tv After the Bell FOX Business August 17, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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with the third session of gains. up 68 points by half a percentage point you can see how we finished the day. [closing bell ringing] >> number of hillary clinton's emails flag as classified according to a court filing identified more than 300 emails that may have contained classified data as they continue to comb through the 30,000 work related messages said through her personal server peter barnes follows the story. 60,000 actually bet 30,000 are in the position of the state department the other 30,000 are on a different server or destroyed. >> and it is not clear if
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the new number of 300 from the state department confirmed earlier were sent with classified information though larger number caved today in this court filing. quote, out of a sample of approximately 20% of the clinton emails the intelligence commune reviewers have only recommended 305 documents, approximately 5.1%, for referral to their agency for consultation. the department and tell against agencies, that clinton turned over to them and personal server while she was secretary of state. >> i have no doubt that as we continue to he release these emails over time, you will see additional upgraded correspondence. it is just mathematically, it's a fact. >> as you know the fbi launched
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a criminal probe into the handling of those emails, though not into clinton personally. so far the state state department released 3600 of private emails. 63 included materials classified retroactively as including secret information and have redacted that information. clinton's defense is that the emails now deemed classified were not marked classified at the time they were sent. david? david: a whole heap of trouble for hillary and those emails. peter, thank you very much. melissa. melissa: donald trump is adding new details to the bold statement on immigration reform, all amid criticism he is too vague about his policies. how does his plan do it? captain chuck nash, military analyst and guy benson, down political editor and thanks to all of you for joining us. captain nash, let me start with you, what is your action to
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details of the plan? are they even possible? sending back children born here but born from people who are here illegally? >> well, melissa i read 1900 word document and it is very straightforward. it doesn't get into fourth and fifth level detail but does cover first and second level detail. really what he is saying in the document that a nation to be, to really be a nation needs to defend its borders, needs to focus on economic well-being of its people, and needs to focus on its national priorities and not the national priorities of other countries. then he goes on to lay out the economic, physical security and law enforcement aspects of it. if you read it, it is very straightforward but of course with all plans the devil is in the details. melissa: yeah. guy, was, were the details light on details? >> first of all, on donald trump's presidential website there is a page on issues. his issue positions.
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there is one issue. and that is immigration. would be nice of him to maybe flesh out views, i don't know every other issue under the sun. having read the immigration paper there are some worthwhile ideas in there if not totally original. melissa: like what? >> for example, withholding federal money from sanctuary cities. deporting criminal illegal immigrants who commit felonies. e-verify is something we ought to implement in this country. there are definite, solid ideas that trump is putting forward. there are other ones i think are just unworkable. he is still not really fully inexplanationing how he intends to coerce mexico to pay for this fence. his idea is little confusing there. melissa: we give them money for all kinds of things. with hold the aid instead for the wall. there are mathematically logistical ways of doing that. jessica, ask you. i'm not saying right or wrong. >> i know you're not. melissa: you were laughing
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during that but he is laughing to the top place in the polls. >> i have stopped outwardly making fun of donald trump because it is not right. he is striking a very serious nerve with the public. and i think it makes sense we're talking about these issues but people are saying he has laid out more specifics here. why isn't he talking the fact that his plan will cost between 400, $600 billion. melissa: to get people back? >> through a proper process where they are brought in. legal representation. go through entire process. this idea you can go around and round everybody up to kick them up and let in the good ones. who are the good ones? melissa: okay. >> important to america that people who are born here are allowed to remain here. how will you send back children of illegal immigrants who are american citizens? melissa: captain nash, tackle first part. that is lot
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>> i think it us did, this is his signature issue. this is the big thing that catapulted his campaign to where it is. now he is putting more meat on the bones. i would like to see him answer more questions. he talks about confiscating remittances from illegal immigrants back to mexico. the sheerman power and government intrusion that policy would create and require is breathtaking. and then there is this human question, he doesn't want to
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break up families, which is laudable. his plan to deport entire families intact even if the children are u.s. citizens. i'm not convinced that is even legal. how does that work, deporting u.s. citizens because of who their parent are. melissa: jessica, leave that one alone for a second. a lot of people said it is not legal, people in america who make money, they're here illegally, send money back, that is what we're talking about we we -- remittances. it is laudable cause but doesn't work. we're ignoring public opinion. 70% of americans favor some legal status or citizenship, green cards, for people who entered the country illegally in the first place. donald trump needs to contend with that. to win the latino vote, you will not win the latino vote with this plan. melissa: we'll leave it there. david, over to you. david: speaking of donald trump. we got breaking news, word he
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has been excused from jury duty. he served one day. apparently not put on a panel. melissa: surprising. david: he won't have to return for another six years. melissa you were wondering what he doing waiting to picked. reading "wall street journal." what was he reading? naturally an article about himself. also eating tic-tacs and noted tic-tacs were made in mexico. everything plays in his line. but again, a six years is the next time he has to appear before for jury duty unless president of the united states. i think he will be excused then. thailand, a security video capture ad bomb exploding in a popular hindi shrine in bangkok. 27 people were killed by the blast. another 78 were injured. three foreigners are among the dead. the shrine is a popular tourist attraction. thailand's deputy prime minister
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telling reporters quote, we're not sure if it was politically motivated but they aim to harm our economy. we will hunt them all down. melissa. melissa: wow. china really from the explosions that rocked the port town there. the death toll has risen to 114 with 70 people still missing. today protesters took to the streets demanding compensation from the government for the destruction of their gnomes nearby. we're learning that wednesday's blast -- homes. hundreds of tons of toxic and combustible chemical sodium cyanide, was stored. that may have been an amount 70 times for legal limit. toyota is halting production next days at two plants in the area due to evacuation advisories. david: looks like end of the world. meanwhile more troubling news from the irs. a computer breach which thieves stole tax information from thousands of taxpayers is actually a lot bigger than the agency expected.
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the agency now reporting that hundreds of thousands of additional taxpayers saw their sensitive information compromised by the breach. officials believe hack were battering information to facilitate fraud during the 2016 tax filing season. the tax agency first disclosed this breach back in may. melissa. melissa: more than one one wildfires are raging across the west and people are being asked to evacuate areas of california and oregon. david: looks bad. jeff bezos is defending his company amazon after a scathing "new york times" article claiming to show poor working conditions for rich employees. the times versus bezos. with whom will our panel side, melissa? melissa: the tallest buildings in the world ain't got nothing on this one. details on the proposed space elevator. i love it. ♪
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david: jeff bezos striking back at a "new york times" expose' that describes amazon as kind of a high-paid sweatshop. amazon's founder saying, quote, the article doesn't describe the amazon know or the caring amazonians work with. who knew that was the word you used. i strongly believe anyone working in a company really like the one described in "the times" would be crazy to stay. i know i'd leave such a company. here is bruce terkel, from terkel brands. jack hough from "barron's". bruce, yes it is hard. i have worked at very hard companies. that is what exceptionalism is. when you work for exceptional firm that demands exceptionalism from employees you will be treated like crap. surprise, surprise. that is what happens in amazon. >> i grew up in the advertising
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business, they said if you don't work on saturday, don't bother coming in on sunday. maybe amazon experimenting with drones because they don't and complain. david: they said they're indignant. hard-working highly paid workers are not working like europeans where "the new york times" thinks everybody should work, you take couple hours for lunch, massage break at 3:00 in the afternoon. >> i'm normally not least sympathetic people tell me, that is why you pay it is not fun. if half of the story true there do seem to be things over the top here. punishing people for health care problems that outside of their control. you know, new mother, this sort of thing. this might be a awakening moment for amazon. you know bezos might not realize that there is this view of his company out there among workers. might make it tougher for them to hire. david: in his letter, if anybody has any complaints email me
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directly we'll take it to hr, whatever. jack, bruce, the fact is that these guys are millionaires. a lot of these people, they are not slaves anytime you want. if you have amazon on your resume', you're golden. david: think -- >> i think people work there specifically to put on their resume'. look further. seattle is booming. amazon is not silicon valley company. people are moving there to do that. you wonder about the incongruity of the statement. david: we should mention, jeff bezos, about two years ago bought "the washington post," big competitor of new york times i don't know if that had anything to do with it. >> there is that. david: the fact, jack, if you work for amazon you can write your ticket for any company. should you be forced to work your butt off in order to get your cred, street cred? >> i think they have a workforce that skews very young and very high turnover. people want to start families they go somewhere elsewhere it
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is not as tough. look, this experiment of amazon is still ongoing. let's remember, this is a successful company in terms of sales. not yet nearly as profitable as a company like walmart, when the day comes they're turning out those kind of profits. david: right from the beginning bays sew said i hate bureaucracies. i can't stand bureaucracies. my company will not have any lazy people. right from the beginning he has been pretty honest about company he wants to build. thanks very much. good stuff. melissa. melissa: a few stories on our radar, former paraolympic runner oscar pistorius is set to be released from south african prison. he served five months 10-month decision in the shooting of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. he is expected to serve the rest of his sentence at his uncle's house. an earthquake began about 6:49 a.m. pacific time.
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the epicenter was in piedmont, california. acadian company wants to build a giant elevator, who doesn't want to build a giant elevator to space? isn't that what every kid dreams of? they will have a technology, that aims to cut the cost of space travel by a third as you using elevator i guess. however there are no immediate plans as of now to build the space elevator. wah-wah. david: runway on top of a building? amazing. ever see this at local walmart? indiana mayor who had his fill with brawls and shoplifting at the walmart. what he is doing about it that could make everybody mad. that is coming up. refusing to celebrate second place. the nfl star causing an uproar for returning his son's trophies.
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. david: here is look at some of today's biggest market movers, shares of tesla soaring as morgan stanley says the stock could almost double adding that automaker may be quote, uniquely positioned to dominate and lead the revolution in shared mobility. okay. online retailer zulily spiking on news home shopping net qvc will be buying them in a deal worth $2.4 million. you see the stock is up about 50%. qvc is owned by john malone liberty interactive. melissa. melissa: trophies giving out for just showing up. james harrison, pittsburgh steelers outside linebacker
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sparking quite a debate after taking away awards given to his children because they didn't earn them. harrison says very proud of my boys encourage them to the day i die, these trophies will be given back until they earn a real trophy. i'm not sorry for believing that everything in life should be earned and i'm not about to raise two boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best. i think that was way his voice sounded when he wrote it, don't you think? that is what it sounded like in his head. bruce and jack are back along with veronica daguerre of "wall street journal" i have zero athletic talent. for me being on a team and making it to the end of the season kind of deserves -- not that i ever got a trophy tore that, being on team getting to the end, no am i wrong, bruce terkel? >> i was always with you. i would take any trophy i could get. there is design axiom if everything is important than nothing is important. melissa: right. >> that is what happens here. on the other hand i got to say
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the kids are four and six. they're little. melissa: okay. also makes it worse, jack? have you seen the trove? do we have pictures of them? the trophies are gigantic or spikeky. there you go. just for finishing on the team, maybe it is just for participations like for me it was uniform that i was actually on the team. i loved that. i saved few sports teams i was actually on. god knows i hung on to the uniforms. >> i can tell how meaningful this was for you. melissa: i know. did he go bananas? >> look, i appreciate the parenting advice from james harrison. i want to thank him. do a little googling on the man before you take his advice. this guy was arrested once for slapping his girlfriend. this guy has been in and out of trouble his whole life. this is pretty rough character. i'm not sure, stick with some
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football advice. tell me how to knock people around on football field. young kids, probably okay to congratulate them or reward them for participation. melissa: google, veronica, this guy fought pretty hard for his athletic career. he was walk-on. went undrafted in nfl. cut and release ad bunch times. he played in another league. doing my best for this. >> he is fighter. he is competitive. why should you reward kids just showing up. yes, they're four, maybe that is something else. competition is the heart of this country. so i think we need to engender that in kids from very young age. handing out trophies for just showing up, that is not how the real world works. you don't get a trophy just coming to your job every day. melissa: bruce, i have to say i have a five-year-old, got to brag, he made a developmental soccer team. we're so excited. he knows exactly who scored what and what score was at end of the day. if you gave a ribbon for showing up, we didn't win.
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kids know the difference even if you give everyone a trophy. they know who won and lost. >> they know, absolutely. as you point out, part of what they're learn something team work, being in it together. getting an award for showing up, especially four and six, i'm sorry, makes a lot of sense. melissa: that was fun. david, over to you. david: green initiative gone very wrong in california of the state's failed effort to create clean energy jock. wait until you hear about this. that is coming next. melissa: plus may the force be with you on next trip to disney. details, oh, new plans for "star wars" theme land. i am going. that is coming up. ♪
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melissa: the devastation continues across the west as fire crews race around the clock to control wildfires spreading in southern california to pacific northwest. joining me now is william la jeunesse live from los angeles with more on this. william, wow, it is a lot of territory. >> reporter: yeah, it is. and it's a not going to get any better the next few days. from a national perspective, melissa, doesn't get any worse. 30,000 firefighters of the 95 large, uncontained fires which have burned an area larger than rhode island. high winds, drought, record-setting heat, prompting inneragency fire center in boise
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to raise national alert level to high possible, indicates nationwide there is no more manpower, airplanes, helicopters available. every asset committed to existing fire. u.s. is considering asking australia and new zealand for help in case. begin in washington state where the fire left 10,000 families without power, 75 without homes. >> it came quick t came hot and heavy. then the winds kicked up. it was unstoppable. >> i got there as soon as i could. we grabbed what things we could quickly and left. >> reporter: in oregon 12 fires, 10 in montana, two in idaho, including one of the largest at 300,000 acres. california still very hot and dry. a red flag warning in much of the state, meaning a simple spark coulding fight a new wildfire. 10 fires burning affecting air quality. look at san francisco where residents think everyone is cooking on barbecue even when they're not.
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>> the smoke came in like real early this morning. you could see it, when it first came in you could smell it actually. >> reporter: last time we had a stage 5 alert was 2013. already this year we burned 6.5 million acres. that is double last year, melissa. i end with the new news, national guard being called out in washington state. montana says it is letting seven fires go burning because they have nobody to fight them. back to you. melissa: wow, william for that. david, open to you. david: keeping it out west a measure in california meant to bring thousands of green jobs and money to the state has failed miserably. in 2012, california voters passed clean energy jobs act and raised taxes on corporations. in return it was supposed to fund energy efficiency projects but the program brought in less money, a lot less than expected the created .1 of jobs promised so what happened? let's bring back the panel, guy benson, jessica tarloff, veronica daguerre.
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guy, first to you. the number of jobs were expected were 11,000. they only got 1700 three years later. what happened? >> well it is a failure of policy, david. this goes to our previous segment we just watched on program about participation trophies right? seems like people on the left are saying, well, it is not really that important how programs work out, if it makes us feel good, if we participate in something, it is worthwhile. we see this over and over again whether its obamacare, whether it is program like head start, whether it is raising minimum wage. you can make these populist attractive arguments make people feel good but you have to actually see ultimately the arbiter whether they work. and this one obviously does not. david: you mentioned some programs. i mentioned stimulus. the stimulus had all the green programs. jessica, throw this to you. $4.3 billion program for wind farms. that was supposed to fund 36 wind farms. white house claimed, came out
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with this fact sheet that claimed how many jobs from the stimulus. they claimed 7200 jobs from these wind farms. "wall street journal" in a piece back in 2012 went to those wind farms and found that there were only 300 jobs. white house claiming 7200. there were only 300 there. >> absolutely. i'm not going to disagree here full stop. we know we have a huge government inefficiency problem in this country. bureaucracies are too big. we set unrealistic goals. guy brought up, minimum wage, the left failed going for $15 instead of 10.10 or $12 we might do better with the argument. bringing this back, something people of california passed themselves. this is not something the government put on them. it is for 2020. we still have five years. inefficient, yes. are they making job totals i'm not sure completely. david: certainly didn't with the stimulus. i have to move on to veronica, another thing supposed to be funded by all this all this great school funding.
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they were expecting 973 million. they only got 297 million, veronica. more than half of the 2,897,000,000, went to quote consultants and energy auditors. translation, beady eyed bureaucrats, right? that will not help kids. >> that is not helping kids and not helping create jobs either. there is still time on the program but the fact remains you can't raise taxes on companies and expect them to create jobs. math does not work. whether green jobs or some other type of jobs. companies are going to create jobs in those conditions. >> guy benson, jessica brings up the best point, voters voted for it. you get what you vote for. you get what you pay for and get what you vote for. until people start voting in ways that make sense they're going to get policies that make no sense. >> government could work a little better too. we could meet in the middle. david: i don't know. not with all the consultants and energy auditors. quick last word. go ahead, guy. >> california has the second worst credit rating of any state
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in the country. their budget is a mess with all these gimmicks that governor brown is trying to put in there. look, people of california they're all about fool goodery. but what happens when it comes down to actual results? david: new word, feel goodery. melissa. melissa: i already trademarked that. don't try. hillary clinton email scandal gets worse for the presidential hopeful. our panel weighs in on the impact on her campaign. apple's latest secret may be out on the product the tech giant may soon unveil. ♪ ng. it's more than the cloud. ng. it's security - and flexibility. it's where great ideas and vital data are stored. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions
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at ally bank no branches equalsit's a fact.. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. david: bad to worse for hillary clinton. fox news reported number of emails on her server flagged as being classified has risen to 305. let's go back to our panel. guy, let me play, claire mccaskill, democrat went out as spin master to put the
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democratic spin on the email disaster. let's play a little clip from her, get your reaction. >> what this has turned into is a good old-fashioned political witch-hunt. david: the problem is, guy, that this is now a fbi investigation. they're not a branch of the republican party. the ig, inspectors general, who first flagged this, they're not part of the republican party. to call it a political witch-hunt, seems to me, i don't think that is going to take, do you? >> unless they're accusing, unless senator mccaskill is doing obama administration, of being partisan hunters which doesn't make any sense. as you say these are independent obama administrations inspectors general who referred it to the obama justice department. the fbi is investigating this. the investigation is being run out of fbi headquarters which is very rare. one of the prosecutors involved was the buy who nailed david petraeus for mishandling of classified materials. so this is a very serious issue.
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of course republicans are criticizing her. it is working. american people don't believe her. she lied verifiably about issue. david: i'm wondering, forgive me, for interrupting, guy, i wonder if she understands gravity of all this? bob woodward was on "fox news sunday," he spoke to that bringing up a ghost from the past. let's play the tape. >> if you look at nixon in the history of this on the tapes, nixon would always say yeah, everything was fine. it looked good. he didn't remember the bad stuff. and that's human nature. we don't remember the bad stuff and 60,000 emails, my god. david: bob woodward was there. do you think that is the problem that hillary has? >> i mean, we don't know yet. i mean that is the point. the investigation should take its course. i think democrats and republicans alike should be supportive of the investigation. hillary says that she is. i know she must not sleep at
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night as well. point we don't know if any was classified when it came in -- david: the polls, american people are coming in with their verdict. >> that is a big, big problem for the hillary campaign because they're not getting out there. they're not dealing with it. they're not being proactive about it. insofar why bernie sanders is raising in the polls, people think she lied but she is not talking about policy because all we're talking about email controversy. david: veronica, the reason why the public is turning against her on this, you look at motivation. what was her motivation for setting up this private server? she claimed by the way, because she wanted single phone, which wasn't true. she had several phones or at least more than one. i'm wondering how much the public is beginning to believe? reason she set up private server. knew she would be running for president. didn't want conflicts of interest to show up in emails. therefore she put her own personal ambitions above national security.
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>> that is the problem. people want to know why she did this? we still don't have the answer. we still don't know the full extent of some of confidential secrets that were released out because of her emails. this is huge issue. this will follow with her until january, until her investigation is completed. that will be right in time for the iowa caucuses. this is ongoing issue for her. david: jessica, to bob woodward's point, hillary is trying to get a laugh on all this she is making jokes about it in front of crowds. let's play the tape. >> you have seen i recently launched a snapchat account. [cheering] i love it! i love it. those messages disappear all by themselves. [laughing] [cheering] david: she is kind of laughing in the face of that 58% of the people who say she is not trustworthy, isn't she? >> she is laughing in face of
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100% of the people in america. i think was completely misguided. i think it is tremendous mistake. she has a strong base. those numbers haven't changed. she is 35 ahead in the entire field at this point. but hillary supporters are generally going to be -- david: why don't you tell her that? you're a democrat. >> i will text her. david: could do worse than to listen to your advice. >> it is funny, in light of what is going on, inspector general. don't be making a joke like that. david: guy, what do you think? >> she is laughing about it. then she is ripping republicans, trying to blame republicans. her campaign puts out the lengthy spin memo riddled with fact all errors. they are not quite sure to how to handle this. it is fbi investigation but not technically into hillary, but handling of hillary's emails on improper server we've been lying about. that is splitting hairs. makes it look even more like they have things to hide. david: veronica, 300 emails.
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first it was two, then it was for. now 60. now, it is growing a lot more. we'll get over 1,000 here. >> can't be partisan issue, republican party did not teller had to use her private server. all comes back to that. she chose to do that. we don't know why. her trustworthiness ratings in the polls. david: quick very fast final word. >> until we know emails were rec troh actively classified we shouldn't assume guilt. >> ig said there were. david: might be a difference without a real distinction at the end. >> had to get it in. david: thanks to you all. melissa, over to you. melissa: move over google and detroit. there are the signs at that apple building its own self-driving car. they are scouting locations to test drive the cars near silicon valley headquarters.
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watch out if you're driving around there. deirdre bolton, what do you make of all of this? >> it is so top secret that apple apparently already even establish ad campus site that is four miles from the main office cupertino because they don't want all of their employees what they are working on with this proposed from what we understand with the guardian, self-driving car. melissa, you said it. look out uber. look out bmw. look out jamie dimon. any of these companies that are looking to develop self-driving cars as well. there have been talks. the guardian disever coulded proof, if you like, everybody always thought this was happening but "the guardian" has proof that tim cook has been in meetings with various car companies, with could be possible, looks like 400 engineers are workinger. >> cupertino. melissa: you will speak with reverend jesse jackson on
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diversity in silicon valley. >> indeed we are, melissa, apple just releasing its statistics. so we're going to be speaking with the reverend jesse jackson without those stats. apple is biggest and last of group of companies to give out it is stats. how they stack up with others. look forward. melissa: look forward, to that deirdre. to have your order ready in 30 minutes or less. to go mainstream and make box office history. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line.
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new jersey residents for the new curbside app originally tested in san fran. they can put the order on line for pickup in 30 minutes. jason day is major champion. the australian finished with a incredible 20-under par to hold off jordan speith to win the pga championship to declare his first major championship win without vertigo. norm mcdonald, the "saturday night live" individual ran is taking over for darrell hammond in the colonel sanders for the latest campaign of the fast-food chain. what do you think of that? melissa: i don't know. that is pretty funny. galaxy not so far away, disney is announcing plans to incorporate "star wars" into theme parks in florida and california. here is michael, host of in the fox light. bruce is back as well. why is it taking them so long? why don't they have an entire
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theme park dedicated only to "star wars?" >> they should. melissa: bob iger, are you listening? >> they will have 14-acres dedicated to it. it is practically its own -- melissa: that is a start. genius idea. >> should ask why now? why now? because in essence -- melissa: the force is about to awaken. >> december 18th. allall about the slow buildup to that event which a lot of people can't wait for. melissa: bruce, i would have to say i tweeted out a picture this weekend and we were watching all of the "star wars" movies on loop, while building the death star lego and there it is. >> love it. melissa: we were playing that game, "operation," with r 2 d 2. in the my dill. they are smart to capitalize on this. >> they are smart to come together. the engineering with a darth vader helmet with mickey mouse ears. how cool. melissa: i want it right now! i want it. >> i'm trademarking it first.
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melissa: trademarked it before you came out, because you're too smart not to. box office records out tay compton. debuted $60 million during the debut weekend. fifth biggest august opening of all time. it more than doubles previous record set for music biopic. i am surprised about this, shockingly enough "star wars" fan and nwa fans, they don't go together. i know almost all the words. it is really sad. >> that is great. melissa: that is tragic. i was surprised this movie was such a hit. i thought you had to be part of "the avengers," and superhero to be 12th installation of something to be big hit. >> this movie caught a lot of people by surprise. projected to come in around $40 million. it blew the number right out of the water. part of it is marketing that went into this. dr. dre, marketing executives of
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four companies in early may from interscope, apple, universal and uners is al, his own company beats. guys he said, basically what have you got for me? they put together focused marketing campaign that included straight outta somewhere marketing campaign. melissa: hillary clinton did a straight outta. >> a lot of people you wouldn't expect. melissa: i don't think she was behind that one. i think somebody else might have made that one. bruce terkel, he gave the credit to marketing for this thing. >> all about mark connect and here's the big idea. are you ready? melissa: yeah. >> you heard about disney, disneyland will build a "straight outta compton" land at disney. biggest ever. this week i'm going so see "the man from u.n.c.l.e. just ain't cool. melissa: "straight outta compton" is cool. you can feel cool even though you're like me.
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>> a group of black rappers can take money from white teenagers. it is perfect. melissa: you want to go near that? >> as good as marketing was, roger ailes, our boss always says marketing follows the product, the product or the show. the product was very good. it had cinema score a among most audience. >> you have seen the movie? >> yeah. don't you love a segment you talk about the names of the songs. melissa: out loud. i will definitely see the movie. >> you will know all the words and mouth it. melissa: probably. david: you pegged it. you said it would do well. paul giamatti is in it. it has quality cast. one indiana mayor has had enough with the walmart in his town. he will not take it. details about his extraordinary way of handling his complaints about walmart after a short break. the wind farm on the right was created using digital models and real world location-based specs that taught it
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david: walmart was questioned for ethics but has new title. store in beech grove, indiana, which has a fight in the shampoo aisle of course, it was the shampoo aisle. mayor dennis buckley declared its public nuisance. >> by being declared a nuisance, the store can be fined up to $2500s. he spoke earlier about walmart and his decision. here is what he had to say. >> walmart beech grove is draining our police resources. the string of terrible events that have been occurring down there over the past two months that has led me to instruct our police chief to declare the walmart a public nuisance. >> that is amazing. emac has been doing a lot of this story, that they have very generous tax abatement. david: sure. >> the town has very few police officers.
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really small town. they keep getting called over. he went on in the interview to make the case why walmart needs to police inside of their store. david: i think that woman came in on motorized wheelchair. just, extraordinary. >> that does it for us. "risk & reward" starts right now deirdre: david, this hour breaking news. the irs reporting that the computer hack of its database more extensive than previously thought. additional 390,000 taxpayer accounts are potentially affected. fox business's gerri willis with me. gerri, this number is more than half the original amount referenced in may. why the slow leak? >> it wasn't a slow leak. these are other names they have discovered from the same breach. as you say, 225,000 households breached. we learned about that in may. another 390,000 today. that is a total of 615,000 households breached. just to remind you, look,
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