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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 25, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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companies for doing business there. >> alibaba, there's some companies that need leadership and i want obama to say man up to this and tell the truth. maria: thanks for watching, have a great weekend. i'll see you on sunday for sunday morning futures. charles payne is in for stuart varney. you have a big show. >> we do. happening right now, the chinese president about to arrive at the white house for a meeting with president obama. we've got gordon-- i'm sorry, he's joining us now. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thanks, charles, how are you? >> i'm good. >> what do you make of this big deal, state visit by china's leader who has been anything, but a friend to the united states. china, the cyber spying, the belligerence in the ocean and
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they feel like our enemies and yet, we've rolled out the red carpet. >> we've got a lot of disputes with china right now. i hope the president is aggressive about addressing cyber security and defense of intellectual property to the trade investment over there that continues to lock out american companies. challenges with china, you look at america's problems, i think it's not so much with china, it's with our own government because a lot of what we're seeing on the tax side, the regulation side, all of this is really slowing down. that's the big anger around our u.s. economy is our own u.s. government. >> in other words, what you're saying is you can't blame china for taking advantage of the fact that we're shooting ourselves in the foot? >> i think that china is a dead driven, commodity driven economy. it's slowing down for the long-term. i think we're going to see, you
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know, in countries like brazil, japan, others, affected by this. so if we want to lead economically around the country, we really need to focus on getting our own house in order if we want to get out of tht second gear, sputtering recovery. >> we haven't done that, president obama believes in a different economic theory. he thinks that we should tax corporations, we get the highest tax rates out there. borrow more than we spend. our debt to gdp ratio is second perhaps only to japan and rising rapidly. it's kind of hard to preach to china or even to celebrate the coming collapse in china when in fact i think we've got more issues. >> i think we do. here is the good news on that, you know, there are a number of people who want to blame china including presidential candidates for all of our woes. we know in your point exactly, we know we are the problem in a number of the issues, the good news all of these are solvable,
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and the tax code, calling a timeout on regulations. the president and his last year, i actually worry he's going to turn the heat on to go the opposite direction which means we'll continue to have the most disappointing economic recovery in half a century. >> i want to shift gears a minute, congressman. the other major visit to the united states and today, pope francis gave an address to congress. pretty adamant climate change and of course, capitalism. i think the turn of the earth, industrial revelation and yet it's coming under criticism. what's your sense of some of this so far? as a catholic i was thrilled to be in the chamber on that historic day. i think the pope's message on
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love and prayer to a country that's very divided to a washington that's bitterly decided. timing couldn't be better. i appreciate his call for lawmakers to have the courage and intelligence to resolve these crisises. we look at our debt at our entitlements and our free market capitalism is the answer to all of those, especially lifting the poor out of poverty, go eth-- getting them out of that poverty cycle he addressed. what i appreciate, and i'll finish here, he called for more caring for the poor. he didn't call for more government for the poor because he knows that local churches and charities can often help more humanely personally than government can and i hope that message didn't get lost. >> you and i both. congressman brady, always appreciate it. thank you so much. >> thank you, charles. >> i want to go to gore chdon
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chang. what do you make of the chinese president herement what do you think that the white house will do? >> i think they're going to announce a climate change deal and cap and trade into effect in 2017. this is in the run-up to the paris climate conference. but the real issue for us are the areas of disagreement which proved to be irretractible, the south china sea, freedom of navigation and china's support for russia, which should be on the agenda, i hope it's there. >> china and russia now have probably one of the best periods of time that they've ever been frenemies, if you will. the largest joint naval exercise, they're building big jets to compete with boeing, they're doing a lot of things together on the energy side as well.
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how can we get them and sort of put a wedge between this relationship. if we don't. what does it mean when china and russia hook up and have the belligerence to the united states and all of these things get worse not better? >> charles, this is a really important point that you raised. i don't know if the united states can actually separate china from russia right now. both of them have a common viewpoint and that's a very anti-american one. the good news is that both russia and china have economies which is are in distress, russia in contraction down 4 1/2% for the last quarter. china probably on the edge of contraction, if it's not there already. and certainly heading there. so, you know, this is going to be a question as the congressmen talked about of the united states having a strong economy. that's ultimately going to be what's going to get us through this, not dividing moscow from beijing. >> we've got elizabeth mcdonald
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on the panel. >> with the china visit, if it's going through an economic slowdown. it's becoming more and more an illegitimate super power, basically lawless behavior over cyberspace land and sea. the predatory behavior as well. they do have the ability to cripple the u.s. infrastructure and proven they can get into the office of personal management with hacks. so if they want to have that reputation in the world for being an illegitimate super power, they're well on the way. >> one time, russia and the united states were the two super powers of the world and by the way, so we can alert the audience, what we're looking at here, president obama is making his way into-- right there at the white house, you can hear the music playing. there he is, the president and the first lady, michelle obama for this major, major visit with the chinese premier president. gordon, what i wanted to ask
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you here, we once shared the world stage as a superpower with russia, now to e-mack's point, looks like china will be the next superpower, whether we like it or not. they want to play by the rules not of the old days, but new rules with more minister things than what we saw in the cold war? >> yes, certainly, i think that china want to rewrite the world, but no, china is not going to be the next superpower, i think it's already peaked. they've basically got an economy they do not know how to change the downward direction. they can slow the descend, but that's about it. and i think that we're going to be talking about a very different china from year from now and have perhaps a china that's worse as it lashes out on the way down. >> so how does the united states-- what does president obama do to press the advantage today? >> well, i think that he has to look over the table to him and
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say your economy is in, and we could do things to put you out, we're not going to if you're cooperative. the president showing that he does not believe the u.s. is weak, he can get somewhere, like reagan. >> we have the united nations, and see what's going on there. back at the white house, greeting the first lady and president obama, it's going to be a very intense, i would hope a very intense meeting here. we've known all the things on the table and we know about cyber security, about economic freedom. i think that everyone agrees we all free trade people, but something brought up, unfairness, is it really free trade when there's limits on what the u.s. can sell and hey, stop the cyber lawlessness and
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open your american companies more? >> he can follow the blare huntsman, which required an across the board tariff. >> what kind of tariff are we talking about? i know a lot of people, would-be voters, yeah, go ahead and vote tariffs on these, and do you want to go to war, a tv that was 600 bucks, is 1200. >> the united states is losing billions a year for the intellectual program and it's a lot from cyber, a lot from china. yes, television sets are going to become more expensive, but in the scheme of things, that's probably less challenge than the alternative of continuing a clearly unsustainable path. >> we're going to the white house and take a listen in here
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for a moment. ♪ ♪
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♪ [playing "star spangled banne banner"]
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♪ >> all right. and it's official. both nation's national anthem.
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i love it when they do that. i don't know, maybe i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff, but the pomp and circumstance of it all. this is a very serious meeting. tammy, i want to bring you in on this discussion here. we talked a lot about the idea that president obama, i would say to a certain degree, his foreign policy has been horrendous. in fact, if you look at everything that's been polled, he polls lowest on that. and i don't think the presidents of any nation or any of the terrorists groups take us seriously and in fact, they've been em boldened by his inaction and sort of-- >> this is interesting. wall street journal headline obama hopes to build on his rapport with china's jinping. stop. did they cultivate him prior to becoming president. and since that point they've clearly gotten to know obama
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and felt comfortable being adventurous around the world. comfortable building the islands. comfortable stealing all of our data and comfortable with russia-- >> as you say that he's parading in front of the soldiers. >> they're at war with us, cyber war. >> all of our forces, a lot of people find that a slap in the face. >> gordon chang talked about the adventurism in the south china sea they want the meated 250 billion barrels of oil. gotten so bad last year a top official in the philippine begged japan to rearm. when people don't understand what that means, the atrocities that japan committed in the philippines, and they're treating this guy like a rock star, and the pope had been in the white house.
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>> it's the proof that obama, his own personal demeanor, his nature not just sends a signal, but the man that he thinks he's cultivated clearly thinks we're fools. clearly thinks there's no impact on the nature of what it is their behavior is. they've got such a free reign, they can steal whatever they want to steal from us. i think as the world watches this, it confirms the fecklessness of obama's attitude. >> i want to go back to gordon. we talked about the president's need to be liked. the cover of the wall street headlines. >> right. >> you know, same thing with vladimir putin and the notion, hey, we'll work it out, reset button, we're buddies and putin coming next week. what do you make, president obama has a fixation of being liked by world leaders and the rest of the nations at the detriment of america. >> the important point here is not only does he want to be
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liked, but americans generally believe if our leaders gets to be friends with leaders of other countries as you say, we can work things out. the problem is that china and russia have institutional constraints and they have certain beliefs, we're not going to work them out by talking with them. it's only going to be worked out by the benefits that china and russia gets so this is clearly a need for us to change our thinking about the way these regimes work. >> xi jinping, never had this at home, signing autographs like he's at wimbledon. e-mack. >> this has to be more than what the white house has been promising. the white house promising that the president will quote, will have robust discussions with china about their brazen offensives, and you know, because they're about to do a major grab in the south china sea that's bigger than the gulf of mexico, and i know-- watch this in the white house
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they're going to announce a big carbon trading system. cap and trade system out of china where the u.s. committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a third by 2025. china only has to cut a fifth by 2030. >> gordon, as far as the cap and trade, we know that china is right now choking, they're choking on their own air. so they've got no choice, but to actually make these sort of carbon moves sooner rather than later, but we've given them to 2030 to peak out at any level of pollution that they want. >> there is is important point. two reasons chinese leaders have to have a cap and trade and emissions, first of all, the chinese people demand, but second of all, the manufacturing sector is contracting anyway. they're putting less carbon in the area whether they have a cap and trade agreement or not. we have to realize this is not a concession, this is not something that the americans
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negotiated with the chinese or at least we were the main force for this because they have to do it on their own. >> and i want to bring in one of my buddies, haven't seen in a long time. when chinese economy, 7%, 9%, the amazing numbers in the last year, overall echo in america was these guys are lying. when the numbers started to go down, the overall sort of narrative in america is, well, can you start to lie again? china goes down, our market goes down, where do we find the right number and how important is it for investors? >> it's a great question, china has been such a growth driver, a growth driver for the u.s. companies as well and now you're seeing where a lot of-- >> and buying the caterpillar tractors, whether they were using them, is irrelevant. >> and the commodities tanking, is the tale to me.
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it's that the chinese economic failure for china. and there are a lot of growth opportunities in the u.s. despite that. >> should our markets be trading to the degree they have? if chinese goes down, we go down, at what point do we disengage from our market from theirs. >> it's a couple across the globe and janet yellen saying it's not a big deal in the international markets, it is. mcdonald's gets 80% of profits overseas. >> when it comes to china, less than 10%, 7% of u.s. sales go into china. you know, that's a factor to consider in the talks. >> nike blew it out on-- >> to that point, gordon. we know there was talk that china really had this dream of the yuan replacing the dollar
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as a foreign reserve currency of choice. and they nt with a -- wanted to get the economy that we have, two-thirds driven by consumption and temporarily may have to abandon this. could they go back to the nation that they have an investment driven economy? >> eventually i'd have to do that and eventually it'd be 20 years down the road. largely, what they're doing are anti-consumption modes. you've got a problem there and also with the currency, spending 20 million a day supporting those fees. and also, global markets were the currency. they can't sustain the taste of burning up their currency and they're burning up their dollar stock. >> tammy, to that note, here at home, you know, again, we like to point to china and there's-- >> hold on one second, as soon as the president starts to speak, we will listen.
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>> is obama going to interrupt me again? >> i can't stand that, i'm going to take that personally. >> china has 1.4 trillion of our debt though. i don't know again, how much room we have to sort of preach to or at them. >> one thing we learned yesterday, cyber security researchers actually have been able to ping the breaches that we've had here to the chinese military, but one of the problems that we have to face is that this will not stay static. russia and china as all of our guests are in trouble, on the downward spiral, the only way that tyrants can operate is to be more adventurous or aggressive. could taiwan be at risk? what is going to happen if china decides to take taiwan before obama leaves office? >> there are no less than 56 countries that we promise to support. let's listen to president obama first. >> president xi and members of
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the chinese delegation on behalf of michelle and my white house, on behalf of the american people, welcome to the united states. across more than two centuries americans and chinese have traded together. chinese immigrants helped build our railroads and our great cities. the united states is enriched by millions of proud chinese-americans, including those who join us here this morning. so this visit reflects a history of friendship and cooperation between our two great peoples.
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this is also an opportunity for michelle and me to reciprocate the hospitality during our visit to china. michelle, my daughters and mother-in-law were warmly welcome as they traveled across the country, as was i, when i made a state visit to beijing and i'm told that news about michelle's trip got some 1 billion views on-line. president xi, i believe we're
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used to being out shone by our spouse. spouse. as i said many times, the united states welcomes the rise of a china that's stable, prosperous and peaceful because that benefits us all. our work together to increase trade, boost the global economy, fight climate change
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and prevent iran from a nuclear weapon shows when china as our nation work together it makes the world more secure and prospero prosperous. prosperous. even as our nations cooperate, i agree and i know you agree we must address our differences candidly. the united states will always speak out on behalf of fundamental truths. we believe that nations are
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more successful and the world makes more progress when our companies compete on a level playing field. when disputes are resolved peacefully and when the human rights of all people are upheld. during our multiple visits together, i believe that we have made significant progress
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in enhancing understanding between our two nations and laying the foundation for continued cooperation. you've spoken of your vision of china's peaceful development during my visit to beijing last year you said there were wide areas where our two nations need to and can cooperate with each other and i fully agree. in fact -- in fact, i believe
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that our two great nations if we work together have an unmatched ability to shape the course ahead. president xi, members of the chinese delegation, in that spirit with the eyes and the hopes of the world upon us, welcome to the united states of america. . [applause]
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>> president obama, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. in this golden season of autumn, my wife and i are very pleased to come to the beautiful city of washington d.c.
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at the outset i wish to thank you, mr. president, for your kind invitation and gracious hospitality. i also wish to convey to the american people the warm regards and the best wishes of over 1.3 billion chinese people. china and the united states are both great nations. the chinese and american people are two great peoples. since we established diplomatic relations 36 years ago, china-u.s. relations have
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forged ahead despite twists and turns and have made historic advances. at our speaking in summer 2013, president obama and i made the strategic decision of building a new model of major country relations. more than two years have passed and we have made important progress in various areas of exchange and cooperation. this has been welcomed by people of our two countries and to the world at large.
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working together, china and the united states can make a greater impact than our individual efforts. to grow our relationship under the new conditions, we must adapt to the changing times and seize the positive momentum. i come to the united states this time to promote peace and advanced cooperation. we would like to work with the u.s. side to make greater advances in our relationship
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and deliver more benefits to people of our two countries and the whole world. . >> we've got breaking news in just now from the new york times, john boehner apparently will resign from congress and give up his seat in october. john boehner, of course, has been under a tremendous amount of pressure since the republicans were ushered in an extraordinary amount of power in the mid term elections and a lot of people felt or feel that they have not lived up to their promise to be more forceful with president obama. the speaker of the house, this is absolutely extraordinary. listen, we've heard the calls, guys, for his resignation for a long time and eckoed loud e.r.
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and louder. this is a critical moment and for him to be stepping down is amazing liz: the speaker was house speaker boehner gave victory to victory to president obama, on obamacare, illegal immigration, trade authority, iran, and so, it's interesting and striking that he's stepping down now. yesterday, when we were on camera, mr. boehner was teary-eyed when the pope was speaking at numerous points during the address. >> i so the memes and most were negative, mean-spirited, we know that john boehner is an emotional and passionate person, but he has been-- tammy, i would say that he's been a failure as speaker of the house with respect not leveraging his position, not leveraging the power of the republicans and not leveraging the voice of the american public enough holding back president obama in most of his
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initiatives. >> that's highlighted how he couldn't bring the house together. this could be an indication, there's been talk about challenging him, about pushing him out. this may be an effort to just be able to walk away on his own terms out of this position which tells you there's another perhaps of a rebellion in the house itself to required it to happen. it's about time. so much has to happen in the next year, considering obama's agenda and i think this could be very good for all of us frankly. >> this could be a litmus test who might be at the top of the ticket for the g.o.p., depending who the replacement is. let's say it's one of the outside of the establishment tea party types, i think that would bode well for someone like a donald trump or maybe a carly fiorina. >> any outsider liz: here is the thing, the g.o.p. contender who needs the ticket needs to stress the courage of constitutional statesmanship. this president has done multiple end runs around the constitutional and legislative
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authority of the u.s. congress. with obamacare, via the epa, via enacting the president's agenda without going through congress. that individual and whoever succeeds mr. boehner needs to step up and be brave and say, we abide by the constitution, the white house has not. >> and when you talk about polls all the time, we're not the only ones who notice what the numbers say. the republican party is noticing. there has been a sea change, it's not just trump, it's all outsiders and they're seeing this movement. it's very smart if they've realized they need to adapt internally. >> although in the mid term election, most of the tea party guys lost to the establishment guys. the notion of throw the bums out, except our personal bums, and even though the poll numbers for d.c. in general are so lower, can nt get lower. >> it started with the eric cantor firing. >> but let me ask you about that then. what do you think we can glean
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them out of who boehner's replacement would be? >> well, that now is probably the fight that's been going on and will continue to go on. a lot of great people. it wouldn't be usual to have a freshman, mia love westbound an incredible statement to the nation about who and what the republican party is becoming, that would be welcomed. >> this economic recovery has not been state of the art. whoever succeeds mr. boehner or top of the g.o.p. ticket needs to stress that economic growth comes through freedom and democracy not from a white house or president or rules by fiat. >> i'm not sure if it's related. the market was up to 250 points and we have been pulling back a little bit while this announcement was going on, again, turmoil in washington, the kind of uncertainty that wall street does not like. also, the wall street, washington d.c. sort of incestuous relationship, perhaps, could be on the brink,
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if we start to get people in there that say people first and outside special interests, particularly the corporations, large corporations thank you don't generate a lot of jobs-- >> and congress is moving into the single digits. no american has been happy with the nature of it. it not because congress isn't getting things done. we have been getting it down, but facilitating america along a track that they do not want. they need leadership and that's been sorely lacking. >> what's your assessment, boehner went back to old school. he thought that leadership was steady. in other words, let's not shut down the government and let's not rock the boat too much. let's work within the system, i think there's a voice to e-mack's comments, what does it mean for investors? >> i think it's the outsiders
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gaining in the republican polls, republicans even themselves down to democrats as opposed to using other people's money and basically not getting us back on a growth track. just going to big government and big spending. people are hired of that. hopefully with the new choice, we get back to somebody who will challenge and go for pro growth strategies. and earlier, the last year president obama, i think maybe congressman brady, but the last year that president obama has gone for broke. we've seen him break out the executive orders and. >> that's right. >> this is' no doubt in my mind, the things on his wish list, he'll force them through the constitution and this is a gig move. >> by unelected unaccountable bureaucrats. crony capitalism benefits the big guys, not the little guys, small businesses who are responsible for those of the net job creation in this country for the last six years. >> it's a particular opportunity for the parties to
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hold and send a message to the nation. i hope that he realizes. >> let's go down to washington d.c., peter barnes with more details. >> the speaker's office is confirming the speaker's hans to leave in october. the speaker's plan was only to serve through the end of last year. when the majority leader eric cantor lost his primary, it changed, they believe putting them through a prolonged, he's proud of what he's accomplished, but for the good, he'll resign from his seat in congress october 30th. charles. i know there's speculation, any idea who would be at the top of
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the list? >> yeah, the current majority leader kevin mccarthy is likely the guy. the speculation around washington in the last couple of days, he seems to have the support of the conservative rebels who have been pushing it. >> tammy, you say it's more of the same? >> you've got a leadership dynamic there. i would find it interesting in the so-called rebels like that, there would be no shift. i don't think that boehner would do that unless he saw who was going to come in. >> it's a shift that could be responsible for the new talent in the house. that would be disappointing, obviously. >> could it lead to a showdown ahead of the elections, that could be something disruptive? >> yeah, and to that last point, i'm not sure who was saying that, but there has been speculation that we might see
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some other members from the conservative caucus, like jim jordan, for example, is one of the top conservative republicans in there, former head of the republican policy study committee for conservatives. other names might be jeff henselling of texas, chairperson of the house financial services committee. there could be a contest on this, and it could get ugly, competition is good, americans like passion and like seeing that many people in the field for presidency. depending who is controlling it and the images and ideas being gussed. i think it's only good. >> although a lot of political historians say, listen, one of the things that hurt republicans is the destructive nation of the game.
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we've seen ronald reagan's without the finger pointing and name calling. >> this is where being mature and understanding the environment matters, we'll see if they really do. >> back to d.c., i think this time blake berman with more. >> i want to give you a little bit of a perspective what's going on here. as you know, there was this meeting there on capitol hill among republican-- the republican caucus throughout the day. earlier this morning, about what to do going forward with funding the government. and how to deal with that with planned parenthood. the issue with john boehner, how would he walk the middle of potentially appeasing those to his right with planned parenthood while not shutting down the government. >> that was the context of the meeting today. the live shot is the stakeout camera. outside of that is supposed to
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be routine to get a little information when they left that meeting and what their thinking was. now we're having at 10:00, that john boehner will indeed walk out and issues, certainly some sort of a statement. for those of us who have been following this, john boehner, early on, whenever there was a challenge from congressman mark meadows about his speakership. john boehner was dismissive about it, and said at one point speaking of meadows, this is one member i've got broad support of my colleagues and after that, the issue was brought up and brought up. they were dismissive of it and here we are today, not only is john boehner going to step down from his speakership, but his role in congress. >> he's been underfired for a long time. i want to go back to st. peter because the issue is planned
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parenthood that high school a topic or situation worth shutting down the government. boyner didn't have the heart one more time. peter barnes, the likelihood that the gft will shut down. >> there will be a vote on it. 30-plus members who were pushing hard on this issue were possibly going to force boehner to have to turn to the democrats to get some kind of tenning re-- continuing resolution. and that would be heresy to the house republican conservatives. threw one more name out there, congressman paul ryan, currently house and ways and means committee. might be somebody who could
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also run for the speakership and i want to mention i happened to have dinner last night with one of the house republican conservatives and one of the things he said to me, and i didn't think much of it at the time, he said to me, we're going to have a real interesting meeting tomorrow morning. so maybe he knew what might be afoot here liz: if it's kevin mccarthy, the new york times called kevin carthy, they've already called him as menacing as a camp counsellor. it's of son of a fireman, a homemaker, small business man he started a deli when he was young. he's sensitive to the people. the problem is, is he a tom delay, and can he look--
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and these are the soft plays. >> kevin mccarthy has been a champion of championship. silicon valley, get a lot of favors, spending money in d.c. lobbying. and it can't be silicon malely and the charge, and making it like microsoft and facebook adds and speaking of which, we've got ron krissy, one of the cheney staff. who won, who lost? >> good morning, this is a stunning development. i've known john boehner for 24 years and spent time working on the hill for now governor john kasich.
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i've known the speak of the house for many, many years. this has taken by storm. they're concerned about the resolution to vacate the chair, passing a vote of no confidence against the speaker. the second factor, whether or not boehner wanted to put issues on the floor, specifically with planning planned parenthood. and that being put up defunding the agency may have put him over the edge. >> certainly if i'm one of those 30 or so members pushing hard for mrthis plan.
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if you're shutting down-- >> they call themselves 30 or 40 very concerned members of the house, we won, know the only got rid of boehner, the speaker, but now we'll insist to planned parenthood. and boehner has had a relationship with nancy pelosi, they don't want to shut down. i think this is more likely, given. >> this is a major blow to establishment washington and both side now. and what, the presidential race on g.o.p. side. who can claim victory if any with the news today? >> well, i think you're going to hear from ted cruz and certainly he is of the opinion that leadership, mitch
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mcconnell in general and the house republican leadership in particular have failed the american people. they have failed to defund obamacare. they've failed to stand up to the president and i expect to hear cruz and perhaps rand paul pick up the gavel and say this is what the american people want. they want a fresh face, they want a fresh start. that's why i'm running for president and i think we can hear more of that. >> i think there would be a major push to get ted cruz's job and it's going that he worked for an a lot of people want to see it happen. let's go back for a moment. because we have more details, peter barnes. >> charles, i want to make this observation. i don't think that you should underestimate kevin mccarthy. when eric stepped down. a lot of people thought that he had the blil--
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political start. it turns he worked hard behind the scenes in his caucus, he raised a lot of money for them and gotten their loyalty to be named the majority leader. i think that that kind of commit could still-- i think that mccarthy is the leading candidate to take over as speaker and he'll do what the conservatives want of him. blake, you have other information. >> kevin mccarthy, we were told at that meeting kevin mccarthy was told one minute beforehand that john boehner was about to do what he announced earlier today. keep in mind, this is session by the house. they were looking at
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entertaining the idea, one of the trade, blog magazines, a quote here from something i was reading earlier this week about the possibility of mccarthy overtaking boner during ch whole ordeal. as leader mccarthy said, this goss ip is is distracting and coming back to battle the president's policies. and mccarthy learned one minute beforehand. earlier this week, his folks were on the-- >> it's interesting. >> mccarthy would go from number two to number one. >> and he's known to be able to comb in the hallways, and we're talking what kind of leader
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would be he be? he's enjoyed a good relationships with california's industry. and silicon valley. he's got a lot of people in his neck of the woods who want that. >> it's interesting, too, want to alert the audience, we have charlie kirk with us, the future president of the united states, not yet, got to wait your turn. we're a talking about the next speaker of the house. maybe boehner planned with, tammy, maybe yesterday the visit by the hope, the strong, emotional impact it might have put boehner over the edge. >> and it speaks to that relationship. when the pope was talking about being pro-life and the value of every life and immediately after the pope left, obama is going to veto and if they
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defund planned parenthood. perhaps it was a reflection on the nature of what they were unable to do and what he maybe wasn't able or decided he wasn't interested in pushing it forward. of course, there's huge news today. it's the u.s., the chinese state department, the dinner, the pope is here in new york. it could have taken a back seat, personal a-- and yes, we're waiting for boehner to come to the mic and bear with us on the split screen for a moment. let me bring in charlie kirk. the party is in disarray, and something akin to a civil war. there are certain conservative principles that i see people throwing away that they embraced three and four months from now. where does this party going.
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>> it's an exciting time. the speaker of the house should be able to articulate-- >> do we know what they are? >> i think that paul ryan could do that better than john boehner attempted to do. a more millennial approach and-- >> the question, charlie, the government-- >> we need to shrink government, individual freedom and corporations. i think that john boehner had difficulty saying that,'s he been in washington longer than i've been arrive. he's the epitome of-- watch out for fund raising in the last couple of weeks and i saw the maneuvers he was making, and communicated that there's something going on here in the house leadership. it's very, very interesting
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news, a fundraiser and e-mail that he wasn't doing before. i think there were signs and i think it's intentional and the day that the pope came and the chinese president. >> i'm surprised with the timing. what's the impact going to be? >> they were talking about it for the past week, whether it was real, turns out it was. the speaker of the house is no longer in charge of the message, he's a problem-- he's in charge of this. he's working the legislative process, you feel for the guy. the party is split, don't have a veto proof majority, et cetera, et cetera. the plan from the point of view of the republican leadership is to put kevin mccarthy into the speakers slot. it's more as more likely as any
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other option, it's going to be tough, there's a deep reservoir of resentment to the establishment among the conference. the g.o.p. has a really big win in the mid term elections, the grass roots upset they did not have the power to do anything to stop president obama's agenda. and now they've got another opportunity and they're going to stick with an establishment guy. this might make things worse instead of better. >> this is a party that has donald trump in front. the speaker's job is not to be the most effective on cable shows, it's to get legislatures through the body, through the congress. that's a different job description. i agree with you, ordinary public voters and people who raise money from the last cycle, holy smokes, we spent
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all this money putting you in office and you can't defund planned parenthood? >> and let's say you have kevin mccarthy and the freedom-- >> hold on one second, tucker. we're going to listen to the pope and come right back. >> i follow in the footsteps of my predecessors in 1965, pope john paul ii in 1979 and 1995. and my most recent creed, now pope emeritus pope benedict xvi in 2008. all of them express the great esteem for the organization which they considered the appropriate political response to this present moment of
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history marked by technical ability to overcome distances and frontiers. and apparently, to overcome all natural limits to the exercise of powerment an essential response in terms of technical power in the hand of nationalistic or falsely universalist ideology is capable of perpetrating tremendous astrossties. i can only reit late the appreciation expressed by my predecessor in reaffirming the accordance in which the catholic church attaches to this institution and the hope which she places in its activiti
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activities. the history of this organized community of states represented by the united nations, which is presently celebrating its 70th anniversary, is one of important common achievements over a peerdriod of unusually fast-paced changes. without claiming to be exhaustive, we can mention the codification and development of international law, the establishment of international norms regarding human rights. the advances in humanitarian law. the resolution of numerous conflicts, operations of peace keeping and reconciliation and any other number of
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commishments in every area of international activity and endeavor. now, all of these achievements are lights which help to dispel the darkness of the dord -- disorder caused by unrestrained selfishness. certainly, many grave problems remain to be resolved. yes, it is clear that without all those interventions on the international level, mankind would not have beenen able to survive its own possibilities. every one of these political technical advances is a part
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towards attaining the ideal of human fraternity and a means for its greater realization. so for this reason, i pay homage to all those-- >> now, of course, pope francis continues to address the general assembly of the united nations, but we've also added on the screen any moment now, that's the podium that john boehner, the current speaker of the house will formally announce his resignation almost immediately, next month, in fact, a move that's shocked a lot of people. we'll have political and economical ramifications that would not only impact us immediately, but help to decide who is the next resident of the white house, as soon as boehner comes back out, we'll go back there. before i do, charlson, i cut you off when the pope started to speak.
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>> boehner had the worst job not only in washington, but also in america, such a thankless job, you do have to feel for the guy. who how would you like to be charge of a body at war from itself and solely responsible for the outcome. it's horrible, a really, really tough gig. >> does that mean that the person who takesist place will have to come in and rule with an iron fist, if you will, and just really hurt a lot of feelings, but be decisive at the same time. >> it works for pelosi, and she forced people to go on kamikaze missions and they occurred, that model. and mccarthy is not an ideas man, but a people person. it's hard to see him cracking the whip in the way that-- >> maybe republicans wouldn't
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put up with that now. neighbor they wouldn't put up with arm twisting because they're not this that mood. >> if a sort of subject were put in that position, not saying it's kevin mccarthy, the g.o.p. area, the grass roots, the tea party area beginning to debate a little bit. would this pile them up more and-- rile them up and shift the election. >> the republican base wants to burn it down, sure. you have to look at that, if noted actual impulse. they're upset, really, really upset. they don't have much chance who will get to vote. not only the house. it's not a question that's open to the public to decide at all.
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it's very much an inside game. i remember looking at a speaker's election and denny hastert was unknown. even the people in congress, and again, the public doesn't get a voice at all. >> you said the message, who is in charge of the lessons. who has more as to what the people might think. the tv host, or congress-- . the truth is people, conservatives outside of the congress have much more influence over the voters than the people that they chose to elect. >> it did not determine who the ultimate nominee was for the white house. >> no, they didn't.
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the reason because ideological conservatives are not a majority within the republican party. in the end. if you have a field that's split among three different constituencies, the establishment, conservatives and libertarians, establishment might win by fault. it's a how bill clinton got elected twice in effect. >> how does the republican party go about finding a defact o leader to unite the factions in the party. >> i don't think they can. what's a republican foreign policy, there's no concensus on those questions. so, i don't think you're going to find somebody who will ignite the party. you might find someone who is a clever tactician and get things through the congress. that's probably the most you can hope for, if i were making this choice, i'm not, far from
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the room where it's made. the guy who understands the system, i would find the guy who understands the efficiency to get through. >> sure, this is one that trump supporters start throwing tomatoes at the screen. go with the establishment, i can play the game, but overall nothing seems to change on ra rain-- main street. it was designed to move the pace of molasses. find out what you can achieve and eye chief it. >> of all the folks running on the g.o.p. side, he says it tends to help ted cruz. what do you think. >> the resignation of john boehner on ted cruz. i like ron christie.
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>> ted cruz has the support. and i think that trump is obviously the reason for that, if trump were to get out of the race, that would help cruz. >> on the democratic side, president obama was driving a hard bargain and probably willing to shut down government if there weren't increases the spending, and getting with the dekw dekwis-- decision. it's hard to believe that the republican haven't with planned parenthood. how, republicans have let that fact go unacknowledged, essentially.
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and the debate is women's health care and mammogram, planned parenthood parenthood doesn't provide. they were able to break through the propaganda. and this is long-term abortion and all of a sudden it's about women's health. maybe get people who could talk. >> does that mean it's worth shutting down the government despite the reactions, and to finally draw a line in the sand. i think that the videos are so despicable. so anti-american, that this should or could be the name to know what, we are going to dry a line in the sand. we're willing to stop government if it takes that. >> i think that the blowback from shutting down government gets smaller every time. i mean, unless my memory a
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clouded after the last shutdown, republicans did well. it's not necessarily a death sentence for shutting down the government as in the 90's. when the government shuts down, people don't sufficient in the world. those do come-- national parks reopen. i think on the margin, republicans lose the debate, but i don't think it's the blow that it was 20 years ago. >> i agree, too. hold on one second, we've got blake berman with more reaction in the republican party. >> there's a value voters summit going on here in washington today, a gathering of social conservatives, several presidential candidates are speaking there, ted cruz, donald trump later today. marco rubio was on stage and broke the news to this crowd,
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get this, a crowd of social conservatives here in washington d.c. i want you to watch and listen to the moment when rubio told that crowd that speaker of the house john boehner announced he was resigning. >> still can't and won't stop it and the issues like this are numerous and they're so big and consequential and generational that people cannot help, but ask, how can it be, how can it be that we sent a republican majority to congress and yet still not able to stop our country from sliding in the wrong direction? [applaus [applause] >> and we'll see how things progress just a few minutes ago, speaker boehner announced he will be resigning. >> and the reaction there inside that room kind of sums
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it all up. i was just e-mail back and forth with a republican aide and i asked what is the feeling there, the feeling inside that that meeting there inside the capitol and he responded simply, things are a bit scrambled at the moment. you can imagine there's a not of figuring out going on right now on the republican side as well. i can also tell you that president obama, of course, is hosting the chinese president, there was a gathering where the media goes in and takes the pictures and shouted some questions at the president. president obama was asked about john boehner's resignation and he said we'll see you guys, we have a news conference. considering he's been tied up with the chinese president, one has to wonder if he learned about it in real-time. >> there's no love lost between senator ted cruz and john boehner. you know, john boehner gave cover for a revolt-- excuse me ted cruz gave air support essentially for a vote underway in the house over the
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iran deal says that both mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader and john boehner should refuse to hold on vote on that agreement. >> that audience reaction, social conservatives, they are so fed up with the establishment, so fed up with the lack -- the inability for republicans to do what they promise on the campaign trail. they were so thrilled, i haven't seen that kind of reaction in so long, this was for an elected leader supposed to be carrying the mandate. >> you have a sitting u.s. senator who kind of plays in the tea party bracket and the establishment bracket on some issues, announce the resigning of the current speaker of the house and beyond a standing ovation, almost pandemonium and exuberance from the base. you can kind of sympathize with that feeling. the majority since 2010, what has the house accomplished and
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marco rubio beautifully plays this off for a new generation. and rand paul and good for marco rubio for going with it. >> and marco rubio cast himself as an outsider, even though he's a senator, and so has rand paul and ted cruz. they can agree they're part of the traditional machine. will this sort of embolden them and help their cause? >> of course, they want to tie themselves to the enthusiasm. it's hard for marco rubio to make a chase that he's an outsider, he can make other cases, but that's not a plausible one. i can say this as not a boehner fan at all, because you overthrow the existing system doesn't mean it will be
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replaced by a better system. this is the lesson of the last 15 years, you can knock off the dictator, that doesn't mean it will flourish. and who will be in place of him. it could be from a conservative perspective worse. it's not hard to imagine that at all. >> at least the conservatives say, how about we give it a shot, and don't assume that it's worse. the last two candidates, the moderates promised the american people needed and make it, lost pretty handily, maybe it's time to get somebody truly a conservative, particularly a social conservative, not only to the white house and speakership and other places, maybe that's what's going to work because when you think about it ultimately, this is the foundation of america. social conservativism, about of it became politicized used to be the bedroom of all american house olds.
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>> do i understand, are you kidding? yeah, that resonates completely. when the majority of children in america are born out of wedlock, your society a collapsing. i'm merely making the obvious point, it's pretty easy to overthrow the existing order, much harder to build something to replace it. >> i don't disagree there. in this case it may get uglier in the replacement process. >> yeah, really ugly, i mean, really ugly. you're going to see all of these people jumping in and who knows where it goes. >> charlie. >> yeah, one thing i want to mention, i think we could all agree that newt gingrich was probably a more effective speaker of the house john boehner was and-- >> didn't it help newt gingrich that bill clinton was not a tin ear, he was a politician, put a
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finger in the wind how the american public went and how to meld his leadership style and policies. >> without a doubt. to newt din grinch, he put a contract for america together. we're going to run on it, we're going to run with it without apology. i don't think that speaker boehner, did he put these together and these are ten core issues and we're going to run on them and-- >> i don't disagree with you. i think that things have gotten worse in the republican party. who does that, can bring them back under one big tent. this is a central theme that we all agree on, whether you're tea party, from the religious right. evangelical, wherever you are, these are five or ten things in our thank you contract. >> tucker made a great point, it's mechanics, tough to figure out how to get a bill through the house than the senate.
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someone of the ilk like paul ryan, had been there, a little younger, his whole wrap is entitlement reform, budget deficits. he's pro-life, energetic, a fresh voice. i would support someone with the foot in both camps. if you will. >> do you agree with that, tucker? >> yeah, the question is who is that person? presumably the speaker didn't leave without designation in effect an heir. of course, boehner is a process guy. and he's not resigning without a clear mental picture of what happens next, i assume from what i heard on monday, i think that person again is kevin mccarthy of california, but that doesn't mean that his hand picked successor will get the job. her are the candidates other than henningerly. they don't raise up the next generation. >> hold on, on the phone we've
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got representative john micha, republican from florida. this news is shocking. what are your initial thoughts, sir? >> with he will, again, i think that everyone's trying to just understand the implications of the announcement. quite frankly, i thought john boehner would tough it out. he's had about 20 to 25 dissidents in the house. they've hammered him a bit and i think many people have tried to make him the problem both inside the conference and outside the conference, but he decided that -- as i recall, he said that he had only planned to serve two terms and he took on the third because he thought he was the right person at the right time. >> now he feels it's time for
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him to leave without getting into making himself the issue. >> representative micha, did he enjoy your support, john boehner? >> he did. you know, i've had nigh differences with john boehner, he didn't support me for transportation chair and another position, i thought. it's tough to lead the republican conference, and it's tougher when you have some folks trying to unseat you. it's been very difficult. it's frustrating for republicans because no matter who is in control, you do not have the votes to override an obama veto. you can't really close down the government and say, no to absolutely everything, which some people would like to do. you've got to be responsible. >> what about certain things, live planned parenthood? is there a subject or topic worth standing up and fighting for even if the numbers are
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against you? >> well, i believe it is something worth fighting for. i'm a very strong pro-life member, but what you've got to do is find a way to take away the funding from the objectionable activities of that organization. now, before he announced his resignation, he announced that next week he would bring up a cle clean-- that was his strategy and wants to point a selected committee to go further into it-- into the activities that everyone saw that were so objectionable, of planned parenthood. >> you've had your seat since 1993. >> right. >> a lot of grass roots republican voters are saying, it's people who have been around washington d.c. since 1993 or longer, that has sort of just gotten rooted this and
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just go along with the flow. don't rock the boat. our debt has climbed to sky high levels and so many people are frustrated with the way establishment republicans or republicans who have been in office as long as you have been. do you get that? does your party understand that? >> well, i think people do, but about two-thirds of the members are new and they really control the process. the problem is, you don't have two-thirds of the vote. now, i've been here when we've balanced the budget. i've been here when we shut down the government. i'm one of the few people who have taken on the obama administration and won. stuart: representative mica, i need you to hold on. >> got a two week shutdown. >> we're going to come back to you, i've got to get back to d.c. and get to blake berman. blake.
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>> we keep looking at this picture, charles and we said earlier that john boehner was expect today speak at 10:00, according to the reporting now, mike emanuel, boehner aides say he is not expected to speak. as one might imagine, things are very fluid right now. as i mentioned that aide who told me essentially that everything is scrambled at the moment. you're looking at this picture, at the stakeout camera as it's called, the members of congress, republican members, walk by and get asked question. congressman paul ryan was asked and i know his name has opinion brought up as a possible successor here, he said, i'm quoting here, i don't want to be the speaker. he at least appears to be taking his name out of the hat although he said it was a job for empty nesters and he has kids at home. clearly that didn't keep him away from a much bigger role, potential role a couple years ago. paul ryan is eliminating the ssibility right off the bat,
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he doesn't want to be speaker. what we'll watch for, whether or not john boehner speaks, it appears his aides say he's not. and nancy pelosi has a conference at 10:30 and expect to hear from her there. bottom line, charles, very fluid. stay tuned throughout the day. >> thank you very much blake berman. i want to go now, we don't have representative john mica anymore, but we have senator scott brown. i don't know if you were able to hear before we broke in with news from blake, i was asking representative mica if he got, or understood why the grass roots american voter is upset. he's been in office since 1993 and he talked about some of the accomplishments, but i still think it's guys been around as long as he has and others, that don't get the resentment of core voters and others.
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>> let's thank him for his service, he's had a great run and gone great things for our country and commend him. and he felt there was a cleaning of the guard coming and wanted to end it on his own term and really to negotiate with no hold's bar to avoid a government shutdown which honestly would be a disaster for our party. it's time where we have an opportunity to take the white house to increase the numbers in the house and increase the numbers in the senate. and if we do that, what a lot of the grass roots people downtown understand, we don't have the white house and as a result of that, a lot of these things that we do are for naught. so-- >> but the retort to that, senator brown, would be we've run moderates the last two elections and you're right, we don't have the white house, but this this time around we run someone a true conservative that really has the ability and
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the will to go against the establishment right and left and to fix this nation and maybe get elected? >> we have some great candidates and that's why i'm having every single one of them for no b-s barbecue. christie, casey, rubio, and people in new hampshire in particular, undecided voters, there are many of them still, will have an opportunity to pick that conservative and that person needs to go through the process that they're going through right now and at the end of the day, whoever is standing should be the one. let's just say it's not that terrific conservative candidate that everybody seems to have this fantasy about, does that mean they're going to show us another lesson, so people like me and mitt romney and others a lesson and-- with all due respect we've gotten eight years of obama and have another eight years of clinton if we do not support the nominee.
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>> charles, by the way, senator scott brown, this is e-mack. bring charles up-to-date. remarkable turmoil behind the scenes, conservatives said if boehner didn't fight for the bill, they would call a procedural motion to vacate the chair and that the house bring to the floor a vote to elect a new speaker so mr. boehner essentially faced the prospect, prospect of democrats having to save him. so that appears to be what was part of the reason why he chose to step down. >> representative mica pointed out there were at least 25 dissidents out there. it's gone on so long and the intensity of it all. senator brown, i know that you have a sort of fundamental difference with the notion that the grass roots can show you how it's done, or show the quote, unquote, establishment how it's done, but they seem to have the passion, seem to have the willingness to go out there and fight.
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is it possible that maybe the establishment should say, maybe we need a b-s meter, too, because maybe we're getting it wrong? >> i think talk like that, respectfully, we're americans first, what are we fighting for? we're fighting for, you know the ability to protect the constitution, to our taxes and taxes, spending, jobs, national security and energy, immigration, these are the things we're fighting for, fighting to push back and put back into the bottle the mess that this president has created by having us apologize all the time. by, you know, putting us to our allies and-- that's what we should be fighting for. we need to retake the white house, to go through the process and make sure we can reestablish ourselves as being proud to be americans. that's what i'm fighting for. that's what i think everybody needs to fight for. i'm left with this question, let's just say hypothetically
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to your viewers and listeners their perfect conservative candidate is not the nominee. are they going to support him? if not you're going to get a hillary clinton or a bernie sanders. >> i think there have been some measures that said last time around, a lot of conservative voters stayed home because they're not motivated, but we did see their passion when marco rubio, just moments ago announced to the social conservatives, rather, that boehner was stepping down, we saw an amazing, i mean, standing ovation and these are core voters. and it's hard to argue that a nonconservative could get that sort of passion inside the par party. >> and marco, a dear friend, somebody that would make an incredible president, he has a lot of great choices out there right now, running right now and once again, they're cheering because one of our own
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is going basically and retiring. >> and folks who haven't seen it we're going to show it one more time, this is stunning stuff. again, remember, these are republican voters, cheering the exit of the speaker of the house who happens to be one of the top republicans. >> just a few minutes ago, speaker boehner announced that he will be resigning. all right. senator brown, you said one of our own, they don't consider boehner one of them anymore. >> and what if you have nancy pelosi again then what? and they have been republicans their whole lives. they may not take over house
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you wanted, but fighting that good fight and fighting against nancy pelosi and fighting against harry reid and fighting against the president. it's sad, are there other people who can fill the shoes? absolutely, that's part of the process and privilege of being an american and having the right to represent this great country. but, you know, to think we're going to continuously demonize our phone, because you don't build some litmus test of i think it's inappropriate. i am looking forward to the next speaker doing great service. you can don't have value in the people we disagree with as republicans. we'll get eight more years of democrats and hillary. for a socialist like ernie. how about that? >> he doesn't want a government shutdown but he didn't present a plan to keep the light on in the government going.
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on the senate side, what we are watching there is mitch mcconnell is expected to basically pass a clean bill authorizing appropriation with the answer to defend planned parenthood that will likely fail. senator ted cruz is continuing to threaten to throw as many wrenches in the way. charles: i really appreciate the comments. scott brown is a gentleman. i don't think he could have one in the states he did win if he didn't have the ability to reach across the aisle. the grassroots republicans right now are saying that as the person when we elect them they don't get things done. >> he won because the grassroots enthusiasm from people across the country you want to oppose the agenda.
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the senate leadership said if we can win the senate with little repeal of omnicare. republicans control the white house between 2,002,006. we doubled the national debt, pass medicare part d. we need to win one more election, delegate one more time. let stand in something bright now that the atrocities of the planned parenthood videos. millions of americans are outraged. we should stand by today and not say is just another election. charles: republican from new york on the phone with us. thanks for joining us. a major shockwave, major news. where does the party go from here? >> right now, everyone is part of the house republicans go processing the news. it was an emotional conference meant, surprise announcement and
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over the course of a couple decades in service in washington, the speaker has positively to his colleagues and the therese are the years. right now it's a moment where people are reflect some of the brighter days of his time and as far as the path forward in what to do next, and you start in earnest bearded >> you start in earnest in the mid-to the amazing turmoil within the party. business on what conservatism is, what will win out with the american public. maybe it all boils down to the planned parenthood wrote with enough of an issue to shut down the economy and prove a point whether the money is there and is there or not, is there something the new speaker can
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rally around and say yes, let's take a stand. >> on many different issues facing our country, whoever is in the comp rims, whether it's in the house, the senate, whoever the next president is, so many challenges facing our country. there is so much frustration amongst the american public. they want to see the country had in a better direction than it is right now. there's so many different issues. sure in the planned parenthood issue we should be looking not at the republican party is going to use them to galvanize or make a stand right now. >> again, it is one of several. you still have a lot of people who are working hard to stop a really flawed nuclear deal with
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iran. as issues impacting veterans and veteran affairs health care. you have 247 house republicans from all across the country and each of us prioritize different issues. so maybe if you're deeply in the minority lake house democrats are common just follow whatever nancy pelosi tells you to follow and there's less individualism and less intelligent diverse insight. from knowing my colleagues over the next several months and being sworn in january, there's a lot of diversity. people prioritize profamily issues, affairs at the top of their list. sure into representative lee zeldin, we appreciate you calling in at this crazy time for washington d.c. and republicans. liz: mr. boehner has a passive
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career behind him. school choice vouchers for low income families. basically part of the gang of seven taken on the scandal in the house. he and house speaker is like a room full of rocking chairs right now, so he faced a confidence vote. charles: by the way, that was representative kevin mccarthy. i guess right now the odds-on favorite although not the only potential replacement for john boehner. it ushered in pass as quickly as possible. liz: charlie i think my degree, mr. boehner just couldn't add a package of legislation and opposition to the president and give it to the president and make him veto it.
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charles: i understand the package, but doesn't ever feel like president obama -- sorry, john boehner put up a fight? >> i felt like he was dragged along by a party and i consider myself part of that. crazy young radicals want the budget balanced. if he is truly making kevin mccarthy the parent i would want to be kevin mccarthy because it doesn't seem like the best position to be in. liz: is defining fahrenheit wiki issue to shut down the government. they are ran deal, obamacare, people are upset about it. charles: looks like the straw that broke the john boehner back. >> we are going to want or how this will all play out
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potentially over the next couple months. john boehner will resign october 30. at that point the house cannot act on anything until there is a speaker in place. for all intents and purposes there'll be an election of 434 members and their needs to be a majority. 218 votes. somebody on the republican side has to have 218 votes. keep in mind 240 some thing republicans in the house said they will need an overwhelming amount of support to get them to the hurdle of 218. that brings us to october 30th keep in mind one thing that will trigger this all is this potential winning shot down, planned parenthood and how that plays out. as talks of a clean container resolution to get us to december 7th. here you have a vote take place
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october 30th, november 1st and the person has to do with whatever happens down the line december 11th. good multiple people essentially sit in front of the caucus and say here's what i'm going to do. here's what i'm going to do. lay out their plan and have an election as to how to proceed to december 11th and beyond anything when that takes place who got the iowa caucus february february 1st how that could be an issue on the gop side. this is the first day and there's a lot of dates will see down the line. we think we have a schedule. we have no idea. charles: will be right back. brad blakeman, former deputy assistant under george w. bush. this is absolutely stunning. guess they've been up in a john boehner for a long time. the dissidents, critics louder and louder. earlier i guess.he could tough
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it out. now that he hasn't, who do you think one and does this make the republican party galvanized them or make them stronger? >> that's a $64 million question. it depends how it plays out. is there a battle of speakership for an orderly transition? my phone has been ringing off the hook by people on the hill. normally there would be some signs of this coming. the site became so saddened, so fast is really rocked not only the republican side of the democratic side as well. it remains to be seen in the next few days what you hear in fee from republican as they jockey after october 30th to bring aboard a new speaker. as we know it has been bad, nothing happens without a speaker in place.
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republicans better get their act together because everybody is watching to see whether this is a battle or orderly and who it is important money and what does that mean. while the person be able to leave after january leading into a presidential election. >> certainly the dissidents can claim victory to say they represent everyday is, tea party, those are the guys and gals of the biggest voice right now resonating in the polls. we saw the voters conference a standing ovation for marco rubio announced boehner by stepping down. on the presidential side, d.c. the immediate impact of this news? >> the immediate impact is who's got the loudest voice and who will claim victory and why.
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that's been the message that has resonated with the american people. the republicans particularly on both sides it is fair to say is the establishment and their maybe the establishment talking about people already in office and i've been there a wire. this is a time to need to get stuff done. kicking the can down the road is not a strategy we seem to be mongering firm crisis to crisis. charles: brad, we've got a very passionate ted cruz speaking right now with the same value voters gathering. >> and my pen has got an eraser. but sadly the corruption has not been limited to the white house. it has extended across every agency in the federal government in the second thing i intend to do on my first day in off this
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is instruct the department of justice to open an investigation into planned parenthood and these horrible videos. [cheers and applause] and to prosecute any and all criminal conduct by that organization. the administration of justice should be blind to the only fidelity of the department of justice to the laws and constitution of the united states of america. [applause] the third thing i intend to do on the first day in office is instruct the department of justice. charles: we are listening to ted
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cruz speak at the voter value summit. the second thing he would do once he got into the white house's launch the department of justice investigation into the corruption cannot seem to be occurring within planned parenthood. we've all seen these heart-wrenching videos and the idea of body parts are being put up for sale, bonus bonuses based on this activity. window at a shocked and horrified everyone and bring us back to the idea that for the republicans in washington d.c., shutting down the government which by the way i don't think hurts the economy are stock market and we need to find ways of not spending as much money as certain that the mainstream media are always villainize for this. is it worth it because this might have been the issue that sent john boehner packing after years of fending off all of
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this. >> that issue and also who is the person who will take on the white house as speaker? who is the strongest, most powerful person? charles: congressmen reid riddled with us, republican from wisconsin. thank you for taking the time out. what is your assessment and where does your party go from here? >> it took us all off guard when the speaker announced he would be stepping down at the end of october. we knew there was a lot of outside movement pushing on the speaker with a lot of criticism on the house side that there is a group of members that i felt frustrated about not moving forward fast enough so he caught us off guard and now there will be a new leader double step. several people will try to run for that spot will have to see
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what the field looks like. charles: i think we know who the outsiders are. what are the insiders frustrated about? >> you kind of watch what's happening with the presidential campaign and the voters still portray. the blatant kind of filters up and people are concerned about sharing some of the blame. they thought we should've been more forceful with planned parenthood and other issues. there's been some frustration about the movement. i told the speaker yesterday i was supportive of him, hard to navigate. the conference is diverse. >> is this something he was on his own that might have helped to make the decision today? >> actually had a meeting with the speaker and a different
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topic related to planned parenthood. charles: please bear with me once again. we want to show nancy pelosi speaking right now and if we can come back to you. >> -- talked about his encyclical, his namesake st. francis, city of san francisco. st. francis is one of the first and earliest and strongest environmentalist. i was interested to hear what he had to say yesterday in at the white house the day before on our home planet and the responsibility we have two pass it on to future generations and to connect it to its holiness and the challenges he gave us as he addressed his remarks not only to us by two children, to
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seniors, how he referenced other leaders in our country who are so much a part of our culture. i would love for his holiness to know, just divine intervention but when he referenced martin luther king and later tom's merton that john lewis had in his backpack that he and thomas spoke. so that connection of values is one that is reinforced by what his holiness had to say yesterday. what is also happening today with the president of china, we are excited about his cap-and-trade initiative and the agreement between our two countries to address the crisis as his holiness called it air pollution because that is something people relate to more
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directly. this is good at what the chinese are doing in this case is excellent. i had the privilege of visiting china when president hu was president on climate and energy in the chinese are to be commended for what they are doing in that regard. charles: that is nancy pelosi on capitol hill talking about the events going on there. i want to go back to representative of reid whipple, from wisconsin. we talked about yesterday telling john boehner still supported him although he wasn't taking a poll, do you feel like you felt like this was all slipping away from him? >> i think that there was a vote he would've wanted. he didn't feel he was becoming a distraction and didn't want to be a distraction. he did share this morning he
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only wanted to serve for two terms, for years but that is why was disrupted when eric cantor lost his race a year ago in august. there is kind of a steady hand on the better. he now feels he's become a bit of a distraction to maybe step aside and spend some time at the spring of grandchild and with this family is well deserved. charles: but we are showing on the screen representatives john boehner with the big bombshell dropped not just speaker, but completely from washington d.c. has been acrimonious. he's done a lot of great things. that's what propelled him to the decision of recent years. a lot of members of his own party and grassroots voters have been more verbal and of course
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we've seen this play out with the race for the white house on the republican side at the polls and outsiders dominated not this moment moment. representative ribble, planned parenthood right now is at the top of the agenda for the same dissidents that may have forced boehner's hand. i'm not sure what your vote on this but is this a topic for the republican should make a stand to get back in the good graces of the grassroots and send a message sometimes it doesn't matter if we shut down government if indeed the cause is worth it. we've all seen the videos and then horrified. >> videos are absolutely horrifying as you said that there is time now to draw a line in the sand. we have to win this for the american people. the speaker mentioned a select committee made up of members to
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relate to the deep dive and show the american people what's been going on. i was struck in nancy pelosi's comments where she pivoted from the pope's comments on climate change and never once mention the numerous times the pope said we need to defend life at every stage of development and he was very strong yesterday on the pro-life issue and it seems like the left wants to ignore it. charles: by what you guys need a committee? i'm thinking immediately of europe. every time something goes on a committee will set up something they couldn't get straight. is there enough ammunition to draw the line in the sand he talked about? >> certainly fair enough observation. the american people haven't seen the videos. when it did take a short period of time to make sure the american people understand what is going on. what the left is saying to us a human life is love has no value
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but the individual body parts do. that's a shocking thing to say. we have to make the american people aware so they can protect the unborn. charles: representative read a ribble, hopefully we'll have you back soon. thanks a lot. >> thank you. charles: blake burman, you've been on the case. what is next? reporter: this comes from our excellent producer speaking to senior sources and here is the source of their same. the plan for john boehner was too late last year. when eric cantor lost his race, that change the whole calculation for john boehner along with other events and that happening down the road. according to sources, john boehner is planning to step aside november 17th of this year. not a random day. at number 17 is john boehner's
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birthday. on that date he would announce he would step aside by the end of the year. so what changed everything? according to sources, the pope was in town and gave a speech on the capital which is a moving, emotional as it's described and made the decision last night to step aside at a 45:00 this morning he held a meeting with staff to inform them of everything about to happen. as reported earlier kevin mccarthy found up one minute beforehand. pattison and john boehner told the rest of his caucus. he did not say anything after he left. clearly the scheduled news conferences no more but according to the senior source, the speaker is at peace and it was the spirit of the pope yesterday and everything that moved him. charles: blake irvin, thank you
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very much. ted cruz ss that when he talked about the news is stepping down. >> you want to know how much each of you terrify washington? yesterday john boehner was speaker of the house. [cheers and applause] y'all come to somehow that changes. [cheers and applause] my only request is can you come more often. tony, winning the scheduled these weekly, once a week. charles: one of the people who set up most to the washington establishment in his own party.
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in this case is taking a deserved victory lap. you are a catholic parody of some issues with this particular pope, but we did see a visibly shaken john boehner yesterday. the service. the pope's visit man in go at the pope's visit may not go ahead and throw in the towel. >> that's an interesting point. the pope has been speaking to bring the viewers up to date in his address to the united nations does focus on the environment and climate change at a time in saudi arabia is about to lead a human rights panel and human rights watch is basically beheading more people than isis had. that is what is going on all of the pope addressing the united nations. he is saying basically the north has to do more because the north
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is developed. that's where a lot of refugees and migrants want to go because free-market systems need to see the pope of knowledge that. john boehner, a solid career since 2011 couldn't hold the gop together. he tried to run at a time when the u.s. economy faced a really powerful president. let me back up, and a president willing to do and when to run the constitution. charles: no doubt about that. so far paul ryan says this is not a job for someone with a family despite the fact a lot of people thought he was the ideal candidate. apparently conservatives already there. and you'll be kevin carthy by default. >> jim jordan is a tea party group. he put out a tweet in which he said he has no interest in us.
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we've been monitoring statements coming in. for the most part, they are on the side of john boehner thanking him for his service, we have heard i am not in as he saw kevin mccarthy there walked right by the podium, had down, downtrodden and nancy pelosi said this was a stark indication of the caucuses to survey an obsession mission down. liz: you are hearing from their boss at the house freedom caucus chairman according to "politico" jim jordan saying he will not run for house leadership. looks like the field is narrowing down to who can replace john boehner. are you hearing anything about jeb has her lame? maybe kevin mccarthy, congress and roskam.
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those are some of the names we hear about in new york. reporter: yeah, haven't heard anything on hence her lame. at least what we have seen a, we can even call it a day because it's only been an hour or two hours. this is the day we've seen people willing to jump in rather than thank you for your service. great man for the party, so on, so forth. but no one to say this is what i wanted to. so a lot of time to flesh that out and i would be shocked quite honestly if we are anybody on day one say this is mine, let's go for it. charles: although there is not a lot of time. a lot of things have stayed the continuation of running the government. there are issues that planned parenthood that may be made to be seized at the moment. there is not a lot of time after
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the congratulations, you did a good job. maybe this'll underscored indecisiveness of the gop and the fact there is not a single voice out there. this might amplify it more. >> this could be a case of hurry up and wait. at the end of the day, they have to fund the government somehow, but that is certainly the issue at the moment is the looming government shutdown and five, six days or so. while there is this political battle domain for republicans, right now this is john boehner's day, but after that, the next couple hours the whole government shutdown will be the focus. liz: how likely is that there will be a government shutdown? we are hearing there may not be a shut down and republicans may put an agreement to pass the
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clean spending bill. anything about that? >> you had to vote yesterday at least on the senate side didn't go the way some republicans had hoped. that is up monday evening for the clean bill to be put through. at that point a decision will have to be made on the other side. maybe push this down the road to december 11, today we have been hearing where does this get drawn out and they shut down of some poor. you guys have had on this. this adds to john boehner's legacy that he would presumably be able to put aside in the ground and say we cannot shut down the government not only for the party before the country and prospects in 2016. is pakistan is able to take more
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freely in the next five days or so or is it may play out the upcoming week. charles: the stock market is not right now is that the pendulum has changed with it to a government shutdown or at least not acting like would be detrimental. without using a 200-point now. the initial shock and decided d.c. may gain some traction. the clean spending bill -- liz: here's the deal they would do a clean spending bill. that is when you could define obamacare and also planned parenthood. that is where the key reconciliation bill. charles: white, would he make of that? reporter: this is the issue for the next five days or so. can they get the clean bill
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passed and it's not a day going to take it up to reconciliation and work the process there. that answer would come from the meeting at 9:00 this morning. you've got a further schedule out now after what happened. maybe they will take it on that way and work through everything. they say the calculus of everything changes. they are going to have to figure everything out. charles: the obstacles and challenges don't change. before you left a lasting earlier in the show, you mentioned ted cruz is somebody who was a winner and missile name. we had ted cruz speak at the values voter summit, really basking in this news.
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the crowd cheering wildly at the announcement john boehner is resigning from feeling like you've let them down and betrayed them. this is a real core problem. it's not even upset with party leaders but feeling betrayed. i don't know how you overcome that overnight, particularly hand chosen successor, in this case, kevin mccarthy. >> your analysis is spot on. a lot of the anger in the house and senate they have not fulfilled promises. they said they will defend obamacare and they didn't did they said they would do a planned parenthood funding and they haven't done that yet. the notion that kevin mccarthy, a very likable man from southern california bakersfield would be the anointed successor to john boehner, someone who conservatives are nervous to begin with, it would be more
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disarray than the announcement that speaker boehner made this morning, charles. charles: here's the thing, jim jordan, one of the conservatives some people thought would be someone who would run and put towards the scene has tweeted out that the one a run for it. paul ryan has done the same thing. who were the conservatives have to be virtually to throw their hat in the ring to replace john boehner? >> i would look at someone like peter roskam. very well-regarded by sir conservatives in the house of representatives and someone who can take a hard stand and stand up to the democratic leadership in the house and senate. it's got to be somebody who has the strong backing in the house, someone willing to be seen as an advocate and server to principles.
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people like kathy mcmorris rogers, the number three in the house, a lot of people will say we need a lot more fresh faces, new faith as opposed to business as usual since the house republican majority came into play. liz: we would like your reaction if we may. planned parenthood putting out a statement on the news that house speaker john boehner announcing he will step down at the end of october. it looks like leadership in the house may go from bad to worse while mr. boehner is never a champion of women's health in this country, even he recognized the fun and planned parenthood was not what the american people wanted. the extreme flank has become so obsessed with ending women's access to health care that they will pursue it at all costs no matter how many americans disagree no matter how many women they hurt us or resold.
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what is your reaction? >> it's a very interesting statement. there are two choices. they can as a political move to keep the planned parenthood funding in place and not risk the tarnish of being insensitive to women's rights and women's health or they could define planned parenthood for all the reasons in this gruesome videos. to be perfectly candid the statement that goes from bad to worse if they are fearful that the republicans put in as their speaker was one of the first steps making sure they can solidify and reassure calm reigns by defining planned parenthood. i think it's an accurate one. things could get worse for speaker john boehner's resignation. charles: on our screen looking at new york, pope francis arriving at around zero. 9/11 not too long ago.
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the pope making his entrance right now. before we go, let's go back to washington d.c. and blake burman for another update. >> you been talking about kevin mccarthy and where things go from here. just released a statement and it go. the first part he expresses support for john boehner. since i first came to congress, john has been serving constituents with unparalleled passion. john has been a leader, mentor and friend throughout another not only experience but unshakable faith and principles. takes profound humility to step down in john's depth of character is unmatched. that is the first part. the second part is who might step forward and win. he goes on to say now is the time for conference to focus on healing and unified to face
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challenges ahead and always do what is best for the american people. .us moments ago. charles: with already had to mention the same breath as him saying they won't. maybe there's something we can read between the lines. let shift focus a little bit because the pope visiting ground zero, even as the best mcdonald -- elizabeth mcdonald. we have talked about the scope of his aversion to capitalism as wall street. we understood why the twin towers were paid as targets because they represented capitalism and the economic success of america. does he walk a thin line there because a lot of catholics in this area feel like he doesn't understand the beautiful things capitalism has done for the whole world.
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>> this'll be a moving ceremony. ground zero he will get ground in new york city and hold interfaith prayer service with jewish, christian embassy, muslims. you know, we were looking at the tweets the pope sent out about how he feels about climate change and capitalism and we might be better to lowdown production to get development of other parts of the soul, stepping up and stepping forward. this is a pope right now just finished an address at the united nations and the environment were key at a time without a lot of persecution of christians in the middle east and saudi arabia is running a human rights panel. that is an issue that a lot of people were looking to be addressed. >> .by the way is the monument
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which is absolutely amazing. [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds]
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[background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] charles: francis offering prayers at the reflection pool at ground zero. an extraordinary monument if you ever get a chance to new york you must go visit it again. weeks after the most recent 9/11
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anniversary, a haunting reminder of the tragedy that occurred there. i think we have month senior charles on the line. welcome to the show. >> thank you. great to be with you. charles: pope francis has electrified the world and also frustrated parts of the world with a condemnation of capitalism and maybe some of the things that made the west unique but also extraordinarily successful. help us under his and what is trying to say. is he demonizing capitalism or should there be a different form of capitalism? >> just the other day pope francis did offer clarification about that. what he is saying is anytime we have a system in which the human person is subjugated even to economic success, we have a
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problem. pope francis sees that not only in the united states but other parts of the west as well. i don't believe that all he is in any way given a total condemnation of capitalism. capitalism as it most extreme or the human person is not love and respect it. charles: i don't know that it's necessarily true. it is true we have a celebrity culture where we put people on pedestals because they make a certain amount of money. i don't know if this is a society that is shown people. it is the quiet opposite where you could be a so-called no buddy to the top of the pedestal. >> i believe you are right that it's true right that its troop many persons have been able to rise above the initial difficulties they had. probably pope francis sees the large number of people who are
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homeless, who don't have access to all kinds of human goods. that is what he is reacting to. as you say, capitalism has been a helpful system is though many ways and has helped so many persons. we are also aware a number of persons are still left behind and for that reason there is a caution given to us. liz: monsignor, we are lucky not a shot at ground zero. there's a lot of refugees when there is a failed system elsewhere in the world. they are trying to migrate to places in the north and free-market economies thrive and welcome refugees.
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i think there is a sense out there looking at a moving scene at ground zero that the pope could touch on a lit and abuses and communism and socialistic society is as prior popes have done. >> yes. i think he is aware of that. probably what we see now is the unfettered capitalism really has its focus. i think pope francis certainly would've knowledge that terribly oppressive system throughout the world. communistic system, social system. there is something we witness that persons want troubled areas and go to places where there's free-market of this success. charles: therein lies the
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problem. they unfettered capitalism that we should stop climate change. what would talk about his stop in third world countries from developing if we lay out lower levels of climate output. for a couple centuries we tell developing nations you can't do this. you and have the electricity or power to do this. you will have the economic system to germinate a flowing through the nation to do this. i don't think the vatican gets this. when you push the agenda you are in many cases hurting the very poorest of the world. >> your point is well made. i'm not sure every person involved in helping the holy father with his offering of suggestions is completely clear.
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i think you are right. that is some that hopefully we will see unfold, a kind of respect that has helped so many folks and also the notion at times has been pressed to the point given what we see, many people have not benefited. i imagine the holy father as collaborators and helpers who have a different view of capitalism in the west as you and i know it. >> hold there for me if you would. jim nicholson, former ambassador to the vatican. give us your assessed and so far , the pope's visit electrifying comic standing. he's even moved up his resignation date. the overall impact it will have on america.
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>> in short it has been phenomenal. one priest from argentina when you think about it who has come here and the nation's capitol shut down for two days. he could've thrown a grenade and not hit anybody on when day. there is something going on it really needs to be fully comprehended by people in this country and the world. i think it is a yearning for spiritual leadership and clarity in pope francis seems to be filling the void in people's lives are people of all stripes. i am in a law hundred some people and all religion and they are just focused and every television in our country. that is not in it can be discounted and is a very positive phenomenon, but when you start looking beyond it and
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start talking about these things about his view of capitalism which has made our country so great and its emphasis on the individual and the opportunities of that, awesome incumbent to see the pope truly understand this economy and how benevolent it has been both to the people of our country and the people in the rest of the world. when i was ambassador, two thirds of the food every day came from the people of the united state. they were feeding 24 million people a day and the american people, mostly american catholics were fun and not. charles: mr. nicholson, the void that the pope's visit seems from all walks of life, even perhaps
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ats, what you think that it's come from? this in acrimony in washington d.c. on almost every level and now most every day we move closer to being a godless nation. is there some sense of desperation that we could so that laura and perhaps this is why the visit is such a success. >> i wouldn't pretend to know all the reasons. my sense is telling me they see in this man a hope in spiritual plateau that people subliminally are aspiring to. this has become a wildly secular country anything goes, laissez-faire conduct in the social sphere. i just don't think that is
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satisfying the basic needs of the people. i think they want more in their lives. they want some common denominator of a spiritual dimension and they see in pope francis a man who you could say has an agenda, which i think he does someone on immigration and population and poverty, but he is pure or so to speak and there is a longing for that. charles: would talk about capitalism. i don't think there's ever been anything better than not improved but the success and a lot of people to jim nicholson's point had equated modern day america where there is a certain sort of air again, maybe the dems have our own success to have lost track. you feel that as well? >> i do.
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>> i think ambassador nicholson has summed it up well. there is a yearning for god and spiritual values really about human nature and for that reason we do see certain parallels between the united states and rome at its apex centuries ago. this is quite alarming for all guys to have a respect for spiritual values. transfer we are getting breaking news. house speaker john boehner is stepping down and we hear reports that mr. boehner when he was telling house members of his decision during a meeting that a ladder route -- but allowed to make an instrument of thy peace. mr. boehner was threatened and
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are during the pope's thursday address to congress. mr. boehner is catholic and that directly by the pontiff. how much do you think the pope's visit impact of the decision to step down? >> i haven't seen news reports that but i suspect it might have been significant and mr. boehner would refer to st. francis of assisi who is the page and in the notion pope francis is trying to be a servant of he's a st. francis was a thousand years ago i'm sure was very significant event for him. liz: right now we're looking at ground zero. the pope related interface prayer service which will be so much more a hearing on trade and healing services. this is a young papacy defined that acts of humility, service to the poor, calls for mercy. i'm reminded of the pope at holy
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or stay washing the feet of a muslim woman being persecuted. now is a striking moment in this papacy. >> shows again the holy fathers for all people, love and can turn for all those suffering and it's not surprising that it's something we would see in this papacy. it is still young papacy and the holy father no doubt is inspired to continue with so many great works and commitments as the years go on. charles: i want to bring in chris speier wild with us. you've been listening and john boehner november 17th was the day he would announce at the end of the year he would resign. perhaps extraordinarily moved by the visit and comment, what are you hearing about all of this? >> number 17 visits per day and
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my birthday, too. i don't want to say discount, but here is what i'm hearing from people and the amherst urkel have told me. this is the long-standing plan to get out. i don't put much credence in the idea that boehner had an emotional episode for spiritual revelation but in fact insiders said at least at the beginning of this week or perhaps the league before that a plan was put into place about how to do this in the near term. you couldn't do it before the pope because that would've stepped on a moment and boehner had worked for 20 years to bring the pope for congress. intended and have been a benediction so he does that in the next day is the right time you can come out and announce your decision. charles: obviously i can't almost everyone by surprise.
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even kevin mccarthy apparently. >> attracted several members now in that meeting was a perfectly closely held secret among a core group of people. a lot of people knew he was considering something. the fact he was going to drop it today some people. i don't know if i believe kevin mccarthy was shocked, but at the latest in a something is in the works weather today i don't know that it did a good job of running based on pattern on this. charles: thank you very much. we will be back. it's a huge day. the news of john boehner resigning which will create an amazing amount of extra turmoil in the visit by the pope in china's president stock, dow jones industrial average at 200 points. don't go away. we will be right back.
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charles: breaking news. john boehner, speaker of the house for another month, announced a, announced surprising that he is stepping down not only from a position to watching away from washington d.c. altogether after a career. now this leads up who will take
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his place and win this battle at the end of the republican party, which is being torn by different ideologies. there's a lot of common ground, but the ideologies are so strong so passionate on all sides that the party is in disarray. this underscores the challenge facing them. one hand social conservatives meeting today at the values voter summit. this is how they react. ted cruz and marco rubio addressed the crowd. >> you want to know how much each of you terrify washington? yesterday, john boehner was speaker of the house. [cheers and applause] you all come to town and somehow that changes. [cheers and applause]
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my only request is can you come more often? [cheers and applause] we need to schedule these weekly, once a week >> a few minutes ago, speaker boehner he will be resigning. [cheers and applause] charles: that is what you call jubilation. a core republican voters who i guess the one word that sums it up, betrayed by john wagner and others over and over again to fight. it's not about necessarily winning sites. people can do the math. people understand the numbers. the idea is you never put up a fight. you've got the iranian deal
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going through. you've got the budget bill going through. you've got a lot of things going on that is in bold the president to become more tenured to the nation. not just core voters, but the nation because the republicans a lot of people feel the establishment have just become part of the problem and not the solution and we thought that it's an amazing scene when you see them stand up and cheer. i want to ask a staunch democrat how they feel. leslie marshall, radio superstar on the line with those. what is your feeling about this news? >> well, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't, charles. i wasn't surprised entirely because there's a push for republicans inside the house and
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about way and outside by voters to have somebody new who would push their appeared the problem is quite frankly when you say there is no pushback on obama common but for those numerous legislative vote on repealing and replacing obamacare about while john boehner was speaker. if you look at just the numbers, charles boehner is more in line with majority of the republican nine fed. how many republicans are voters who will see at november 2016. >> the fact you defend john boehner walking away from one of the most coveted jobs on capitol hill. we do have major issues coming up on a lot of the dissent thinking the planned parenthood situation and the videos have been horrific.
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certainly the notion of what's behind the videos that this is the moment in time they draw a line in the sand and it's not necessarily the votes per se but the message will stand up on principle for something that should matter to all americans. mrs. time of the next person it takes the position as speaker of the house will go through it and draw the line in the sand? >> you know charles, it depends if they want to repeat history and commit political suicide. majority of pro-lifers don't want to take away the choice in illegal abortion practice. charles: wait a minute. >> charles way, way. charles: -- people's rights. federal money going to an organization they talk about cutting up navy parts. but a glass of chardonnay on the
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side. this is not taking away abortion rights. this is funding an organization that lost its way and corrupt and members are sickening. >> charles, if you let me finish, that would've been wrapped up in a pretty bow. here is what i'm saying. the american people have especially with soundbites the perception planned parenthood is the only federally funded clinic in the united state that performs abortions. also as you heard the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell say yesterday this to be a one-year period, this would not be permanent and the breakdown in numbers, abortion services at planned parenthood are less than 3% of service is provided. no federal funds are not paying for that. do we want to possibly have a government shutdown, do we want to take the time, taxpayer money
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and her not just federal employees for businesses in and around washington, virginia, maryland a roundabout way over something for one year the federal funds do not go towards. charles: first and foremost it's interesting this is happening while the pope is visiting. we are reminded of the sanctity of life. if there's anything anyone would stand up for, to me this would be it. the idea we may have to close a few national parks and that's an inconvenient to stop a government to spend every nickel they get would be about thing. perhaps you have enough voices that say enough voices of african fighter with this issue, by the way, money is fungible. we don't know exactly where it goes but it helps the organization. the bottom line is enough private money to perform the
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abortion and the federal government should not have its hands in. >> one of the things that i've always said we go at this from the wrong direction people want to prevent abortion. prevent the pregnancy. about a pregnancy there was no need or desire or choice. should be fun planned parenthood does not prevent abortion or fetal tissue from being researched at any other clinic into defined plant parenthood -- >> the other stuff you talked about. liberals have making a call to have babies out of wedlock we wouldn't have these problems either. >> zero really? charles: i've got to let you go. thanks a lot, mostly.
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more breaking news from extraordinary day in washington. reporter: the values voter summit going on in washington d.c. presidential candidate speaking in front of the crowd. one of them as donald trump. he was last moments ago when he thought about john boehner's resignation. >> well, i think it time. i think it's a good thing. maybe somebody else will come in and have a tougher attitude than he does. reporter: he says john boehner was not conservative enough and it's time for something like this to happen. not a real shock shrub would say that in the year of an outsider. you've also been playing the video they are of ted cruz who took almost a victory lap there with the crowd at the summit. true to some would say well
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deserved victory lap and agree with donald trump. thank you very much. happening right now is the interfaith prayer service at ground zero. up next the united nations with the refugee crisis next. we'll be right back. including an industry leading broadband network, and cloud and hosting services - all with dedicated, responsive support. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you're free to focus on growing your business. centurylink. your link to what's next.
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>> i am transfixed. the dow jones industrial average a surge of 185. s&p up three quarters of a
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percent. the nasdaq up 18 on the heels of janet yellen space last night were an interest rate hike is still open for this year. a great gdp report shows the economy continue to improve. jpmorgan, coca-cola, procter & gamble leading the way on the dow jones industrial average. still slightly negative. the s&p down half a percent. nike at an all-time high surging better sales and
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charles: at the united nations is the point where racing.mac turns out on about on the back with it odium and is seen as a human right -- liz: that is what gets me. saudi arabia has more people than i says and they will be running a human rights panel. what is going on there? >> is calling for the u.s. in the west to take a huge role in all of this. they should be listening to what he to what he's saying. we're not hoping where the head of isis or hamas, but actually there's who should take a major role. tree into united emirates,
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bahrain, qatar, zero migrants to germany says will take 800,000. john kerry keeps upping the ante that they become our problem and if we don't take care of them, we are evil or sinister. >> only talking about the humanitarian aspect. obviously the humanitarian case to be made and many are well-intentioned. how about the geopolitical modifications and national security ramifications. charles: if the pope were to scrutinize nations like saudi arabia to the degree americans feel like they been scrutinize, would it make a difference and international humiliation. tens of thousands they've never use. >> it would be a start.
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we are only hoping the right people would be listening to be invigorated to actually help these people as well. the u.n. found nothing. you see these not getting enough help. the u.n. would create the aftermath to help out and look at the global headlines. >> breaking news, john boehner >> at the end of last year. he stayed on for continuity. it is my view that leadership turmoil would do irreparable damage to the institution and that is why he's stepping down. he goes on to say my heart is filled with gratitude with my family, colleagues. god bless the country that is
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giving me. john boehner clearly grateful on this day but also before that says it lays out the timeframe and the thinking of all of this. he says he was planning to do this last year, but the turmoil the way he puts it, leadership turmoil would do irreparable damage. charles: is there an admission that he is a central part of the turmoil pulling him out would calm the waters so to speak? >> i would be a part of analysis left up to how they feel, whether he is the cause or the effect here. either way in this statement he takes it had gone and says there has been prolonged leadership turmoil that would do irreparable damage to the institution. he understands clearly what the
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perception is outside of the capital and acknowledges that in the statement. true into leslie, you are still with us? leslie marshall. sorry, let me go with lisa. you follow the political goings-on in america as well. blake talked about the idea john boehner is stepping away because of the intense turmoil. my initial read of the turmoil will get a lot worse right now. not saying he's the leader the gop needed but the timing is pretty interesting. >> the question will not be why, but why now. i would be more interested to find out why on the day the pope is monopolizing headlines, why not wait until monday. this is the most curious part i think.
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>> turmoil is the right word. it was clear the gop leadership was caught off guard by mr. boehner decision to resign today. you have congressman jim jordan and paul ryan thing they do not want the job as house speaker. there's a fight over whether or not to shut down the government. this is the step aside through budget reconciliation, meaning d. fund planned parenthood for obamacare takes a simple majority vote in the senate and you can't filibuster. true into the air during the most vocal funders on the evangelical, tea party, social conservatives at the values voter summit broke out to wild applause at the announcement john connor was stepping down and yet we've had several guys including senator scott brown
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who suggested that sure will majority aren't the guys and gals are people who wind up voting for what they are calling rhinos, republicans and all this stuff is loud talk but it does not represent the party. this is the party right now for grabs. liz: that is an interesting point. there is a big vocal part of the party saying wait a second. we are about the separation of power and the legislative body has a right to direct spending. true into the market up 190 points. one of the key stocks of course apple. shares up 45 cents. of course the new iphone sales have gone up. the iphone six and iphone 6s. not the crust is seen in the past.
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is it too early to determine if it's a success? >> very few people lining up for a variety of reasons including the u.n. general assembly. fdr capital market maintaining on the stock estimating 12 million is what apple needs to hit for this to be a success. no doubt about it it would read the biggest upgrade cycle if they do hit that. charles: 12 men globally? >> 12 million in places where iphone goes on sale this week. true to we are crowded in new york, but maybe not chicago. what does it look like there, jeff? >> charles, excellent point. the lines this year are a lot shorter. this is the end of the line. you can see from the end of the line to the front not very long at all. it wasn't a whole lot longer earlier. a lot of people show up and if they made a reservation, they
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get to walk rate and. they may be selling more or as many as they did in the past even though the lines are long. a lot of corroborate. charles: real quick, joe, china been important part of the apple story. nice to see a lot of chinese lineup in new york, over my dead and make a bundle. that also might be what accounts for less lines. >> even though the overall economy slowing down, demand for a nicer phone is crescendo in right charles: although apple we will be right back. more after this. that doesn't act that way. if you can't put a feeling into words, why try?
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opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. . charles: all right, just got word in that apparently john boehner only told his wife and a top aide of the news that broke today. he's resigning as speaker of the house and resigning from his political life. we've got pope francis who
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continues to make the rounds in new york city. the president of china is here wooing president obama. and we've got a stock market rally up 200 points. neil, don't drop the baton! >> i will not, thank you very much, charles payne. at the corner of wall and broad, a buying rally going, whether that could be relief speaker boehner is stepping down and avoids a government shutdown anyone's guess, and focusing on the pope he's down at ground zero. he will be moving way uptown to harlem later on today before he moves onto philadelphia. in the meantime in washington, this was supposed to be a huge event that all the networks were going to be monitoring, but instead the 21-gun salute, the state welcome to the chinese leader has been eclipsed by the other moments. but this press conference featuring the chinese president xi jinping will be getting scrutiny because what exactly did the chinese agree to today and what kind of concessions


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