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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  August 18, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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rob a bank? david: a lot of books put me to sleep. biggest hit to the nasdaq percentage wise. that is over half a percentage point. oil turning the tide, trading up a bit. [closing bell ringing] the closing bells sound on wall street. a negative day, but could have been a lot worse. melissa: while the markets wait for tomorrow here is everything you need know now. donald trump still on top a national poll shows trump remains in the lead with 24% of republican voters. he is 13 points ahead of his closest competitor jeb bush and has jumped six points since july. the real estate mogul has claimed he will spend up to billion dollars of his own money on his campaign, if it is necessary to win the nomination. fox news's peter doocy looking how much he has spent so far and how much he is raising. peter, break down the numbers for us. >> reporter: something that makes trump's stranglehold on the top spot in the republican field more notable the only
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campaign accounts with less money that our brain room has money for belong to santorum, pataki, jindal and fiorina. the trump campaign had $1.9 million to work with as of last sec million. almost all of it, 1.8 million dame from trump. 1.4 million has been spent look at cash flow of campaigns trying to catch up. the cruz campaign has 14.3 million. rubio, 12.9 million. the bush campaign has 11.4 million. so far more money has not meant more support for the pack of gop candidates trailing trump. even though the billionaire businessman says he doesn't need anybody's help financing a run he is letting people who want to help donate. the numbers we've seen show that about four in 10 people donating are pitching in less than $200. the grand total though, just 92 grand. that is coming from individuals.
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no lobbyists allowed, even though lobbyists have been call candidate to offer to pitch in. those calls not received very well. >> i don't want it. because when you come back to me in two years and you want help for a company that you're represents or a country that you're representing, i'm going to do the right thing for the people of the united states. >> reporter: next weekend trump will hold a rare, in-person fund-raiser for donors who are shelling out small amounts. the massachusetts event could have as many as 700 people paying 100 bucks a pop. back to you in new york. melissa: he is such a master marketer, i love it. peter, thank you so much. david: unbelievable character. knew to bangkok where a second bomb was detonated today near a popular ferry pier. fortunately this time no one was injured. we're getting new video from yesterday's explosion that killed at least 20 people and injured 140 near a popular
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shrine, at rush hour meant to cause damage. thai police releasing images of a man who is suspect in yesterday's bombing. he is seen wearing a yellow shirt and taking off a backpack and walking away before the bomb went off. looks like he is one the stock taking a dive after disappointing results that second quarter fell from last year. world's largest retailer lowering the current target for current target and fiscal year. hourly wages one of key factors hitting its bottom line. our panel will weigh in on this one coming up. not just walmart. second-quarter earnings overall are taking a hit. when all said and done, s&p said average quarterly earnings are expected to be about $22.85 a share. that is down nearly 16% from a year ago. the first decline since the
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third quarter of 2015. that is meaningful. s&p attributes drop to plunging energy sector hammered by lower oil prices. 93% of companies in the s&p 500 have reported, david. david: all eyes on china this morning. muted stock losses here at home but those chinese stocks plunged dramatically today. the shanghai composite dropping more than 6% on news that the china's market regulator would allow market forces to play a greater role in determining stock prices. to explain the impact this had on our markets and our money investment banker and economist robert bloom who joins us from beijing where he has lived the past 10 years. robert, if you think government bureaucrats can outsmart markets take a look at china, right? >> right. i call it market democracy. investors are voting with their feet. there is capital drain. central bank is drawing yuan
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from, from customers in exchange for dollars to send abroad, okay? so the, you know, so the banks get desperate for this. so anyway so the central bank injected yuan today but interest rate was higher because the banks are so desperate for yuan to pay for dollars for customers to ship abroad. david: so the government, let me stop you there. so the government is getting opposite effects of what they want. in the meantime spending a lot of their reserves in order to do that? >> yeah. i'll give you another way too. that scared the stock market. they see capital flight. gdp is down an companies not doing well. the second thing that happened they saw that the government's increasingly realizing it subsidizing stock sellers by buying up so much state-owned enterprise stock. today the government flinched. david: by the way if they're subsidizing them, somebody is dealing on inside, right?
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>> that is the name of the game in china. so investors were spooked by this too. this is the what is going on. david: robert, i have to ask you about something unrelated to stock market specifically although it might have had it effect generally speaking, that huge explosion, that chemical explosion. what is the reaction of the folks in china to that? >> they're outraged like texas city in the u.s. in 1947. after that first class-action lawsuit in history against the u.s. government. so figure out chinese are reacting. they have no legal system to go to. there are two other companies and two other sites owned by sinochem call, a huge state owned company with the same problem. there are hospitals too close to them. all kinds of stuff. this has been going on. xi, you know, his serene countenance, xi jinping, in 2013
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promised they're not growing to see this again because there was a big explosion in 2013 in here. david: here we go again. >> even worse explosion happened. david: we have to wrap, robert, how do these two events, the explosion and what, the negativability ability of the government to affect the stock market, how are these two events affecting the general political climate? might this lead to meaningful change in china, positive change? >> of course, because people, never met anybody in china wants to do career in communist party. never ever met a student. nobody believes the communist party. they're fed up. when they don't get economic benefit anymore, it is bye-bye. david: robert bloom, thank you very much, robert. melissa. melissa: attention passengers, non-stop flights from los angeles to cuba are coming soon. american airlines plan to have the first charter flights between los angeles airport, lax
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and havana this year. this will be only non-stop service connecting west coast to cuba since travel restrictions were lifted. this comes a day after reports that the white house is working to reach a deal with cuba to allow regularly scheduled commercial flights enbetween two country by indof the year. david: have you ever flown to cuba. melissa: no. david: you get to cruising altitude and come right down. it is only 90 miles from miami. melissa: you could swim. david: unfortunately a lot of people do. this is like a hike bot. human tested human-sized robot that can walk over rough terrain. you kick it stays on its feet, sort of feet. the atlas robot bounding through the forest. it is worked google-owned boston dynamics. six feet two inches tall, weighs 300 pounds. uses camera, lasers.
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seems to scare the bejesus out people on line. it still has cords. can't operate on batteries yet. still tethered to the master battery. melissa: wow. very interesting. resources have been stretched to the limits to combat nearly 100 wildfires raging in the northeast. the situation so dire, that active duty american soldiers are being deployed there. david: staying put. families caught across the country taking advantage of low income public housing on the taxpayer's dime. at least one of these families making half a million a year and hud has no plans to kick them out. melissa: how much is michael jordan's image worth? the basketball legend is in court to fight a grocery store chain he says owes him millions of dollars. we'll take you live to chicago for an update on that one. ♪
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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david: calling in the troops. the first time in nine years active duty soldiers will fight dozens of wildfires raging across the western u.s. fox news's william la jeunesse with more. william? >> reporter: david, ranks are stretched so thin, fires are burning right now, seven in montana alone with no one to fight them. why the forest service and states brought in prison inmates, the national guard. firefighters from canada, possibly australia. 200 active duty soldiers who should be on the fire line by sunday. overnight 16 new fires, to 105 uncon takenned large fires nationwide, 10 more than yesterday. worst areas right now? idaho, oregon, washington, where fire burned 155 square miles and destroyed dozens of homes while growing by 6,000-acres. >> everybody needs help. we put in a request. trying to get more people. we'll see if they come.
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yeah, i don't know what to tell you. i don't expect anyone else to come. >> reporter: bodies are just not there. equally intense fire in central oregon took 26 homes as windy and dry conditions have residents at mercy of mother nature including a woman whose mother is dying of cancer. >> i packed the dog into the truck. i laid out the garden hose and it just came down that hill like, like, you know, wild animal. >> not many words. you know, just wished she could have grab ad few things but, you know, i'm just glad that she made it out okay. that is the most important thing report more -- >> reporter: more than 3,000 remain in the west. this fire was three days ago. 29 horses died.
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the gates were open to their grazing area. three more wild herds must be moved because fire destroyed all of their food. david, 30,000 firefighters on scene. taxpayer tab, runs $30 million a day. losses of course will be in the billions of dollars. ranches farmland, home, businesses, those destroyed but thousand will walk away alive because of work of those firefighters. david: wow, that pillar of fire video is extraordinary. william la jeunesse. thank you very much. melissa. melissa: a few stories on our radar right now. a new trial for the boston marathon bomber? in a filing lawyers for dzhokhar tsarnaev are demanding his case be retried outside of boston do to quote, unrelenting publicity. a federal jury sentenced tsarnaev to death in may. first time ever two women will graduate from the army's elite ranger school. they are among the 89students completing the -- 96 students, completing intensive training program. this is the first yee they opened the force to women on
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trial basis. tom brady changing his mind. he will not be back in court in federal court in new york tomorrow after all. the new england patriots quarterback instead choosing to rejoin the team after missing today's practice to attend settlement talks that didn't yield any progress. david: that will disappoint crowds gathering around the courtroom. a new pill that could cure the bedroom blues. fda deciding whether to make it available to women. our doctor weighs in next. might be the dog days of august but we have a story that will leave you with chills. you may like that. the snow lab causing a stir coming up. ♪ we live in a world of mobile technology,
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melissa: the food and drug administration expected to announce today their decision on whether to approve the -- i don't know how to say that properly, nicknamed the female viagra pill. the little pink medication has been already rejected by fda twice and critics say benefits might not outweigh possible side-effects. here with us dr. kevin campbell that i can connect the pronunciation. proving that i haven't been in try to get some. >> called flybarnacin is way it is pronounced. melissa: does it work? >> i think it has minimal effects. when you look at studies, minimal increase in section you'll desire. works by modulating chemicals in the brain and changing balance of chemicals in the brain having to do with pleasure centers of the brain and sexual desire. not like viagra for men which is blood flow problem.
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melissa: it was originally antidepressant. why didn't it work for that? >> it was originally created in europe as an antidepressant and it did not have very good effects. they did note saw in study subjects increase in sexual desire. that is why it was marketed as female viagra at this point. melissa: in some ways you wonder if threes off the shelves any way, whether it works or not with placebo effect. people may think it has a chance to take off whether it works or not, no? >> i think you're exactly right. because there are some products for men and sexual dysfunction and no products for women, a lot of women argue even though effects may be mental, something is better than nothing. i do expect if this gets approved, which it probably will fly off the shelves and be a huge money maker. >> what is the risk? what is the downside? >> side-effect profile of this drug a little con concerning. lower blood pressure, could faint and have nausea.
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in study subjects some patients driving had more motor vehicle accidents because of sleepiness it provides. there is some concerns that the risks may not outweigh any benefits. melissa: car crashes are kind of a big side-effect. >> exactly. melissa: not you want to tangle with. switching gears a rabbit that wants to fall asleep. a book that uses psychological techniques to quickly send children to dream land. does it actually work? dr. campbell i ordered it on amazon already. i'm willing to try it. it was only a few bucks. definitely worth it. what do you think? does it work? >> i think there are truisms to this. when you use a book like this and develop routine for your kids and they're used to that routine and used to the book being read i think it can help them develop good sleep high gene. melissa: that is any book. >> exactly. this book says you say certain phrases with certain emphasis. integrate the child by bringing their name into the story. you yawn throughout it.
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it is a form of hypnosis is what the psychologists will say that you're almost hypnotizing your child to go to sleep. melissa: i love that idea. i already do yawn. doesn't tell my kids, when reading a book at night. really funny, a yawn is contagious and they do it right afterwards. it gets them into the mood. could i use this to rob a bank maybe? could i use it on on adults? >> i'm not sure it will work on adults. >> dr. campbell, thanks so much. you're a good sport. >> thanks for having me, melissa, turning to the markets now, major drivers in today's action, tjx companies, parent company of jd max and marshall as soaring. this is up over 7%. new all-time high as second quarter same-store sales doubled wall street expectations. shoppers looking for a deal there. an improving u.s. housing market sending shares of home depot to a new high. the home improvement retailer beat quarterly sales forecast. it lifted full-year earnings and
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revenue forecast. good news. different steer for abercrombie & fitch. the difficult teen erailer, what a market that is, shaking up management, bringing in outsiders to boost sagging sales. investors are not convinced. stock hitting new six-year low. melissa. melissa: counting down to apple's big event next month. new details on much anticipated and much delayed apple tv? would it still missing, david? david: finally will see it. another democrat coming out against the president's iranian nuclear deal before next month's big vote. will the number grow. a panel coming up. can a business have a mind?
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a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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♪ ♪ if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized
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mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. david: democratic senator bob menendez coming out against a iran nuclear deal. take a look. >> i have looked into my own soul and my devotion to principle may once again lead me to unpopular course. but if iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb it will not have my name on it. for these reasons i will vote to disapprove with the agreement and if called upon to -- [applause] david: right in the beginning of a long speech. bring in a panel. we have joe trip by. kt mcfarland and national security analyst. kt what is the menendez, schumer, break from the
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president mean for iranian nuclear deal? >> well probably in the end will still pass but however showing some leading senators, leading democrats realize obama be long gone, secretary kerry long gone by the time the deal comes to fruition. if they're concerned iran gets nuclear weapons and nuclear arms race happens in the middle east, as senator menendez says it will have their name on it, holding a bag of very smelly onions. david: joe there, are very unhappy jewish voters. some lawmakers. doug hiken, a lifelong democrat. hear what he said about the deal. >> this is insane to do this and i would urge my fellow democrats, take politics out of this. i wish the president of the united states would say, to the democratic party, this is an issue of conscience. this could be the biggest
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mistake ever, this could be chamberlain, 1938, coming back and thinking that the world had been saved. that they fooled hitler. hitler was making peace. we're dealing with this regime responsible for so much terrorism all over the world. david: joe, aren't democrats worried they will lose some jewish voters on this? >> well, i mean, the community is split on this. there are a lot of americans of jewish dissent for this deal. david: i'm talking about democrats. i'm talking about people like dov, who we just saw. he is lifelong democrat. >> sure. david: he says he will not vote for hillary because she is for this deal. >> people will make those kinds of decisions but i think kt is right. right now this thing looks like the president has the votes to win in this showdown. even mitch mcconnell said that. i think there are enough democrats.
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i don't think anybody is looking at decision based on next presidential election. based on what they think about this dial. there are enough people on the democratic side who believe this deal is a good one. dianne feinstein and others, who are there to, going to make you are shut votes are there that it happens. david: bottom line, joe, i don't want to put words in your mouth but you weren't answering question directly. i think democrats will lose a lot of democratic jewish votes because of this deal. although, kt, the fact is that even if the president has an override, even if the new president changes this deal completely, turns it upside down, this is for kt, we're never going to get those sanctions back, right? the european sanctions which were so hard to cobble together will not be coming back even if the next president overturns the deal. >> sanctions are already over. the senior iranian general already has been in moscow last week trying to do arms deals with the russians. china is negotiating. europeans sent trade delegations
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into iran to do new deals. so those sanctions are not going to compact. i think in fact a lot of american companies will have contracts let. apple is trying to have a franchise in tehran to sell the iphone. mcdonald's even on their website, you click in -- david: that is not necessarily a bad thing. that iranians do business with the united states. it is got getting more money. go ahead, joe. >> that is the whole point what this is about. trying to increase dialogue and those connections so iranians do not get there in 10 or 15 years. by the way, if the deal doesn't go through, kt and others can agree or disagree on this but then there is no, there is nothing that stops iran from making a rush to try to get there in few months which -- david: here is the difference. i understand. i think you're absolutely right, joe. but the difference is, and a lot
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of people say, reagan dealt with the soviets. reagan squeezed seven yets so much, that they had a lot less money as a result of defense strategy. here we're giving iranians to have at least $100 billion more. so the iranian government gets richer by this deal, not poorer. >> i worked for reagan when reagan squeezed them. you're absolutely right. they used economic weapon to our advantage. right now the iranians are using economic advantage to their purposes. we've give inch up leverage we had. iranians have grabbed it. if the president is wrong, and iran doesn't change by the time they get nuclear weapons which joe is implying they will, then the president create ad frank stein monster in the middle east. >> i wasn't implying -- david: final word. >> i wasn't implying that at all. i was saying that is what the detractors say will happen in 10 or 15 years. i don't believe that will happen. david: joe, kt mcfarland, thanks very much. melissa? melissa: key date quickly approaching for apple fans.
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we're getting a sneak-peek what we can expect on september 9th. deirdre bolton joins us. what apple tv may look like. to be clear, i have apple tv, that is different product. we're talking about apple t vtel vision, right? >> this is improvement on the little box you already have, so do i. little new and improved nuances this is not, not the big streaming service that we have been talking about. that's still most analysts say probably about a year away. apple is still negotiating behind the scenes with lots of different tv content providers. cbs we know. ceo les moonves whenever apple streaming does come out cbs content will be there. that's not what we're talking about in december, melissa. what we're talking about a newer, sleeker box. a cube, maybe the size of a peanut butter sandwich. it will have siri and an app store dedicated just to that box.
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this is really the hardware warm-up so when apple is ready for the streaming service we'll be trained up how to use it. melissa: so it is not a tv? it is not thing we're eventually looking for. sound like it is a whole lot of nothing? >> it could be seen that way but for those that don't have one, or for us opportunity to upgrade to siri which is not on mine right now. melissa: deirdre, see you at top of the hour for "risk & reward." looking forward to that. david. david: the state of pay. fight for higher minimum wage hurting walmart's bottom line big time. plus michael jordan on a different court. the superstar's battle to protect his own image.
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melissa: the cost of higher minimum wage. walmart profit hit by raises given to half a million workers. here is steve moore, heritage foundation. rich lowery from "national review" and judy
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miller, fox news contributors. we told you they coming out with earnings and don't hit targets. guess what, we raised wages for everyone. that ended up costing us a lot of profits. as a result we're not where we thought we would be. steve moore, is this surprise? >> not really. the real question is, will this require walmart now to raise prices? if that happens, the big benefit to low income americans of everyday low prices will -- walmart has done more to loyer poverty than any company in hit of the civilization and would be too bad if they have to raise prices. >> folks on other side this is perfect outcome. this is what think wanted. they wanted companies to take from the profits to give to their workers. the wealthy people that own the stock didn't need the money. and this made sense, rich. >> well, higher wages are a good thing but you want companies to be doing it in economical
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manner, way that makes sense and not doing it under coercion especially by minimum wage laws which will knock people off -- melissa: they did this willingly. got ahead of the law. they did it way you're saying. >> correct. not just wages. investing more in stores and customer experience. we'll see. maybe this works out. melissa: judy, this is an interesting experiment. they wanted to get ahead of it. i guess they felt like it was coming no matter what. this way they raise wages ahead of time. they look like good guy. they have a pr campaign and the stock we're looking at a chart, for shareholders may not be liking that very much. >> i'm sure they aren't. i'm sure walton family doesn't like it either. this is still a tiny percentage of their overall operating costs. and the other problem for walmart, if they hadn't done this, given the constant struggles they have had with their labor force, i'm not sure what would have happened to their bottom line. melissa: steve moore, the way
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this is supposed to play out, they raised wages to workers. now workers are supposed to spend more money in the economy, even in their own store that they bork in, they're there most of the time. i mean they're going to take advantage of low prices by spending extra money they earned. do you think over time we'll see walmart do better as a result of having raised wages? >> maybe. this was a decision by walmart. this was not compelled by the government. look, you want to satisfied, high quality workforce. if that is what they get out of this it is to their benefit. what rich and i are saying, don't have government force companies to do this. have them do what is interest of their workers and management and underlying profits. >> walmart says the customer experience scores have improved over the last year. they are trying to make investment not just for pr point of view, also to have their workers be happier and more pleasant and better employees, to make it a better experience for their customers. they're a little better.
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rich, do you think that it is, if you look at investment, is it worth it so far? >> hard to say yet but look, there's obviously an enormous pr element to this because if there is one company that has been made a bogeyman by the left it's been walmart. they have been pounded and pounded by these protesters. maybe this is a decision that makes sense. maybe it will help them retain more workers. that makes more sense for their business. but that remains to be seen. melissa: judy, i thought it was interesting when you drill down into the report another place they were blaming for not hitting numbers were pharmacy reimbursements. this is another one of those externalities we're seeing down the road as obamacare rolls out where they got into the pharmacy business, stay in it and expand in it and thinking thinking it e very profitable. all of sudden like so many doctors they're not getting reimbursement when they thought from the insurance company. that is another place they're losing money. does that strike you as interesting?
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>> it is interesting, welcome to the world of obamacare and other changes in our fabulous health care system. look, you still go back to why walmart did this they had to do this. they had 5,000 lawsuits being filed against them a year by their own employees. yes, they raised minimum wage to $10 an hour but here in new york, unions are pressing for $15 an hour. this was the minimum they could do to get labor off their back. >> this may not work though. this may actually get unions to be more militant. we'll see. i wouldn't be surprised if we see more protests for higher and higher wages. you can never satisfy the unions. melissa: no, definitely. steve, like you said. we want to keep eye on it, that they raise prices or what happens from there. appreciate it to all three of you. david? david: basketball legend michael jordan fasting off in court. the superstar is testifying about a grocery store that used
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his name without permission in an ad in 2009. the payout could be millions of dollars. joining us live mike tobin from chicago. mike, is this big jordan against a tiny little mom-and-pop store or what? >> well, mom-and-pop store that since gone defunct and was bought out by safeway. here in the dirksen federal building saw the greatest basketball player in history testify. the essence of m.j.'s testimony, this is all about protecting his image, his brand, preventing anyone getting a free ride and diluting that brand. michael jordan turned down 80 million-dollar deal with the headphone company because he didn't like what they would have projects. he would have turned down the ad if asked. the ad was for butcher counter. it including his number and silhouette, michael jordan a cut above and included 2-dollar coupon for steak. defense noted only two coupons were redeemed.
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anecdote, jordan put on glasses to read, asked the courtroom to look away, that he looked old with the glasses on. in dirksen federal building he had to go through security around show his i.d. like everyone else. jordan is still upstairs in the courtroom. defense may recall him as witness later on in the day. the defense for dominix have been bought out by safeway. david. david: i remember it well from chicago. nice place to shop. mike, appreciate it. melissa: welfare for the well-off? that is what a new report reveals where your tax dollars are going. plus the most important meal of the day. america's favorite spot to grab breakfast on the go. ♪ age, horsepower torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more
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melissa: whether on wall street or main street here who is making money today. bus feed,nbc universeal announcing to make equity invest in the news media site of the as part of the investment the two will explore strategic partnerships across both organizations in the coming months. including on tv content and upcoming olympics. looking to make money, mcdonald's breakfast. according to a reuters survey the fast-food chain which is expected to offer all day breakfast starting this fall is considered the top choice for people who simply crave breakfast at any hour of the day. that is delicious. i love breakfast. cashing in on the beatles. the fab four's first ever recording contract will be auctioned off. the six-page contact when the band was tony sheridan's beat brothers, very catchy is expected to sell $150,000 when
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bidding starts september 19th. wow, david. david: living high life on taxpayer's dime. a new watchdog report revealing thousands of well-off americans making six figures have been living in public housing. you are paying for it with all the government's blessings. let's bring in our panel to weigh in on this steve, first of all thank god for inspectors general. we wouldn't know about the irs or hillary's emails. now this. what do you make of it? >> not shocked at all about this. in fact we've seen reports last couple years, same thing on food stamps, driving up with their posh, to get their food stamps. reform has to be made so millionaires are not getting public well wear. david: judy they are tested in terms of their income. 25,226 families received assistance above the threshold they were supposed to. some people getting assistance are making half million bucks a
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year. >> i know, david, egregious examples always make headlines. the fact of the matter is the overincome families represent 2.6% of the 1.1 million families in this country who are getting some kind of a subsidies for their housing. this is a very small percentage. and the other issue is, there are other ways to finance this far more effective and far more efficient. we're not doing it. we shouldn't focus on very small percentage. david: wait a minute. rich, 25,000 families i don't think is too small. what makes it worse, hud has no plans taking them off the rolls. in order to pursue their social engineering plans, whatever that is in terms of rich people and poor people they continue to subsidize rich folk. >> argument is good for poor people in public housing to have rich people as neighbors.
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judy is right, only 2.6% of the people getting benefits. still adds up about $100 million a year taxpayers are paying to subsidize these people. and, david, goes to one of perversities underestimated of these welfare type programs. there is a huge implicit tax, if someone gets richer you kick them off a given benefit is another perverse. leave them on, obviously outrageous, but if you cut people off and harm them from getting richer that is implicit tax. david: steve, the notion that we live in society, too much trouble to take them off, even if they agreed to take them off, they're not going to. the whole idea of the government coddling people that don't need it, creating dependency where there was no need for one. >> well, it's a ripoff. look one thing i disagree a little bit with judy about, these are just the people who have been caught by the gao. we know that there are tens of thousands people who are not declaring income, david, they're working in the underground
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economy, in the drug trade or something like that and making, tens of thousands of dollars. that is never declared on -- most of this stuff is what is declared on income tax return. a lot of the money never is. david: judy, remember rent control in new york. all those examples of people that we know who are wealthy, living off of rent control. they don't need it. >> i know that. but on other hand look what happened to our cities. where we're developing places that just have very, very rich people and extremely poor people. david: right. >> no one in between who can afford to live in a city anymore like new york. david: judy we tried social engineering and it doesn't work. social engineering does not work. much as you might not like it. listen if people want to live in concerns places should be up to them. thank you everybody. appreciate it. melissa? melissa: a blizzard in the middle of august? why our own jeff flock donned a parka and braving freezing temperatures all in the name of safety and we're loving it. ♪
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping.
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>> jeep's models are some of the most popular highest he willing cars in the country but before they make it to the showroom they have to pass at snow lab at fiat chrysler tech center in suburban detroit. while it may be hot outside-inside it gets as low as 40 degrees below zero with ends up to 100 miles an hour. our own jeff flock shows us how it is done. how is it feeling in there? >> i saw your tweet we have to stick gasparino in here. not a bad idea. look at the numbers. this is what we're at right now. minus 20. wind at 30 miles an hour. that is 55 mile-an-hour negative windchill. i will walk into it. that is ram pickup. thanks to friends at fiat chrysler for this extraordinary
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live act sercs fir time ever live reports from inside this snow lab. this is what it feels like to be in minus 55 windchill. i'm growing to try to turn into it for just a second. oh, my god. that subpoena incredible. it is incredible in these vehicles. i have to get out of this. david: the horror. the horror. >> that these vehicles are able to make it through this. i'll tell you. if they can make it through this, they can really -- >> jeff, can you hear us? is it worth being outside of streets of chicago in the winter? i heard from my dad how brutal that is. what do you think of it there? >> i think it is worse. this is concentrated, intense, in regular blizzard you wouldn't have this kind of intensity at all times. this is just non-stop. it is unrelenting. and --
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david: jeff, how long do they keep the blower, keep the blower going there? how long does a vehicle like this endure? >> not as long as jeff. >> today they kept it going longer than they normally do for us because we've done this all day like a bunch idiots. and it, it is really testing their system as well. but thanks to those guys in the, can you see them in there? david: yeah. got their coats off. they're in no pain at all. jeff, i have to ask what is the makes of your microphone? not only is that car on but your microphone has been working the whole time. >> you know we went to cable. we originally had wireless. now we're on cable. david: i see. >> this is the senheiser, good things to them because they survived like we have. >> that is amazing. >> look at that. isn't that something? >> that is, he has been on a million times today. every time he is on i get there
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i turn up the volume. i love to see them torture him out there, i think this is your last hit, jeff. if not, you don't have much longer to go. for the hits. >> not much longer. that does it for us. "risk & reward" starts right now. david: see ya. [explosion] deirdre: dramatic cell phone footage of the deadly bangkok blast shows the explosion that killed at least 22 and wounded more than 100. here are images that a tourist captured. police released surveillance footage of the suspect and soes media outreach may help to track down the bomber. former cia covert operations officer and president of diligence llc, mike baker is with me. mike, does the new surveillance footage increase chances of suspect or suspects getting caught? >> absolutely. ey


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