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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 26, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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good evening everybody, i'm lou dobbs. european union leaders meeting in brussels today trying to coordinate a response to the european immigration and refugee crisis, the crisis also having an impact in america where the obama administration has pledged to take in 200,000 refugees over the next two years which raises concerns about whether the administration has the ability to properly screen for radical islamic extremists. also tonight, we'll have the latest on historic visits above pope francis and chinese president xi jinping, the
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pontiff saying climate change is a huge problem that can, quote, no longer be left to a future generation and president xi pledging to fight cyber attacks insisting the chinese government does not engage in cyber attacks and thefts, this is the same china behind the cyber attack that stole the personal information of nearly 22 million federal government workers and brand new fox polls out tonight confirming voters want an outsider candidate to be elected to the white house in 2016, donald trump dr. ben carson, carly fiorina capturing the support of more than half of primary voters leaving establishment candidates far behind. our top story, security concerns over europe's illegal immigration and refugee crisis. european leaders trying to overcome divisions of what to do with the hundreds of thousands
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flooding their borders. eu leaders have agreed on a mandatory quota for each region to relocate refugees. hungary's foreign minister calls the plan unreasonable and nonsense. slovakia vows to block that agreement and mandatory instruction from the eu adding to mounting concerns, reports tonight that many of the so-called syrian war refugees passing through europe are neither syrian or refugees but hoping to find a back door to the west, pretending in some number that they are other than syrian refugees trying to obtain benefits european residency. that's partly why republican senators such as jeff sessions are against increasing the number of refugees who have reset ld in the united states.
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sessions saying, quote, our schools, our job markets and public resources are already stretched too thin and even at current rates we have no capacity to escreen for extremit ideology. the newest poll showing carly fee rana at the top with a 38% approval when debate watchers were asked which presidential candidate did the best job. donald trump second place, 17%, third spot marco rubio 9%. joining me now former reagan white house political director, fox fuse political analyst ed rollins. no surprise about trump being at the top and maintaining that lead, but the strength and readings on performance of fiorina, i think even those who thought she did a terrific john and there are many, might be surprise bid the strong number. >> she was extraordinary. she made very strong points,
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took trump on which was the issue where he had insulted her. she's a great salesperson as is trump. the front-runners are -- today we have a brain surgeon -- you say you don't need a brain surgeon to be president, you need to be articulate and have a vision, but you need to be a salesperson. i think these two front-runners are selling something that's different. clearly these polls as you'll get in to, the country, republicans in particular, are very dissatisfied with their washington show. they don't like boehner, they donnell like mcconnell. they don't think we're standing up for what we believe in. they don't think they're doing what they promised to do when they got elected. i think even though trump isn't articulating any kind of vision or specifics, and a carly at this point is the same way, that doesn't last forever. but today it's significant enough to lead the polls. >> rubio doing better on his performance in the debate than in terms of his poll numbers.
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what does he have to do to break out? >> he's going to be a very strong candidate. he's a very articulate guy. he has more knowledge about foreign affairs than anybody on that stage. at the end of the day he can answer quickly, he's articulate. >> will his amnesty positions harm him? >> i think they already have harmed him. i think he's going to not talk about those issues again. >> a wise choice. >> wise choice. if he hasn't got into that am necessity immigration plan he would have done much better. the critical thing is he's moved in to second place in a florida poll. if he beats bush in florida on march 15 he's a real credible candidate. i think as time goes on and trump continues to push forward, he's still going to hold 15%, 18% which may be enough to keep him in the game.
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>> hillary clinton holding her lead in the polls. senator bernie sanders also holding his position in second place, 30% behind her. the controversy today is, was she the original birther in 2008? she says she was not. >> she says a lot of things that she was. there's no question that she raised the issue initially. >> her campaign at least. >> well, it doesn't matter. the reality is -- >> i'm trying to give her distance here. >> she doesn't have any distance. the american public do not believe she's an honest woman. she's been on the national stage for a long, long time. to me, the most telling deficit a person can have is if someone doesn't believe you're honest and continually basically gets the reenforcements by the e-mails and everything else. >> trump boycotting fox news. on this broadcast last night i said i think the donald is
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terrific, i like him, but he needs to come out the crap. what ensues from that is more crap. he is throwing more insults and venom and nastiness around, and it is all of it, all of it unnecessary. >> not only unnecessary, the other part -- we were both fighters when we were young. imt's not how hard can you hit, how good a punch can you take? this guy cannot take a punch. any little poke -- he trushs everybody, has not said a positive thing about anybody so far. one little response to him or criticism for his lack of substance and he crawls under the bed in the fetal position. he's going to get that fancy hat knocked off his head. if he can't fight back and doesn't twoont use fox, that's his loss. >> he's just got -- as i said last night, the man has got to reload. he's repeating himself ad
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nauseum, and even the insults are becoming repetitive. ed, kbrat to see you. >> my pleasure. >> talking about boxing. ed was five-time golden gloves champion. ment i was five golden gloves short of that. good to have you around. the pope's in town. the chinese president soon will be. europe is in crisis and the obama white house has just released osama bin laden's released osama bin laden's bodyguar
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top news at this hour, european leaders holding emergency talks today on their illegal immigrant and refugee crisis, agreeing to take in 120,000 refugees. that's only a fifth of the number who have already entered europe this year. no telling what they'll do about the other 80%. the escalation of the military buildup in the middle east, the french president clearing the way of two warships to egypt, originally meant to go to russia, but that sale blocked when russia invaded and annexed cry mia. the white house releasing bin laden's former bodyguard and driver, isn't back to saudi arabia. joining us fox news kmasnationa
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security analyst k.t. mcfarland. k.t., right now, this crisis in europe, to think the european union is talking about 120,000 refugees while secretary kerry has volunteered to bring in 200,000 unknown, unvetted refugees which are most of them illegal immigrants from the middle east or africa. >> it's not a refugee crisis. it's a refugee invasion. i've seen some reports to say there could be as many as 10, 15 million of them coming. when you see those pictures, the question i've got is all the pictures are of young men between the ages of 18 to 35, 80%, 90% are young men. why don't they stay at home to fight for their land? they're leaving their women and children behind. they're coming z to europe for better economic opportunities. what would happen if we were invaded? would all the 18 to 35-year-old
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men go to canada? hopefully they'd stay and fight. >> one would hope. the fact there is no reflex to say how will we vet them, how will we explain this to the american people, we need to bring in 200,000 nameless, faceless unvetted illegal immigrants effectively who are not connected -- by the way, most of the reporting shows four-fifths of these people have nothing to do with syria. what is this administration think? >> they're not thinking. they're just like, well, we have a refugee crisis, we'll open the door and let them in. the problem is, as you pointed out, you cannot vet hundreds of thousands, potentially millions of refugees. they don't walk around with their papers and their i.d. information on their cards --
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>> we don't have the capacity right now for the 70,000 that we've brought in. >> that's right. let's not even talk about the economic part. what are they going to do when they get here? where are the jobs? we have large skilled unemployment? they can't be vetted. they're a security issue, an economic issue. they're a stress on the economies and social services of every one of the countries. >> i've got to ask you, a conversation between defense secretary ash carter, his counterpart in russia they hang up the phone after 15 minutes. ash carter goes out and talks about decon fliction and military support for bashar al assad's regime, absolutely antithetical to the stated goals of this administration. is this administration ever
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going to straighten anything out in at least its own thinking? >> no. because i think the president's decided he's leaving the middle east. whatever problems are there, it's going to be the next administration's problem. he's got his iran nuclear deal, enough for him. the problem in the middle east and as you point out, very few people understand this is a new alliance, not just that russia is in the middle east, but russia aligned with iran and syria. what does that control? that controls a lot of the world's exported oil. you control the world's exported oil, you control the world economy. that's where this goes. >> it may well be the europeans will take a further lesson in the price of appeasement this winter as they remain dependent on russian gas and oil, as well as now, the russian's security of shipping. thank you very much. >> thank you. go pro cameras are made to withstand extreme sports
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presidential administration that has no strategy in any area, no contingency plan as far as i can discern and only little understanding of the world swirling about them. all the pomp and circumstance, all the ceremony of the pontiff's visit giving the obama white house hope that the public's attention will be divert friday the on going chinese cyber attacks against this country and how much the chinese have stolen from federal records. the office of personnel management today revealing the chinese stole in the most recent round of chinese cyber attacks the fingerprint records of 5.6 million americans. that's more than five times larger than previously admitted when the attacks were first disclosed earlier this year. overall, the chinese cyber attacks resulted in the thefts of social security numbers, sensitive personal information belonging to more than 21 million americans. yet this white house, the obama white house still refuses to
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specifically blame china and hold them accountable. >> i don't have additional details about who or what entity may have been responsible for the particular cyber breach. this is something that continues to be under investigation by authorities. i don't have any conclusions to share publicly about who may or may not have been responsible. >> incredible. this white house is the most egregiously incompetent, most diffident since that of jimmy carter. the massive cyber attacks of our government only intensify ahead of the chinese president's visit to the white house. president xi didn't blush when he told a group of business and technology leaders in seattle that china is willing to cooperate with the united states on cyber attacks while denying responsibility for such
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espionage and yet the president will roll out the red carpet with a 21 gun salute and state dinn dinner. this is reward to mr. xi for his unrelenting cyber attacks on the u.s. government and american business. of course, the devaluation of the chinese currency. even president xi must be a bit confounded as he watches an american president who doesn't seem to actually care about outcomes and the consequences of his political choices and the consequences of his decisions on the american people. but so it is. now, our quotation of the evening, this one from republican of maine margaret chase smith, the first woman to serve in both the house of representatives and the u.s. senate. she said, quote, we should not permit tolerance to degenerate into indifference. something to think about,
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particularly if you're in the white house. we're coming right back. stay with us. dr. ben carson taking a lot of heat for his refusal to support a muslim president. shocking results in a poll on sharia law. is dr. carson merely upholding the constitution or deflating his campaign? we take i
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thing are getting real between republican presidential front-runners fiorina and trump. fee reen yeah saying trump and russian president putin have a lot in common. more to be heard on that. fiorina making her comments on "the tonight show" where she also sang about her dog. not kidding. here it is. >> again, you don't have to do any of this -- >> this is a song in four verses, i'll only give you one. >> my name is snick and i'm lazy ♪ ♪ i'd rather stay right here at home instead ♪ ♪ i'd like to lie back down in my nice warm bed ♪ ♪ my name is snick and you're going to have to carry me ♪ >> jedediah bila and rich lowry,
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good have you both here. jedediah, we're watching a mess in the republican race. how excited are you about all the people you were excited about? >> i'm excited about that, carly fiorina. she had me dancing. i was getting into the groove. >> i could hear clinton playing the saxophone in the background. >> let's not invite that because he will get on stage and make it happen. people keep saying she's not warm enough. that's what i'm hearing. i don't have a problem with that. this is a way for her to connect with people. we know she's really strong on policy, when she hits the debate stage, she comes out with specifics and makes people feel comfortable that she has her finger on the pulse of the issues. i think she did a great job throughout the interview. >> if i were a political consultant and a candidate said i'm going to go on a late night show and sing about my dog, i
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would say whatever you do, don't do that. she pulled it off. it was charming. she has to soften herself a little bit, but not much. people want strength clearly in this primary process and she has shown it. >> i've got the perfect candidate for you. i'd like to see what donald trump tweeted about mr. lowery. showing strength. >> not too much strength. >> rich laury is truly one of the dumbest of the talking heads. he doesn't have a clue. you wanted strength, you got it. what's that all about, rich? what did you do? >> it's so hurtful, lou. it's not just an attack on me, but everyone who goes on tv and criticizes donald trump. he objected to me saying he occasionally talks like an eighth grader. >> there are candidates you
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would have been complimenting. >> i said he talks like an eighth grader in some campaign events and he says, you're dumb. >> i want to show something that trump tweeted about fox news. >> i am having a really hard time watching fox news. well, donald, if you are, you can watch us, you can do any number of things. i took that as something of a slur. >> what does he expect? i've been on this network, heard a number of people defending him, some people picking on him. he expects everyone to come on and defend him. no. he mace some mistakes. it's our job to call it out and have people of differing opinions onset. >> i'll help him out. one step away from the tweeter machine, donald. number two, don't be insulting
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my employer because i for a moment for our fox stations across the country to join our coverage. as we look inside the saints peter and paul cathedral here in downtown philadelphia, we are well into now saturday, officially day five for pope francis in the united states as this ceremony continues. we'll take a slight pause here, wait for the folks across the country to join us as we continue our coverage. ♪ this is fox news coverage of pope francis in america. good morning from philadelphia. i'm bill hemmer. it's been a big day for the pope in the city of brotherly love and in a few moments the mass
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will be under way. we've been watching these amazing images. he touched down in philadelphia about 45 minutes ago after one heck of a schedule in new york city. it was an event to an event to an event and all of them capturing the vibrancy of manhattan and just the heartbeat of the world right now when he had vespers the other night at st. patrick's cathedral and then down to ground zero, up to harlem and through central park and then ending at madison square garden last night. now we see pope francis make his way down this center aisle. we me is lauren green, peter johnson, jonathan morris and monsignor in new york as well. today it's about families. back to monsignor, how is it
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that pope francis wants to frame this argument and this urgency about what he believes and talked about with great eloquence about the destruction of the american family and the family in general anywhere in the world today? how does he -- how does he put that into words now, do you believe? >> you know, bill, i think the most important thing is to admit that there's a problem and i think he's going to talk about very real problems that american families face. when i go around to family life conferences around america, i say, who here comes from a perfect family and when someone raises their hand, i say, you need to join me for confession. i think the holy father's message will be, your family is not okay and my family is not okay and that is okay and the love of jesus christ can heal even the broken mess that a family life can be. admit the problem. second, admit that jesus christ is the solution to the problem
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and go to church because you'll find great healing there. again, in america where most people are not attending church, i hope that he's going to turn us on to the beauty of catholicism again. there is a great book out there called "rediscovering catholicism." you have a richness right down the block from you at your local church and parish. explore those riches from the best sense. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> to father jonathan morris, explain to our audience, catholics and noncatholics, the significance of the incents.
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>> it's a symbol of our prayer up to heaven and taking us back to the idea of sacrifice and it's clear in the new testament that god is not looking for sacrifice from us but rather a contrite heart. so there's a contrast that there's a sacrifice that's already been done for us and that's by jesus christ on the cross and now we have to connect with that and our prayers are going up into heaven, just like the incense and that he would strengthen our resolve and, of course, the strength in the
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family. ♪ >> in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. [ speaking in foreign language ]
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[ speaking in foreign language ] [ speaking in foreign language ] [ speaking in foreign language ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> let us pray. oh, lord, father, only begotten
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son, bless the virgin mary, his mother, and we pray that this church might be more fit for the day by day and the holiness of our children and all of the families. for our lord jesus christ, your son, whose life in vain with you in the unity of the holy spirit, one lord forever and ever. >> amen.
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> translator: he answered, i heard you in the garden but i was afraid because i was naked so i hid myself. then he asked, who told you that you were naked? you have eaten from the tree i have forbidden you to eat.
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the man replied, the woman who you put here with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and so i ate it. the lord god then asked the woman, why did you do such a thing? the woman answered, the serpent tricked me into it and so i ate it. then the lord god said to the serpent, because you have done this, you shall be banned from all of the animals and from all of the wild creatures. on your belly shall you crawl and dirt shall you eat all the days of your life. i would pull emnity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers. he will strike at your head while you strike at his heel. the man called his wife eve.
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because she became the mother of all the living. ♪ ♪
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the lord be with you. >> and with your spirit. >> a reading from the holy gospel according to john. >> glory to you, you lord. >> standing by the cross of jesus were his mother and his mother's sister, mary, the wife
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of clopus, and mother of magdela. when jesus saw his mother and a disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "woman, behold your son." then he said to the disciple, "behold, your mother." from that hour, the disciple took her into his home. ♪
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: the history of this beautiful cathedral, the story behind its high walls and windows. i would like to think, though, that the history of the church in this city and state is really
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a story not about building walls but about breaking them down. it is a story about generation after generation of committed catholics going out to the peripheries and building communities of worship, education, charity and service to the larger society. this morning i learned something about the history of this beautiful cathedral, the story behind its high walls and windows. i would like to think, though, that the history of the church in this city and state is really
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a story not about building walls but about breaking them down. it is a story about generation after generation of committed catholics going out to the peripheries and building communities of worship, education, charity and service to the larger society. [ speaking foreign language ] >> translator: that story is seen in the many shrines which dot the city and the many parrish churches whose towers and steeples speak of god's presence in the midst of our communities. it is seen in the efforts of all those dedicated priests, religious and laeity, who over two centuries have ministered to the spiritual needs of the poor.
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the immigrant, the sick and those in prison. and it is seen in the hundreds of schools where religious brothers and sisters train children to read and write, to love god and neighbor, and to contribute as good citizens to the life of american society. all of this is a great legacy which you have received and which you have been called to enrich and pass on. >> translator: that story is seen in the many shrines which dot this city, and the many parrish churches whose towers
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and steeples speak of god's presence in the midst of our communities. it is seen in the efforts of all those dedicated priests, religious and laeity, who, for over two centuries, have ministered to the spiritual needs of the poor, the immigrant, the sick and those in prison. and it is seen in the hundreds of schools where religious brothers and sisters train children to read and write, to love god and neighbor, and to contribute as good citizens to the life of american society. all of this is a great legacy which you have received and which you have been called to enrich and pass on. >> translator: know the story of st. catherine drexel, one of the great saints raised up by this
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local church. when she spoke to pope leo xiii of the needs of the missions, the pope, he was a very wise pope, asked her pointedly, "what about you? what are you going to do?" those words changed catherine's life because they reminded her that in the end, every christian man and woman, by virtue of baptism, has received a mission. each one of us has to respond as best we can to the lord's call to build up his body: the
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church. >> translator: most of you know the story of st. catherine drexel, one of the great things raised up by this local church. when she spoke to pope leer xiii of her missions, the pope, he was a very wise pope, asked her pointedly, "what about you? what are you going to do?" those words changed catherine's life, because they reminded her that every man and woman, because of baptism, has received a mission. each one of us must respond as best we can to the lord's call to build up his body: the church. >> translator: what about you? i would like to dwell on two aspects of these words in the context


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