tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 18, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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inheritance" story you would like to share with us? we would love to hear it. send me an e-mail or go to our web site innovation which is good. charles: appreciated. great show. lou dobbs is next. keep it right here. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. so far donald trump is surging,surging, not only ahead in the latest polls but up by double digits, running well ahead of his republican rivals and his combative performance at the 1st presidential debate helped his candidacy which is the opposite of what most were saying right after the debate. we will take up why those fine folks are trying to tear down trump.
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also, hillary clinton's e-mail scandal worsens. her allegedly secured servers were housed on the bathroom closet and more members of the mainstream liberal media are finally stepping up and criticizing the former secretary of state. voters deserve to here clinton's -- here clinton's say i'm sorry and i was wrong. we will take all of that up and more. the senator is saying the deal is based on hope and fails to stop iran from becoming a nucleara nuclear weapon state. a full report for you as russia and china prepare a 2nd major joint military exercise this year. our top story, and polls
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confirm donald trump's dominance. a knew poll shows trump blowing away his competition with the support of 24% of republican24 percent republican registered voters. nearest competitor 11 points behind. trump has also boosted his favorability numbers among republicans 58% now now58 percent now have a favorable view up from 50 percent last month. trump's rise has forced the rest of the gop field to harden their stance on illegal immigration. governor scott walker says the children of illegal immigrants should not have an automatic right to american citizenship. >> to me it is about enforcing the law.
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i think it is important to send the message that we will enforce the law no matter how people come here. >> and children of undocumented immigrants. >> i did not say that. lou: trump also beats his rivals on social media with the most likes on facebook, most followers onto graham. todaytoday he uses to graham to hit hillary clinton over her e-mail scandal. >> it does not matter. it does not matter. it does not does not matter. what difference that this point does it make? lou: clinton addressing her email scandal following a town hall meeting in las vegas. mrs. clinton ducked questions about whether she intentionally wiped her entire server clean.
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>> i have no idea. that is why we turn it over in order to be as cooperative as possible. they can do whatever they want to to figure out what is there are not. that is forthat is for the people investigating it to try to figure out, but we turned over everything work related, every single thing. personal stuff we did not. lou: intelligence sources telltold fox news that fbi investigators are confident they may be able to recover some of clinton's deleted files and the bureau is aggressively seeking to recover that material from their server. we have also learned new details about the security or lack thereof. the it company that maintained her private e-mail account platte river networks run out of a loft apartment in denver where the company servers were kept in the bathroom closet.
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republican senators say a lot of concerns remain, including whether clinton's personal attorney had the security clearance necessary to have possession of her thumb drives which contained thousands of her e-mails. the state department assured clinton's attorney was approved to handle the documents but that same state department claimed it had no e-mails between clinton's former top aide and media outlets. the state departmentthe state department suddenly reversed itself saying it located nearly 18,000 e-mails. appears the state department has something in common with the internal revenue service that failed to produce and then miraculously discovered emails belonging to the woman at the heart of the irs candle, lois lerner. more defiance from iran and announcing it will sign an agreement with russia next
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week to receive for sophisticated surface-to-air missiles. this ismissiles. this is another high-profile democrat announces he will not support the presence nuclear deal. fox news white house correspondent with our report. >> still could not stop iran and russia engaging multiple ballistic air missiles. iranian leaders accuse the us of using the nuclear deal to try to control them. we will (. >> a pentagon pentagon spokesman said we have long expressed our concern.
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concerns because the sale could call in to question russia's willingness to abide by the very iran nuclear deal it helped to create. meanwhile another day another rejection. >> if iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb it will not have my name on it. >> new jersey sen. bob menendez joined fellow democrat in rejecting the agreement and pledging to vote against it in september , part of a growing list of lawmakers including arizona senator jeff flake. >> the agreement ties the hands of congress and future administrations by saying we cannot impose new or similar sanctions to what is there already. >> republicans need six democrats to overcome a filibuster and 13 to override a presidential veto >> about seven democrats in last week it come out.
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thatthat is why we remain confident we will have the support we need. >> to bolster that argument another pair of democrats have come out in support of the deal. both sayingboth saying that they will be they're when the votes are counted in september. kevin cork fox news. lou: turning to illegal immigration crisis in the country, one that has led to a backlog of immigration cases and the shortage of immigration judges. the los angeles times reported immigration judges face a massive backlog of more than 450,000 cases legal and illegal, almost a half million backlog that has more than doubled over the past decade. as a result the overworked immigration judges are hesitating to retire. more than half nationwide
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become eligible to retire this fiscal year. adding to the problems the obama administration has fast track to newly arrived illegal immigrant children and their families which delays of illegal immigration cases as long as three years. the crisis is obviously at hand. wehand. we are coming right back with much more. the gop presidential campaign has even the liberal national media related, and some political gurus and savants are eating their words on donald trump's campaign performance. the cohost of fmc outnumbered jedediah fila and a host of the chris plante radio show joins us this is what google looks
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trump points out technology jobs should be offered unemployed americans before they can be filled by foreign workers on visas which will improve the number of black,black, hispanic, and female workers in silicon valley who have been passed over. marco rubio said trump has a bill to triple h1 b's that would decimate women and minorities and trump is right on these facts. this is a way for technology companies to hire cheap foreign workers, facebook, google, microsoft will pay foreign workers on these pieces about 25 percent less than their american counterparts. zucker burke says there are not enough american workers to fill technology jobs for 74 percent of those with a bachelors degree in stem are not employed now in stem occupations.
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joining us tonight the cohost of outnumbered jedediah fila and radio talkshow host chris plante. let's start -- trump's schooling people on h 1 b visas. >> it is true, and he was saying things about immigration the people are afraid to say. when people here the stock they see -- they know people that have been out of work, no people that i've had to take two and three part-time jobs and here's a guy who pops up out of nowhere, not a conventional politician saying i want you to keep more of your hard-earned cash and keep your job and here's what i'm going to do about it and in the same breath talking about border security which is something republicans have talked about but not done much
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about. lou: are used on the right now trump is setting the agenda in this campaign on the issue of immigration, immigration, h 1 b visas? exactly correct, an example of the administration not following the law or enforcing it. those companies using them and given them are supposed to determine that there are no american workers available. they do not do that. >> that is of course, a farce. i'm not surprised he is leading the way. he is a bull in a china shop, a a natural leader, a hell raiser. everyone else is coached down to the way they hold their hand and what they say love media coaches and political consultants. they all say the same thing, thing,thing, have the same haircut, where the same time, and we are sick of
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them. you give them the reins of power and they do nothing. quite honestly from the truck drivers to the medical doctors, everyone has had it with mainstream politics. donald trump is like a breath of fresh air. lou: i talk with people whatever the business to find out they in and out how the economy is moving. the answers i am getting back are not positive. people are talking about business is slow, concerned about their jobs. there are elites in the national mediayou are scared. they are reasonably concerned because they have not been given a break for the last seven, perhaps longer, but at least the last seven years. >> and the two issues that people trust him most on our immigration and the economy. candidates talk about jobs, opportunity. that is what he is doing and
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because he comes from outside the political sphere people tend to trust that more. that's why you see ben carson, carly fiorini. the people who are rising and doing better are not of the political world because those are the people that continually disappoint us. we want some real, regular people. lou: wrapup here. you get the last word. i'm thinking about the regular people. hillary clinton in an offense if surrounded by scandal. is she going to make it? >> i don't think so. i do not think she is. even for the clintons, the democrats with all the political protection, hillary clinton has dug herself and so deeply. there are many more shoes to drop. she has a meld the marcos's
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closet ready to drop. it will be the death of a thousand cuts. i have been saying, ii don't think she will get the nomination. lou: i have never heard you make so many metaphor so splendidly. thank you for being with us. and a reminder to vote, do you believe trump irrespective of whether he wins is making a valuable contribution to the demise of political correctness in the country? cast your vote. the fdavote. the fda has just approved the 1st drug designed to increase a woman's libido. the drug is being called the women's viagra: the little pink pill will be sold under the brand name patty. i do not know what the name means. begins october 17. before itsbefore its approval there were no fda approved treatment at all for sexual desire disorders
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in women. humanoid robots may soon take over the world. check out their humanoid robot taking its 1st walk in the woods. the robot stands 6 feet tall always 330 pounds. that was pounds. that was navigates through rough terrain, can climb with his hands and feet or hers depending on whatever. researchers develop that was to perform tasks in military and disaster related situations that would be unsafe for human beings. in japan do not forget their robot that can play soccer, pour drinks, talk while using sign language. take that. truly remarkable. a few thoughts on the media efforts to tear down the trump candidacy. if ifcandidacy. if you lack inspiration
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today wait until we tell you about five -year-old haley dawson. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...
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lou: last night here i was talking with karl rove about presidential candidates and got into aa discussion that touched on illegal immigration. i challenged him on his assertion that under president bush they had cut illegal immigration. here is part of the exchange >> we were in favor of ended triple the size of the border patrol budget. and we ended catch and release. lou: how much was illegal immigration. >> dramatically cut. lou: whelp to five. >> -- >> no, i will get you the numbers. we prioritized --
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lou: the only thing -- we are going to go too far. the only thing that reverse the flow of illegal immigration was in fact the recession. illegal immigration rose sharply it was not until the great recession that illegal immigration mostly from mexico fell off sharply. it is now rising again substantially. another point, remittances from mexico. specifically mexican nationals living here. she disputed how much money
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that was. >> 22 billion remittance payments are not really taken from all the countries not the that figure is definitely wrong. lou: which figure? >> the 22 billion. lou: is actually 25 billion. >> the figure he cited in the news article was from all nations, not just the us lou: 22 billion is not all nations and central american just a mexico. in just the 1st quarter of this year the amount of money sent back to mexico from the united states by mexican nationals was $5.7 billion according to mexico central bank. based upon those figures and projecting many expected to
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hit $25 billion as it tends to rise. here we are. a few thoughts on the mainstream media efforts to diminish and trivialize all trump,tall trump, even some otherwise respectable pundits and gurus who call him a joke, declare him not serious, unpredictable. i like that one, that he would never last. all used to describe his candidacy. the des moines register editorial board wrote, trump should pull the plug on his bloviating sideshow. thethe huffington post snorted as needed relegating coverage to the entertainment section doubling down in the decision saying over the last month we have seen our central argument proven right thought trump is nothing more than a sideshow and not a legitimate presidential contender with serious policy ideas.
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we are still not taking the bait. the "washington post" also trying to marginalize trump proclaiming donald trump struggles to turn a political flowing into adorable campaign. those news outlets must just cringe with pain as they look at each on the polls including the latest showing he is not only sustaining his campaign but succeeding as a candidate. now the republican front-runner, leading the latest fox news poll with 25%25 percent support doubling that of his closest competitor doctor ben carson those results echoed in the latest cnn orc poll for trump has an 11-point lead over bush. carson in 3rd place. much of the media still must try to diminish his candidacy suggesting the polling numbers now are
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crazy, they have proven them wrong and are suspect even though no other republican comes close. the "washington post" grumbled, that knew cnn poll is about trump's lead solidifying not growing at. while. let me tell you what to expect next from the national liberal media, the establishment, the left, having failed to trivialize the man some call athe clown they will next try to demonize trump beyond all recognition. the media's frustration will only compound upon itself because trump no matter how they try to marginalize him him in a matter how they try to drag him down, may turn out to be the only, the one
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candidate in either party that has the resources, nature,resources, nature, and character to utterly frustrate the establishment and the national media because he is wealthy, he is smart, very smart, very smart, very rich, and beyond their power to destroy. perhaps, just perhaps he will come as competitors often doyou lift the performance of all the republicans running against him. let me dream here just a bit maybe we will have a presidential campaign that also inspires the electorate and gives them courage to change the course of this country. dreaming, i admit. our quotation of the evening we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion, the stage with the government is free to do anything it pleases while the citizens may act only by permission which is the stage of the darkest times of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.
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they are coming right back. passmackback. the ayatollah and president are getting frustrated because you and i are learning more about the iranian nuclear deal than they would have liked. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar.
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lou: the main news at this hour, donald trump on top by double digits in the latest national poll. new questions surrounding hillary clinton's personal journey and whether he had security clearance to be handling her e-mails revealed today that the it company was run from a lot of the apartment and colorado servers housed in the bathroom closet and not secure. another leading democratic senator has refused to sign on to the presence nuclear deal with iran. joining us tonight, former army vice chief of staff, fox's military analyst, general jack keane. great to have you with us. and iaea inspector threatened by a ring with bodily harm if he revealed any part or the existence of side deals that were
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revealed by senator cotton. the congressman we have to credit for having the american people learn about it. what is going on? >> absolutely amazing. a 35 year pattern of the iranian regime oppressing their own people and pushing people around outside their country. i absolutely believe the story at face value. clearly something that they would do to intimidate this official and not surprisingly came to the us he would not talk about it to anybody. mission accomplished. lou: and the senator and congressman from our gratitude and commendation. the p5 plus one, just doing numerology, russia which
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just prepare a deal for surface-to-air missiles for ran deepening their relationship with iran, also carrying out the 2nd military exercise with the russian navy and other forces of russia for the 2nd time this year. that is by my count three of the p5 +6plus six that only an idiot would not have realized would be working together. how did we get here? where we had it? >> i think we are truly headed to considerably more cooperation and collaboration. obviously they have a common interest interest in syria. they both helped prop up the aside regime. when the arms embargo was lifted the s 300 air defense
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missiles were not under that embargo. the russians will do regular business on arms control . lou: these will be the advanced surface-to-air missiles. >> the ones they will sell to them are not part of the arms embargo. russia voluntarily embargo themselves. thethemselves. the deal struck they will seldom these muscles. they are the best they have. their systemtheir system is 1st class. it is obvious why the iranians wanted. they want to be able to defend against an airstrike. >> i want to turn to david kendall who we were told how to clearance to handle classified material. then we learn that he only recently got that clearance even though those from
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drives were in his possession and god knows what else for months. what are we to make of it, and why is this different than general betray us , and why is her treatment different? >> first of all, kendall does have a security clearance according to my source, top-secret clearance. mission one, has classified information exposed on the e-mail, the server command a thumb drive? but check the information, has they're been espionage conducted against it. if so fluent how much damage has been done? that his mission one. mission to his accountability for what has taken place if in fact as we all believe classified information was mishandled in terms of it being improperly on a private e-mail server. lou: is there a distinction?
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fracture, a nasal fracture as it is described from pitch to hit. and now from scary to inspiring, five-year-old haley dawson through the 1st pitch for the baltimore orioles wearing a knew 3-d printers and fall with a rare birth birth defect the left or right hand formed. she was gifted a prosthetic hand that moves its fingers with the movements of her wrist. how about that and how about the folks at unlv. up next trump shines a light on abuses in the h 1 b visa program and 25,000 firefighters are not enough to stop them
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chairman of laffer associates. great to have you with us. >> i enjoy being with you. lou: laying off 50 percent of the. and that's the kind of 8,000 employees. they want more on workers wine workers to be brought in. this is outrageous, is it not? supposed to be at the highest level and maintain wages. it is not the case and we must turn it around. >> reminds me of what congress used to do to pass specific pieces of legislation which is outrageous. if this is not used for adding to the technology there is no reason they should be given any special preference.
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lou: do you know why bill gates testified? he testified that he was asked how many should be permitted. that is the kind of irresponsible attitude on the part of some business leaders in this country. >> he was just trying to be wiser something. lou: not trying to be wise. organized an absolute campaign. >> your friend said they should staple the green card to the advanced degree. thatthat is the way they have been arguing for years and years. when they don't need them, there is no shortage of people they should not be treated differently than any other immigrant group. i am there immigration across the board.
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>> one of the program to come in and fill the slots where it cannot be done before. lou: got it. >> another issue very much so. lou: you and i both no that he was duped and never was there a border enforcement or interior enforcement. >> reagan was way too smart to be duped. he was not duped. he also pushed nafta very much which we later passed with republican support. very much a free trader. lou: let's turn to donald trump. >> i am enamored. i have not gone through all of it as to what it is exactly. the me tell you, i'm rich.
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who doesn't want their kids to be rich. he also a smart, also is a guy -- he has bought influence from everyone on the stage, and i know what it is and how to stop it. he said also i try to minimize my tax take. he does it legally. teesix which of these candidates are you supporting? >> i like all the candidates. lou: said alike. >> can i tell you something. i am a little older. now that i am 75 years old i i have been to this barbecue before. this isthis is a long slow glacial process. lou: sometimes we are beneficiaries of our experience. sometimes we are victims of it. open your heart. embrace the moment. we have to take off.
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we are out of time, partner. great to have you with us. >> your comment leading to lower immigration was dead on. economics is. 200 active-duty soldiers fighting wildfire tonight. teesix the 1st time in nine years the military has been called in to fight wildfires. an illegal immigrant charged with a triple homicide. we take it up with some of the best attorneys in th
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lou: an illegal immigrant facing murder charges in florida. shortly after crossing the border in january. he is january. he is from belize and has been linked to several violent crimes. joining us now, arthur i della and mercedes koman. distinguished accolades, titles. isn't it about time someone got serious about enforcing
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immigration law? >> we know imf is broken. judgesbroken. judges are not paying attention to individuals. they do not do due diligence , no whether they have been convicted of a crime. lou: wait a minute. tall trump is being told he will screw up the system. >> 11 million people. >> one thing at a time. screwed up. >> but we have the situation at hand. you have to start somewhere, look at the judges. teesix this is about creating leadership, creating accountability in the system. it's completely off the rails. >> and it was cultural.
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what culture embraces triple homicide. >> with the ins within the immigration system i was involved with a high-profile case where the main defendant was in this country illegally. whenwhen he was arrested he was given bail in federal court sent to ins, and they ins, and they did not even hold him. they just sent him home. lou: ins is an artifact of history. we have their names and acronyms. >> but here is a person charged with a federal crime facing federal jail time. he goes to the next judge says you are here illegally and instead of saying i will hold you, just sends him home. >> but there are different circumstances. an individual charged of a crime here the border to the country of origin and then they are they're and not
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brought to justice for violent crimes. lou: for five minutes they come across the border will in the fiction goes on. basically your explaining why the american people have had a belly full politics as usual because this just goes on and on and on and it has been going on for 20 years20 years in this country. >> no one has the appetite to do anything about it. >> no one has the leadership. we will see whether that presents itself. let's turn to these clinton e-mails. let's get everyone furious. this is a ridiculous process from a perfect analog. she mutters some nonsense in a town hall meeting saying they turned over the servers , that's all she could do. are you kidding? and people let her get away with that? >> she has this private server, violation number one lou: violation of law has already occurred. >> exactly.
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then you havethen you have the deletion of the information on the server, violation number two. then you have the dissemination of classified information. six things, two of which were top-secret. lou: possibly 300 or more. >> exactly because they have only done a small sampling. lou: why isn't she being charged? if she violated the law to five. >> there is an investigation pending right now, and she may be. what mercedes said the bottom line is she would never be granted security clearance again.again. what happens if she wins and becomes the president of the united states? >> campy. >> exactly. lou: thank you very much. and thank you for your support.
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that looks like a healthy thank you for being with us. good night. kennedy: what am i watching with these? the slow implosion of the once inevitable candidate and probable president who has not even hit the ground it. if curious voters are stopped and attractsin their tracks watching the slow burn of the latest hillary drama unfold imagine what is going on inside the campaign the outdated denials calling the e-mail scandal nonsense betrays the panic at hillary headquarters. if a fraction ever known e-mails contain so many
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