tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business August 19, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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if you can't see the show, dvr it, lou dobbs is next, keep it right here on fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the white house now says we shouldn't worry that there will be no inspections of iran's nuclear site. the white house says outright that president obama's nuclear deal with iran is built on trust, not verification. new revelations tonight that the united nations iaea will allow iran to inspect itself, perform its own inspections of its own nuclear sites under a secret agreement with the united nations agency. republicans, they're not doing much about it, their language at been at best tepid. senator mitch mcconnell says he
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thinks the president will pass the deal in both the senate and the house. among the issues we'll with taking up with congresswoman mia long. blackberry devices belonging to former hillary clinton aide cheryl mills and uma abedin have likely been destroyed or sold off. imagine that. the state department behaving like it's part of her campaign organization. mrs. clinton for her part dismissing as mere politics her ever worsening e-mail scandal. and donald trump at this moment is talking with reporters before a town hall in derry, new hampshire, the event on the same day polls show trump closing in on hillary clinton in a general election matchup. we'll be talking about whether clinton is already a wounded candidate and why none of the candidates beat her head-to-head in polling,
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despite her mounting problems and scandals. fox news digital politics editor chris stirewalt and ed rollins among our guests tonight. our top story, the revelation that iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate its nuclear sites under the terms of the nuclear deal with iran. specifically the nuclear site specifically to be the center of the nuclear weapons program. fox news white house correspondent kevin corke traveling with the president, and kevin has the latest for us on all of these developments. kevin? >> reporter: lou, good evening to you, and frankly just hearing you do the lead-in to the story, it almost belies imagination, you say to yourself, how does this happen? it's incredible. and yet there it is. i want everybody at home to listen carefully. we're going to walk you through this step by step as you get a chance to understand the
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reverberations of a political earthquake felt from washington all the way to tehran. as you pointed out, the associated press today is reporting that there has been this side deal arranged between iran and the iaea that will allow the regime to use its own experts to inspect a site that has allegedly been used to develop nuclear arms. that's done by the international atomic energy agency, but according to the state department, the way this is all constructed is still consistent with the position that the iaea is taking the lead in investigating iran's nuclear program. >> we're confident, and the agency's technical plans for investigating the possible military dimensions of iran's former program issues that in some cases date back to more than a decade. just as important, the iaea is comfortable with arrangements unique to the agency's investigation of iran's historical activities. >> reporter: okay, so the administration and the iaea may be comfortable with how this is
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all laid out. gop presidential candidate lindsey graham is not comfortable. he says allowing the iranians to inspect their own nuclear sites particularly a notorious military site is like allowing the inmates to run the jail. and the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, california congressman ed royce called it a dangerous farce adding -- now, lou, critics are asking if the administration knew all about this, why on earth it would approve a deal like this. new jersey democratic senator bob menendez doesn't like the deal either. he's calling on colleagues tonight to do what he's going to do that, is reject the agreement. >> so for me, the question is, is this deal put us in a better national security position or not? i believe it doesn't, particularly if there is a violation, and we have seen a history of 20-year violations. >> reporter: lou, clearly, the
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white house is saying this would not impede the iaea's ability to conduct robust investigations. how it will play out especially given what we learned about the proposal is anyone's guess at this point, lou? lou: you raise a very important question from the outset, and that is, why in the world is there any acceptance on any level of this deal? this is incredible in every dimension. the first question i want to ask, kevin is, if you're not going to have verification and if you're going to trust them, why do you need a deal at all? it's mind-boggling. >> you said trust but verify, right? listen, my friend, i wish i had a great answer for you, look, we trust the iaea to get it right. there is their trust and there is their verify.
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leave that for you folks decide if you trust and verify the iaea. lou: kevin, thanks so much, great reporting. >> you bet. >> thanks. antiabortion group today releasing a seventh and perhaps most vile video of disturbing practices at planned parenthood. what i'm about to describe to you is horrific. it is graphic. and i want to prepare you, so please turn away, turn down the sound if you must, and the video we're about to show you, you will hear even more graphic language about what happened. this most recent video featuring an interview with a former medical technician from a company called stem express, who worked with planned parenthood in harvesting body parts. in this video, she describes how she witnessed her colleague perform a late-term abortion of a live male feet us -- fetus.
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they discussed the removal of the fetus's brain during that discussion. it is these videos are the most extraordinary yet. our next guest may have to vote on a measure to defund planned parenthood. it's a bill sponsored by congresswoman diane black, it would block funding for planned parenthood until all of the investigations have been concluded. joining me is congresswoman mia love, great to have you with us, and good to see you. >> good to see you, lou. lou: planned parenthood defunding. judges intervening to stop the release of these videos. what do you make of it? where do you stand? what is your position? your thoughts? >> it's absolutely horrific. i get a little bit emotional thinking about it and seeing
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what has happened. here we are in the united states of america and our job is to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. first and foremost life, and it's our job to protect those who do not have a voice to protect themselves. and to see what is actually happening to babies while they're still alive, it's horrific. and this is not about a right or left issue, this is right or wrong, and whether we stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves or if we turn a blind eye and pretend it is not happening. lou: as you know, congresswoman, the pro-life groups is those who oppose abortion say every one of these is a live abortion, the fetus, a living being. this is one of the most difficult discussions this country could have right now. there have been almost 60 million abortions since roe v. wade. that is a reluctance of the
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national media with meaningful language with what is happening and the results of what has been decades now of indifference to the mounting scale of abortions in this country. are we near having that adult conversation, mature and honest conversation, political dialogue in this country? >> as long as i'm here, we need to make sure that we're having this conversation. as long as i'm here. it's my job to do everything i can to get colleagues on both sides of the aisle to see what's happening and stand up for what we believe is right. this, again, i've always been pro-life. i've always been pro-life. i am a mother and a wife first and foremost, but we've got to do everything we can to make sure that these are being exposed. that the american people know exactly what's happening and stand up and make sure we don't allow this to happen.
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this is who we are as americans. our job is to protect human life. so we've got to stand up and make sure we're doing just that and not allowing anyone to pull the blinds over our eyes and tell us what's happening is not there. lou: you and i both know that the republicans who objected to everything from obamacare to the iranian nuclear deal, we hear today from mitch mcconnell that he thinks it will pass in both houses. the republicans have held hearings on benghazi, on every kind of scandal. there has been an end of the day been very little actually done by republicans who control both houses, the senate and congress. do you for one moment believe that this congress, this senate has the capacity, the will, and the leadership to put together a bipartisan vote that will end practices like we have been witnessing in these videos?
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>> well, as long as there are people in the fight, yes, i do believe there is hope. i have met some great people on -- lou: i'm not talking about hope or great people, i'm talking about raw politics right now. can it be done in your judgment? >> i do. i do. i think that as long as we're getting the right message out and length the american people than it's time for -- the time for them to step back and let congress make the votes and make all the decisions are over. they've got to actively get involved. if they're not the one standing up. if they're not the one make the decision to run the risk of someone inferior make the decisions for them. i believe it actually can happen, but it's going to take quite a few people getting involved and saying -- go ahead, i'm sorry. lou: i want to quickly as we're out of time. i want to turn quickly. you returned from israel, the iranian nuclear deal. you just heard kevin corke and i discussing it in his reporting. this is the word, there are not
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words to describe how absurd the situation is that this president has created and that this congress and this senate to this point have neither the courage it seems or political will to stop. it is on its face a farce. how do you think it will end? . >> i am going to vote no on this iran deal, and i'm going to get every single person that i can to come along with me. i went in with an open mind to see if the deal made us a little more safe, if it actually was a good deal. i can tell you coming back from israel, when a country tells you that they want to see death to america, that they want to see us harmed, we should take that seriously. this is not either the deal or war. this is the deal leads us to war. we're not merely kicking the can down the road, we're kicking nuclear bombs down the road at a faster rate than ever before. we've been lied to, which we
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found out by the administration, we asked them to give us every single bit of information they have. they have been vague at best. i do not trust our administration and certainly don't trust iran. lou: congresswoman mia love, and all of us are very emotional when it comes to the, of life, and this country's history over the past four decades, when it comes to the issue of preserving life and making difficult choices and we sympathize, we empathize with every person who's had to make those choices, but it is time to stand up and we're delighted to spend some time with you, and sorry for your tears, sorry for the tears of so money. thank you so much, mia love, congress. lou: we're coming right back, stay with us. a new poll shows hillary clinton beating all of the republican candidates including front-runner donald trump, but
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he's narrowing the margin. we take it up with fox news digital editor chris stirewalt. a rare sight can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. ♪ ♪ ♪ get excited for the 1989 world tour with exclusive behind the scenes footage, all of taylor swift's music videos, interviews, and more. xfinity is the destination for all things taylor swift. . lou: joining us to talk politics, fox news digital
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editor chris stirewalt. good to have you, chris. >> good to be here. lou: donald trump and all the other candidates running behind hillary clinton in head-to-head matchups in all the polls, do you think we have a budding sustainable successful candidate here in trump? >> well, he certainly can be president of august. he definitely can be president of august. lou: you are tough, man, you are tough. >> wait a minute. there's a lot of football, there's a lot of football left to be played before we get to the playoffs. lou: can we at least hang the score up on the board. come on! >> trump definitely has the scoreboard going. in press conferences, he referenced this is a cnn poll and referenced it many, many times. i would point out, not to be picky, i would point out our polling which is way better, absolutely, says that trump, our polling reflects a similar
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deficit for trump at 5 or 6 points, trailing hillary clinton, and i can't remember the exact number right now. i think it's rubio, i think it's bush, it doesn't matter. at this point all you got to be is in the game. and this point all you got to -- remember, trump is slightly different. he's already famous, he's known by 99%. lou: i got to write this down. slightly different. >> donald trump is slightly different than marco rubio and jeb bush, slightly. so jeb bush and donald trump for a different category, they are known to all americans. they have household name identification. it's hard for them to move their numbers one way or the other. for the other candidates they're not famous. ben carson isn't a household name. lou: but surging in the polls, he looks great. same with carly fiorina. >> quite so. we're look for who's got upside. i'm going to make a business analogy and screw it up and
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please forgive me, but if we're looking at where is the stock price, the cap on the stock, where do we think it's going to end up? who's got room to grow? it's hard for jeb bush and donald trump to add points at a certain level because everybody knows him. on the other hand, a candidate like fiorina or carson and rubio and walker and others have room to grow. lou: what's the cap on hillary clinton? >> it's getting lower. it's getting lower. her market valuation is way down, and she is so bad at running for president, lou. i remember that she was not good, and you remember and she was not good in 2008 especially there at beginning, not good. but i did not expect she would be worse this time around. holy krogen! what a disaster. lou: the more her problems mount, the gradual improvement is detectible in her rebuffing of journalists.
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[ laughter ] >> she and ed henry are going to get to know each other even better, it appears. and the other white house correspondents. >> true. lou: the truth is the woman sat there and dismissed a federal criminal investigation of her conduct while secretary of state and the years afterwards. i mean, this is, to me, it's inefable. it's impossible to describe the brazenness and the level of denial that she's expressing? >> politics like romance relies on a useful fictions. one of the useful fictions on which we rely in politics is that the politicians act like they care what we think. it's really important, right? it's part of this kabuki dance, that they have to humble themselves once or twice and say i really care, i will grovel, i will come before you, voters.
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hillary clinton has apparently forgot than we demand that of our elected officials. at least fake it. lou: and the candidates, i've got to believe there are a couple that are not going to do that, and one of them certainly is donald trump. >> he's not into that. lou: he is interesting to you savants and gurus. give us a little sense of the alchemy and the body politic. what is necessary to create a bona fide rival to donald trump and the republican party and to hillary clinton and the democratic party? >> in the democratic party, they are running out of time. and i think there is a strong sentiment among democrats with whom i speak, there is a strong sentiment they would like to have something else on offer. bernie sanders is not going to feed the bulldog. joe biden might do, it tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. on the republican side, how long will it take for the herd
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to thin? donald trump's strategy can't win if there is a smaller field. if the field coalesces and rick perry and bobby jindal say i'm not going to get there from here and drop out. you see the vote share coalesce and donald trump's situation becomes more difficult because somebody else may rise and he may have a real challenger. lou: forgive me for a business analog here, but for a moment there you sounded like a technical analyst, a chartist as we say on wall street. >> moving the pegs. lou: chris, thanks so much. have a great day. vote in tonight's poll -- cast your vote at up next, a few thoughts on the rise of political outsiders in the race for the white house. a single, a killer sinkhole is
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. lou: a few thoughts now on those political outsideers that chris stirewalt and i were talking were doing so well in the polls. three nonpoliticians surging in the polls, republican front-runner donald trump, dr. ben carson and former ceo carly fiorina. just yesterday dr. carson was forced to move his event in phoenix from a church that would accommodate about 2,000 people to the phoenix convention center where he drew a crowd of some 6,000. he outdrew donald trump. last month trump drew 4,000 in
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the same venue. dr. carson said his candidacy might have been called about debate time. he decided to give a run and give americans a wonderful life. >> people said you have such a wonderful medical career, why would you enter the slimy world of politics? i can tell you the reason why. the lives of so many young people in this country would be in jeopardy if we continue down the same path we're going down now. and i didn't want to trust that to anybody else. lou: a boost in the polls also for carly fiorina. the former ceo now with 6% support in the latest real clear politics average. but donald trump is still leading the anti-establishment charge. he told the hollywood reporter, quote --
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and we know he's right. we're tired of our politically correct, suffocating political environment and establishment, the leaders who acquiesce to it all. just 14% of americans approve of our congress and the job its doing, and president obama has been underwater in his approval ratings for most of his second term. americans appear to be very tired, tired of the establishment that's running both parties, the left wing elites who unrelentingly tear down our country. the status quo has little hope for the majority of americans and gop outsiders look to be what the american people may desperately need. new ideas, talent, intelligence, committed to more than their political careers. now our quotation of the evening, and this one by mort zuckerman -- on what has happened to the
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concept of public service in this country. mort said this -- we're coming right back. stay with us. if it weren't for senator cotton and congressman pompeo, we wouldn't know that president obama agreed to side agreements with the iranians. but now the white house says if we can't trust iran, at least we can trust, that's right, the white house. major general bob scales joins us next. and this 27-year-old is about to break a world record for something quite remarkable as world records should be. some would say, however, it's crazy. that video,
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. lou: the main news at this hour, hillary clinton's campaign dismissing questions about her e-mail server as just partisan politics. clinton said voters don't care about this sort of stuff, but voters apparently do care. a new poll shows her lead over donald trump narrowing to just six points. and the u.n. itself will allow iran to self-inspect nuclear sites in iran. national security experts say the deal built solely on trusting iranians is crazy. joining us retired major
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general robert scales, fox news military analyst, and we're watching simultaneously china and russia engage in the largest joint exercises in history, and we are watching one of their principal allies commit itself to self-inspection on the issue of the nuclear deal with barack obama. i mean how nuts is this, general? let's get to it. how nuts is it? >> completely nuts. i hope our viewers understand. this is a facility that tested nuclear lenses. these are the explosive devices that crush plutonium. he's the thing, lou, there is no use for explosive lenses. if you build a facility like that, you are well along to
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finishing the technological problem of building a bomb and we're going to let them do it. lou: is there anyone left in our pentagon, in our state department, in our intelligence community understand thats that this deal was constructed between the barack obama administration and iran and its allies, china and russia and they are escalating their relationships in terms of military and technology advances. >> sure, here's the thing, any time you create a strategic vacuum, a global strategic vacuum, that's what you're talking about, somebody is going to fill it. usually you don't like the countries that fill it. the three greatest villains, russia, iran and china. russia and iran being the worst. and if you allow the iranians to build a bomb and we've just done that, and you allow the
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russians and the chinese to establish a sort of like a naval alliance in the northern pacific, slowly but surely america's influence in the world and the middle east because iran is going to be a nuclear power in the northern pacific because we have alliance between china and russia, american power and the perception continues to erode, lou. lou: and that seems, i think, to most people abstract. it seems distant. but we're talking about a 60 day existing breakout period for creating a weapon irrespective of this deal, that may elongate if any part of anything this administration has said were true and the iranians meant any part of what they inside reaching this deal. is this not the same thing? the administration could as much deliver one of our nuclear weapons to tehran tomorrow. isn't that effectively the result? >> absolutely.
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you know this whole idea that we hear from the administration is there will be a ten-year holiday before they get on with this is absolutely ridiculous. if they develop the technology, and if they have access to plutonium or u-235. the breakout period is short, they're not going to wait for the holiday to end and the first move is going to threaten israel and it's a done deal. >> the only holiday they see that is obvious is the holiday that the senses of this administration have taken. >> there you go. lou: major general bob scales. good to have you with us. >> thanks, lou. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight, the question is -- we'd like to hear from you, cast your vote at a high diver setting a new world record with an incredible plunge over this cliff. this is 193 feet, a waterfall
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in switzerland. he was free falling for three seconds. that waterfall ten feet taller than the leaning tower of pisa. he says it was worth it for that video. two sinkholes in florida causing more problems and in new hampshire as well. this is a 17 highly defined sinkhole in tampa. opened up in the exact same spot opened up as a man slept in his bed two years ago. the house was demolished, two neighbors houses demolished and drivers in new hampshire should expect severe delays after this sinkhole opened up on interstate 93 in concord. officials believe a backed-up drainage pipe caused water to erode the soil. that's what they believe. i think it was related to that other sinkhole. up next, we take up donald
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. lou: donald trump taking some heat on his discussion of illegal immigration. here he is with bill o'reilly last night. >> the 14th amendment says if you're born here, you're an american, and you can't kick americans out. >> bill, i think you're wrong about the 14th amendment, and frankly the whole thing with anchor babies and the concept of anchor babies, i don't think you are right about that. >> i can quote it. you want me to quote the amendment. if you're born here, you are an american. period! period! >> many lawyers are saying that's not the way it is, in terms of this. lou: just to keep things straight. here's the 14th amendment. it says -- legal experts say the words subject to the jurisdiction opens up a gray area and birth
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right citizenship may not hold up under legal challenge. i'll be on fox news channel with bill o'reilly to take up his interpretation of the constitution, i'll add my own. please join us for that. and joining us now former reagan white house political director, republican strategist, fox news political strategist ed rollins. >> and not a lawyer so i'm not qualified to give the interpretation of the law. lou: straight to the politics. is this administration out of its ever loving mind with the iranian deal. >> absolutely, absolutely. lou: the second part, are the republican leaders john boehner and mitch mcconnell out of their minds not to be acting like the opposition on capitol hill? >> well, they're rolling over and playing dead and the reality is this latest thing where can you inspect your own nuclear plants and no one knows what's in the agreement. i would be hammering nails in the sides of these guys every single day and they're not doing it, i don't know why,
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they've made up their mind. they have the votes to kill the deal, they don't have the votes to override the veto. lou: why don't they? what democrat? we're all americans here. >> you make the democrats pay a heavy price. have you several weeks to make the american public understand what's in this deal. we gain nothing, they get $150 billion. they're not going to fix their country, they're going to fix hezbollah and all the groups is continue to sponsor terrorism and we're going to look weaker by the moment. >> how is this going to influence the primary campaign, ed. we're talking about republicans in congress controlling both houses. the american people may say do we want to turn over the white house too to a bunch of inept pacifists to mcconnell? boehner? >> that may be part of the trump appeal, i thought we have an all-star cast of candidates, governors, senators, what have you. there is a substantial portion of the public saying i don't
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care if they're senators and governors, maybe they're part of the problem in washington. we don't want that scene going on there, and we basically -- trump talk the game, we're going to look at him hard and cast our votes early in the primaries. lou: what's extraordinary in this is here's a billionaire, donald trump, certain part of the establishment, the orthodoxy perhaps not, but american people are saying at least right now that the chamber of commerce, the business roundtable that controls the republican party for the most part, despite all of that, they trust trump enough to at least be responding positively in these polls. >> because the truth of the matter is he is out there hammering away, including hammering away at the republican leadership. he's dragging the republican party to places it doesn't want to go. and my sense is i've been amazed in two months he's clearly not become just the front-runner, solidifying his
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position, now there's a position where all the people who are not professional politicians, carson and fiorina are moving to the top of the ticket. lou: and succeeding best because they appear to have aligned themselves, trump, fiorina, dr. carson, all with the voice of the people. >> well, you watched right today, the head-to-head in new hampshire. trump will have a massive crowd and bush will have nothing. that was a brilliant stroke on his part. lou: they have competing town halls tonight, folks, in new hampshire going on now. >> 20 miles apart. and trump said no one is going to go to bush's thing. i'll go to the one 20 minutes away. that was a brilliant move. lou: we'll bring you up to date on that tomorrow. on wall street stocks closed significantly lower, the dow down 163 points, the s&p lost 17. the nasdaq down 40. in case you haven't noticed there is something going on in the markets right now, whether it be china, whether it be fed or whether it be this economy
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that isn't giving us clear signals on our economic future. 3.5 billion shares on the big board. a reminder listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. dramatic video captured out of hughesville, maryland. a firefighter spraying water on a diesel tank and the barn to keep it cool. during that fire, it exploded. protective gear kept the firefighter safe. no one, including that firefighter was injured. that is some kind of safe suit. up next, thousands of government workers have reason to be nervous tonight, we'll take that up and more with red eye's andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky. they join us here next, be with us. us. stay with us. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason.
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. lou: hackers have washington, d.c. on edge, they released the data of some 37 million members of the affair oriented or encouraging website, ashley madison. the most shocking revelation, more than 15,000 of those accounts created with u.s. government and military addresses. shocking. joining me co-host of red eye on the fox news channel, former miss new york usa joanne nosuchinsky and former red eye co-host, andy levy. joanne, it's stunning anybody
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in the government would be engaged in such conduct and such an environment on the web. >> i'm surprised it's not more, with 32 million users only 15,000 are from there? but it makes sense, i don't want spam going to my personal account, i'd rather it go to my work account. [ laughter ] >> and andy, your view? >> look anyone who uses their work e-mail to sign up to commit adultery is an unadulterated moron. let me explain something to you, lou. lou: which validates the fact it's in washington, d.c. >> absolutely. this is how jewish guilt works, lou, i'm singled, not married, not using a dating app, i'm walking around going, oh, god, i hope i'm not on the list. this is not a fun time for me. [ laughter ] >> sounds like you're having fun in other ways. >> i'm not! i'm going to tell people i'm on the list so they think i'm doing something fun. lou: speaking of digital
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concerns, hillary's e-mails. here's a woman according to our legal analysts on this broadcast, the best in the world, she's committed three, three federal crimes. she's violated three federal laws, and she's giving strange talks in front of small crowds about how indifferent she is to it all. >> and she wonders why everyone keeps asking her about this like it's a big issue. it's like she has a bleeding gash on her forehead and she's like it's not a big deal, guys, i don't know where you are so concerned. yelp is raiding
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government agencies and beginning with the tsa which carly fiorina gave one star. >> yeah. lou: that's pretty bold for a candidate to see that an agency sucks. >> and i'm hoping that good old-fashioned trolling and shaming will help the tsa improve what they do. i mean they just recently had a series of tests and failed 95% of the time to discover these dangerous things in luggage. so hopefully just the meanness online will create change. lou: i wonder, if this idea takes hold, do you think it has really potential? >> i thought voting was a yelp review for government. i thought that's how you left your review for government. lou: not so many people anymore. >> that's true. including me.
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the thing about fiorina started out as a review of the tsa and turned into a little campaign thing, and by the end, he was like this is why you need to vote for me for president. so basically all this is, you can't escape politics even if you're looking for a place to eat. lou: and you mentioned voting which i think is a time honored, as you put it, rating approach for government, but for the bureaucrats, for the folks employed by the federal government. you would think our congress and senate might have influence. if we have to devolve to rating agency like yelp on the web, does it restore your faith in our future as a republican? >> i'm just confused. do you think this is something congress to deal with? i don't understand that. >> almost as can be used to
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think any -- any mother would think trump would apologize. one of the things i happen to like very much bug on a trumpet as he is not apologized know outside of our polling you have equal regard for donald trump. >> i think i have a 99-1% on the pole. i'm probably the 1%. >> it's hard to believe. >> is a woman i apologize all the time for everything especially things that are my fault. i say i'm sorry way too much so i should take a cue from donald trump and not. >> that try it. i think he apologizes far too often and assumes worse, apologies sufficient for whatever has been done. with that confusing topic.
12:00 am
thank you both. c thanks lou. c the pole but any mention do you believe trump irrespective of whether he winds is making a ugn our country? that's it for us, good night. hello and good evening. i am watching "fox news" senior correspondent henry the dreamboat do his best to rhonda rousey impression and impressively uncomfortable display. hillary was dressed for the occasion and what look like a prison orange jumpsuit. it only lasted five exhilarating minutes and it started with ed asking how areas about the top-secret info on her server. >> i take responsibility but that does not change the fact and no matter what anybody tries to say the facts are stubborn. >> would the is that
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