tv Stossel FOX Business September 11, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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authentic, mark simone. let's take a quick look at our online poll results. does the impotence of the republican-led house and senate dispelled the notion that ours is a government ofom checks and balances? 77 percent of you said yes, and i say to you, good night. ♪ john: what happens when people break the rules? >> investigators described as a black market bizarre. >> life in prison without parole. john: sometimes we like rule breakers. >> nasty. as bad as belmar or anyone else. john: senator ted crews h liked his work. >> collects donated. saves john: this company saves lives by breaking rules. and this young girl became famous writing her own rules. >> i decided to show you guys some outfit ideas. john: this company is rewriting the rules of business, but this guy got
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in trouble trying to obey rules. >> i would lovei would love to get a business license and be happy to pay taxes but i cannot. john: society needs rules ll. even enemies want rules before they fight. >> rules in a knife fight, no rules. john: would america be better off if we had more rule breakers?ne. let's get the show started. that's our topic tonight. ♪ >> and now john stossel. john: we need some rules. they make life safer and more predictable. when rules multiply, as they have, we are better off when some people break rules and show us new ways to do things.. the wright brothers did that when they built an airplane. henry ford when he createden the assembly line, jeff beezus when he created
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amazon. entrepreneur mike make outlets decided to honor innovators who defy convention i creating what he calls rule breaker awards and every year he gives awards to whom? >> we recognize the greatest people this country has toff offer call rule breakers, people that are changing the industry rules for their industry. they find us online, apply, and we recognize the best of the best. john: my gave an award to the creators of the company called rent below. ♪site john: a website that lets you rent stuff for $15, a fishing pole for aa day, $5 for a power drill, and the other side of that, it allows people to use stuff hav without having to pay big bucks to buy it.o this seems so obvious to me.
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>> you would think so,so, but they have not. most of the things we use go idle. the pen in your hand is not use most of the time. there is value in that.else. they have started this sharing economy, stuff that you have the do not use is valuable and can be rented out to someone else. john: and there are other companies. how come you pick this one?nothy >> they applied.applied. they are exploiting the opportunity to get exposure. do not sit idle. be out there. john: he also gave an award to the maker of floating rubber ducky's like this, ducky's like this, company that has the nerve to promote itself the star wars music. the ad points out, while the traditional rubber ducky wasas made in america, today everyone is made overseas. overseas. this company is bringing the industry back to the us. >> yes, we can. john: these are some of the other products that they sell. here is what it looks like out of the box.they get
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why do they get an award? >> different is better. different gets noticed. we have had enough rubber ducky's in our lifetime. this is a company that has decided to put a brand-new spin on it. by s john: and he does not pay mr. t or pay these people. apparently they are happy to become rubber ducky's. john: conan o'brien called and asked if they could produce hundreds of these were his show.for john: mike advertised that he will give his rule breaker award only to for-profit companies.d you broke your own rule. >> we are going around collecting all of the things that hospitals needle over the world, and we have it in so much abundance in the united states that we cannot use we are picking things up from here in delivering the air.
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john: this is obviously a good idea. >> when this application kaman and i learned there was a not-for-profit conducting a let -- industrial medical waste that was now going overseas and serving people, it had to be recognized. we change the rules on the spot. john: it made me wonder why they are throwing a stuff in america. we call the head. america puts expiration dates on everything, even stainless steel scissors, adult diapers.aid of the the hospitals have to toss them out because they are afraid of the fda and the accreditation committee. >> the horrible result of a litigious society that we live in, but i was thrilled to hear other nations could use our waste. john: you are a rule breaker yourself. you self published a book and she did. >> ii called barnes and nobles and said, i came out o with a great book.hed they literally laughed at me on the phone. we don't take self published
8:06 pm i called my friends. we went to all the barnes and nobles in the area and start the books on the shelves. then three or six was later i got a phone call from barnes & noble. i remember the caller id popping up and i answered in a fear. they said we have a problem. w they said to we are selling your book. we don't no how, but we need 30003,000 copies today. i got to every shelf in every barnes & noble's in the country. john: you put a price tag on o.and they sold it >> that is exactly it. i'm not suggesting it for other people. john: here is one more of> his award winners. i do not understand how it makes money.i don't unders fox's rick reisman did a story on, >> started this company. starte company. they don't want people to drink and drive. nine different cities around the country, places people can take a free ride to the beach.
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>> not just to the john: they are now in many other places. s. these men run the free ride. i don't get it. how can you make money? >> we use electric cars which cuts out the cost of fuel. we work with various brands to wrap the vehicles in advertisements. there's video ads on the inside of cars. >> obnoxious things glaring at me. >> you get no free ride. >> you're handing out samples of products and that still pays for itself, advertisers willing to cover your profit and driver and everything. >> you see the outside ad, try a product, video ad. we like to think we create a service that reaches consumers in various ways. >> now you're in new york, florida, new jersey, california. regulators coming after you? >> not so much.
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>> what we've seen is welcome open arms and always a free ride. that gets around a lot of regulations. >> i shouldn't have so much trouble with this concept. i worked for years in commercial-free tv and the advertisers paid my salary. we all came out ahead. it's just hard to believe that advertising can pay for all this. you're actually making money, a profit. >> a profit? 1%? >> we're growing. >> thank you, alex, james, mike. so far we've talked about rule breakers who broke business rules. but it's a very different thing to break government's rules because government is force. government puts people in jail. when an entrepreneur created something called silk road, a website where people used bitcoins to buy pretty much everything, government investigators got upset. >> investigators describe it as a black market bazaar. revenue for the site is estimated at $1.2 billion. >> most of that money came from sales of illegal drugs and
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that's why the government wanted it shut down. they got it shut down. they arrested the founders. most americans support that crack down. >> 31-year-old ross albrecht founded a drug dealing website called silk road, anyone, minors included, could buy narcotics and have them sent directly to their home. how nice. federal judge in manhattan heard the case, eventually sentenced mr. albrecht to life in prison without parole. >> this is a judge that finally got it right. >> we all agree here? life in prison without parole. >> they are all happy this guy should be locked out. the only thing is bitcoin center says, no, silk road is a good thing. >> that's correct, 100%. well, it makes the streets a lot safer. >> how? >> when you have prohibition, basically it leads to violent gangs taking the place of what would otherwise be peaceful trade. he's an entrepreneur and
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innovator who broke rules and basically did what the war on drugs hasn't achieved in 40 years. he's made the streets safer. is that not what the war on drugs is all about or punishing people who take drugs. >> a judge said no way it decreases violence. >> she's incorrect. lots of studies show people that use the site are six times less likely to encounter physical violence, five times less likely to encounter life threatening situations. they definitely made the streets a safer place. it's common sense. whenever you have prohibition of anything, you're basically replacing violence with peaceful trade and exchange. >> also you had the reputation feedback from users, so the fbi tested the stuff that was being sold, drugs, and said, this is unusually pure. it's not the usual poison we get. >> that's correct. people don't know what they get when they buy it on the street.
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there's no system of accountability. what silk road provided was accountability, akin to ebay, users reviews. people used what they were getting. so it made it safer for drug dealers as well. >> the same judge said to russ albright, for those considering stepping into your shoes, they need to understand there will be very severe consequences. it's sort of odd in that after they closed down silk road, other sites opened up. now there are more of them. they keep shutting them down but there are more of these site. >> that's correct. you see a 200% increase in the number of online sales for drugs. so they failed and yet they still persist in these policies that just don't work and punish innovators. >> he also allegedly paid to have hits done on people. we're against that -- that rule breaking we're not for. >> i heard those rumors in the media.
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he was never indicted for murder. >> prosecutors didn't actually charge him with that. >> that's right. people are presumed innocent until they are found guilty. the idea that we should be promoting him as a murderer when he's never been charged with murder seems like a crazy idea to me. >> assuming he didn't murder anyone or try to murder anyone, what if his site sold not just drugs but machine guns and explosives. still okay with it? >> those things were expressly forbidden on the site. that's why i think it's such a tragedy he's been sentenced to life in prison. >> thank you, naomi of the bitcoin center. to keep this going, facebook or twitter, use #rule breakers. let people know what you think. coming up, street art from the right. breaking the the rules with posters like abortion barbie. also teenagers who make millions breaking show business
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try all kinds of new things but sometimes to find really radical ideas. we have to look overseas. in this case to brazil where ricardo owns a company that used to sell washing machines but now sells all kinds of things. when he was 20 years old he took over the company from his father. at the time semco was in trouble of going bankrupt. he turned it around by breaking lots of old rules. ricardo, like what? >> why do they need to have a boss they don't like. why aren't they involved in choosing bosses. why can't they evaluate their work constantly? why can't they work through a task, instead of showing up for hours a day. why do we have this old trill-style system when we're in a completely different world? >> because it makes sense. the first thing you do is get rid of the dress code.
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i can understand. that's simple. what do you mean they get to pick their boss? >> you think how a person comes, monday, john is going to be your boss. live with it. that's very different from saying, guys, we need a boss, right? let's go out and see some of these people and let's all together, we're going to be the team, let's talk to this person. a lot of times we'll have them come visit the company lots of times, then let's decide together. we've had a record of less than 2% turnover a year against 18%en our business because people choose their bosses and evaluate them every six months. >> workers choose their own salary? >> well, that's just an extension of the same rational. if you tell people, you're transparent and have freedom and say, look, this is how much everybody makes in the company. here is how much you make compared to what you would be making at another place of work. three, here is what the company makes, what we can afford.
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anyone who has these three pieces of information is totally able as an adult to choose their right salary. there's no use to haggle, negotiate about it et cetera. >> wait a minute. if i pick my salary, pay me $100 million. >> that's fine. every six months, don't forgot, people are deciding whether they want $100 million. >> people intend to figure out where they belong and make reasonable requests? >> which they do and have been doing now for 30 years. i don't remember more than a handful of problems in 30 years with thousands of people. folks are good about this. give them the right information, you're open about it, they will react accordingly. >> no one checks expenses, no storeroom pad locks, don't audit petty cash accounts. don't people steal. >> let's say your world view is
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2% of people steal then 2% of people steal as well. the difference is i would have to make the other 98 go through searches, pad locks, slow down the company enormously, take away all dignity in working with these people to find the 2%. these 2% tend to be weeded out by those people anyway. because anonymously when they put together the the people they want for the next six months they do away with the people they figure are probably stealing anyway. >> i'm clueless. hearing this, i would think, no way this can work. and yet you've been successful. profits are up. the company has grown from a million dollar business to a billion dollar. >> it's grown tremendously. thousands of people. there's no issue from that standpoint. it just that people scratch their head and they say but why did we have all this other silly stuff. it's not necessary at all. as we did away with this stuff,
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we found that we could all concentrate on what we do. we had to compete. it been a difficult environment. we've grown 31% a year by saying let's concentrate on what we all need to do to make this work, you know. >> 41% a year, even through the recession in brazil. in america, companies have human resources departments that would have a heart attack over this stuff. you don't even have an hr department. >> that's right. we don't want anybody having heart attacks, so we did away with the whole department. >> in america online shoe seller trying a less topdown management system. >> eliminates titles and encourages self-management. this sounds awesome, right? you don't have a boss to yell at you. not all employees thought so. 14% of the company's workforce has already accepted zappos employee buyout and walked out. >> that's kind of a failure, 14%
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of the company left. zappos said, no, we didn't want those people. if they aren't dedicated, fine. >> i went over to talk to their staff in las vegas. they are going through a difficult time because they are using a system which makes it necessary to log everything in. they are going through a period where it's difficult to adapt to this new stage. but generically the heart is in the right place, which is to say you can't possibly run companies like alfred sloan ran general moments or welch won ge. that is finished. ask them how happy they are working at each of these places, you'd be dismayed. >> thank you, ricardo sembler. coming up teenagers breaking show business rules and making big bucks yamering like this. >> black, dangly earrings. so cute i'm going to die.
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♪ ♪ that's justin bieber when he was a little kid. he created his own youtube channel. years ago this might have been a cute hobby, but kids doing this broke the old rules of show business. musicians used to have to get an agent or get discovered by a record company but bieber didn't start that way. now that video has been viewed 49 million times. of course now that bieber has been signed by a major label, he gets to do far more expensive and grotesque things like this. ♪ >> okay. i'm not a fan, but i'm clearly out of touch. i'm proud i have more than a quarter million twitter followers. but bieber has 66 million.
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i have a youtube channel, too. most of you watch this program on fox cable channel. but if you miss it here on the web, heck, some of my stuff gets viewed millions of times. it makes me proud. then i learned there are kids like this girl who make amateur videos that get even more views. ♪ baby baby baby ♪ ♪ >> tiffany posted that on youtube when she was how old? >> i was 17. >> you were just fooling around and what happened? >> i started posting videos when i was 15 and slowly fans started to watch. slowly it started to grow and become something i never would have imagined. >> which is you've got millions of views and you're making money from this now. >> i'm able to do music full time. i'm able to tour and meet fans around the world. it's amazing. >> you started on youtube.
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you certainly had no way of getting an agent or auto contacting a record label? >> i don't know who to call. i'm like, well, i have a camera. youtube is free. let's upload and see what people think. that was the beginning. >> youtube makes money from advertising. if you get enough viewers, as you have, there's money in it for you. they keep 45%. >> it's actually really interesting. being on youtube for a while, i did it for free, because it's my passion, my love. gradually brands are starting to come to youtubers and there's different opportunities through merchandise or sponsor ship, brand deals. now they are looking to us because we have viewers. so it's amazing because it's like oh, wow. >> wow is right. it's not just musicians like tiffany who changed show business rules, young girls with a nack for talking about clothes and makeup make millions, too.
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here is one of them. >> i'm really loving taylor swift's look. in this video i'm going to show you how to do it. >> reporter: that's michelle phan. it's viewed a billion times. the cosmetics company will make money this year. bethanie moda. >> i decided to show you guys outfits if you're going on a date. >> she's now a star, saying look what i wear. >> it's amazing. she's relatable. she's been on "dancing with the stars." we have these fans because we're reachable and people can relate to us. >> but there must be a zillion people trying to do this. how come the two of you hit? both she and you are home schooled. i think there's magic in home schooling here. >> i think part of it is because we're a little socially awkward. that's our outlet.
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we can find people who get us when no one else seems to get us. also being home schooled, we have a lot of times on our hands. hey, look at youtube, see who is posting videos. >> you're socially awkward but you can sing on tv. >> well, i kind of got over -- i think it's a good kind of awkward. >> there are other young people doing these youtube videos making significant bucks now, breaking the rules. cooking shows. there's one who does, my drunk kitchen. comedy routines. >> also gamers. there's a blogger who does personality things, obviously the beauty gurus. there's so many different categories. >> there's no one that says you've got to ask the central planner for permission, the record company. >> that's the best part. we have complete freedom and we get to do what we want. >> thank you, tiffany. >> you're welcome. >> coming up, doctors to break the rules. >> if you're going to save this patient, you'll need this. >> get this thing out of my
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sight. >> next, producer went to utah where something good is happening. unfortunately it's illegal. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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today's best known rule breakers in business are sharing economy companies like uber, airbnb\. they keep winning happy customers. everywhere they go, established companies want them to obey the old rule, get mad. sometimes they get rule makers to ban the new business. lots of cities ban airbnb rentals. our procedure wen to the town to learn why. >> want to make money renting out a home in your room? you can't in utah. >> st. george passed a law you
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can't rent your home fewer than 30 days. wait a second, it's your home. isn't that your castle? can't you do what you want? >> i found myself with a big house, underutilized asset. >> karina decided to rent her basement through airbnb. >> i want toia what i've got, what i own. i want to lempl that. >> ricki checked out her ad, found great reviews. this is my favorite place to stay in st. george. it's spacious, clean, the nicest host. >> if you look at profile ratings, it's all five gold stars. >> hey, you made it. you found us all right. >> so ricki decided to stay there. they gave her the secret code to the door. >> you use your code we gave you to get in. come on in. i'll show you around. >> wow, this is big. >> yeah. you've got the whole basement to yourself. it's locked off from the upstairs. so you won't have any kids coming down here at all.
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this is kind of your kitchen area, microwave. help yourself to any food you found in the frig. >> he rents the house for less than $70 a night. he said that gets renters a lot. >> we have a swimming pool over here. there's towels in the pool house. if you were to have had kids, your kids are free to play on the jungle gym back there. there's a zip line on the jungle gym. >> a zip line. >> holiday inn is a family friendly hotel chain but a room here costs much more, and they don't have things like a zip line. >> i'm surprised that your mayor hasn't found a way to regulate this yet. >> why would the palmers take the risk of renting to a stranger? >> i could have been some crazy person off the street. why did you guys let me into your home? >> because the sharing economy tells everyone what rikki's reputation is. >> before you travel, you can chat with your host. you're not meeting a stranger. and review each other. >> they get reviewed by other
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hosts. we see them. we know them. >> i will always go through and read their reviews other people have given on them and how good a guess they were. >> rikki was actually a bad guest because she didn't pay. fox lawyers won't let her pay because her airbnb rental was against the law. we're not allowed to brat rules. why is the rental illegal? >> this is your house. you own this property. did you missouri what you were doing was illegal? >> heavens no. once we started this, i never even thought to ask anybody. what free loving american would even think to question would this be legal. if you were afraid of us and came to stay in our basement, that wouldn't have been violating an ordinance. if you're paying me money, all of a sudden we're violating an ordinance. >> what's up with that? ricky wept to ant to ask the ma >> i stayed at the bnb last night. they didn't charge me anything,
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so you can't arrest me. what are the difficulties? >> i haven't seen disadvantages personally but i'm describing what so many feel. there's so many, maybe there's a chance for a problem. >> they rent to 50, 60 people. you have people sleeping all over the floor. >> shane runs four hotels in town. he says airbnb renters could destroy the town's quality of life. one angry resident sent this picture. it doesn't show cars all over. i can see why he got mad when this bus showed up. this is a big house owned by someone who lives elsewhere. steve says i'm not an absentee landlord, i live in the house. we don't want our neighborhood disrupted. >> we have kids in the home. we don't want late night parties, trash in the street, 15 cars parked in front of the house. >> i believe mr. palmer's comment was, this is my house. i'll do what i want. i don't know if we can do that.
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>> really, they can't do what they want in their own house? >> all they are doing is protecting vested interest. >> he wants to kill competition. you're competition. has your bottom line been affected with airbnb\? >> absolutely. >> how much? >> i can't put a dollar on it. the idea you go to airbnb and see hundreds of listings each night, that's money that could come to a hotel or bed and breakfast, somebody paying the tax. we welcome competition. it's when they are operating illegally and not paying taxes. >> the town demands steve get a business license before he rents. >> i would love to get a business license, happy to pay taxes but i can't because it's illegal. >> catch-22. he can't pay taxes because renting itself is illegal. >> you're operating in direct violation of city code. what kind of example are you setting for your kids? >> i love that my kids help in
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this whole process. they go down. they clean the basement. they are making the beds. they are learning how to work. a great way to earn money. understand principles of freedom, entrepreneurism. >> when the government says you can or can't do something, you don't roll over and say, well, the government spoke, that's how it is. i've had so many tell us, that's illegal, as if it's the end of the story. i know it's illegal. that's why we're going through the process to change it. >> why a bunch of rule breakers? >> miami beach has to do it. i don't consider myself a rule breaker. i consider myself a freedom loving american. if i'm not hurting, violating rights of somebody else, what right do you have to come and regulate my life. >> none. the government shouldn't have that right. we're all indebted to rule breakers like stephen and karina. next a street artist next a street artist breaking rules, vandaliz
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having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second...boom, you had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and...boom, you're blindsided for a second time.
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they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car, plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. street artists are rule breakers. some people call them vandals because they deface other people's property. other people call them
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innovators. a few who lean left -- most street artist toss lean left -- have being rich and famous. shepherd, you know about his art from this image. he's worth millions. he doesn't do street art anymore but he was recently arrested for putting up posters in new york. this shows a sad looking artist who shows his chance of success has been canceled, presumably by rich people, but it's the rich who buy his paintings. brad pitt and angelina jolie spend six figures for his art. clearly most street artists are leftist. some are not. here is a pro-choice libertarian. he does street art like this. he put copies of this up at
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hollywood. hollywood welcomes abortion barbie. he joins us now. this must have ticked people off in hollywood. >> it did. i had fun doing it. >> here is another one you did of ted cruz. you say you like ted cruz, and yet this is weird. >> i would listen to this man filibuster, or just take on the establishment in washiton. i didn't see a guy with tattoos or muscular by any means, but i saw a lot of strength and rebellion in what he was doing. and that's what i came up with. >> i found senator cruz would not like this and probably wouldn't see it but i'm wrong on both counts. on fox and friends, cruz said this. >> i was out in california a few weeks ago and there was some street art that was a little unusual. i've got to tell you, it inspired me. i'm proud to stand -- i've got to say my wife was fairly
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astonished. >> he was showing his tattoo, which it turns out was not real. at least he played along. i doubt hillary clinton will play along with what you're doing now. tell us about that. >> i think outside of her campaign headquarters -- >> last night at 2:00 in the morning putting up these posters, the royals, meaning we've had enough royalty. >> i mean, she's looking to be cor nated. i'm questioning why she's not debating other democrats. are we supposed to coronate this woman? >> you put it up in her headquarters. >> i don't know who did that. i happened to be around. >> you hung flying monkeys. >> i'm too short to do something like that. i see these flying monkeys kind of like being her cheering squad. it harkens back to the whole
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wicked witch of the west. >> she's the wicked witch and her campaign staff are the flying monkeys. >> i guess they are supporters. it's meant to be a joke. >> what you do is wrong. you're defacing private property. the royals you pasted up over a movie poster for the fantastic four. that's a fox production. you're stealing from us. >> you're talking about rule breaking, i guess. when you're parroting our rules that i've been told year after decade that i'm supposed to follow, it's like republicans aren't supposed to do that, only democrats do that. republicans tell me -- >> because you're supposed to respect private property. >> okay. that's for you. >> municipal government spends lot of money removing graffiti and other markings. los angeles said it spent $28 million on that. >> i would say 98.99% of them
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are leftist. i'm not here to tell you what i do is right. but you look at hollywood, you look at the entertainment industry, fashion, the music industry, they completely -- they own it. there are no voices speaking to young people with a message that resonates in a way that helps the right wing cause or the republicans. i would like to think 10 years from now some kid will say, hey, that guy influenced me. then we have more people out there creating the kind of art that resonates with our side of the political stint. >> even your t-shirt is art, a picture of a killer. what's the point? >> it took you a while to get it. >> okay. we get it now. you once said you want to be as
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mean as bill maher. >> i'm tired of the same art out there, the american flag, eagle, little fat white kid eating pancakes. you know, i want to go in there with brass knuckles. the reason we get our teeth kicked in all the time with the left, we fight with pillows and they fight with brass knuckles. i was hoping to give them teeth. i'm hoping my art does that. >> thanks. neck americans biggest rule breakers. people w
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we, the people of the united states, america with us created by rule breakers. founders risked lives with declaration of independence. some were killed. secure the blessings of liberty. declaring independence not only says to heck with you to the british central planners, the declaration also affirmed we individuals have unalienable rights and we do. the right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. but what's happened to those freedoms over 200 plus years. we've lost many, because today bureaucrats say the constitution, this is not enough. we must obey all these other rules. hundreds of thousands of pages of them. the bureaucrats keep passing
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more. >> we establish nutritional standards for our meals. >> a range of new authorities issuing appliance efficiency standards. >> we're requiring a certain level of carbon dioxide emissions. >> and so on. all those rules limit our liberty and our right to pursue happiness. in his grumpy economist blog, hoover institute john cochran points out most of today's rule makers were never elected and legislators will rarely vote on the new rule. vast power to oppress comes from regulatory beaurocracy. regulators can ruin your life and business quickly. you have a little recourse. this power not only damages the economy but poses a new threat to our political freedom. that's because the rules are often vague. the firm shall not engage in abusive practices. that sounds good and reasonable, but what exactly is abusive.
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well, the regulator decides. that makes everyone cautious. hospital now waste enormous time and money because they have rule backs. the tv show wondered how dr. house would work his miracles under today's rule. >> if you're going to save today's patient you need this. >> get this thing out of my sight. >> most people won't toss it. what banker dare speak out against fed. what hospital or health insurer will speak out against obama care? what drug company challenges fda? local level what real estate dares speak out against zoning board. very few. that's a threat to our political freedom. but fortunately make americans do resist. you met some on this show tonight. a few real life dr. houses have done that, too.
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boston's children hospital told surgeon robert gross you may not try your new idea for curing blue baby syndrome on our patient. so when gross's boss went on vacation, dr. gross did it anyway and it worked. breaking the rules saved lives. you don't hear much about blue baby syndrome anymore. but that happened years ago. i don't think many doctors are willing to brat rule book today. america needs more people who will. today, says cochran, the danger is not tyranny of kings, which motivated magna carta or majority, violated bill of rights, threats of freedom and rule of law now comes from regulatory state. this isn't totally new. richard nixon tried to get irs to audit enemies list but the tool is now much stronger. it's time for a magna carta for the regulatory state. charles murray makes a similar argument in this new book.
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he suggests selective civil disobedience when brewer karats rule oppress us. we need to resist. since government alwayt america. . >> a century old amusement park that could be lost forever. >> dying on the vine down here. >> our time is over. it's serious. >> a divided family on the verge of a painful split. >> no amusement park in the world has been owned by a family as long as this one. >> the family loyalty has disintegrated. it's fodder for disaster. >> and a reprieve from the governor, but will it be enough? >> the day after labor day, amusement park is not open down there. my father is flipping in his grave right now.
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