tv Kennedy FOX Business November 4, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EST
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goodnight from new york. kennedy: happiness. tonight i watch and stacking up for hillary clinton. the latest poll says she could take slight comfort to know she is beating american socialist by 18 points with but that is shattered as 44 percent of democrats say they might change their mind which is great one for the updated hologram which she gets to the big fight she is knocked out by dr. carson
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who delivers a gut punch and will lay her out between 50 / 40% even increased trustee creches our dreams are five points and that is without sitting on her also cruz and rubio evert pretorius the only one not benefiting is donald trump because she would beat him by three points because he goes down 46 / 43. the one piece of good news is that he is beating ben carson by a single digit the house to come before voters look data longer-term prospects with the republicans really want to wind up white house? the last - - marco rubio once the nomination and so bad that he can taste it. the junior senator loves to be the cool guy into the
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well of libertarianism when it suits him end he has that fresh freedom global with he sits down at the adult table he needs us second helping of neocon he is horrible orion national-security he wants to give steroids without making cuts he is interested to do the splits he is more into the gymnastics that will guarantee him the nomination even if they flex some glitter off of him. jets napolitano calls clinton the mistress of deception. clinton tarantino refuses to apologize we will debate that and politicians are getting better using computers to hack your brain how our campaigns becoming science-fiction?
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i am kennedy. ♪ kennedy: very good news hillary is walking away with the democratic nomination dishy is destroyed by most of the budget g.o.p. except trump. from fox news headlines channel 115 and brian morgan cistern republican strategist. all of my favorites concentrated in one place so with trump losing do you think democrats are already funneling money to his campaign? >> every democrat says i would love to read against trump but what they really?
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he has gotten some bad press during the season began always bring a back and trump against hillary he may be down now but it is not a slam-dunk. kennedy: it is because it is a bunch of men. >> that is very sad 44% of the democrats say they may change their mind that they do not have firm loyalties anywhere but with joe biden not running who do they turn to? >> i don't think people know and that is why polls don't mean a lot. if you look at that clinic piat poll this happened right after the debate that jeb bush did not do that well marco rubio did melody
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skyrocketed but at the same time hillary clinton was talking about benghazi. right now it is more like twitter. they don't know who they will vote for. >> to service on election day. so take me through a debate with clinton and carton -- carson what does that look like a? red belt looks like now. bhaseito ofrt but i wanted to see that contrast because he is the
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opposite of hillary. >> deal looks like marco rubio a a little bit. >> but people treat him like a different kind of a republican but he believes isn't. we are i lot like -- a long way off. to still have tons of money and he is jeb bush the meeting of the establishment and then after a while if rubio ambush and not that different. >> which may explain he is starting to take serious cannon fire from his opponents today. >> marco rubio has a
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disaster on his finances. if you check the credit cards look at what he is in with the republican party when he and add access into something should have happened. >> although he fires back himself. >> key always gets weird so we will focus on our campaign. >> will though "wheel of fortune" and rest on rubio? i think so. in the attack that donald trump gave about his finances doesn't work because i didn't come from a background with a silver spoon i am a self-made man that works in his favor.
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>> there a lot more families out there cashing in the 401k early then know what it is like to have your own private plane they have to be careful with that. people say i kind i'd like camp is that enough? >> the tea party side don't trust rubio because of immigration they will have to overcome that that was bush's real flaw. deciding he would run to the center. >> to take his heart is in the right plays how cocky to have to be to run for the center when you have a primary to win? that sums your nose at that end of the party. >> also coming from with davis' political dynasty for
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those to feel entitled to the post he does not pass this contest but when rand paul tries to straddle that as many he is coming apart at the seams. >> he is more articulate can get away with better new ones and other politicians cannot because he is better at talking about but the reason jeb bush will win the nomination or hillary because it isn't about candidates but voters the mood of the country is and tied the man. they are both part of the man. >> so he is with those flirtations libertarians will not pin their hopes on him and neocons will not be disappointed when he talks about freedom when he talks
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♪ kennedy: everything is better because you're here. less frequented tarantino's sparked an uproar after making comments at the end i police brutality rally in brooklyn. >> i am a human being with a conscience when i see murder i cannot stand by i s to call the murder the murders. kennedy: that is a lot. with a backlash including calls to boycott his upcoming film frankly it
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feels lousy to have a police malfeasance call me a copy cater. that is in its reputation it is lenders it is not how i feel. >> he says they are slanderous is it slanderous to turnaround -- thrown the term murder? >> and tarantino is a dummy. he is not that bright. i am not calling for a boycott he said a specific cop when you say he said all cops are murderers. kennedy: you weaken your own position because you have a chance to argue if you talk about ferguson?
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that you go through the issues. call him on what he said don't make it up. >> with a stunning lack of sensitivity in this is the movie coming out on christmas day. even if you are for law enforcement i don't want anyone to you tell me in those you ordered the uniform. >> is there any way to talk about this to turn it into us or them? >> it is an emotionally charged topic the has the freedom to say whatever he wants the you have the
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freedom to boycott that movie from the box office standpoint it would not get the ratings that would have had it not happened but overall this affect the career? probably not he may get an oscar. >> he is passionate and an artist this is what he does. doesn't necessarily mean he is informed and every single issue. >> it does show they sense of entitlement because he doesn't only backtrack but also plays a victim because he is doing what he says that the police are doing to him is what he said about the police. >> we'll go see the movie? >> i have not made up my mind yet. i am leaning towards a nil because it is a display of colossal -- now he is the of
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victimhood. then he says legatee's people attacking me. get out of here. i have seen a lot of terror into the movies. kennedy: inquiry is bastards is my favorite monday one dash movie. the panel will return. don't worry. dog owners through let that happen in our luckily -- a likely to be a blubber count find out what napolitano means and what she did to deserve it. we live in a world of mobile technology,
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kennedy: hillary clinton survived from the committee on benghazi but she may have made more trouble for herself in the future and judge napolitano says the mattress of the deception and dropped to land mines. he is here. welcome back. talk about the mysteries of deception you said it is twice with political and legal is seen is from her appearance that she survived the political? >> said initial reaction was the impression that you have articulated that was fostered by the of media to be critically analytical. she did look good in and called in front of the
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television cameras but there is another audience that she forgot about is a federal prosecutors and fbi agents that were examining her behavior. so we heard from her testimony with that irrefutable evidence she continues to argue to the of victims of the murdered men of the gauzy ambassador stevens and his bodyguards it was the reaction of a spontaneous demonstration. kennedy: we knew that was the case. >> she knew that was not the case and made this statement when the bodies were received at andrews air force base the media and the families of the dead people were there.
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and nobody said we saw the movie we don't know where you're talking about after the cia said it was al qaeda they had evidence of a plot 12 days before. kennedy: she knew those to members of al qaeda. >> first problem political because her willingness to deceive the american public second is criminal no way she could have legally answered no to the question were you aware of all arms getting in the hands of the rebels? she orchestrated and concocted it why would she want that? because president obama declared war on libya. youssef but only congress can? lydia was our allies and he did it himself he cannot
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bring the military so he brought the intelligence agents they're not shooting guns to be impatient she wanted gadaffi to go so she said arm the rebels with their own equipment then he will go quicker. >> at one point said they a message to negotiate his departure peacefully. >> a person in the room watched her do this. >> off with his head. how could she do that because she knew the arms race bahias of the rebels because she forgot that word they were al qaeda to kill embassadors stevens said she lied under oath.
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is the crime to mislead congress and i suggest she did both. >> i am worried this will not resonate how much damage could she do? engaged she is indicted if there recommends indictment then it will be enough information with enough ground swell to keep from becoming the dominant - - democratic nominee. it is hard to believe they will trust your. she needs the support of the independent voters that unlike her base examined her credibility critically.
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>> the proceedings are getting stranger by the moment. >> remember the kurt cobain sweater? it is for sale. there is a scary clown for higher he is 65 years young. the typical story is next. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like playing the boss equals the boss wins.
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more traditional but a fun and easy trade and rapid is to kick a rubber ball let your baby. [laughter] number three. , which would you pay for that card again from the mtv appearance. ♪ "rolling stone" reports it is about to be auctioned off described as an au pair a and lycra with attila pockets and a burn a hole.
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expecting to go between 40 and $60,000 that is more than i would normally pay but this is kurt cobain it is a part of history so i will apply for some credit cards and step back. number four. the menu point -- pay their faces from the insane asylum a lot of people are scared of crimes. wrinkles the 65 year-old period tiger to scare their kids. how adorable. he retired to florida city started to charge parents money to hire him to scare their kids.
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that is a punishment but i like to think it is a funded tissue into any birthday party. he does private events like these to hired him to be under their sleeping child's bed. he definitely will not grow up with any trust issues because he doesn't like a a prankster to be in your bedroom? that is creepy. it is a piglet. so adorable. miniature pig scuttling around that adorable is the
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exact opposite of this theory clown. he is delicious. and acute. i love baked in. if you have any stories you like to see fine to me on instagram. politician is where the art and this is serious. to explain that complicated science. a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept is getting out there with less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin, i will. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both.
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oh! sorry, i was trying to put it away... got it on the cake. so you're going to work on a train? not on a train...on "trains"! you're not gonna develop stuff anymore? no i am... do you know what ge is? awe believe active management can protect capital long term. active management can tap global insights. active management can seek to outperform. that's the power of active management.
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theand to help you accelerate,. we've created a new company... one totally focused on what's next for your business. the true partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. accelerating innovation. accelerating transformation. accelerating next. hewlett packard enterprise. ♪ kennedy: political campaigns are getting more sophisticated about penalizing. a new field use this online
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data to measure breens and bodies and faces to see what messages resonate. our panel is back. is this the wave of the future? >> there is a lot leading up to this now reading people's reaction we have had it for awhile people responding to negative ads we remember negative thoughts and to disassociate the source. that is why negative campaigns work it will be pretty cool. >> i need to know where my brain is beingread.
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>>. >> i think it is fantastic if you tell the person they're brave is regis because the power of technology is unbelievable but this makes me wonder why do we have other cool stuff? >> how was it deployed here in the united states? >> it is of great opportunity to bleed money ad campaigns. i will send you my bill. remember when romney had the gap that would change the election? that did not work for quite good old-fashioned politics like driving into neighborhoods putting them on buses and dragging them to the polls. [laughter]
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>> but i hate traveling. >>. >> that is why we need day hover board. widow indeed tell importation and. speaking of great reading those of overweight dogs are more likely to be heavy themselves does this mean we can lose weight? one of the reasons that obese people have obese dogs and cats because they're less likely to lock themselves. >> do we need a mandate so we can save our pets? >> i think this is interesting how we reflects the voters personality.
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they are buying love and. >> there is an emptiness in dade feet -- bill that with the infection. >> studies i believe are fudged but i do believe this study because my dog drinks alcohol and sings in the archipelago up -- a group. [laughter] >> but cat odors are lazy because they don't have to walk the dog. kennedy: in and day overfeed that catch. >> i would love to get a cat i was about to get one this
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weekend and that the alliance want to their lifeline -- lions but they're too small. >> they would if they could add one that little devil in my house. kennedy: i am so happy to be fat. walking is for losers. >> lucky for us it is now movember for the next 30 days whether prostate cancer or mentalhealth or physical inactivity in a new survey conducted in ndf saw a dark
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>> i like john stossel faithful strong mustache. >> i have to give gavin a shout out my favorite is also of the john stossel. there we are looking at the picture. you are welcome. [laughter] the years leading to fights and cheating and sexism. >> cause and effect is in either direction because when you fight and sheet you run from one apartment to the other so you go either way. >> you let it go. >> that is the reason you had a beard because you
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don't have time to shave. >> i figure that holds study was done bayou having no beard is the great way to me. >> i am not hiding anything. >> like duck dynasty lank. >> o my lord. >> we have been working on that. [laughter] you can clip my extensions on as facial hair. [laughter] >> social riata has day comedy custodian. next technology empowers us to achieve more.
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entertained by your work and you have manufactured this job for yourself and i think you have turned herself. >> my parents literally do not understand what i do for a living no. there on dial-up. [laughter] my dad refers to me as the adults entertainer and that is not what i am but people don't know what to call this. >> there is something so in powering and liberating because people have felt for a long time the control of the media has been taken away from them but the playing field has been leveled instagram specifically people sajak and instagram how do you do that or how does one do that? you have done that
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7 million? >> 6.4 million but who was counting? >> you can go tried and true what works like puppies or groups. if you can get a picture of kanye west with beautiful brass pole bean puppies then you will get likes. [laughter] if he would #so it aggregate's on to different pages #syria or hillary clinton sunday that is not in the photo then it comes up on other pages still neck in the city were the most annoying woman. >> never read the comments. first of all, everybody says extreme stuff you have to take it for what it is. -- impregnate me.
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i have not got that yet but people say things that are way too nice then i hate you. you cannot take it too serious. >> you do have to develop a fix skin this is what nobody should say to anyone on this earth. >> this is the present that keeps on giving. is this something you develop on your own? >> oranges or fruit cocktail's. >> if you have been in the joint. kennedy: have you? >> maybe one night. kennedy: has a rap star? >> is a tried and true recipes it is like my mom
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offer of three glasses of wine. kennedy: have you given it to your parents? >> when i visit them. we were given the kitchen there is a lot of information but there is a lot of the reformation in you will not get anywhere else. >> it is completely made up and that is one of the reasons that i love it. >> part of that is in braille. >> nobody is reading it. i honestly the guy to get the 18 year-old. kennedy: would you want to write another book?
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>> i would maybe a cookbook. >> i remember rose bruckheimer of that is the word. it was sort of the women i knew was ted runoff so now people ask me about grapes and a vintage and notes and i say i have no idea. [laughter] i always say it appears so well and i have no idea. kennedy: date you so much. and look at that.
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kennedy: do you ever make a dumb mistake a woman in omaha hit the bottle and went to the zoo then he hit the streets with his bike step over the weekend a woman was accused to sneak into ways to and was bitten by a tiger if true is this to responsible? >> animals are not to play with. >> if you stick your he and in the cage expect to be bitten. it is all on you.
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>> when was the last time you drink so much? >> i just remember trying to dance onstage, the poll to fall down. >> i slept on the floor with my best friend's mother. >> to they forgive you? >> no. have you had to have dead drunk dial or text? >> everybody. >> i'm sorry i of the serial drunk texture. >> i am sorry for drunk driving you. >> i gave a toast at a wedding once. the banks for watching. you can watch all new
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episodes monday through thursday on fox business network. go have a cocktail. you deserve it. crawlers. fighters that will cover your whole face. >> all collected from the far reaches of the world. >> is it alive? >> talk about a bug's life. >> walt disney went into the museum and wanted to buy the collection. >> is there a bigger story behind this request. >> that was an interesting and eye opening experience all its own. ♪
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