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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 7, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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ilsenrath in to talk about the jobs and the fed. and wilbur ross gives us an update on europe and greece and how he's allocating capital. starts on fox business. and mornings with maria next week. stuart varney have a good show. stuart: thank you, maria. the debate was watchable, entertaining and maybe it draws people back into politics we can, but hope. good morning, what ever you want to know about the debate we start with an important development. senator schumer will not support president obama's nuclear deal with an iran. the top democrat is going against the top democrat of them all. the deal is in trouble. and remaining above the level before the recession, and we're at a generational low in labor force participation.
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i've got a quick headline on amazon's jeff bezos, he has quick money in his pocket. roll post-debate sound bite number one. >> i know i don't trust president obama with all records. i know you gave him a big hug. ♪ forgive me if i call it a ho-hum jobs report in july. 215,000 jobs report goody. the participation rate is still at a generational low, 62.6%, that's not good. as for the markets, well they're taking it in good spirit i guess. i say this every morning, pretty much dead flat. we're up one point, that's the futures okay? we'll find out for sure 29 minutes from now. here is what i think is perhaps
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even better news the price of gasoline. it's friday, some of us will be driving this weekend and it's getting cheaper by the day. 261 is your national average. later, we'll tell you where the cheapest gas in the land can be found. let's get to the debate shall we? joining us ashley webster, liz macdonald and tommy bruce. i thought it was a great debate, it was lively engaging. i thought the debate was a winner. >> it was real, honest gritty it felt true and unscripted. often they come off like a reheated can of chef boyardee ralph ravioli. ashley: i thought they did it great job, pointed and didn't let them off the hook and they had to answer them and i
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thought it was superb. >> interesting. >> raucous is a word used by a newspaper raucous and i liked it. >> yeah on social media, there were some surprise with how sharp the questions were. and yet, what it did, it moved the candidates out of their comfort zone. >> right. >> and that's what got you into the frame work in order to find out who you're dealing with. i think that raucous point though is going to hurt rand paul the most. i was how surprised he came across angry and bitter. nobody else did, even chris christie did. >> in raucous debate you're going to get contentious and ill humor. if you go back to any presidential debates. >> don't they start out with a-- >> implants like the mcneil lehrer report. and i'll tell you something, the democrats have to step up their game. they cannot be turning on the fog machine with scripted
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answers anymore. this sets a new standard for debates. >> a halogram of hillary in every chair and she could debate herself. stuart: you come up with the one liner. >> reheated can of spaghettios. stuart: what's the last one. >> the democrats have to step up their game can't turn on the fog machine. stuart: truth be told we all go to bed early. did you watch it all the way through. ashley: i absolutely did. >> i did not. i'm being honest. ashley: i watched the pre-debate and post debate. >> i went to bed ten of ten minutes before it ended. stuart: tammy? >> i was doing my show history 3000 science the first hour and talked over a few people, but this is not just for republicans this is really the introduction to the american people about who the republican party is who the candidates are and i agree with you, i think they did a good job.
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stuart: the politics had life. >> and the first debate. the first debate the children's table suddenly wasn't the children's table. carly fiorina-- >> donald trump should give proud for being if in a loud audience and host who-- >> we don't know who won, even though trump is on social media saying he won. stuart: i want to go to individual issues and candidates, things got very heated between chris christie and rand paul. the issue that they were fighting about was nsa spying. rand paul helped kill some surveillance. christie didn't like that. come in judge andrew napitano who has to join us by phone this morning. i know you're a rand paul supporter, but your guy lost last night, didn't he? >> i thought he made a trif -- terrific point. i think that e-mack was better than the debaters e-mack this morning. i thought that rand paul made a great point and chris christie
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a terrible blunder, effectively saying you have to search the house in order to see if there's enough evidence to justify the search. that basically rejects the fourth amendment. that's the argument made by king george iii and the soldiers before we fought them in the revolution to get them off our back. stuart: judge, this nsa spying issue is not flying with the american electorate at this point. >> but the american electorate was not rand paul's target last night. his target audience was the libertarians and iowa and in new hampshire, and they were delighted with what he said. the only person who defended the bill of rights that resonated with the groups he wanted to reach. stuart: that's a good point, judge. did you follow it on social media the comments about iowa and new hampshire? is that what-- >> i did not. i stayed awake until the very close of the closing arguments, i had to see how the donald was going to end it and then i
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crashed. stuart: okay you made a fair point. rand paul's comments were aimed at republican voters in iowa and new hampshire, where the first primaries will occur. maybe it went down well with them. i personally don't think it went down well with the rest of the electorate. >> the governor of new jersey knows that a first year law student could debate his pedantic answer. no matter where i am i'm on a boat, you can find me. stuart: it was a great debate wasn't it? >> yes, i was riveted until the end. not because they are our colleagues, but because they were fantastic. megan bret and chris held all 20 of the candidate's feet to the fire from beginning to end. stuart: judge, enjoy that weekend. >> all the best. stuart: see you monday.
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now this new york senator chuck schumer comes out against the iran deal. he says he will vote no. ashley, give me more on this one. >> i think it's remarkable that we have the split on some senior on the democratic side feeling the pressure of a million and a half of the jewish faith in new york and he did a lot of soul searching on this. i thought he was going to come on the other side. and he was on tremendous pressure from the obama administration and he went with his heart. >> the reason he was under such pressure. this unlikes the door to get possibly to a fresh hold for the veto. right at the same point, the top democrat on the house foreign relations committee also said that he's against it. this was the permission for everyone to say this is not okay. >> i'm sorry, who else said this? >> and elliott engle. stuart: i knew his position beforehand, but charles schumer.
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>> this is the collection and saying to obama, i guess now it's as if schumer, i'm not sure after obama's speech everybody opposed to it is like the mullahs in iran. ashley: the president said he likened republicans-- or opponents. >> opponents. stuart: the opposition he said they want a war and just like the death to america, does he include senator schumer in that crowd? >> here is why he cannot. schumer and angle sat down with both of these who briefed the top democrats on the iran deal. schumer is going to step in and take over harry reid spot as senator minority leader and he's somebody to watch. >> here is what we've covered in nine and a half minutes, not bad i'd say. the jobs report how the stock market is going to open the big debate last night and news from senator schumer. is there anything else? >> yes, there is. amazon the tune of a half
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billion of its stock and-- >> i have them jeff bezos tells more than half a million shares and makes the profit. this is the moses' made because amazon shares are up 70% this year and look he's got good reason for unloading the shares, annual salaries you wouldn't believe it just over $811$ $81,000 and that's the most cash compensation ever. >> he's got a chunk of that wealth. >> that's not a huge cash salary, pointing it out for you. his worth is more than $50 billion so yes, the fifth richest person in the world. the apple watch is selling somewhere other than apple boutiques. and apple watch launched in
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april and difficult at times to find. and it's now in best buy. and streaming for the rich and famous, they're giving celebrity users special access to duane the rock johnson. michael buble and facebook live streaming will let the celebs reach out real-time and hook people into video streaming on facebook. it's something i know you did an edit on the fly on the script on the amazon story, it was going to refer to the apple watch as a gadget. >> oh. stuart: you scratched that. >> and i said device. stuart: is it a gadget or a device. ashley: what are you saying lauren? >> i think it's both. stuart: that's true it's like-- >> a gimmicky gadget. a device can operate on its own a gadget requires your involvement.
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that's why we consider it a gadget. >> wow. >> okay the gadget. >> a device vacuums the floor by itself. >> in the script gadget, i undo my edit. >> any way you slice it you've got to get up early and watch that young lady and two others at 5:00 in the morning on the fox business network. lauren, sandra and nicole they'll be there at 5:00. >> thank you. stuart: donald trump and the war on women. a question by fox news's megyn kelly kelly. his response could have cost him some women voters next.
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>> almost as soon as the debate started last night, the second debate. donald trump got into it with fox news' megyn kelly. listen to this. >> i called women you don't
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like fat pigs dogs slobs and disgusting animals. your twitter account-- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> no, it wasn't. stuart: you heard that does trump now have a problem with women voters? >> there's some question about that because some argument what we heard from iovanna trump and the divorce deposition when she claimed. but what he did here is interesting megan is right, the way he's referred to women. some of it is habit and not aware but the audience laughter is interesting because it kind of relieved the tension where that might go. the problem is that there's so much-- it's very early in the process. people are going to learn more about donald trump and all the candidates. the only thing he didn't do was shush megyn.
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maybe rand pall shushed her off camera. the debates pro side the opportunity for us to get to know these people and we've got another debate in kept. >> the death nell for trump to have acted condescending, and-- >> the women will decide the election coming up. hillary is losing them and you know where they're going to go they're going to carly fiorina and scott walker and donald trump will find out that this is not reality television it's serious business. stuart: i think the question from megyn kelly was the right question to ask. donald trump has said the words in the past let's not mess around with politically correct he said that and his demeanor is one of bombbast and-- i don't think it goes down well with him. >> i don't want politically correct and we learn more
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about people don't we? . i want to know who is standing next to me and who all of us are. that's what i like about trump and people will learn much more quickly. ashley: no doubt who he is. stuart: in that one respect vis-a-vis women, do you think that he lost ground? >> i think in that regard and with people in general, his refusal to be loyal and says he can't commit to not running as an independent. that disturbs people, because this is about loyalty and commitment and what else is said when he is a not funny will hurt him. stuart: we'll go through the candidates one by one. we dealt with trump and women, and christie and paul. we'll deal with other stuff. i want to get back to the jobs report. kind of ho-hum, but a couple of things stood out for me. now that's ho-hum $250,000
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jobs. that's no big deal. i want to look at the u-6 rate that came in 10.4%. that's the real unemployment rate and it's above the level where it was before the recession. your comment? >> yeah absolutely. that's the number to focus on and really what that talks about is those people aspiring to work full-time who are not included into that number and i think this particular report has profound political implications not only for what the fed will do, but the tee off for where the candidates on both the right and left are going to go. everybody is looking at the number as an indication of a bad performing economy. this is the slowest expansion of economy in 70 years and all of them are going to that issue except for barack obama who has a defend it. stuart: how about the participation rate 62.6 unchanged? that tells me that there's a large pool of labor available to go into the labor force,
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which means that the wages are probably not going to rise that much in the lower tiered levels. >> you're correct about that. if you take a look at the wage numbers. the wages are stagnant and people are not seeing the same wage growth. 3.5% before the recession and they're not meeting the cost of living in a sense and when you step back and take a look at labor force participation right. again this is going to be one of the issues and john kasich hit it directly and the issue is, how do you get the people back into the labor force? what is american exceptionalism and how do you get your exceptional workers back engaged. do you recognizance regulate a business or invest in capital and expand? >> one. things that stuck with me this is considered successful jobs report because it met expectations. >> are you kidding me? are you kidding me? >> we're americans and we do more than that. and the top advisor to president obama tweeted out the other day that president obama
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is the most successful economic president on the economy since franklin delano roosevelt. the whole reagan era, let's forget it. both on right and left people are going to target this. stuart: you're killing me paul conway. out of time. thank you, paul see you soon. >> thanks a lot. stuart: do you remember josh tetric, just mayo about the products he's selling at whole foods. he's a big guy and now he's facing criticism about his leadership of the company. back in a moment.
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>> the endless mayo company called just mayo. he made a big splash at whole foods and sold a lot of products there. the guy is under fire for a laundry list. ashley: a half dozen former employees they said made the allegations that this company is full of shoddy science and ignores science in some cases and they stretch the truth about the labeling on their products, created an uncomfortable work environment and that mr. tetric himself the young ceo has culture of
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dilution, if you question wait a minute it's not right you're on the bad list and kicked out the door. they're saying for instance they shipped the just mayo overseas and put preservatives in it even though the label says no preservatives. stuart: he ran an ad in the new york times saying that the food supply problem is the big s problem that we face. >> don't mess with mayo it's a gift from god. do not mess with mayonnaise. stuart: it's a big news day, we've got it all for you, including the opening bell in what is it three minutes? here we go. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies,
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news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul?
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can a business be...alive?
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>> it's 9:30 precisely. they have started trading on wall streetment we're expecting a loss of maybe, 30 40 points. down we go in the very very early going. let's get right to the jobs report and bring in john layfield and scott shellady. john to you first. six-month lows for the industrials, 17-4. how will it affect the stock market? >> i think it will be a slight negative on the stock market. i think the jobs number even though it was a disappointing number, was enough to probably spur interest rate hikes and i think that's the biggest thing moving the market over the past year and i think what we're going to see is perhaps even at the september meeting, an interest rate hike. >> that's important, you say september meeting, rates go up in september.
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which would be next month, john, but you think that's only a mild negative for stocks? >> yes, i think that's the biggest thing out there. i don't think they're going to raise rates on a pattern that's very rapid. so i think you're going to see a rate. look, this has been priced in for some time. i think this is the worst forecast out there trying to keep hidden. i think the rate hike might relax a little bit. solidify and then go up again. >> here is the news i want to get it and i want to bring in scott shellady to answer this one. gas keeps on dropping more money in your pocket and the national average is 2.61. will you look at that please and enjoy yourself. scott how does the jobs number affect the oil markets, metals market or commodities market in general? >> the commodities look to be in a run at the 40 oil in the level because we've got more supply and lower demand.
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number two, i've been doing this job for 28 years, last i checked we used to raise interest rates to cool off an overheating economy, i'd like to see the interest rates go up, but we're not close to overheating. the feds have talked themselves-- i understand they've been at zero and i want to see them go up for the right reason. we're not overheating. we're expanded 4 trillion to get 2.2% growth? that's not my america, i want them to go up for the right reasons. they probably will. but sad to keep the interest rates just so they can puff their chest not the right reaps. stuart: ashley they're close to zero for years and years and years. ashley: it's an artifical environment and i think it's time the economy stands on its own two feet. it's not taking off to the races, but i think the fed
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needs to move them. we're only talking a 25 point basis raise. stuart: the markets, 2 1/2 minutes into the market. the price of oil is down just above 44 a barrel as we speak and gas prices have gone down again overnight. i can't resist it i want to get back to the debates because i watched it all the way through and i think everybody else did, too. ashley, who won. >> i tell you who was great. marco rubio, looked more mature than last time around in the national spotlight. i think he's a very good candidate. stuart: liz macdonald who won? >> jeb bush and carly fiorina, you want someone who can handle the phone call at 3:00 in the morning foreign policy in a bad state of affairs. whoever takes over in the white house has to fix the problem. stuart: and liz is the only person who says jeb bush was a winner last night. >> i think he won it. stuart: john layfield who won? >> john kasich he did a great
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job representing himself and great questions put to him and i think he answered them well. stuart: scott shellady. >> i think rubio and walker and kasich did well. stuart, who do you think lost last night? >> you're asking me? wait a minute you can't ask the host surprise questions. you just want do that. [laughter] >> ask yourself that who lost? >> i think that rand paul lost last night. i think he's been fading recently and i think he's losing on that issue of nsa spying. and i think he interjected frequently, looked bad tempered, irritable, he wasn't particularly funny, his oneliners weren't good. i think he moves down. >> one of the quotes from donald trump to rand paul you're not having a good night, are you. stuart: i don't think he did. let's throw it back to you scott shellady. who do you think lost? >> that was absolutely going to be my answer. i didn't think that rand paul did well in his exchange with
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chris christie. i think it's funny we haven't mentioned trump this whole time so i think he was neither here neither there, i don't think there was a big outcome on this. stuart: i'm going out on a limb. i don't think that trump will advance further on the basis of his performance. in fact i think he may retreat a little lose a little support because the way he went at the issue of women. john layfield what do you think? >> yeah donald trump is donald trump which if you like him, you're going to love the debate last night. if you don't like him, still eight out of ten voters are not for donald trump as republicans and i think that doesn't change at all. donald trump basically doubled down on megyn kelly and i'm not sure that's the right decision. i think you're right about rand paul lost horrible. he looked like the know it all kid in class that everybody hates. stuart: i want to get back to the point at the top of the show, i think the debate itself was a huge winner. i thought it was interesting,
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lively, amusing, substantive and i watched it all the way through. scott shellady i know that you are a super early morning guy. don't tell me you watched it all the way through, i don't believe a word of it. >> no i had to do a little bit of a cheat sheet. a little too late for me. i tell you what i like. i like the fact that the questions were very good because you can't ask the same question of ten people after the third person, me too, me too me too. the moderators asked different questions of different people. that made them shine. >> it went from 9:00 to 11:03 eastern time. it was a show it was entertaining, it brought people back to politics. i think it did. shall we get back to the market? >> sure. stuart: please take a look at keurig green mountain shares as of right now they're up 31 cents. oh. not good because they have taken a horrible beating recently. john, depressed at 52.98.
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would you buy keurig there? >> no i think they made a technical error. when you have an iphone you make a new model. and they made a tactical error with the keurig 2.0 and hurt the revenue. stuart: it's been down so long it looks like up to me that expression. the price of groupon i believe is up today. nicole, exchange tell me. >> no, it's the lowest since 2012. and the reason you said up they're in a turn around plan you'd think it would be working. stuart: yeah. nicole: not quite yet. they gave an outlook that was weaker than expected. and they were transforming the broader site. and they're trying to compete with yelp. but in the meantime it's not working and they're not fixed yet. stock down 4% hitting a new low. they did see customer growth.
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6% growth so they're holding onto customers, but the big picture is new lows for groupon. >> program note everybody, i say this every day and i mean it. a great show tune in 5:00 on monday morning, lauren sandra nicole, fbn a.m. great show. now you can buy the apple watch at best buy. and i'll show you both stocks. 115 on apple, 31 for best buy. john, apple really really needs to get sales for the watch going here. i'm going to divorce the watch from the stock price and ask you are you buying apple at 115? >> no it's very tempting because i think that apple is still a cash cow like microsoft, the problem is they're not innovating new products and i don't think it does anything for best buy. i think that people go to best buy to find what they want to find on-line. >> do they need to innovate and create gimmicky things like the watch. they can push new things like the iphone overseas. >> i agree look what steve
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ballmer did, building the most profitable company in the world and they didn't find a way. and if this is the only product years from now, it's the still money and innovating the current products, but at some point they need to come out with something new. liz you cannot just dismiss the apple watch as a gimmicky gadget. it's from apple and it's wearable. look at tesla, they took a big hit yesterday and down another 4 bucks today. look at this for a second this is a charger for a tesla car, it snakes-- looks like a vertical snake and snakes its way from the wall socket to the plug-in point of the car. okay, does it automatically. >> it looks like something out
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of alien. stuart: we're showing you this because the video is good. >> isn't that right, john. would you buy tesla depressed as it is despite the automatic charger. >> i've got to put a caveat on this. i think that elon must being is our generation thomas edison. he's trying to change the world, but there are problems with the car getting hacked and the production because of the supply line i'm not going to be a buyer liz: and once since 2003 profitable one quarter. stuart: it's all about the government tax credit. >> exactly, i don't want to dismiss it. by the way the second time in two days that elon must being has been compared to thomas edison. i think it's overboard myself. >> he's about that. >> and the reason that-- john. >> we heard that i did on occasion call him pt bar nam. >> you know fair enough
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there's p.t. barnum in him and steve jobs as well who brought out great products. i don't think it's necessarily a bad thing and change the world. >> with the caveat elon must being owns about 27% of tesla. stuart: good one, john game set and match. and look at toyota. there's a story about toyota. no more price haggling at lexus dealership. ashley can you talk into a lexus. ashley: you can. if you think it's a great price great. it's unusual in the luxury category. stuart: saturn tried that. >> and went out of it. stuart: jeff bezos has his most valuable stocks brings to 530 million roughly. not a bad day's pay. not making a difference, but are you buying it, john at
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525? >> no i think that jeff bezos has put the profits into distribution centers and back into the company, i think it's exactly what a young ceo should do. he's done that and good for him to cash out that much stock. >> you know that was an excellent morning market action, the debate whatever else, it's terrific. shellady, you're okay. all good. top of the hour colonel rf peters on chuck schumer. you know the colonel has something to say. he is a sound bite machine. we'll get his take on the schumer move top of the hour at 10:00. check that big board. if we finish in the red today. that means several straight days of losses. stuart: right now we're just above 17-4. donald trump is not going to rule out a third party run and could spoil it from mile an hour stream hour-- from mainstream. >> raise your hand if you won't
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make that pledge tonight? mr. trump.
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>> the debate. trump cannot rule out a third party run, roll that tape. >> raise your hand now, if you won't make that pledge tonight. mr. trump. >> okay. donald trump would not rule out a third party run. let's bring in angela mcglowan. if he does run as a third party candidate. that's good news for hillary clinton. >> it's bad news for the republican party. go back to 1992 when there was george herbert walker bush and bill clinton and ross perot, he took votes from bush and we got what, eight years of bill clinton. >> you think the same thing would happen. donald trump runs as a third party candidate. did you think he would get 19% of the vote.
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perot got 19%. >> i think that donald trump would get more because in a congressional or election type of race you need name i.d. money and message. donald trump has name i.d. he has money and message, that puts you out there. now he said to megyn kelly, an argument, a fight with megyn kelly about women and the question was about women. i'm not going to roll that tape again. essentially it's a fight about women. i don't think that donald trump looked particularly good to women voters what say you? >> he holds the feet to the fire, it was disgusting what he said. stuart: that strong? >> i go that strong i believe he lost a lot of female votes last night, referred to us as pigs that a woman on her knees-- >> megyn kelly was well-briefed and i believe when he said it. >> he said only rosie o'donnell
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and went after megyn kelly. >> you haven't treated me well. he came across arrogant and condescending. >> does that rise to the level of-- a pig, a dog, on her knees, he about put us back. stuart: you think that john kasich, the dark horse guy that emerged last night, moving up the ranks, he was a hit last night? >> he was a hit for me. he worked with him on the ways and means. stuart: angela. >> he was the chairman he balanced the budget. created welfare to work. bill clinton, helped to create a better america, a more prosperous america. what the republican party needs is a moderate that can actually win the general election. john kasich rubio, bush. stuart: but john kasich is your guy and you work for him. >> not for him, i work for the federal government. i worked on the ways and means
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committee. he was chair of the budget committee. ways and means is taxed and he put together a budget and crossed the balanced budget. stuart: you were a federal government worker? >> yeah worked in congress the federal government. stuart: that's a job for life. very-- >> i'm happy to become a lobbyist and open a consulting firm, but capitol hill trained me. stuart: and now you're here on "varney & company" and you like john kasich. >> those are my guys. stuart: thanks indeed. up next we fact check the candidates from last night' debate. taxes, the economy, jobs we've got it for you. in case you missed it the encore, 8 p.m. on saturday. trust me this is worth watching again. and then today, 12 noon neil cavuto's interview with governor scott walker you'll get more of this starting at noon eastern. >> you left women nowhere to go.
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what do you think of that? >> that's just a ridiculous claim. we defunded planned parenthood and transferred the money to noncontroversial sources for women's health. they want the money to do sorts of things that we've seen on the horrific videotapes we were way ahead of the curve on that long before the videotapes.
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>> look at groupon, a big loser it's not such a big loser. 452 revenue the amount of money not as expected. tesla trading lower again today. to some investors i think they're spending too much money. it's down $5 at 240. to the debate. liz macdonald combs through the claims to separate fact from fiction. first, jeb bush on economic growth. listen to this. >> we've done it 27 times since world war ii. okay. >> i think he was saying we're going to get 4% economic growth. a short bite there. liz is that fact or fiction? he says we've got 4% growth. >> it's fact it's true. we can do it. even though the associated press says effectively. i like things coming over. and even though the associated
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press or fact checkers say, 4% growth is not doable not possible. wrong! from 1947 until now, more than half the time we did have more than 4% growth. stuart: okay. true. >> true. stuart: liz, next one, scott walker, he says his state, wisconsin made up for the job losses during the recession. >> we more than made up for the jobs na were lost during the recession. stuart: a very short bite. [buzzer] giving the game away, wrong i take it. >> what he meant to say more than made up for the job losses under my predecessor, but 4% job growth is not great. wisconsin ranks 34th in job growth out of the 50 states. stuart: dow time to deal with christie he brought the budget into balance without tax
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increases? >> there was tax increases in the lower-- and donald trump says single pay payer works in canada, but there's rationing and flying to united states for health care. and bush says-- >> the false the fact he said should have said was the federal and state tax cut so it helps the tax cuts in florida. stuart: got it. the headlines are rolling off the presses today. at the top of the next hour ralph peters on chuck schumer deciding to go against president obama on the iran nuke deal. that's a big deal. and the person fired on the apprentice by donald trump. see the picture there? oh yeah we cover it all on "varney & company." hour two, two minutes away.
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ha at this hour, the great republican showdown. there were fights, plenty of humor but a real winner was the debate itself. a wild success. president obama's iran deal in tatters this morning with in his own party led by senator chuck schumer he is voting against it. colonel ralph peters is here. another lukewarm jobs reports those with jobs just getting bogged. many people shut out of the work force, getting clearer and clearer the economy keeps dragging its heels. second hour of "varney and company" dragging out here starting now. i think i say this every day at 10:00 eastern time pretty flat market. down at 20, that is all you've got, that is a six month low. it is definitely true it was a ho-hum jobs report 250,000 jobs
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added, that is not great by any means. the participation rate still at a generational low 62.6%. however at least you are paying a lot less for gas, down a penny a gallon over night $2.61 is your national average. back to the main event which was the debate last night. blake merriman in cleveland, you have two contentious moments. highlights. give it to me. >> going into this debate the analysis was who might throw a punch first, the might attack first, how might that play out. donald trump chris christie, rand paul, that is exactly how it played out. two sound bites, let's start with donald trump this is gaining traction today, he said he was unapologetic for not being politically correct, defended his comments about mexico but also was asked by megyn kelly about some comments
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he had made about women which many have viewed as inflammatory. he took on megyn kelly in that exchange. take a look at that. here it is. >> frankly what i say and oftentimes it is fun, it is kidding, we have a good time. what i say is what i say and honestly, if you don't like i am sorry. i have been very nice sea wall like a probably not be based on the way you have treated me but i wouldn't do that. >> that last part raising some eyebrows. interesting to see when this batch of polls nuggets out how donald trump fares specifically with women and if those numbers change at all. another one real quick chris christie and rand paul, there was an argument back and forth about the phone records paul wants to get rid of it all. chris christie the former prosecutor wants to keep in place. it spiralled from there. here is that. >> i don't trust president obama
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with their records. i know you gave him a big hug and if you want to give him a big cuthug again go right ahead. >> hug the our member ought hug is addictive families who lost their people on september 11th. >> bottom line ten candidates, no major clubs, this is just the beginning. don: stuart: i thought was entertaining and informative. i watched the beginning to end and i liked it. >> i agree start to finish. stuart: see you again soon. i have to move to the iran situation. the nuclear deal with iran looked so promising now looks like it is beginning to fall apart because new york senator chuck schumer, very influential democrat in the senate top democrats in the senate said he will oppose the president's deal
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with iran. lieutenant-colonel ralph peters is with us. you have said many times on this program that this deal might be a done deal it seems to be falling to pieces. would you agree with that? >> first of all the obama kremlin is going to send chuck schumer to the political gulag. he may never get out. the senate's vote the congressional vote is important symbolically but the key action was the treasury. that is the milder word, the treachery of obama and john kerry taking this deal to the united nations before giving our congress, the people's representatives a chance to vote. by doing that they neutered congress, castrated congress because once the u.n. security council voted to lift sanctions the sanctions are never coming back. the europeans, the russians, the
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chinese are already doing business so our vote will be symbolic but ultimately we will look like the bad guys, we don't want peace. i am struck again and again how strong halt visceral president obama's dislike of our system of government is. doesn't like democracy. when i look at obama and listen to that man, his disdain for the rest of us is so incredible i go back to my background and think -- debbie watson and schulz -- we have a president who doesn't like our system of government. he prefers iran. stuart: do you always speak in sound bites? i think you do. >> when i was younger i was a
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ferocious date. always had a good line. stuart: ferocious dater? >> i could always talk a good fight. stuart: i don't know how we got off on this subject. >> you started it. you asked if always speak in sound bites. the answer is no but when you have an opportunity on fox business for fox to speak to the american people it is your duty to be as cogent and clear as possible. as not to be a politician. stuart: i am trying to bring to words this deal. i am trying to say it is falling to pieces, it has already fallen to pieces it is meaningless because none of it is going to be agreed to. the sanctions will never be snapped back again. trying to sum it up, i think we lost. america has lost hands down. the western world our concept
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of democracy has lost hands down. that is what i am trying to say. i think you probably agree with me. >> i do. the losers are the american people their security israel, our arab allies, western civilization. the winners are the iranian regime, above all, china, russia european businesses. the crucial point here is one of obama's lines is by pouring money into iran, welcoming them back to the community of nations that will provoke change and we will have a kinder nicer iran in the future. what obama did was cutting this steel among other bad things was to cut the throats of the young iranians who want change. this strengthens the hand of a brutal hard-liners contrary to obama's vile remark on wednesday
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that somehow but republicans are calling cause with theocrats it is president obama has undercut global security, undercut the cause of freedom and stabbed the iranian people not just in the back but in the front cut their throats and everything else. this is a deal that is so bad windy without hyperbole, live or die in infamy. stuart: i think we heard that lobby and clearly. that is why you are popular on this program. we appreciate you being with us. see you soon. that was senator schumer and the iran deal. back to the debate, specifically we will focus on donald trump. what everyone else is focusing on. political strategist who was one of her claims to fame is she was fired by donald trump on the apprentice. >> i would not call it a claim
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to fame but i was. stuart: being fired by him on the apprentice and we see when the picture, having been fired by him does that change your opinion of him when it comes to his women as was exposed last night? >> what changed my opinion of him is how he has comported himself and all the things he had said that have been misogynist a canned beyond inappropriate. he likes to make the case he is not being politically correct. it is not a case of being politically correct or not. he is saying things that are sexist and biased against women. i think his display with megyn kelly who first of all is a woman who is of very popular figure in the me and has gained a lot of respect and attacking her directly undermines and reinforces the point that -- stuart: of fair point to make.
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you are democrats and you saw donald trump praise his hand last night. he would not pledge to not run as the third-party candidate. that is very much in your favor. >> that part i like to. stuart: you want him as a third-party candidate. >> i would love to have donald trump run as a third-party candidate. bernard: it looks -- it helps hillary. any candidates you liked last night? >> in terms of people who introduce themselves, candidates who were newer entrants like john kasich, governor of ohio, he was a standout last night. he introduced himself, name recognition is low. he is that new entrant and not only a new entrant but someone who is talking about running for a long time like the other people who entered the field late but everyone knew they going to. i think he really stood out last night. liz: megyn kelly asked the
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pointed question of donald trump, what happens when a female candidate takes on donald trump? how does he react? >> that will be a problem. that is a great question. donald trump has proven to be very thin skinned. he can't help himself because he had to know you are going up against megyn kelly who is no shrinking violet. we know that and she is a popular figure. why would you take on her and -- liz: take on the tough questions. >> the only person last night was megyn kelly, he didn't attackers wallace or bret baier and barely at act his opponents on stage. megyn kelly he singled out, not a coincidence. stuart: changing tactics, do you think hillary will be the democrat nominee? >> i think i am one of those people who believe fortunes rise and fall quickly in politics and anything can happen. why would say i don't support anybody right now. i am watching to see what
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happens. i think right now she is in a strong position she has a lot of work to do. democrats need to earn every vote. stuart: hedging your bets. talking point. >> i am not supporting anyone, that is true. stuart: good talking point. we appreciate you being with us on a big day. a quick half billion dollars from amazon. how is that working out? >> a rich person's cells a lot of shares. jeff bezos shares 1 million shares and make half a billion dollars in the process. this is the utmost money has ever made doing so. amazon shares are up 70% this year. one reason they are up, cutting the cord and streaming video. abercrombie and fitch continuing on call shift meaning workers joy not have to make themselves available for work on short notice. often workers turned down other
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jobs or hire babysitters in the event they are needed. bent the store calls you and you are not needed and you don't get he. this comes after new york attorney general crackdown on abercrombie's practices and those of a dozen other retailers as violations of state law. russian president vladimir putin orting 319 tons of cheese, fruit, vegetables and bacon trashed because it came from europe. russia does not want western products coming in because of sanctions on russia for its actions in the ukraine and i want to point out that there are 20 million people living in poverty in russia. stuart: by the way your story about amazon, jeff bezos sold 1 million shares, has a total of 83 million shares. >> it is nothing. stuart: it is chump change. liz: he sells 1 million shares. stuart: over the weekend 83 million shares, sold 1 million of them brought in a half billion.
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the man is worth over $40 billion. >> $53 billion if we are counting. stuart: he has other investments. washington post as well. thanks very much we will see you monday morning at 5:00 a.m. fox business lawrence and and nicole 5:00 got to be there. where are we on the dow jones industrial average? what have i got? the dow is down 33. what am i looking at? ashley: the pentagon. stuart: if you want me to tease it you better tell me the story. ashley: pentagon. stuart: an e-mail system full of classified information brought down. officials are blaming the russians. we have the full story a second. millennials watching last night's debate looking for new leadership, we will get reaction from one of the next. >> our country is in serious trouble. we don't win anymore. we don't beat china in trade.
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we don't beat japan with millions and millions of cars coming into this country in trade. we can't beat mexico at the border or in trade. we can't do anything right. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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stuart: we are down 46.5 points but the key thing is we are at 17,300. that is that six or seven month low. a quick stock check of groupon. not much money coming over the transom. not as much as they fought -- is down $0.17 translating to 3.5%. new low $4.51. the pentagon has fallen victim to a cyberattack. defense a provision officials blame it on the russians leave an e-mail system used by a pentagon staff was brought down in late july. it has been off line ever since. 4,000 employees had their
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accounts compromise. can't get enough of that debate. welcome to the show good to have you back. judaism from a millennial standpoint was the winner of the debate last night? >> i had to narrow it down to three because i couldn't pick one. that start with donald trump. he did fantastic last night. stuart: wait, wait. you are up millennial. trump faced the issue of women and what he had said about women. about people think his response was not very good. using she was fantastic? >> i do. you can look to his response like that and people are going to draw a disdain for that but when you look at millennials ac donald trump they know him from
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the apprentice where his name recognition comes from and they are focused on jobs and the economy. that is what donald trump represents. stuart: he is winner no. one in your book. when your number 2? >> carly fiorina in the first debate. jobs jobs jobs the economy economy the economy national debt is one thing donald trump doesn't do that she does is bring up cyberwarfare. if you bring millennials in to debate foreign policy especially the iran deal you have to begin with cyberwarfare. we are a mobile generation who care about mobile security and if you bring us into the debate talk about cyberwar trade she did a great job with that. stuart: third winner? >> john kasich your guest earlier mentioned. one thing people don't talk about with him is in 2010 he nearly won an election. in 2014 he won called the two counties in ohio and on top of that the exit polls with the youth vote he lost the youth vote by double digits and won 2014 by double digits, anbar point useful turnaround in four years of his campaign team was
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excellent, did great job in ohio. john kasich needs to be on the ticket. stuart: facebook was heavily used and heavily promoted during the debate, they teamed up with fox news. a lot of millennials get their political news from facebook. could use a facebook was another winner from the debate last night? >> it was a winner and online news media is the winner when you come to it. we had this debate with the mainstream neon who is biased and who is not started by against no. one cable news network's and it backfired on them and millennials don't trust any news source at all going to face book, twitter, buzz feed whether it is good bet we don't know. stuart: when you were running through the people you thought were the winners. and the jobs and economy were very important. is that the overriding issue? i would think it was social
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issues and personality and approach as opposed to jobs and the economy. >> social issues will not be the driving paul's. with social issues, jobs and the economy have been left behind. and skyrocketing student loan debt. and energy expenses. they want the candidate who wants the american dream to know how to sustain and energize the free-market economy and that is representative in the republican party. stuart: thanks for joining us. check this out. a river turns orange because of toxic wastes and apparently this is all thanks to the epa. i call that mustard yellow. the great republican debate will draw people back into politics.
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more varney after this. >> i don't prince president obama with a record. i know you gave him a big hug. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought.
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can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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stuart: the nuclear deal with iran is in deep trouble. a democrat in congress will vote against it. also going to against the president. we are talking charles schumer. it is the 3d printed car, one of the first of its kind and will be on the road next year. more on that shortly. the debate itself was the winner last night. free-speech viewed by millions of voters open, sometimes contentious, very watchable matter what your politics.
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that is what stuck out last night. i was glued. i am very interested in politics, but that debate was entertain. trump got into it right from the get go. that was a resting in the first few minutes. the audience was drawn in right from the start. there were fights chris christie vs. paul on spying, it was human. dr. ben carson was genuinely funny. there were plenty of clear policy statements. john kasich and ted cruz stood out in that area. and there was image polishing. joy. -- jeb bush and walker tried to look presidential. add of a great political show. we are not used to that. political discourse has become shallow and oh so politically correct. those debates in the past played out boring. who actually watched them all away for route? last night was knew. was engaging.
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i do hope it draws people back into the political arena because the next election is really crucial for america's future. america just got a taste of political debate. it was lively, fun and informative. do it again please. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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stuart: look at it go down we are off 89 points there are some suggestions that the jobs report this morning when they raise rates in september, pure speculation but the market down 90 points. you're paying less at the pump $2.61 is the national average for regular gasoline. back to donald trump, the main attraction last night. megyn kelly and his viewpoints on women. >> you call women you don't like
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fat pigs dogs slobs and discussing animals. your twitter account -- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> no it wasn't. stuart: a republican strategist just jumping into the chair in los angeles. thanks for making it on time. we appreciate this view heard how donald trump responded to megyn kelly's question last night, a lot of people on the show saying he just lost the female vote. you are a republican. what say you? >> no i don't and the reason i say that is everybody knows that donald trump does not have a filter. he says whatever is on his mind. not only that but he said it was about rosie o'donnell and a lot of people don't like rosie o'donnell. i don't think it really hurt as much as people are saying it
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does. now we will see when they do polls if it is resonating and does heard him but off the cuff i really don't think is going to do anything that is going to be polarizing with women and only for him. the question would be for rand paul. stuart: melissa frances with me now and the same question to her. you saw the exchange. i don't know whether you are republican or not but the thing donald trump lost the female vote? >> the exchange was tough because he was sort of funny and saying actually was more than her. the initial response when this is too pc was fantastic, i think a lot of people agree with that. you don't like what he said but
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i could accept that. >> hang on. then when he went from there to go and attack megan he went too far. that was went -- it was not necessary. it is because he went too far. he didn't need to do that. he made a good point and then made it personal. you may not like that and later -- stuart: hold on a second. liz: calling rosie o'donnell fat pig and a dog is too far too. he lost some women voters for that alone. stuart: we have we been in our studio in new york, not all of them think he lost the female vote. some are on your side here. would you describe yourself the day after the debate as a trump supporter? >> trump to me is an entertainer. i was very entertained by a lot
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of what he said. a lot of his rhetoric at the debate but what i tell you is i handle a lot of big donors and i didn't really see anybody as a clear winner. i didn't see where trump was -- rose to the highest occasion on the debate. i don't think overall it is going to kill him with women. stuart: if you have robot of big donors after the debate last night where is the money going? to which candidate? >> i am so happy you asked me that. high sending e-mail to 20 of my top donors. i had maybe three of them say they thought john kasich did a great job. one said ted cruz one of them said marco rubio. they were all over the place. i have never seen a group of donors be so confused on who won. what was clear, if they all thought carly fiorina won the
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previous debate so that was hands down, nobody had another winner but in the main stage debate everybody had different dancers from marco rubio to mike huckabee to it was while. i have never seen that. stuart: did you watch all three and were you entertained? ten seconds. >> i was very entertained. i had my popcorn and coke. i was ready for it. stuart: i have to say goodbye. we are losing the sound. thank you for joining us. >> i don't think from a loss female votes. he lost votes. it is not about being a woman. he went too far. because someone more intelligent guy thought he would make a better point. restarted by making a good point, then that resonated. should have stopped right there and went too far and that was a turn off.
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"cavuto coast to coast" when he doesn't want to win the >> he is a plant for hillary. >> definitely wants to win. stuart: we will have more on from and everything else that happened in the debate. thank you very much for scrambling on the show. we see you at 4:00 week days after the bell. >> thank you for that. come join us. stuart: back to the iran nuclear deal, i think it is falling apart because senator chuck schumer opposes the deal. he is going to leave the democrats in the senate and harry reid retires, his vote against this deal is very important and the reaction from schumer's colleagues are coming in. from republican congressman the selden. >> good that he came out against the deal there are more congressional democrats that need to come out against the deal. wanting to be opposed and another to start educating with colleagues.
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this is a bad deal for america and we need leaders to actually speak up not just coming against it as the next month talking to colleagues. stuart: welcoming the support from his side of the aisle for what charles schumer has done. charlie gasparino is here. kiss of death for the iran deal? >> no. this is the way it plays out. i heard this from his supporters, he definitely over the last three weeks has gotten an earful from his support is particularly people who are jewish, a family in israel telling him if you sign this, this is bipartisan, democrats, republicans saying you do this, that is the kiss of death not what i think will happen because shut schumer is a smart political guy, he called the president and set i will give you cover on this one. go back and refine it and see where we are and he will vote for the refinement at some point. stuart: what is the refinement? >> i am not an expert.
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you can go back and say we need to do this and this. ashley: the un signed off. the cat is out of the bag. >> i don't thing so. you can refine this. stuart: here is the story. it goes to a vote in congress, it loses. the presence as i'm going to veto it. >> who knows what will happen? who knows if with schumer out, opposing it he may not, might not have a veto-proof majority. i am just saying. stuart: that refinement. it is done. >> you don't think he can get another bite at the apple? stuart: i don't know. >> i have heard that theory that people like schumer will come back on the refinement and vote for it. they will tweak it give some assurances. ashley: he can say i oppose this deal. liz: until --
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stuart: ultimately it can still go through because it might be refined and joy of schumer will change his mind? >> i heard the theory, i didn't think he would oppose it personally but the theory i heard from some art donors, the donor class is in new york he was going to oppose it initially and demand a refinement and on the refinement he would give president obama is a victory. stuart: i don't think. >> i have heard that theory. stuart: i want to see other senate democrats. barbara boxer dianne feinstein. >> i will say this. he got bipartisan crap over the last three weeks, the only way over the last three weeks from his constituents, people in new york went nuts. went to meetings where they told him right to his face. he is walking a tight rope.
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basically stiffed his commander in chief. we will see what happens with hillary. he has been quiet on this. stuart: only time will tell. thanks good stuff. time for the sector report. health care stocks dragging down the market for the second day in a row. it is the worst performing sector today, 53 of the 56 health care stocks in the s&p 500 are all down. among the losers, biogen and a lot more. 53 56 on the downside. the dow is off 72. 10/apps prototype charger is an electric car, needs a charger. you are looking at it. looks like a snake. it comes sneaking album of the wall. pledged itself into the charging board all by itself. we have more on this in a minute.
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fascinating video. up next the creators behind a 3d printed car. they say it is going to be on the road by next year.
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nicole: i am nicole petallides dow jones industrial average, down 7 days in a row 17,350. the is and be down 1/4% and the nasdaq composite down 20.
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and traders think the fed will consider raising rates in september. in demand for graphic chips, that is not a real winner today up 10%. carl icahn taking an 8% stake in the energy company, liquefied natural gas and that is a winner up 7.7%. the biotech on wall street, they are getting hit they are all coming under pressure and so you are seeing that growth. the growth has been doing well. a lot of consolidation. start your day on the fox business network at 5:00 a.m. lauren simonetti and i. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney
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stuart: we will show it to you again, the latest device tesla has been working on the automatic charger for its electric vehicles looks like a snake. the novel moves on its own and finds its way to the car's charging port. lots of people sharing this online at they agree it looks creepy. says the stock down more than a one.5% again now we're back to $2.42, much bigger drop yesterday, down again today. now is this. a company called global motors' developing at a 3d printed car.
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look at it being a 3d printed. this car could be on the road by 2016. come on in, ceo of local motors j rogers joins us right now. this is obviously just a prototype, not something in mass production prototypical, right? >> this is the change for us. this is mass production and there are a lot of people that one digital manufacturing or 3d printing to be stuck in the prototype space. as a high-technology company trying to change the way cars are built we wouldn't be doing our business if we just call that a prototype. this is for real. stuart: okay but it only goes 25 miles an hour, is that correct? >> the first car we printed and introduced in detroit this year at the north american international auto show that car goes 25 miles an hour because of the power train we put in, we are pursuing high we certification which would be 80 miles an hour car for this vehicle by the end of next year.
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stuart: that is interesting so you really are developing this thing fast. forgive me if i call it prototypical, prototyped, i realize what you are doing what you are doing is is a revolution the way you actually make a car but let's be clear, that is 3d printing of the body the floor the chassis but not the engine. you are not 3d printing an engine, are you? >> we are 3d printing 90% of the car. syncing no need to reinvent the wheel we are not 3d printing wheels or the motor. these will be electric vehicles the first ones we have on the road so the whole structure itself is a 3d printed and there's a reason. the internet has been around, browsers on the desktop for 25 years. time for the internet to meet hardware and you can't digitally manufacture vehicles without processes like 3d printing and it has made it possible to change the way you manufacturer
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car. stuart: essentially it looks to me like you have gone rid of the labor force. i don't see any human beings just a computer-driven machine. >> i have been a longstanding fan of innovation and cumin innovation and this changes the ways we innovate. we enable technology in this way. autonomous vehicles safety, in car tax all these things are ready to explode and digitally manufacturing clause allows that to happen and it puts the jobs in those places which is sort of like before we had an internet is the same thing the jobs have become for code, people doing things with this new technology so we see an awesome opportunity for four year college labor force. stuart: i you a car company? or an innovative manufacturer with a brand new way of
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manufacturing. which are you in particular? >> we like to say we are a technology company that designs, builds and sells vehicles. "cavuto coast to coast" when you are in san francisco, argued? >> we have places phoenix knoxville, washington d.c. berlin san francisco. we're looking to put 50 microfactories that digitally enables around the world in the next five years so we are certainly looking at san francisco, one reason i am here now call all of the thought major cities around but united states are targets to bring this because it localizes manufacturing and that is why we call the company local motors. "cavuto coast to coast" when you got my attention. that is pretty good. are you a private company. >> we are private company. stuart: when are you going to do an ipo. >> as soon as the world understands there can be a change in the way henry ford
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started making cars and of the world to own stock, which we make the transition happen in the next two years we will be available. stuart: i think you just broke right through with a great headline and another one very busy news day, the debate, the iran nuclear deal, you broke right through that. pretty good. ready for this? the epa cause a spill in a colorado river and now the water has turned bright orange. after last night's debate what does everybody think about it? we are out on the streets of chicago asking those questions. what do you think? >> we need to build a wall and it has to be built quickly and i don't mind having a big beautiful blower in that wall so that people can come into this country legally.
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nominee by the time we get to cleveland for the convention this >> will be a drawn-out process that that is a good thing. >> as long as we focus on what we have to water and not be in each other between now and a time republicans gather back here in cleveland we will have a great nominee. i hope to be that nominee and i hope that puts us in a great position to take on hillary clinton. ashley: much more than noon eastern on "cavuto coast to coast". great show. a river in colorado turned orange or mustard yellow because of a toxic spill and all thanks to the epa, the same agency task with protecting the environment. they spilled 1 million gallons of waste from a mine into the waterway and people have been warned to stay away. the epa says it was an accident and we will try to clean it up. back to the debate. i you satisfied with what you heard from the gop presidential candidates last night? depends the u.s. jeff flock is
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in chicago finding out what people are saying. jeff: the legendary blue mitchell's restaurant where a lot of people have breakfast and talk about things like the debate. believe it or not not everybody in the world watched the debate last night but actually your friend didn't but you did. >> we did. >> what did you think? >> rhetoric nothing there. too big of a field. >> could you vote for any of those guys? >> i am a republican but -- jeff: not many appreciated, not many republicans in chicago but the occasional one. you watch didn't you? you liked the moderator's better than the candidates. >> no. i loved the questions. i liked how precise the questions were and i appreciate the candidates answered the questions they were asked. jeff: that was unusual.
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>> usually i am bored aggravated, don't know what they are talking about but this was spot on. jeff: assembling in chicago. now republican town that they are watching. "cavuto coast to coast" derives the debate was the big winner our 3 of varney coming up next. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? ♪
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. stuart: senator charles schumer will not support the nuclear deal with iran. this is a huge defeat for the president in congress. his signature foreign policy is being shredded. this is what he said, there will be a case where we will be better off without an agreement than with one. he wanted to stay under the radar, but he can't. when a party leader of his statuer goes against the leader, the earth is moving. schumer has enormous power and he's close to benjamin
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netanyahu of israel. his vote against the iran deal will have real impact. in the last two days, we have discovered that we will not be able to check some of iran's nuclear facilities. can't check them. so we don't know all they've been up to. and an iranian general has declined from meeting with putin. inspections, sanctions falling apart, and now the top democrat in congress says we will be better off without this deal. not good. the president should welcome the republican debilitate. it covered up the debacle that his nuke deal has come. ♪ ♪ . stuart: so while most eyes were glued to the debate last night, and they were, new york senator chuck schumer privately announced his plan to vote against the
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president's nuclear deal. steve forbes is with us. is this the can i say of death, steve, to the iran nuke deal in congress? >> with senator schumer, nothing is as it seems. and did he make this decision when he felt that there were votes to sustain the veto, either in the senate or in the house? so this would allow limb to have both the cake and eat it too. go against the deal but the president still triumphs. stuart: let me try to work this out here. he votes against it, it's defeated in congress -- >> both houses . stuart: both houses. it goes to the president, he vetoes it, it comes back to congress, and chuck schumer has done the vote count, he knows that they cannot override the president's veto, so therefore he's free to vote
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against it knowing that the deal will go through. is that your theory? >> that's what i think he's hoping for. votes can change, there's a lot of questions being raised just spitting at everything the administration says about this deal. iranians seem to under mine it more than the republicans. but i think schumer says he cannot some this thing but still a third of the votes either in the house or senate to keep this bloody thing . stuart: so even if it goes through at the end of the day, it's badly beaten up, this deal. wild up popular. >> what it does as the gives credibility to the next president to say this is illegitimate nothing like this can become law with one third in congress in favor . stuart: did you think that it's a rapport democrat, it could still be chucked away?
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>> well, all right. in many ways. they'll have plenty of pretext to say they haven't done anything with it it's ill legitimate. stuart: it was big or bigger than the republican debate. >> normally you would have news flashes all over the place, instead we're all focused on the debate . stuart: yeah, but we've got you on schumer. that's pretty good. i want to move away from this for a moment here. what have we got now? the narcotics. we've got to tell you about the stock market. we're down 82 points on the dow industrials. i've been asking why we've suddenly moved lower. the answer is that that 215,000 jobs created in july might probably mean that the federal reserve raises interest rates in september. the market realizes that a little late in the day i might add, but we're down 85 points on that. but look at that.
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62.6, the participation rate. that's extraordinary. that's a generation low. that's a very small proposition of the working population actually working. that's a very low number. that is not good news for america, in my opinion. the price of gas, here's the good news. down to 2.61 is the national average. that means we're down 14 cents in the past month, not bad. i think the decline is it picking up steve -- >> 23 days . stuart: that's the streak, isn't it? >> uh-huh. stuart: 23 streak of constantly going down. i love it. look at tesla, they had a rough day yesterday, they're not doing that well today, down another $4, 2.41 on tesla as of right now. come on in, hillary cramer. aeg capital president. do you still say sell tesla? >> yes. sell tesla. even though we love elon musk. >> who does?
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>> but when it comes to tell la, there's in just way, the searching need to be so high to support the growth. they only sold 11,000 cars in the quarter. bank account the fact in america we're going to have 17 million cars sold for 2015. it's such a small perjury of the auto market. if you want to buy something buy ford and be in a company where the f-150 is doing well, new products are being rolled out. now, tesla is wonderful, but keep in mind. take a look at those labor numbers, stuart. what we don't know is we don't have an upper middle class anymore. we have the formal wealthy. that's what we have. so i think ford is going to sell a lot more cars than tesla will be able to. >> those gas prices taking away the importance of electronic vehicles? >> and that's one of the major issues of what we call ev, how can an electronic vehicle be adopted . stuart: i'm not goodwill spend $100,000 on a electronic car
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when gas is $2 a gallon. and look at netflix. down -- no, it's been going straight up, we're down today. still the all-time high, you buy or sell? >> i would sell senateneth flicks here. and i've been the biggest person saying buy netflix. but what it comes county to is the cost of the content to buy the content, to compete for other content providers, it's just too much. "house of cards," "orange is the new black," that all being said, i think netflix might go out there and buy -- we might be seeing interesting movement in the media company. . stuart: i was there for the debacle as well, by the way. not good. i've got to move on to apple. down around -- what is it today? around 115. >> yeah. down 4 . stuart: you've been nasty about tesla and netflix, are
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you going to sell apple as well? >> i think for a short-term investment, you can't go wrong with apple, the iphone 7 we're going to have a buzz around that, but ultimately the short product cycle, stuart, the problem there is people can just move over and use samsung, nokia. now, the iphone watch is interesting because that does tie the consumer into apple. but ultimately, you know, you can't just hang around for that $200 billion in cash. >> what about the apple car? >> well, what about the google car? i think it's important that all these tech companies are investing in r&d and futuristic opportunities. but ultimately apple the hardware company, they sell cell phones. >> tv? apple tv maybe? . stuart: let's sum it up here. hillary cramer doesn't like sell us access test la, sell it, doesn't like netflix, sell it, apple, maybe otherwise sell it. >> so what do you like? . stuart: it was great having you go on the show today.
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>> i love companies that are opportunity. seaworld, all the concern about the care of the -- stuart: whales. >> i don't tone, but i'm going to be buying. i think 50% upside there . stuart: honest lady. here she is. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: done the markets. got to get back to that debate. i think it was wildly entertaining. i watch from beginning to end. i really i really liked it. steve forbes is still with me, and i know he watched it from beginning to end. you would. because you've been in these debates. >> been in a few. stuart: i didn't hear much mention of the economy, and that's what i wanted. i wanted to hear some candidate say growth growth growth, give it to me, flat tax or lower tax. i didn't hear it last night. >> no. two opportunities were missed. one was on the company someone like rand paul was trying to get back in the game, he has a flat tax out there, instead of getting it the centerpiece of getting the economy moving again. there was never a real debate
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on it. reagan would have never let that lapse happen. the other thing surprising me was they didn't do more attacking on barack obama. either domestic or in terms of foreign policy and that's what angers the base right now. that was trump's trump carped going into this thing with his descriptions of obama . stuart: almost every candidate seemed to attack hillary clinton at some point but you're right, steve. i don't recall a full frontal attack on president obama and what he's done with america. >> yes. so when you go after obama, then you can say hillary clinton third term for obama. obama's been as donald trump would say a disaster. stuart: i think that rand paul lost ground last night. i don't think he appeared in a very favorable light. he interjected frequently. looked a little irritable. didn't look out like a happy guy. and as you say, he didn't
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bring up his flat tax. he's a 14.5 flat tax guy; right? >> yeah. he mentioned in passings . stuart: it was a throwaway. >> and rubio has a tax plan out, he's got to refine it but it's out there. and walker should be exercising growth . stuart: why didn't they do this? >> that's a mystery. a lot of them up there in favor of a flat tax, but they don't get what reagan understood in 1980 and this is where political entrepreneurship comes in. people are worried, the growth, angry mood in the country, why they didn't lead with that and say here's the way to get optimistic america again for opportunity, boom. boom. boom. they didn't do it. . stuart: now, you're a flat tax, grow the economy free markets kind of guy. that's what you stand for. >> yeah. stuart: put that aside for a second and look at across the board all the candidates. was there a big winner?
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>> there wasn't a big winner. i think rand paul hurt himself. jeb bush has to be much sharper . stuart: we've been discussing this all morning around the whole table and jeb bush's name has been mentioned maybe twice. >> it looked t too rehearsed. you could tell he was not sharp to steve's point. he had an opportunity, and i don't think he took it . stuart: do you agree with that. >> yes. and the other thing they left out even though they mentioned was health care. stuart: that's right. there wasn't a mention of it. >> they're all against worker but anybody said how do we get patients control in health care again? is to it was missed opportunities i think one of the big headlines out of this debate . stuart: juan steve, it's never too late to declare for the presidency again. >> i'm monday morning quarter . stuart: on my show? welcome aboard. steve forbes, everyone. >> thank you . stuart: hollywood liberals
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worried that joe biden could win the nomination of the presidency. the reasons why they're worried. next when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill?
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stuart: i don't like the look of this. we've seen this in recent days. fairly flat opening and then the market starts to slide. that's what's happening now. we're down 102, barrel above 17,300. quick stock check on groupon. the stock hit a new low. not enough money coming over for groupon. flat sales at hershey, down 4%. and ten people in new york city have died. around 100 have been diagnosed with it. more people are becoming ill each day. and pneumonia, thought to
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originated in the bronx by a certain bacteria. and hollywood stars worried. some hollywood thank biden is a liability. joining me now reporter dominic patton. in what way could he be a liability? >> well, stuart, what hollywood insiders have told me they're worried about is this seems like a pretty clear race right now where the republicans have a lot of candidates, especially donald trump and a lot of disruption whereas the democrats are positioning themselves to look organized and confident and unconflicted. biden jumping in at the 11 hour, well, we all know the vice president is prone to gaps and challenge. so this could throw a lot of hollywood insiders, the people who are funding hillary clinton's campaign, throw them into a tizzy . stuart: did they think that hillary clinton has no problems whatsoever? i mean are you kidding me? seriously?
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doesn't hollywood know about the e-mail scandal? >> when they look at hillary clinton heading toward the democratic nomination, they see very few bumps in the road. somebody said to me she has the money, she has the organization, her and bill have the deep roots in the community. so they've established all of that. you look at someone like a biden and as i said in my piece, there are people that are seeing the joe biden like a donald trump. someone who could cause their hopes of taking the white house back in 2016 to fall off the road . stuart: okay. now, bearing in mind the leftest position of some hollywood stars -- >> some? . stuart: okay. a lot of them. i would have thought that a lot of them might be going for bernie sanders. he's way out there on the left. is he not attracting -- >> totally . stuart: no support in hollywood for bernie? >> bernie sanders has support in hollywood the way joe biden does. he gets the blood philology
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flowing. he gets them going. but hollywood is all about backing a winner, and they say hillary as being the winner in 2016 and they're already onboard. and here's the thing. hillary has been making sure that this soring in place. these fundraisers are in place for months and months and years. last night she was in hollywood for the third time shins she announced her candidacy in april. she raised nearly a million dollars at justin bieber's manager house. jessica alba, all kinds of people were there. last time she was here, she raised $3 million. these are just primaries. her super pack got huge contributions from steven spielberg and others. joe biden could throw that whole race open and that would be exactly where hollywood doesn't want it to go because
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they like a story line that is clean and simple . stuart: you make a good case dominic, i have to say. i'm not on your side of the fence or their side. but that's a good case. you can answer me one last question. why is it that hollywood stars so consistently go left? why is that? >> well, look, i think a lot of it have to do with the fact that that's the way people see the world. you have to understand stuart, these are people who have emence amounts of money they have a sense of how the world should work better so they look at things and have ideas about it. and a lot of them are in regard to when the former secretary of state or president of the united states shows up and asks their advice and they're more than willing to give it. stuart: but that doesn't explain the second and third and fourth tier in hollywood camera people, grips, why are they all left of center too? you've got 20 seconds to explain that one. >> well, stuart, i'll tell you this. i have a lot of people i know
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who are under the line. i don't think they're as progressing or left leaning as you think. i think they're working class people with working class motivations and a lot of those may go to the other side of the spectrum. stuart: you saved the best to last. you really do make a really good case there. thank you, sir. >> i try . stuart: next question what was hillary clinton doing while the republicans were debating the issues? answer taking selfies with reality tv stars. we'll show them to you in a moment. and at the top of the hour neil cavuto sits down with scott walker. you will get more of this. >> if he's having trouble handling his own finances, how the heck can he handle the nations. what douse to that? >> well, for me i think it allows me to relate to many everyday americans. you mentioned i've got two kids in college, helping to pay their bills like a lot of working families out there
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stuart: where was hillary clinton on debate night? well, she was keeping up with the kim kim kardashians snapping this selfie with hakeem at justin bieber's manager's home. some interesting comments about that picture. >> oh, that picture. photo bombed by kanye west.
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they attacked hillary clinton, they attacked kim kardashian so bald that i had to pick the most pc comments on my facebook page to show them to you. this is what john brothers says. she looks good in a orange jumpsuit. i guess he's talking about the e-mail scandal the potential criminal investigation of that. let's show you another one. and hillary's completely irrelevant after last night's debate, no vision, no substance, and her friends kim and kanye are dumb . stuart: those are comments that came new,. >> correct. stuart: your facebook page. >> correct. stuart: and people know that you're on this program, you work for fox. >> yes. stuart: i don't know if you're a conservative or not. >> they do not know . stuart: but they know who you work with. >> correct. stuart: that's maybe why they aim some of these negative comments to hillary to you. >> i was thinking that. and in all fairness i did openly say that this was at a fundraiser at los angeles, you know, i set the stage.
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it's not that hillary was ignoring the debate and taking selfies. but this did go on during the debate. >> raising money. >> and some people said get the whole story right, et cetera, but for the most part, those were the type of comments . stuart: lauren, i've got some details coming out of the senate's investigation of the irs, you know, she suspected of targeting conservative groups. what's the latest details? >> yeah. truly interesting. 1.5million pages the senate committee going through some of these e-mails. and it turns out lois learner wanted to raise the possibility of targeting pailen's teenage pregnancy she's the daughter of sarah, the gop vice president nominee, and she's saying, look. she's got a $300,000 compensation check from this charity, maybe you need to look into this.
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they never did but it's just another example -- it gives the impression that she's just going through all these conservative based -- or conservative attached entities to go after for an audit . stuart: a fishing expedition. >> of a 17-year-old. or one that got pregnant at 17. stuart: and one of the in history, they will be reairing the debate right here at 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox business network. they will not run as third party candidates. donald trump was not one of them. he said maybe he would. charlie gasparino is calling him, trump, a hillary plant. charlie gasparino is next
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♪ have you ever thought, "i could never do that"?
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have you ever thought... you just didn't have anything left in the tank? well - you do. because the courage is already inside.
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stuart: take a look and listen the racing last night's debate on fox. >> we suspected it was going to be good. the word is huge. 10million people tuned in last night to watch that debate. that's 16% of all u.s. households who had their tv on were watching that debate last nights. 16% of the u.s. . stuart: okay. i'm very interested to see how many of those people watched it all
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the way through. because i did. >> yes. stuart: i was intrigued,. >> we did . stuart: you watched it all the way through. >> by the way, that's not counting the trump debate parties. >> i was at a debate party. stuart: i just want to focus on fox's success for a second here. i said it was terrific political theater. >> donald trump . stuart: and you've got 10 million people now reintroduced to politics. >> yeah. stuart: as an interesting entertaining arena. >> it was interesting, they brought everything in because of trump and it could have easily gone away, and they delivered because the format was great. >> now, next debate, september 16th on cnn. let's see how they do. because the attention is there, donald trump helped build the attention. but first some perspective back in 2011 2012, those debates on fox, 5% in households. so doubling the numbers. stuart: if you want to see the
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debate again, it's worth watching again. saturday on this network 8:00 p.m. the fox news debate will be run again in its entirety. this network. we better get to the markets because we're down and falling some more. we're down 126 points as we speak. now, the lukewarm jobs report came in this morning. 215,000 jobs added. maybe good enough to let the federal reserve raise interest rates this fall. that apparently is the concern on wall street and down she goes. we're below 17,300 as we speak. here's one more statistic for you. i find this shocking. the participation rate at a generational low remaining at 62.6%. it means america is not really back at work. how about the price of gasoline? we're down to 2.61 is the national average but look at this in california. next to it. 3.63. a buck above the rest of the country.
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and now this. billionaire environmentalists tom says oil company profits and refineries there to blame for the cost of gas in california. and look who is here. the author of tax foreign i can't, liberals laboratory to bankrupt america. there's a title for you. i think that displays a certain bias, would you think? but james lacey is back with a big smile on his face. now, let me go through this tom thing for a second. you've got wildly expensive gasoline in california. i think it's because the green ease demand a special blend of gas they can only get in california. it's those oil companies that are doing it. this is ridiculous. james. tell them. >> well, it's absolutely ridiculous and, you know, they missed the whole point. they don't tell you that because of environmental regulation that refining process in california are
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through the roof in terms of cost. when you talk about gas in the rest of the nation and gas in california, it's like comparing beer to liquor, and it would be nice to get some of that 3.63 gas in california. i was just at olympic and bundy around the corner here and regular gas it's $4.09 a gallon. two big problems. california put in environmental regulations years ago that add into the regulations onto gasoline. it makes it very expensive to refine. there's only a small number of refineries that are capable of doing this complex brew. there's two different formulas, one for the winter one for the summer. in the summer, it's particularly expensive to make gasoline that fits california's regulations because they want to keep the evaporation rates down. and what's the result? the result is poor people who suffer from california's higher cost of living, have less disposable income, and
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they're made poorer. and here's the trick. the reason for all these regulations is to supposedly create a cleaner environment. but we know from a federal study that in los angeles since 1960, the airplane is 98% cleaner already, and it's only going to get cleaner . stuart: come on, james. we've been reporting on the extraordinary high price of gasoline in california for some time. i'm waiting for a revolt. for a reaction by the people of california and i don't see it. >> they're used to it . stuart: i don't get it. if you're paying $4 for regular, and i'm paying about 2.30 at the moment. why aren't you guys doing something? why aren't you marching in the streets about this? >> you know it's a proplexing thing that californians vote for obama. they vote for dianne feinstein. they vote for barbara boxer all of whom oppose the keystone pipeline.
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but going to count 2 the institute of california, 54% of californians support the keystone pipeline and if those californians would get out and vote and be involved in the process, we could change the state. in the november 2014 election, stuart, california voter participation was 42%. that was about the lowest in the nation. neighborhoods oregon just above the border, it was 70%. we have a situation why these liberal democrats are completely and totally in control, and we have a boating -- stuart: i've got to interrupt because i'm going to make a bet with you. i will bet that california in statewide elections for the presidency will never vote republican in my lifetime. okay. now i'm 67, i've got a limited time left on this earth, but i don't think i will ever see california vote republican and you say? >> i do not think i have odds on that? [laughter] . stuart: i can't calculate them fast enough. >> it's not an even money bet
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but let me say this. it did take 40 years but east germans did tear down the berlin wall. stuart: good one. very good line. and you can come back and say it again next time. james lacey, everyone. thank you very much, sir. appreciate it. last night the moderators went right after donald trump right out of the get go. >> raise your hand now if you won't make that pledge tonight. mr. trump. . stuart: okay. that wasn't right up front. it was about a few minutes into the debate but that was fairly contention and look who is here. charlie gasparino. now, he's going to give us the conspiracy theory -- >> no. does . stuart: wait. donald trump was planted by hillary clinton to disrupt the debate -- disrupt the republican party. >> i just want you to know that i came up with that theory well before him adding more fuel to the fire of the theory.
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let's go back and just realize this. donald trump is always taken many liberal stances in the past. he's -- for single payer; right? he was for higher taxes, you go right down the line, he's been very much -- he said the democrats are better for the economy. and all he's doing inside the republican party is beating up on the front runners softening them up for hillary clinton, and it came out just the other day when he was thinking of running, guess who he called? . stuart: bill clinton. >> and guess what bill clinton said? i think you would be good for the republican party and guess what he said? thank you, mr. clinton i think they encouraged them. i like donald as a businessman. he knows if hillary and bill get into -- the queen and king of capitalism, he's going to pay them back. for all i know, he's going to
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get a golf course in yosemite part, who knows what he's going to get. can you imagine him in the white house? that's the scarier part than hillary, but they will pay him back when she gets in there. and he's an amazing businessman and i agree with him. you shouldn't attack him over him having a property to declare bankruptcy. that's -- everybody does that. that was one of the points. and he's an amazing businessman. but as a businessman, he knows that hillary is going to pay him back the crony capitalist couple they are in spades. yosemite park is going to be called the trump national yosemite golf course. >> hillary is that desperate that she will and donald trump to infiltrate the enemy. >> she'll do anything. >> which tells you she doesn't think she can do it by herself. >> you don't think that bill clinton has in the back of the head i need an agent in the republican party?
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>> that's pathetic. >> it is but that's what he's doing. he's going to be in there beating up on jeb, on this guy, that guy . stuart: that was at least an interesting theory. >> you're going to agree with me in three days when more evidence comes out . stuart: three days? >> well, whenever it's going to come out. it's going to come out soon. i'm sure of it. donald loves these guys. he's a liberal. stuart: i've got to get on with the show. you made your point. chuck schumer one of the president's biggest supporters comes out against the iran nuclear deal. could be real trouble for that nuclear deal. back in a moment
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>> your fox business brief. the dow jones industrial down 107 points down seven days in a row wondering whether or not the fed will increase the rates in september. meanwhile the safe haven of gold going to the upside. and sectors. nine out of the ten sectors are under pressure, we're watching consumer stocks and energy underway to the downside and these are some names here, console energy, cf industries, set represent these particular sectors. hershey down 4% at the moment. on the other hand we're seeing the utility structure the upside today and actually the only sector with an up arrow this week. and barclay increasing their
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he just told a million shares. he brought in a half billion dollars. that's not much, however because he owns 83 million shares. >> uh-huh. stuart: worth more than $40 billion. but a nice payday. >> just posted a quarterly surprise quarterly profit, the stock price was up, he does this about once a year, still owns 83% of the company, nothing sinister going on here, but he only on pulls in a salary of 81,000 anyway, so this is his annual payday . stuart: well, the man creates wealth, he cashes out every once again and presumably pays a tax on it. >> i think that's huge for this stock . stuart: you do? you think it's an affect on the stock because he sells a million shares? >> no. the streaming video for prime members, the netflix thing . stuart: were that's true. that's very true. and that's why amazon has begin to 520 or whatever it is. >> yeah. stuart: and new york chuck schumer says he's going to
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vote against the president's iranian deal. some think he will influence other democrats to do the same thing. could this be the unraveling of the entire nuclear deal? here's jeff with the center for statesmanship and diplomacy. now, jeff, i've gone out there today and say i think this is the kiss of death for the deal but you don't. >> nothing is new for politics, so chuck schumer has made some kind of calculation. no one what knows calculation is. this thing is done, it's going through, obama is safer, and therefore he might as well come out because he's already counted the votes or is he trying to stop the forward momentum isn't . stuart: that's the other new york senator? >> that's right. and she came out in favor of the deal despite being lobbied against it by many of her constituents, and maybe he's doing the right thing . stuart: if he's counted the votes, he would know that if it's defeated in the congress first time around, goes to the
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president, he vetoes it, it goes back to the congress, if chuck schumer has been counting votes, he may know that there's not enough votes to override the veto so he could vote against it easily and without any consequences to him and still look good. and it still goes through. >> well, that's right, and it makes it easy also for the administration to say, well, you know, it's chuck schumer he's got a big constituenciesy and they've already said that, very offensive speech, leads us all to believe the constituents who have the motivate, obama's got his vote. stuart: okay. who was it that said if this deal fails, they'll blame the jews. >> john kerry. stuart: john kerry. >> that's right. they'll blame israel and the jews, it's pretty frightening, and i think we'll see more of the dog whistle. he's a very powerful democrat. if he's doing the right thing, then we should see him wing
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this vote . stuart: when you saw . stuart: when you say that, using muscle and say you vote against it too. that's what you mean; right? >> that's right. there are a lot of people still on the fence. obama is talking about it as if it's unreasonable republicans and netanyahu doesn't like it. you know what? many of his members are on the fence about this thing, so we'll see what chuck does . stuart: that thank you very much for being with us. very difficult subject and we appreciate it. >> always a pressure to be here . stuart: then we have millennials embarrassing communal living. paying big money to live in an apartment with complete strangers. the script says a bunch of hippies, but i'm not going to say that. we'll explain in a moment can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul?
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can a business be...alive?
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switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: you know this is an interesting new lifestyle option, and it's cropping up meng millennials. that would be modern day communes. okay, lauren. >> fancy. stuart: this is an apartment building or newly developed apartments. >> uh-huh. stuart: specifically geared to communal living. >> yes. stuart: a bunch of strangers living together. a new idea presented to millennials; right? >> they're setting up these communes if you will that cost
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as much as $4,000 a month. >> individually? >> 1,600 to 4,000. this is what they look like, millennials no credit check, no lease, can pay to live here so they can live with like-minded individuals. in one way this disrupts housing, no lease, no credit check, but it shows that young people can't grow up, there's parties, dinner parties, you only talk to people like you yes, it's comfortable for him . stuart: well, how do you check someone out? dirty dishes all over the place. >> well, there's a membership program, so i'm sure there's . stuart: they smell. how do you get rid of them? >> fraternity presidents will whip you out. i don't know. but in silicon valley they have palaces like-minded people to get stuff done. it's not unheard of. it's just interesting millennials are doing it . >> they're hippies. stuart: thank you. i'm just not wildly enthused
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about communes. >> me neither to tell you the truth. stuart: up next. neil cavuto on the most interesting debate i've ever seen and his exclusive interview with scott walker. >> you left women nowhere to go. what do you take of that? >> that's a just ridiculous claim moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. . layed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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. stuart: i know we're a couple minutes early. i want to go straight to neil cavuto. i want to talk to this man, i thought it was a terrific debate. entertaining, interesting, full of good stuff. it was humorous, i thought it was so good that ten million people, i think a lot of them watched it all the way through it brings them into politics. neil: i fully agree, my kids were watching it with me. my littlest guy said donald
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trump and he had the same color hair. i had to distinguish between the two. it was engaging and entertaining. if people can criticize the venues, how can you solve all the world's problems in 30-second, one-minute answers. they kept it moving and topical. stuart: if you saw the previous presidential debates where they open up with a five-minute opening statement. it is boring. whether that's your politics or not. it is boring. people don't take notice. they really don't watch from beginning to end. last night, completely different. i was glued, neil, i was glued. neil: it moved. and you had ten candidates up there, seven in the debate before. it could have been lethal as you know, stuart, it moved like your show. boom, boom, boom. it was good. we need to keep the attention going because people in this day and age they don't want to stop. stuart: he's right. neil cavuto is right! boom, boom, boom! you got it. neil: there you go.
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stuart: let's get right to you have you scott walker on the show. neil: i do, and jeb bush later on. it was not your traditional father's debate and not your traditional mother's debate. very different, very fast, volatile, very interesting that there were so many in this race. for the establishment players in the race, the scott walkers and the jeb bushes, they wonder if they were playing it too safe, too cautiously. later on fox news i'm going to be talking to jeb bush about that. first to scott walker and the issue the establishment time the candidates gains. in walker's case, 6 minutes. about half the time donald trump enjoyed. scott walker telling me he still thinks he made the most of it, take a look. >> plenty more debates out there, in the end what people want is not people who give good punchlines or go on the attack, my focus in terms of attacks was on hillary clinton i hope i showed people i'm


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