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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 2, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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wall street and the stock market goes up. and people are panicked and then goes up. maria: it's supposed to be a vacation week, but we've seen some action. "varney & company" is next, have a good show. stuart: thanks, maria. let's get straight at it. yes, there will be, i'm going to call it a modest bounceback of the open today, but nobody, nobody knows where this thing will close. good morning, everyone. that's a pretty good commercial for fox business, isn't it. follow it all the way through, stay here. in a half hour, the dow will open up about 160, 170 points. that's not much of a bounce after a 400 point drop yesterday. bottom line, it would be very bad news if we went sharply lower again today. all right, what's with oil? a huge gain monday and then a loss. it's a pointer for stocks and it is down a little bit today. there are other headlines, yes, they are.
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uber faces a lawsuit in a california court, it could change the business model. in california, the home of the innovat innovator, they're going after an innovator? i'm told this is a big deal, all day breakfast at mcdonald? that's how it gets its mojo back because i can get a sausage mcmuffin for dinner? who who whoopdi-doo. stuart: i'll take a hash brown for dinner. look at futures, up 169. i'm saying that's a modest rally compared to yesterday's 400 point drop. look who is here. his name is shah galani. and he said the drop, and we're almost halfway there.
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you think that the selling will ultimately continue after the modest bounce back? >> the markets have nowhere to go except back down. every bounce is a dead cat bounce, i don't think this is' any energy in this market anywhere globally. the market has nowhere to go, but to test the lows. heaven help us if it breaks the lows. >> 20% down from where you said it would be 20% down, takes you back to 13, 14,000 on the dow. stuar stuart:. >> a bit below 14,000. stuart: you think we'll get there? >> if we don't rally quickly-- >> that's not an answer to the question. we're going to get there? >> we're going to get there by the end of this year, maybe a lot sooner. stuart: since you said that the futures have gone up about another ten points and now 179 this moment. maybe it was the comment about hash browns, i don't know. it's been a wild week for oil. it's down. now, oil is now up.
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it was down 8% yesterday. so now we're up $45 a barrel, okay? $45 a barrel on oil. this is really, really good news. ♪ we got there. 2.44 is the national average for a gallon of regular, that's down a penny overnight. 15 straight days, gasoline has come down in price. we've been seeing the lowest prices in 11 years. at least one station has gas below $2 a gallon. labor day weekend, get out there and drive. all right, fresh new holes this morning, it's politics, it's all about the unfavorability at some of the major candidates. ashley is here. the negative opinions are running strongly. >> abc news, washington post pole for hillary clinton. 45, unflavorable 53.
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you see joe biden, he has a favorable and unfavorable rating of 56. hillary, let's get to her. 53 up 8% from mid summer. stuart: that could be the e-mail scandal or whatever. ashley: exactly. stuart: up 8 points and that's where you don't want to be. ashley: you don't want to be there. stuart: you don't want to be up 8 in that poll. the republicans. >> donald trump 59% unfavorable rating and bush 55%. jeb bush was, you know, hurting among conservatives, not getting the vote and bounce he was when he first came in. as we've been mentioning, wh what-- it's hard to get elected with unfavorable rating.
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59. ashley: 59 is along the racial lines as well. stuart: 59. we're going to stay with bush and trump. the gloves have come off. jeb attacking the donald. watch this. ♪ partial birth abortion. >> i'm really pro choice. hillary clinton, i think is a terrific woman and i'm a little biased because i've known her for years. >> i've known her well, she's talented. >> are you more of a democrat or a republican? >> you'd be shocked if i said that in many cases i probably identify more as a democrat. >> why are you a republican? >> i have no idea. [laughter] >> there you have it, jeb bashes trump using trump's own words and here is how trump fired back at jeb, roll tape. >> we recognize the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service, i want
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to say thank you to secretary clinton and hillary clinton. >> what does that make hillary clinton? >> my sister-in-law. stuart: that confused me a little bit. it sounded more like jeb was attacking hillary as opposed to attracting trump. he was attacking. and katherine is here, the attack mode is very favorable at this point moment to the leading politicians, they're following trump. >> they are, people are interested in this fiery rhetoric that trump has brought to the table, but, you have to do something like that or can't ignore it because they're interested in it. they have to worry about being classy. for whatever reason trump doesn't have to worry about being classy. he has put himself in a position that he doesn't have to worry about it. no one else has to worry about it. stuart: does it work? is it going to work for mild
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mannered jeb bush to go on the attack like this? can he do it successfully. ashley: what he's doing now isn't working. >> it feels forced. ashley: and no energy. >> it feels forced no energy. i thought to carly fiorina did a good job attacking, but with class. stuart: i think that it has a certain amount of class and allows a politician to break through. whether it works for jeb bush. >> he's not a fiery guy. he's kind of a boring guy. he is, i don't like watching him talk. stuart: so, there you just said that jeb is a boring guy, you said that trump has no classment any comment on hillary clinton? >> she's just-- she's boring and has no class. stuart: that's it. we've got a minute left in this
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segment. anybody else you want to trash. >> it's just the dynamics of the race have changed so much. people who might not have been as boring before are looking boring next to trump and it's a different playing field all together and i don't think that anybody knows what to do with it >. stuart: you're not happy with the playing field. what about mitt romney. >> what about you? >> he's looking great, but i don't think it's going to happy. stuart: do you have a candidate that you like and stand out. >> i don't. everybody is going to hate me, i like rand paul's message, but he's a bad messenger, also boring. [laughter] everybody needs to fire up. stuart: ben carson? >> i like ben carson. stuart: he's got no fire? >> he kind of does, he kind of does. people don't like traditional politicians anymore, he has that going for him. he does have class though. stuart: a lot of class.
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ashley: he may be a bit too subtle. >> that may be the case, but he's getting some popularity. stuart: katherine, your time is up. >> a lot of positivity. stuart: a good round robin. you can come back tomorrow. a win for carly fiorina, cnn changes the way it will choose the candidates for debate this month meaning carly is very likely to be in. we spoke to her campaign about this before cnn changed its mind. listen to this. >> i want voters to know why she's not going to be on the debate stage, this isn't because her polling isn't good enough or message isn't resonating. it's because cnn and rnc doesn't want her on the stage. >> here is why carly is in, third in iowa behind trump and ben carson and carly fiorina will join us on friday morning of this week. our special guest, 9:00
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eastern, got to watch that. and uber the app that helps you with a car. and a lawsuit in case you missed it. >> uber is no stranger to controversy. this is a setback for them. and three drivers against the ride sharing companies, can proceed as class action. it will involve 150,000 other drivers in california. the lawsuit claims that uber treats drivers like employees, tolls, gas, even car repairs. and the ruling a significant. it sets the teenage for-- stage for a battle. and essentially it could make their business models more exclusive. stuart: put them out of business, probably. >> they would if they could. stuart: thanks so much, by the way, 5:00 every weekday, you've got to be there.
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open those eyes, crack them up and take a look-see. . ashley: hash browns. stuart: and mcmuffin. >> to have get one. stuart: it's the coffee. do you drink coffee? >> a little bit. but i do one cup a day. stuart: next case. vladimir putin flexing his muscle again, this time in the arctic and kept his clothes on. talk about ice war as president obama plays catchup general jack keen on that next. plus, i may be the only person not excited about all-day breakfast at mcdonald's. tell us what you think, convince me it's a big deal.
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>> here is how we're going to open. up about 160 points. i'm calling that a modest bounce after a 400 point drop yesterday. look at the price of oil. that's all over the place recently.
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this morning, we've actually moved to the upside ever so slightly. $45 a barrel on oil. netflix, that was one of the biggest of all of the big name movers yesterday. it was down nearly 8%. that was yesterday. there came word that apple is looking to get into original programming content that would compete with netflix. this morning, a modest bounce. at 15 minutes from now netflix likely at 108. listen to this, a manhunt for three people who killed a 30-year veteran. he was chasing them on foot. the police looked for them all night long, and no success. while president obama is touring alaska. we're hearing that vladimir putin is making moves to claim vast resource sections of the arctic. the u.s. has 2 ice breakers.
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russia has 41 and plan to build ten more with rescue stations. and joining us, general keane, is russia mounting the multi-. they're merely ice breakers. >> estimates are up to 40% of oil and gas resources beyond the sea bed. the reality who controls the waterways and ice breakers will ultimately control the resources, a lot of the water ways are navigational. we have two, they're building 11 more and russia is starting to establish military bases and
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archipelagos in the china sea. stuart: are we letting them do it and not paying attention? >> absolutely. russia and putin, they have reset the relationships with the united states and europe and also in the north atlantic in this case. and we have been so slow to adjust to this, unwilling to go back to a cold war era when russia is clearly bringing that on. and they had their self-interest here, they're pursuing resources and they're doing that a the expense of u.s. interest and our allies in the north atlantic. >> general, we don't push anywhere, whether it's in the mediterranean, whether it's ukraine, crimea, the middle east, south china sea it doesn't appear that america pushes anywhere. we seem to retreat and take a
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back seat all of these things. is that the military policy? . most of that is to avoid confrontation, because of peer we get paralyzed and don't do anything. and no one is looking for military intervention as job one. that's not the answer, but strong deterrent by having strong capability to use force and capability like previous presidents have to include republicans and democratic presidents i might add. putin understands strength and power. and deterrents worked during the cold war and we have little deremembterrents here. >> we appreciate it, thank you, sir. when we open in 12 minutes' time. we'll see the dow up.
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and now this, all-day breakfast coming to mcdonald's. is this the move that can turn things around at mickey d's? i don't think so. we shall see. big news out of china, a huge military parade and they will close factories and the stock market in shanghai for two days, it degrees with scott walk walker canceling the visit from chinese premier. >> putting people's information at risk and over the years, the raigtsing the international waters and creation of new islands in the south china sea. if there's ever a time to push back, is it now? what more do we do until we say, no, a state visit is not appropriate. so what about that stock?
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>> you may think this is an unimportant subject, but look how mcdonald's is going to open a little higher. it's trying to turn around sales so it's going to roll out all-day breakfast nationwide next month. cheryl casone is here. a rift at "varney & company." >> i've heard. stuart: they say it's a great deal and i say--
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>> obviously you haven't had a hungover college student who wants an mcmuffin. ashley: i'm sure he had his homes moments. >> the thinking this could be a good move for mcdonald's. lot of college kids, but people love breakfast all day. love pancakes at 4 p.m. stuart: it's not going to turn the company around. if you want an egg mcmuffin, fine, but it's know the going to make the stock go to $100 a share. ashley: i don't know if it's going to be a huge around. stuart: ashley, i'm with you. the british accents have to stick together. look at this, we're looking at a game, 185 points. will it last? we'll find out. and no, this is turned around and it's up again.
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what is going on? the opening bell is next.
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>> a strong deterrent, having strong military capability, the willingness to use force and have credibility like previous
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american presidents have to include republican and democratic presidents. that's what is needed. putin understands power and deterrents worked during the cold war and we have few deterrents here. stuart: you heard it here, jack keane. look at this, 200 points higher almost give or take a couple of points and that's a better than a modest bounceback from yesterday's 400 point drop. we're going to cover the opening bell, with us, we have shah galani, ashley webster, and cheryl casone. stuart: the opening bell is set to ring, 30 seconds before we're off and running this morning. overnight the shanghai market was off a little bit. and we have the european market basically flat.
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we've got 15 seconds to go. very important today. we're going to open higher. we'll be up maybe 190, maybe 200 points, but the question is, where do we close? if we close lower today, that's a very, very negative signal for the rest of the week. we're off and running, the dow jones industrial average is open for business and we are up. yes, we are. 43 points higher, 16-1 is where we are. i think i've got the graphic that shows all 30 of the dow stocks and where they are. and that's probably yesterday. that's not the right one. no, okay. >> that needs to be refreshed, i'll take care of that, that's my fault, my play on later on the show and i need to reset it. stuart: your call. taking responsibility. we like that. and we're up 118 as we speak. 16,186. some individual big names that we watch very closely, i'm
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going to start with netflix. a huge drop yesterday, a $3 gain today, 108. how about apple? that's the big one, keep saying that. we are up today $2, 109. that's 1.8% higher. facebook, 88 a share right now, that's up 1.7%. so the very, very big names have opened a little higher. shah galani is back ap -- and he's bearish. are you buying? >> no, we're not anywhere close to the bottom. stuart: we're up 200 points. >> that's not half of what we lost yesterday. stuart: i'm not going to ask you if that lasts through the day, the 200 point gain? you don't think it's going to last at all. by the end of the month you will we'll be way down. >> yes. ashley: i think he's right. people are sitting with cash and i think waiting for the
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next leg down. >> yeah, it's a timing question, why buy something today when you can buy it in a month for maybe less? >> we're all in agreement-- you're all in agreement, i'm not sure i am. the market is open and we're up 200 points, 16-2 and 200 points from the get go. not a bad opening. let's move onto oil. right now it's on the upside after a big drop yesterday, all right. $45 per barrel. dan, come on in, this is your territory. now, we constantly hear from you guys in chicago we're going to test the low and back to mid $30 per barrel level. we're at 45 now. what do you say? >> no, i think there's a good possibility, there's plenty of supply. until we figure a way of whittling that down a bit and get demand to be increasing more than it is. you're going to see this under pressure. if the markets do break as some guests there think, it's going to come back with it.
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let's watch what happens with the markets. that's highly doubtful and maybe oil will stick in the range where we're at right now. >> we get inventories, too, and interested to know where do you think the inventories are going to be. and iran will have their production. there's got to be a lot of downward pressure on the price of crude? >> absolutely. and-- go ahead, we're talking cross purposes here. the message, go ahead. >> okay, i was going to say with the iranian thing they're talking, 500 barrels a day immediately up to 2.8 million. so the supply is not going away. it's just increasing and let's say that the price of oil does start bouncing up again, if you get above the 50 $60 range where many people think that fracking is profitable, that's will reopen. stuart: i want to go to the floor of the new york stock exchange, adam shapiro is waiting for us, it's news of a
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stock, conoco phillips, i believe they're feeling the pain from cheap oil and cutting jobs. adam, you tell me what's going on with the stocks and what kind of dividends at a $45 price? >> that's a good question. this is a pretty good number when you talk about it. $2.96 the year and it's over 6% dividend yield on this stock. you know, and a advisor will tell you over 4% if you're going to dividend play. that's a good deal. this stock is setting up today on bad news. they're going to layoff something like 15% of their 19,000 work force here in the united states. 500 of those layoffs will take place in houston shall the company headquarters, roughly 2800 jobs are going to be lost. on that news, that stock is up. >> hold on a second, if i put my money in a bank cd, maybe if i'm lucky it will be 1% interest. if i put my money in conoco
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phillips, 6%, like clock work every quarter? i take it. >> you would take it and a quick run before we went on air and we looked at the dividend that conoco phillips paid since 2000, it continued to go up and up and up, even during the recession. h & r block, the tax people, where are they? >> they're up and year to date they've been down 2%. they're up today, they closed the deal to sell and the bank portion of the business and there's going to be more stock buyback, and investors are happy with that. >> all right. adam, we'll be back to you shortly. we're five minutes into the trading session this wednesday morning and we're up close on 200 points after a big drop yesterday. up 200 for the dow now. big names are making news. amazon are going to let prime members download videos like if you're on a plane, cheryl. >> right.
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stuart: is that a big deal? >> it's a very big deal and not good news for netflix. they heard that apple was going to get into the content distribution and now amazon users could download off line. and they take up a lot of space on the ipad or phone or whatever, the movies and tv shows. it's a brand new feature, very, very important and warranted for people who like to watch on their tablets and ipads. can i ask a dumb technical question, if i download from amazon prime and i watch the movie on the plane and then get rid of the movie so it doesn't clog up the space? >> you can delete it and you want to do that or fill up your phone. >> i've got it. next case is chipotle, oh, that he's going to start deliverying
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to 40 college campuses starting this fall. this is a big deal, ash. ashley: i think you're being sarcastic. stuart: i am. ashley: and they're targeting the audience, the millennials are the ones that like chipotle and why not deliver to the dorm room or even the classroom, get burrito to the classroom. and start with 40 campuses and expand to 100 campuses by next year, makes sense they're going after the target audience. >> and then, stuart, you haven't been in the hungover college wanting a burritos-- burrito. stuart: again, a burrito in london-- and shah, all day breakfast at mcdonald's, does that give you confidence to buy mcdonald's at 95? >> not at all. it might go to 100 and struggle
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to get another high 101. there's no reason to buy. if you own it, it's got a great dividend. but i think it's going back down with the rest of the market. no reason to buy because of the breakfast. stuart: let's wrap up what happened today. we're up precisely 200 points in the first eight minutes of business and price of oil has come back just a little and the bick name stocks that we follow every single day nicely, but not completely up to their hair. that's where the market opens this weapons. >> tomorrow, we're going to see a huge display of military night in china. gordon chang is here. what is that? what's going on there? they're closing markets and closing down factories, the pollution, what's going on? >> they closed down a good portion of the country because they don't want the pollution in beijing.
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this is a-- projecting power to the neighborhood and united states. stuart: it's interesting being like a big parade should come now when the country is in trouble with its economy and market and suppression of its people. there a significance in the size of the parade? >> china never celebrated the end of world war ii. it's all been for the founding of the people's republic. this is breaking precedence and talks a lot about the outlook on the rest of the world. stuart: you've got a whopping great military parade and close the hang shy markets for two days. they want it closed, i'm sure. >> only down 0.2, it fell 4% at
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the opening and it was really struggling to get back. it was because of intervention, they were even able too get-- >> they did that again? >> yes. >> in in-- government buying in the last hours of the afternoon session. stuart: stay there, one more for you. yesterday on this program governor scott walker, he said that he would cancel the state visit by china's leader next week. listen to this. >> with the cyber attacks against our government, putting millions of people personal information at risk, looking what's happened over the year, particularly with the advancement in the waters and new developments in the south china sea, if there's a time to push back, isn't it now? what more do they have to do before we say, no, a state visit-- >> is it a slap in the face ap
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say you're not coming? >> it's a good time to slap china, we have enormous leverage. and we need to talk to the china, but we shouldn't give a state visit, and things standing in the communist party. donald trump is wrong about almost everything, but he's right on this. give him a big mac. we talk to the chinese and-- >> see. stuart: so if a state visit goes ahead and stay tough. >> no state ceremony, no 12-gun salute. stuart: if you cancel now, you're sleeping the face. we are showing power not only to protect ourselves and our allies and encuring peace and
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stability. stuart: i'm going to look at china tech stocks. abandoning back., baidu, and this one cine and dang dang what's that? >> you can buy books, it's an amazon, a paler shade of alibaba. stuart: they're all up except they the sina. and after they cut the lending rate. back to the big board, 200 up. 12 minutes into the session, more of big names that we cover every day, where are they as we go into wednesday's session. google up $7. that's a 1% gain. $600 a share. and here is twitter. what's with that? >> not much change. any news on that, ash. ashley: twitter, well, let me
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see where we're at on that. twitter got an upgrade earlier this week which gave it a nice push, 2/10 of a percent. >> a lot of talk that tw-- twitter could be-- >> i jumped on the rumor a while ago and got out of the stock. i don't know where it's going to go. >> it's covering with google which could give it new eyeballs and perhaps a boost. >> you know, see, i asked for a reason. the point about twitter it's complicated for a mass audience. it's great for a kind of specific audience, the your young millennial audience ow news junkies. facebook is pretty darn simple. stuart: what is it a better by on the grounds it might get a
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new ceo and bounce nicely or facebook which is reeling a billion people every day. >> that's a real company, got a lot of growth ahead of it. that's a long-term hold. facebook is a fabulous company. stuart: what's the better buy, apple, which has already gone to the moon. >> whenever you can say apple. stuart: or microsoft, it's been beaten down. >> that's a tough one. >> they're both long-term. i'm calling for 50 to 60 in the next two years and that could pass by to get to the watch. the samsung watch looks kind of better than the apple one. samsung is more popular in other countries. >> $200 billion in cash, that's all i need-- >> nothing to do with the product. >> they've done a great job of buying. when the market dips, they're--
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>> really? >> absolutely. stuart: original content, interesting. here is a point to be made. when the market goes like this, that's a trader's paradise. a trader buys now and sells in five minutes or five days. they're in, they're out fast. it's a trader's paradise says our next guest, market watcherments all right, you're talking not to members of our audience because our audience aren't real trader people, i don't think, they're long-term investors. you're talking to traders and you're saying this is a trader's paradise, get in, get out. is that what you're saying? >> i think it's ideal for traders right now and i think the message for the long-term investor right here is that it's too soon to give the green signal it's okay to buy that we need the market to spend more time building a base. as the injured athlete he needs
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time to recover, and even more than a couple of days, an eight month breakdown in trend we saw last week. stuart: some of big names, if the traders jumped in last monday, for example, or any point this week or last week, jump in and buy very short term. >> they did, they're the ones that were selling, the initial one that we had last week and coming into this week and now once again we're getting to the lower end of the range and i think traders are going to be looking to buy once again. and you can play it as a range bound market looking out the next few weeks. stuart: you've got some specific stocks that you like. are you saying that you like these stocks as a trader? we're getting them on the screen. cvs, nike, visa. are you talking as a trader or
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long-term investors? >> i'm talking to your audience. i'm a long-term, big picture guy and these are the stocks that we have on our shopping lift. you take them and buy them on the pullback. like the market they'll need time to move side ways, but these are favorite picks for the long-term. stuart: i have to ask you, do you own any of them on the screens? >> i own mutual funds that own the stocks. i'm not allowed to-- >> what kind of a trader. >> i'm not a trader, i'm long-term guy. stuart: are you an analyst. >> a technical analyst. >> you're one of the guys that follow the charts? >> we follow the long-term trends, indeed. it's very valuable information. stuart: you're looking for heads and shoulders and that kind of things, right? >> no, i'm looking at long-term trends, looking at momentum. one of the best performing factors through time and right
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now, not a lot of stocks are indeed breaking down and i think it's been so long since we've had a correction and when you get in such a-- people forget that there's a time that's needed to base and stabilize. we saw it in 2011 and in 1998 and that's i think what we need now. stuart: you're saying long-term you're going down some more, can i summarize that from your charts? >> near term it's going to remain choppy. longer term, it's-- >> you're killing me, okay, i get the message, it's a trader's paradise. thank you very much indeed. >> have a good one. stuart: i'm sure you'll be back. watch out. coming up, a shocking statistics. more than half of the immigrant households in america are claimi claiming welfare. more in a moment.
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learn more by calling switch to liberty mutual and you can save up to $509. for a free quote today,call liberty mutual insurance at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> all right. where are we now? half hour into trading session. 28 minutes, i should say. we're up 194 points, 16-2 is where we are. i've got the graphic. all of the dow industrials looking at green, that means they're up. how about oil? it's all over the place recently. this morning, it's up 41 cents at $45 per barrel. take a look at tesla please, another one of the big names moving up 4.50.
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1.8%, 243. ashley, you're watching netflix. ashley: yeah, a big loser yesterday as you mentioned yesterday. losing higher now. in japan, the japanese still like to go to the dvd rental store to get their movies. they haven't yet got on to the on-line streaming service. >> that's shocking. stuart: keep an eye. ashley: you'd think the front end of this, but there's resistance to it. and china and india hard, see how the china thing goes, but there's a lot of base. >> expansion in europe. stuart: here is the shocking headline, i found is really shocking, that more than half of the nation's immigrants receive some sort of government welfare and i use the word welfare deliberately. ashley: talking medicaid, food stamps, school lunching, housing assistance, that kind of thing. 51% of immigrant households
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gets that kind of assistance from the government, from the taxpayer. 30% for led households. and what i found interesting, immigrants more likely to be working than the neighbors who are native born. stuart: they must be low income to qualify for food stamps. >> that's the thing, is because they're likely to come into this country and be on the lower, you know, than americans because of the way-- a lot of times the way they got here. a lot of times they're leaving rough circumstances and next thing you know they're on welfare. stuart: i would not make the assumption that people come here for that. ashley: no. stuart: some do, but it doesn't seem like the mass-- >> it's circumstances. stuart: but it's changed the nature of immigration. when i came here first of all in the 1970's, there was no such--
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i don't believe there was any such thing as welfare net available so, of course, i'm not in that marketplace and i think it's changed the nature of immigration, if when you get here and you get a low income job, you get some kind of welfare. ashley: you do, you work hard and pay into the system. stuart: that's a different form of immigration. can you have open borders in a welfare state when your neighbor is a very low income society? it's encouraging people to come across and get that support. i don't think you can have open borders in that kind of a situation. >> and especially more of a problem in the country considering what we're seeing in europe. a huge clamp down in europe in general for immigration, france and we were talking hungary. stuart: i'm going to call this a win for carly fiorina. cnn is changing the way they choose the top ten for the debate that comes up later this month. that means that carly fiorina has a very, very, very good shot at getting in and i say,
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cheryl, rightly so. >> absolutely. no, i think -- and the politics aside, and the debate structure at cnn put aside, i think it's good to have her on the stage. her performance in the 5 p.m. fox news debate was i thought was extraordinary. and one of the female voices. and 17 candidates and one woman, so-- >> and cnn succumbed to the pressure on this one. it was growing, you know she deserved a place and had no other choice. stuart: their criteria for choosing the top ten had to change because it was faulty criteria in the first place. >> i love that she said, i was sort of at the bottom and-- one statement in the debate can change that or sink them. stuart: and trump, carson and carly fiorina, you've got to be in the debate if you're running
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third. got to be there. by the way she's on this show 9:00, i think, on friday morning. she's our guest, special guest. carly fiorina 9:00 this program this week. we'll take that. coming up in the next hour, the stock bounceback, your 401(k) is in play. donald trump is he winning over democrats. we'll speak to a millennial who says that those who voted for president obama in 2008 are now voting for the donald. second hour of "varney & company" two minutes away. can a business have a mind?
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a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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stuart: look at it now. we are up 161 spirit quite changed yesterday when we were down 400 epa 162 was the level we arrive. alternate the dow stocks, look at them, green. look at the big-name tech stocks that we follow very closely. netflix, apple, facebook, amazon, google on the upside here oil, big drop yesterday bounced back today. forty-five dollars per barrel has been beat down 10 cents.
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gas prices -- lewis labor day gas prices in 11 years coming up at 244 the national average for regular. 19 and you can find out this one gas nation with regular below $2 a gallon. let's bring in brad mcmillan. i want you to say right off the get go, what is your eyes to our viewers watching now? >> longer-term if you don't need the money for several years, ride it out. there is nothing to worry about. shorter term expects to more holdbacks. be aware of them. if you need the money, just be aware of that but i think we are okay in the medium. sure into suppose i've got an ira or 401(k) and i'm about to retire and i am worried because i see the value of my pension
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thinking. are you telling them go ahead, salad, be safe. is that what you said? >> that is not what i'm saying. if you want to reduce your exposures docs, but not a bad idea in the short term. you need to be in stocks and the longer term and if you can afford to write about over the next several months you should be okay. stuart: do you think you'll go down below the 16,000 level? >> it is quite possible. an erosion of confidence that the valuation levels. we have seen earnings do much better than expect it. we see the fundamentals remain solid so it is really a crisis of confidence. and maybe a a little while before the confidence comes back and is more likely to go down but not here in we may well see an additional pullback. again, that would be normal and it's only scary because we haven't emitted in a while.
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stuart: those people who lessen cash and want to buy something, a lot of people have said why don't you buy a dividend play. i'm a big names will pay you 5% from 6% dividend to know that the money. do you have any arguments with that? >> absolutely not. do the dems make a lot of sense with interest rates as low as they are. if you buy something on an interim basis you don't care the prices as long as you get the yield and stocks are a much better bargain than bonds are at this point in my opinion. sure into brad mcmillan, thank you are joining us. we appreciate your advice. the price of oil down a present yesterday. take a look at this number between june of last year in april of this year, 51,000 jobs being cut because of falling oil prices. 51,000 bring and energies.
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that is what you do for a living. can you make a profit up $45 per barrel for oil. >> you know, we can in certain areas. we read about the stories every day. it's become the holy grail of where we extract oil at these prices. we saw oil dip below 40 in the market responded rapidly in the traders pushed it back a good arrest, detention point, $40 is the whammy button number for oil prices. it is getting close to that. we can still make money by you talk about jobs and the number could be lower. a lot of people have lost their jobs. these jobs cannot be replaced that easily. the average worker makes $40 an hour. you can't go and replace the job rapidly in the 51 could be low.
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$2.40 a gallon with a lot going behind the number to get it down that low and a lot of that is not positive data appeared drained to you are right. there's a big argument as to whether low oil prices are good for the economy or bad for the economy. i understand how they are good because gas comes out and puts money in pockets. i understand the problems because they are high paid jobs and some are disappearing. you were on the side of the fence is a give me higher prices because i want to make money drilling where i am in texas. >> you can look at the longer-term economic impact with the jobs that the revenue to the state because of oil revenue, royalty payments with so many positive effects unit energy independent not to mention the idea that away from foreign oil in the middle east. they're the ones that cause prices to come down the slope. they now regret the decision.
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opec talking about with linked and maybe we should back off. i don't know what will happen but venezuela and countries around the version default because of cheap oil prices. other folks not so much. stuart: you weather the storm because you are much more efficient. i am told tracking and drilling is a much more efficient operation than a year ago. his stature at your company? >> that's absolutely true. we brought it down to a fraction no pun intended. i kind of think saudi arabia put us through this exercise rapidly. that one is down and out. they said we shipped the price down and the price comes back. we taught them a lesson we are not down and out. we respond to it they are doing
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and became more efficient doing less is more. the last me a year ago i would say probably not able to make it happen but we make it happen today. we are now in a long-term position better than december of last year. stuart:.important information. chris faulkner. always appreciated. the manhunt for three suspects in the murder of a 30 year veteran of the fox illinois police force shot after he radioed in to tell dispatchers he was chasing three men on foot. sheriff david clarke says there is a war on police. >> it is not rhetoric, stuart. they are dying in the streets. stuart: how do you do this? >> what we saw in houston were a thousand paper gathered and we need to take that energy and
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start to have counter protests. stuart: excuse me. and our next hour we will respond to assure clark has to say. more classified information on hillary clinton's private e-mails this time in north korea. a minister discussed by satellite data on nuclear submarines and weapons and their whereabouts and movements. new polls on the favorability of the candidates. the server that democrats between hillary clinton and joe biden, hillary is the more unfavorable of the candidates. an unfavorable rating. on the republican side, trumping bush solidly over 50% unfavorability. ashley, 59% unfavorable is not good. ashley: nonwhite voters very polarizing among racial and ethnic lines.
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hillary with a non-favorability rating of 53% up from 45%. she cited in the right direction. >> what you say about people of color not favorable towards long-term? >> a large percentage are long length of ethnic and racial lines. >> use become divisive. to go back to the hispanic votes. he does not have a presidential hope. there is no way he can win the presidency. crunch the numbers it's impossible. stuart: can you win the presidency with a 59% unfavorable rating? i say you haven't got a prayer. anything over 50 will knock you down. >> ios february. a long way to go. stuart: a gain of 180 points.
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we had a gain of 200 now we are up 197. i will call this flat and stable around 16,245. big news for mac donald's. all-day breakfasts nationwide. in case you missed it. >> mcdonald's is rolling out all day brought the senate starts october 6. you can order your sausage make muffin at 7:00 a.m. and again at 7:00 p.m. after franchises approve the change. between $505,000 for each franchise. mcdonald says they will help them pay for it. they've been rolling out changes in menu addition, seasonal offerings. people just my breakfast all day long. it might help them. i think it's their best chance yet. stuart: i do understand it is
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important but it's not the move. stop laughing at me. >> we haven't spoken about mcdonald's in a while. the average person on the street, everybody was talking about this last night. stuart: really? >> i'm not into it either. cheryl: in the spirit of good journalism i will go across the street to make donald's. stuart: i have an announcement. john tasker, by rescue guys on the show tomorrow. you have other stories? >> i have two more. the u.s. olympic committee has designated los angeles for the 2024 olympics. paris, rome, budapest and hamburg, germany expected to cost $6 billion. l.a. says we have already had
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existing structures in place because we posted two times before. and then there's spongebob the musical. june 2016 it hits theaters. writing songs for the show joining cyndi lauper, john legend, heiress guys. he became a spongebob fan after watching episodes with his daughter. he looks great. cheryl: he's aged very well. stuart: how old is he? cheryl: old. i don't know. stand by. stuart: we are not going anywhere. >> i'm getting confusing messages here. he is 68. he looks good. spring chicken. a promo for you.
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every morning weekdays 5:00, get up early and watch this. lawrence, sandra, nicole, "fbn:am," great start of the day. donald trump when in the millennial vote? what is he doing to get their vote? >> we recognize someone who has devoted their life to public service. thank you to secretary clinton president clinton. >> what does that make hillary clinton to the bush family? >> my sister-in-law.
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stuart: this is just happening right now. president obama does have the support he needs to secure his iran nuclear deal. the president made a 30 for supporting best in the senate. he's got them. democratic senator barbara mikulski became the 30 for a senator to support the deal. he's got a veto to prove majority in the congress.
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check the big board because we are still up 188 points higher. 16-2 is where we are. all 30 and the greens. look at the stock price they will share buyback programs. they've got better numbers. the dollar tree with a few investment terms cutting target price is down 3%. let's get to donald trump. our next guest says the obama millennialist of 2007, 2008 are the trump glenn nails the 2016 from obama to trump the millennial pope. political strategist joins us right now. so why do you base this point of view of yours? >> you have to look at the polling data and how millennialist have changed. in 2007, millennialist wanted out of iraq and afghanistan. they wanted national security beefed up.
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when you look at 5% of the economy is the number one issue in 2735% rated as the number one issue. out of all the candidates, donald trump dominate on the issue. most of the economy and jobs in the national debt. stuart: whitest donald trump dominate on the issue of the economy. i've not heard much other than tax and hedge fund managers and building a wall. i've not heard much about the economy. >> because he is a successful businessman he is not running away and millennial fear that as someone who can bring that type of success and wealth to the white house and promote the policies that help other americans reach. stuart: that is very interesting that no one else look at the economy in a very different way. when i look at the economy and a grandfather or think in terms of how we care for or five or 6% growth.
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what are you going to do? millennial's by your account to get a successful businessman and say that is the economy. that the economic policy i want. that's what you're talking about. >> exactly. you can make a comparison there when it comes to that. if you look at the last harvard iop polling data, millennialist favor cutting taxes to spur economic growth. stuart: you are breaking news right here. two to one they want lower taxes to stimulate growth. millennialist? >> yes. it is going to be a tough battle. democrats have a better messaging machine and donald trump has the best messaging machine in his getting that out there. when we move forward in 2016 and have our nominee come is the
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messaging machine that needs to be beefed up to win over millennialist and get away from social issues. >> i will pick an argument with you. you suggest millennial surpasses. if not another word for lazy because i completely disagree with that. >> i don't agree it is the same word. millennialist have been passive. they voted for an outsider candidate in 2007. is supposed to be the outsider to shake up washington and change the system and may step back and hoped he would do that. what he has done has not been what he said and not what they want. they have been passive until now and i think they view their hope in obama, the hope and change they want and he completely lied to them and let them down in a lot of ways so they say what is the point, let's vote for another outsider like donald
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trump or bernie sanders as they go into the same thing. stuart: we will take back because they are not lazy. we have a staff of millennialist on this program and they work like you would believe. >> we are hard workers and we want to pay off her student loan debt and we're looking for a candidate who can inspire the great american dream again. donald trump spoken, make america great again is something that resonates with millennialist. stuart: are you a trump supporter? >> right now i am. i do like what he has to say, the direction he wants to take the country and i'm also big supporter of carly fiorina. she is fantastic as well. stuart: sal la mastra, thank you for joining us. you are our millennial guy. innovation taken another hit in california. a judge ruling bluebirds whole business model may kick it out of court.
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more than half of immigrant households in america are on welfare. more "varney & company" in a moment.
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: watch out. we were up 200, now we are up 148. watch for in a today. as for the price of oil, and down right now 17 cents lower. here is what is coming up for you. president putin flexing its military muscles. more on that shortly. innovation takes another hit. this time in california. yes, the golden state was the home of all that is new. when you look at what they are doing to uber, you have to think
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again. the reactionaries have arrived. a judge in san francisco has given class-action status to a lawsuit challenging the entire business model. you can't allow them to use their own cars brought to them through the internet. shock and horror. we don't want that innovation. we are going to stop it. they are not playing by the rules. the lawyers will run up their fees are doing whether a uber driver is an employee or independent contractor. more important is what it says about california and the nature of work in the 21st century. remember, uber is a california company being attacked and rained in on its home turf. a uber is a driver of innovation. it is redefining work. a uber driver doesn't work seven hours, doesn't clock and, doesn't have a set place of work. not quite the way we think of
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work. those drivers really are independent but they don't fit the old world definition of work. the reaction is to take them to court to shut them down. i started my tv life and 1970s what a dynamite place that was. steve jobs is innovating down the road. and it was developing a silicon chip and countless computer geeks changing the world. look at california now turning on the very people who propelled the state to brilliance. what a shame.
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stuart: didn't expect to say this. there is trouble on the market. even though you've got a 100-point gain. we were up 200, now 100 after a 400 point drop yesterday,
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any kind of pull back by stocks is a dangerous signal. we're going to watch this through to the very end. heaven forbid the dow closes lower today. that would be an ugly signal indeed. up 109 right now. now this. a federal judge in california has granted class action status to a lawsuit in uber. saying that the company treats its drivers like employees and now another ride sharing app cardiogram, this could be a similar business model to uber. daniel is with us. good to see you again. >> pleasure to be here again. stuart: now, your whole business -- i'm going to say the whole sharing economy is under attack. do you feel that attack? do you feel like pulling back, reigning yourselves in? >> i feel it has been a great business for the entire u.s. economy, it would be a shame to pull back. stuart: are you? >> we certainly aren't.
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i think we're continuing to grow rapidly. stuart: are you spending a fortune on lawyers to defend yourselves? >> not yet in our case. stuart: do you expect it? look, i'm pushing, daniel, you're under attack. what's going to be your response? >> definitely something to consider if you're in the sharing economy business and did it's something the government has to look into, if they're employees or contractors, they're not employees, they're operating on their own time. if they're not employees, maybe we need a third status and i'm not the only one saying this. we need to encourage i be innovation, not work against it. stuart: yes, you are some of the great innovators in the society at this moment and they're coming after you. aiming for you. >> i think it's important to allow everyone who is operating this business who is innovating tong to do so and these lawsuits make it challenging. stuart: okay. what are you going to do? you operate only in new york. you employ professional drivers, and they're coming after you. >> so in our case we employ
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professional drivers. they're independent contractors in our view. we need to look at what happens in this lawsuit. stuart: do you pay benefits. >> no. we don't pay benefits . stuart: do you pay anything for their cars, insurance, anything? >> most of the drivers that we work with, all work for multiple companies, they operate on their own time, this is their choice to work in this way, and they're really -- i think a benefit to be independent contractors. stuart: sure but all you do is supply the riders. >> we connect. stuart: that's all you do. you take a piece of the fair. >> right. so we're riders book a ride on their phone and multiple riders can share the same car. stuart: now, you only operate in new york city at the moment. >> yeah. stuart: what's your growth rate like? >> very rapid. we see tens of percent month over month.
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stuart: like you're growing 20% a month? >> 20, 30, on 40% a month sometimes. stuart: and you've kept that up since you started? >> yeah. stuart: it's called via. >> yeah. stuart: . stuart: why just new york? >> we have a multiple retired share car, so we find other passengers who are sharing for you and what's critical for us is scale, we can't operate successfully if we end up with one passenger in the car so we've been building in new york and as it has started, the dense city in the u.s., we can take it to other markets as well. stuart: it's almost a computer service, isn't it? because if i'm coming to work and i know the route i'm taking, there are other people taking the same route, you hook everybody up together. >> right. so lots of people to commute and errands in the million dollars of the day. we're able to identify in realtime who's going where and group them together in a single car. stuart: what about the producers who use your service
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pay $5 a day to get where we work and to manhattan. >> it's a terrific service. stuart: you've got a great smile on your face. it works. >> yeah. and if we're efficient about it and able to group individuals together, we can charge such a low fair. stuart: yeah, but you're so wicked. you're not paying benefits who voluntarily work in your operation. >> thank you. stuart: i'm sorry i've got to move on. it's a busy market day. come back and see us soon. >> will do. stuart: check the price of oil, please. we've got the inventory report. >> climbing down another dollar to 44.60 and we're seeing some of those oil stocks starting to move low, chevron just turned down a quarter of percent. this could be the next step down to retest that bottom in the 30s. we'll have to wait and see. we need inventory was going to
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be up. stuart: yeah, that means more supplies. >> yeah. and iran is going to stop pumping more oil. good for the drivers. hopefully it will come to the pumps. stuart: 44 on oil right now. two days ago i think it was 49; right? >> very close. yes. stuart: we told you earlier about this. president obama now has all the support he needs to security his iran deal okay? that news coming to us just a few moments ago. he's got the 34 votes in the senate, which would be needed to support a veto from president obama. so, in other words, the iran nuke deal. got it. done. we're hearing reports that russia is making moves to claim resource rich sections of the arctic. putin flexing his military muscles again. joining me now is former knave pilot, fox news ponder, gabriel. what do you make of all of this? is this really a military challenge from the russians in the arctic?
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we're just talking about a couple of ice breakers. >> well, russia has 41, they have plans to build 11 ice breakers, we have two and plan to build one more by 2020. we just accelerated that timeline coming from the president. so when you look at that, the numbers don't lie. stuart: wait. it's ice breakers. i don't think of ice breakers as military equipment like i do with a tank. >> that's a great point but the way we keep cars from which go to our shores in the uss called power projection. our able to project power around the world and we do that with our naval dominance. and what we're seeing right now is russia, china, iran, use dominance, start to build up their resources. with russia the big key don't even there was taking a warm water -- aka easy access port. we're seeing them move around in the baltic area and project their power there. we're seeing china build up their land in the south china
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sea. basically trying to assert it in the sea claiming territorial waters. this is about resources because wars of the future as the world doesn't grow but the people in it do, wars in the future will be about resource. stuart: we cut out resources, haven't we cut our navy to the lowest number of ships is the count to the lowest level since world war ii or something. >> right. since 9/11 we've been focused on nonstate terrorist groups, al-qaeda, as the others are condition growing, china, russia, and in the meantime our budgets are getting cut. we've decreased our military and conventional forces are growing. stuart: how does the military feel about this? i know you're former military. you must be in touch with people in the military. how do they feel? >> military needs money. stuart: but how do they feel about it? >> they feel the focus is being lost. the way we have operated --
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and i can't speak for the whole military. i can only speak for myself and the people i talk to. but kind of across the board it's, hey, we as a nation are the strongest nation in the world and it's because of our military and our ability to protect our shores and project our power. our navy, our military is the way we do that. we're seeing resources that are going to be fought for, state actors growing, russia, china, iran, and this is a problem, and we need the funds to be able to protect our country. >> for the attitude of the military. to see that your power is being weakened by politicians in washington who don't want to confront anyone or convey any power at all. >> yeah. well, you know, the military we try to stay nonpolitical. >> sure. >> i say "we" as if i'm still in military, but the bottom line is politics can bring you off important points. it gets you attracted to shinyons, right now there's a focus on isis and that threat but we see this administration
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trying to get regional partners focused on that so that we can focus on points we need to be focused on. but in the meantime we need resources, and we need military is this going to be a problem in the future? . stuart: thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate that. check that big board again, please. where are we now? up 101 points. remember half hour ago, we were up 200 points. we pulled back. time for the sector reports. cheryl is on the balcony. >> well, while you were talking to leah, i was looking at what was happening here with the dow and one correlation i'm able to piece together the fact that the rally is losing steam. the worst performer right now on the dow is chevron. you've got the oil inventory muscles, if you see pressure on the oil, you're going to see pressure on a name like chevron. chevron is dropping and even though it's a few pennies, actuals drop a little bit more and this is all the energy sector, and i wanted to show exxon mobile and the same thing is happening, exxon
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mobile, stuart, is backing off of what it was performing. so i have a feeling that there's a correlation between that inventory number and what we're seeing with the dow. stuart: okay. that's new, by the way. you press one of the panels and up it comes full screen. that's new. >> i've been hiding that from you until i needed it. stuart: well, i'm glad you got it fixed. excellent stuff. coming up europe is facing a wage of refugees and now isis supporters are being caught within that refugee wave. like that pope expected to make a heavy push for immigration during his visit to the united states. we're on that story many people clean their dentures
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with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula
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works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. >> i'm adam shapiro live on the floor of the stock exchange. we're pulling back a little bit off of this morning's highs but we're still in positive territory. you can see the dow up 114 points. the s&p 500 broke through its report level in 1926 but this could be a retest to see if we could get back above 1926. closed yesterday at 1913. some of the stocks that are winners today, apple, swell after announcements after reworking its 6th generation of the core processor, could increase power. and home depot, mcdonald's, breakfast whenever you want starting october 6. oil is trading down after
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inventory news and then that's putting pressure on companies like phillips, it is trading down after shooting up as they were going to lay off 15% of their work force. now back to more "varney & company" why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision,
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stuart: still scrambling around with a duane of a mere 107 points. you remember we were up 200 earlier. not a good sign when you cut the gain in half. listen to this. dreamworks animation report they're going to split away from disney. it's in talks with universal. no impact at all. now this. talk about impact. pope francis expected to make a heavy push for immigrants during his visit to the united states this month. but first look at this statistic. more than half of immigran immigrant-lead households in america receive at least one form of welfare. i was shocked to see that number. and look who is here, father morris, who indeed is a catholic priest; is that correct, sir. >> i am. stuart: what's going on here, sir? the pope says, hey, you americans have to be nice to these immigrants coming across the border. we are being nice to them. more than half getting welfare. >> the system is being nice and giving welfare to someone
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isn't necessarily being nine. the system is broken. what beer saying is as you are not allowed to come but we're going to let you come because we're not going to have strict border security and then we're going to give you a job, and it's going to be cheap. stuart: does the pope want open borders? >> he hasn't said that. stuart: just come on in. >> he wants people, not just his immigrants to be treated like people. and people are living in the shadows are being -- yes, they're coming because they're desperate but then we're saying to them you're not allowed to have a job because you're illegal but we're going to give you a job watch this, but it's going to be a job that has no future to it. and, yes, there are people who are taking advantage of the system and getting on welfare. that's broken. the pope is not going to be saying increase welfare for these people. he won't be saying that. he'll be saying treat humans like humans. fix the system. stuart: i didn't expect to be attacked on my own turf. >> you just bring it on.
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stuart: angry in you for some reason? >> i don't recall angry at al a. stuart: i don't you don't? >> no. stuart: 51% of the immigrants who come into this country get welfare? are you kidding me. >> that's because we have a broken system. stuart: welfare is a broken system, it's welfare that's broken. >> both. both end. stuart: oh, we're in agreement. listen to this one. >> ford. stuart: you talk about united states, capitalism, income inequality. yes, he is. that's all he talked about. why isn't he talk about the terrorists, islamic terrorists who are slaughtering christians in the holy land, driving them out by the million? why isn't he talking about that? >> if there's one person who is talking about it more than anybody else, it's pope francis. it's just because you're so hyper focused on income inequality. stuart: me? >> yes. stuart: no, i am not. >> absolutely. no, in all seriousness, stuart, he talks about it all the time. he's constantly talking about -- not only talking about it, he's sending his
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ambassador to the places of most strife right into by your right into syria. that's where the representatives of the vatican are. actually doing something. stuart: do you think you say something to president obama about the lack of response to isis and the slaughter of our fellow christians? >> he's already said it over and over again. i'm sure he'll say it again. he told the international forces that you have to do something and sometimes the only way to stop unjust aggressors is by killing them . stuart: so i -- >> short memory we have here. stuart: is totally wrong, the pope is right about immigrants being treated as people and the pope is right indeed for going after the islamic terrorists. i'm wrong, the pope is right. >> in other words, rational thinking has nothing to do with being catholic or nonbeliever. it has to be with saying we obviously know that the immigration system right now is broken.
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and we have to fix it in a way that respects people as human beings. stuart: i think you're brushing up on your talking popes -- >> talking points? i'm very happily critiqued pope francis. there are things that he has said and done, and i disagree with. and he's okay with that. stuart: i've never seen you about this on any subject ever before. i think because the pope is coming, he's the boss; right? >> yes. stuart: god is the boss. stuart: don't do that. father, thank you very much for being with us. >> my pleasure. stuart: are you sure it was your pleasure? >> yes. i love fighting with you. stuart: i lost. hands down today. i you are thely lost. >> thanks. stuart: all right. next case. lots of reaction from our viewers. every day on social media. most of the comments positive thank you very much. occasionally we get some negative comments. i'm going to read one for you. fair and balanced okay? this is from pamela.
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quote every day "varney & company" slams trump, cruz, carson. just slam trump. so i turned the program off at this point. such a disappoint. his accent doesn't make up for his disdain of the conservative and antiestablishment for the governor. which show are you watching? i'm not bashing trump. i'm simply saying where is your growth plan because that i think is extremely important for america. where is the growth plan? pam, turn your tv set back on, please. we're good guys here. more oil added to a already bulging stockpile and down she goes. down about 2%. we're on that story. does this mean that gas is going to get a whole lot cheaper? i sure hope so. jeff flock is on the story. plus the reason why the international space station is about to get crowded in the next few days. could you care about this? we're going to tell you about it anyway. turn your set back on again, pam. we're talking to spacems?
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>> it is getting much more crowded aboard the international space station, three astronauts are getting ready bringing the total crew
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aboard the station to nine people. getting crowded. if all goes according to plan, it will take them two days to get to the space station. crude oil down 7% from yesterday. jeff flock, what does this mean for oil and gas prices lower we hope? >> i would suspect lower. i'll it will you. you know, that inventory number came in about -- well, at the half hour, and we've been in plunge mode ever since. now below $44,000 once again i'm going to give you those numbers if i can from the eia. inventory up 4.7 million barrels to 455.4 million barrels, that is the number in this time not seen in 80 years. we have more oil than we've had in 80 years. you think stocks have been on a wild ride? stocks have moved 6% one time since 2008. oil has moved 6% or more in the last four sessions and we're on the way again today still below $44 and headed south. ashley.
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get connected. get insights. get optimized. stuart: there's something missing from the election debate. growth. economic growth. which of the current front runners is pounding that theme? it's not hillary clinton, and it's not donald trump. let's hope things change because without a growth policy, our country will not return to prosperity. hillary clinton has staked out a far left position. tax the rich. top of the 1%. free day care for all. what has that got to do with growth? does anyone seriously believe that investment in day care bring growth for the economy? donald trump broke through on immigration, but he says he wants a pause on all immigration. has he talked to technology companies that want to grow with the best talent from all around the world? and he wants to raise taxes on
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hedge fund managers, okay. that may be popular but nothing to do with growth. warning. the economy is in a precarious position. the whole world is slowing down or in recession. that is the challenge for us. that is the backdrop to the election. the democrats are not interested in growth, they want redistribution but the republicans must break through with a growth policy. we need prosperity. it's the glue that binds us together. and you can't return to prosperity if you don't grow the economy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . stuart: yes, we will surely get back to the issue of growth but first check that big board. the rally is holding. up 135 points and that would be what? an hour and a half into the trading session. look at the big name tech stocks follow all the time. excellent bromters of where we're going. netflix down again today. apple, facebook, google,
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amazon, the big guys, they're all up. not much, but they are up. here's where the action has been for the last half hour. the price of oil. we just added a lot of oil to the nation's stock supply that is and down goes the price. another buck 43 lower today all the way back to $43 per barrel. what a reversal from earlier this week. the price of gasoline still going down. [trumpets] . stuart: that's the equivalent of the buzzer, isn't it? on the upside you get. and down a penny overnight. and 15 straight days a streak to the downside and still 19 states where if you search around, you can find one station below $2 a gallon. >> cheapest gas prices in 11 years, by the way,. stuart: i just love that. 11 years. >> since 2004 and los angeles
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prices fell a dime there past week. >> wow. >> that's a big deal in l.a. stuart: yeah, but still $3 a gallon, aren't they? >> 3.55. stuart: 3.55 in california? >> los angeles . stuart: i better move on. back to my take on the economy. i do want to see real growth. i want to know which candidate has the plan to do it. ashley is here. now, before beneat into the growth angle here, you worked for jeb bush and jeb bush is now taking big swings right at donald trump. ashley, just watch this for a minute. ♪ >> partial birth abortion. >> i'm very pro-choice. >> hillary clinton i think is a terrific woman. i'm a little bias request i've known her for years. i know her very well. she's talented. >> are you a democrat or republican? >> well, you would be shocked
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if i said that in many cases i probably identify more as a democrat. >> then why are you republican? >> i have no idea. . stuart: as you can see that is a jeb bush ad going right after donald trump in the trump mode. okay. ashley, hold on a second. this is how trump responded to jeb bush's ad. watch this. >> we recognize the commitment of someone who has devoted her life to public service. i want to say thank you to both secretary clinton and to president clinton. >> what did that make hillary clinton to the bush money? >> my sister-in-law. stuart: that looked to me like an ad against hillary clinton but i think it was trump going back again after jeb bush. look, my point in doing all of this is that the message of growth, which is coming from jeb bush, is being completely drowned out by donald trump and jeb bush's ads going after
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donald trump. where's the message of growth? >> i think it's there. jeb has been saying for the last probably -- i don't know month and a half at least when all of this trump, you know, stuff was going on, i'm a conservative, i'm a tested conservative, i'm a pro growth record. but it's drowned out by this character that you've got in there. and i think at this point that it's important to realize that, you know, donald trump's record isn't really a conservative one. he doesn't really have one. and when it comes to pro growth or, like, growing the economy, creating jobs, he doesn't even know what he's talking about in these cases whereas jeb bush can say i created 1.3 million jobs during my time as governor in florida. when i left, the unemployment rate was at 3.5%. i cut taxes by $19 billion -- there's so many things he can say to show that he has a pro growth record. stuart: but why is it falling so flat? >> i don't think it will, stuart, i think we're at the point now where we're seeing donald trump taking hits,
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which is important, it was important for jeb to come out and attack this record because everyone's been kind of sitting there on the sidelines hoping he's going to fade when the point is, we have to take it to the democrats and putting donald trump in the position to do that, we're creating more hurt for ourselves and democrats are going to get elected. and that's the point here. we need to get back out there, stay on the message of having a pro growth record, which is what jeb bush has and take against hillary clinton who wants to redistribute wealth. and i think that's the point there. stuart: is morale in the camp, the jeb bush camp, is it down a little bit? >> no. it's very high, and he's been in this for the long haul from the beginning, you know, while this whole trump issue has arose in the sense that no one thought he would get this far. the point is he says to anything to get elected and that's pretty much what hillary clinton and the democrats have done. it's a page right out of their playbook. wouldn't you want someone who has a proven record, someone who goes out there and speaking on the issues that we really care about, which are
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the the economy. i mean we've had a sluggish economy, it's been pretty stagnant and that's what we should be running on. we've had seven years of an economy that has not helped young petroleum, has not helped women, anyone in general, small businesses are closing their doors but look at the record florida had under jeb bush. can you say the same thing about donald trump? no, you can't and you can't say the same thing about hillary clinton. stuart: i've got 20 seconds. there people scared of donald trump because if they attack him right on, donald trump will come right back. >> well, i think. >> yes, he had would say bring it at this point because he's been falsely attacking him whereas the ad that jeb ran was all trump's words. at the end of the day he has no record and jeb bush does. stuart: all right., ashley pratt, we hear you. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. stuart: back to the big board. the rally fizzled a little. we were up 200 now we're up
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122. come on in, michael eastern with fellowship financial. now, this is kind of worrying, isn't it, when you go up 200 points as a bounce from the previous day's big selloff and that rally fizzles a little bit. that's when you start to get worried, isn't it? >> it sure is. but i think in the context of everything here, this is indicative of the concerns and the lack of confidence that both institutional investors and consumer investors have. stuart, just a little over a week ago we saw the vix jump by 120%. that's -- that's arguably the biggest jump in history, certainly since 2010. stuart: yeah. >> and i think that's the position where we are. stuart: okay., michael, you tell our viewers. what should they do now? >> well, this is -- this would be a great time if you consider the last six years. the market is actually increased by 145% or so. stuart: great time for what, michael?
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>> great time to take some gains off the table, great time. stuart: sell? >> yeah. definitely. take some of the gains off the table. stuart: you think it's going further down? >> i do. i think for a number of months now, we've been talking about this type of correction. i think it could certainly go much farther. stuart: what would you say if we closed lower today? that's is that a -- i've been saying all morning, that's a really bad signal. is it? >> well, i think -- i wouldn't be surprised, first of all. we've seen a jump of 200 points. we've seen it all over the board. so i would not be surprised one by the. stuart: okay., michael, i'm terribly sorry to cut this short autopsy i've got a big market action day. thank you very much indeed. lauren, you were trying to get in there. >> well, two things one of the negatives here would be four out of ten times a correction turns into a bear market. so, yeah, there's a big chance we go lower. stuart: four out of every ten times in the past. >> yeah. the correction becomes a bear.
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stuart: okay. >> and guess what? chinese stocks, no more trading this week because they have that big holiday. >> thank god for that building. >> so tomorrow morning when we see the markets react with we're not responding to china . stuart: good point. >> and we have the huge jobs report on friday. a lot of uncertainty leading into that and i know we haven't is said it. we've gone two hours now without mention the fed but it will have a impact. stuart: so 5:00 when you're on fox business, you won't have china stocks. >> i'm excited to see what happens. stuart: it will be interesting. okay. president obama looking at a huge foreign policy victory. he's got the iran nuke deal. he just secured the final vote needed to seal that deal. all right. what exactly does this mean, ashley? >> well, it means that he's got enough votes now to uphold his veto. so, no, matter what the republicans try to do, done deal. stuart: so it's a done deal.
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>> did you hear lindsey graham yesterday in new york. the ayatollah hates all. religious nazi. and that's who we're stuck with. stuart: and casey is the reason why this is done and he'll be on noon to discuss it here on fox business, 12:00 noon, senator casey who is in favor of the iran nuke deal. an immigrant crises is happening right now in europe and crises is not an exaggeration. some experts say it's the worst refugee situation since world war ii. and isis is trying to use if to their advantage. we have the full story in a moment
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stuart: check the big board. holding with a gain of about 120 points. that's where we are. now this. the european union for the record number of refugees and migrants are all trying to get if had.
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the influx overwhelmed countries like greece and hungary in particular, and sweeten is under threat. and hungerrary has sealed off its railway station telling people go back to where you first arrived. that would be greece. almost impossible. and austria, last week's discovery of an abandoned truck that contained 71 dead migrants and listen to this. we have isis terrorists posing as refugees crossing over. and give me the story on isis which is out there but still part of europe. >> yeah. it's a great way to europe and camped five men ages 20 to 24, most of these migrants are making their way on path, they were walking through the woods trying to make their way through the heads of decapitation and had no good reason why they were
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fleeing, four young men, military age males as we would call it in the military and on their way to exploit this massive problem going on in europe and isis trying to take advantage of it. stuart: i don't think most people would take it very well and it is a massive crises in europe. maybe a million people trying to get in at this point. >> even more than a till mill and you look at the crises in libya, syria, in am i correct syria, folks in these war zones utter violence, utter war, and once you can get in, they're in, and the question is what do they do once they're there? . stuart: well, what are the europeans going to do? they don't have the money to take care of these refugees, and they've got a security threat. if isis is trying to get back door with all of those refugees, what on earth is europe going to do? >> it's an impossible situation. they've got skeptical populations in which there's a security threat. now you've got -- in germany
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alone, 800,000 migrants, to germany alone. think about that number. they don't have the infrastructure to absorb it which can lead to the wrong side conditions and wrong side ideology in those conditions is a bad recipe. stuart: it's a security threat. it really is. ly. >> very serious one. stuart: not understood in america. the humanitarian crises and who is putting the blame where it belongs? the at the moment the critics say, yeah, you libertarians should be more humanitarian. who is putting the blame on islamic terror where the whole thing starts? who said that? >> not very many people. john bolton wrote a great article on the chaos that has ensued in syria and to take a strong policy takes the lid off of it and you're up steeling the backside of it. and have no real plan. stuart: no, we don't. sorry to digress on this subject. that's not really your turf but we know a lot about it. >> thank you. stuart: you're all right.
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>> not too bad yourself. stuart: wow. we are having our own -- you can call this immigration crises at home. a financial crises. more than half receive welfare. use that word advice. >> medicaid, school stamps, 51% of immigrants households. now, that number increases to 76% of immigrants with children in the household. that's compared to 52% for native born. stuart: this implies that the people coming into america. >> uh-huh. stuart: are low-income people. >> correct. stuart: which makes them eligible for this welfare payments. >> yes. stuart: i don't think they're coming here for the welfare. >> no. stuart: i think they're coming here for opportunity and work and when they get here, they find that this welfare is available. >> yeah. stuart: that's my view. >> general system. stuart: so a general system. >> or the american dream is no
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longer what it once was. stuart: what do you mean by that? >> you come here thinking you're going to be successful, you don't need welfare and, look, it's difficult to be successful in this climate, even here in. stuart: yes. it's chang th na of iigration. it rtaiy h. stua: it nothe se wh i c here yrs no. it' notomet gazi nanya, ihink ny a comin if for the american dream but the crises we had here, there was an understanding that there were beneficial policies on the other side. >> border. stuart: okay. i'm going to show you the big board again because the rally was picked up a little bit more steam, now up about 150 points, we don't want to close lower today. 150, we'll take that as of right now. going to switch gears. a fast food fight betweeng boys. mcdonald's and chipotle. both big news on companies. we'll be right back
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this is a great place to work. not comcast business offers meetconvenient installation appointments that work around your schedule. and it takes- done. - about an hour. get reliable internet that's up to five times faster than dsl from the phone company. call 800-501-6000 to switch today. perks are nice. but the best thing you can give your business is comcast business. comcast business. built for business. stuart: we like this. the are ay gaining steam, now up. 16-point # for dow strategics. and mcdonald's going to serve breakfast all day long. ninety-five dollars a share. up $1.68. the company has been looking for a way to revamp its sales. this is said to be a very big deal by my producers. lauren, i don't get it.
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i don't think this is the movement that turns the company around. >> people have been complaining for years that you go to mcdonald's at 10:31 and you can't get your mcmuffin. well, now you can starting october 6th. why is this a big deal? because it's the first thing that i have ever heard anybody in the mainstream saying they're into mcdonald's. we talk about the mcrib but with the exception of that. >> is this going to boost sales by 3%? is that what they say? >> did they say that? i think that's the producers saying it hopefullily. >> and mcdonald's is going to help pay for the franchisees to get their kitchens up and running so they candling their egg sandwiches when they're making the big macs. stuart: it does cost 500 to $5,000 per shop to convert so you can serve breakfast all day long. is it that big of deal? >> i don't know if it's a game changer. i love breakfast and i can eat it all day long but i don't know if it's the turn around. >> i got an e-mail, an alert
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saying this was happening. i was listening to the regular musical radio staying and the djs were talking about this. how excited they were. come on. stuart: the djs talk about something, you know -- >> it's a big deal. stuart: the land is around the corner. they're telling me to move on. how about that? and keeping with the fast food theme. look at chipotle. very expensive indeed. big news of its own. >> it's more than that. stuart: chipotle is going to start delivering to college campuses this fall, ashley -- >> do you know the appetites of college students? the freshman 15, you add on 15 pounds in your first year. dude, send me a burrito now. they're going to be delivering to classrooms, dorm arooms, they start with 40 campuses right now and something geoexpand that to 100 next year, and that's their markets, the millennials, they love the burritos, everything you can get at chipotle, good stuff. stuart: it makes sense to me. >> you it's not just expensive rice and beans.
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stuart: there's a chipotle around the corner. >> yes. stuart: could i have them delivery to me now? i'm not a student obviously i'm not in college, can i get it now? >> they started delivery. >> on a limited basis. give them a call. stuart: because they're going to delivery to students, that's a wig deal. >> and they'll pay for the delivery for students. i'm hearing three to $7. stuart: per delivery? >> yes. stuart: and the students have to pay. >> absolutely isn't. stuart: you think i would spent $7 on food? get out of here. >> you know what you should have on the show? the delivery company that chipotle is using. >> the app that they use in conjunction with this. stuart: i hope the viewers don't leave us, pamela left us because she thought i first nasty about trump. now the rest are gone because of chipotle. and this time the poll showing the most unfavorable
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candidate ratings. wheel show you who leads those negative polls. we need growth, yes, we do but which candidate is talking about it? who is penetrated ask getting through the message about growth? gasparino is next on that do you want to know how hard it can be to breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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>> that's at like the highest classified level. look north korea, hi, i think cyberespionage has gotten into our system thanks sony many times. so what would they know by getting into potentially hillary clinton's private e-mail server? >> that was sent through her private e-mail server about north korea. >> north korea an their satellite, movement of nuclear assets. >> if you didn't know that was top secret there's something wrong with you in my personal opinion. boy is that interesting. none of the presidential candidates are talking about a plan for economic growth. they are but they haven't simply broken through. charlie gasparino is here. >> i think the least transparent of all of them is, you know, if
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you look at what jeb has said on the economy and flatter tax, closing loopholes but at least transparent is donald trump. i mean, i've been saying this for months and months now since he ran that wall street journal picked it up in op-ed fed today if you think of a trade war with japan, china, and maybe about screwing some he hedge fund managers over that's literally it right now. >> i don't know if the growth man is. >> listen, i have no problem screwing -- hedge fund, though. >> whatever. >> whatever. [laughter] they get favorable tax treatment on something with carried interest we don't have to got into right now. but in the context of tax reform will you bring down rates close loopholes that's a smart thing but we have to hear that from donald trump. one other thing how can harry reid bring that mitt romney never paid a tax in his life. some jerk gave him a piece of
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paper and read it only the floor of the senate that shows you what a moron that is. do you hear that excuse that blew me away, somebody gave him this -- >> erroneous information repeated. >> majority leader of the senate. you're not -- supposed to read anything that some guy puts in your happened. i was going to challenge that. but -- >> with a temper. losing my temper. >> you deservedly so because he's a leader who got away with murder for that. press let him get away with murder for something so outrageous, disgusting and stupid, and you know, people -- >> thank you charlie. glad you said it for me. [laughter] >> prld -- >> when i heard her accident kyes that got me my head to spin. >> you were sitting there i was looking at the camera. in a remote location, i was -- >> not like by the way, we say thing we attribute to other
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people and we don't check every single fact but when there's outrageous facts, certain stuff that is borderline -- >> on the senate floor. >> and slander. >> as a matter of records. >> it was protected you can see what you like on the senate floor nobody will sue you. anywhere else but the senate floor. >> leader of the united states senate -- >> if you were a businessman and i said that before he ran, he could sue me. >> trying to calm down charlie. you know, you're not helping the here at all. >> ition might be seeing donald in a few minutes i have a luncheon. >> anthony is with a charity luncheon donald is supposed to be at the table with anthony and woody johnson owner of the jets and jeb bsh's finance chair. >> we want to know -- and me. >> we want you on and to report back. >> if he's not there -- [inaudible] johnny good stuff. >> all right. über slapped with a class action lawsuit that could change a lot
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of the stuff you know about ride sharing and the industry. maybe even sharing could change that too. on that story plus the war against police keeps -- is there. can't be ignored that and the black lives matter movement. we'll deal with it, next. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive?
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you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner, brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. ♪ >> i'm adam shapiro live on the floor of the new york stocks exchange all three i understood cities in the green right now.
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dow up this morning, highs s&p 500, keep an eye on that. 1926 was the support level we go through that but fighting back to see if we can close at the end of the day. stocks which are gaining today are airline stocks. cheap oil means fuel prices jet fuel and jetblue all enjoying that. american airlines yesterday got a bump up from the bank which increased their call on american airlines from that. now, some of the tech winners today twitter is actually setting up today as is facebook and intel is biggest gainer on the dow percent wise on news that they're going to revamp on that processor for future computer there is. more of varney & company after this. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only
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>> über is dragged into court hit with a class action lawsuit by some of its drivers. this could change everything about the ride sharing industry so lauren explain what's going on. pmpleg so judge says that this lawsuit in california can proceed its class action meaning hundreds of thousands of über drivers who are independent contractors they don't get health care and other benefits like tips or toll reimbursement or car repairs done by company this affects them. so essentially they could get more out of über all of the startups out there using independent contractors and via
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you have the ceo in the past hour said maybe we need a third set of workers. your real worker and independent contractor maybe another status. >> set of work rules. >> no you're right a new status of worker in the shared economy because they don't conform to old rule of work. the work place which is brand new. >> when you start with the money from lawsuitings making changes like this, you are inhibiting you know creativity, expansion. >> you've got that right. everybody watch this tape. ♪ [chanting] maybe you saw that black lives matter marching and chanting pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon we got it. saturday they did that at minnesota state fair. with a racial justice agenda including constant criticism and
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activism against the police. black lives matter as a hate group. teagood to be with you stuart. you label them a hate group that doesn't shut them down, does it? >> no, it doesn't shut them down what is much more important is not give them oxygen to breathe which unfortunately every one of these democratic presidential candidates are doing. now talking about putting it in the democratic party platform which is a disgrace, and what is even -- >> hold on a second what did you say putting what in the democrat -- >> gluttony there. >> black lives matter. that is going more than likely be a plank in the democratic platform. rmings not all lives matter? >> no. so black lives matter racist for you to even say something as fund mentally true that all
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lives matter. no, no. it's an absolute disgrace but stuart what is more of a disgrace is when a republican candidate and look, i understand they think they're trying to do the right thing. they believe that they're reaching out to the black community. but they are really not. they're reaching out toe alienated extreme radicals fund by george, and matt, what they really need to do is take a look at a poll that i discussed with you before, and asked the question of the black community do you believe there are too many police engaged in the community? not enough? or just the right amount. and when you combine those who believe that they're not enough police that we need more police in our black communities across this country, which is 38%. with the number of blacks that are comfortable with the engagement and the community which is 51% you have 89% of black americans that are see pv
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saying we are comfortable with police engagement with the community, or we want more. so -- >> look from the other side of the fence, the war on police i say it is real. sheriff david clock out of milwaukee he says exactly the same thing. roll that tape where sheriff clock is commenting on the war on police. roll tape. >> sure. >> that's not rhetoric stuart. >> cops are diagnose in the streets. >> how do you do this? >> we need -- what we saw in houston over the weekend where a thousand people gathered where -- deputy dan or goforth was killed and need to take that energy and have counterprotests. >> you heard him he said yes there's a war on police. you have to go to the streets. take it to the streets to counter these people who are doing this. you're not with approval. >> you take it -- >> first of all, david is a friend of mine. he's an ally, a comrade in arms,
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and i support what he's doing 110% stuart you'll be seeing in the weeks and months to come or there a whole bunch of us within the black conservative and black republican movement that are coming together and look, and this includes independent sensible conservative democrats and independents as well realize what's going on in our name as a disgrace and it is undermining our communities, and it is undermining our nation. >> a pleasure to have you on the show we will see you -- my pleasure. millennials got a bad rap? sometime on this new network bun this program. here on varney we love them and about to see a millennial entrepreneur. don't go away. very successful guy.
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and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. call to learn more. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> uh-oh watch out rally is fizzling we were up 200 now up 100 what does that mean? if we close lower we're in big trouble. price of gasoline is down. good news for you 2.44 national average that was down a penny overnight. we talk about millennials a lot on this program often they get a bad rep frankly we love them we can they're hardworking but that's a view not shired by everybody. come on in, my next xanl just raised $200 million in pungtding he's a millennial look at him.
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islam young guy ain't you? >> thank you very much i found out i stuck in as a millennial one year under the limit. j you're in, don't worry about it. millennials do get a bad rap but employ 200 of them and done well so far. >> you can't say that they're -- they have needs and expectations but they perform exceptionally well. >> they don't clock in or clock out? >> the opposite, in fact, i think people are almost always in in our business. [inaudible] you're driving them to death here. >> growing 100% but people i don't think people come to news credit because they think it is a job but because of things that we offer when it comes to careers. >> news credit improve their
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image and the use of their product online. social media that's what you do. >> absolutely. so we help brands like pepsi or pfizer visa push content to blogs, social media people ignore advertising. click on a banner -- probably never so trying to make marketing better. >> you've got hardworking millennials what do you give them? stock, a little something -- >> every single employee that needs ownership in the company and we don't just give them ping-pong table and yoga they work hard. >> thanks very much indeed from news credit got that right. appreciate having you with us. they're all right in my book. wild market swings did money flow out and individual investor concern out and get out of the market? did they? jerry willis has the answer to the question. >> this is breaking news we need a banner my friends this is just out. no, they did not.
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they took some money out but not a lot. out of equity funds 10.9 billion came out. out of total bond funds, 12.8 billion. a total 27.3 billion i'm not including hybrids in that chart scoring. so august 26th so this includes all of the big moves my friend. and total asset under management so you realize how small these numbers are. 13.6 trillion and bond funds so you see that people are doing the right thing. they're not yanking their money out of the market they're holding on. >> on assumption that market doesn't go down, down, down they're doing the right thing if you make that assumption. flts last time they were so big month of june this is not abnormal but people have not cashed out yet. >> no panic my friends. millennials are opening up online trading accounts because they want to buy netflix and facebook and apple.
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>> they'll be back -- if you're not careful. more varney after this. we'll be back.
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gopro. just below $40 a share. not quite sure the reason. >> i have it. concern from the supply chain they won't have new cameras for the holidays. stuart: that will do it every time. >> amdon. you can download a movie for free. off 4 on that one. let's see what our viewers are saying on facebook. i know what's coming. vicky is excited. look donald's choice to serve all day breakfast. she says --
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our viewers have corrected me and i will be eating dinner at, well, 4:30 in the afternoon. that's what i do. >> the senior special. stuart: wait! he's back. show him! neil cavuto is back! >> you're just upset because you walk into mcdonald's and say i'll have some porridge, please. [ laughter ] >> i'll have some more. neil: it's not happening, thank you for all your subing in my absence, my friend. very good to see you, i want to thank a lot of people here including connell and dagen and david asman and charles payne all doing great work in my absence. you're welcome, america, i return and the stock market is up. [ laughter ] >> really. i did notice when i left, when i was last here, i left asman and dagen with a market at 17,477. >> it's our fault?


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