tv After the Bell FOX Business August 5, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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godaddy and fitbit. david: plane debris identified as remains of the malaysia air flight that disappeared over a year ago. could this help solve the mystery of what happened? cheryl: the scandal continues overconfidental information over hillary clinton personal emails. now the fbi is getting involved. [closing bell ringing] david: 24 hours away from the most highly anticipated debate in political history, can "the donald" keep momentum? we'll ask steve forbes coming up in just a moment. cheryl: closing bells ringing on wall street. take a look at markets. the dow barely coming into the red as we close. s&p barely inching up. good day for technology, oil down and gold, david is down. david: while markets wait for tomorrow, here is everything you need to know now. elon musk a genius or just a dreamer? tesla's second-quarter earnings expected any moment now. while the street waits for the
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results let's bring in today's panel. we have gary gastelu, editor of fox far report. jonathan hoenig, capitalist pig hedge fund, foxx news contributor and kevin kelly from recon capital partners. gary, first of all, what about elon musk? do you trust the guy as a good entrepreneur, a good manager, a good leader? >> you asked if he is dreamer. definitely he is a dreamer and more importantly the curator of great ideas and people that help them bring it to fruition. on top of that he is risk-taker. he is willing to take risks on car companies, are just not willing to take. he working on car not as a big manufacturerrer would be before they put it on sale. it worked for him. he is making exciting stuff. people keep buying it and it is one success after another. david: jonathan, here is the question i hear about him over and over and over, mostly by people that don't own the stock by the way, is his business
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model depin dent on government support of some kind. >> that is a big question, david. if not government support but at least expensive gasoline. main economic purpose besides the tesla being a cool car the economic purpose has always been high gas prices. one of the things i will watch for in the earnings just what the sales look like. because is this been dented in a age of sub$2, certainly sub$3 a gallon gas. elon husk is innovative thinker. you invest in stock, not a person. it is up over 800% over last three years. i think it is overvalued. david: kevin, in order for the stock to stay high or go higher they have to expand into the 100,000-dollar car. elon knows this. he is trying to build middle class electric car. gas prices stay low, all the other electric cars, nissan leave and chevy volt they're doing miserably.
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>> chevy volt is not sexy car. elon musk build cars people want to own. david: wait a minute, how do you know -- people don't want to own electric cars right now when gas is cheap. >> that's not necessarily true. david: it is true. that is what is happening. >> there are back orders. people are actually trying to get this line to buy these cars, including their new model x. that is what we'll look for on earnings. they have to come out with the model x suv. people will want this. they have got the falcon type doors. people need to see the car come out. it is supposed to come out by end of this quarter. if they don't get out by end of this quarter or next, the stock will be dead in its tracks. >> delorean was sexy hot car in the 1970s, 1980s. wasn't a great investment. they might do innovative things but tesla stock is trading 117 times earnings, current forward earnings. you have to wait 111 years to make your money back. it is very risky stock. david: thank you very very much. fox business will bring results
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of tesla, as soon as we have them right hire. cheryl? cheryl: david, we're monitoring, waiting for numbers but the dow slipping into negative territory after being down 110 points at high session. s&p and nasdaq managing to end their three-day slide. earnings driven jumps by priceline and first solar leading s&p 500 a little higher. priceline reporting better quarterly profit, better than expected. first solar quarterly estimates did top street estimates. shares of disney shaved as much as 60 points off the blue chip index after quarterly revenue missed forecasts. that is the biggest one day decline in the stock's history. apple managed to turn around in trading. turning positive despite a downgrade from bank of america. b-of-a cutting it to neutral from a buy. apple shares down 10% since july 20th, wiping out more than $100 billion, billion with a b in market cap. for comparison that is the same
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value of all of nike, even mcdonald's, guys. ouch, rough day, rough month for apple. new highs, take a look at this, netflix, chipolte. netflix confirming plans to expand into asia. guggenheim partners initiating on that stock to buy. david: no stopping netflix. commodities, not even surprise drop in inventories can keep oil in positive territory for long. oil breaking below $45 a barrel. it is up after-hours right now but hitting levels we haven't seen since march. department of energy said crude inventories fell by 4.4 million barrels last week versus million 1/2 barrel drop wall street was expecting. crude is down 14% so far this year. cheryl: here we go with the first big number, 21st century fox, parent company of this network, out with fourth quarter results. ashley webster with the numbers. >> we're going through them now, cheryl. the estimate on earnings per share was 37 cents.
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the adjusted number coming in at 39 cents. meanwhile revenue estimated at 6.41 billion. that number coming in 6.21 billion a miss on revenue. a slight beat on earnings per share. announcing another 5 billion-dollar buyback an class a stock. dividend on class a and class b shares. we're looking at advertising revenue which has been weak across the broadcast industry. we'll look for clues in the film second for for 21st century fox. let's not forget this is james murdoch first run at ceo. he took over july 1st. a lot to consider. cheryl: 34 million shares of class a many common stock as buyback for company. looking at that headline cross. ashley, we're watching other big numbers. we'll have them out any moment. we await for big numbers. breaking news that was fascinating.
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could the mystery be solved, we got new details today in that 7:00 teen month long investigation into the disappearance of malaysia flight 370. battered pieces of plane wreckage that washed up on an island in the east indian ocean are in fact part after flight that disappeared off radar screens. >> today, 515 days since the plane disappeared it is with a very heavy heart that i must tell you that an international team of experts have conclusively confirmed that the aircraft debris found on reunion island is indeed from mh370. cheryl: these pieces are indeed from that mystery plane that was enroute from kuala lumpur to beijing. 239 passengers and crew on board the plane. now the question, do any of
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those pieces show what might have happened to cause that plane to disappear so long ago? but, you know, french prosecutors took less conclusive approach today about the origin of debris i, saying experts reach ad quote, very strong presumption that the debris is from mh370. the government of malaysia saying something different. everything needs to be confirmed. david: even if it is from the flight, there is the question, will that help solve the mystery. don't go anywhere. more details about tesla. earnings are coming out every moment. can elon musk driver on his promise. cheryl: scandal continues overconfidental information over hillary clinton's personal emails. now the fbi is getting involved. david: meanwhile the big gop debate all set for tomorrow night with 10 presidential candidates gearing up to take their spot on the stage. coming up, we'll take you live to cleveland for a preview. don't go away. ♪ ♪
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david: talk about stock in the news. herbalife. numbers are breaking. ashley webster has them. >> pretty -- impressive. estimate was for 1.11 cents. actual was 1 to in24 -- 1.24 billion. beat top and bottom. even though net sales were down 11%, but overall a report that is beating what was estimated. you can see the stock moving higher. david: upafter-hours. tesla not out yet but we're getting preliminary numbers from sales in china. they're way down. tesla automobiles in china, in april they were 948. in may, 338. in june, 171.
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only, from 948, down to 171. no telling that says more about china than it does about tesla. no doubt those numbers change dramatically after we get the tesla numbers one way or the other. ashley, thank you very much. cheryl? >> we're looking at political landscape tonight. the investigation continues into the hillary clinton email scandal. the fbi jumping into the probe surrounding email sent and received around clinton's private server while serving as secretary of state. fox business's peter barnes with the latest on the scandal. peter? >> cheryl, the clinton camp is down playing revelation which could cause more problems for clinton on campaign trail. attorney david kendall saying, quite predictally, the icig, intelligence community inspector general made a referral to maintain materials are properly stored the government is seeks assurance about the storage of those materials. we are actively cooperating.
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the fbi is probing the security of the private server system that clinton set up in her home when she was secretary of state. it has asked kendall about the security of a thumb drive with clinton private emails on it in his possession. spokesperson for clinton repeated, quote, she did not send or receive any emails that were marked classified at the time. he added we want to insure that appropriate procedures are followed as these emails are reviewed while not unduly delaying the release of her emails. we want that to happen as quickly and as transparently as possible. her spokesperson comments qualify clinton's statements from back in march when she flatly vowed there was no classified information passing through her private server. clinton back in march did not use this caveat, classified at the time in describing her personal email traffic and what was on it. cheryl? cheryl: peter barnes, out of washington.
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thank you so much, sir. david: hillary clinton and donald trump, the two biggest names in the presidency right now. both candidates carry a lot of political baggage as you just heard. will they break out or break down? steve forbes, one-time presidential candidate himself, current editor-in-chief of forbes media. joins me now. no regrets you're not running this time, right? there is still time to get in by the way? >> no, i'm an agitator. that is my role now. david: let's talk about another agitator, and that is donald trump. he is really stirring the pot. some much his appeal was exemplified by interview we had earlier on fbn. donald trump and a woman named beada, a 92-year-old who is registering for the first time to vote in her entire life because of donald trump. they were both on just moments ago. let's play of the tape to get you to respond. >> donald is educated man and speaks fair and he means what he
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says. >> she sounds so smart. if she were running for office i would be voting for her too, trish. she would get it done. you know the politicians, they don't get anything done. david: to a lot of americans, steve, not only is he embodiment of the american dream, but he is there to defend the middle class even though he has never been middle class. what say you about his appeal? >> well, what he has tapped into, first of all people know him over the years both from his business dealings and most famously from television. so he is a familiar figure to tens of millions of americans. coming in at a time as a true outsider, at a time when people are very angry, very worried about the future of this country, who are contemptuous of our political system, he tapped into it, even more than a couple of left-wing democrats have done on the other side. there is a lot of discontent out there. david: forgive me, is the gop discontented with him? there are a lot of people that say even more than the democrats, that the gop establishment is afraid donald
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trump might actually win the nomination. >> well the establishment, you can overcome especially in the primaries as ronald reagan did 35 years ago. the key thing is, people are very interested in donald trump. that is why this debate tomorrow night is going to be so interesting. i think he is going to come across as initially as calm. he is going to let the others throw the first grenades. then he will fly into it. but he is going to let others be the aggressors and show that he has got discipline, that he is outspoken but he is one who can rise to the occasion. that is what, i think that is what he will try to do tonight. david: when you were running you were a bit of an outsider yourself. you used your own money to run as donald trump is going to be doing, but i'm wondering about those insiders, establishment. i had karl rove on yesterday. i asked if he would support donald trump if he became the nominee. he didn't give me a yes. he didn't give me a yes but he didn't give me a no. >> well i think this is where there are a lot of doubts out there.
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he has got a lot of support, there is a lot of interest, even those supporting him want to see more of him in the months ahead. and those who are saying no way, i think he has got a job ahead to say, hey, i may not be your first choice but i'm a viable one. david: yay. >> so he has got his work cut out for him, he is certainly saking things up -- shaking things up but he tapped into discontent in a way no one else has. david: he sure has. talk briefly about hillary if we can, fbi investigation some say it could kill her chances to be the nominee in the democratic party. do you believe so and if so, who else? >> that investigation is ominous because that, to be blunt, i may be a little paranoid here, but i don't think that would have happened if it hadn't gotten a wink or nod with someone in the white house. david: let me stop you there. that is an interesting charge i heard thrown around a lot. it is by the way the white house
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was the source, original source for "the new york times" story about the emails several months ago. you believe they're actively trying to hurt her campaign, the obama white house? >> these things are never done explicitly but the body language i think is unmistakable and it's done in way as you can tell from that statement if they want to back off they can easily back off on this thing but for the fbi to get involved, that is a big deal. your question of who else, that is why you're hearing things about howard schultz, ceo of starbucks, will he get into it? senator warner from virginia. john kerry is looking in the mirror, i tried it 12 years ago, why not? i came close to it first time. maybe elizabeth warren is reconsidering. david: i have another one, our buddy neil cavuto suggested that in fact al gore might be getting into the race. have you heard that one? >> i haven't. boy, my goodness. kerry and gore. whoa. david: that would be fun.
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give us a lot to talk about. >> this is a family station so i will just laugh. david: steve, thank you very much. we'll leave it at that thank you, steve forbes. >> thank you. david: catch steve and myself on on fox, this and every saturday, on the fox news channel 11:00 a.m. eastern time, every saturday. we look forward to seeing you there. cheryl: all right. neil caveto, cavuto. cavuto. cheryl: you will never live that down. don't even go there, buddy. david: listen with a name like asman you can call me anything you want. cheryl: we heard that one. few other stories on our radar. new push to sell the nuclear deal with iran. in a speech today, president obama described an upcoming congressional vote on lifting sanctions as either vote for war or peace, labeling republican opposition as knee jerk partisanship. >> the final criticism, this is sort of a catch-all you may
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hear, is the notion that there's a better deal to be had. we should get a bert deal. those making this argument are either ignorant of iranian society or they're just not being straight with the american people. cheryl: meanwhile, the strongest storm on earth so far this year, taking direct aim at taiwan and southeast china. it is weakened from typhoon levels but experts warn it will strengthen back to a category 4 hurricane with 140 mile-per-hour winds by tomorrow. it is expected to make landfall on saturday. you will learn soon how much your boss make. sec approving highly-contested rule, requiring thousands of public u.s. companies to release how much their ceo makes versus the typical worker. david, here we go, we're still awaiting earnings for the big name. hour. that is tesla. we'll bring them as soon as they come out. as we're discussing we're waiting to see about vehicle
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sales. 55,000 is the projection for the year for elon musk but will he make it? that is a big question. david: there is some other numbers that have been coming out briefly. i mentioned china. sales in china way down from over 987 to delow 200. that might be because of what is happening in china, slowdown of the economy, less than what is happening with tesla itself but we are getting these numbers. we should mention the twitter universe is going mad. why haven't these numbers come out. 4:30, if we don't get numbers before 4:30 that universe will go more wild than they already have been. cheryl, they're wondering what is happening now. cheryl: tesla, we have to say, we've been through this before, tesla can be a little slow with their numbers. we'll see what is going on. anxiety is going on with the china. let me give you a sense what we're looking for here. earnings per share is loss of 60 cents. so that is one of the things.
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revenue, 1.18 billion is the estimate. now the other thing we're going to look at is stock performance after the bell. this stock actually has been doing very well this year. it is up 20% so far this year. and again, wall street analysts, 288 per share is the target. lori rothman, we're waiting on tesla. you will bring us numbers. we're talking what we're waiting on as far as numbers go and how we break apart the report when we get it, hopefully soon. >> we're not only impatient ones. this is little later than most of what wall street was expecting. david: meanwhile, a lot of the question about what will happen to the stock after-hours has to do with their projections. as you know, elon musk realize he can't sell enough $100,000 cars to make a living. the future is based on what is going to happen specifically with regard to middle class cars they're going to be trying to
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sell. we have numbers out now? cheryl: no, looks like we don't have numbers yet. i want to say too, with regards to, they have been building a lot, they have been expanding the factory footprint here in the united states. one thing he made good commitment to is jobs in america. as we move into the debate, we talk a lot about jobs and economy. he looks to start to buildout more of the vehicles. david: but the question really is not necessarily the jobs that are being built now but jobs in the future and how many of those jobs are dependent upon the government support. of course a lot of tesla sales in california are dependent on the rebates they get, not only federal rebates but state rebates for those cars. we've been seeing a lot of 100,000-dollar car sales in california. as i mentioned before the number in china is quite disturbing because those numbers have come down. the question of all other electric vehicle, chevy volt nissan leaf and other hybrids that have not been selling well despite the fact the automotive
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industry has been booming these past several months. we've had record sales in american autos. record sales, suv and truck sales. not so electric cars which are going down. even hybrids have been getting hurt. bmw is having problems with its own hybrid program. again is he on the right bandwagon but at the wrong time? for a long time we thought it was perfect time just as president obama was unveiling all of his credits and other supports for electric car companies. that is dwindling now. can the car companies survive without those government supports. cheryl: go back to lori rothman on floor of new york stock exchange. obviously the model x is one of the big questions and what sales numbers will be, lori. you were talking to liz claman of that 55,000 vehicle estimate for car sales this year and can he hit that. if you look at last quarters he might be in trouble here. >> if you break it down the first quarter, elon musk -- david: we're still having problem with her mic. we have to fix that mic.
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as we do, one has to keep in mind gas sales are important part of any electric car company's ability to sell cars, electric cars as gas prices continue to moderate. the question of what happens long-term, plays into the business model of tesla motors and elon musk. if in fact we have gas under $3 a gallon for the next couple of years does that put the kibosh own tesla's plans for mid-sized car. $100,000 cars made be okay but mid-sized cars. cheryl: lori, her mic is up and running. we're good to go. talk to me about the model x and talk about the numbers and can he do it really quickly? >> second quarter only projected 10 and 11,000. elon musk said we'll do 55,000 vehicle sales. less than halfway through the year, not looking promising.
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the share price is up 20% year-to-date. we're looking for third consecutive quarterly loss, a loss of 60 cents. little changed changed in afters ahead of this report. a lot of people are anxious to hear this. this in a lot of way as make-or-break quarter. you recall in the spring, elon musk announced power wall, unveiling of backup batteries for your home, business, green revolution. 270 is close. a little lighter. there was a big volume burst on shares at 2:00 eastern. there was some talk, question whether there was earnings leak but there is no evidence according several reports i read this afternoon that that actually happened. so again, listening for eps and revenue which by the way is 1.18 billion. that would be up, i'm sorry from 858 million a year ago. are those vehicle sales going to be critically important for elon musk to catch up and get better
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on track meeting his own-goal of 55,000 for entire year. cheryl: as we wait, looks like we're getting numbers crossing right now, tesla. we want to go through those. lori, go through numbers for tesla really quick. i want to bring in jonathan hoenig real quick to talk about what is going on with tesla. also kevin kelly. david: this is way down after-hours. cheryl: joining me again. going through the numbers. lori is on that. jonathan, to you first as we process the numbers. we were talking about vehicle sales. a lot of pressure on elon musk, jonathan. >> just now reviewing numbers obviously. what is interesting to see even a beat you're likely to see the stock trade down. we're watching it now, trading down 7 or 8%. we talk about buy the rumor, sell the fact news. even on companies that beat estimates, stocks fall as a result. quick i we've seen high growth, high volatility stocks like apple, get hammered. tesla is long list of growth
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stocks not so growing. cheryl: elon musk is sticking with his vehicle targets for 2015. that is one of my big questions, with regards to those vehicles. kevin, looks like at this point he is sticking with his production targets for 2015. >> one of the reasons why he is doing that is because the three months ended that on union 30th, 52% was increase in deliverables. i think that is why he is sticking to his target. going back to china those numbers were abysmal. we saw a read-through two days ago from bmw, got down their full-year forecast because they think china will slow down and impact their earnings. david: guys, we do have the numbers. go to lori rothman with the numbers. >> after-hours shares are falling quite a bit. loss of 48 cents a share. that is narrower than 60-cent
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loss. revenue 1.2 billion, versus the 1.18 billion. here is the problem. vehicle sales which were talking about. 11,532. which model s. david: lori, give me eps again. give me earnings per share again. we were expecting a loss of 60 cents, what was it? >> a loss of 48 cents. david: not as bad. >> it wasn't as bad, but street is zeroing in on vehicle sales. david: think you're right. >> way, way behind what elon musk was problem missing. we're way off track. david: we saw it with foreign sales. jonathan hoenig, there are all sorts of things happening in china quite apart what is happening with tesla vehicle sales in china might affect those sales. was that some kind of an indicator to you, they dropped from 1000 cars a month to well below 200 a month? >> david, indeed. so much expected growth from china. china's stock explosion, had
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widespread ramifications. one is depletion of consumer spending anticipation in china. elon musk is looking not lower levels of cars sold here in the states. as you pointed out california realizing those. worldwide as well. lower growth from china and lower oil prices more less of an economic reason to put tesla in your driveway. cheryl: a headline crossing about operating expenses. operating expenses going up five to 10%. seems to me, correct me if i'm wrong, stock is getting crushed, down 9%. operating expenses up nine, 10%. model s, model x, both sales numbers are under pressure. we're seeing declines. from analyst perspective we're not seeing numbers we wanted, kevin, when it comes to vehicle sales? >> two things, main focus was deliverables. sales are not meeting numbers. second thing is actually the model x. when is it coming out? they need it to come out by this
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quarter to meet those projections everyone is talking about, or beginning of next quarter, suv. that is where all sales are for u.s. automobiles. david: right. >> if they don't come out with it, their growth is gone. that is where focus is. they even implement ad referral sales program where you get $1000 if you refer somebody, they get a thousand dollars off. they're trying to pull sales forward for their cars. that indicative of -- david: jonathan, there is another aspect here. that is the tesla cash bleed. they're bleeding a lot of cash every month. they just came out with a notice in this report they're spending $1.5 billion on capital expenditures this year. again this is happening despite the fact they're posting losses. we saw amazon's stock go way up as a result of them finally getting around to positive results in quarterly. granted they're not posting as big of a loss as we thought but they're still posting a loss but they're spending money like crazy. >> that is interesting, david.
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to your point, amazon has been terrific stock and street has never been bothered so much because it didn't make a lot of profit because the growth was always there. would seem to imply tesla, as you pointed out, spending a lot of money isn't seeing type of growth that will justify at forward p-e ratio of 117 times earnings. great potential for this company but it is wildly too expensive. so once the bad news hits the stock gets hit. david: stop the bleed. got to stop the bleed. cheryl: you know what, lori? i want to bring you back in. you zeroed a few moments ago. vehicle sales projections for 2015. his projection was, elon musk, was 55,000. now we're seeing headline cross, projection, 50,000 to 55,000. projection is not a sales number, lori. >> no. i mean so he is lowering expectations, lowering the bar. we came in everybody was looking for 55,000. musk had to absolutely lower that projection with only 11,532
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vehicles delivered in the second quarter, that is lofty goal. shares down 8% off here in reaction to the results which are a little better than expected. we'll continue to crunch through the numbers. david: we have model s vehicles sold in the second quarter, 11,500 cars sold in in the secod quarter. kevin, how does that feel to you? >> it is not feel good number especially because people can't afford the car, right? especially with gas prices down they're moving into other suvs. the options pricing in 8% move. so this isn't actually an overreaction that we're seeing. david: exactly what the options market suggested was going to happen. >> exactly. you can see people hedging earlier today in the options market. we saw that happening. had 50% run-up since the march low of this year. so people obviously were protecting themselves and markets actually indicating that right now. they need to get the model x out.
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that is where future growth is. the sales numbers are completely abysmal. cheryl: jonathan i was talking about them producing battery fact think they're working on, production vehicles we're talking about, talking about economy and jobs in this country as we move into the 24 who have have -- hour period. here is the thing. tesla is great, they're building things. great, they're hiring in this country but i'm not so sure that story is going to continue, jonathan for tesla. >> well to the extent teslas has been benefited by subsidies you hope it is not. all the presidential candidates and market has great respect for innovators who create wealth in this country. jeff bezos had to knock on something like 20 doors to raise first million dollars with look what he has built with that? tesla and elon musk is tremendous visionary. at some point when investors don't want to play the game,
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when growth turns off or tapers off, they don't want any part of it. some semblance of reality is coming back to tesla. as david pointed out, spending a lot of money and selling 11,000 cars a quarter will not justify that valuation. david: jonathan, our friend gary kaltbaum talks about how this is funny market. on one hand which have record highs being hit. on other hand you have more stocks going down than up. we talk about the beta stocks. tesla is the poster-child for beta stocks. is the end of the beta stock season going on for a couple years? >> david, you're hitting nail right on the head as gary. what is propelling this market up when it comes to nasdaq is biotech and few momentum stocks like amazon, like test sachs like netflix, like apple, like twitter. especially those last couple weeks have started to crack. seems at least from my perspective, tesla is the latest. as you point out high beta
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stocks. high growth stocks heading up but en masse seem to be heading down instead. david: good stuff, guys. jonathan hoenig, kevin kelly thank you both very much. cheryl: by the way, i'm watching fitbit. stock is down 11% in after-hours trading. david: down 11%. where is your fitbit? cheryl: i forgot to wear it. stock is down 11%. david: we have something for you. how to get away with debating donald trump. gop candidates are gearing up to face "the donald." a live report from cleveland is coming next. cheryl: and, we are. loud is that every organization has unlimited access to information, no matter where they are. the microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people, whenever they need it. here at accuweather, we get up to 10 billion data requests every day. the cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. we can help keep people safe; and to us that feels really good.
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cheryl: trump and center. one day until cleveland and donald trump will be taking center stage at the first gop debate. here is chris stirewalt, fox news digital politics editor who is already in cleveland. first off, can you feel the excitement? is everybody getting pupped up for the debate tomorrow night? >> if you're as big of a politics nerd as i am, yes. this is like, there is emotion,
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like the cuyahoga is not burning with fire. it is burning with angst. it is good stuff. talk. cheryl: talk about what you believe will happen. will everybody go after trump and attack him tomorrow night? >> there there has never been a presidential debate with more people than this. i would argue there has never been, no, seriously. and there has never been i would argue, a presidential debate with formidable debaters. people with substance good on stage. cheryl: who goes after him then, i'm sorry, chris? who goes after donald first, do you think? >> i think -- cheryl: is it jeb? >> depends on what up donald trump does. it ain't going to be jeb, oy no, ma'am. i would be very surprised if it was, anyway. depends on what donald trump wants to do. does he want to say look, i got
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a quarter of republican party that is mad as wet hen, mad as hornets at party establishment and angry. they are tapped into what he is doing. they're smelling what he is smoking. now does he want to pivot to other kind of voters showing himself in more presidential light? i don't know. he has got some decisions to make. cheryl: talk about, that is 9:00 p.m. eastern time debate. let's talk about the 5:00 p.m. eastern time debate. a couple of people i'm really -- governor perry, i'm curious to see if he stands out in the crowd. carly fiorina. everybody talks about jobs, economy, jobs economy. that is what everybody seems to care about. seems to my those candidates can shy in those areas. what do you say? >> look, carlify, is who republicans like. high favorability rating. donald trump came in and stepped off on her moment. she is independent-minded, she is tough, she is businesswoman. not insider. very conservative.
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cheryl: that is the point, she is not on the same stage with him. she and perry could really take a moment here, have a moment. >> but that is exactly my point. think for her and perry, conventional wisdom at begins, oh, 5:00 debate, boo-hoo. you know what? i've been talking to, i won't identify campaign, talking to folks in campaigns involved in that debate. while some are obviously complaining which is their right to be complaining if they want to be, others see this as an opportunity. it is really, gosh darn, it will be a place less vitriolic, less contusions, more of a opportunity to lay yourself out. if anybody needs that who didn't debate so super last time. cheryl: i have a feeling he is ready tomorrow night. i've spoken to him three times last month. >> exactly. cheryl: chris stirewalt, it will be great. 5:00 p.m. can't wait. chris stirewalt. david: debating elephant in the
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room also known as donald trump here is steve moore, heritage foundation, fox news contributor and alan colmes, host of alan colmes show on fox news radio. gentlemen, good to see you. steve, you're a policy guy. you helped rand paul with his flat tax proposal. from donald trump other than the wall, what other policy has he enunciated? do we know anything about a tax policy or how he plans to balance the budget or what? >> not much, david. that is the amazing thing. he really run on his record and anti-washington credential and how much he hates incompetence and corruption in washington. he said contradictory things on taxes. i've been reading through his book. i've been reading through his policy statements. one thing you read you think he is ronald reagan supply-sider. other times you think he is a hillary clinton tax increaser. tonight will be fascinating to see whether he is actually has to punctuate what he stands for on taxes trade, other issues he
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has gotten away with not speaking until now. david: alan, without policies why is trump so appealing? >> because he resonates. he is not poll tested -- he is not blow dried. well he is blow dried. david: not nice. >> he is not focus grouped. he speaks from the gut. he doesn't sound like he is is -- has an ability to relate because of the way communicates what he says. he is bulletproof. david: he doesn't care. >> with the debate in 10 people you will not have a lot of opportunity to give policy positions on the stage. you will not have the time to do it. >> you guys were having that discussion about how aggressively these other nine candidates will go after donald trump. look, i'm of the mind that every time the establishment, whether it is media or other politicians attack him, you know what happens to his numbers, david? they go up! david: they don't just go up.
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they go way up. >> exactly. david: steve, that leads me to ask you, gop establishment, the gop establishment, will they accept him if his numbers keep going up. >> wow, that is a great -- i don't think they will ever embrace him because he is running begins the gop establishment. that is why he so popular. more attacks republicans and democrats, one thing republicans have to learn from his ascent how unpopular republicans still are around the country. this is party that still needs a lost making up to do to the public. david: alan, i got to ask about hillary because there is a lot of making up that needs to be done there too. are democrats getting worried about her particularly in light of the fbi vision? >> i think some are. there is push in some quarters to get joe biden in the race. david: have you heard anything about al gore by the way? >> no. david: neil cavuto suggesting maybe time for al gore to dust-up his campaign shoes. >> i heard john kerry. i was on the phone with bernie sanders on my radio show. he thinks he will beat hillary clinton. how do you work with republican
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congress as democratic socialist? you appeal to the grassroots. get people to respond. he thinks that is what he is going to do. he thinks he will win. david: do you think the democratic party would be happy to have socialist? >> we already have one, david. we already have one in the white house right now. david: alan is there difference between the democratic party platform and socialist party platform. >> he is not socialist. the democratic party really -- david: you're hedging. you're hedging. >> i'm not hedging. he is not socialist. >> he is socialist. democratic social it. >> democratic socialist. he is european socialist. not looking for ownership, i'm not. he is not looking ownership of public companies by the government. that is not what he is looking to do. >> but he is looking at raising tax rates to 60, 70, 80%. that is pretty socialist ticks. >> resonating same way trump is resonating. david: grassroots is resonating. no doubt, alan, on that i would
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agree. grassroots sentiment is resonating at top of the field. good to see you both. thank you very much. be sure to watch the first gop debates on fox news as cheryl was saying. all starts not late in the night but 5:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. coverage of the prime time debate starts 8:50 p.m. eastern time. cheryl: i will have to nap tomorrow. get back up and watch everything. can't wait. surf is up, gop. presidential candidate riding the internet wave, that is coming up. plus high-flyers after hours on earnings. we'll bring you numbers. david: they're changing. ♪ have you ever thought, "i could never do that"? have you ever thought... you just didn't have anything left in the tank? well - you do.
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kind of the same thing going on. >> it is, david. earnings came in better than expected. 39 cents on adjusted to the estimate of 37% but fox also getting a bit after boost in after-hours here. announcing this 5 billion-dollar stock buyback program we mentioned over the next 12 months. earnings also got a nice boost from the cable networks which grew to $3.57 billion. as you say television and movie business revenue falling just slightly. but overall the market seeming to like these numbers and moving after hours. david: like cable numbers. that is good for us. >> indeed it is. david: thank you, ashley. cheryl? cheryl: also major moves happening after-hours on back of some big earnings reports. tesla shares falling by the way, the company backing off that full year delivery estimate for the model s, and the model x, despite a beat on earnings numbers overall. there is tesla.
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that is getting crushed after-hours. fitbit not doing any better. this reversing initial spike, down about 10% or so in after-hours trading. sales coming in just a quarter overestimated $100 million. biggest mover, we haven't talked, keurig green mountain, tanking 26%. i know. earnings diving 27%. david: wow. cheryl: cutting workforce 25%. coffee prices are in the news. this is part of issue keurig green mountain. there is the stock as well. let's get back to politics. it is all about the trump, donald trump. he is on the minds of americans. google has a map to prove that. publishing a interactive map of u.s. searches for republican candidates, billionaire's name at top of that list. joining me natalie andrews, "wall street journal" social media editor. natalie, steve are back. to you first what do you make of mr. trump's basically taken over twitter and facebook in particular.
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i think even he is surprised how will he has done on social media? >> i think a lot of people are excited to see what he has to say tomorrow, right? people are searching for him. people are interested to see what he has to say. is he serious. is he going to sound like a candidate tomorrow. is the show going to continue. cheryl: ashley, most of us are accustomed on big events to be on twitter, to be on facebook to see what people are saying. do you think that will play in the heart and minds of people during the debate what their phone says to them and their screen says no. >> i think it definitely will. age is important to be active on social media. a lot of candidates have been. google search doesn't necessarily translate into votes. think tomorrow night to point to what natalie was saying we might see a candidate in donald trump who kinds of stands there with no specifics and offer opportunity for someone consistently polling well such
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as jeb bush. he is doing very well on social media. he launched his jeb store, selling a guacabole to being personable and things like that are cool to do. cheryl: if any republican wants to get younger voter they have to be on social media. how do you think candidates effectively use social media. >> donald trump has done it so well, not surprising he has a big lead on social media because he says quotable things. we talk about him on fox and fox business all the time. donald trump has meanness to him. he is attacking all the others being incompetent and not fit to be president. what will be interesting to me, who gets off the best zinger. a comedy line that makes people laugh. ronald reagan was expert at that. cheryl: that saved him end of the day.
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changed tide he threw out in the final debate. it will be fun. watching tv and on my social media accounts. thanks guys, you it will be fun. cheryl: it is. david: coming up, one of the best teases i ever read. we have the secret to a longer life. yes, we have the secret but, it may be too hard for some people to stomach. we'll tell you about it coming up. ♪
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. >> put this spice in soup, you could have a terrible hangover from a bottle of bourbon. >> nice, deirdre bolton get us out of this. deirdre: thank you so much. we have breaking news to bring you here right away. a senate irs targeting report has been released. my colleague gerri willis on the story. gerri, what is the latest? >> that's right, we got report moments ago, here's what we're finding the taka way, the irs was delinquent in effective control, guidance and direction in the processing of the tax exempt application for 501-c3 status. the report describes the culture within the irs exempt organizations unit. we had no idea how dysfunctional it was. top management was never aware
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