tv Kennedy FOX Business October 27, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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lou: still at work. extreme of worship is the book. great to have you here. time for the online poll results. looks like the beginning of the end of his campaign. >> hello. we are celebrating hillary clinton's birthday. with lincoln chafee out of their race she can prepay a sigh of relief without them for governor breeding down her neck so how she's celebrating? i imagine her in bill will take a few million out of the clinton foundation stock by the children's -- jewelers then watch "house of cards". or she will get something
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from that shady guy to correct the record the organization that they worked with the directly to help with that opposition research john martin o'malley flushing $1 million down the toilet for a campaign called let's talk hillary. >> i have found hillary clinton for most of my life. she knew me before i knew myself. kennedy: of holding a series of interviews from those who really know hillary looking like a related bill liddy for those who don't like her or don't trust her antoinette super babble they hope people will see her heart is as big as her brain the more i looked at her life the more i am stunned.
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with the intelligent people in its favor of the politically expedia status that is unethical. say what you will about the birthday girl but the sky lights up when she walks in is katie period net hillary is her firework. instead of great expectations she had low expectations they were in iowa this weekend where katy perry or the letter hm bill likes to have her around cuba doesn't endorse anybody? taylor swift because you alienate half of your audience when you go into
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politics and that thinking never goes out of style. judge napolitano joins me with the take away. amy schumer is a crusade on guns. why? >> the texas mohawk is here. let's get to it. kennedy. ♪ kennedy: a super pac spending $1 million for her in danger of underestimating the funding? let's talk to our party panel.
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welcome to the show. you are sandwiched between two people. talk more about hillary what does she need? reggae personality would help a personality that people like. let's talk hillary sounds like a conversation parents have to have with their children. we just need to talk hillary of been changing your position is and everything and they feel that you are a sex offender. [laughter] for you use the drug hillary. >> is katy perry foolish? >> i checked all of her songs off of my a itunes she is dead to me.
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i used to love her because day in your lane. if you want to get into politics then tell me why it is unjust her jail polish or her head thing that was very patriotic why would you completely alienate an audience? direct she has for years now in 2012 she was. obama she wore about one weird costume. she has been an advocate for obamacare even thank her to be so vocal on twitter. she just keeps digging. >> said justin would explain why. >> thou would love somebody to open her eyes to economic freedom because i have a feeling when push comes to shove she thinks of herself as being a defender of the
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first amendment to mitt she is the beautiful woman i will say anything because there is still a chance. [laughter] but i only take political and fights for a well as more than fireworks brassieres. but her thoughts on the iraq war. >> how did she think things were going in libya or all over the middle east? period she was part of that destabilizing force analogy here when she has to do about the record that she endorsed through the '90s she is changing her stripes. >> the republicans should take the same advice like with clint eastwood with the chair i think state in
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nearly in it is nice one where the other but is a testy area for republicans. kennedy: day come to think of themselves as being brilliant but they're not challenged then the celebrities are surprised speenine there aren't educated putting them on their finance. yoda to be educated if you are 18 by next november then go out to vote. >> they do that every election cycle they definitely vote one side over another is never conservative or republican senate they are counting on the lower information voter. >> if you cannot you are ostracized. >> donald trump and ben
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carson friendship is over. now donald is firing off. >> he is very weak and immigration dash strong. he believes in citizenship and amnesty he will give them to people better here illegally. he is very low energy actually i think he is lower energy then jeff bush -- jeb bush. >> carson is doing quite well will it get friendlier? also curses and is trumping trump in the poll. so those who attack trump seemed to drop in the polls so what should he do? should he take the bait? >> battle think so procopius doing well trudging along to gain the voters may be
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getting from supporters so if he just stays the course and to save things that backs him up and it is brilliant he can defend what he says he will do falling. >> error not dissimilar i'd like if you read their statements on paper they would seem the same but when you hear them it seems as though carson says it with a quiet voice. >> in think especially in iowa with a huge evangelical demographic it doesn't surprise me he said he is never asked god for forgiveness. >> he hasn't done anything wrong. >> but in iowa trust me they're very conservative. and also he is so shocked.
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lowe's evangelicals want somebody to ask for forgiveness. kennedy: if with rick santorum and mike huckabee. >> if you're not pulling well in iowa in the primary you are in good shape where did huckabee and santorum go? >> amy schumer and chuck schumer will they succeed? a crusade on guns. tweeting in the wings with a real breakdown.
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>> she has become very vocal since the shooting of the screening of her movie train wreck her heart is in the right place but is she need to weigh in on policy? will she ever be funny again? to read she will be provide that the conference was hilarious. >> they're not biodegradable we cannot be like australia nobody will give up their guns so start engaging with one another. with a bunch of one-sided information. kennedy: was the laws that they're talking about with the expanded background checks, would they help to
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prevent the mass shootings we have seen recently? >> i don't think so but i am a big second amendment girl and it is hard to explain born and raised in new york city. if you don't know how important gun rights are. this is the situation even talking about abortion. she follows me on twitter think she is hilarious but to friends and family but if they can have the joke's on tv. >> you bring up a good point. there is a lack of curiosity. while our guns important? why does that make you feel safe? why day you fight for the
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right? maybe there's something more to that. we are smarter there for it will make society safer. >> those that get them fairly it doesn't affect crazy people and this is a cultural issue. and i find it offensive but i like her but then to get on the high horse acting like we're all rednecks saying you wanted babies to die. to say it is absolutely crazy sieving is a you can i even have an argument so what is mental illness? so let's say you freak out of the plane and hyperventilation you have to take the anti-anxiety
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medication does that mean you're mentally ill? >> zero lot need to be covered with restrictions or enforcement. you can bring the new restrictions in place without balding those you have already otherwise people will find the way and while we appreciate those celebrities who want to be involved then get involved bill's midyear time lecturing for those who are really affected. >> those letter of the exact opposite i'll. >> as they have to beat as a sure path to run for the presidency.
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talk about those three ideas says that you outlined. >> first, thanks for inviting me on the show. with the house benghazi committee was pushing her she was focused on besting them to be charming and foes - - forceful and hoping it would put her in go whitehouse but third and most important audience is 25 or 30 federal investigators to the fbi agents are investigating her behavior and now they have another one. in his espionage to failed to secure secrets to put them in the private server
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iran and the obstruction of justice and perjury known other potential perjury charge against her. towards the end of the evening. kennedy: this is my question and did she like? did she betrayed that most important third audience? >> there were two other things one and is misleading comments. the penalty is five years per misleading statement. that is the same as perjury which is five years per untrue statement the fbi is
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also looking for patterns of behavior a natural proclivity to lie and a willingness to deceive she clearly displayed baghdad admitted that within 36 hours of benghazi she told the prime minister of egypt and her daughter that this was a serious plan to attack and plotted ted or 12 days before. >> at the same time telling the american public in response to a creasy video but the most serious thing she said was half an hour before the questioning had ceased for the day they said are you aware of any guns
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getting into other groups? is about right lied because during though libya embargo in conjunction with other countries not to ship to libya she authorized the delivery of weapons to catarrh that they did not need but they paid no way in there we get into the hands of the rebel groups that favor run by the al qaeda operatives because we have seen the up fbi in for repair of this and this is what resulted to kill day embassador. kennedy: the republicans did not take your vice at of the
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they did a very good job to anticipate period answers. >> you don't ask why the use justin answer stricken is it true? if she says yes the she admits to breaking federal why she says know it is daylight underwrote these folks on the committee were well intended do not know how to ask questions and it is painfully obvious but she knows how to into them. >> we will see with the third audience has to say. >> great to have you. jimmy fallon break says he and again. is there something more to this story? ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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kennedy: many think you are an infuriated programmed to think you're a human. this is the tropical storm. recent contested took a swipe at the left. >> the plot were pictured here is a disparaging term for those on the political left. what is a pnc -- pansy. [laughter] and her defense is still a flower. that isn't too bad imagine if she went to little more abstract if she said a
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socialist kool-aid drinker. with. >> you have led a horrifying life. [laughter] >> watching for the trades and the mark in arms for where you claim to stare at the neighbors with binoculars. is sitting at the end of the runway to part your hair without anything leaking out. and then too lax security. the careful.
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do not call them payments -- peanuts if you call it zero setter of honor rand because leggings or not peanuts -- pants. or they refer to them birch's if you cannot raise a shirt that covers your tail you do not need to wear them. >> leggings are either the most comfortable invention or the spawn of the devil. with a psychiatrist has blamed them for a the rights of isis. to be over the suggested four men who cannot control the urges it is like a river
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so burkett is shortsighted and sexist but you should not see anything and they are not pants. number five. the internet party founded by hackers putting the electric government against the bureaucracy. for whatever reason nominates "star wars" characters as candidates. but they ran afoul of the law that forbids to campaign on election day. >> stock. you have to take care for.
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♪ kennedy: show me jeb bush. he let his frustration and show it in south carolina to lose about gridlock. >> if this is how we will get nothing done that i'd want any part of it i have a lot of cool things like to do rather than sit around to be miserable listening to people demonize me. that is a joke. kennedy: he snapped. the panel is back. >> just wait until you have a meltdown. spirit wait until you get to the primaries.
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sinecures he is. but i treated over the weekend is messaging and i have no idea who is advising him, actually a dubious communications people he looks like a spoiled brat to see my dad and my brother was president al it is my turn. the polar opposite of what you should be doing. that is why i nicknamed you might well. -- nyquil.
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and i cannot believe how he is campaigning and deeply disappointed. >> tsa country buffet. his campaign is all over the place like if i went to the buffet. sometimes they have a the square pizza. it is just unbelievable with a jab. one dash jeb bush. he was pulling the four weeks out he was only 6 percent. kennedy: has a chance. kennedy: you never know what will happen. >> now i don't know it is not the time. i don't know if he really wants it. it is like a schoolteacher that says i don't have to be here.
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i know i could have other cool jobs. but i am here with all of you. that doesn't make me think let me be paved better. >> then let's end it better for him. >> if he says i have better things to do then fire your entire staff. >> his communications team, really. >> halloween is nearly upon us by leaving. should adults join in on the fun? are is a holiday? you are totally against it? what is wrong with you? >> why would an adult want
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to take a child holiday then making it slighty? it is awful it is a wonderful day for children. >> i got suckered into it i will bmi and and i will be warm in between house parties and i don't have to talk to anyone. >> they should have fun with that. >> more women should have guns. because this is a wonderful time with all of your favorites bunch bob squier period scare hands. kennedy: how do you feel about this? >> dell called benin's let's in general is just is not my thing. >> is my fate.
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[laughter] >> i just mean legitimately they should dress how they want. billy social expectable -- it's a double time to go out in my underwear. [laughter] i am pouring i was just thinking about wearing a black wig i am in my 30's so i don't dress that way. [laughter] why does halloween have to be the end of october? >> are you dressing up? >> yes. i have kids dole whole "star wars" game lead. come to los angeles. we do not have h-2 baca. a new report says processed meats is a carcinogen in
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contributing to:cancer. no more bacon and sausage? >> cry against this deadbeat it is zero i n a scamper of whom the eighth in up? >> they want to forgo the processed meats that i understand if you eat every day you will increase your risk of colorectal cancer. >> i do everything that is bad for you. i each media don't exercise as much as they shed. some people live the begin lifestyle there will still get cancer. just live in moderation is too short. kennedy: some of the studies questionable the way they disseminate the information
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hey, i see you're working on your portfolio. need a little luck? uh... no, i have td ameritrade's investing tools and education, so i'm confident that i'm making smart financial decisions. but thanks! okay... trisha, you need any luck? i do not. eric? i'm all set. nice word play by the way. "my name's luck." thanks, sully. i got it. you don't even work on this floor! you don't work on this floor! td ameritrade. you got this. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...)
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kennedy: they explore being here. according to a new survey millenials are more worried about social and economic inequality. they need a lesson in economics so it is time to break it down. associate professor of economics at the king's college. i know you enjoy a talking about millenials you teach a lot of then you have their bright and curious minds but should they be concerned? >> i think it is just going. the truth is all of us are concerned at some level so we should take their interest to see where the real sources and how do we fix that? take a broader perspective
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the issue for the first-ever global extreme poverty falls below 10% in the history of the world. that is the story we should be talking about in the same breath of any quality. kennedy: pure statistics 1994 percent of the world lived in extreme poverty now is 10% per bernie sanders wants everybody to believe there is such disparity in this country. >> we focus so much inequality conversation what is going on here with a gap of men and women and minimum-wage. it is such a small perspective globally that none of the candidates are talking about that to fall below that henderson to extreme poverty especially the millenials should be getting excited about that message.
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kennedy: they should be celebrating capitalism in economics but they're not partly because the right is doing a horrible job to defend capitalism. so do that now when people are worried the rich people are only getting richer the stock market is going up but there is such wage stagnation that is indisputable. >> we don't want to not talk about capitalism lenders did exactly you are saying but did not want to speak that language what is capital to begin with? they are concerned by any quality so let's talk about that. policies that promote that like occupational licensing talk about justice how the markets foster's inclusion it is no coincidence we have
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seen more economic freedom more women in the work force, more equality with genders and better education we tell a story at the macro level. i give credit to be either side to tell the micro level human stories and we need to do that. with those 1.2 billion people that have left extreme poverty. kennedy: your talking to people who talk about the urban myth. they're all over the free trade agreements we have to do a better job to point to where the middle-class is going where they are participating. >> asia is the story of trade because they have moved more in a free market direction. wages in china are going of significantly.
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there is a bunch of issues around those the biggest problem right now with economic growth people will not get a job but what have we done in the last five years? name one policy? kennedy: i can i wish that i could. >> you could not do that. kennedy: fixing the world's problems one at a time. coming up the best dad in the history of mankind. the history of mankind. >> somebody just called me.
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the texas mohawk. it is hot out year. brian wilson. >> how does he still have a voice? he joins me now. you knew you had to name yourself this did it come in of a dream? to make it was the mock trial competition -- competition and i needed a power animal. kennedy: refilled with criminals begging for representation? >> i am not filling with them to 77 the rich criminals seeking counsel? >> not really. it is mostly court-appointed
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cases in private clients letter charged with driving while intoxicated or other offenses that is really what i specialize in but a love anything where somebody is arrested. kennedy: what you tell people? >> i tell then you don't have to say anything. that is focused on taxes law specifically. shot up. the less you say the better. kennedy: eurasian eight major league pitcher are you a good attorney? >> i hope that i am both but i do really focus on my client in they come first before any party. kennedy: thank you so much. >> i appreciate it.
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kennedy: when you are in new york, i i will get arrested you can bail me out. [laughter] kennedy: thanks for watching the show. >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the nuwave oven pro, brought to you by the makers of the nuwave precision induction cooktop. [♪...] professional chefs create great-tasting meals from years of experience and by using professional equipment. and now you can too, with the nuwave oven pro, the number-one countertop oven in america! no more defrosting or preheating that giant oven-- the nuwave cooks all your meals faster, better, healthier and easier, guaranteed. the nuwave oven is not a microwave oven, but uses conduction, convection and infrared power simultaneously. it cooks food up to 50% faster
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