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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  September 3, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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i've already renamed it. mount mckinley soon to be denali apparently. and thank you for being with us. bradford and naomi wolf join us here tomorrow. we hope you will too. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ . lisa: well, hello what a fine evening it is now that you're here. i'm watching a filthy female secret eat hillary clinton alive. now, americans love our obligations certainly especially when it allows us to flex our exceptionalism all over europe's face. but why are we obligated to vote for hillary clinton just because she has lady parts? that doesn't make you high-minded, that just makes you high. now, when a sisterrian slacks might back that white booty into the white house, they're having obvious doubts for hillary for president. the only thing they can't make
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for public stoning are their feelings. they have to hide their doubts under an intellectual berka. there's an anonymous internet platform called whisper where anyone can share their secrets about anything and stall and nervous feminists realizing that hillary's unnatural deficits and ethics more although and basic confidence outweigh her genetic assets and they're turning to whisper to air their fears. yeah, they're smart to go in cognito, she will stop at nothing for any woman who don't fall in library. and here's just a sampling of the whisper slam sheet. quote i'm a woman and scared for hillary to become president. we need to empower women but not by giving a psychocontrol. another writes i'm a 40-year-old white middle class woman, and i hate hillary clinton. i don't want her to be our first female president. and yet another. i'm almost 100% sure i'm the only woman in this country
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that can legal vote who will not be voting if hillary clinton. and here's another one. i'm a black, left leaning woman, but i won't be voting for hillary. i don't know if i can trust her. she gets along too well with the rest of them. lisa: no, i didn't write that. oh, fun. hillary, bless your heart. she does her very best to remind us each and every day to have the ability to house and birth children from the sacred womb. she's ain't spencer, no, she's more than that. >> i'm a grandmother with two eyes and a brain. lisa: and while champion and full balloon will cheer the day the $500 bill, i'm also a limited government libertarian who would never vote for a statist, regardless of gender. now, hillary may laugh off names like a good snapchat joke now but soon, she'll get the ashley madison hacker to crack whisper and reveal the names of those ungrateful
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turncoats once and for all. well, look what we've revealed. tonight here to give us his end of september report card on the 2016 presidential candidate foreign policy. plus jeb bush, jeb, and donald trump, they're going to slug it out in a war that is on going but is jeb playing with fire by getting in a fight? and apparently there's a new social media trend. taking selfies with your ex when you get a divorce. how row manhattan i can. all right. come on. let's do this. on kennedy. ♪ ♪ . lisa: hi, more of hillary clinton state department e-mails are spewed forth republican consumption, her lead in the polls is shrinking. well, any nuggets from her gaping mailbox ever make her look good? i don't think so. and it's problematic. ron a daily beast at the washington chief, he is here tonight along with michael malice, who has written one of
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my favorite books from the 19th century. called dear reader, and you should read it immediately. and michael, daily beast columnist, multitalent and multicultural, gentlemen, welcome to you all. michael, i'm going to start with you. do you think that you have said that this falls into the quantum that her e-mails somehow are in this magical never-never land where they're not stamped ever and one just assumes that all the information she has received on her server was never classified. >> yeah. really bizarre. their claim is that because these are not marked that was the last time not classified. you can't really classify an e-mail as soon as it's generated. you're not going to be stamping the monitor and someone who is secretary of state to assume that nothing is classified is insane. and i called it a year and a half that america's modern is going to be walking in
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calamity and she's walking by someone who is not even in her party. it takes a special amount of skill to be that loser. >> yeah. and an i want and a vowed socialist and conveniently democratic for this run and bernie says for this run that the hillary e-mails have nothing to do with the fact that she's tanking. but is it a case of my dog ate my e-mails? >> it's a little bit -- the e-mail thing is so convoluted and i think hard for people to follow at this point while at the same time a reminder of what you get with the clintons like that traveling clown show and all of the scandals that come along with them. and then you have a guy like bernie sanders who is not electable on a national level but at the same time able to lock down the entire antihillary wing. it's a protest vote but most of those are going to line up behind hillary clinton. lisa: who is the fall? >> that's the thing we don't know yet but the latest e-mail release would indicate that, yes, it's somewhat likely that somebody is going to have to
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jump on the grenade for secretary clinton, and it won't seem who that person is lisa: i think that person is going to be anthony winer. i think he's jumping on the grenade because he doesn't know the definition of the grenade and might think it's a 22-year-old co-ed. >> yeah. that's the phrase. i'm going to go jump on the grenade. i don't know the girl i just met on snapchat told me that. lisa: wipe her server. >> this is like so unbelievably convoluted and they're literally all e-mails from about the book. it's like everything you look at is vicious, and the clintons. just hitting them constantly with e-mails, and it's really funny to watch how little affect that this had because she's going on john stuart saying, you know, hama is is
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acceptable and it's just literally 75,000 e-mails about how she hates israel and this is so much going on here and nobody cares but bernie sanders i think is right actually. not having a huge impact on her. it's other things. her personality, she's been around for ages . lisa: she's tanking, he's lacking. >> yeah. he's like a teacher on a episode of welcome back. he's just yelling at you, and he's -- lisa: no, he's like -- totally is. never -- i don't even know. >> someone tweet that at me. lisa: go ahead. and it is so much fun. just getting started and, by the way, the whole secret service -- be the the secret service, the secretary of state, i don't know the classification, this is just the flavor of yogurt.
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cnn is changing its criteria for the gop debate that will happen later this month that will let carly fiorina get a podium spot on the main stage and any candidate between august 7th and september 10th will be included, which i think is fantastic. because there's still so much that can happen between now and september 10th. that you could have jim gilmore on the main stage as he sets the world on fire with his great ideas. >> maybe if he literally set the world on fire he would be on the stage. but carly fiorina is a failure, it makes as much sense for her to be president for the u.s. as it does for mcdonald's. the other two nonpoliticians that were elected were eisenhower and grant and, yes, it's great that you can produce printer cartridges but that's not as good as beating the nazis. lisa: having said that, i am excited to see her on the stage.
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i want to see how she deals with trump face to face because she did a good job from the first debate. >> sure. lisa: on the earlier stage. >> yeah. let her run her -- you know, that's fine. lisa: well, who will get left out in this new format? who is losing their spot? >> it's either going to be rand paul or chris christie. chris christie has been up a little bit on the polls lately. he's been regression in new hampshire, especially right now, out numbered on the fox news channel earlier today. lisa: he was. had an interesting discussion about marijuana during the commercial break. >> really? . lisa: you want to reveal? >> discussion. lisa: and i said to governor i leaned in and said governor, you really need to stop with the pot stuff. >> yeah. lisa: you really need to stop and he said that's fine. states can have legal marijuana once it's federally legal. and i said that's an easy thing to do. all you have to do is reclassify it. and he said it's not so easy and i said, yeah, it is. >> did he start yelling. lisa: no, because he knew i
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wasn't ambushing him on he live tv. >> did you talk to him at all about the fact that he used to be the guy that yelled at people and now no longer the guy. trump is steeling the yelling at people thunder. lisa: i asked him out numbered cellar how is donald trump changing this race and who would be in the lead if trump weren't there and that's one of the things that i hadn't to know? we'll never know that. that's a variable that has been introduced that has changed everything, and i don't think there's a way of unchanging it. but how do you alter your performance if you are chris christie? if you are one of the people who is at the bottom of the top ten? >> well, the reason that chris christie is anyone, the reason anyone pays attention to it all is because of his personality and the way he handled those things and you would think that the bridge business would actually sink him. but none of the stuff seems to have an affect on anyone. you can -- i didn't say that. i don't want them, you know, pressure group attacking me. >> a lot of pressure, that's for sure.
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>> but i am -- i'm also happy to see carly fiorina back in it despite the fact that she didn't defeat the nazis, which seems to be your standard for people. >> sorry about it, michael. i know we disagree on this issue. >> she was marching -- look that up. lisa: hates illinois nazis. but it will be. >> she's a clever cannotter and this is supposed to be the year that the republicans had a deep bench. >> yeah. lisa: that is just -- means there's a lot of people. lisa: automatically defense. >> they're rather shallow in that very area. lisa: they are intellectually shallow. >> yes. unfortunately,. lisa: for sure. there's not a lot to draw from once you get past immigration and, unfortunately, a lot to tackle in this country in order to get the economy going, especially. my panel returns after this to discuss. war. yes, the bush, trump fight to dust up that won't settle and
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later pete joins me, the presidential candidates on their foreign policy. who passes and who h [ male announcer ] we know they're out there. you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner, brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. ♪
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. lisa: hi. fun things are happening here. so glad you're a part of it. it is campaign season and that means presidential candidates are tossing verbal hand grenades at one another. this week it was trump and jeb pulling out the pins. here's an attack ad from donald trump.
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>> yes. they broke the law. but it' it's not a felony. it's an act of love. ♪ . [laughter] oh, my god. well, that prompted jeb to finally fight back. watcher this. >> i've lived in new york city and manhattan all my life so my views are a little bit different than if i lived in iowa. >> do you identify more as a democrat or republican. >> well, you would be shocked if i said that in many cases i probably identify more as a democrat. >> why are you republican? >> i have no idea. lisa: i'm shocked indeed, wolf blitzer, i want to finger your beard. time to pull out the popcorn, i've always got popcorn for them. michael, michael, and will as it were. so this is what i think of donald trump.
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he strolled into this election like jeff ward did in my junior high school. because before jeff got there, all the guys wore polo shirts and levi's. >> yeah. lisa: it was pretty boring group. jeff ward came from oregon to san diego, and he wore flip-flops and board shirts and raided all of the girls and changed the dynamic in the junior high school and tall people what it was to be cool. >> when i was watching this ad, i thought to myself this reminds me of jeff ward. i don't know if anyone knows him, he's from oregon. but a long time ago he came in and changed the space perform this trump ad is amazing. it looks like an snl ad. it reminded me of that great snl sketch of mike where he looks over and said i can't believe i'm losing to this guy. and i think jeb bush think so seriously? to this guy?
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but his counter ad is also not very effective because the footage is, like, you know, it's from, like, the fatty era. it's got a film grain on it. and that was, like, yeah, people change their minds. my views ten years ago were very, very different than they are today. lisa: that's right. >> and you should confront that at some point, which i don't think he has adequately done. >> i guess neo is the word i object to. but, yeah, i have different views. [laughter] . lisa: michael, how do you feel about this -- >> very faithful. lisa: have a coconut. >> i have never been more of a trump fan than seeing that he put out a commercial like this. this is what republicanism should be about and the thing is that people forget the bushes know how to play dirty. in 2000-- lisa: oh, i read kitty kelley's book. >> did you read the one about
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nancy? it's superb. and mccain had this calls that adopted a kid that was minority and smeared him there. so jeb bush can play dirty. they know how to play the game and i'm impressed that they're hitting trump below the belt and that's where you have to hit him. lisa: seeing the employment of the bush doctor finally in this 2016 presidential campaign. >> donald trump gets right about jeb bush? he is low energy. there's, like, the least enthusiastic presidential candidate in human history. and he gets out there, and he's, like, dumpy, and he's got dand riff and hunched over and all supposed to be impressed that these commercials let go and ding donald trump. i would be more impressed if jeb bush could stick to it donald trump, hopefully on the debate stage, something like that. actually stand up to the guy. lisa: no, he folded like a bad chair in a picnic, unfortunately, on the because
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he was the presumed front runner for months and month and now he's done nothing but lose ground and i think trump is right. the people who attack him who aren't ready for the counterpunch. >> yeah. lisa: they drop even further in the polls and we're going to see that from jeb because evades trump attack game after this. he blew it. coming up. more with the panel later. they're going to return talk about people celebrating their divorce by taking selfies. a selfie with your ex. is nothing sacred anymore? plus the step whether he's here to give his summer report card on the leading 2016 candidates.
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the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience.
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and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. lisa: welcome back. between the iran deal, isis,
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and china, there's no shortage for presidential hopefuls to talk about which country they would trade with and or carpet bomb. fox news contributor pete joins me to get his war card on the foreign policy of the top candidates on both sides for the similar. so let's get into it. >> absolutely. lisa: how do you rate donald trump? >> so professor pete would give donald trump an incompletely. lisa: okay. >> because a lot of tough talk, a lot of big statements, he's the most militaristic candidate as he said, no one would be tougher on isis, he wants to bomb to everybody hell, very, very forceful. lisa: he said isis isn't our fight. >> but then says here going to send them to the next century. the toughest most militaristic guy in the world, there's no details there and said he would defeat along with putin as well. so talk is tough, it might be a unique approach with some of the trade dynamics with china he's talked about. he's bringing in new issues that a lot of other candidates can't talk about. but what they actually do, it's tough to grade and how
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they approached it, it remains to be seen. lisa: i think he's given specifics. he's been short on them, but i think people who follow him earnestly, they don't really care. let's talk about ben carson. >> ben carson. lisa: very boston his lack of foreign policy. >> how do you grade him when he hasn't talked about it all that much? . lisa: yeah. >> he's a social conservative, he's admitted doesn't have a lot of knowledge and he's studying up rapidly. lisa: yeah. >> is there enough time to possibly do that? >> well, that -- especially with all the dynamics you talked about in the lead. i mean the world is literally on fire in many ways. migrant crisis in europe. how you engage in the world. when you go back to trump, a smash in leave on stick around isn't. lisa: i give him a c plus. >> i think there's upside he just needs to talk about all the options on the table, erraticking isis, how do you do it. lisa: jeb bush. he's had some big stumbles.
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>> i'm going to give him a grade that might -- people might find interesting. i'm going to give him a b. he's being more specific. actually talked about it. given foreign policy speeches. love it or not, he's articulated a position. also a b for bush because a lot of what he talks about sounds in connection with great deal like a brother. he's defending the surge,. lisa: but the continuation of the bush doctrine, i don't think that's an electable trade. i really don't. i don't think you have enough people out there working -- >> the thing is i don't think many people are voting for bush or against bush because of that. there's so many other dynamic. lisa: so much his brother in his policies, and he doesn't stand out enough on his own, that's going to be problematic. let's get into the democratic side. hillary clinton. she doesn't like to take a lot of stands on foreign policy. >> she has said almost nothing. so at least ben carson is willing to talk about it. she doesn't want to say anything about it. you go to a campaign trail, you watch an entire speech
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within it's a quick mention and then a move. is there such a thing as an f plus? i'm going to give her a f plus because she was secretary of state although a failed one when you look at libya and syria. lisa: she might be good on geography and bad on policy. >> and barack obama is an f, she's the small possibility to be slightly better. . lisa: what about the field of bernie sanders? >> field of bernie sanders, i've got to give him a big d. d standing for -- to use monochromatic devices. try to use a smart word. d for domestic. like hillary clinton, he's a socialist. he's about -- he's about growing government and utopia here at home. as far as overseas, that's all a distraction for him. he doesn't want to talk about it. doesn't have a policy about it. and when he does, he's all over the map saying we can't lead but need to defeat. doubling down on the obama policies without anything different to say about it. lisa: thank you so much. >> thank you. lisa: you have a fantastic
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panel on the entire field, and i appreciate you. >> thank you. lisa: coming up supporting donald trump is one thing. but getting attacked, well, that seems a bit excessive. plus ronda rousey gets asked out by a marine and the rest out by a marine and the rest is interne
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♪ kennedy: when the sun is beating down and you are sprouting freckles like smallpox, hunker between my parasol of news. this is the topical storm. it is so important to instill a love of learning early. >> the end .
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>> a dream about spring. kennedy: it's so sad but so sweet. that's whythat's why i only ever read tolstoy to my children. that way they hit puberty by the time we get to the last chapter. if you don't have time you can let your kids listen to audiobooks on loop. appear. topic number two, combines two of the greatest conventions in the history of humanity, body art and the price is right. a rudimentary form of real.bill but you get a
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horrible tattoo. rip bob barker with the tombstone of for the logo from the show home improvement and donald trump's hair. this unlucky bastard got the trump tap on his low back which will now be forever known as the trump stamped which is not nearly as bad as this fellow who landed on jar jar binks. around two determines where it will go. >> it's embarrassing. >> and. >> and it's official. he's worse than hitler. mixed martial artist and she's about to become the belle of the ball. a marine based in north carolina who asked her to a dance you a you tube.
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>> you my celebrity crush. i love everything you do and i think you are phenomenal person which by be my honor to take you to the marine corps ball on december 11. kennedy: the foxy boxer has agreed. >> i will go for sure. do i call him or set up a time and place like never been kissed and just show up and have been waiting they're until the clock runs out. >> it's a yes. >> yes. >> that is so sweet. the best kindthe best kind of date, romantic with a strapping marine and a beautiful girl and also the girl can cream anyone who messes with the marine. and he can steal a helicopter and find the middle east and single-handedly defeat isys together. if you have a hard time rounding up the neighbors just purchase this baby. a science fiction convention in your own backyard, except
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a girl might turn up at some point. i know what you are thinking the answer is no. click are, easier, more seductive, but the light side is calmer and more peaceful and gets in the wacky shenanigans which is so much more fun. jar jar binks is terrible. never fornever for any reason get a judge are tattoo. >> that's cute but impressive. from the impressive. from the dog's perspective a magical transparent wall is rising out of nothing directly beneath its paws. it's not even phased.
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>> any stories you want to see, please go ahead. doesn't discriminate. plus a new survey ranks the world's least friendly cities. so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold.
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quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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kennedy: going to get back on the expressway. >> i wonder ifi wonder if you could tell me how to get back on the expressway. thank you very much. >> found out firsthand that some folks are not that friendly, but they are
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nowhere near the top of the list of the most unfriendly cities on the planet. i asked you which of these with the world's least friendly. according to a new survey by travel and leisure magazine the planet's least friendly city is don't worry, america still has two of the top five. well done, atlantic city, the least friendly place in the nation. the panel is back. michael monahan. anyany surprise that russia has two out of the three cities on the podium? >> no. most of the cities are american. philadelphia, baltimore, las vegas, new york, los angeles, atlantic city. one french one. >> marseille.
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>> marseille is in there. number 15 was boston. i am a native of boston. there is next. >> just did a little up check in his mouth. >> the expert said fall brings warm days, winters are cold. that was the expert. i don't understand this list. jerks. >> la is worse in new york city. >> la wants. the people who come here from other places of the jerks. people from boston who come here and feel entitled. >> new york has a rough reputation. >> i was born in the soviet
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union. russians regard foreigners is pray. places like iran and damascus. >> it's because readers of travel and leisure dog travel. >> they don't go to boston. i we will also say that everyone i know says is the nicest place on the planet . >> the nicest city in that part of iran certainly after seven well, according to a new study blind people are not necessarily colorblind when it comes to race. findings indicate that the
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visually impaired still form opinions of people based on skin color even though they can't see it. >> we are looking for clayton bigsby. >> look no further, you found me. >> clayton bigsby the author >> you don't think i can write in books? just as online domain him down. >> how could this have happened while black white supremacist. kennedy: right. >> deeply patronizing. the soft bigotry of low expectations. they can't be just as awful as the rest of us. do you think this study came from somebody just watching that sketch? >> and it will remind them
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of the chapelle show. a simple question. what is racism? >> when a conservative ones an argument with the liberal. now, after seven. >> who is now. china has fallen to the red chinese. i read her book. it's amazing. what. what i feel bad about is they can't look over their shoulder to see who's in the room. after seven. >> the green room. kennedy: you always said that you don't trust blind people. >> i don't. i don't. i don't think we have long enough in this segment. i have a very drawn out reason. i usually follow-up .
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i do -- i don't know what the standards are. i put this in the column. racism is literally the most toxic charge of public life and one that requires the lowest of the true standard. if a friend of mine wrote a column everyday. it was a mild thing. being called on twitter a white supremacist by multiple people. we have debates the meaning of this potent and necessary word. i can't tell. >> is it harder to be paula deen or jerrod vogel? >> i got an oh from two people. >> vogel. >> she's going to jail. >> going to be on dancing. >> at the same time if he was still alive alan ginsberg would defend jerrod vogel. >> that's true. >> chicken hawk. what? kennedy: divorces can be so sad and drawn out. a new social trend, social, social media trend is does take happy sophie's.
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>> am wondering if they had that. >> i guess i'm loony. i am wondering if they had one last fight over which filter to use on insta graham. >> i love you. >> that is how he would say it. >> i love the singer for four non-blondes. very patriotic. it is better it is better than having an acrimonious divorce. kennedy: it promotes divorce. ea. >> who is having a great relationship and sees a story in the daily mail and is like i'm going to get divorced now. >> the answer to your
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question. kennedy: divorces make the best dates. explain. >> again, that's a long story. pretty sure you might get in trouble. teesix longer than jerrod vogel's prison sentence. >> i don't want to go into comparisons. >> this is a really good thing. nice and teaching the kids to come out of the divorce. when you have breakups and your older doesn't have to be whiskey and tears of regret. it's a nice thing. >> marriage is not that big of a deal. >> that is what makes me sad about it. it's kind of sad to teach kids. >> we tried. >> i don't like that. >> do we really think? afraid of divorce. this is going to be fun. >> russian and you would
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like to be cruel. bring it on. i'm going to make you suffer >> i have not suffered. i have thrived. thank you very much. a very special night. first you probably notice the stock market acting like a roller
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kennedy: thank you so much for being here. the stock market has taken a tumbler to prompting people to ask if china's government is to blame or if it's our own federal reserve. one man says it's both. we are here, foundinghere, founding member of the
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capitalist pig hedge fund and fox news contributor. i want to blame everything on them, including the stock market poor performance. shouldperformance. should i be blaming them and janet yellen or china. >> government is force. where does wealth come from? the sound economy and market come from? as you said,said, free people, minds, and trade. that is what wealth is. all of this machinations in the stock market and economy comes from the government manipulation, government intervention, the government meddling in the market. kennedy: we have that in china. they are doing the same thing with their money supply. they are tinkering with it.
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what are they trying to stave off and what are they competent? >> prop up the stock market and evade reality. they have been buying millions and millions of dollars worth of stocks. the stock market has fallen 40 percent. you talk about the federal reserve. the net result has been a complete destruction of the value of the dollar and mal investment, bubbles being created and popped and a lot of investors think that is exactly what we are in the process of seeing now. kennedy: i feel like i'm at a two -year-old birthday party. janet yellen and ben bernick you should be thrown in jail what they're doing is so illegal and nefarious that they should be behind bars. >> if you are a private citizen and manipulate
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prices you will go to jail. for some reason it's okay when the federal reserve does it. i totally oppose this notion of auditing the fed. that legitimizes the federal reserve and says this is something that is integral to our economy. it is not. i am in the camp of not just on the fed the give rid of the fed. the manipulation of micromanagement. that's what you should be advocating for. kennedy: and get rid of the cftc and the cfp be created under dodd frank. i am like you. there are people who say that is impractical. what would happen if the fed went away?
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>> i believe the economy would so were. this is been the longest in modern history. that would not have happened if the federal reserve and the government had not been meddling so much. kennedy: is longer than john kerry's face.
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[ male announcer ] we know they're out there. you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations.
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all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner, brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. ♪ kennedy: well, hey. these are your breakfast friends, but now they are your all day friends. one of life's simple pleasures is eating breakfast for dinner. they have always known this. the parents flipped the
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script and you are having pancakes and bacon at sunset. your brain literally exploded. i know people don't like when it means figuratively but your mouth applauded. social conservatives worry that the advent of clever fast food only spells the dawn of the promised owner era, but there is something elegant and beautiful. mcdonald's doing just that. they have had a rough go of it. when they offered kaolin gouda. that has not done any favors
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i we will cover you in syrup and call you's teeth. don't give me one. god has punished me with a poorly functioning small intestine that won't accept the devil protein known as pollutant. i spit on you three times. all of the simple breakfast pleasures i can no longer sample. i have shaking my fist heavenward because we all no he lives in a cotton candy house up there. drive me crazy. no one we will ever have to suffer premature drive through withdrawal thanks to this promised bounty. for those of you keeping caloric score at home a big mac has 549 calories. my beloved sausage griddle has only 420. just ask one of the promised owners, if you can get their attention away from that bacon egg and cheese biscuit long enough to get a cogent answer. thank you. thank you so much for
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watching. for everyone in the world a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. (male vocalist #1) ♪ at the hop ♪ well, you can rock it, you can roll it, do the stomp and even stroll it at the hop ♪ ♪ when the record starts a-spinnin', you chalypso and you chicken at the hop ♪ ♪ do the dance sensations that are sweeping the nation at the hop ♪ hi, i'm little anthony from little anthony and the imperials. you know, in the late '50s and early '60s, it didn't matter where you went to high school. east coast, west coast, middle of the country, you shared a common experience. during the year, on a friday or saturday night, you went to your school dance.


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