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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  August 30, 2015 1:00am-2:01am EDT

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that is our show, see you next week. ♪ ♪ guess what, lou dobbs will be back. in the meantime, thank you for coming by. ♪ kennedy: well, hello, you. i am watching interesting movement in the polls, which holds great news if you are a real estate tycoon, retired neurosurgeon or ivp. unsurprisingly the best news belongs to donald trump who is beating back the pack by walking loudly and carrying a big stick. 28 percent. the biggest surprise is the dynamic shift in the republican field hushing up
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the likes of jeb bush tied withevenerceage ints this sheer size of the bad news for ran paul, chris christie, and governors huckabee, governors huckabee, walker, and kaysix. hillary clinton is still diving losing ten percentage points. still has a good chunky 45 percent. andand are you going to go? 2018 percent, and he's not even in it. more bad news. a hypothetical general election matchup biden beats trump, bush, and rubio by greater margins than the hrc >> watch your mouth.more arrow in his quiver.
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the atlantic speculating that it is no coincidence joe is flirting with the run because of what he knows about hillary. maybe joe will jump into the race because he knows something that lurks beneath the surface of the server which when it becomes public knowledge will end her aspirations once and for all thethe white house could have foreknowledge of any damning server scraps command joe is vp. the poll also asks the 1st word that comes to mind for voters when they think about the candidate. hillary's was liar. gems was bush. and trumps was arrogant. i wonder which of these had done the better job of cementing a preferred for perception and voters heads. arrogant. diving into the mystery of the fatal police shooting. when is it appropriate to challenge she five chat on
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your cell phone. topless woman in times square. i guess i'm out of a hobby. more or less nudity. vice president joe biden polling much better. the trouble continues. let's welcome the party panel. cohost of after the bell on fox business, an incredible week. just shot a one-hour special and good friend and great cohost of red i also. welcome to you all. your all blonde hair and blue eyes. do i feel outnumbered why is biden besting trump?
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>> that is a tough one because they are both wacky and fun and over-the-top and just a delight to watch. they each need there own shows all the time. i can't tear myself away. >> those are some of the similarities. what about their campaigning and governing styles? we don't no anything about trumps governing style. he just gets out there and is wildly entertaining. what does joe have to do given this information? what does he have to do to make it to a general election? there is a big difference. >> that's the thing. he is not even in the race it. facing fresh scrutiny and
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all that stuff. you are seeing a couple things. a lot of people don't like hillary clinton, and sometimes you do better when your not running. biden is a likable person, hillary is not. not. biden went through the horrible experience of losing a child. he is america's slightly creepy but likable uncle. >> is mel's clavicle's. give them a good sniff. >> he does weird, vaguely creepyweird, vaguely creepy stuff and people chuckle and say, zero, joe. there you go again. >> it's as though we are discovering him for the 1st time. >> that is what is going on to his. he has not faced any scrutiny asis a non- candidate. >> he has run for president a loss twice. >> and that will come up like the plagiarism issue. he wrote those comments himself.
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>> great speech. >> superfund the 2nd time around.around. will we grow to save -- hate him? >> we will have more exposure to him. >> hillary's numbers were skyhigh when she resigned as secretary of state when she was no longer holding that appointed position people liked her, and she has only gone downhill from they're. it's like the stock market. it sounds dirty, and i did not mean to. i think the white house is behind this. the ones that are putting him out here and he goes back to the few that will not die between the obama's england's and they are going to stand behind it and push further. i think she is in real trouble. neil caputo a while ago, she will ultimately not be the nominee. >> and that inevitability is looming.
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that is what annoys so many people. the idea they would. >> the three top or the to be used were liar, untrustworthy. >> liar. >> criminal will work its way up there. >> but not smooth. >> no. that is ben carson. a 4th one was experience. that is what she is running on. if thatif that is being beaten by those other three words, not a good sign. maybe not as bad as jeb bushes. that has to hurt. >> the 1st negative word that comes to mind because leavy is a fine adjective. hillary clinton is taking a drumming of her e-mails. so sorry.
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>> it clearly was not the best choice. i should have used to e-mails, one personal, one for work, and i take responsibility for that decision. and i want to be as transparent as possible, which is why i turned over 55,000 pages, why i have turned over my server. >> so virginal and white. that clears that up. talk about about the responsibility you have in knowing that some of the information that you send or receive might possibly be reclassified. >> i know. sure to get that in. she is so bad it line reading. it's like when you watch snl and they have fresh lines under holding up the cards. that is what i feel like. she is so bad at it. we have been talking about it for so long as she could give a strong, convincing
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answer, but i guess there isn't one. ione. i could have come up with a better, stronger live by now >> not good on her feet. that was painful and insulting. like tom brady. >> she should choose tom brady is a running mate. she gives reminding reminding us that she turned over 55,000 e-mails. it's like tom brady. i fully cooperate. yeah, after you destroyed your cell phone. fully cooperated. >> out of prison for a day. i think that joe biden knows does that make me a conspiracy theorist? >> i think. i'm not a conspiracy theorist but. >> it's a big but. >> it is. first of all, while. congratulations.
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i should have used to e-mails. thanks for finally figuring out what every 12 -year-old -- you gave a 12 -year-old a job in this country and said this is your work e-mail. i should use my personal e-mail to and my work e-mail this isthis is more. paul tested nonsense. she tried being swift. she and her team saw that that went over really well. >> you know what's going to happen,happen, he will use this political cloth and wipe her personal server clean. the panel is returning and moments because donald trump is gaining in the polls. quietly building a theme. and do a controversial police shooting.
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>> the way it has always been meant. the latest poll, donald trump widening his lead up eight points from july. been carson as well.
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they are all tied stuck like a big wad of gum in 3rd place. are outsiders going to storm the gop primary? so trump will be the nominee. >> that's fine. i'm done with this. republicans want to nominate go with god. >> you sound like a parent whose 18-year-old has just announced they will get a tattoo of a bald eagle on the face. >> a segment of the country's population susceptible to a demagogue. we have done a better job than most countries. maybe it's our turn to be a third world nation. electing an insecure bully. >> here's how i see ben carson. like a firefighter. most politicians are lawyers and lawyers are like cops and people are always kind of scared of cops and that
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is why people like ben carson. yummy doctor going to save my life thing. >> i like it, but i liked in your intro. >> people are going to be having babies. >> like the super cool dude and trump is on fire. together they tell you people don't want a politician. they are politicians. >> i like how you see similarities. >> you like a human rorschach test. you say that he's a democrats worst nightmare. >> there is nothing the left hates more than a black conservative. you talk about heads exploding. the antithesis of everything they stand for. what will happen with trump and the best thing you could be is ranked 3rd of 4th. this is not a part of the substantive part of the process. we are running on substance.
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as the campaign goes on because we're 16 months out we will start caring about the real message. >> no one ever cares about substance. it never comes down to that. i wish it did, but no one ends of focusing on subsidy. >> has the best. well, if they cared about substance. more of these candidates hanging on. one or 2 percent maybe. every other candidate will get in a doomed bus headed for atlantic city? the driver will get distracted and they will head over cliff and then bobby will be the last one standing. >> a lot to be said for picking your spot. >> he is a really nice, lovely person, but i, but i do not see most of these guys. >> and most of them won't. it is still early. because we work in this business we feel like the election has been going on
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for 20 years. it still really early. i get why there are people who are polling low. but they will be around another couple months, maybe early 2016. >> not that much longer. has been carson told you something? were just having fun. the panel will be back later. he is back, investigating eyewitness accounts in the wake of mysterious pollution. later on the panel will react to this.
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is a man on the ground. this latest piece takes a look at a recent shooting in detroit when a federal officer killed someone. eyewitnesses claim otherwise >> a fugitive task force went into a detroit home looking for terrorists, 20 -year-old robbery suspect who is black and ended up dead. the federal agent who shot him said the suspect dropped through a hole in the attic and came at him wielding a hammer. the father claims his son was unarmed and the victim of a assassination. recently the wayne county prosecutor ruled in favor of the agent. no charges will be brought. in the current climate of america it is important to say the federal agent is also black as a prosecutor. the pizza guys white. >> yes, black last matter. of course they matter.
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but you know what else matters? credible facts matter, supportable evidence matters approval message to the approval evidence matters, doing justice matters. and the truth matters. >> to people ultimately want to believe whatever they want after police shooting? welcome, host the americans. good to have you back on the show. >> hey, kennedy. >> you investigated. what did you find in your investigation? >> i found there is a guy that is hurting. his son is a punk and the evidence matches the agent's testimony. apparently he squeezed through a hole in the attic dropped into a bedroom and came out with a hammer. the family said it's impossible. so i went through the whole.
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>> apparently 60 pounds heavier according to your piece. terrance is only a hundred and 10 pounds. little guy fitting through a small whole. the federal agent said he had a hammer. here is the difference and here is why ii take issue with the story, and i understand his dad is hurting, the worst thing a human being could go through, ld because to you that person will always be your baby no matter what record they have i understand his father's pain. when the task force came to the door dad lied and said his son wasn't there. >> i asked the dad. that is exactly right. listen, if it was me and i come from a place, you come from a place, it's my mom's house, i'm coming down. here we got issues in america but everyone keeps a cool head. you can go back to ferguson and the ballistics match.
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let's decide the cases we want to complain about based on the evidence, not what you want to feel. >> all right. >> come to the door. >> when you asked his dad if he wished the couple white what did he say? >> i said do you think you would have gotten more attention nationwide if the cop was white. he said yeah. of course because that is what you see in the news and what you expect and probably the confusion built-in. here is a cop, but he's black. where do we go with that? another fact of the matter is twice as many white people are killed by police across this country every year the blacks and hispanics, 50 percent of that meeting is an issue all over with police and people without money.
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what are we going to do, makedo, make it all about race? decide we have issues as a society. let's stop burning stuff down because we perceive everything to be the same when it's not. here's a case where it's not. having said that, technology issues about in this country >> we do have issues and have to be able to trust police officers and he also don't want cops second-guessing themselves because that ultimately makes a less safe society and in defense of some of these police officers they are the ones who are trained witnesses trained together information all day long and therefore people don't understand why they are considered to be more credible suspects. the bad suspects. the bad work about officers should not destroy these communities across the country when the majority are good people trying to do a difficult job. >> i know a lot of them. we have seen the videotape,
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and other are bad cops. but having said that without police where will we be? we can turn this upside down >> people in ferguson are not complaining police don't get they're fast enough. before it was too heavy-handed and now cops are not showing up. we have to find the middle ground, and i appreciate that. >> your welcome. >> very good. coming up a cameraman on a segway. lisa kudrow and a live performance of smelly cat. that can mean only one thing my topical storm is next.
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kennedy: it's always summer
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where you can feel the heat of our strange news stories dripping down your neck nape , better than beach blanket bingo. this is the topical storm. the world's fastest man was taking a victory lap in beijing after winning the 200 meters. athe man loves gold. he slipped off his little spiky shoes. a comfortable post race stroll and was almost killed by that rogue cameraman on a segway. look at that. move. nearly severed in half. plunged faster than the chinese stock market. party like it's 1989. her mainstage looks like backstage.
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she has lowered serena williams and now the specialist friend of all stevie. the iconic smelly cat. ♪ >> is beautiful. ibeautiful. i cannot wait for the calvin harris remix blame it on the don't blame it on me. topic number three, did you ever try to want to raise the home as a child? chances are you went to a neighbor's house and then came back home once you got bored. unless you stole your car in the process. an eight -year-old boy went
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on a joyride until a trooper pulleda trooper pulled him over in the interest of public safety. the little boy dutifully parks the car backing it into the trooper's cruiser. the trooper proceeded to ask a few questions before the young lad got his personal effects from the truck followed by his passengers. the eight-year-old that not only taken off at the car but his five -year-old foster sister and three -year-old brother who is still in his jammies. if you have them all up they are 16, but you can't apply for a license as three people. next time start small. take a golf cart out for a spin in a safer area. topic number four. i game of game of cat and mouse most parents every night try to put your kids to sleep, but sometimes i just want to stay up and chat. these seattle to when babies try to fool the mama bear
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when they here her voice coming to the monitor. >> hi baby. >> click, pretend you are sleeping. topic number five. if your car gets in his grave and you need a tow truck it's not a bad idea to record everything for your insurance company, like this that car. >> flipping over. zero. zero. suck me. you have to be kidding. >> you had one job to do. tow truck guy. come on. an eight -year-old from minneapolis.
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next time your car is flickr member this helpful vehicle safety psa. >> a fresh maker. >> thank you. thank you in advance. at kennedy nation. proctology exam time square bumping, and that has some folks up in arms.arms. i wi
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kennedy: welcome back. a growing feature of time square,, enough so that the mayor is looking to crack down on them. should we throw some park is on these naked ladies? >> what do you think about the painted women? >> love the painted women. it's art. >> its freedom, right? what happened to freedom? >> what do you think about them?
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do you think they should not be allowed to parade around? >> they absolutely should. >> of course. freedom for the painted ladies. do you think they should be able to parade around? >> no. >> too many kids walking around. >> what do they do with them? >> put them somewhere else. >> like theout and put them in jail? >> somewhere away from families and children. >> would you do it? >> no. >> have you ever given the money? >> i'm not interested in that. ♪ >> have you heard about them? women who paint themselves. >> i probably would not have noticed. >> not an art fan? >> you got it. >> are you in favor of freeing the breasts? >> you don't have a problem with them here. >> and my grandmother. >> where are the painted women. >> on mario.
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>> i don't want my girls to be around it so i don't bring in the time square. >> exactly. if you don't want to listen to something on the radio you turn the station. >> would you ever do that? >> no. >> you make it money. >> but i wouldn't do it. >> where should they put the women? >> on the street. >> would you paint your body and walk around for tips? >> i love my girlfriend do it. it's good thing. with the make money. freedom of speech. >> do you think the mayor is wrong? >> yes. >> a situation i do not accept and we will deal with aggressively. >> what do you have the say? >> come on. knock it off. it's art. >> make like frozen and let it go. i'll start with you. >> it doesn't bother me.
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it's fun of me. on a serious note, note, i took my kids to see lion king. >> which is incredible. >> but the whole feel of time square has gone downhill. it was nice and fun for a while. it's not a surprise that toys "r" us is leaving time square. it's like a window into the 70s. it is totally change the five. they are just to five times -- time square has become a cd kind of scary i felt a little threatened place again. >> how would your son react? >> i had to kill the party, but i have a six-year-old kid. if you are walking down the street he might laugh to the.that his office and ginger. >> it was a successful trip
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i have to say. >> my biggest concern is that have not come up with a good acronym. >> right there on the screen, topless in time square. if only they could be given acronym to shorten it. this is our. the reason mayorthe reason menopause he wants to get rid of this amazing the pocket of big museum. people going to the dumb crusty old museum. >> you are onto something. >> brick-and-mortar museums are losing customers. goliath. >> it is the democratization of art. we don't need him manan monet and no what the differences. >> little latex and everything works out just fine. well, people who talk on their phones restaurants are just the worst.
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>> going to have to call you back. >> trying to brush my teeth and apples horrible. >> excuse me? who are you talking to? >> are doing a really loud. the kind of talking about yourself. >> to aa person. >> was the difference? >> i'm conversing with other human being. >> a new study polls americans on what is acceptable. it is generally not okay to use your cell phones during dinner. 96 percent say it's unacceptable which begs the question which denomination is the remaining 4 percent. aren't people just total hypocrites when it comes to cell phone etiquette? >> a nation of hypocrites and liars. so for should not be used in theaters. why do i want to to strangle way more than 5 percent of every audience.
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>> using their cell phones. >> total hypocrites. >> the nice thing is i don't have to worry about using my phone and annoying place. >> you think someone should get the death penalty. >> the people who use their cell phone and public on speaker. having a soda? and i turned around. why does you think i needed to here that. the other guy calling mr. cozart. >> what are you guilty on? >> nmi five -year-old turned me. that's when you know. we have to ban the
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electronics compost them to the side. we have add. the phones do so much more. >> people need to act like normal human beings and get themselves a damn apple watch so you don't have to constantly be on your phone. >> that way you can check out the scores of other games. >> and i can no well and taping if the mets are winning. what else do i need. >> a federal judge had a great piece of advice. once your having aa conversation in public is no longer a private conversation. when someone is talking loudly, and appropriately on a cell phone or a trainer something i always join in the conversation. where you doing? nothing really. or having fun. what about you? >> people have to stop
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thinking there lives are interesting. my life is an interesting. none of our lives are interesting to other people. i don't want to hear about it when i'm sitting on the train. i don't want to hear about it pretty much ever. >> why do we have so much reality television? >> about 3 percent of people are interesting and they are all concentrated on reality tv or running for president. thank you so much. my exchanged for the better. coming up, nba, nba star is here, and i will ask him if i can fulfill my dream as an nba power forward. later your mail. i may noti may not agree 100 pet i love her to death.
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for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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>> hi, how are you. a shooting guard shooting guard for the los angeles clippers, all-time leading scorer for duke and is played for the orlando magic before joining la in 2013, and he joins me now. >> hello. >> let's talk a little bit about sports and the sporting arena. tom brady deflates his balls a raw juices. how to basketball players to? >> it's really hard to chetan basketball. i think our sport is a little different because we have to have the skill to put the ball in the. i'm sure guys are finding in edge some way. >> to you see people gunning?
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>> i never seen that ever being used. >> now. honestly for nba players emphasis that we have is our diet, training, and recovery guys are always looking for ways to recover better. the choir chamber. guys are using that for buying around and putting that in the house. >> with his chimpanzee, god rest his soul. do you turn into a big pile of do in the off-season? >> i'm sorry? >> to you turn into a big blob of jelly? >> i take my job very seriously. >> i know you do. >> i take saturdays off. other than that i'm in the gym. a little bit of time away from basketball in late june early july. yeah. i takeyeah. i took my wife.
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i try to volunteer myself is my wife's trainer. on tuesdays we go to the local middle school in austin texas and in a hundred degree heat we run the track. >> oser she loves it. what's his name is getting a little bit of heat right now for the way he is running the clips. who do you like better? >> the 1st part of that, referring to the fine i assume. >> mea culpa. honestly it sounds like whatever promised prior to our meeting this way. >> i was distraught. >> did you get need for the organization? >> i was wondering if it got you in trouble he said hey,
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i wanthey, want to come down to austin have dinner with you. >> we had a great conversation. the 2nd part of that question, steve ballmer. >> a great owner. >> bill simmons said that he is horrible. >> bill thinks a lot of people. >> that's true. >> unless it is tom brady. >> are you excited for kobe bryant to retire? >> so i don't have to garden, yes. toto be able to play against one of the greatest players ever, and he has been the benchmark for a generation of players, has been an honor. he and lebron and kevin durant we will go down as the best players. >> i have toi have to ask you how you keep proving. your mental game? what are you doing physically?
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>> i feel like i'm picking on the wrong side of 30 which rarely happens in sports. it's a lot of hard work. i would say someone gave me this piece of advice. you have never arrived. you are always becoming. i never get complacent. >> it sounds like something you would hear any other class. >> is true. and i worki'll work at that. >> if you to start swapping your body parts out would you like to play in the nba until your hundred? >> first body part of its author for sure my arms. i'm the only person in the nba with the negative wingspan. >> defies physics. >> good luck. i can't stand the lakers. i grew up in portland. i love the clippers.
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archer for you. coming up, your tweets, snail mail, and telegrams.
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>> step right up and check out the wildest attraction the side of the mason-dixon line. randy hellmann writes i just saw kennedy for the 1st time. you are the most interesting person on tv. bert reese times and with love your work. kind of a better way of seeing things. don't worry,worry, i'm 77 and the only way i can stock you successfully is if you came to a complete halt. i like the way you speak
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about a subject.a subject. i may not agree but i appreciate your straightforward approach. shake it up a bit, change your hair color and change the world. speaking of their, fernando hurtado junior says you could read the back of the shampoo bottle. don't ever change. i have a treat for you. look at this. nourish and replenish moisture with vibrating power of infusing 23. capture and stealing moisture. don't mind if i do. i received career advice. be great for a children's show, just not ready for the grown-up table. your mom is with all those sailors. thank you for watching. don't forget you can watch all new episodes monday through thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern and 5:00 o'clock pacific. please follow me on twitter. and e-mail kennedy fbn.
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until then i will see you again. good morrow. >> tomorrow, lunches for your kids under two bucks. stay tuned for more found wandering. >> have a great day. see ya. whew. another wild week with wild swings on wall street. the dow dropping more than 1,000 points monday morning. all three indices rebounding and managing to end the week in the green. now presidential candidate bernie sanders blaming all this market mess on wall street greed. but some here say he's wrong. so who's right? hi, everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is "bulls & bears." and here they are. gary b. smith, jonas max ferris, john layfield along with gary andly


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