tv Cashin In FOX Business August 30, 2015 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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business making solar panels for hillary clinton. >> you like it? to don't like bye it. i don't like it. >> that's it for "forbes on fox." thanks for watching. keep it here number one business block that continues with "cashin in." a fascinated on the job workplace violence. the big focus this weekend. following the murder of two journalists. the victims never stood a chance thanks to a crazy ex-co-worker. are you safe where you work? what can be done to make sure you are? hi, i'm eric. welcome to "cashin in." our crew this week. also joining us juan williams and jessica harlow. welcome, everybody. the violence at work gone way beyond this week's assassination. take a look at this sobering stat. bet you didn't know this. more than 15,000 workplace homicides were reported between 1992 and 2013. do we need to do more to protect people in the workplace? michelle, we'll start with you. >> yeah, i think so.
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you know, from 1997 to 2010 there were over 8,000 homicides, and one in ten of those homicides in the workplace were committed by a co-worker or former co-worker of the victim. i think we need to be doing more. the government has also put businesses in a very tricky situation. >> as long as they're doing the job, you cannot fire them. they could come back and file a lawsuit against you because of the federal disabilities act, and that was the problem with this guy as well in this case. he went and filed a discrimination lawsuit. even though he should have been dismissed, and he shouldn't have ever had a case and never been able to file a discrimination lawsuit because he clearly was crazy. >> jonathan, another one of the issues is this background check. now, they used the alias price williams. the station manager at wdbj said we look at bryce williams, but they didn't go far enough to see if he had an alias.
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people are afraid to report. people are afraid to report people because they don't want to get targeted. >> well, and eric, it's not so much they can't even ask. employers are loud to ask about an employee or potential employee's criminal record, but ironically, they're not allowed to discriminate based on it. >> it's the same people that will die from recreational boat accidents a we're. it makes me think of that terrible beheading in oklahoma a couple of months ago. savemore employees and there was a licensed gun owner on the premises. thanks another time you have employer -- >> very good point. you know, some of these news crews are out there, and they're not arm. maybe we need to change that. >> inlt against gun ownership.
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i'm for responsible gun ownership. we have a mental health crisis in this country. to michelle's point point about why businesses can't discriminate and fire. why shouldn't businesses be helping? that's really what's going on here. >> this guy came back two years later? >> i don't think can you do that. it would be obviously inefficient and no way to follow that. most of these things that occurred at the workplace start somewhere else.
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i am going to do something wild and expect to be fired, but i was hoping maybe you all would tease me into it. >> well, i'm not sure what that might be. thankfully, wayne is in the studio. juan, talk about this a little bit. have we welcome so pc we can't call out another worker? this man clearly had issues on his manifesto. he said he wanted to start a race war. that's what he was going for. i don't know. in this day of pc-ness it almost feels like you can't say that because you might be accused of being a racist. >> well, no. in this case this guy said he had lots of trouble with black men. he was gay. he said he didn't like black men. if he was going to be try, he only wanted black women around. he had trouble with lots of people, eric, and that's where i don't think it's just racial. i think this was a mental issue.
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>> i find it interesting that -- i find it interesting that -- >> juan is drawing a comparison between this guy who shot -- who murdered somebody and steve jobs? >> no, no, no. >> about the workplace, i mean, we're dealing with mill wronz and millions of people that come together every day. >> let's stay on this point. part of the reason that this guy may have slipped through the cracks is because no one reported him. he clearly was not a co-worker you wanted to sit next to in the cubicle. the guy over there who, you know, i don't know, he seems a little crazy. but if i report him, he may accuse me of racism. on two different occasions he -- >> let me speak. >> oh, goodness. >> i find it interesting that
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liberals all of a sudden are saying, oh, no, this is not about race. this is about mental illness. what about carlton? i'm pretty sure which charleston happened it was all about race, not about mental illness. we have here someone who is trying to start a race war. >> listen, in the case of charleston, the guy had flags, the confederate flags. >> yeah. >> and so he was clearly about race. >> he was talking about the shooting at virginia tech and -- that's what this was about. i think you're reaching to make it racial. what i think. this guy was sent to human resources by the station director. human resources -- >> you're denying facts, juan. >> bring it in. >> well, i was going to say, you know, you are making so much out of violence in the workplace,
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and i'm saying overwhelming statistics tell you most of that is brought in from the home. that the violence is not inaugurated in the workplace. it's something that somebody has brought in and has had a domestic problem, something like that. that infuses an argument with their fellow workers and it comes out. >> you call them and say keep an eye on that guy at work. he works at wdbj. >> the workplace may have missed something or exacerbated, but it's not the workplace that's generally this thing. >> when you -- it's just like an interview. when you hire somebody, have you to make sure that this guy is not -- >> this doesn't come out of nowhere. you see signs of this coming our
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time. >> the employer should have his or her ears up, and, you know, when it comes to hiring as well, i mean, you know, you should start with hiring decisions. not hiring somebody based on affirm affirm or race or anything else but based on their competence and coherence and -- >> i think they absolutely should. if we want to prevent tragedies like this. we have a diseased violent culture out there where this is, unfortunately, not surprising. we are talking about this before the show.
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does a company have a right to say you go to counseling or we fire you? >> to michelle's point, it's difficult to fire people in this environment. you know, employers have a responsibility to protect their employees. if they smell something is off with an employee, they should get rid of them asap. >> final thought before we go. >> i think the federal government should allow businesses to decide whether they want to fire someone or not. this guy was upset because someone put a watermelon in the office, and he thought that was racist. he had a lot of signs, and they really couldn't do anything because of fear of litigation. >> right after 9/11 the big thing was see something, say something. you saw somebody taking a picture of a big building in whatever city, you reported it. they investigated. maybe we need to get back to see something, say something so we don't have these surprise attack on co-workers. >> near city subways. >> companies need to step it up and say, you know what, i'm
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sorry. we don't want any more of this. we have no nip this in the bud. there's a hot debate, but we'll bring it up again. this week's question for ow crew. we want your opinions. who would be the democrat's stronger candidate for president, joe biden or hillary clinton? facebook comments are always included as well. don't forget, add our _#wake up america, for your vote to count. >> being pc is bs. the dad of a here wroe who stopped a terror attack has a big warning about political correctness, but is the white house listening? can a business have a mind?
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mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. >> it's better to dow like a lion than to be slaughtered like sheep, and this terrorist coward deserve whatted he got. the pc crowd needs to recognize terrorism for what it is. >> the dpaer of one of the americans who stopped a terror attack knows we're fighting islamic extremists, but in the past this is what the president has said. >> we are not at war with islam. we are at war with people who have perverted islam. >> jonathan's father said it. why won't the white house say?
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>> violent extremists. they talk about terrorists. read between the lines here. who are we talking about? militant islamists. their ideology has been at war with america since the late 1970s. just look to the recent history. i mean, this attack, the boston marathon bombing, the cartoon garland attack just a couple of months ago. the little rock recruiting murder, the manhattan bomb. militant islam is at the heart of all of them, but then our own elected officials can seem to get it out. >> why can't the white house or any of the officials in the white house say radical islam? they can't put those two words together for some reason. >> it's important that the president should say the
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words -- >> don't say -- i'll bring it to michelle. michelle, don't say that because it might make them madder, and then they'll want to kill us so much. >> well, i think by not saying what it is, you are stiffling debate. they have tried so hard to downplay muslim extremist, that they say it's violent extremism. why is it okay to criticize christianity, make fun of christianity? why is it we have a kre crass broadway show making fun of mormonism? >> the war of words is insane. let's call it what it is. it's radical. it's terrorism. radical terrorism. they're islamic. where can't we say it? >> we can't say it or the president might think we can't say it because it will look like he is painted with a broad brush and saying that all muslims are extreme. that's not the case.
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>> i don't know. i think they're pretty ticked off at us wraen way. we might as well call them what they are. >> what difference does it make? a guy is a murderer. a guy is a killer, is a killer. a guy that's a radical muslim is a radical muslim. what the hell difference does it make what you call them? >> we don't have problems with christians and mormons. we have a problem with muslim extremism. >> it's only care in juan williams that he is saying we're talking about muslims. we're talking about militant islam.
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>> michelle said extremists. not all muslims, juan. >> i think it's america's problem as well. just think back to the garland -- the cartoon attack. a lot of people said, well, they shouldn'ting drawing mohammed. they should be more sensitive to islam. to michelle's point, america is about free speech. if you can't even, you know, speak freely about the dangers of militant islam, free speech is dead. >> got to . coming up, the donald doesn't like illegal immigration. wait until he hears this. mexico is now warning the u.s. not to provide birth certificates to children born as legals in the u.s. this is going to make your head explode. it's the little things in life that make me smile.
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>> should mexico be telling the u.s. how to handle our immigration policy? >> of course not. >> we are talking about always having a comprehensive immigration policy. we've got to get to that sooner or later. mexico has no business telling us what to do. >> juan, i couldn't believe it when mexico submitted that letter in support of texas requiring.
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they said you need to give illegal's babies birth certificates. >> well, i agree with wayne. i get all the talk about trump saying build a wall, have mexico pay for it, and then, you know, here are the rules. you know, then i guess the mexicans have responded. they have no say in terms of our policy or texas's policy. >> what's should texas do? >> well, first off, i don't think mexico has any right to tell us what to do. i think they have a lot of bigger problems to worry about like, i don't know, the drug war taking over their country. what we should do is really talk about this issue. this is an important issue for taxpayers that we need to talk more about. >> we should also be talking about how much these undocumented workers contribute to our economy.
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20128.1 million undocumented workers in america xhooufrt commuted $11. billion to the american economy. >> they only cost us a few hundred billion. >> that's all. >> let me get john in here. john. >> they cost us because of this mass i entitlement state. to jessica's point, immigrants, illegal or not are good. they rent houses. they buy groceries. they go to movies. they participate in the economy. once again, i just think it's a red herring for the entitlement state, and you hate the fact they cost us in terms of entitlement. get rid of the entitlements. the immigrants are a value to our country. >> we can all move on. >> then they can pay taxes. >> they already are paying taxes. >> no, they're not. >> some are actually playing politics in race baiting in the way that this week's tragedy in virginia.
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it's disturbing. what's not new is what happened minutes after those murders took place. democratic governor terry mcauliffe went on to tv to tie the murders of two innocent people by a crazed former colleague to gun rights. literally minutes after the crime. even before the gunman was caught. just hours later black activist cornell west was busy swraming the race card back into his pocket suggesting that the gunman who happened to be black killed two unsuspecting journalists who happened to be white claiming the reason those two journalists were killed was due to a love deficit. a love deficit. really? was there a love deficit in ferguson, baltimore, charleston? come on, mr. west. at least be consistent. you can't play the race card when the shooter is a cop or white and call it a love deaf set when the shooter is african-american. how about we all take a step back. let's take a self-imposed
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time-out on the politics and the race baiting and we let this community mourn the loss of allison parker and adam. right now their families would appreciate it. >> announcer: the following program is a paid advertisement for the food lovers fat loss system, brought to you by provida life sciences-- practical solutions for better living. >> i'm annette, i'm from studio city, california. i'm a mother of three, i weight 155-1/2 pounds. this is the heaviest i've ever been. i'm a size 10. ...and this is me now! i lost 25 pounds and went from that size 10 to this size 2 in just 12 weeks. how did i do it? i became a food lover. >> i'm a food lover and i lost 36 pounds. >> i'm a food lover and i've lost 50 pounds. >> i'm a food lover and i lost 60 pounds. >> i'm a food lover and i lost 82 pounds in eight months.
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