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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 19, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EDT

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thank you for joining us, anthony, thank you so much. keith mccullough loved it today. thanks for joining us. tune in tomorrow, we'll sit down with brady dougan and the winner of the nobel prize for economics. it will begin at 6 a.m. eastern. stuart varney, over to you. stuart: thank you so much. bernie sanders reveals the truth. he wants everyone to pay more. we must be like those europeans. good morning, everyone. we must have paid family leave, says bernie, and we must all pay more for it. higher payroll taxes for everybody, not just the rich. wait until you see the full text. trump puts 9/11 into the election. the hijackers wouldn't have been in america if he'd been a president. a big swipe at jeb and his brother. weeks after china and america talk about hacking, a new report talks about how china fired up the hacking machine all over again and by the way,
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its economy is slowing. how about this? the hype starts right now. a massive push by dudley to ramp up "star wars." they're owning it and they're growing it. this will be the biggest marketing binge you've ever seen and it starts now. actually "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> we're doomed! we need a revolution, millions of people on the street and we've got to do something and we've got to do it now! >> larry david's impressionment "saturday night live," very funny. hold on a second, do you think this is funny? roll tape. >> if you're looking about guaranteeing paid family and medical leave, which virtually
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every other major country has, that will require a small increase in the payroll tax. >> that's going to hit everybody? >> that would hit-- yeah, it would, but it would mean we're joining the rest of the industrialized world. we're the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee paid family and medical leave. stuart: you want paid family medical leave, everybody must pay more. i'll give bernie, an a for honest city, at least -- honesty. and he is honest and let's join the rest of the world with fewer paying jobs. bernie sanders highlighted something that doesn't get much attention in the country, which is the payroll taxes comprise a huge portion of the federal revenue, 35 to 40%, so-- >> that's social security tax? >> yes, so democrats cannot fulfill their spending dreams without eventually hitting
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payroll taxes because they can't do it all through the income taxes and this is effectively a regressive tax and it's had middle income and lower income families hardest because they rely on their payroll. stuart: let's be clear. if you work in america today, it doesn't matter how much you make, you pay payroll taxes and bernie sanders puts it up. that payroll tax up for everybody. the poorest of the poor who happen to work on the books, up it goes for everybody. is he serious? >> he's absolutely serious. ashley: i can't look at him now without thinking of larry david, it's over. stuart: a little levity on a monday morning, we'll talk-- take that. we're going to open lower today. down 50, 60 points on the opening bell. no big selloff. that's in 26 minutes' time. i predict a couple of stocks of
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the day. first of all, weight watchers, oprah winfrey has taken a 10% stake, i think she has a seat on the board. it will be up 30, 40%. ashley: almost double. stuart: i can't do the math. [laughter] it's almost going to double, leave it at that. and look at this, morgan stanley, lower profits, it will about what, i'm doing the math, 5%, that's a huge drop for morgan stanley. how about this one. donald trump, he's our special guest tomorrow, 11 eastern on this program. donald trump, do not miss that. serious stuff. israel, one person killed, ten others injured after an armed assailant opened fire in a bus station. to prevent for the attacks by palestinian, israeli is adding a wall. and the president's iraq nuke
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deal has now been formally adopted. joining us now, congressman lee zelledman, you're the only jewish republican in the house. in 2016 will democrats still get 70% of the jewish vote? >> i would highly doubt that. there's an obviously a long way to go over the course of the next year, that each party still has to pick their nominee. there's still going to be debates and conventions, but i would say that we're on pace to see maybe 60, maybe even 50% of the vote going to the democratic nominee, it could be less, which is a historic shift that we haven't seen in a long time. stuart: and this is directly because of what's happening in israel now and our lack of action on what's happening in israel now, and the passing of the iran nuke deal, they're directly related to a larger share of the jewish vote probably going to republicans? are you with that? >> yeah, absolutely.
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it's obama's foreign policy as relates to the fact that this president doesn't understand that we need to be strengthening our relationship with our allies, treating our enemies as our enemies, and so, all throughout the entire middle east and specifically with the dynamics around israel and syria and lebanon and gaza, we haven't been standing with our nation's strongest ally, a beacon of freedom and democracy in that region. for those here at home. they're ready to start going a different direction than they have in their entire life. stuart: john kerry, secretary of state is simply calling for calm and he's talking about the violence as if both sides are equally responsible for it. i mean, at what point do we say, come on, administration, can't you see the writing on the wall here? israel's being attacked from within. can't we name the people who are attacking? can we do that? >> well, we should. and going one step further than
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that, secretary kerry's spokesperson, john kirby, last week was making statements saying that israel was guilty of terror. the rhetoric that is coming out of the obama administration out of the state department, from the president himself, is one that's making it very difficult for israel to be able to defend herself. that's all that they're trying to do. and now, when president obama had a strike hit a hospital you don't see bebe netanyahu going on the news trying to embarrass the president of the united states. this is the president's approach to policy specifically with israel is not responsible, it's not how a leader of the free world should act, and the american public is catching on more and more every day. stuart: i want to hear what hillary clinton and bernie sanders and joe biden have to say about it, too. congressman zeldin, thank you
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for joining us. two items from china, a new report shows that china is still hacking us. just weeks after president obama met with his chinese counterpart and assured that the hacking would stop. second item, the chinese government says its economy grew 6.9%, the slowest pace since 2009. keith fitz, you're our asia guy, 6.9% growth, is that a real number? >> oh, no way. it's not any more real than our employment numbers. these have been in 40 years and 40 years dead wrong. 6.9%, 7.1, 6 point nothing, i don't know. industrial slowing. but services in china are growing. longer term it's not going to matter. stuart: hold on a second, a buying opportunity for american stocks, is that what you're saying? >> yes, absolutely. stuart: give me 20 seconds,
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take me through the process, why is this china situation a buying opportunity for us in american stocks? >> it's a bottom line figure. they've had the largest gdp for 18 out of the last 20 seconds. the largest middle class on the planet. growth, that's the place to be. if you're a chinese company, or united states company. that's where you want the growth to occur. that's no different than the united states in early part of the last century and we, do, experienced that kind of a slowdown 120 years ago. stuart: keith, stay there, we'll have you back there for the opening bell. mary kisler is here and shaking your head. >> disagree, and it's not like america in the 20th century, it's not a democracy, it's state-led growth. stuart: are they going down? >> that's twice of the fiscal that we have herement two times the amount of disportion than
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the economy in the united states. i think they're slowing before they're growing. stuart: thank you very much indeed. and something completely different, two months before the movie hits-- two months before it even hits the theater, disney is firing up the "star wars" machine and you're going to see it. jo ling kent, bring it together. jo: the force is with you today because there's a trailer coming out. disney is releasing the much anticipated trailer for "star wars," the force awakens, tonight during monday night football, by the way is airing on disney owned espn. a cross promotion, right? tickets go on sale right after the trailer airs. it will be the first new star wars film in a decade. the demand is expected to be massive. and the franchise released this along with a slew of toys and merchandise, and available in stores across the country. you want to decorate your dorm room. ashley: dorm room? thank you.
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jo: and you'll remember this 2012, and this is expect today break every record potentially making it $2 billion at the box office globally. that's huge. >> i like the roly-poly robot. stuart: tickets go on sale tonight for a movie that opens in two month's time. donald trump doubling down about comments he made about 9/11, saying it would not have happened had he been president. and look at this, the mets defeated the cubs 4-1 last night. and a 2-zip lead in the series and that second baseman, daniel murphy hit another home run. he's got five post season home runs and the mets are two wins away from making their first world series appearance. did i make a mistake with that? >> no, no. stuart: baseball for me and i got it right.
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> >> donald trump says he's not placing blame when he says 9/11 wouldn't have happened if he were president back then. just listen to what he said on fox and friends this morning. >> that my immigration policies were in effect, i don't know that that would have happened. my standards are much higher for visas number one. number two we'd have a massive whistleblower system which you have to have. you have to have some kind of a whistleblower system for this stuff so we find out about it. we had no whistleblower system. i'm not blaming anybody. the only they think i said, well, you know, he said we were safe. well, the fact is we had the worst attack in the history of our country during his reign. stuart: joining us now in new york, fortunately, senator john barrasso, wyoming. donald trump put 9/11 smack dab into the middle of the campaign election season. >> it's all about presidential politics, you expect these
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sorts of things. it's easy to be a monday morning quarterback and it is monday morning. there was a bipartisan commission and said there were failures in the intelligence system in the united states and these things started long before george w. bush got into office. stuart: do you welcome this? >> we'll see more of this through the campaigning. stuart: you don't want this, do you? >> i think we ought to be unifying, multiplying our numbers. stuart: you don't want this. >> i want to make sure we get a nominee that can get elected in 2016 the most conservative person who can win. stuart: we're sitting eye to eye and i'm pressing the boy. you don't want 9/11 popping up into the election either side of the fence, you won't say that, will you? >> i want to say we want in 2016 anything that will unite a nominee. stuart: do you think this unites the party? >> this doesn't unite the party. what we need to do is take a look at what the democrats are offering, which is more spending, more government
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regulations, what the republicans are offering, more freedom, more opportunity. earn, success, not learned dependence, equal opportunity not equal outcome and that's what we see the difference when the republicans debate and the democrats debate, he think we have a good chance. stuart: are you right in the middle of the republican party, if you're a moderate would that be an accurate description. >> i'm a conservative from wyoming where we're independent, self-reliant. stuart: i want to see american export its oil. at the moment we can't. you're a part of the deal to try to get this thing to export oil. do you think you're going to make it or will the president veto it? >> well, it passed the house, bipartisan, many democrats voting for it. so we have big numbers in the house, we have democrat co-sponsors on it, in the senate. the president has threatened to veto because he -- at the same time he's threatening veto the united states exporting our own
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oil, he's allowing iran to export. he signed the deal with iran they're going to be able to export a million barrels a day and help their economy. at the same time he's holding back our economy in terms of jobs and using energy, the master resource against putin and others. stuart: if we do get to export measured america's oil and we've got a lot of it and still more to come. if we did that, would you tell me, yes, gas prices will stay down and go down further? >> well, it's not just me, it's the energy institutes, world leaders who look at these sorts of things say, yes, gasoline prices are down because what we're making in this united states at this time as a result of technology are light sweet crude which our refineries, to refine. we have opportunities to do that we have friends who want to buy it. stuart: our gas prices would
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stay down and drop more if we could export to the world. >> it would help the world supply and keep prices lower in the united states. stuart: it would? >> and there are a broad range of experts who said the exact thing, republicans and democrats, who aren't held hostage by the environmental extremists no, we shouldn't be adding more climate. stuart: it's monday morning, i'm pushing hard. i've gotten you to say essentially it's not good to bring 9/11 into this campaign and if we export oil, my prices will go down lower. stuart:. >> yours, will. stuart: i live in new jersey where prices low. thank you, sir. joe biden shared important news with top democrats about a possible run for president. details in a moment.
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>> according to fox news, ed henry, vice-president biden is telling top democrats he's likely to jump in the 2016 race, but still take his time deciding. mary kissel is still here. now then, i think that he decides according to hillary's performance in front of the benghazi committee on thursday. >> or maybe he's waiting for
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the plea deal or the federal indictment of hillary clinton for the mishandling of classifi classified information that we now know happened. stuart: that's sarcasm. >> no, the real indication is if he criticizes hillary clinton. no one has gone after her ethics and no one has gone after his record as secretary of state. if he starts to do that. ashley: i think the democrats are losing patience with joe biden, there was a great opportunity before the debate. the longer he waits, the harder to get money. there's money on the sidelines. it will hurt hillary if he jumps in. he has to get his act together. stuart: does he have the focus. >> look how long he's been in politics.
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ashley: the year of the anti-establishment. stuart: the energy for a man of his age to go out and about. >> hillary clinton is no spring chicken. many are not. stuart: we're minutes away from the opening bell. weight watchers, watch that stock go up, a big investment in that company from oprah winfrey. and the little pink pill. it's the female viagra. we've got it all on this program. including the opening bell which is next.
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>> it's all about presidential politics. you'd expect these sorts of the things. it's easy to be a monday morning quarterback and it is monday morning, there was a bipartisan commission, a 9/11 commission that looked at this, said there were failures in the intelligence systems in the united states and these things started long before george w. bush got into office. stuart: i had to drag it out of him, but that was senator john barrasso, he did eventually say that 9/11 was not something he wanted to see in this election campaign. we bring you at that sound bite because we start sharp 9:00 every morning. in 25 seconds we'll be off and running again this monday morning. if you look at the futures, it looks like we'll be down about
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50 points, not a huge decline. remember last friday we closed out at 17,200 and we've had three pretty good weeks on the markets, three up weeks. we're starting an up week and we're not down that much. i'm going to bring you the price of oil, that's down about a buck and gold is down. we're up and running and where are we for the dow industrials, so slightly lower, 20, 22, probably 30 or 40 points by the time we've opened up. let's see. all right. do take a look at morgan stanley, this is an astonishing story, actually. morgan stanley is one of the huge names in global finance and it's down 6%. disappointing profits, revenue down as well. and you take a hit on morgan stanley at $32 a share, down almost 6%. i really want to concentrate on facebook this whole week though. they're very close to 100 a share. a lot of buzz about the stock.
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we'll be talking about it a lot because maybe it hits 100. ashley webster is with us. elizabeth macdonald reading her notes and now she's here and so, too, keith fitz-gerald and scott shellady in chicago. keith, you first, facebook, i think it's got a shot at $100 a share. are you buying it? >> as much as i can't stand that stock, stuart, a great buy. stuart: why can't you stand it? what's wrong with it? >> again, look where it came from. there are certain stocks you don't instinctively understand, this is one of them for me. the eyed of people voluntarily contributing marketing date a base to assign you money at your expense is appalling to me, that having been said, that's profitable. stuart: scott shellady, i know you don you don't spend much time looking at facebook, but what do you tell me about facebook,
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would you buy it if you were a stock kind of guy. >> you're right it will get to 100 because people like to see triple figures and tried probably soon, however, here is what i think. i'm not a big buyer of the stock here in, number one, especially facebook, you know, it gives folks the opportunity to let you know too much about themselves without you ever asking and that kind offer tats me, too, a little bit. and that's my biggest problem. >> i'm with you. >> i think it's the social network that makes you anti-soci anti-social. stuart: yes, we're two minutes into the trading session on a monday morning. [laughter] what's wrong with you people. a billion regular users, one in six of every person on the planet uses it regularly and you don't think it's worth 100. moving on, and this has been on a tear, new highs day after day, 1 # 1 today. up a buck 20, that's another record high, i'm told. liz, keeps on going
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liz: ambitious plans from nike, they want to grow sales by two-thirds and going after the women's market and going after lululemon and they want to push to the 3-d printing. you're going to poor cold water on this one. >> i have a little audio problem here. i actually like nike quite a bit and prefer to run in adidias myself. the women is important, and nike tapped into that and it's an impressive buy here. stuart: the other one liz: lululemon. >> nike. stuart: no, under amour. what is it with the sports outfitters? they are really doing so well. keith, i go back to you. >> well, here is the thing, you know, sports marketing message is really all about can i be like my hero? and adidias says we're going to
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make great equipment, a lesser player in that market. the psychology for the american sports athlete or weekend warrior is a powerful consumer motivators. stuart: we hear you. the dow is down 50 points as expected and we're a little lower this monday morning. i want to see where netflix is. being down the end of last week, disappointing subscribers growth in america, no bounce this morning, down another buck at 97. what's the big challenge for netflix, ash. ashley: to get moore people to sign on, essentially. we talked about is it oversaturated in this country, it's doing okay, but an in an article in the l.a. times-- the new york times, they're late to the market, if spain, they have rivals that kind of beat them to the punch and they opened with a brand new movie last friday they had to spend a lot of money, "the beasts of no nation" liz: that's its own content.
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the problem with netflix, it doesn't own its big hit shows, "orange is the new black", so amazon could pick it off. that's an issue for netflix. stuart: one of our producers said that the clip you're looking at, that movie was very, very good. weight watchers, they can thank oprah winfrey for that. what's the story? >> first of all, take a look at the stock soaring. it's up over 70%, now up 66%, why are you seeing gigantic jumps like this? oprah winfrey believes in a company like this, and now she's about-- putting her money in and putting stake in it and she wants to be a part of the evolution, and the younger folks have been going and she wants to make sure it sticks around. stuart: that's a huge increase in the share price for an
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investment from oprah winfrey. it's competition from the internet. you get your diet program from the internet not from going to meetings. last word for you, nicole? >> i agree, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, that's their motto, and people like it. stuart: nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. i like it. and now china, their economy grew 6.9%. that with as last quarter on an annualized basis, so they say, so they say, 6.9% growth. scott shellady, are you buying 6.9% growth in china? no he's not. >> stuart, they can't continue when we put out the numbers. the only reason it was 6.9, i think even though thought if they put out seven again, it would look-- and all governments have this and some are better at doing it
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than others. i can see as far as weakening their currency, cutting interest rates and dealing us with in the commodity sector, no, i'm not buying it. stuart: i've got a headline for everyone, banks don't want to hold cash anymore because of low interest rates and an extraordinary tight environment. what do you say to that one, scott, do you first? >> i'll go out on a limb and say this is the beginning of negative interest rates. they're starting with cash. stuart: wow, that would be one huge-- we've talked about this. a fed governor says maybe negative interest rates are coming. and for everybody's benefit, this is where you give money to a bank or to an institution or the government and they don't give it all back to you. you don't get any interest and you don't get it all back. that's a negative interest rate. keith, you've come into this, please. is this a possibility? negative interest rates, deflation, is it? >> oh, absolutely. i remember living through this in japan.
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we saw this and we're going into the same parallel path right now and the fed is making the exact same mistakes that the banks made in the early '90s. stuart: liz liz: we're getting dinged on our savings accounts and the rates are so low. and the fees, big custodial banks are moving down the road. stuart: if i come to you with $300 million. you're the bank you say, we're sorry because we've got dodd-frank coming over us and we're not paying an interest so we don't want the deposit deposit in the first place. stuart: that's the world put upsidedown to protect it and that's why they don't like it. stuart: oh liz: watch out, pay to save is probably here. it's already in europe. stuart: wal-mart, they had a rotten week last week, the worst in seven years, however, this morning, there is news
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that the investigation into the mexican operation turned up no wrongdoing. come in, keith, are you buying wal-mart at 58? >> no, i don't think that the wal-mart is about wal-mart, it's about the impact of obamacare and the decreased productivity. there are a lot of things going into the numbers that people didn't think about last week and i think it takes a decade or more just like kroger to recover. stuart: does wal-mart fit into your idea of a global slowdown. this fits in, wal-mart? >> absolutely, stuart. and i think the common-sensical answer to that would be this, if we're not doing well, we would want to try a scrimp and save and those types of places should be doing well if the u.s. economy is not doing well. if that's not doing well and i don't think the u.s. economy is doing well. that's a double negative and
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that's bad. stuart: i've got to go to bernie sanders, after what he said over the weekend. not the imperson nation of him. he wants to raise everybody's payroll taxes, everybody. right now if you work, you pay payroll taxes. bernie sanders says to pay for family leave everybody's got to pay for payroll taxes. what do you think would happen to the economy, keith, you first? >> i think it's bad. you want the rest of the world. higher employment and profitability. tax everybody. i don't think he's dealt with real money. so this is bad. stuart: what are you saying, scott. >> i'm going down the line, number one, i think a tax at this time with the economy doing what i think it's doing. number two, i'm sick and tired other people know better what to do with my money and that's a good example. stuart: we love it. that's the best one.
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the opening bell rang 10 minutes ago. the dow at 17,130. by the way, there's one american in formula one racing and he got a whole bunch of his family and friends to invest in him and his career. if it's a big hit, that investment gets paid off beg time and he is here in our studios in just a moment.
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>> another high schooler in texas died during a football game. that begs the question is the sport too dangerous for youngsters. first of all, listen to what former pro fran tarkenton had to say about that. >> my son just took his son out of football. i would take my son out of football. it's too dangerous and it's getting worse. stuart: all right, ashley, what happened to this teen in texas. ashley: in east texas, 16-year-old cameron mathews collapsed close to halftime of
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the game friday night and died saturday in hospital. they believe it could be an aneurysm, not directly related to the contact of football. however, there have been six deaths since september in high school football and that is raising a lot of questions for school districts who are now debating whether they hang onto their football teams, very open to lawsuits and e-mack was saying there's a lawsuit already in california following the death of a high school football player, multiple concussions. stuart: it's a liability suit. it's sitting there waiting to go through because of the danger of high school football. this could kill those programs liz: we're seeing it in san diego and la jolla, and it's high school injuries. ashley: it's already begun. stuart: thank you. check the big board, please, we're down only 65 points, 17,150. nike, here is the news, third day in a row we've got a new
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high for that stock, it's up 37 this year. and weight watchers up what, 67%. oprah winfrey took a 10% stake and up it goes. competing in formula one racing, extremely expensive. in order for my next guest to compete. he had to turn to crowd funding. he's with me today in new york and his name is alexander rossi. welcome to the program. >> thank you very much. >> europe has formula one. we don't in america, is that correct? >> that's something we're trying to change. you're over there and doing formula one. >> correct. >> you turn to your parents and your friends for funding, all right? >> yeah, no, from quite a young age and at the age of 15 an investment fund was set up by my family, potential investors could buy a unit, if you will, and a piece of my future. stuart: how much has been raised?
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>> about 3 to $4 million. stuart: 3 to $4 million. this is an investment. if you hit it big and you're nodding confidently you'll hit it big that 3 to $4 million grows substantially. >> correct. stuart: how much? >> 200%. stuart: you've got a good chance of doubling or tripling. you have a slight accent. >> been in london. stuart: why don't we have formula one in america? >> and driver, really, until 2012 we didn't have an american race. and there's one now in austin texas. stuart: wait a minute, i didn't know this. there's a race in austin, texas. >> the reason i'm here. stuart: only way we could drag you back. formula one race this weekend.
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are you the top driver or a whole bunch of europeans comes over. >> everyone comes, i'm the first american since 2007. hamilton obviously is the championship leader, he could win, but for me to race at home is an amazing thing. stuart: you were looking for sponsors, big corporate sponsors, air bnb there. >> it's a constant battle you're trying to raise funding. stuart: you've got some money coming in, family and friends gave you 3, 4 million. >> and this is my third race, i was racing in the championship so i'm only just now in formula one for just, not even a month. stuart: what kind of liability insurance have you got? >> i have good insurance. stuart: several million. insure the investment to your family and friends. >> yes. stuart: yes, he says in a quiet
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voice. good luck, alexander rossi you may return to your family and friends. >> that's the plan. stuart: good luck. coming up, a very big week for hillary clinton, she's taking time out from her campaign to be grilled by a special committee. >> with all due respect the fact is we had four dead americans was it because of a protest or because a guy went for a walk and decided to kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? you both have a
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>> we have buzz and news whether joe biden is running for the presidency. ashley what do you have? >> members of the drop biden and he's on the precipice. no word which way the decision will go and nor can they report. >> we'll see what his future holds. stuart: okay. by the way, hillary clinton will testify before the special benghazi committee on thursday. the chair, trey gowdy, says he has new facts.
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all rise, napitano, as in the judge, is looking here. cbs has reported as ashley did, and that an announcement in imminent in the next 48 hours, what will that make it the day before? >> her testimony. stuart: why would he do that, i will make the assumption that he'll declare before the testimony. why would he do that? because she's going to be there all day long. >> i can't plot out his thinking, but she will be on television all day thursday, whether she does well or ill, is up to whether or not you like her or not, whether they have any information that she can't replay to or not. but if he announces that he's going to seek the democratic nomination between now and then, it will take all the luster, which might be good for her if she does poorly or bad for her if she does well, take the luster away from her for thursday. stuart: maybe joe biden has the inside track on the fbi's
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investigation of hillary clinton's e-mails. that would imply that, wouldn't it? >> let me tell you that the fbi is not happy with her boss, i don't mean director comey, i mean president of the united states who stated on 60 minutes last week or one of the interviews he gave on one of the networks that he didn't think this was a serious matter. when the government is investing a fortune into investigating whether it's a serious matter. stuart: he's passed judgment before the facts are in. >> very, very demoralizing to the serious fbi professionals who are addressing this. it won't change their work and it won't change whatever recommendation that they make, but he really shouldn't do that, knowing that these people who work under him in the executive branch, are devoted to finding the truth. stuart: fast forward to the benghazi committee on thursday, one side of the fence says it's all political, trey gowdy, the chair says, wait, we've got some new facts here. nothing political about facts. >> i don't know all the new
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facts he has, he's keeping them close to his vest until thursday, but one of them he did reveal over the weekend, which is that mrs. clinton received on her nonsecured server and sent off to another nonsecured service, namely that of her friend and colleague, mr. blumenthal, the true identity of a cia undercover agent. that is information that the government gives the highest protection to. a human being-- >> passed it on? >> correct. a human being in the employ of the united states government risking his life to go undercover, having that cover blown by the secretary of state. now, did she blow it? well, she had it received in a nonsecure server and sent it on to another nonsecured server. theoretically possible that nobody hacked on this, but she
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theoretically exposed that information. stuart: that's dramatic indeed. that's an individual undercover who could have been exposed by her use of two different servers. >> and that exposure could lead to catastrophic consequences to this individual and for the project the individual was working on. stuart: judge, i know you're coming back in the 11:00 hour and that was good stuff. we appreciate it. thank you, judge. joe biden's decision to run and we hear that decision is imminent. we'll have more of that at the top of the hour. a robot, wait for it, that can disinfect an entire room in a matter of minutes. [laughter] we're going to disinfect this studio, that robot is going to be here. ashley: no easy task. stuart: next hour of "varney & company" is two minutes away. i'd steer clear. straight talk. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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stuart: we were down 7580, now we're down. coming up in this hour, we've got a market watcher who says the best place to put your money, american companies. how about that? how about weight watchers? oprah winfrey joining the board, and she takes a 10% stake in the company, and look at it, it is up 80%. how about morgan stanley? earnings not good, revenue not good and that huge bank is down
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5%. that is a very big deal. nike, another all-time high. this is the third straight day where nike's moved up, now it's 131, up another dollar. now this, news on whether joe biden is running for president or not, that apparently is imminent. steve moore is with us for some perspective on this. steve, if he does run -- and, look, i don't know whether he's running or not, i don't know that -- if he does run, do you regard him as a moderate, say, to the right of bernie sanders and hillary clinton? >> well, it'd be hard to get to the left of those two, stuart. [laughter] so, look, i think biden has a big problem which is that he has been, essentially, the right-hand man for the most liberal president we've had sincewood row wilson. he is hog tied to those policies, and i think the fundamental flaw of a joe biden run for presidency is it's almost impossible for him to delink himself from policies that are quite unpopular.
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if you look at the polls, stuart, and you ask the american people would you want anything like a third obama term, people say, hell no. and i think that's his fundamental problem. he might be slightly to the right of barack obama but not by much. stuart: now, again, i want to ask you a political question. i know your forte is economics and business. no, i've got that. but i've got to ask you a political question. if joe biden runs, that splits the democrats bigtime, doesn't it? >> well, it might. hillary had a very strong debate performance last e week so that, at least for right now, has sort of stemmed this tide of opposition to her. but, look, the problem for the democrats is this, stuart. if hillary, if these things get worse for her, the e-mail scandal, the benghazi scandal, we have a big hearing coming up later this week, you know, the problem with democrats, they don't have a plan b. what is the plan b? is it really bernie sanders? i don't think so. i think there's a good chance joe biden is going to get in
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this race. just the democrats that i talk to every day in this town say we need somebody in this race other than hillary because, let's face it, the other three or four people on the stage the other night are not serious candidates. stuart: let's bring you back to economics. bernie sanders says, okay, you work -- >> i predicted this, by the way, stuart. i predicted this. so go ahead. stuart: okay. well, let me tell the audience what he said. [laughter] he says, look, everybody who works pays payroll taxes. >> right. stuart: he would raise everybody's payroll tax to pay for guaranteed family leave. as an economist, what do you make of that? >> well, i kind of applause bernie sanders for his honesty, you know? i've been saying this for weeks, if you're going to provide all this free stuff to tens of millions of middle class people, there aren't enough warren buffetts in the world to pay for all of this. you have to go for the meddle class. if you're going to give something, you have to take so here's the problem. bernie said i'm going to give you all this wonderful stuff.
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by the way, i'm going to take it from your paycheck before i give it to you. what's the point? stuart: but it's regressive, isn't it? >> of course it is. stuart: the majority of people pay payroll taxes. that's the tax that they pay. and bernie sanders wants to raise that tax? i mean, i find that incredible. >> well, it's more than that. what you're going to get if you raise the payroll tax to people who take medical leave and so on is that you're going to, essentially, tax the people who are most productive. the people who show up for work every day. and you're going to give the money to people who don't show up for work every day. what kind of economic incentive is that? you want to reward work -- whether wouldn't people go back to work faster or? stuart: i don't quite understand something. >> you have to pay for it. stuart: if you get guaranteed family leave, who pays? is it the taxpayer or is it the company? i've not worked that out. do you know, steve? >> well, both. essentially, what bernie sanders is saying, is both.
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employers are going to have a hard time dealing with their labor force if people are taking two weeks off, four weeks off. but every single one of us, everybody who's at work, we're going to pay a higher payroll tax, and that money is going to go for people who don't show up for work. and, look, there's a lot of scamming that goes on with medical leave. i have a headache, i'm not coming into work. and that's the problem because most productive people actually have to pay for the slackers. stuart: last point. steve, are you in despair? you come on this show every week, and we tell everybody what democrats are doing ask what republicans are doing, and we never seem to have a candidate who goes firmly for growth. grow the economy at all costs. you in despair ant this? >> you know, i'm actually not. i've worked, as you know, stuart, with a lot of these republican candidates on, and i'm actually very bullish on these proposals whether it's
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john kasich or marco rubio or donald trump or rand paul. they have pro-growth economic platforms on taxes, on trade, on immigration. so, yeah, no, i'm not dire. i think things -- look, you've got to change the regime in november of 2016, stuart. you're going to see the biggest boom in this country you ever saw. stuart: yes. i believe you're right. >> that's pretty optimistic, right? stuart: come back again and say it again. >> you've got it. stuart: steve moore, thank you. the chinese government says its economy grew 6.9%. only 6.9%. that's the slowest annualized growth rate since 2009. however, there is also a new report, and it says china is still hacking us bigtime. here is the author of the coming collapse of china, gordon chang, with us again. first of all, 6.9% growth. do you believe that? >> no, i don't. when you look at electricity consumption which is the most reliable indicator of chinese economic activity, in the
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quarter it was up about 1.0. normally gdp growth is 85% of the growth of consumption of electricity. so we're talking somewhere between 0.8 and 0.9. now, people say, look, this thiy measures manufacturing. but services also had a problem because, you know, all of the measures that were meant to keep stock prices high, which we saw in early july, august and september, those killed volume. volume in china was down 70%. in stock index futures volume was down 99%. they stopped ipos, this hurt services income, and that's important because everyone says services is really the growth hope for china. stuart: there's no, is there much impact from this? because nobody believes those numbers. is it 2%, is it 1%, is it 3%, everybody's picking a different number. so that official number has lost any credibility whatsoever. so what's your number? >> my number is probably, you know, 1%, maybe 2% that they're
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talking -- stuart: and spiraling down? >> and it's going down. the one thing that's important is not the number today, but the chinese government can't change the trajectory of the economy. they can slow descent with fiscal stimulus, but that creates more debt which is a really overhang on the economy. stuart: so there's not much -- they don't have any tools whereby they can get out of this mess. >> they've run out of tools. basically, monetary still husband hasn't worked since last -- hasn't worked since last november. fiscal stimulus is ineffective. it has a little bit of effect, but nonetheless, the problem is they've got to spend about $3 to get $1 of output. that really is counterproductive. you know, their reform is off the table. all of these important things that we think that they have as tools aren't working, and they haven't been for now at least for months. stuart: give me a time frame on the crash which you see coming. what is it?
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>> i think that it's going to be soon. you know, i've been premature in predicting it, but nonetheless, it is coming because they can't change the trajectory. two decades of recession-like stagnation was japan, and that was pretty awful. stuart: well, welcome to the show, gordon chang. good to have you back with us. [laughter] >> thank you, sir. stuart: completely different stuff here. female viagra. addyi. it's available starting today, a private company called sprout pharmaceuticals makes it. here's what one woman said about her experience with drug. roll tape. >> it returned my desire for sex. it gave me that oomph and that want to want my husband again. so it was really, for us, relationship-saving. stuart: breathe macdonald --
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elizabeth macdonald, what do you make all of this? >> not one pill is going to fix, you know, lack of libido. male viagra is about hydraulics, arousal. the female viagra works over time. it's about your nervous system. basically, it increases dopamine and suppressesser is tone anyone, but they haven't figured out how it reacts. stuart: do you think it's going to be taken by the general public? viagra is a huge product. do you think this is going to be a huge product? >> i'm not sure because there's so many side effects, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and there's jokes on -- the best female viagra is the husband says, yes, i will do the dishes tonight. [laughter] i don't know if women will take this pill to boost -- i know this one lady said, yes, it helps. stuart: i say, yes. i think it will. >> for women it's about the brain, and that's something very
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deferent and more tricky. stuart: i say it's a huge success. you disagree. >> i wouldn't take it. stuart: okay. >> that's interesting, isn't it? stuart: we'll move on. >> we'll see. stuart: the weather -- [laughter] much of the northeast got its first blast of cold air over the weekend. some people saw snow. i did, actually, at my farm in the catskills. jo ling kent has the full story in case i missed it. >> no, frost. freezing temperatures. it was very unpleasant in october this weekend. it happened in upstate new york. parts of central new york state got as much as 9 inches of the white stuff. look at these photos. the trending hashtag on twitter was just cold. and you can now use federal loan funds to pay for coding classes and online courses. the department of education is loosening its famously-tight restrictions and allowing students to put money towards coding boot camp to build apps and much more. and there will be a million more
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high-paying coding jobs than qualified workers by the year 2020, so there's a pretty big gap there. and "star wars" tickets go on sale today, the brand new trailer aired on disney-owned espn during the eagles/giants game. tickets, by the way, if you're planning ahead, go on sale immediately afterwards for the december 18th release. >> there's a controversy. >> this is the first new "star wars" in a decade. stuart: can we put the poster back up? >> look who's missing in the poster, luke skywalker. that's a mystery. he's not in the poster. so the "star wars," you know, fanatics, luke skywalker's not in there. so everybody's abuzz about that. stuart: what's the official explanation? >> but there are going to be other posters coming out. >> he's in the credits, but he's not in the poster. people mad about that, the "star wars" fans are. stuart: the hype starts today. >> oh, it started a year ago when they started filming, five
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years ago. [laughter] stuart: donald trump and jeb bush feuding over 9/11? trump says he's not placing blame, but colonel ralph peters is placing blame. on whom? find out after this. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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stuart: three good weeks on wall street, not exactly a selloff this monday morning. we're down just 25 points, 17,190. oh, look at facebook. i asked everybody on the show this morning if it was going to get to $100 this week. they poured cold water on me. i'm sticking to my guns -- [laughter] i see that as a $100 stock. if it's not this week, it's soon. let's see. walmart, its worst week since 2008, that was last week. 15 cents higher this morning on the back of a story in the "wall street journal" says that the bribery probe in its mexican unit fails to show signs of wrongdoing. 59 on wall street this morning,
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walmart, that is. all right, to israel, one person killed, ten others injured after a gunman owned fire in a bus station. the attacker believed to be palestinian, killed by police. to prevent or try to prevent further attacks by palestinians, israel has begun erecting a wall in east jerusalem. listen to congressman lee zeldin, he was on this program earlier today. >> if secretary kerry's spokesperson, john kirby, last week was making statements saying that israel was guilty of terror. the rhetoric that is coming out of the obama administration, out of the state department from the president himself is one that is making it very difficult for israel to be able to defend herself. that's all that they're trying to do. stuart: now, congressman zeldin is the only member of the house who is, republican member of the house who is jewish. and and he said, look, in previous elections the jewish government has gone to the democrats, 70% and more, the
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congressman says that will not happen in 2016. we'll see. to donald trump. he says, oh, he's not placing blame when he says 9/11 would not have happened under his watch. listen to what he said on "fox & friends" this morning. >> if my immigration policies were in effect, i don't know that that would have happened. my standards are much higher for visas, number one. number two, we'd have a massive whistleblower system, which you have to have. you have some kind of a whistleblower system so we find out about it. i'm not blaming anybody. the only thing i said, well, you know, he said we were safe. well, the fact is we had the worst attack in the history of our country during his reign. stuart: okay. lieutenant colonel ralph peters is with us. colonel, come on in, please. i know how you feel about donald trump, you're obviously not a supporter. but how do you feel about what he has just said about 9/11? [laughter] >> donald trump always accuses
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everyone else of being stupid. well, that was pretty stupid. and donald trump, i mean, he's the al sharpton of the republican party. he preaches his cult of -- angry white people. he preaches a cult of irresponsibility, of victim hood and, you know, the hop of plenty if you only vote for me, blah, blah, blah. he's spent more time, far more time attacking fellow republicans than he has attacking obama or the clintons. and he doesn't, he makes -- stuart: well, he's got to beat 'em off. he's one of, what, 16, 17 candidates. he's the front runner. he's got to beat back any challenge, and that's what he's doing with jeb bush in this bringing in 9/11 to the election. whatever you think about his tactics, the tactics have been successful. >> yes but, again, by the way, the irony here is the democratic party's destruction of our education system has opened the door for a demagogue like donald
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trump because people don't learn civics or history anymore. it may be an effective tactic for riling people up, but 9/11 isn't the issue in this election. what's going to happen in the future? how are we going to begin to repair the catastrophic comprehensive damage to our foreign and security policy done by the obama administration? lay it out, donald. tell us exactly what you're going to -- he never does specifics, never, ever, and nobody in the media pins him down. this is a guy who's never read a history book. he knows nothing about foreign policy. he shoots off his mouth, and he goes unchallenged. stuart: okay. on that note about what's happening in the mideast, we have a report this morning that russia has increased the number of air sorties that it flies per day to 300 from a mere handful a few days ago. that's escalating bigtime, isn't it? >> well, it will be if it happens. but they've already -- yesterday, for instance, they
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flew 49 attack sorties. their goal is to get up to 300. it's going to be a little bit of a stretch for them, but putin can do it if he surges. but even now the russian attacks are having a much more focused and profound effect than all of air power. now, our pilots are great. we do some great intelligence work. we got another top-level al-qaeda guy over the last week. but nonetheless, putin has clear goals, he's unrestrained, his pilots don't have to worry about war crimes and collateral damage and killing the innocent. putin just wants to win, and he is proving that obama's nonsense, obama's platitudes, oh, there's never a military solution to anything, putin's showing there is a military solution in syria. stuart: ralph peters, always a valuable guest. always appreciate it. come again soon. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: and donald trump, he will be on "varney & company" tomorrow in the 11:00 hour. you never know what he's going to say, don't miss it.
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11:00 for trump. the whole show starts prompt at nine a.m. eastern. now this, $3.2 trillion in tax revenue poured treasury last year, yet we're still running a deficit of more than $400 billion? my take on that after this break.
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♪ ♪ stuart: we are told that joe biden is very close to announcing whether he runs or not. the timing here is very interesting. may be coming in the next 48 hours. we have a top republican responding to all of this. and later this hour a special robot designed to disinfect rooms from deadly bacteria in a matter of minutes, no need to send in a human to do the dirty work -- [laughter] we have the robot in the studio, 10:45.
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you would think that we'd arrived at financial paradise. it was as if we'd won a huge financial victory. the announcement came last week, the smallest deficit of the obama presidency, only $435 billion. i hate to burst the bubble, but please, this is no cause to celebrate. in fact, we should be very worried. we are in trouble. the debt numbers show tax and spend on steroids. income tax payments, corporate tax, payroll tax all showed very big increases. the amount of money rolling in from those taxes, huge. the tax bite has never been bigger. $3.2 trillion poured into the treasury. now you know why the economy's stuck in low gear, the government's taking ever more money out of the private sector. you don't tax your way to prosperity. and then they've spending it all, spending it all and then
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some. $3.6 trillion worth of spending. so they bring in 3.2, they shell out 3.6, they borrow the rest. and they think $435 billion worth of borrowing is a victory? so here's where we are now. taxes up, spending up. total debt, astronomical. growth, anemic for seven years, and president obama, hillary clinton, bernie sanders and probably joe biden if he runs all want more of the same. nobody on the left will allow any kind of tax relief. everybody calls for more spending and, of course, ignore the debt. and yet we are told that the $435 billion worth of red ink this year is progress. it's not. the left is spinning, grasping at any straw that can be manipulated for political gain. meanwhile, the country drifts in a sea of slow growth, massive debt and a shrinking middle class. this is not the way america ought to be. no wonder so many of us believe
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the country is going entirely in the wrong direction. (trader vo) i search. i research. i dig. and dig some more. because, for me, the challenge of the search... is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we rebuilt scottrade elite from the ground up -
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including a proprietary momentum indicator that makes researching sectors and industries even easier. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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stuart: not exactly a rotten start to a monday morning. 17170 is where we are for the dow. how about disney. new star wars trailer tonight on monday night football. tickets to the movie two months in advance. they want this to be a huge moneymaker. maybe it will be. 108 as we speak. how about netflix? already making original tv shows. beast of no nation aired this weekend. very good reviews.
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we look about the latest in just a moment. oil down about $1. forty-six today. the big story this hour, fox news reporting that joe biden's decision on whether to run or not is imminent. good morning, david. >> good morning, stuart. stuart: would you rather run against hillary clinton or joe biden? >> they are both a continuation of barack obama's policies. stuart: you know as well as i do , answer the question. democrats are going to nominate hillary clinton. joe biden has ran twice before, occluding against her. no competition to her in 2008. she will be the nominee.
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if i had my true choice, it is bernie sanders. stuart: if joe biden does run, he does not win the nomination. stuart: what happens on thursday. >> her support is not diminishing. those who show up in the democratic primary air still with hillary clinton. to think that hillary clinton will get in now, if she gets indicted or gets taken off to jail, then joe biden has a chance. today, hillary clinton will be the nominee. donald trump injects 9/11 into the campaign. you shortly do not like that. >> they will not get let down rat holes. they will stay focused on the issues that matter which is who will bring security. economic and fiscal.
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stuart: using it to beat jeb bush. >> whether or not resident bush was in charge of why 9/11 happened or not. he wasn't. why mr. chump brought this up, who knows. is it is not where republican primaries are. stuart: you are in total disarray. >> i disagree. just because we have disagreements and we're picking out to our leadership should be. we are in disarray. we win the election next year, all of a sudden we are back up. it is what the media does. consistency. >> your morale is good. not you, but the party. >> ask how they are excited
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about this field. stuart: could you, a moderate, get behind donald trump? >> i am as conservative as the party is. they are all going to unite to do one thing. that is to defeat hillary clinton. >> even if -- >> absolutely. stuart: you will want to use his money. >> he can get money from individuals. he raised $3 million from individuals across the country. another example of republicans rally around him if he gets the nomination. not one vote has been cast. there have been plenty of people who have been the frontrunner at this time. that is not to suggest that he will not hold on and become the front runner. if he is the nominee,
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republicans will be for him. stuart: there a forceful recitation this morning. tomorrow, varney and company, donald trump will be joining us. the soundbite machine generates an enormous amount of publicity. he will get some tomorrow. take a look at individual stocks making news. how about net flicks. piece of no nation. that aired friday on netflix. in theaters actually. thirty-one theaters. charles: the reason they want to do this, it makes it eligible for oscar consideration. if it just stays on the small screen, they cannot get an oscar nod. i look forward to seeing it. it is supposed to be terrific.
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gerri: does it change netflix itself? >> they want original content. it gets people addicted to their programming. they can get comfortable enough and raise fees. it is expensive to have original content. netflix ducted to play 12 million. that is a lot of money. that is the way they will have to go. stuart: about child's soldiers in africa. difficult subjects. he said that it was truly an excellent movie. we are down only 48 points. we have 17,168 index. i want to bring in market watch. all right. you say that american companies, that is a place to put your
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money. >> the u.s. is as strong a new place out there. the turmoil in our markets has mostly been driven. i do not believe that our economy is booming or strong by any stretch of the imagination. we do about 3000 company touches a year. the tone we get is that things are good, not great. everything is lining up in a very positive -- we have the best wage growth we have had in years. low interest rates. things are good. we see a lot of opportunities. stuart: when the dow was thinking, three weeks ago, four weeks ago, the bears came out. three weeks where the markets have gone up.
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people like you have come on in and said everything is fine. america is a great place. put your money into america. is this short of a short-term forecasting? >> not at all. we are long-term investors. stuart: i am sorry to interrupt you. you like american airlines. that is one of the american companies that you like. you buy them now. >> one of the most misunderstood industries that there is. making incredible profits. it will be incredibly profitable. very under owned. you know, giving money back to shareholders of all things. america looks very cheap at $44. earnings close to $9, $10 per share. stuart: i am sorry to cut it short. you answer the question.
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we appreciate that. it is time for the sector report. cheryl is on the balcony checking the boards. cheryl: sometimes women, you will hear your wife or your girlfriend say i am having a bad day. sometimes women decide to go to weight watchers because they have had oprah winfrey, do like my little jokes, you don't like my little jokes? i think she got a smoking deal. look at this chart. if you are opera, i think you just made a really smart business. her best friend gayle king who is over at cbs this morning has been tweeting and instagram ain't that she is out weight watchers. i think that this will be a stock to watch. stuart: a 10% investment is good for a 60-70% jump in the stock. >> i think that weight watchers is really going to thrive.
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stuart: cheryl, you can discern from the balcony. [laughter] drones flying off the shelf this christmas. regulating them just in time. what the feds will make you do with your new drone. everybody is waiting for this. a robot that can save lives. it can disinfect a room in minutes. guess what. we have one in this room. in this studio. in just a moment. lives in living color. this thing moves, too. ♪ our disciplined investment approach remains. we ask questions here. look for risks there. and search for opportunity everywhere. global markets may be uncertain. but you can feel confident in our investment experience... ... around the world. call a t. rowe price investment specialist, or your advisor... ...and see how we can help you
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find global opportunity. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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nicole: i am ♪ ♪ petallides with your fox business brief. the average has gained. taking it off in a mix fashion. we are seeing the dow and the s&p to the downside. nasdaq up about eight points right now. taking a look at some of the names. including energy stocks. the weakest group of the day. what we are seeing is nike. a new all-time high. the third day in a row. adding roughly eight points. under pressure. hasbro is doing well. looking at a comparison of the two.
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up over 30%. 5:00 a.m. fbn a.m. all the breaking news you need. ♪ cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances.
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stuart: abercrombie.
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where is it? raising its price target to 21. abercrombie is at 21. the price of wind is down again. weak economic news out of china. down another 6%. how about this. drove regulations on the way. a new report says that the fed will require consumer drones to be registered with the department of transportation. how bad is this? >> you are absolutely right. 500,000 drones already out there. 750,000 more drones. they are danger. only a matter of time before one of these drones will bring down a passenger plane. they can do damage.
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stuart: generally speaking, we do not like regulation. if that is all it is his legislation with the government, i do not see anything wrong with that. tracy: airline pilots. stuart: nothing wrong with legislation, in my personal opinion. you need to disinfect a room. you do not want to get your hands dirty. there is a robot for that. it uses superpowered uv light to do that. there is one right here in the studio. and maybe disinfecting me as we speak. >> cruel. here is the ceo of xanax. putting it out themselves. let everybody see this thing.
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this is little robots. this is a demo robot. >> you would not want to be in the room. you do not want to be in the room with it. in five minutes, it will eliminate all of the pathogens. >> it is like a trolley on wheels. you will this thing into the center of a hospital room. do you have to do anything else? you just put it in the middle of the and it works? >> they run for five minutes and then they flip the remote control. flip everything. all of a sudden, the room is disinfected. they have done a great job. the question has been, if you disinfected, will the infection rates drop?
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we have seven outcome studies that show in the hospital. ucla, stanford. 50% to 100% drops. with a return. it costs about $100,000 for the machine. from a hospital's perspective, it pays for itself in about three months. stuart: 30 rooms in a day. we'll it in. turn it on. walked out. >> more intense than a fluorescent light bulb. it would not blind you. not for very long. i have looked at it and i am still okay. 300 hospitals around the country. stuart: you have disinfected how many rooms?
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>> about 4 million rooms. >> total success rate? stuart: morris miller is a chief executive and you are a serial entrepreneur. same thing again. we know for a fact that we can help her event 70,000. it is not worth the risk to get an infection. stuart: how much do you have? >> a fair portion of it. less than i want. are you close or what? >> my wife is happy. my parents are happy.
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stuart: i pushed no more. fascinating story. finally. some good news on the housing front. a new report says demand for new homes will be strong for months and months to come. that will be coming up next. and the terror. the terror in israel continues. we have a guess that since president obama has thrown israel under the bus. we live in a world of mobile technology,
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but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. it's from virtually anywhere.rn of danger it's been smashed, dropped and driven. it's perceptive enough to detect other vehicles on the road. it's been shaken, rattled and pummeled. it's innovative enough to brake by itself, park itself and help you steer. it's been in the rain... the cold... and dragged through the mud. introducing the all-new mercedes-benz gle. it's where brains meet brawn.
10:53 am
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10:54 am
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call today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: lets let's chat homebuilder stocks for you right now. some good news for the housing market recovery. homebuilder's optimism has hit a 10 year high. dr horton and just slightly lower. is this optimism going to help entice buyers? >> i think that it certainly has some possibility for it. that is what the homebuilders are seeing. we are on the side of a former naval air base here. why do you see such blue sky up
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there? >> header and worse. there are a lot of reasons to be optimistic. the biggest reason is the demand for housing. longer term as we see it. 75 million of these millennial's. most of which yet to get into homebuying. >> those landfills will not buy homes at the same rate. >> i think that there is a lot of speculation about that. the one thing that does not change his time. eventually, they do grow up. as they do, most of those like that. jeff: i leave you with a picture of new homes under construction. good to see you out here. >> beautiful day to build houses in illinois. >> we have a full hour of varney and the books. here are the highlights.
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>> donald trump always accuse everyone else of being stupid. that was pretty stupid. donald trump is out sharpton of the republican party. how sharpton for angry white people. ♪ you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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stuart: can you imagine what it must be like to live in israel today? any israeli citizen could be attacked at any moment. that is terror. pure and simple. being encouraged by their leaders. giving directions on the most effect if stabbing method. wanting to change the status. it is a lie being repeated daily. can you imagine living with that? can you imagine how we would feel if this were happening in america.
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we would surely define it as terrorists. our leaders talk about violence. both sides share equal blame. john kerry is there right now. the burning of joseph's tomb. that is a religious outrage. muslim religious authorities. our leaders make no mention of it. truth is, president obama has abandoned israel and everybody knows it. the palestinians sensing our weakness. so far, the mideast fiasco has hardly been mentioned. that is going to have to change. this failure to identify just what is the force of evil is not good enough. the president has made his retreat all too clear.
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now it is time to find out what hillary, ernie or joe would do about it. ♪ more on my taken just a moment. first a look at this. the real action is individual stocks. look at this. weight watchers. that is a gain of 92%. oprah winfrey makes a big investment. she will get on the board. that stock is up 90%. morgan stanley. huge bank. the profit is down 42%. the stock dropped nearly 6%. nike going the other way. $33 a share. that is the new high.
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the share price of oil is down today. some worry about china's economy. they say 6.9%. nobody believes that. the political news. the vice president's decision on whether or not to run is imminent. leaning towards running. do the republicans want joe biden to run. listen. >> her support is not diminishing among primary supporters. those that show up are still with hillary clinton. to think that joe biden will still get in now and take that away from her -- did joe biden has a chance. today, hillary clinton will be the nominee. later this hour, a democrat response. let's get back to my take.
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here are the headlines for my next guest. director of the touro institute. welcome to the program. stuart: i came out swinging. a very, very bad thing. >> he has done worse than not. delivering on friday. the worst speech of a u.s. ambassador that i have ever heard. >> this is america's ambassador to the united nations. she made a speech in to say that that is the worst. >> there we had an emergency recession. she came out, instead of standing up, israel is are being butchered in the street. instead of standing up and
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saying stop the murder, stop the excitement, she said both sides are equally responsible. stuart: equally responsible. >> she used that on both sides. cycle of violence. she blamed the president, for example, who had just specifically said a 13-year-old lloyd was executed by israelis. it turns out the little boy is in an israeli hospital being cared for by israeli doctors after he stabbed another 13-year-old jewish boy who is barely holding on. stuart: what is the administration hoping to achieve by taking this line of opinion? both sides share equal opportunity. what are they hoping to get out of this?
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>> i think that it is about time we stop talking about president obama. he is leading in the wrong direction. he has denied israel a right. practically speaking for all intents and purposes. bad guys do not have a right to fight back. you have the world stage. stop the murder. stop the excitement. so many israelis have died. it is a green light. we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed. next story. morgan ortega's, here. jeb bush.
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stuart: jeb bush has taken a beating. >> i think that that has been tough for them. a front runner. for partial birth abortion. that is not something that we expected, the person that we expected to be front runner in the nomination. stuart: attacks have heard him. not only jeb bush, attacking former president bush. i think he is interestingly aggressive. i wonder if he has been a person -- i think he was quite aggressive. hillary clinton, joe biden, whoever is the republican nominee has to get up and fight.
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i am a foreign-policy person. i enjoy politics. what really matters to me is the past six years. having no experience in handling the leadership that america needs. stuart: i am with you. i can understand where you are coming from. stuart: still running now party. (mind. >> i find it interesting. i grew up in florida. i choose to support him in the primary. based off him being my governor. he was an incredibly conservative reporter. covered him for eight years. stuart: david of the lot on this program. twenty minutes ago. if trump is the nominee, we will
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support him. this party will unite around donald trump. >> i will support the nominee. he is the nominee. absolutely. >> i think that jeb bush is the strongest. these are impressive people. the democratic candidates against the republican candidates. it is no contest. i believe it will be jeb bush. stuart: take a look at the big warts. we have the dow down. market watcher andrew aarons is with us. all right, andrew. do you believe that the markets are heading higher? >> i think that the markets will make a move higher here. i talked about it before, this seasonal pattern.
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i do think that a lot of people became parish. it looks like we will have the fed out here. keeping rates low for a little while. stuart: i think that you said it last week on this program. 80% of the time stocks go up. is that true? >> the market went up 75% of the time from november to may. i think that that is a pretty good move for the market. people need to be positive that there is a lot of negativity. i have not seen this before. the markets are only off 6% of the highs. the markets are pretty negative here. stuart: when the market was going down, a lot of analyst came on the show and said watch out.
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the market is going down. now, it is going up. you are on the show saying yes, yes, buy into this thing. >> i just do not think that the markets are as bad as people are making them out to be. the fact of the matter is, things are not terrible. i do think that what is going to happen is we will start to see a little bit more consumer spending going on here at you know, right now with the cheap price of oil. i think the sentiment will pick up. i think feeling very confident in the markets. overall, may go sideways here. i do think that the markets are heading higher. >> you better get out of october. we will see you again very soon. donald trump says if he was in
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the oval office or you had been in the oval office, 9/11 would not have happened. what does a veteran inc. about that? we have one on the show after the break. >> this is a guy that has never read. he goes unchallenged. ♪
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>> just in case you missed it, he was part of my take from the last hour. we should be very worried. we are in trouble. tax and spend on steroids. income tax payments. corporate tax. payroll tax. all showed very big increases. the tax bite has never been bigger. well, one varney viewer took issue with that. here is the reaction.
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wrong direction. you are so full of it. go back where you came from if you think things are bad. i am shocked, actually. >> i am shocked, too. both from the economy's point of view. i think there are people that would disagree with that. i do not know whether it was the tom baker. everyone has an opinion. >> i am staying. for the duration. [laughter] >> you have been here since the 60s. >> 70s. the reagan wonder years. bubble. 9/11 and thereafter. [laughter] >> always so quick to say i am an american.
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stuart: donald trump took aim at jeb bush. if he had been the president back in 2001, his policies. he called into fox and friends. watch this. >> if my immigration policies were in effect, i do not know if that would've happened. we would have had a massive whistleblower problem. we have to find out about this. we had no whistleblower system. i am not blaming anybody. he said we were safe. the worst attack in the country during his rate. >> a concerned veteran from america. donald trump just brought 9/11 into the middle of the election campaign.
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>> fighting a fight against the person he wants to fight it against. he feels it is advantageous to him. issues like 9/11 and iraq. i do not think it is a helpful comment. i think he is using the talking points to the left. we should have known about it. we should have been able to prevent it. he also points to his immigration plan. if i would have been president, we would have had these policies. that would not have happened. stuart: fighting back and saying not a lot of people would have made that decision. doubling down and surging in iraq. all these -- he says okay. now we will go to iraq.
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my brother made a really tough call. it led to a lot of opportunity. i think that that is where jeb will have to take it. stuart: she is beating up jeb bush and using 9/11. he has to be relatively successful. >> he is doing it with an eye towards the general election. hillary clinton voted for the war. i would have voted against it. we need new leadership. it is interesting. he wants to fight with jeb bush. it makes him feel like the higher candidate. stuart: if i would have been president, we would not have done that.
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>> donald trump arguing against it. a scenario where that is the case. problem is, they are talking past each other. >> laying the groundwork. if hillary clinton is the nominee, they will debate. this will be rehashed again. you could have hillary clinton defending iraq and donald trump attacking it. stuart: my head spins. thank you. donald trump himself will be on this program tomorrow. the 11:00 o'clock hour. got it. oprah winfrey makes a big investment and weight watchers. the stock soars. facebook is near $100 per share. it is that 98 right now.
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onward and upward for facebook. where are they? more varney in a moment. ♪
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you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork. month after month. year after year. then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. yeah... surprise... your insurance company tells you to pay up again. why pay for insurance if you have to pay even more for using it? if you have liberty mutual deductible fund™,
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you could pay no deductible at all. sign up to immediately lower your deductible by $100. and keep lowering it $100 annually, until it's gone. then continue to earn that $100 every year. there's no limit to how much you can earn and this savings applies to every vehicle on your policy. call to learn more. switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: breaking news. big deal here. till biden's presidential run. brendan boyle pennsylvania to weeding out this moments ago.
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here it is. a very good source close to joe that tells the vice president died in well-run. that is the bus. leaning towards running and there was an announcement coming soon. you just saw that. interesting. check the price of weight watchers stock. up 87%. why? oprah winfrey. gerri willis is here with all the details. gerri: they are calling that the oprah bump. she is paying $43 million. she is making in investment and consult with the company to bring it more into the present day. its vision is somewhat on how people want to maintain weight. she is the nation's best-known yo-yo dieters.
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liquid diet phase in the 1980s. we have a picture of her losing 60 pounds. 60 pounds of animal fat bought on the show just to show what it looks like. she has been very open about it. stuart: she think she thinks she can fix what is wrong with weight watchers. bring them into the 21st century. >> weight watchers, the audience is women. women love oprah winfrey. they respond to her. one of the biggest reason she became oprah winfrey because of her humanity and honesty. stuart: and 87% jump in the stock. stuart: gerri, thank you. bernie sanders. he has a tax plan. it targets everybody. everybody. not just the rich.
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♪ ♪
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opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in.
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cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. . stuart: no change. not much change in the stock market. down 24 points. as for the price of oil, again, it has been like this for months. ashley: yeah,. stuart: million dollars of the $40 a barrel range, we just never seem to move, do you happen a buck. positive news on the housing front.
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homebuilder optimism, there was an optimistic bunch but right now a ten-year high for that optimism, new homes would be strong for months to come, the homebuilders, those on the screen, all of them up. walmart, a downgrade and down it goes even more than last week. now we're at 58 on walmart. to the election, please. sources say -- this is very important. sources say vice president joe biden is very close to making a decision on whether or not to run. former senior advisor to henry reed joins us now. welcome back. >> thank you. stuart: now, we got a tweet from pennsylvania congressman quoting sources very, very close to joe biden, yes, he is going to run. can you -- you're right inside the democratic party. can you back that up or throw some fresh information on this? >> well, as they like to say this who know don't say and those who don't know say, so i
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don't know what it is, i don't have it confirmed. stuart: would you agree that all the buzz i have heard, the speculation i have heard is that, yes, he's going to make an announcement very, very soon, and i think that is pretty secure. it's going to be before thursday hillary and the benghazi committee. and number two that is leaning towards running. now, that's what i've been hearing. i'm sure you've heard the same thing, haven't you? >> i have heard the same thing and it's imminent within the next 48 hours, and he does need to decide soon. we saw -- got through the debate, i think there was questions whether or not how she was going to be able handle that, she did it quite well, and i think he wants to make the announcement of go ahead ahead of the benghazi committee and make the announcement before then. so that's what we'll be hearing. stuart: why? why is it in his interest to make the announcement one way or another before the benghazi meeting on thursday? >> i think, you know, that he
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thinks or i think there are supporters that, look, if she comes through as strong as she is going to come through it, there's no room for him. so unfortunately i think strategy to see another candidate stumbles or falls is not a winning strategy. stuart: or vice president biden knows something about the fbi investigation. i'm not joking because the fbi reports to the justice department, the justice department reports to president obama, president obama doesn't particularly want hillary to win, he much rather have joe biden running so maybe he's tipped off joe biden so joe biden runs, makes the announcement earlier, that sinks on thursday. i'm not a conspiracy theorist normally, but isn't there an element to truth in there? >> somewhere some sliver, none of us know. we don't know what the fbi has found out, we don't know the relationship, we don't even know if president obama would be endorsing his vice president. so we don't know -- there's a
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lot of things we don't know. you'll have just to sit back and wait. stuart: do you really think, penny, that president obama would dump his vice president of seven years -- >> i think he'll stay neutral . stuart: his political enemy -- you've got to be joking. >> don't forget that one of the things that joe biden sold president obama on when he selected him for vice president was the fact that he was not going to run for president. so i think president obama would stay neutral. stuart: may i ask who's side you're on? >> hillary. stuart: now -- should have said that right up front. should have said that right up front. >> i thought you knew. stuart: i would have thought you would have been in favor of the existing policy of democrats under your former boss harry reed. i thought you would have gone with joe biden. isn't he most likely to follow through when reed and nancy and -- >> mrs. clinton is also close with harry reed and they both embody the democratic party.
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so i think my former boss would be fine with either one is fun, though, isn't it? >> it's quite fun. stuart: it's entertaining. ratings are terrific, aren't they? >> very much so. stuart: penny lee, come back very soon. thank you very much. >> thanks, stuart,. stuart: we have been there, yes, we have, rushing out the door and you can't find your keys, your cell phone, gone missing, cyber guy is here with new technology, i'm going to call him the memory challenged. what do you got? >> you know, i left my wallet here last week when i was with you,. stuart: yes, you did. >> and that's i got this here. attached to those keys, this is new technology so you've heard of this maybe before but now there's 2 million of these things in the planet. it's called a tile, it's a bluetooth device, you can hook it to your keys, attach to virtually anything, your wallet, piece of luggage, anything you want with it and what happens is there's an app when you're about 20 feet to 100 feet total range we say
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okay. we know exactly where it is and then if it goes outside of that range,. stuart: can you set it off? >> yeah. let's say the keys are buried, you hit find and then boom it does that. stuart: what's the range? >> so the range is really solid at 20 feet, it will go 100 feet but here's the trick. let's say i leave my wallet here like i did. but someone else comes in the studio here that's also a tile app user. so unanimously their app will pick up the fact that my device is right there, and it will tell me that, uh-oh, stuart has your wallet. and i'm, like, still? how much cash is left? [laughter] . stuart: really? so i can piggyback on somebody else's tile if my tile is out of range. >> yeah. exactly and it will let you know it's there and have it recovered. and last thing i'll show you this. this is called track dot.
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i'm not as big fan of it as tile, i think tile because there's 2 million out there, it's really working. this has phenomenal, you travel a lot, slip this into your bag, and you turn it on before you take off. it's got gsm cell phone technology inside of it. it tracks your bag while you're traveling. so you get to the badge carousel and you say where's my bag, it will tell you when your bag lands and if it's somewhere else, you'll be able to recover it much easier. stuart: how much is the tile? >> $25 for one or -- the more you buy, the cheaper, so 180 for a dozen. and you can just keep adding to the app and things you share in the family, you can also add to the family and see where your keys are. stuart: that's an answer. >> one of those things that's a crowd funded that things boom and it has taken off. stuart: that's good stuff. i'm glad you're with us today. >> thanks for giving me my wallet back. stuart: loaded with cash. now i just want to clarify
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something we brought you earlier. there was a glitch in our graphic system, showed you the price of walmart, the stock price was unchanged. but here's where the stock is actually trading. it got a downgrade, just to confirm, it got a downgrade and, yes, it is down. i think we got that. i think we did. another stock, starbucks. again, another all-time high. 61 on starbucks as of right now. nike's also at a new high. have you played hooky from work this year? called in sick when you're actually perfectly okay? you are not alone, cheryl, what is this story? >> so careerbuilder came up with this story, 30% called in sick when they felt fine. good for you, american workers, one employee says his grandmother poisoned him with ham, one claims to be stuck under the bed and couldn't get out. these are true stories. one employee says he fell when
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trying to grab a sandwich, and the dog ate my homework. these are all great induces but american workers more than last year. last year it was 28% and now this year 30%. they're calling it. stuart: i bet you the majority -- not the majority but a large number of call ins on a friday. >> that would be the obvious smart thing to do. >> that deserves a study. unless you're going to call in sick. . stuart: you will be here on friday, won't you? >> i'll think about it. stuart: thank you very much. you look good. >> free drinks on friday; right? stuart: sang that. ashley: free drinks friday. stuart: if i'm reading a review on amazon, i should know whether or not the reviewer has been paid, judge andrew napolitano on the whole
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story. next
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>> i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. three-week gains for the dow jones industrial average, down about 5 points, 17,210, we are seeing energy under some pressure but look at the s&p and the nasdaq. squeezing out some gains fractionally for the s&p, and the nasdaq up 22 points and the dow jones industrial average hitting another new high again, that's up about 2%.
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we are seeing visa a new high as well. chevron, exxon under pressure. now, when we talk about earnings, we're talking about two names that have come under pressure, both came out with quarterly numbers and the quarterly profit of morgan stanley, well, that profit fell to the downside and revenue missed. in the green, though, we we have starbucks hitting a second new high in a week; right? so that is a real winner and amazon to the upside, goldman sachs raising the price target there to $680 start your day every day at 5:0. ♪ is it the insightful strategies and analytical capabilities that make edward jones one of the biggest financial services firms in the country? or is it 13,000 financial advisors who take the time to say thank you? 'night jim. gonna be a while? i am liz got a little writing to do. ♪ it's why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way.
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stuart: listen to this from california. lawmakers there passing a new green energy law. it would mandate that electric companies get half their power from renewable energy. cheryl, half their power from renewable energy by which year? cheryl: 2030, so they've got 15 years to do this, half the power from renewable energy. this is california, this should surprise no one that they want to see green energy being used have -- it's going to be interesting. we'll see. they've got a long way to go. that's the thing. everyone sits around and criticizes coal as an energy source. when your lights go out and it's freezing cold up in tahoe, you call me and tell me how much you want your sun power to bring. there's reality and then there's this bill and it's now a law. stuart: and i'm sure it's going to be popular in
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california. cheryl: of course. stuart: the green ease win everything in california. and now they're saying you've got to do this. cheryl: if you're a california resident, you enjoy paying more in taxes because it's not profitable. stuart: california has the highest taxes in america, the highest poverty rate in america, and i think it's already gotten closest to the highest electricity prices, not the highest but very, very close to that. ashley: and you're paying a dollar over national average for. stuart: what did she did gas. that's right. and this can only raise the cost of electricity. cheryl: yeah,. stuart: the utilities got to buy it from some wind farm, what are you going to do? what are you going to do? cheryl: they're going to -- like i said they're banking on pretty much it's going to be solar and wind. a lot of those wind turbines just outside like that san francisco, oakland area, bay area. stuart: i used to take the drive from san diego to palm
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springs. ashley: yeah,. stuart: you go up over the mountains, it's an ugly drive nowadays, got those wind turbines all over the place, trash all over the floor and half of them around working. and you can't store the juice that they create so you can get it down to san diego three days. you can't do that. cheryl: unfortunately, -- i know we have to wrap but renewable energy really it's a shame that nuclear power has not been more embraced in this country. the french have done a great job with nuclear power and we have not. that's too bad. stuart: tell that to japan. all right. i want to take a look at amazon stock price, please, it is up and been up a lot. now $578 a share. now, look, if i read a review on amazon, i want to know whether that reviewer has been paid to review that product. i want to know that. at the moment i don't. and amazon, by the way, is filing a lawsuit against 1,000 people they say those people gave out fake reviews. all right. judge napolitano is here.
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now, here's a case for you, judge. sort this one out. >> if amazon believes that the xyz reviewing company is getting paid for review and posts it on amazon, why doesn't amazon just say we think this is a paid review? we think this is a fake review, why involve the courts? why involve lawyers and expense and litigation and having to prove it? that would put the burden on the review to say i'm not a fake review and nobody's paying me here and i can demonstrate it. wouldn't that be an easier resolution. stuart: you don't believe everything on the internet, do you. >> no. you don't and the judge to right every wrong. so why resort to the courts when you have the ability to resolve this yourself. stuart: that's not what lawyers say. lawyers say we can right every single wrong. >> i don't know if this are in-house lawyers or have hired these people from the outside to bring this litigation.
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but they have brought it against 1400 john does because they don't know their real names. they know their e-mail addresses and their websites but they don't know their real names. so when something pops up from this e-mail website you say what you know? we're posting it but don't believe it. somebody paid for it. see what happens. stuart: i know that your heart is not in this story so i will change the story. i'll just change it. >> back to california? . stuart: no, not enough. much better than that. i hear we -- everybody's been hearing this. that joe biden is going to announce, yes, or no, he's running or not. very, very soon. and we also hear a lot of buzz, including from a pennsylvania congressman, a democrat who says he's running. >> well, we now have a little bit more insight thanks to our brilliant colleague ed henry. stuart: yes. >> who the biden people are faced with thi giving a speech at the jefferson jackson day dinner, the
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edition democrat in iowa. if clinton does terrible on wednesday and he announces thursday, it will look like he's piling on, if he announces tomorrow or wednesday, it will look like he'll try to steal his thunder on thursday. the democrats don't care. they just want to know, jo, are you in or out. stuart: or he knows something from the inside investigation of the fbi hillary clinton e-mails because if he does and there's bad news, he will declare now. >> that might be but i don't think the fbi will reveal anything until january and my source, a public source said don't expect to give a report until january. stuart: but tray gowdy will have hillary clinton in front of that committee all day on thursday. he says he's got new facts. maybe joe biden knows something about the new facts so he's going to declare now. >> could very well be. but i think -- according to ed henry, something's going to
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happen in the next few days, whether her testimony or after. and the democrats in iowa care when it is or they just want to know when joe is in. stuart: you care about it. >> i care about it. it's fascinating. stuart: legal aspects of the e-mail scandal. >> yes. stuart: that is you, isn't it? >> yes. the legal aspects of the scandal are fascinating and got even more fascinating this morning. according to the new york post, according to the new york post, a 17-year-old hacked the personal e-mail of cia director jack brennan and found there classified material. stuart: good lord. ashley: where does this end? . stuart: the very last thing on the segment. should have been right up front. sorry, judge, thank you very much, sir. >> all right. stuart: if you're a "varney & company" viewer, you know i'm absolutely not a fan of tattoos so why are they appearing on this program? that's one. that's a tattoo. >> sickening. stuart: stop it.
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11:54 am
stuart: moments ago the dow turned positive -- well, down a fraction but you know what i mean. the sell off that we saw this morning down 85 points reversed now dead flat. now this. 1,000 tattoo art pieces are
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going to be auctioned off the collection features the worlds most prominent tattoo artists. arland to your immediate right i can see what looks like a beautiful piece of art. is that -- is that a tattoo? has it ever been put on someone's skin? >> no. blood has been let for this work of art. passion guy spent 20 years traveling the world to reach out to the world's most famous tattoo artists who then put this on canvas board for collection and collections like this are now on museums across the world. stuart: so they're not put on somebody's body but the art of tattoo. >> that's right. by tattoo masters. stuart: that's worth 15- $20,000? >> unreserved auction, no one knows what these will sell for but tens and tens of millions of people who find these
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artists rivetting. so who knows what this will bring. no minimums at all will be sold. stuart: all right. next one on your immediate left. >> it's now about 80 years old. the man is the most respected tattoo artist in the world. there are no less than a dozen coffee table books of his work alone. stuart: why did he call it tattoo art? >> he's a tattoo artist who abided -- went along with peter's request to put work on canvas. to keep it forever. stuart: okay. this one. this is only valued at 2- $3,000. >> this is known as flash art tattoos, small works. stuart: they have been put on someone's skin. >> well, similar. stuart: this one. i've seen a lot of these. this is from robert hernandez, 20- $30,000 for that? >> he's a legend in spain, i could show you a picasso and
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say 20- $30 million for that? . stuart: but he drew this? >> that's right. stuart: and this one,. >> this is more of the american school of the first we saw,. stuart: i can't believe this. tattoo art worth tens of thousands of dollars? >> the day after the sale is over and we'll talk about it. stuart: i want to know the price. thank you very much. you have 13? >> 14. stuart: got it. you'll be back. more varney after this
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>> the real test of whether or not joe biden wants to run for the president is if he starts attacking hillary clinton's equities. none of the democrats have done that, bernie sanders gaye her a big, wet kiss in the democratic debate, no one has gone after her ethics or her record as secretary of state. stuart: wall street journal
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mary on a potential joe biden run and the late news is that joe is leaning toward running, and he'll make the announcement soon. , neil cavuto, it's yours, sir. neil: thank you very much, stuart. we're getting news out of texas, they're trying to kill this planned parenthood, because if washington can't do it, a number of states are going to try. texas for cutting planned parenthood, it follows half a dozen states that have done the same. but as soon as they do something like that, legal challenges crop up from l.a. for example, have stopped and defund planned parenthood in louisiana. whatever is going on here is moving fast and furious to blake berman on this latest. >> good afternoon to you. this all began earlier today from a letter from the texas inspector general, five pages long, just gave it a read over, the inspector general there is stuart, in this letter here, he cites


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