, i don't caref he is his running mate.
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>> there is a possibility, the thing that trump has that hillary is struggling with it likability. sanders has it. >> they could be -- the thing is he saying, like, please love me. why don't you love me. >> no one loved my mom either. >> she said you will love me. >> love me! i think a trump-sanders ticket would not be a total mismatch they are for government run health care. kennedy: that is true. >> sanders is more conservative on trump than guns there is that. >> barely. kennedy: i don't know, i don't know his stance on guns. >> i don't know his current stance was but he was for assault weapon ban. >> now i think he is against it because he is pandering. >> yes. kennedy: and i will buy you any
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sort of assault rifle you want, if you make sure it is trump-sanders 2016. donald trump has a big mouth but did he say this radio. >> what is a feminist anyways? a fat pig who doesn't get it often enough? i'll tell you, was that a donald trump quote. but first, president obama announcing new regulation to ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands
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of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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with exclusive behind the scenes footage, all of taylor swift's music videos, interviews, and more. xfinity is the destination for all things taylor swift. kennedy: hey well, welcome back as president obama prepares to leave office he feels pressure to leave a legacy, white house unveiled new regulation, to
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regulate green house gas emissions from power plants. let me welcome back jonathan hoenig. a fox news contrac contributor. >> let's discuss this. they say these regulations will stimulate the economy create jobs. >> the more fossil fuel we burn actually better -- not only the economy but better mankind lives has decome, don't be taken in these greens, their goal is to hurt mankind, that is that everyone that environmental above does is make energy more expensive more difficult to us, for us, it is like oxygen. so whether it have later slough of regulation or the entire
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green movement, the point is not to help environment, it is to hurt individuals that is what this does. kennedy: does not necessarily help the environment either they are expencive, and can it hurt the environment in long run, but it also hurts poor people, you say it is economic suicide. >> it is economic sue sider, if you value -- su suicide, if you value man and our life you do what you can to make our lives better, this affects poor individuals, with extra 5 to 10% on gas has a major affect on the economy those who can afford it least, and more frustrating, the perception. indoctrination from this administration and public schools if you top use fossil fuels and environment, that is bad. you should feel guilty about
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flying around the world, and using a gas automobile. the psychological impact is pledging alliancy to collectivism. kennedy: that is what it is, they are such hypocrites, they steep themselves in this tea of hypocrisy, when they lecture people on fossil fuel consumption then take chart ired flights -- chattered flights, i have a hew huge problem with th, and somehow if you have an electric vehicle you make the planet cleaner, but have to plug that is somewhere to a grid that is fueled by coal power plants. >> they lovemaking you use energy that is more expensive and less efficient. you should not feel guilty about using fossil fuel, environmentalists would like to tell thank you will make man's
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life worse, life expectancy since industrial revolution, it almost doubl doubled, what to gs really? they want to hurt mankind, there goal is zeroa add mission, you literally have to e ex terminal man from the planet. kennedy: the next president assuming that person does not agree with all of these regulations, can they undo this by executive order when they assume office. >> they might be able to undo this one. i am fearful we can't undo 30 plus years of brain washing, maybe 40 in this country, environmental movement used to be called the ecology movement, with administration it is
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further indoctrinated, you feel kind of guilty about it. it is the idea that has to change. that is going to take more. kennedy: idea to change that everyone wants a better climate but we have to be rational we can't kill business at same time johnal hoenig thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up next, amy schumer's train wreck killed it at the box office. >> but first surfing on a dirt bike could only mean one thing, top cap storm is next -- topical storm is next, state right here.
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usaa, they just really make sure that you're well taken care of. usaa car buying service. powered by truecar. online and on the usaa app. kennedy: climb a ladder wrung by running over the clouds into sun, while you are up there grab yourself a juicey handful of this topical storm.
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topic one. nobody said life in the pit crew was easy, refuel the task, get run over when the driver forgets to stop, right? sunday a nascar even at pocono raceway got a unexpected highlight when brad cas low ski locked his brakes while pulling into pit for a tire change it made its way to track, he came in second place, while rogue tire came in last. brad was overcome with guilt, lost his cool. >> but i'm not sure he knows where he is the right now. >> this makes us realize kind of pressure these drivers are under. kennedy: unbelievable pressure. next time call triple a. >> topic 2. >> it was dave verse -- this
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time, the foo fighter run, they put together a tribute to the foos one,000 musicians learned, learn to flying and david was blown away. watch. 350 gatearists -- guitarists, and 150 bassists they convince the band to play in thei hometo, they are playing there they were so moved. he has been performing from a throne. topic 3. dogs out did each other in san
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diego this weekend, petco surf dog competition, a 15 pound toy american eskimo named ziggy took the top crown. as if surfing dogs, bunching sharks and riding a giant wave on fire have been impressive board feats lately, there another craze surf story, robby madyson retrofitted his motorcycle to turn his bike to a hydrofoil, he road the waves in tahiti, surfers must have been pooping their wet suits, but i don't think they are wearing them it is such a warm climate, he surfed on a motorcycle. what is next a socialist president?
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we all know steven colbert is taking over for david letterman on the consolidat slaten show -e late show, one of the first ad. >> i will talk about news, tell jokes and have fascinating conversations with celebrities, athletes, musicians, and of course, politics, wow iyou do a great mitt romney. >> i am mitt romney. >> that's it, stay in character. the late show with steve know sn colbert. >> where are my pancakes. >> that is my jodie fosterim preimpression which is now high mitt romney impression. >> can your cat do this?
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>> that is a sneeze. kennedy: that is one of the greatest sneezes ever. almost as cute as this. a baby sneezing panda. if you have any stories you would like to see on topical storm, contact me ken donation. >> aming up. train wreck a big hit. but according to one report most guys want nothing to to with these parties girls. >> and a virginia man's wife loves him so much she would
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>> you should know i'm doing fine. my friends are aus am, i have a great job at a men's magazine. kennedy: i saw that last night, that is "train wreck where i" wy schumer. would a real guy date that character? they asked a ton of dudes if they would ever date a train wreck. the answer of no, you live for train wrecks? >> that is a bold statement. no once again -- thank you. i could play that gai game too,i have to be voice of male
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heterosexuality on the panel, women don't like guys who are party and always drunk. >> this is not meant to a tale of morality, this is a comedy. kennedy: it is funny, it is 2/3 funny, then it loses its way, and then is kind of turns into a morality thing, then they redeemed themselve and went back to where it was. are there guy train wrecks? >> i could see myself. >> that is sexist. yes dollar men who are train -- yes, there are men who are train wrecks, that is a term that is applied to women, but it kickere
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apply to men. so this reporter interviews, how accurate is this. >> would you like to date a train wreck? everyone will say no. kennedy: because you put on that -- here is my theory. i think men who have moms who are train wrecks are attracted to women who are train wrecks because they are trying to right all of the trauma. >> we need more couches in here. >> everyone is beating their tongue in 2016 with our first train wreck president, i am looking forward to that hillary clinton baby. kennedy: i have to say, train wreck in white house? it is intoxicating. >> sounds great for the country. kennedy: hey, what is a good way to take a break why your husband and kids? book a one way mission to mars,
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a virginia wome woman might be joining a hundred other explorers, her husband is fine with it. he writes mission is far weightier than how far he would miss sonia, and remember i remembered who are plumber was or she kept all of the passwords, here is what i think? >> a reference to i plumber? a pause for, that his wife is leaving probably going to die on another landet planet, they havo children, and he is worried about a plumber. kennedy: she is the step mom but, is she genetically superior for the biggest swinger on the planet. >> she knows where to find best local services,. kennedy: angie's list. >> yeah. >> well, men are from mars,.
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>> this was heart wrenching i guess that is the point, but people on mission saying, this is just a beautiful step for humanity, she is a pioneer, i just don't understand it. kennedy: are there no single pioneers? >> i saw that more red sox fans we ship off to mars the better. >> i knew it was going to sports. >> and two, spouses would volunteer their other spouse to go to mars? >> you go. >> this is his 4,000 word profile, creating so much sympathy that -- >> they call them red widowers now. kennedy: she went to the red planet,y an he and a red widowe. >> how many women are going to
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buy this at the bar, my wife is alive, and we're technically still married but i am lonely. >> the step kids live for 10 years with a oh, she is figure away. >> they could be president one day because their mom abandoned them. kennedy: i love your optimism. >> thank you. kennedy: she is never coming back, she is as good -- >> her name is probably dorothy. kennedy: she is never coming back. >> that is dark. kennedy: i am now -- that you are all picking on. let's go to africa, this little lion wants you know his death is quote, is what it circumstanc i. the psychic made contact with
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the lion who was illegally killed by an american dentist last month, and the lion said, let not action of these few men defeat us, grrrrr . is this credible? that is a good source. >> we're waiting for -- a credible source, i don't know about that, i like the empire state building flashing from images of rare animals but, zimbabwe wants to extradite him, come back face justice. kennedy: they do -- now you say that cecil the lion is rachel -- >> yes, listen, someone with 200 species of african plants in his home, i know a little about this lions are not endangered for people to stop pretending they are people with furry suits not
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same thing, i will remind you, that male lions go in kill all of the pride to encourage the female lions to go to heat to have sex with them. kennedy: they are going to die too. >> they are eaten and murdered. >> are we surey is -- cecil thed not say to her, how am i headlines for a second week in a row. kennedy: you can tell me how faulkner's shoes ended up why your close glet i closet, is it. >> what did your psychic say? >> go to mars. >> patient-client privilege there? kennedy: you are right. >> is there? >> i think from hepatitis though. >> oh, that was -- is that 2. kennedy: no, it is a psychic.
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for loosey goosey. >> did you take a hepatitis -- what it that know tail. entail. kennedy: a weekend with on a boat. >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> on mars. >> we're take a boat to mars gas it up and go. >> guess what, the panel is coming back because donald trump always speaks his mind but did he say this. >> i have a great relationship with the blacks, trump or no
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♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...)
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(the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. kennedy: donald trump says pretty much whatever is on his mind, i hit streets asking out -
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outrageous quotes asking, did trump say that? you tell me did donald trump say this. i have a great relationship with the blacks. >> i don't think so. kennedy: he did. >> you are kidding me. >> i have a great relationship with the blacks. kennedy: sorry losers and haters but my irk q is one of the highest and you all know it, don't feel stupid. >> no. kennedy: he said that. >> i will be the greats jobs president that god created. >> he did. kennedy: i will be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. kennedy: i am who i am, i can't pretended to be something that makes 25,000 a year. >> probably. >> oh,well. kennedy: what is a feminist
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anyways, a fat pig who does not get it often enough. >> i would think that ted turner said that. kennedy: ted. >.nugent said that.>> no way thy that. >> really? >> you are fired. >> did donald trump say, you know it does not matter what media writes as long z you have a young piece of [ bleep ] >> yes, he said that. >> i know. >> what you are in best you get hated on the most. >> absolutely. >> kanye west said that. >> when you are the absolute best you get hated on the most. >> you learn more from your mistakes, then i am a [ bleep ] genius, did he say that? >> yes. >> no kanye west said that. >> no. kennedy: absolute best.
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what are you lookin looking at r [ bleep ] , if you have a big mouth and you are controversial you are going to get attention. >> yes. >> no see simon cowell said tha. >> how do you say sugar in espaniol. >> [ bleep ] , not a good word. >> mel gibson said that. >> always room for gibson and sugar. my panel is back. people on the street, 50/50 at best with trump quotes, is he going to continue to be a quote machine? >> that is the reason he is so popular. i love that sugar anatomy quote, he is like, he did not want to answer either way. kennedy: even in spanish.
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>> that was sensitive of you. >> great with mexicans. kennedy: both. we have done demographic. >> i like comparison, kanye west, and ted nugent, and gwyneth paltrow that was a good one. >> send them to mars. >> i heard that gwyneth paltrow is going to go. >> if she beefed up, hey more to snack on. >> then she would be a feminist. kennedy: i think she is. >> is she. kennedy: no but donald trump hadda great quote about a feminist. >> i thought that was ted nugent, i was listening. >> it was. who has more outrageous quotes? >> i am going to donald trump,
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he is a businessman, and a politician, at least two spheres where you are supposed to be kind of tailored a little bit preprogrammed but that is why people like him because he not preprogrammed but rock stars say crazy things outside, and celebrities don't ask. >> some of the best, best trump quotes are still from his feud with rosie o'donnell, circa 2006. >> i head them on the show a couple of weeks ago. >> she is ugly on the inside and outside. kennedy: she needs to moderate one of the presidential debates. >> that would okay. >> i would host is right here, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> extend a block about party panel, take it any time, up next, ufc fighter rhonda rousey knocks out or opponent in 34 seconds. i am going to see if i could paint my nail, in the same time it took to fight that fight, ♪
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i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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kennedy: saturday night arounda- ronda rousey took on mma fighter from brazil, the tension ran between the two as. she had been throwing out smack talk, jokes that rousey would kill herself after losing the fight, this hit too close to home for ronda rouseyy whose father committed suicide when she was 8 years old, she knocked her out in there ar their secon4 seconds, i may not be able to anyone someone out in there are seconds i think i can do some things, which takes longer, get 34 seconds on the clock, and here we go.
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♪ ♪ kennedy: i pretty much did it. i painted all of my beautiful green nails. in 34 seconds, that is a quick fight. it not quite a manicure but it will do. congratulation to you rhonda roa rousey. you can watch all new episodes
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of kennedy. follow me on twitter. thank you for making time good a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. (male vocalist #1) ♪ at the hop ♪ well, you can rock it, you can roll it, do the stomp and even stroll it at the hop ♪ ♪ when the record starts a-spinnin', you chalypso and you chicken at the hop ♪ ♪ do the dance sensations that are sweeping the nation at the hop ♪ hi, i'm little anthony from little anthony and the imperials. you know, in the late '50s and early '60s, it didn't matter where you went to high school. east coast, west coast, middle of the country, you shared a common experience. during the year, on a friday or saturday night, you went to your school dance. (sam cooke) ♪ twistin', twistin',


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