tv Kennedy FOX Business August 5, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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principle and moralitty. >> this is the law, i am not making it up. lou: rebecca we do not have time. >> afterwards. lou: thank you f us, good night from new york. kennedy: well hello, welcome to you, i am watching a new sitcom, it is so hist ter call, called schumers, stars amy schumer, described as comedic yeast, and her state is cousin, chuck schumer, they have teamed up to tackle gun violence, they are calling for things we already have like background checks and limited gun purchasing for the mentally ill, but what the hell,
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we could always use more government, let me say, i love amy schumer, but in this one she is wrong, she was shaken by the shootings during her movie in louisiana, but, her emotionalism betrays deep ill logic. >> the thought of this community being turn around and upside down by this just sickens me. excuse me. unless something is done, and done soon, dangerous people will continue to get their hands on guns. kennedy: that louisiana tragedy, of course, it is sickening, her cousin chuck has never been shy about using opressive force of government to control insafery behavior, he wanted to wage one man war against breakfast cereal.
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just imagine, nsa partnering with a atf stye staying on you, amy and chuckles would have you believe that nra passes out ar-15s with every new prescription for zoloft, instead of addressing what might be happening they are hung up on blanket policies that don't work, and erode rights issue they should focus on public gathering in dimly lit buildin buildings. i am so glad these two share the same stage, i always get my news from comedians, i trust leftists to make sound laws, schumer and schumer. coming up.
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why can't hillary close the deal? we have more bad news for mrs. clinton. and charlemagne the god, breaking down proper way politicians should engage in feud. and michael black dropped by with a look at his netflix series, wet, hot, american summer next. i'm kennedy. kennedy: hello to you. according to a new survive from media research center, donald trump received 10 times aim of air time on evening news than 16 other candidates combined. receiving most with 116 minutes, jeb bush second with 72. and chris christie, got 20 minutes, how does that help, joining me now, all-star panel.
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co-host of red eye. and dave smith. making his debut on kennedy. and one of our favorites, pete concerned veteran for america, fox news cris kristaps -- cristr to you welcome. >> thank you, what do you call it. kennedy: i don't know? has donald trump underred this media coverage. >> he is a phenomenon. he is channeling something real, i was skeptical for a long time. kennedy: i remember. >> very real, he talked about the debate, he is not preparing because he knows what he is going to say, this is screw washington, screw the scripted preparation, all things they poll test, people are sick and
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tired of that, donald trump is channeling that, he is a walking sound bite. kennedy: he gets 116 minutes, george pataki got 61 seconds. and then, senators, as i refer to them, cruz, paul, rubio about 16 minutes apiece. it is difficult for them to compete, how is trump going to change the game at the debate? >> my gosh, a lot of tweets, thanks to him, what he said, it is really going to be great. people like christie and others said, i'm not going to bring him up we're not going to focus on him, we have to focus on issues. kennedy: do you believe that. >> it is like high school, you answer the question with a jab on your onuoha -- your opponent without reverends them reverendl
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hear i love your war heroes. kennedy: how does donald trump make you feel? >> inside, outside in the middle. >> safe, and happy -- no. kennedy: you are a libertarian, a limited government guy, what does donald trump and his actual policies, what does to that say to you. >> not much, he has not said anything to me about market or small government, he wants to cut down on illegal immigration and make better deals and somehow mexico is going to pay for a wall, that is what i have into thgotten out of his policy. when did conservatives become the put up a wall party, i thought that biggest thing was reagawasration tore down the wa,
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first of all, they spent too much time on pataki. >> rand ra rand paul gat 13 houn senate floor he is good, the media spends time on caitlyn jenner and "balloon boys." kennedy: caitlyn jenner got 4 french min -- 447 minute. and hillary clinton's favorability is sinking fast. hillary is viewed unfavor abily by 48% of unlikely voters, that is underwater considering where she was when she left the state department, she is plummeting from a month ago, howard schultz, the chairman ceo of starbucks, is reportedly being
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urged to challenge hillary. he is not in. she has all resources, she has time, she has money why isn't it working. >> you wonder what she is doing with that. everyone that is working for her, and her campaign, i don't know, do they have pep talks? maybe they should. i think we're seeing, reflecting in polls that americans, are realizing there is a lot of politics in politics. she is being secretive, just because she is a lifer does not necessarily mean she is the best person for the job. kennedy: is donald trump the reason why they are trying to draft schultz ? >> i don't think so, i think they just see how weak she is,
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they downplay how incredibly weak of a candidate she is. kennedy: martin o'malley has 1 percentage point right now. >> she lost to a guy with no experience named hussein, okay, she is not a good candidate. candidate. >> but bernie sanders, whatever flaws he has, he is surging, she is plummeting, i did some math. election 64 weeks she is losing 8 points a week she should lose 512 points, so she will be in the negative. >> 64 more weeks that people have to hear from hillary clinton? the more they hear from her the more they don't like her, she is a horrible politician, a terrible candidate. who is inevitable. if i am a democrat, they head is on a swivel looking for anything
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else, people are trying to draft gee biden -- joe biden, literally. >> she has no charisma. kennedy: she has against-charm, antagainst-charm,-matter, coming up, panel returns to react to amy and chuck schumer, ask gun control laws. and hot summers, we'll talk about that with shar -- share -- ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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kennedy: welcome back senator chuck schumer teamed up with his cousin, actress, amy schumer. bill would reward states that submit records on felons, spousal abousers and mentally ill to federal background check systems and penalize states that do not, back is my cast, so, dave, you are a comedian. >> well, um, no, i think that amy is a great comedian, i think that chuck schumer is a krupp politician, but -- corrupt
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politician. >> is he corrupted by the system. >> i think he is really corrupt i think he takes more wall street money than any other senator. but, liberals just want to live in a world, if there was just a little bit more government regulation, we would not have this, that is not true. and worse society most violence are never those with a laissez-faire government, they have governments that regulate every as tec aspect of human lid liberals make it out like we're dumb to be concerned about that. kennedy: they think hard to make comparisons, i hate gun violence, every time something like this happens, i try too wrap my head around why. but i don't blame guns. >> i it is not wrong, you look d issue, this is to the a topic she has thought that much blast
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week we talked about this iran video with celebrities this week, a comedian telling mee what i should think about wrongs, it does not matter what was play ago screen. why does what is playing to screen connection it to what happened, he did not shoot the people because of what was on the screen. >> maybe she was appalled by association. >> but she has nothing to to with what happened, she was uncontrol abily saddened by it, give me a break, now teaming up with her uncle, and take on issue she knows nothing about. kennedy: and louisiana, bobby jindal did not say i am going to dial back my support of second amendment, i think that we need the thought police, get in people's heads, figure out who is doing these things and punish them before they commit crimes. >> definitely, we have -- >> have we lost another talented actor. >> we have, i thought she was
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going to get my support, i was going to vote for her in next year. kennedy: are you part of the academy. >> i wish that would be fun. kennedy: great. >> we have safeguards in place, there are laws in place, just make sure we're enforcing law. and that thor people's rights are not infringed upon, it is nuts that paperwork that i have too submit to get a lease for an apartment. and background check on me is significant, i can't imagine how it is not for something like a weapon. kennedy: try getting a gun in a place like washington, d.c. >> i will. kennedy: i was talking with a woman who wants a gun in a dangerous city for self protection, don't crime statistics bear it out, where there are more guns there is less crime, look at chicago, homicide rate, and tr dra dr drn laws. >> i am with you, i think is
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movie theaters. kennedy: and cars, if he did not have a car. >> you will see netflix stock go up. >> ar are -- >> you are right, and wet, hot american summer on netflix, who is here? charlemagne the god. and the boast hangover cure, a fruit will cure it, that leads to tonight's trivia question, which one of these politicians visited movie set of hangover part 2? bill clinton? aaron shaw? ted cruz? or mitt romney?
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kennedy: he is one of the best selling rap artists of all-time, now dead broke, 50 cent, filing for bankruptcy reveals he spent 72,000 a month to live in his lavish connecticut mansion, with its own private casino, a basketball court, and 9 kitchens, i guess no one told him that down siding might be a good idea. and char la main the god, in 2003 i wanted to be part of a 50 cent music video. >> which one. >> i did not care. i had an obsession with him, then i thought he made one of the best business deals, he got $100 million when they sold company for billions? >> i don't think 50 cent is broke, there are too many broke rich people, and regular people broke he got a few million in the bank, you know. quite a few.
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kennedy: he owes his trainer money, condition you give him -- can't you give him $75. >> he does not need a trainer, he is fine he has gone in jail. >> i want to be prison fit. >> a lot of protein, and calisthenics you are good. i don't think that 50 is broke, i think he don't want to pay out lawsuits he had this spend money oi think he got use for $5 -- sd for $5 million. why not file bankruptcy. kennedy: i would not want to pay it either, you have to be careful, have you been sued for that. >> i don't have that kind of money to be sued for, you would waste your time. kennedy: are you good with your money. >> very good, i shop at target, this is mosimo, i do not buy
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jewelry. and that stuff. kennedy: are you surprised that people fall into that trap? >> absolutely, it depreciates in value. i like collecting zeros, i like to see the rubber band grow, grow, i like to see that with my bank account. kennedy: what you are larry. >> i am still larry in south carolina. kennedy: a shut out to south carolina. >> we out here. kennedy: and okay freud with rapper drake, and -- in nick i manaj's main squeeze, they started theirtive last month, accused drake are not writing his own verse in a song, they have been in a war of words, taking turns writing this freestyle wrong about each other, and all about how much the other one sucks, so, shouldn't this be way to
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politicians settle scores. >> absolutely. kennedy: didn't jeb jo jeb busha freestyle dis, about donald trump. >> if you want youth vote, you better rap. you got future in your ipod, you have drake in your, pod we want to know you have hot music in your ipod, some killer mike. kennedy: i love killer mike. >> he should be running for had the. kennedy: he should. >> there are no vie able candidates out there. kennedy: he is smart, and brave,al -- >> i think it will be -- that is best way for politician to reach youth now, say you like rap. it work for barrack. kennedy: i have to say his comeback track was -- >> garbage. kennedy: it was really bad, you were mentioned in one of drake a song.
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>> in drake record back-to-back,. kennedy: my husband pointed on out, is he talking about your charlemagne. >> i have been always -- i call him albino girl, and princess boy. he sense 6 bottles of dom to the radio station. with a not note that said, let's befriends. kennedy: thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: always. >> i appreciate you, i love you. kennedy: i love you too. >> i am glad you are in new york now too? right. >> coming up, trouble waking up in morning, i will show you an invention guaranteed to get your
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kennedy: when you are confronted with a bir an of mixed stories, curl up with topical storm. topic one. call him sleeping mcgiveer, a english plummer had a hard time getting his carcass out of bed he had to thrust himself among living, i give you the ejector bed. i know it is crazy, you are just aas imture as i am, you are thinking eject her? i just met her, great minds.
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>> minion are coming those little yellow guys, they could not settle for just taking over pop culture, they are taking overrode a 40 food -- 40 foot inflatable minion, causing a wee bit of traffic in the middle of the road for folks in dublin, the minion was deflated and put back in its place. i am concerned their invasion may not be over, they wear goggles that makes me think their next move will to be concur the ocean or 90's hip-hop or both. topic 3. murder rate in baltimore has skyrocketed maybe because they have cops in charge, and not pro skateboarders, watch steve ball and his cat life reflects
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takeover as he saves a child, who was about to beat his maker through death by skateboard, watch this. mm-hmm. he saved that kid, that was shot in 2014, a gentler time for baltimore. maybe if more people went to skate parks there, it would be in better shape, wheels up, don't shoot, i said it, next time you need to go incognito grab a razor, an israeli man who has worn a beard for 14 years stunned his family members after he approached each of them, after secretly shaving, others, they treated him like a strang stranger. >> hello .
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>> maybe i'll regrow my beard, that was beautiful, meaningful, topic 5. firing off insul to donald trump. and that can be exhausting it is make you hungry as a pregnant wolverines, we leave it to ted cruz to express his second amendment right, and create a artery clogging afternoon snack that protects his right to party. ♪ ♪
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>> you are right, who eats bacon with a fork? well take that barrel-fried pork barrel and shove is up your pampered hiney hole, donald, do they serve thoses sunday brunch at trump national? i don't think so, but if they did, ted cruz would eat it with a fork. go ahead tweet me at kennedy nation if you have a subject for topical storm. coming up next, news paper release a lift of pick up lines. michael ian black with a preview of net fleck series. that series now justi -- stay r.
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online and on the usaa app. kennedy: welcome back to you, research done by wrigley extra revealed top 5 pick up lines they say actually work. top 3 lines guarantee to have most success landing you a date, i forget my phone number, can i have yours. >> i think there something wrong with my phone, could you try calling it. >> and do you believe in love at first sight or should i walk around 3 or 4 times. >> my panel is back i am trying them all. joanne and pete, one line i did like was, a man walks to a woman said, have a feel of this shirt, do you know what it feels like boyfriend material that would work on you? >> no.
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one tha that does work, a man ps up my tab at the bar that is pretty good, but, there are guys who use these lines, and there are women who think they are funny, those people are meant to be together. >> are right. people who are charmed by these lines, they should pro create, and they have to an alien race. >> they do have al alien race. kennedy: you think there there is one trick that works. >> water trick. kennedy: different from popcorn. >> buy a girl a water. i never heard of it, my buddy did it, it worked. kennedy: he saw a couple of girls. >> he ordered them two waters they thought is was funny, maybe hey have alien babies now i don't know. >> like a bottle of water or tap water. >> tap water. >> it is funny. >> free water. >> okay.
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kennedy: women perhaps respond to humor. >> yeah, i don't think, i have never been that funny, i don't think that there is anything like a line that works all about delivery, and confidence, and stuff, like when you said line you put on that sexy kennedy voice. then -- what happens like a good looking confident guy is trying to tell ugly way to dos h guys t he has a line this works. kennedy: one of my favorite, last 10 years, neil strauss' the game, did you read it, that is a journwe world of pick up artists, funny because, they have so many -- was not just like lines, it was technique. it was like, a working people and playing on their vulnerabilities and this psychological warfare. truly, but what happened. >> that is why women resist it. kennedy: 2 worked well -- it worked well but than they indicate # bars in l.a., and dudes would walk in having read
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the book, they you'll be like no, you are peacocking, i get it. now time for trivia questionss - which one of these politicians visited movie set of hangover part 2? >> i said romney. >> correct answer is, bill clinton. kennedy: he stopped by set, while giving speeches, he was in thailand. that leads to next story. new research may found hangover cure, listen to this, drinking r juice before you start your alcohol, has been found to limit the effects of hangover, they say, a a asian pear, juice it ot
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it before you consume alcohol. >> these type of people don't strike me as type that get so trashed. kennedy: these are forward thinkers, they over in do never do bad in hangover department do they. >> they are like, i am going to eat a really big meal before i go out, then, why did i eat that big meal, i am not wasted. you need "the hangover" to remind yourself, i 7 i am never going to do this again. kennedy: how many times. >> not that many, i am more responsible than a lead on. kennedy: dave. >> you can -- you have to suffer through hangovers, i have to go to like central africa to find a pear before i get drunk. kennedy: to whole foods. then you go to big fans i pants
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store. >> i am rooting for the pear, it seems like an unlikely hero. >> never see it on, a asai, or kale smoothies. kennedy: asian pears are delicious. >> only thing, that will work for hang ors is more drinking -- hangovers is more drinking. >> no one ever plans to get blackout drunk, you start with two beers then you end up like that. kennedy: it leads to charm. >> more so than relies on pick up lines, just get blackout drunk, hope something happens. kennedy: hey ladies you look like -- women love that. if you smell like alcohol, and cigarettes, and yeasty breath, women adore it. >> if you are funny you are go
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good. >> i can't compete with that. kennedy: you have boys, and children. >> indeed. kennedy: that sounded like something i did not want to say, a man i england called 999 too report a emergency. behold. >> my girlfriend let the -- eat the grass. >> what would you like police to do. >> i want to press charges. >> against who? your girlfriend for the calf. >> both of them. >> right. so, sir, it is not a criminal, fen to get your calf eat your bacon. okay, we don't arrest cats imvery sorry. >> you know they should arrest cats, dave, do you blame cat or england. >> all of europe for not having
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a war on drugs, this is what happens. that was an -- cat this is a serious offense, i don't know why it is so fun that english 911 is 999. if you just screamed it out, this man needs help call 999. >> have you been -- have you been so drunk you arrested a cat? >> um. no. >> little cuffs on him. >> i would like to see that done. >> you problems. >> that is true, i will agree with you, i am a dog person, and you are right. >> i need a pear. >> he needed a pear. >> he was certainly under the influence. but i appreciate his fortitude, he was so upset, he did not take matters into his own hands, he did not hurt his girlfriend or cat, he just want them no jail. -- them in jail, but you saw
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something else in this 99 operator. >> she is too nice. she said i'm sorry, i can't help you, she ended call with a thank you. like thank you for wasting my time. maybe i should move there. every time i make a 911 call about bacon they curse he out, you again. stop it. >> the 911 call, i don't know if you remember where lady called she was mad her chinese food was bad, they gave her the wrong thing. >> they would call cops for you on wastes top's time. >> they will, then nsa will find you. >> a big circle. kennedy: the da -- >> our cops can tell you we hoarheard ha we know we're on i. kennedy: guess what else cat ate . 999 her man kin, up next, thank
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summer, first day at camp, it is a prequel to cult classic from 2001, stars paul rudd, amy poehler, and ge gee nene. >> and you are a very busy man michael. >> i made time for you. kennedy: you did. >> i work really hard, kennedy, i play hard. i came here to play. kennedy: when you let off steam, what do you do? how does michael ian black relax. >> a great question, play words with friends. kennedy: are you good. >> i am not good, i play words with friends, nap. kennedy: do you play scramble. >> two letter words. kennedy:s greatest. >> qi . >> yeah.
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kennedy: do you know the z one. >> za . kennedy: okay like pizza. >> you ar you done with scrambl. kennedy: moving on, your wettest hottest summer as a kid, you look back at your summer with fondness. >> i went to theater camp. >> you did. >> i did, if you are a straight male, theater camp is like nirvana. >> a buffet. >> i don't need too describe any further anything that was wet or hot about that summer. kennedy: okay. it was -- -- better than band c? >> having not gone to band camp, i am confident it is, because, you have also think about girls who go there are pretty girls who sing.
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kennedy: you try to trying on rd outstrip else threatness, they have to learn how to act, you can prey on their insecurity. >> i prayed and prayed. kennedy: did you use that for the netflix series or original film? >> no, because -- because that -- >> star paul rudd? >> paul gets enough screen time we don't need to say his name any more. kennedy: bradley cooper. >> nominee, bradley cooper. kennedy: in your mind. >> we have won the same number of academy awards, and only one of us showed up on your show. there is no acting involved. kennedy: you don't like your character. >> i don't dislike my character, i have no character. kennedy: do you like. >> i am happy to be here, like
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you, i have a job, do you like this show, no you don't love your show. kennedy: i love this show. >> that is not what you told me. kennedy: i was honored to be mtv same time you were when you were start of the state. -- part of the state, most culli am not a statist, however, i loved and was impressed. >> you have an avowed communist like myself on your show. kennedy: are you a communist. >> no,. kennedy: what does bernie sanders do to your limb. >> i like ha he says, and like the way he say its. >> kennedy: we need a trillion dollar infrastructure program. >> yes, yes. >> does that take you back to that club? >> he is not going to treat me like a toy, he is going to treat me like the king that i am.
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kennedy: come back to talk about politics. >> any time. kennedy: it has so fill of -- filthy i need a shower, hugs, and come back. and hugs. >> way too many hugs. i give show big hugs that was real, no thank you. kennedy: coming up next, scott walker. gets punched by -- punked by ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands
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great white hope of g.o.p. but he has a black eye, thanks to some campaign trail trickery. what happened? he thought he was holding up a sign that said walker for president, but at last minute, ththe mirror -- mirror -- mirro- revealed a check signed by the koch brothers. because of their devotion to ik kieconomic growth, they limiting regulation, they are -- they have plenned to candidates. i don't give a rats fart part how much money flows into the race, i don't care. just remember, george soros, and
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other rich lefties, they are all use their conside considerable o sway this and every other election in their favor. half truths, make you, look sick and uninformed it happens on both sides but get slammed by lefties who claim to be of the people, yes, the rich people, your souls were bought and sold by same privileged silver spooners you claim do hate, next time you try to spoon feed the sheep, that antikoch brother dribble, you might choke on your own medicine. have a coke and a smile, you will get over the gaffe soon enough, and you could catch all new episode kennedy, monday-thursday, 8 p.m. eastern,
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5 pacific on fox business network, follow me on twitter @kennedy nation, same on instagram. until tomorrow night, i will see (narrator) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. (the mamas and the papas) ♪ and the sky is gray -♪ i've been for a walk -♪ i've been for a walk (narrator) it was the dawn of a new age filled with long hair, bell bottoms, tie-dyed t-shirts, and new attitudes. innocence gave way to a new consciousness about ourselves and the world we lived in, and there was a new music for the new times. ♪ don't you want somebody to love ♪ ♪ don't you need somebody to love ♪ ♪ it's the time of the season ♪ ♪ when love runs high ♪ ain't it beautiful
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