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tv   Fox Files  FOX Business  September 20, 2015 1:00am-2:01am EDT

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and on twitter, and e-mail. thank you. appreciate it. good night from new york. now on "fox files." >> one thing she is not is politically correct. we all know that pc is bs. >> music, fashion and family dysfunction on "empire." are america's skies safe to fly? now evidence of cheating on aviation tests. >> this is exactly how you need to answer each question. >> our explosive report has outraged congress. >> very concerning. i never sent nor received any classified material. >> as hillary clinton's email troubles deepen, new details emerge about weapons pouring into libya during the chaotic arab spring. an arms dealers speaks for the
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first time. >> when the equipment landed in libya, half went one way and half went the other way. the half that went the other way is the half that ended up in syria. >> i'm adam shapiro. >> i'm cath ridge herridge. >> and that's next on "fox files." hello, i'm adam shapiro, air traffic controllers, those eyes in the towers are key to plane travel. but new key hiring practices by the federal aviation administration have called into question if the best, most qualified people will be working in the taufrs. moreover, their accusations of cheating to get the controller jobs. will you be safe aboard an airplane?
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they've been called the guardians of the skies. >> good morning, america 11. >> america's air traffic controllers manage the safe takeoff and landing, more than 87,000 flights a day. it's been called one of the most demanding and stressful jobs in the u.s. >> united 93, go ahead. >> never was the importance of what controllers do more apparent than on september 11th, 2001. >> another one just hit the buildings. >> controllers scrambled to determine which of the thousands of planes on their radar screens had become guided missiles. they also tackled the tremendous logistics of landing 4,000 planes within a few hours. >> it's a war. >> today the federal aviation administration or faa, the government agency responsible
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for air traffic control faces a new crisis. >> probably the next one to three years we're going to see some real problems. >> doug williams is program director of the aviation collegiate training initiative or cti program. at the community college of baltimore county, maryland. it's one of 36 cti schools, established by the faa, across the u.s. offering two and four-year degrees in air traffic control. >> cti program brings in people that are genuinely interested in air traffic control. it gives them the skills that are required to be an air traffic controller. >> the faa faces an acute shortage of qualified air traffic controllers. controllers are required to retire at age 56. the faa estimates it needs to hire 1,000 controllers a year for the next ten years to keep air traffic moving safely. >> the faa created the cti program in the early '90s, anticipating the retirement of air traffic controllers. they saw the shortage that was
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coming. >> but williams said recent faa hiring changes are making the problem worse. fox business brought together six recent cti graduates, all of whom had one dream -- to serve the nation in a control tower. ryan becker grew up around air traffic controllers. >> your dad is an air traffic controller. >> he was, he retired. >> ben albany served five years in the united states air force. >> i was an air battle manager, he directed fighter intercepts from the nato awacs. >> i love this industry. i love airplanes. >> miranda riley found her life's passion early. >> i think it's fascinating, this industry is a unique one. >> matthew douglas visited a control tower in his native seattle, washington. he was hooked instantly. >> i like maps, i like spatial information. it's a way to contribute to the community. and make sure that everyone gets home safely. i quit a school at google maps to go to school in anchorage
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alaska, i made the 2500-mile drive by myself and my dog. >> my father grandfather pilots to varying degrees. >> lucas johnson grew up around aviation. >> and arianna bocce found her calling in college. >> i started my sophomore year in aviation. because it fit my personality. >> to pursue a career as air traffic controllers, all six entered cti programs. >> it was the established way to get into air traffic control. you go to and it said attend a cti school, so that's what i did. >> after graduating, the next hurdle to being hired by the faa was the air traffic selection and training exam, or atsat. >> actual control scenarios, games that test your ability to multitask. all skills that are essential to this job. >> so is it your understanding that the atsat was the test? >> yes.
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>> the test. >> all achieved the well-qualified status on this crucial test in late 2013, they were confident they would be hired by the faa to become certified professional controllers or cpcs. it made sense -- the faa always gave hiring preference to cti grads with the highest scores on the atsat. >> i had two degrees, i finished my air traffic control program with a 4.0 and i interned with the faa. i think i had a decent chance, absolutely. >> you have this really high score on the test. you're a veteran, which they're required to seek people like you out. what were you thinking, say in november of 2013 as the 2014 job bids were about to be announced? >> i was excited to get the ball rolling. >> but out of nowhere, on december 30th, 2013, the faa suddenly informed cti schools and then thousands of their graduates, it was completely changing the hiring process.
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>> we learned about it in a letter that we received on december 30th, 2013. from the faa explaining that they were no longer going to give hiring preference to cti graduates. >> after years of study, and for many, thousands of dollars in student loan debt, cti graduates had to start all over. everything they had worked for was deemed irrelevant. not only was preferential consideration for their degrees discarded even the atsat test, the crucial aptitude test would no longer be a primary requirement. instead the faa introduced a biographical questionnaire and in february of 2014 thousands took this new test. let me read some of the questions from that new test. what has been the major cause of your failures? >> a question that everyone seems to love is question number 21. in which they ask -- >> the number of different high school sports i participated in
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was -- >> and these are multiple choice questions. >> what did you think? >> how does this relate to the job? >> how does this determine what's going to make a successful candidate? >> and then what happened? >> i got an email saying i was not qualified. >> anyone else get that email? >> sure did. all of us. >> these six and thousands of other well-qualified cti graduates were deemed ineligible. >> how did you feel, lucas? >> just kind of crushed. lost, you know what am i supposed to do? >> it breaks your heart to work so hard for something. and for someone to say that you're not legible because of a personality exam. >> i don't understand how people of this caliber, this group, were not able to proceed. >> coming up -- >> there's valuable pieces of information that i've take an screen shot of and i'm going to send it to you via email. >> did someone have the answers
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to the test? >> that's sickening, that's [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪
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in february 2014, thousands of graduates of air traffic control schools learned their dreams had been crushed. their degrees were now irrelevant. scores on the atsat test ignored. worse, the grads had been deemed ineligible to become controllers. why? a murky and strange biographical personality test. newly implemented by the faa. to select candidates. >> there's no information for us to understand how we can improve or what we can focus on to make ourselves better candidates. >> anybody ever say what made you eligible or not eligible? >> we've asked that question also and members of congress have asked the faa. >> the faa made some very dramatic changes to the way they're hiring our air traffic controllers.
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nobody understands what this biographical questionnaire is evaluating. >> i'll have michael wartiff from the faa reach out directly to you. >> this is really troubling. >> the faa says this test has been proven to be a valid instrument for assessing experience work habits, education, dimensions related to success on the job. yet just months later the faa published a different conflicting report titled using biodata to select air traffic controllers. it says we conclude the evidence for using these biodata items for controller selection is weak. >> it makes no sense. where's the logic behind it if it's weak, why would you use it? >> by all accounts what's driving the changes in hiring of air traffic controllers is a program to promote diversity in the nation's control towers. >> diversity is a noble goal. i'm not going to deny that. >> it generate a better atmosphere when you have people from different back grounds and i completely agree with it. >> back in 2013. the faa office of civil rights
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published a massive barrier analysis on the impediments or barriers for minorities. it states the first steps of the original hiring process are the most likely places for systematic adverse impacts. because these steps are responsible for the vast majority of fails. it also says the cti program is much less diverse than off-the-street hires. >> the barrier analysis concluded that you're not diverse. >> we had completed a diversity study. which showed that we were showing significant progress in helping the diversity within the faa air traffic controller ranks. >> lucas, are you african-american? >> yeah. >> they threw you away. >> he said they've got enough african-americans or that they don't really know what they want. >> matthew, you're native american, right? >> correct. >> miranda? female. >> what do you think? >> i think that they had a goal and they went about it the wrong way.
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>> a former air traffic controller himself, mike pearson now works as an aviation lawyer. >> it's my belief that the faa is engaged in a pattern of discrimination and now they're covering it up. >> pearson and others believe that diversity advocates strong-armed the faa into changing its hiring practices. >> you had social engineering in my belief, my opinion, going on. it was driven by two arms of the faa. two different organizations, one was the human resources group. and i believe there was another group engaging in what i believe is discrimination against qualified candidates. >> what is that organization? >> the nbcfa. the national black coalition of federal aviation employees. >> the coalition is an umbrella group for various minorities. anybody considered a minority can join. >> the nbcfae had formed a team to try to change the hiring process, they're certainly
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allowed to advocate for their group. that's legal. but one thing they're not allowed to do is advocate for a group at the exclusion of another group. >> pearson suspects the faa abandoned the well-established cti training program and threw away qualified and well-trained graduates, to bring in off-the-street hires without aviation degrees. and that way, achieve greater diversity. >> social engineering. at the risk of compromising safety. >> but there's more. the advocacy on the part of mbcfae appears to go far beyond a change in hiring practices. fox business obtained a troubling recording made by an faa employee. who is also an mbcfae executive. >> i would like to play something for you. >> associate members, brothers and sisters, listen. i know that each of you are eager, very eager to apply for this job vacancy announcement. and trust after tonight you will
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be able to do so. >> it was sent as an audio text to certain applicants who were already members of the organization. >> allow me to go to work and come home, provide you with an email that will be extremely crucial in the opening stages of this hiring process. there's some valuable pieces of information that i have taken a screenshot of and i am going to send that to you via email. i'm about 99.99% sure that it's exactly how you need to answer each question. in order to get through the first phase. >> utterly disgusting. >> handing out the answers. >> that's absolutely sickening. that's cheating of the most unacceptable highest level that i've ever seen right there. pure and simple cheating. >> coming up -- >> it's my belief that the faa is hiding the truth. >> there are people from the mbcfae who say you gave them the answers on the test.
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who do i speak to about them? >> no comment.
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for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. in 2014, an audio text message was sent to certain members of the national black coalition of federal aviation employees. >> i'm going to send it directly to you, because it's exactly how you need to answer each question. in order to get through the first phase. >> the audio text suggests cheating took place on the entrance exam to become an faa air traffic controller. >> are you shocked? >> no. >> why not? >> because i received that voice mail. >> why do you want to talk about it? >> i joined the mbcfae and when i saw what was going on i knew that i had to stand on the right side of the fence. >> though miranda did receive the audio text and the
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subsequent email with screenshots, she says she did not cheat on the biographical questionnaire. >> i believe the flying public has a right to know this is going on. i believe that people engaged in this behavior need to be held accountable. >> we contacted shelton snow, the faa employee who sent the text. and invited him to be interviewed. but he refused. so we tracked him down in washington, d.c. >> how are you, mr. snow? >> it's a simple question, we want to ask you why you gave the answers to those students of the air traffic controllers. we have a number of students of the mbfae who said you gave them answers for the biographical questionnaire. >> he continued to avoid answering our questions. >> who do i speak to about this? >> no comment. >> is there -- they say you gave them the answers. i'm just trying to find out if that's true or not. >> no comment. >> we also contacted the
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president of the nbcfae and she's not returned our calls. the they said the cti program failed to produce better qualified candidates than people right off the street. but fox business obtained an unpublished faa draft document from october 2014 which directly contradicts this. >> and here's the actual quote. overall, larger proportions of vra, that's the vets and cti hires achieved certified professional controller status than did general public hires. >> they're saying that the cti program benefits the taxpayers, benefits the flying public. >> why won't the faa make this public? >> it's my belief that the faa is engaged in a continual game of hiding the truth. hiding information. from the public on this. not only this. >> so we went to capitol hill. there we spoke with illinois congressman randy haltgrab. >> there's a debate within the
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faa, that the cti programs which they created were being pushed asigh side over hiring people off the street and what the faa is saying is people off street are just as qualified as people who have gone through cti. >> i fundamentally disagree with that you might get lucky and find a few people who are qualified. but what i've seen is you've got passionate people willing to commit them themselves to find these jobs. >> air traffic controllers hiring act of 2015. >> the biggest objective is to make sure our air travel is the safest in the world and to make sure we've got the most qualified people serving as air traffic controllers. >> we played the audio text for him. >> it's exactly how you need to answer each question. >> it sounds like cheating. it sounds like someone inside getting information out to people. very concerning. >> since the report first aired, washington has taken notice, the house aviation subcommittee on
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clinton administration as well as the air traffic controllers association have demanded answers from the faa. aviation subcommittee chairman commented on the faa scandal. >> the chairman of the committee and i sent a letter to the inspector general. we got a response that because of thar our request, they will be investigating this. >> though the faa has refused to speak with us -- we were able to reach joseph teixeira, vice president of safety and technical training about the testing and cheating scandals, he said -- and this is a quote -- it's not my area of expertise. it's not my problem. it's a strange response. after all, the faa website describes teixeira's job a one in which he leads the agency's technical training and certification of air traffic controllers and technicians. >> the fact that you've got a senior official who basically is saying it's not my area, it's not my responsibility what does it mat centre in so many words what does it matter, what does
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cheating matter? america gets that that's not right and we have a responsibility on the transportation committee and the aviation subcommittee to get to the bottom of it. that's what we're going to try to do. >> less than two months since this report first aired, teixeira abruptly resigned from the faa. furthermore on august 21st, michael querta, the faa administrator sent a letter to congressman lobiando stating he tasked two offices within the faa to conduct thorough investigations into the allegations contained in this report. the letter states the faa found no evidence that the allegations in the press reports are true. it also claims that the individual making the allegations declined repeated attempts to be interviewed. miranda riley's lawyer, mike pearson, responded to that in a letter he sent congress. saying there is absolutely no truth to the statement that my client was not willing to provide relevant testimony to
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the faa. for the tci grads left stranded, attorney mike pearson is convinced there's a discrimination complaint. >> it can be anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 potentially plaintiffs. >> with thousands of air traffic controllers facing retirement, the transparent hiring of a workforce so important to safety and yes, national security should be the concern of all americans. these graduates remain committed to aviation. and still one day hope to fulfill their dream of working in the towers. >> there's 3,000 of us who are more than willing to do the work. so if anyone wants to reach out to us. please do. we're readily, we're passionate. we want to work. >> the bipartisan members of congress that introduced the air traffic controllers hiring act stated that the faa has and this is a quote, clearly jeopardized all travel safety. those are serious accusations, charges that should be of
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concern to all americans. here at fox business we're going to stay on this story. >> when this equipment landed in libya, half went one way and half ended up in syria. half ended up in syria. >> tha
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i'm catherine herridge on capitol hill. it's been three years since ambassador chris stevens foreign service officer shawn smith and former navy s.e.a.l.s ty woods were murdered in libya. mrs. clinton is scheduled to testify before the benghazi committee. after 17 months, and millions of dollars, the families left behind are frustrated. miningle ingmeyer and his family want answers from mrs. clinton and the committee. >> do your job, get it done. get to the truth. stop playing games. we're going on a third-year anniversary. and it feels like a decade.
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>> i need to know why my son was killed in benghazi. i want to know what's in that server. >> mrs. clinton's email and the mishandling of classified information are under new scrutiny especially those emails in the spring of 2011 as arms poured into the chaotic middle east and the state department sought to arm the libyan opposition. >> this would come under secretary clinton's watch. >> american arms dealer mark turi is at the center of a federal investigation involving libya, syria and turkey. turi is president of the turi defense group, a company that for decades has been licensed and regulated by the state department to sell and move tons of weapons around the world. he spoke exclusively to fox news. >> if a certain country is brokering various types of equipment, we try to get involved. primarily weapons and ammunition, transportation and logist logistics. >> turi says he's haunted by what he says he thinks happened by a failure to oversee who got
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the weapons pouring into syria, libya and elsewhere in the middle east during the arab spring. official also those who receive or use weapons following u.s. policy are referred to as end users in 2011 turi pursued libya as a business opportunity. as dictator moammar gadhafi's regime was falling apart. >> if you had a properly allocated supply chain where you had everything under control, you would have had our personnel, receiving that equipment on the ground. in libya, and then taking it back to a warehouse under our control and then giving it to vetted sources. if they would have followed that procedure maybe ambassador stevens and shawn smith and ty woods and glen doherty would be alive today. >> turi shared emails from 2011. the traffic indicates that high-level democratic, republican intelligence and military contacts both inside and outside of government encouraged him to explore options for arming the libyan
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opposition. >> i kept getting information from my associates that are lee acing with members of congress and saying, there's still interest, keep going. >> we asked fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew in a poll tanni to analyze the email traffic between mr. turi and congress. >> unless mr. turi concocted the emails, this would be nearly impossible, he's presented sound documentary irrefutable evidence to show that this was a covert operation, a grand conspiracy, if you will. one thinks and one wonders when one sees the constellation of political superstars, who signed off on this. you get back to the emails, that members of congress knew about it. >> turi's initial application to sell weapons directly to the libyan opposition, known as the tnc was denied. >> it made perfect and very clear sense. because the tnc was not a
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recognized entity in the world. >> which means they could never have signed an end user statement. so the only person or organization or entity i could deal with was the u.s. government. >> the sworn affidavit released in may 2015 and obtained by fox news indicates a covert weapons operation was authorized. turi's partner and adviser was this man -- david manners. during his 18-year career at the cia, he served as the top spy in jordan and the former czechoslovakia. manners stated in his expert opinion. the united states did participate directly or indirectly in the supply of weapons to the libyan transitional council. >> that's where i came up with this zero footprint arab fly splooi chain whereby our foreign ally supplies another arab country. >> turi says it was a work-around. because at the time, the u.s.
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had not officially recognized the rebels under the tnc. >> my idea was to set up a warehouse, where the only person that could take that equipment out or the only entity that could take that equipment out of qatar or uae was the u.s. government. >> as part of the work-around, the u.s. would supply conventional weapons to another u.s. ally, qatar. >> there's the 60-millimeter mortar with optics, 120-millimeter mortar, all conventional type weapons if you want to limit the exposure to the u.s. government what you do is outsource it to your allies. the partners, the qataris and the emiratis, did what they were contracted to do. >> during hillary clinton's term as secretary of state, u.s. arms deal wrers awarded a record number of export licenses. to sell sophisticated weapons, military parts and technology internationally. selena realyu is a professor of national security at the pirri center at the national defense university. >> that's been a huge policy
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position of the obama administration, was to actually overall, to improve u.s. exports overseas. >> in 2011, more than 86,000 licenses with a value of 4 $44.3 billion was granted, a surge of more than $10 billion from the previous year. >> if you would like to engage in arms sales and you're a u.s. manufacturer, you seek a license and apply for an export license. with the state department. andrew shapiro served as the assistant secretary for the bureau of political military affairs under secretary clinton that role is responsible for overseeing the entire export control process at the state department. >> march 2011 was a busy time for hillary clinton and her team. which included andrew shapiro and senior voyeur huma abadeen. with chris stevens serving as the embassy's deputy chief of mission in libya, clinton met with a senior member of the tnc. the next day clinton met with
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egypt's transitional lead anywhere cairo and walked through tahrir square with abadeen. turi's proposal, a $267 million contract was working its way through official channels. >> my application was submitted on the 12th. these brokers then, through their relationship with the tnc provided the application information to ms. clinton via the tnc council when she was in cairo. that's what was told to me, in an email. >> turi showed fox emails from april 6 and 7, 0u 11. that he exchanged with chris stevens' personal email account. alerting him to his application to sell weapons. stevens replied with a thank you. and i'll keep it in mind and share it with my colleagues in washington. >> he is the point guy now. >> coming up, what does this email from secretary clinton tell us about her secret strategy to arm the libyan rebels?
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in early april 2011, arms dealer mark turi is exchanging emails with chris stevens. a day later on april 8th, this heavily redacted email shows secretary clinton was interested in arming the libyan rebels using contractors. fyi, the idea of using private security experts to armt opposition should be considered, she wrote. and mark turi showed fox emails from his business partner david
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manners from march and april 2011, which indicates support from admiral james stavridis. >> the supreme commander for the allied european forces. >> in this email exchange,ed a mir stavridis accounts he can fully account for the credibility. >> copied via a personal email address was mike costiw was a staffer for the senate armed services committee under republican john mccain. >> mr. turi paints a picture of a government totally out of control. operating outside the confines of the constitution. and without any transparency. >> may 5th, turi received this preliminary approval letter from the state department for his $267 million arms proposal for qatar. in july, his arizona home was raided by federal agents. >> they came in with full body armor and weapons and they take
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my computers and my cell phones and they've been chasing me all over the world for the past three years. speaking to associates of mine. all over the united states. and looking into my records. and my past. >> now tur cy facing trial set for this december on two counts that he allegedly violated the arms export control acts by making false statements, his attorney told fox in emails that his client had a track record working for the u.s. government through the central intelligence agency and the government's case is an epic fishing expedition. >> she has never communicated with me at all. even after promising. that to me is a slap in the face, that she has begin me over and over again. >> as hillary campaigns for president, several of the main players in benghazi have left public service. now work together at a clinton-aligned d.c. consulting firm beacon global strategies, these include hillary's
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principal gate keeper and former cy d c.i.a. deputy director and turi made mistakes in his youth and fox confirms he served time in an arizona jail. nonetheless, since the 1990s, turi's company met the strict state department criteria to sell and move weapons around the world in support of u.s. operations. turi insists he never shipped any weapons to qatar. and others stole the zero footprint idea. >> why isn't the state department contacting me about making a mistake on my application? the state department had a lead on this. they were going to run it with their people. and who that is, i have no idea. i sat back and watched this unravel and it went south really quick. when this equipment landed in libya, half went one way, and half went the other way.
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the half that went the other way is a half that ended up in syria. >> this defense intelligence agency report provides further confirmation weapons were flowing unchecked in the weeks leading up to the 2012 attack. this is what then secretary clinton told senator rand paul in her only testimony to date. >> my question is, is the u.s. involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, any how transferring weapons to turkey out of libya? >> to turkey? i will have to take that question for the record. nobody has ever raised that with me. >> it's been in news reports that ships have been leaving from libya and that they may have weapons. and what i'd like to know is the annex that was close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons? and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries, any countries? turkey included? >> well senator you'll have to
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direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. i will see what information is available. and -- >> you're saying you don't know? >> i do not know. i don't have any information on that. >> two weeks after that testimony, the state department letter was sent to senator paul. it skirted his question. stating the u.s. government is not involved in any transfer of weapons from libya to turkey. fox news is reaching out to current and former government officials whose names appear in the emails. you can read more about our ongoing reporting of the benghazi terrorist attack at fox news and coming up --? leaving me twisting in here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? working hard? working 24/7 on mobile trader,
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the truth about it. >> it's incredible success, both critically artistically and in terms of ratings, almost singlehanded-revived the notion that network television drama is still relevant. >> i don't understand you! >> there's phobia in certain communities and there's the als and the mental illness and there's so many things, they tie feel like people can relate to something. >> anything else you feel like you should tell me? like maybe why you screwed covila last night? >> i binge-watched the whole thing this in one day, you can't stop watching it. >> since its debut, "empire's" ratings have risen week to week, averaging more than 15 million viewers an episode it gets the ratings, it gets the buzz. >> i ain't cookie ass about you. >> actress taraji p. hen henson plays lucius lyon's ex-wife.
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she's been nominated for an emmy for her role as the notorious matriarch of the lyon family. >> you never know what she's going to do from one scene to the next. >> you don't know if she's going to punch you in the face. you don't know if she's going to come at you, if she's going to be sweet. >> that's for leaving me twisting in the wind for 17 years. >> do it again. >> i think what they're identifying with is her strength. her ability to live in her truth and not apologize. or where she has come from. one thing she is not is politically correct. we all know that tc is bs. >> no matter what's going on between me and your daddy. i got you. >> it's like dallas or dynasty now we have the lyons. people love these stories about family. >> family and relationships are complicated. they're complex. su know, you don't get to choose
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your family. but they are, you're stuck with them for the rest of your life. >> you know i'm good and i know how good you are. >> much better than your father realizes. >> do you have a favorite cookieism that you're at the receiving end of. >> the streets aren't made for everybody, that's why they got sidewalks. >> i like vernon, kiss my ass. >> she wouldn't let him put the exclamation point on his sentence. kiss my ass, vernon. >> then there's the fashion. >> what's it like to put on some of these outfits? >> i get to live vicariously through cookie. i couldn't afford her wardrobe. i'd be broke. >> i love your pumps, they're fabulous. >> thank you, sister girl. >> one of the reasons i watch it is for the clothing and the fashions. >> the man behind "empire's" style is costume designer paolo
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neayadu. >> i think people will look back on "empire" and think of cookie and think of the prints and think of hakeem and his sneaker or think of lucius and his pocket squares and ascots. >> the whole look. >> there's an art to this. >> paolo is amazing, he called me his barbie doll because i literally trust him. i trust his eye. i may go maybe not that shoe or maybe this earring, but for the most part, he's got it. >> so has saks fifth avenue, they're now selling an "empire" clothing line. >> you're the face of the cover of the september magazine. >> it's a blessing. it's a blessing. ♪ ♪ >> stat us as an all-out blockbuster, "empire's" soundtrack debuted at number one on the billboard chart. the cast makes no bones about it they're proud of empire's
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influence. >> being able to lend someone our creativity even in fashion to the world, it's a great thing. >> get that look, get the cookie look, get the lucius look, that's amazing. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems.
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>> but the real winner is sck. the fed fallout. stocks tanking after central bankers saying the global economy has them worrying. so they're keeping rates near zero. now some folks fretting a recession is coming. should they be? hi, everyone. i'm brenda buttner. this is bulls and bears and we have our bulls and bears this week. welcome to everybody. gary, these people are scared. should they be? >> i don't know about scared, but i think worried, yes. you know, a lot of people were arguing for a fed increase in


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