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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  August 15, 2015 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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like to share with us? we would love to hear it. sense me an, nai e-mail or go t. that's it for me, folks, good night. leave it to lou dobbs. >> good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. democrats are in disarray tonight because their leading candidate is in deep political and legal trouble, and she's unlikely to go away, certainly not quietly. hillary clinton whether she stays in the race or is at some point forced to face the unpleasant and unflattering truth has lost immense trust within her own party. she's under water in all polls, her candidacy is euro question, a new fox news poll, the vast majority of those polled say she knowingly lied about the e-mail server but
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more worrisome for clinton, the candidate is where she stands with independent-minded voters. we'll have complete polling and take up all of those issues with our a team, including jillian. also tonight the american embassy and cuba has reopened. the stars and stripes fly once again over havana, the flag presented by the same marines who took it down 50 years ago. but there was something missing from today's ceremony and there's a lot missing from this deal with castro in the minds of many. we'll be taking that up with bill richardson and more. our top story tonight. hillary clinton e-mail scandal growing worse with new reports the fbi is now trying to find out if data from her private e-mail server may have been backed up on another computer. some are calling for a special prosecutor to step in and sort out the mess and find the
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truth. so far, clinton has been able to dodge prosecution, but she has not been able to dodge the court of public opinion. senior political correspondent mike ehema with our report. >> the technology company that managed hillary clinton's private server told bloomberg it is blank and doesn't contain useful data. but did say the material is migrated to another server that still exists. since then, the attorney has not responded to calls or e-mails. >> the associated press was first for report the two top secret e-mails on hillary clinton's private server include a news article about the cia drone program operating in places like pakistan and a separate conversation that could point back to highly classified information. today the chairman, the senate judiciary committee says anyone with intelligence is aware, they must protect america's secrets. >> you can't have one thing for higher level people and another standard for lower level people.
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the law has to be played equally across the board and obviously if the law's been violated, prosecution should be sought. >> california democrat dianne feinstein vice chair of the senate committee is defending clinton saying quote none of the e-mails alleged to contain classified information were written by secretary clinton. feinstein added second none of the e-mails alleged to contain classified information to include any marking that his indicate classified content. but the benghazi committee said clinton would know top secret material when she says it. >> hillary clinton herself is one of the classifiers under the law, under executive order by president obama. he's one of 20 people -- she's one of 20 people who was given authority by president obama to classify things as secret, classified, and so forth. >> republican presidential candidate carly fiorina is calling for somebody to be held accountable.
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>> it now appears that this server has been with some it company in new jersey since 2013. i'm pretty sure they scrubbed it thoroughly, but it reminds me, the cover up is always worse than the crime. >> 58% believe that clinton knowingly lied when she said e-mails on her server didn't contain classified information while 33% say there's another explanation. and 54% of those surveyed say clinton put our national security at risk by using a private e-mail server. late today judicial watch complained about the response to the lawsuit calling it deficient, misleading on the issue of complete disclosure about the e-mail systems of clinton and her former top aids. they're using the obama administration and clinton of joining hands in this e-mail scandal. lou. >> thank you very much. mike with the latest developments in the clinton scandal. next stop for clinton, the candidate is iowa this weekend
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but her republican rivals already presenting their case to iowa voters. iowa host to the first nominating contest of the 2016 campaign, and it can't be ignored for some of the 19 republicans running, the iowa state fair could be a mak make or break fair. chief political respondent carl is in des moines and has our report. >> flanked by the state's two republican senators, former florida jeb but she was mobbed arriving first thing this morning at the iowa state fair and immediately dismissed all the hype about donald trump. >> we're at the beginning of this. people -- a majority of iowaians haven't even begun to consider who have made going to support. >> while two-thirds of iowa republicans say they're undecided, trump is still way ahead in the polls and has a well paid campaign team with 2008 caucus win. >> we're not going to have a 99 operation, but we're
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expanding that base, bringing in some people, and hopefully we can keep them in the party, keep them motivated, and part of something big, part of something special. >> but bush says he's not concerned. >> i'm not distracted by the, oh, my gosh this week, you know, something's happening. i'm so worried, no. >> that's the -- >> in davenport yesterday, bush left open the possibility of reinstating water boarding as an enhanced technique to combat terrorism. >> when you're president, your words matter, and i'm cautious about making commitments without having all the facts because this is a serious undertaking. i do think in general that torture is not appropriate, it's not as effective. >> but two months ago he was asked about enhanced interrogation and said halting them was appropriate. >> if we have been it, enhanced interrogation? >> i don't think that's necessary. >> you don't? why? >> because i don't think we need it. i don't think we need it, it's not the law.
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>> today he clarified saying it is an enhanced technique and not torture. >> torture is enhanced techniques, those are legitimate. >> shifting to a higher gear, post labor day acceleration, senator marco rubio focused on foreign policy as part of several speeches in weeks ahead. >> i will invite iranian did i say dense and freedom all around the world at my nothing racing. >> and carly fiorina surging all three say they're not washington insiders. >> people are tired of professional politicians, people are tired as politics as usual. whatever your issue, whatever your cause, whatever your problem you hoped would be solved, your class failed you. >> tomorrow the state fair around 10:30 and donald trump around 12:30, both of them leading the polls and grabbing all the attention. bubbling up in iowa. fox news.
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>> carl, we're going to go to high school in hampton -- new hampshire as you see donald trump is holding a brief q and a after talking with the folks at a campaign event there. let's listen in briefly. >> i don't think so. look. i built a net worth of more than $10 billion. i've been a world class businessman all over the world i build. i have some of the great assets over the world and that's the thinking. i don't see that in a bragging way. that's the thinking that our country needs to take our jobs back from china and japan and mexico and cleanup the border. by the way, speaking of mexico. but that's the kind of thinking we need to take back our, bring back our money, bring back our manufacturing. you take a look china, what they've done, they've taken our money, our jobs, our base, our manufacturing, and we owe
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them $1.4 trillion. that's like a magic act. they've taken everything and we owe them money. we owe right now china $1.4 trillion. telling you it's like a magic act. how -- they get everything and we owe them money. not the other way around. >> donald trump with -- at a campaign event is saying this giving them hell in hampton, new hampshire and on his way to iowa tomorrow. and the american flag flying over the american embassy in cuba today for the first time in 54 years, secretary of state john kerry standing at the ceremony alongside three marines who lowered the flag in 1961 after the united states cut ties with havana. cuban dissidents, however, were not invited to attend. secretary kerry becoming the first secretary of state to travel to cuba since 1945, calling for both countries to
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push aside old barriers and explore new possibilities while admitting change won't happen overnight. >> decades of good intentions aside, the policies of the past have not led to a democratic transition to cuba. it would be equally unrealistically to expect relations to have in a short-term a transformational impact. after all, cuba's future is for cubans to shape. >> cuban american lawmaker slamming today's ceremony including democratic senator robert who said quote this is a one-sighted deal that is a win for the cuban regime and a loss for the cuban people. the u.s. embassy and havana will be a hollow one, it will be diplomacy for show not in practice. in a ceremony here at home, general ray retiring after nearly four decade long army career. he handed over command to new chief of staff general mark,
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who issued a strong warning for those who want to weaken our military. >> if we do not maintain our commitment to remain strong, in the air, on the sea, and, yes, on the ground, then we will pay the butcher's bill in blood. >> the army force to cut 40,000 troops over the next two years bringing the number of active duty troops to a level of 450,000. that is the smallest active duty force since before world war ii. before world war ii. we're coming right back. stay with us. much more straight ahead. >> president obama claims his deal is good for america and israel. but how much more of obama's good can israel stand? former un ambassador phil richardson joins us here next. and if you're going to mars, which apparently nasa is, it's a good idea to test your
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rockets. rockets. the video of that test is@?
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a new fox poll out tonight shows 75% of those survived would not trust iran to honor the deal, only 18% would. obama has warned congress that it's either a deal with iran or some form of war, as he put it. joining us tonight former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, former secretary and governor of new mexico and, ambassador, good to have you with us. let's turn to havana, the u.s. flag going up today over havana or that little portion of it will be u.s. territory and our counsel and there. do you think that the president made a mistake again as in iran not getting enough in his bargain to return to attempt normal relations? >> no. i think the president did the right thing. 73% of the american people support the move to cuba. i think what needs to happen now is real, hard bargaining.
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in other words, the cubans want the embargo off. that's not going to happen, because the republicans control the congress, they're not going to give that to the president. but cuba needs to open up its private sector. it needs to democratize, so the real bargaining is going to take place, but i think it's better to do it when you have diplomatic relations, when you have diplomats on both sides exchanging and pressing and pressuring each other. >> let me turn to this new deal that we've got on swapping oil with mexico for the -- this administration moving us toward exploiting oil at precisely the time we're trying to achieve energy independence in this case with mexico swapping an undetermined or at least unannounced amount of light crude oil for heavy crude from mexico. what sense does that make? >> lou, i think that's a good
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idea. first of all, mexico is a friend, they've got some energy reform going that i think would make this work. and swapping heavy oil for light crude oil, this will be good for our shale oil people, the oil patch in new mexico and texas and colorado that is hurting right now because of an over supply of oil. so this is good because if you look -- >> don't even the you -- >> if we had these oil export -- >> i'm sorry to interrupt you. >> go ahead. >> i just have to say, ambassador, we've got markets working for us right now. we have got a tremendous boost to this economy when it desperately needs one and this kind of chamber of commerce thinking that is driving this swap that says to hell with the free market when it's inconvenient to producers it's crazy, it's nuts, it's not capitalism. no american should support that kind of intrusion in free markets. at least of all the chamber of commerce and business roundtable.
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>> no. i think, lieu, what we're talking about is an over supply internationally. 9million domestic oil production barrels a day is what the u.s. is doing. we want to get those oil exports out. this creates jobs for us, this improves our economy, and also with the russians, i think if you talk to eastern european countries, they're saying we want to get your oil exports -- >> because it makes no sense. it is not in the interest of the country, it's not in the interest of free markets, it's not in the interest of this country achieving energy independence. you know, we can pick up the argument later. >> all right. we'll disagree. but i do think it makes sense to do this. internationally have oil exports but it's a good debate though. >> you've got it. let's continue it. always good to see you. ambassador bill richardson. >> thank you. >> thanks.
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and a reminder to vote in tonight's poll. do you believe hillary clinton is the ideal candidate for 2016. cast your vote at lou and nasa is testing the engines that will power the manned mission to mars. the engine is designed for nasa' nasa's new aircraft. this engine will generate 10% more thrust than the rockets that propel the appal apollo missions. and up next i'll have the president's vacation reading list while he takes two weeks off, and we're about to show you. there he is -- you can't see but we can see what he says, and he's about to show us the quickest way down, not just one but three escalators. we don't recommend this, but
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it's sure a lot of fun to watch, and we invite you to do so as we continue with lou dobbs tonight.
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>> a few spots now as our president errants his second week of vacation. mr. obama has already gotten in four rounds of golf since last friday and nearing his 250th round since he took office. now, let me be clear, i don't think begrudge in golf within i think our commanders-in-chief should all find time for leash and relaxation. but in between all that time of golf, the president is intellectual and important issues during his vacation. had he released his reading list of six books, including the novels all that is, all the light we look see and the lowland. the others between the world and me.
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a book about race relations in america. touching. the sixth extinction, where you can find it and washington, a life, a lengthy biography of our nation's first president. summer vacation affair sounds like obama's news conferences but the president any play list even more revealing. yes, the white house released a spotify play list of songs careful chosen by the president himself. among the president summer selections, ain't too proud to beg. nothing even matters, so much trouble in the world, you don't know me, help me, i've got dreams to remember, and the best is yet to come. i don't know about you, but the president's musical choices speak volumes about
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the man's -- well, interworkings. a president coming to terms with the fact that his policies have done nothing to help his legacy, nor our country and have initialed our standing in the world and frankly it's tough to find a tune to sing along with to all of that. but you've got to give him credit for trying. our quotation of the evening. this one about profound truth about the books. said a book is a version of the world. if you do not like it, ignore it, or offer your own version in return. if online mr. obama would read those books, what do you think? we're coming right back it turns out those who mock donald trump should have checked first with the census bureau. we'll have the implications for our society, our economy, and the presidential campaign
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here next. and red bull does it again. amazing bikers navigating steep pitches, walls, and popping high speed wheel ease through on coming traffic and
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>> the main news at this hour, the fbi trying to determine if data from hillary clinton's now scrub private e-mail server may have been backed up on another computer. a new fox news poll showing
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the vast majority of those survived say she knowingly lied about that server and those e-mails. in the same poll, president obama's approval has sunk again. 42% approved of the job he's doing. a four point slide from just two weeks ago. his disapproval generating is near record highs, 51%. and the stars and stripes are flying over the american embassy in havana for the first time in 54 years. travel restrictions have been eased with cuba, a trade embargo, however, remains in place. and north dakota residents have started an online petition for the obama administration forcing refugees into their country, somalia, iraq, and the congo are expected to be transported to the areas over the next few months. 70,000 refugees are being settled in this country each year.
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a record 240 million legal and illegally immigrants are now in the united states as numbers reported by the census bureau, that's the total number of foreign wonder nationals that are now living here, more than 13% of the u.s. population now immigrants, both legal and illegal according to the bureau. that is the highest percentage in this country in northern a century. the explosion mainly driven by the serge of mexico nationals across our border. joining us now executive director of the immigration studies, good to have you with us, mark. you know, it turns out donald trump was right. he was mocked by the other republican candidates, but he should have waited for your report. >> i don't say he was right in specifics, but he was, in fact, raising the issue. >> he was right when he was talking about mexican illegal
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immigrants primarily coming into the country, was he not? >> yes, he was. absolutely. >> but everything else he says. but it is important for us to understand what's happening here. why are these numbers? i've never seen -- speaking in specificity, these numbers coming to us from the census bureau over the years. we're still not getting legal and illegal, why is that? >> well, because it's hard to do. the census bureau doesn't go, hi, hello, are you an illegal alien? the way we determine who you they are, that's an educated guess. these are just solid numbers of how many people born abroad who now live here, how many there are and there's more than 42 million, which is a record number. and that growth because it was sort of growing slowly the past few years because of the economy mainly. it's actually picked up quite
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significantly and that growth over the past year has been led by increases in mexican and central american immigration. but not necessarily all of it illegal but some share of it. >> but the fact that the government won't differentiate and just because it's hard cements hard for the government, they don't do stuff that's hard, and legal and illegal whenever it's convenient. 1.7million immigrants over the course of the past year. 700,000 of them mexican nationals. this is -- at this point there is no way in which the united states is demonstrating a desire to control immigration whatsoever on the southern border. >> yeah. there's no question about it. now, these numbers, it's not just the southern border remember. >> no. i understand. >> legally as well as illegally and staying illegally. >> there's no interior enforcement therefore airports. >> right. >> seaports, i mean it's
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the -- come as you are and have a great life in america. >> exactly. and see that's the key thing here. we didn't talk about in this report, but elsewhere we have where it seems that today's new illegal aliens, like that ones coming, there's about a 1,000 illegal immigrants a day coming. and over the last few years, most of them not come over the mexican border, the other 60% of visas overseas and we still don't have a way to check when your time is up. >> and, by the way, we've known how to do that, have we not, for the past 20 years. we know there's a system called e verify. we have put together an exit visa program that works when it's employed. there are has been a purposeful judgment on the part of republicans and democrats not to control immigration or our borders; correct? >> yeah. i would have to say. i mean it's hard -- it's sort
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of unfortunate to say it, but i think clearly that's true. the things that are necessary to do to actually control immigration are things that our political class doesn't seem to want to do. about this visa over stay thing. eight times in the past 20 years eight times congress has mandated, passed a law saying we have to have an electronic checkout system so we know who lives, that way we know who stays illegally among visitors. eight times congress has required it, it's still not in place. >> and the policies of this administration, how are they contributing to incentivize illegal immigration. >> it's clear, they're sending mixed messages but the message that matters people get. they just started this week a series of radio adds in central america saying don't come, you will be deported immediately if you are
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arrested. but of course they're not deported, they're just led into the country and they go join their relatives. >> right. >> and that's what they hear, not the words, the actions matter. the relatives call back. they say, hey, they let us stay, because that that helps make people decisions about sneaking into the united states. >> mark, good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> this has moved front and center, i imagine as much to your surprise as mine in the this presidential campaign. it's something that certainly needs to be addressed in public policy and a national consensus built around the issue. mark, thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you. >> be sure to vote in our poll tonight. the question is do you believe hillary clinton would be the ideal candidate for the republican nominee to oppose in 2016? cast your vote at lou a trio of mountain bikers pulled off some amazing stunts
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in peru. watch these guys as the group navigates through the streets of the city. they jump fences, ride on walls, at one point they're dodging cattle and a few stray dogs. the bikers say the idea was to take the urban downhill riding to its dirtiest, darkest places. and of course red bull is responsible for this breathtaking video, and i've got to say to red bull. you really came up with a very cleverly promotion program. some of the most astounding footage we see -- i hate to give a promo for red bull but that's what that is. and i don't think we should deny that they're very good at it. and forget about snow. one skier shows us another way to ski. gopro video showing daniel
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skiing down this escalator, he performed this impressive stunt a number of times, gopro said the clip was part of its winter content for the next skiers and riders for the 2014, '15 season. my goodness. you know, gopro isn't doing badly with their promotion thing either. up next, the ferguson effect, police afraid to defend themselves because of their fears they'll be charged criminally. we'll take that up next and amazing rescue caught on camera. truly astounding. we'll show you nex
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when the twins were about 10 days old, the doctors told us they were going to need blood transfusions. we're so proud of who they've become. as a result of one person, deciding to spend an hour of their life giving blood is just immeasurable, how powerful that one donation could possibly be. ...and the crowd goes wild! don't talk, when we don't touch ♪ ♪ when it doesn't feel like we're even in love ♪ ♪ it matters to me ♪ when i don't know what to say ♪ ♪ don't know what to do ♪ don't know if it really even matters to you ♪ ♪ it matters to me.
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>> an alabama police detective is recovering tonight after being beaten and beaten and pistol whipped. he was performing a routine traffic stop, the detective didn't shoot nor did he fight to defend himself because the officer was afraid of being involved in another media escapade saying he hesitated simply because what's going on in our so society right now. we have officers walking on eggshells because how they're scrutinized in the media. we should be thanking the good lord because he could be dead right now. the suspect is in custody.
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he faces charges of attempted murder. joining us tonight former nypd detective fox news contributor bo, good to have you with us. and deborah. good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> we have got a campaign in this country whether we recognize it or not, it's a campaign against law enforcement, and its led in large measure by the administration that has chosen to carry out that campaign. what in the world are we going to do? how can we reverse the attitude that exists in some communities and cities across the country? >> well, i think when we talk about this issue with we're looking at specific communities and what we really to need folks on is that those people living there has unequal circumstances and they're not given circumstances to get out of the circumstances. i'm not saying it's good to pistol whip the police officer or police should be feared to
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doing their job. that's very sad, but we have to address -- >> when you say it's unacceptable to tolerate, period. >> it's completely unacceptable to tolerate period. i agree with that. but at the same time we need to look at why these people are in these circumstances. and it's because we don't incentivize working enough. >> i want to turn to bo and get his view. but why would this president, who is our first african-american president, we're talking about in baltimore, a city that has been run by democrats for a half century that has an arch american power structure, african-american police officials, top officials. how in the world is it that this president has done nothing positive to reverse what is -- what you're describing? >> well, i think we have a big bureaucratic mess -- >> no. no. no. we had a big bureaucratic miss before, we'll have one later. why in your judgment -- if this is the case, this president has not responded
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rather than carry out a campaign versus law enforcement. >> i do think that the president needs to make a strong message that harming police officers is not acceptable. here the nypd, two of them were innocently shot for doing nothing wrong. you can't have a society where we allow this occur. >> well, as a former policeman, and we've talked about this issue, this president just does not step up for law enforcement, nor has the he stepped up for the communities that one would think he would be eager to be a positive role model and provide positive support. >> the only time this president speaks out is when the cops do something, whenever he speaks out, all as he does divide his country. we all know what happened to ferguson. that we know brown's don was on the cop, on the car, this hands up action was not there. now you have a demonstration again, my idea is what
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happened in baltimore, all those stores that were looted, why weren't they arrested there? why there they arrested in ferguson? they were committing felonies, now you've got new york city, the cops walking around, no one taking the guns on the street, less gun arrests than ever before, all right. we had an incident that happened in carolina, they publicize the cop shooting in the back, which was totally wrong. but every cop out there today doesn't go out there and salem go shoot an innocent person. the cops are our only line of defense and that's exactly what happened. cops are not -- i talk to them all the time. you was in detroit, dallas, new york, in the last couple of weeks. every cop i talk to does not want to get involved because of what's going on. and every time there's an incident, they use a magnifying glass on the cop and they don't want to do anything. that poor cop in alabama, he got beat up, the guy was
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dancing around him saying. i put you to sleep, do you want some cookies and milk and other people taking selfies with the cop on the floor. this is the atmosphere out there. this is hard for me to watch with these cops out there trying to do their job and all you do as you second-guess them. >> when you talk about the poverty, chronic poverty over decades in some cases, we have -- this isn't 1960. but we're talking about, for example, and let's use baltimore as an example where you've got a city run by african-americans, the community that is in the greatest distress is the african-american community, and we're not seeing a positive result from their leadership, the power that they control and display, which should be positive. it's not. so what do you do in the first instance to protect law enforcement and to protect the community? >> well, i think to answer your second question first, to protect the community you have
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these young boys, many of them are very smart but they grow up in a dangerous neighborhood, they have very hard working moms. but they're in a very dangerous neighborhood so they carry a gun or join a gang, and that leads them to being arrested and one of their friends will tell on them and says he has a gun and that friend will get a reduced sentence. so you have these young boys who are -- >> i'm familiar with the characteristics of the community as our audience. when i'm asking you is what is the policy response and how do we protect the community and the officers because in the most recent survey, most -- about 90% of the community wants either the same level or a greater level of police protection, and it's being pushed away. >> well, i think that our government and the leaders and the cities need to come out and unify with the police and have new training on how to react based on the current circumstances. >> there's no way to train to get a pistol whipping.
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>> lou, this is very important. we all hear black lives count. what about the on the fourth of july weekend 15 dead, 65 shot in chicago? where was our president? where was our black leaders? you don't hear nothing from them. why aren't they out in these communities in our black communities trying to get to these kids and having this back and forth and educate kids. i like the cops -- >> because they lose their right -- >> no. no. no. where is obama? . >> we're going to have to continue during the break. >> both, thank you very much, deborah, thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. wall street stock's closed higher, a volatile week in trading, but on average, the averages were higher. the dow up -- on the day and week the s&p up but nasdaq as well volume big board dropping down to 2.8 billion shares, a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the network we're coming right back,
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donald trump in new hampshire heading out his critics and firing up the crowd. imagine that. we're coming right back. stay with us.
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. lou: joining us now, jillian k. melcher and david brucker. jillian, start with the
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e-mails, the prospect as mike emanuel just reported that there may be all of these e-mails on a computer to which they were migrated as they call it. >> yes. lou: that's got to get attention over at the clinton campaign. >> i think it's pretty scary. you know they turned over about 30,000 e-mails. there are about 31,000 e-mails that were deleted. they were about yoga or personal things. lou: so-called by the candidate. >> yes, and we've got to look at this sample 40 e-mails have been yielding classified information, that's only of 40. if we're looking at that at the same rate within the 30,000, we're looking at 1500 e-mails that might contain sensitive information. lou: david, is this enough for her campaign to start worrying aggressively and energetically about possible charges to follow up from the justice department? >> i think so, lou, and i think we saw it from the clinton campaign this week.
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they don't have to take our word for tucker the -- word for it, the viewers, clinton supporters to try to calm everybody down and provide message guidance on how they should deal with this, how they should talk about it in the media. it's a problem, they know it's a problem, and there's a danger they've lost control of the issue. lou: 58% in the most recent fox news poll, as of today saying clinton knowingly lied. only 33% suggesting, i love the open ended nature, that's not an endorsement. this spells trouble, joe biden is starting to walk with a little bounce in his step. things look like broader interests may arrive. lou: 30% haven't been paying attention to the news, because it's pretty evidence that in several examples she lied, she said this is about personal convenience, now finding two of
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her staffers were using the server, too. is that for convenience as well? she was supposed to sign something saying she would eventually turn over all of the e-mails, she ignored it and turned it over with obfuscation. lou: i couldn't help but thinking about the implications, if she does have to step down as a candidate, what that would mean for a candidate in particular, carly fiorina, getting traction in the republican race, that could really blosam ocouldn't it, if she is the woman in this race? >> so it could cut two ways, lou, interesting question. on the one hand, carly fiorina for months doing a great job on the stump. only since the debate the rest of the country picked up on it. really i'm speculating but interesting to look at it this way, one of her biggest selling points is she's a woman in a race against a woman and can deliver a knockout blow to hillary clinton rhetorically the way no other candidate can because they're men and they
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have to be careful about how they beat up on her. would carly fiorina lose luster because she wouldn't have the unique place in the contest anymore. i'm not saying she would. this could cut both ways for her. lou: i think the appeal here of carly fiorina at this point goes beyond gender certainly, even though she is unique as one of the few women ceos of the country. the woman has a real capacity to cut to issues, to cut through them, to articulate positions, she's compelling. >> yes, she absolutely is. the national review just did a piece on this calling her a great communicator. you've seen her reach across the aisle and take a moderate stance on everything from abortion to climate change. she has charisma pouring out of her ears, she's a threat not only to hillary clinton but the g.o.p. >> david, 20 seconds, i couldn't help but mention
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donald trump, one of your favorite people is leading in new hampshire. >> the donald continues to roll along, and we'll see if he can take his candidacy to the next level. remains to seen.rj n neteth@h@rk


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