tv Kennedy FOX Business September 23, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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than any other country in the world. well said. that's it for us tonight, we thank you for being with us, congresswoman among our guests here tomorrow notice. please be with us. good night from new york. >> i am watching people take over america because when the pope's in town, everybody's catholic. the pope is going to address congress tomorrow in a joint meeting that will be well attended with our congressional overlords, bending over backward to show the pope how good they all are. if the pope visits cuba and the u.s. in one fell aswoop, it is to show the world that ideologically share common geography, it's ain't far reach to assume that the argentinean upbringing, he was
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influenced by bank breaking as a kid. and do goodry results in failure and it's not cuba, but probably cuba the holy father they would like to imagine. the pope will most likely level some harsh charges at capitalism as he has in the past and catholic are right to be skeptical. why should a system that lifts millions of souls out of poverty be dismissed as mere ideological impressions or. there is nothing more limiting to free will on the plant than communism. as millions of cuban refugees can attack. capitalism is a true living manifestation of free will, and is the only economic system capable with christia christianity. instead morphing into the pope's priced pupil, the president and others should
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gently remind the capitalist limited potential. but instead people like hillary clinton will conveniently oppose the keystone xl pipeline hoping it earns her a pat on the head and she's probably praying he exercises her server demons before they consume the last light of her campaign. the pope will do his very best to make his case for his deeply held beliefs, and so should our leaders who can point to the recent and on going failure of unbridled economic leftism that's putting us on a fast track to moral and fiscal breakups. to certain outcomes all of famer, oh, my goodness he's going to join me, discuss the failure, plus the fbi has said they have recovered personal e-mails from hillary clinton's private server. and the state department story doesn't exactly square with her. and yogay beara has left a
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trail of memorable quotes. let's take the trail together. i'm kennedy. and praised president obama on his climate change initiative. >> addressing the urgency, it seems clear to me also that climate change is a problem, we can no longer be left to our future generation. >> he's doing his best, addressing congress tomorrow and will we hear more of the same? address him in his native spanish? all right. and joining the panel tonight, former ms. america, and she's smart and joining her hot as a pistol, dagon from fox business network. >> no. crowns or sashes.
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>> not yet. >> surprise surprise. >> well, you know who does have a crown and a sash, comedian jimmy, always comes prepared. ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. >> dagon, gator i'm going to start with you. can you be an eager capitalist and good catholic at the same time? >> well, maybe. i don't know. i'm not -- i wonder if you compare the united states to cuba. >> yeah. >> you see the good that capitalism can do in terms of the amount of money that this country gives to the poor and the needy around the world. at least he's delivering on what we're expecting. at least he's talking about climate change, at least he's talking about essentially income redistribution. that's what we expect him to talk about and so he's delivering. >> and why not recognize the trend among billionaires of giving away vast sums of their fortune? you know? and investing in places, like,
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africa and directly trying t make the world a better place. >> and, by the way, one thing that contributes to climate change if you believe in the science is people being lifted up out of poverty. >> yeah. >> and all these developing nations, it is china people who stature and life is on the rise and and they get to drive automobiles. >> yeah. and hopefully we'll see that in places like iran. now, obviously everyone wants to please the pope. and the pope's going to say things that ring true with some people in the party and not so much with others. and he is opposed to same-sex marriage, as is the catholic church, and i hear that because generally she's trying so hard to please the hope, she might actually break up. [a more fair weather in person in politics than hillary clinton? this is like last week she was trying to say she's an washington outsider. >> i know; right? gray line. >> that was such a pandering move. but it's funny you brought up automobile. the pope has to lose the fiat. did you see the fiat?
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>> i love the fiat. i'm a person, i love the fiat. >> no. it looks like a clown car. i thought he was going to get out and hit obama with a bucket of confetti. >> he's practicing what he preaches; right? it's a small car,. >> it is. >> energy efficient, all of that. >> and he's -- taken vows of poverty. >> right. and good gas mileage. >> is the pope too political? >> the pope has always been political, the oldest institution in the world; right? and for centuries the pope was only political, the religious thing was a facade, having multiple wives on this side so the pope has always been a political figure, this isn't a huge surprise. he came with a political agenda but everyone does love this pope, he's the people's pope, that's fine, people need someone to look up to to make them hemiand all of that. so i don't think he's going to be super controversial tomorrow either, i don't think he's going to go off the, you know, handle and say something super controversial.
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but both the left and the right are cherry-picking things that they like from his policy. >> and liberals love the environmental policy, they love, but they don't want to hear about abortion. >> yeah. and don't even. >> or anything else. >> and don't get him started on him wearing white after labor day. >> fiat, the actual term according to the benjamin more is people cream. hillary clinton has come out against the keystone pipeline after keeping quiet about it as secretary of state. >> i think it is imperative that we look at the keystone pipeline as what i believe it is, a distraction from the important work we have to do to combat climate change and, unfortunately, from my perspective, one that interferes with our ability to move forward to deal with all the other issues. therefore i oppose it. >> i'm afraid she's going to
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start doing the nae nae. >> she's grasping. >> they're pointing out the convenient timing with the pope's visit and bernie sanders rising popularity so dagen, does this have more to do with the pope or bernie? >> more to do with bernie, although she should be or bill should be worried about being struck by lightning. he should be making friends. this is all about bernie sanders and the keystone pipeline has -- she is pandering to the environmental movement. by the way, all that oil in canada, it's going to be shipped to asia, which is not environmentally friendly to ship it across abocean to a country or countries that will refine it in a way that is less friendly to mother nature. >> accident of. they don't have the standards, they don't want to sacrifice their economy. >> and they're the biggest poll utilizers. >> the union wants those jobs. >> yeah. the environmentalists are happy
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with her at the moment whether but it's interesting because the unions have been some of been bernie sanders biggest backers, is she being a people pleaser? >> she's totally riding the pope's coattails, if 83% of people loved baby seals, she would be totally at the mound just being seals. >> she loves the keystone pipeline and calls them a distraction. >> right. >> why does she use the same term. >> it label used when you want to divert someone's attention to what you want to talk about; right? everything else is a distraction because the keystone pipeline is huge for jobs, i mean actually the unions are really mad at her about this because of the job issue. and she says, oh, no, i'm going to tweak obamacare so i am for you on this area, it's try to be all for things all people and i don't think the dangerous is bernie sanders so
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much the possibility of joe biden people love joe biden, so she's trying to get in the democratic. >> and you know who else loves joe biden? unions. >> he's going to mark it with a little black sharpie, and to discuss syracuse rolling his cam from sporting eventing for fear it is going to cause sexual assault. but first, the drip drip drip of hillary's e-mail scandal continues like a pot of percolating coffee. do you remember those e-mails that we thought would be lost forever? big news, chris to sort it all out. that is next we live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you.
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lou: hello and witnessing back to you. federal investigators have reportedly recovered hillary clintons' deleted e-mails while shsecrary of state, the former secretary has said the messages she deleted were unrelated to work pertaining to her wedding. might anything else be lurking beneath the server's surface? well, let's ask fox news digital editor. chris, one of my favorites back in the house, back in action. chris, please break this all down for me. what, in fact, does this mean for mrs. clinton? and will we soon some day see some yoga routines? will they become the domain of the public? >> it may become a huge success, she may have a yoga routine that will change the way people look at it all
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together. march, hillary clinton says i have turned in my e-mails to the government, it was -- i wanted to do it, i want them to release it. it was only turned in as part of a very normal collection of records, no big deal. by the way, there were 31,000 e-mails that were personal for me, nothing to do with government business, those i destroyed and nobody may see the server. that's when people said what? so over time that story has been unraveled, so you get to the point where you are today and it was reported that hillary clinton was using this server and that discovery that prompted her to turn this stuff over, but more importantly this report from bloomberg and then corroborated by the new york times that hillary clinton that the e-mails maybe not all, we don't know how many, but that some of these personal e-mails could be recovered. that could be consequently
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miss handling secret information but also the public opinion charges that are leveled that she did favors for people. if there's anything on one of those two counts on those e-mails, it's curtains. >> yeah. there are a number of things that could hang her here, and it looks like very little that could exonerate he but, you know, we haven't seen the evidence, and i'm sure hermann is still holding out hope and certainly rationalizing a situation that is going from dire to horrific by the day. and is it possible she could have violated the espionage act? >> i don't claim to be an expert on era laws of that sort. i will say this, it would be surprising if she did. more likely this is related to more standard laws relating to the way we handle sensitive information. >> yeah. including destruction of government property. i mean -- >> yeah. >> there are things on there that you have the political side where she could have been making side deals with all
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sorts of countries trying to curry favor for her inevitable presidency. but you also have possibly the destruction of classified that she claims never went over the server, that's what she said first and then of course had to modify her explanation saying, well, it wasn't marked classified at the time. but as secretary of state, she would have known that the classification could have changed from one agency to the next and one day to the next. so -- >> and she herself can generate classified information because she was the secretary of state. she could make it. >> yeah. exactly. and, you know, she should know that the seventh nature of a lot of what she is disseminating to friends like sydney and colleagues at various agencies certainly could be top secret, if not then, then soon. so where do we go from here? i know the fbi has been attempts by a judge to get help me to open up and start smooching with the state department and now we have this information. what's the next step? >> the next step is this.
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there's the criminal side of things that has to work he is way through. we don't know how long that's going to take and this goes parallel to the release of documents at the state department. but at some point when the criminal side of this is completed, if there is the revelation, the confirmation that the evidence that hillary clinton says would exonerate her exists, even if the criminal case is not made, once it is settled out by the justice department, this was here and we checked it even if they said it's clean, it's all yoga, that opens the door for the benghazi committee to say and now give it to us, please, and once they give it to the benghazi committee, the anything goes phase begins because anything regardless of whether it's a criminal act or not could become that committee. >> criminal or yoga, anything goes, one of my favorite musicals, and chris, one of my favorite humans. thank you for being here always. >> you bet. >> you know it. coming up dr. ben carson's donations are shooting up after he said he would not support a muslim for president. we'll find out why that is from the party panel.
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that's coming up in just a little bit. and later nfl hall-of-famer fran is here to tell me how failure is the runway to success ♪ ♪ (under loud music) this is the place. ♪ ♪ their beard salve is made from ♪ ♪ sustainable tea tree oil and kale... you, my friend, recognize when a trend has reached critical mass. yes, when others focus on one thing, you see what's coming next. you see opportunity.
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even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. ♪ >> we have the cure for your boredom, welcome back. earlier this week, dr. ben carson caused huge waves when he said that he would not support a muslim president. now since then his campaign has seen a big spike in donations, they've been rolling around in $100 bills like demi moore. and i'm back, kiersten, i'll start with you. is this the new successful republican platform? >> you know, it is amazing. >> i mean think about it. keep the mexicans out of the
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country and keep the muslims out of the white house. >> right. exactly. well, it is interesting how all these sayings that, you know, if anyone else said it in a former presidential cycle, these two would be totally blacklisted, their campaign would be gone like trump and carson and fiorina, they have been odd and they're not backing down, so i love political insiders and the mainstream media try to try to figure this out. why isn't he thinking? what else can we do? what else can we cure him for? >> i have a i great deal of respect for ben carson as a surgeon and world renown separator of twins, doesn't he know there's -- >> the fault of that is the questioner; right? >> but -- >> he continues going. >> he still continues to talk about it. it does speak is to what he said and any other election cycle this is the most
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outrageous quote in the world. they're now attacking people who aren't running. like, next month they're going to be attacking people who only played the president on tv. like, martin sheen and george w bush. hey, george bush. >> i got that. >> are there people, and i'm going to get a lot of hate for this, sitting, like, maybe people i've known in my past who are sitting around going we've got to keep muslims out of the white house. that's their biggest concern? >> yeah. >> yes. >> we've got to keep the mexicans down where they were born. we've got to keep muslims out of the white house. >> at least ben carson is being honest about it but don't give me this liberty point. don't claim a person is allowed to obey their conscious because you did with their religion and then the same argument for a muslim who is elected president, you know, wouldn't you be able to
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say that they can express their religious freedom there? no, you have to obey and abide by the constitution. >> we both agree that religion as law does not disqualify you as presidency and citizen, an individual does not get to dictate the law or make her own law because she feels like it. >> well, speaking of dictator, last night on special report, asked first term senator marco rubio, about barack obama's lack of experience and here is how senator rubio responded. >> he was not a failure, he now has 7 years of presidential experience and in my mind still failing. barack obama has failed as president because his ideas don't work. and they wouldn't have worked if he had been in the senate for 40 years and they wouldn't have worked if he was the ceo of a major company or if he was a governor. his ideas do not work. >> do you have a hard time telling cruz and rubio apart? >> it's the age thing, though. because crews for his age looks a lot older.
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rubio looks like he's in a presidential benjamin button. he looks why you didn't every time i see him. >> i know. >> poor thing. >> well, what's interesting is that the first term senator was such a dig on the president but now that inexperience is the cool thing to be. >> an being an outsider man. i'm only first time senator, so he's using that. >> i'm a first term ceo. >> ideologue to dc, i'm such an outsider. >> i heard the most rehearsed answer on the plant with that. >> uh-huh. >> because you know he's been planning to answer that question and he honed it ask honed it and honed it. >> he's so good at his talking points. you could just wrap that up with a little bow and sell it. >> that's what people don't want to hear right now, they don't want to hear practiced nonsense that they've heard in every other cycle. >> and that's why -- leading in the polls. i can't say his name.
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>> it's an allergy. all right, panel, we have a lot more coming up. and the plea for forgiveness ever attempted by a labrador retriever, plus a baseball player and humorous yogi bear has died and we'll reveal our favorite yogi bear quote. topical storm is up next. active management can take calculated risks. active management can seek to outperform. because active investment management isn't reactive. it's active. that's the power of active management.
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. >> lights, camera, madness. let us dive into the pouting yet subtle news stories that document the days of our lives, this is the topical storm. topic number one, not only had his own hashtag, he had people in new york cowering in fear that their beloved city now helmed by an overgrown and being over run by rats. the storm is much worse than we originally thought. now, look at this fellow rodent, does his best to one up a pizza rat, i give you
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milk shake squirrel. look at him. just -- he gets that lid, he argues and fights with it, he gets that lid off and just slurps like crazy. now, if he's like me, he's going to add a little bit of alcohol to that and really make it sneak. concession time. in a pinch, i would totally haul one of those out of the trash for a late-night slurp. topic number two. mark mccracken made a new aquatic buddy off the coast recently while kayaking, not as sweet playful dolphin, no, this was a hammerhead shark. yeah, look at that mother. that thing was following him around, kept head butting his sloop but mccracken said that even after repeatedly striking the shark with his ore, and he made it to shore, the shark in three feet of water right off
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the coastline waiting for him to return. that's cute, isn't it? waiting for him like a puppy. with the right attitude, anyone can befriend anyone like the time my colleagues tamed a shark. this is great. watch. ♪ >> oh, my god. the shark actually recognizes him. >> no, he's viciously attacking him. >> see? it's fun. topic number three. oh, drunk girl, we have seen so much of of her lately. whether it's this photo bomber in iowa, yeah, there she goes. doing some exercises during broadcast or this girl selling screams on home shopping network. and now there's this latest drunk tiny dancierer, at sports authority field taking in the bolder colorado game and she decided to go on the
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ledge and drunk dance for the enthused crowd. for a moment, the way she was dancing, she was taking her top, i thought she was getting mardi gras beads, instead she was taken into custody by officers of the law. here's the bracelets. maybe she added alcohol to her shake. she's such a good squirrel. topic number four. sometimes our canine buddies rip up the garbage, and they get on our last nerve, but it's hard to stay mad at our four-legged friend who wants nothing more than for you to give him unconditional love and particularly difficult when the dog is this insistent on your forgiveness.
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the pesky office distractions. why didn't they invent -- and then this sooner? >> is it possible for the alarm clock? like this. like that. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world.
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one who is really opposed? >> people who don't want to be seen at the syracuse football game. [laughter] >> nobody wants to be there. >> every as those sexual aggression. >> is typical left-wing college nonsense. this is why women pulled back when the dude is about to suck face because they come at you with the tom and they have eaten a hot dog. we have all been there. >> i totally get.
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>> des jumbo tri responsible that is ridiculous. >> can anyone imagine take me out to the ball game? it implies certain people cannot afford a trip to the ball gave. kennedy: or a corporate sponsorship for crackerjack. >> it is gross to watch people who are not movie stars kiss. it is prosperous they do start to make out move the camera. i want the guy to the new over to start grinding. >> i think it is the most of egregiously stupid thing people are getting upset about. >> it is sad because human beings forgotten what it means to be human beings.
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>> there is no way if that is made at ikea. >> if you are that or he will do against the wall. >> of the desk is mating greece this is why you are broke stop thinking of ways to get out of for. -- work. >> you don't need a contraction in to take a nap i have split a sweater of the floor and slept on the floor. kennedy: i was commuting back and forth every single week driving to work from the airport of the our read i i have the inflatable camping at in my office and a tidy down comforter and i
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do the same thing. >> bad earns respect i am the loser on the bare carpet >> i am worried about bedbugs. >> i have slept with entire families in the back of my car. [laughter] >> providing a monkey with a camera. plus cat that while he contends he is the rightful owner but others say it is public domain because of monkeyed took the shot. with the proceeds to me it
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minister conveniently. >> en to sue for rights to a photograph. >> i want to be buddies with that maliki. >> there are people around the world better slaughtered that are abandoned that need to be taken care of and instead they spend their money and time filing a lawsuit. >> a stay relevant. >> so then they could come now to do something a rages. >> but the four photographers said i setup
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the shot. >> i want the funds to send my daughter to college. are you really going to take their research. >> because she did set it up. it didn't matter how much they had to be tempered. >>. [laughter] says a great #. >> that is what i would call my boyfriend. though one take monkey. >> we explain the secret of success is his failure to
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you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. kennedy: fran tarkington is a proud failure he lost three super bowls and his first to companies flocked but he set passing records for touchdowns and it has called the 17 years also are very successful entrepreneur he documents his life in the latest book the paul -- the power of failure. former nfl quarterback have the hall of famer one, i am so happy. >> i am a lejeune did my own mind. [laughter]
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this woman is everything you are so talented and so smart. i love your show. kennedy: i love to have you here i used to watch you all of that's incredible it wasn't and tell my adolescence and realized what a an incredible athlete you were. i just knew you from television but it turns out what you did on and off the field that shaped the leeward i love how you write that had you party to heftier when but after you would lose you would lock yourself in a room and watch films. >> all my life i was not big enough or strong enough that i was a third round draft i had to prove myself all along. >> bay didn't think i could do something and it would feel like failure.
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and i want to be a winner. in just to get creative and the curious and do things if you do you will fail i failed to try things but i except that and i learned that. >> i am so excited. the biggest thing in the world is the ultimate in success for a football player to be there for the big game the world is watching. i lost three and i remember after those games i agonized for weeks and months and looked at every little thing i did all the preparation with and i would use that as the stimulator for me and i got better and i learned
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from that and all my life i loved doing things to push the envelope and i learned from the failure. >> people who feel entitled. key and they learn to be successful? >> if they don't learn to do things to be tenacious they will never learn. second and third generation do nothing. >> everything has been given >> i have a little bit of success with a couple of great opportunities after that i found i was -- so terrified of failing i liked the feeling of success. >> that can hurt you because then we think we have the answer. whenever i thought we had the answer i have it figured out.
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then i wake up and go. i am or coca-cola big box they are disappearing but they cannot grow and they are stuck in neutral because they're not pushing the enveloping. then you look at amazon. apple blows it up. kennedy: you say that innovation with the new company's true then by failure in a couple of words >> fail fast and fail often. kennedy: and this is your 11th book. please come back.
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coming up the best way and proof the big apple is preparing for his visit. we ask me workers what they think of the visit from the pontiff. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share.
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but it's always about the very thing we do best. so wi got a job!ews? i'll be programming at ge. oh i got a job too, at zazzies. (friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i'll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs... you name it. i'm going to transform the way the world works. (proudly) i programmed that hat. and i can do casaba melons. i'll be helping turbines power cities. i put a turbine on a cat. (friends ooh and ahh) i can make hospitals run more efficiently... this isn't a competition! if youthen you'll know howouth, uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants.
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biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. would. kennedy: what pope francis is visiting here city tamara the big apple is so excited that many have stopped for a few hours. we're asking yorkers what they think. >> what do you think about the pope coming to the city? >> start thinking about god. >> i am very excited is fabulous. this man is so different than any previous pope.
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>> key is the people's pope. >> if you had an entire afternoon what would you do together? >> i would take about on the houseboat to talk about peace. >> we would taken to brooklyn with. >> brooklyn. >> i would take gm of block across the golden gate bridge. >>. >> i hope you'll enjoy yourself. >> welcome to america one.
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[laughter] >> will cover tune new york pope francis. kennedy: last night a woman was crossing the street towards me say but the pope is coming on thursday. she was telling everyone. if i had my way i would take him snowboarding of course, he would have to go to south america but if anyone on earth could appreciate that it would be the holy father. and we did get a lift tickets for free and i know what a guy. a to have little ornaments on them. welcome to the united states. monday through thursday 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox business. follow us on twitter good
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night. it it right now. >> found in grandpa's attic. >> dirty, dusty old box. like, wow. i don't know what it is. >> a discovery that will make the baseball world flip. >> you've got honus wagner. cy young. christie matthew son. >> i'm thinking to myself, oh, my god. i have a million dollars sitting in a chair. >> but is it almost too much of a good thing? >> it certainly changes the market in a negative way. (?) ♪
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