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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  November 16, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EST

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donald trump floated. are we going to see strength on behalf of the u.s. maria: we'll see about that and we know the president will be giving a news conference and we'll take it live. stuart varney will pick it up now. thank you for your insights this morning and we'll continue the reaction to the deadly attacks in paris, we're live today and tomorrow from paris and we will see you then. "varney & company" begins now. stuart, over to you. stuart: thank you, we'll see you later. raids in muslim areas in france and belgium. the mastermind identified, on the run in syria, and the french interior says another attack could come at anytime. high anxiety over there and here, too. good morning, first, the financial fallout, it looks like america is something of a safe haven in all of this, stocks will open only slightly lower and maybe because of some hot money coming here, and also maybe the fed will not raise
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rates. so we don't have a huge downside move thus far this morning in reaction to what happened in paris on friday. but president obama, he's facing criticism. the day before the paris attack he said that isis had been contained. he will take questions today. you will watch it here. hillary clinton says isis must be defeated, but will not use the expression islamic terror. bernie sanders blames climate change. muslim immigration here, governors of two states, alabama and michigan, say they will not accept syrian migrants. angela merkel says that germany will take them in. throughout europe, opposition is intense and growing. extraordinary times and we have the right people to cover it all. mark stein, ralph peters and candidate john kasich. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪
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we'll bring you everything there is to know about the attacks in paris. first look the a the financial markets. now we're beginning to have more of a downside move. down 30, 40 points at the opening bell about 28 minutes from now. it was, that with the futures market, the dow futures were down over 100 points last night, came back and now we're down about 40. there is a possibility, speculation, really, that the federal reserve may not raise interest rates next month because of what's been happening in europe and every year. we shall see. look at the price of gold. some people expected it to go straight up, in times of crisis like this, but there is no inflation, so gold is up $5, 1,086 per ounce. as for the price of oil. low $40 per barrel. 40.6 of 3 is where we are now.
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let's update the situation, ashley, you have the latest. ashley: a lot of different angles. let's look at who authorities believe is the mastermind behind all of this. he's a belgian national living in syria and he believes he was the one who called maybe the sleeper cell based in belgium. this had been in the planning stages, considered one of the islamic states active. there's a picture there. he's from brussels, and a hot bed, some of the paris attackers from as well. the search for salah abdeslam, we've seen a message from the afp has been told by the mayor of brussels, he has not been found. there were reports of some sort
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of standoff, perhaps police had found him in a building there, not true. he's on the loose which is frustrating because he was stopped by police early saturday morning with two other men in the car leaving france trying to get back into belgium and apparently had not been told or did not see the communication there was a manhunt out for this person. so they had him and let him go. and another isis video released today saying that all of faces taking part in the coalition air strikes against isis will be targeted, much like we've seen in france and specifically mentioned washington d.c. stuart: so that's a threat directly to us. ashley: correct. stuart: got it. mark steyn is with us. welcome, indeed. and the immigration crisis. what should europe do, they've got a million migrants on their doorstep, what would they do? >> two things i would do, particularly if i were monseiur
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hollande, if you can get into one country you can get into them all. if you're admitted to greece, like one gentleman, fished out of the sea off greek island able to get from greece to paris without a single check. and europe has to be serious about squashing angela merkel's mad plan to reverse its demographic death spiral by reporting millions of muslim immigrants to be the children think didn't bother to have themselves. stuart: you don't think it could stand. >> no, angela merkel will not survive. they took in 250,000 muslim immigrants, one german state in september and october. and they have no idea who they are. if you've got one guy on a watch list, you need 60 officials to watch him. if you've got five guys, you need 300 officials.
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if you've got 10, you can't, you can't. there's going to be a lot more liquor store holdups and the rest because no police will have time for doing anything else. stuart: now, the governors of alabama and michigan. they're both saying, no migrants coming to our states. that's michigan governor-- look at this, michigan governor's rick snyder says this, michigan is a welcoming state, we're proud of our rich history of immigration, but our first priority is protecting the safety of our residents. in other words, the proposal to bring some of these migrants into america is already bringing up very stiff opposition. >> right, because they don't check anybody and they're lying to you when they say they're going to vet these people. they vetted me for six minutes, when you were red-blooded americans made the mistake of letting me into your country and i come from a country with actually accurate records and an accurate data base. they have no idea which of these syrian passports are real, which syrian birth certificates are real. they can't check nothing and
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they're lying to you if they say they can. stuart: let's sum up where we are now. europe has an impossible crisis on its doorstep and they don't know exactly what they're going to do. the subject of muslim immigration coming to america is a very hot subject right now, and will be all the way through until the election. and we've got a stock market that's going to open ever so slightly lower. that's interesting. come on in, rob o'neill, the man who shot usama bin laden and rob, can we beat isis with drones and air attacks or take guys like you on the ground? >> good morning, stuart, we're not going to beat them with air strikes alone. we're going to need to get people in there and crush them where we are. we need to-- it's at our doorstep, there are no front lines, it's everywhere, it's real and it's happened in paris, it's going to happen again, it's going to happen here. they're inspired by these
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groups in raqqah syria. even the containment ward isn't accurate. we need to send guys in there and root out the military aged males and we have to do it with military force and serious with moderate muslim and brilliant young imams not saying stuff. through military, education, and force. stuart: you broached a subject on profiling. earlier on fox news, jeb bush suggested that we should be profiling much more in america. do you agree with na? >> i do agree with that, profiling has become kind of a dirty word. it's not that bad, you're looking at specific behaviors, it happens all the time., they profile customers. google, depending the search engines, which ads. i don't think i'm the only one noticing a pattern, a lot of these are military aged muslim males, i'm not saying they're all bad coming in. we are monitor how they're communicating and everything we
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heard from the playstations to social media, the stuff they're doing. we have people in place and we need to let some of our spies and some of our law enforcement do their job, get in there and this is real. stuart: rob, i've got to break in. >> it's going to come to our doorstep, and soft environmentals and wait until it comes here and they do the same thij in an elementary school in arizona, that they just did in paris. stuart: 20 seconds left. you fought these guys on ground, al qaeda and isis, are they any good professionally? >> they seem like they're getting better because they've got a vacuum over there where they can train. i with as never impressed with them personally when i went in with a team of navy seals we handed it to them every single time. and we had a branch in this u.s. military and coalition that continued to do it and we just need to let them do it. stuart: the maen who shot usama bin laden. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: to sum up, here is what we have. we know the name of the master
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mind and got his picture supposed to be in syria. the other terrorist not been caught, still on the run, that was one of the guys who attacked in paris, still on the run. the whole issue of immigration is now center stage in the united states and it's very much center stage in europe. and coming up, colonel ralph peters. he says it's becoming clear that isis is sophisticated, highly organized and our intel services are too understaffed to beat them. colonel ralph is next. it's more than the cloud.
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>> i don't think they're gaining strength. what is true is that from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. they have not gained ground in iraq and in syria, it-- they'll come in and they'll
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leave, but you don't see the systemic march by isil across the terrain. stuart: well, that was president obama on thursday. of course, on friday, isis struck paris. joining us now, colonel ralph peters. welcome to the program. neither europe nor america, it seems, can police the domestic muslim population effectively. would that be accurate? >> actually, as long it's accurate. the europeans can't. i think we do an amazing job because we have a different profile, a different set, different complex of muslim immigrants here. we have trouble with some groups like the somalis. come on, iranians who fled the shah, they're incredibly productive americans, you've got to differentiate between different groups, but what troubles me-- >> ralph, we can't. i mean, the topic this morning on many people's minds is whether or not we should allow 10,000 syrian refugees into this country before the end of
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the year and another 100,000 next year. we can't-- we don't know who they are. should we let them in? >> again, we need a little more granularity. there are real refugees among the people fleeing syria and they're christians. you want to avoid importing islamists terrorists in your country, don't let muslims in let the suedaudis take them. i see a good argument for the fleeing christians, we've stood by and done nothing as christians have been gruesomely destroyed. and going back to president obama's remark that isis has been contained. it took starbucks more than 20 years to reach five continents. it took the islamic state two years. his doctrine of strategic patience basically amounts to do nothing and hope the cancer
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tumors get better on their own. and they don't. because he has done nothing and hasn't led, we have a situation where the islamic state has its calipha caliphate, it's on the ground and they have a deep, vast cadre of veteran jihadis, they've got infrastructure in europe. if you're unwilling to jumpen on the problems at the beginningen exterminate these guys, yeah, tough word, exterminate these guys, you lose. stuart: ralph peters. i've got breaking news. we saw angela merkel, david cameron, britain's prime minister meeting with president obama in turkey. mark steyn, we just heard that ralph peters that president obama is looking bad after the comment about containing isis. is president obama the political loser in this? >> well, he has brilliant comedy timing because to
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deliver a line like that and then a few hours later they manage to get two suicide bombers within yards of the french president, i think he's actually irrelevant to the calculations that people on the front lines, whether in the middle east or europe, are now making. america is irrelevant. stuart: that's a big statement indeed, mark. next, we'll take you live to paris and to the new york stock exchange where there will be a moment of silence.
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what. you don't have a desk bed? don't be left in the dark. get proactive alerts 24/7. comcast business. built for business. >> the european migration crisis is in the headlines and german officials say that angela merkel says there's no reason to change her path on migrants. despite the attacks they're welcoming 800,000. meanwhile, the uk says it will screen every migrant twice before allowing them to enter. maria bartiromo is coming to us from paris as she has all day. will they accept syrian immigrants, what's the sense of the mood of the people of france at this moment.
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maria: well, i mean, stuart, i can't imagine that france would do it. the mood of the people are-- is basically fright. they're afraid of migrants coming in because of what we just saw, one of the perpetrators in this deadly attack has a syrian passport and in fact was mixing himself in with the migrants coming inment look, i think this is the new debate and this is going to be the conversation leading into the u.s. presidential election as well. particularly because, stuart, now we know that vetting these people has become all, but impossible. the syrian government has basically collapsed. there is no data base. we had congressman peter king on earlier who basically said there's no information. the syrian government cannot be truthful in terms of telling us who anybody is and if in fact they are who they say they are. so, it has become impossible to actually vet these people and so, how do you make a decision to take in 100,000 people when in fact it only takes a couple of people to launch the kind of
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attack we saw in paris on friday night. stuart: well said, maria. that's precisely the dilemma for europe and america. maria, thanks very much indeed. we'll get back to you later and i know we'll see you again tomorrow morning, thanks very much indeed. mark, real fast. this is the issue, isn't it? do you have more muslims coming into europe and america or not? that seems to be a stark choice. >> you're basically increasing the pool of safety within which these people can operate. the belgian government says it does not actually control parts of its territory where the ring leader of this plot was able to hatch this plot. why make the no-go areas bigger. stuart: especially when you cannot screen the people coming in and you can't. here is one for you, bernie sanders is doubling down on his claim that there's a link between climate change and terrorism. roll that tape. >> climate change is directly
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relate today the growth terrorism. if you don't get our act together, and do what scientists, you'll see countries all over the world-- the cia says they'll struggle over limited amounts of water and land to grow their crops and see international conflict. mark, climate change? >> he's brilliant that guy. al baghdady will be sawing bernie sander's head off as his neck is sliced if only we'd had an emissions trading scheme. this is insane and it shows the level of dilution and denial among the western political leadership. stuart: okay. now, moments away from the new york stock exchange, which is going to observe a moment of silence. that will be at precisely 9:25 oo eastern time. we're 30 seconds away. as we approach that moment of silence, let me tell you the dow industrials will open lower, but not much. we're coming off a dreadful week last week and of course,
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we've had the paris events over the weekend. we expected a sharp downside move for the dow when it opens this morning, it looks like we'll be down 40 or 50 points, not that bad. now, that moment of silence, it is being observed at the new york stock exchange. here we go. [moment of silence]
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>> that was one minute of silence observed at the new york stock exchange because of the events in paris on friday and stretching on into the weekend. a moment of silence at the new york stock exchange. some people are calling friday's events a tragedy. frankly, i prefer to call it an outrage and that was a moment of silence to observe our outrage at what happened in europe. joining us, ashley webster is with us, steve forbes is here, keith fitz-gerald and of course, mark steyn. keith, why is it that this stock market in america, the dow industrials, will not just fall out of bed this morning? we're going to be down 40, 50 points, that's it, why?
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>> i'll tell you why, is because outrage is the right word for it. we're not going to cave to this or fall to this. we're going to go on and prove we're more resilient than these guys can engineer defeat for us. stuart: okay, now we've had japan sliding into recession, that news came overnight. my question to steve forbes is what chance of now france and the rest of europe going further into recession because of the events over the weekend? >> it's unfortunately coming on top of a very weak situation in europe. capital expenditures there and in this countries and in europe are very low. france has been teetering on recession for a while. greece is in trouble again, portugal is in trouble again and it's a bad situation and makes it worse. stuart: it tips them over the edge toward recession? >> stagnation is as good as recession. you combine that with the refugee crisis, you'll have a huge political crisis in the next year and a half, the european union under pressure. stuart: a security-based recession?
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>> and merkel is doing what she does because of europe's demographic arithmetic. steve mentioned greece, in greece, 100 grandparents have 42 grandchildren. 42 people will not pay off the debts run up by 100 people. that that's the remorseless arithmetic that the european union faces. stuart: back to you, keith, for a moment. there's some speculation that the federal reserve will not be rising rates in december because of the events in europe and because of the recession in japan and maybe the fallout in europe as well. what do you make of the fed, keith? >> i tell you what, that would be the logical thing to do because the geopolitical stinks. however, i think they're playing a bigger game. i think they're dumb enough to raise rates simply on the assumption, to steve's point and mark's point they'll have to lower them next year for the political crisis and geopolitical crisis this year. stuart: we're 90 seconds away
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from the opening bell on this monday morning following extraordinary events in paris and over the weekend. let me recap, they've identified the master mind believed to be now in syria, we've got a picture of him. he's been identified and we know his name and they're looking for him, but now we know the name of the mastermind. looking for the eighth terrorist who attacked paris on friday night. has not been found. in a suburb of brussels today, there was a raid and what was the name? >> abdel hamid-- is that terrorist central? >> it is a suburb full of islamic jihadists and to mark's point they kind of lost control, hard to keep control of anyone there and it's a hot bed. stuart: there's the master mind. >> abdelhamid abaaoud. stuart: that's the guy they're looking for. he should look up to see if there's a drone near him. we'll see about that.
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now, the opening bell is about to ring. we're about 15 seconds away. this is going to be a very big opening session for the dow because of the events of friday. and european stocks mostly lower, and america was going to be 100 points for the dow industrials and now pulled back and now we're down about 40 points in the first few minutes of trading. we're off and running this monday morning ang we're down, it's not falling out of bed by any means. some may have expected a serious down side move because of the security concern around the world. we're down 16 points in the first half minute of trading, this is not a freefall by any moment. keith, it's a good -- how is this for a question, is it a good time to buy when chaos strikes? i mean, that's a little strange thing to be saying on a monday morning like this, but what do you say? >> well, i tell you what, stuart, you don't want to be a grave dancer here, but there are three things to keep in mind.
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one, a lot of institutional managers are behind the eight ball and they have to chase performance into the tail end of the year. number two, buy low and sell high is the way the game is played no matter what causes the low. and eve of world war i, eve of world war ii, presidential assassination, economic events, that you want every opportunity if you pick things up on the cheap, and today is no different. stuart: what do you say, steve forbes? buy on chaos? >> you can buy on chaos, but we've got a troubled economy here at home. revenue in the last quarter not good. capital expenditures in this country not good. federal reserve not good so the market will take of life of its own even after the immediate events. you saw this after september 11th. we got the exchange open after a week, a miracle doing that, but then we still had a down side in the market because of the economic mistakes, we had a recession we were covering. stuart: and we're still a safe haven.
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>> absolutely, absolutely. stuart: and that's why some some of the european money is coming here. keith, what do you say. >> i was going to say to steve's point we're well up in the triple digits after every one of those events. and it depends on your perspective. stuart: it does indeed. let's get to groups of stocks in the defense sector, general dynamics, and northrop grumman, you could say they're anti-isis stocks and all are up. ashley: we don't have ray raytheon. and this market, this particular sector got a boost when we did the deal with iran or the nuclear deal. so the latest case involving isis, i think, will just see more money because governments around the world are beefing up military and defense spending. stuart: an interesting group of stocks which i would expect to
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have some movement today. gun stocks, smith & wesson and sturm ruger, where are they now? they're up. a nice run last week, up again this morning. 2 1/2% for smith & wesson, 1 is% for sturm and ruger. i'm thinking of that ad in the nra where the young man comes in and says islamist you're not going to take my country and it's an ad for buying a gun. >> shotguns have sold out in austria and pepper spray has sold out in germany. and that -- that's since angela merkel implemented her refugee program that's the peoples' response to that. >> people were telling me if anybody would have had a gun, anybody around you could have stopped it fairly quickly, but
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no such thing as hand guns around in paris i don't think. >> police responded it unarmed it too. >> ashley you have an update on that raid in brussels? >> confirmation that the raid in that brussels suburb was unsuccessful in catching the eighth trrgs. the guy, the driver. they thought they had him and they department. he's still on the loose. >> defense stocks, gun stocks moving up a little bit because the safe haven. what about price of gold. couple of bucks $4 that's it, 1,84. keith i thought gold would be a safe hairch. apparently not that safe of heaven haven this morning. >> it is a commodity for big traders. first thing they do is unload it. strong dollar is also holding that back. j how about price of oil? it is down $40 a barrel.
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we've got a recession in japan. not good economic news from europe. steve, are we going to see oil drop below $40 a barrel that's an important indicator? >> it is already extremely low you have a company next year in deep financial troupe. ting that the market is perhaps not fully estimating what's going to be happening next year to the u.s. economy. we're lucky to get to two and a half percent. >> down only two points from the dow jones industrial industrial that's it following this kind of security problem in france an paris over the weekend now we're up three points. a quick sector check for you. those technology stocks i want the big ones please. facebook, amazon, and alphabet all were facebook down a little bit. amazon down a bit. others could you call those a defensive play, keith? big name tech stock? >> absolutely. stuart that's a brilliant observation. reason is that those stocks
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unlike other tech stocks have got serious pricing power. they have a huge demographic l fool. they were worldwide entity and make their money come hell or high water pun intended. >> start with the airlines what's happening? >> first and foremost we have been started with one of the airlines down 9%. this was the story of the devastating attack in paris and then they resonate particularly for airline a sector. delta down 2%. american airlines down two and a half percent so the group overis all down hours across the board. united continental. >> how about energy? we have oil right now above 40 a barrel. ty think why is the energy sector up like that? >> back and forth first of all sold off dramatically over last couple of weeks. higher earlier. back and forth. exxon and chevron are leaders right now but ol is oil is
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pulling back and looking to north dakota apparently there's oil available incase, and so that's been a story trending on the floor and may be factoring in as well. so energy sector has been a topic. >> clearly got turnaround for the dow industrial down 30 points expecting 30 or 50 now turned around, moving up nearly -- 14 points high ire for the dow jones industrial average. don't forget about japan. their economy falls back into recession again. ting they're actually now contracting. keith you catch asia for us. why is this happening? because didn't we have their government precincting printing as much an now they're in recession? >> as money as it takes to get the my going again. the role here stuart is not government doing things but role is create private enterprise. the fallacy is alive and well.
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it is what they risk here. unfortunately it is all too real. five recession in five years. >> what do you make of that? japan in recession again, despite printing all of this money, steve? >> goes to show central bank can't guide a economy. it has been a disaster because it is wrecked credit markets when you don't have functioning credit markets you don't have a functioning my plus japan is on a tax raising pinch. doubling their national sales tax again. they have a very high income tax. payroll tax hours is 15 pblght. theirs is about 35 to 38 psht that's why that economy can't get out of the -- >> payroll tax? >> it is 35%, employee, employer. >> back to america i think payroll tax here is essentially social security. that percent. 15% paid by employer and myself. japan is 35%? >> yeah. >> 40%? >> yes. that's the exact opposite of what i thought was going on.
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[laughter] making money available, in fact, they're just pulling it in. wrecking the economy. >> they are. >> where is ronald reagan when you really need the man? >> mark, the left thinks that the economy causes tri. -- i've hard this frequently a lack of jobs that creates these terrorists. >> that's the state policy jobs for jihadis, all of the middle-class people. osama bin laden he was boating, muhammad it was a middle-class engineering graduate. the shooting was pulled off by the son of the woman who run it is the canadian refugee board. a privileged canadian middle class bureaucrat nothing to do with this and basically the islamic terrorist it is movement has made a bet that in the end culture trumps economics, and in
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response to that, marie says no, all we need to do is retrain people so that instead of decapitating people because good at that. not a marketable skill so why take these and train them to do telephone sales answering service so when you call customer service guy instead of reaching for that he reaches for trch and retrained him and no more. >> this -- that's the limitation. they don't think like us, and we think that they do, and that's why we'll lose. >> all right ept to ask everybody have we reached a turning point between christians and muslims? turning point? >> turning point barack obama, chamberlain, new leadership in 2017. very different from what we have today. >> keith. >> turning point? >> absolutely. finally. >> mark -- >> i worry, i remember spain when they had their problems,
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and they marched through the street holding up sign saying batter, that means enough. they meant parption participation in america's wars and i'm worries that we've seen turning points before when nothing turned. >> look what's turned up now dow jones industrial up 70 points. we're expecting to go down. to you watch future market late last night you would expect a dow to go down 100 points of the opening bell today it went down 30 now bounced up to 72. >> interesting if you look in paris where they're expecting volatility today it is almost flat. most it was down was half a percent right now essentially flat. >> there you have it opening bell we're up 75 points. who would have thought? coming up, france declares war and carries out nationwide raid on terror suspect. the country has finally seen the light. what about the regs of europe. ambassador john bolton is next.
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>> all right now we are up let's see we're up 60 points as of right now. opened lower. now turn around 60 points higher. how about gold, we were up couple of bucks still up 1,84. price of oil 40 dollars a barrel that's where we are now. thousand this, isis vow it is more retaliation against air strikes in syria. what's the latest from isis? >> latest propaganda tape they show pictures in paris about 11 minutes long, and they say that look, anyone that is taking part inner a strike against isis will also see what happened in paris is going to happen there. they mention rome, london and target washington, d.c. pg they say we're next. bottom line? >> that's it. >> ambassador john, hold on a sec. i have new video from outside bataclan we have this video. this is what's happening there thousand.
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this is the concert hall outside the concert hall so many i believe 89 executed best word to use there. brutal fashion. that is the scene there at this point. cleanup crews there. police outside, people looking at the crime scene. the outrage let's bring in bolton angela merkel snot changing her stance she's welcoming up to a million north african muslim it is do you think that would stand? >> i think it's a catastrophic mistake for germany an yiewrm as as -- and yiewrm europe as it does. some weeks she fraught it on by saying germany would 800,000 refugees comparable for the united states would be 3 and a quarter million. obviously, the german decision
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has affected all of europe. minister of lebanon saidhe estimated 2% of the refugees entering europe were terrorists. so for germany that rounds out to a nice 16,000. and if you take the french vrgs 8 gunman caused this tragedy on friday, do the math. >> would it be a catastrophic mistake if america admitted 10,000 syrian migrants by end of this year and maybe 100,000 more next year would you call that a catastrophic mistake? >> withouted a squat vetting would be. president spokesman over the weekend said we have a robust vetting procedure to guarantee that the refugees would be legitimate of seekers and not terrorists. i don't know where he gets that information contrary to refugee it is has said, contrary to what i hear from law enforcement and intelligence sources. look we're a humanitarian
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country second to none and our concern for refugees but there's no only obligation out ourselves in danger by taking people we haven't had a chance to clear out. i think if the president proceeds along this line, it's going to be and should be a huge political issue. >> will be indeed mr. ambassador thank you for joining us up 70 points expecting a selloff didn't get it u now up 76. 173 where we are. coming up jeb bush says it is time to start profiles syrians to seek out terrorists. something that democrats seem unwilling to do. more on that in a moment. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...
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>> president obama is about to hold a news conference about to start is. we'll listen in, please. [inaudible] >> beautiful, the hospitality of the people is legendary to our turkish friends -- [inaudible] [laughter] i've been practicing that. at the g20 our focus was on how to get the global economy growing faster and creating more jobs for our poem and i'm pleased that we agreed that growth has to be inclusive to address the rising inequality
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around the world. given growing cyberthreats, we committed to a set of norms, drafted by the united states for our governments should conduct themselves in cyberspaes including a commitment not to ten gauge in cybertheft of intellectual property for commercial gain. as we head into global climate talks, all g20 countries have submitted our targets and we have a successful outcome in paris. of course, much of our attention has focused on the heinous attacks that took place in ferris. paris, across the world, in the united states, american flags are at half-staff in solidarity with our french allies. we're working closely with our french partners as they pursue their investigation and track down suspects. france has a strong partner and
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streamlining the process by which we share intelligence and operational military informational with france. this will allow our personnel to pass threat information ngding on isil to our french partners even more quickly. because we need to be doing everything we can to protect more -- to protect against more attacks and protect our citizens. now, tragically paris is not alone. we've seen jots outrageous attacks by isil in beirut. last month in ankara u, routinely in iraq. here at the g20, our nation's has a unmistakable message that we are united against this threat. ill is the face of evil. our goal to ultimately destroy
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this barbaric terrorist organization. as i outlined this fall at the united nations, we have a comprehensive strategy using all elements of our power. military, intelligence, economic, development, and the strength of our communities. we have always tund that this would be a long-term campaign. there will be setbacks, and there will be successes. but terrible events in paris were, obviously, a terrible and sickening setback. even as we grieve with our french friends, however, we can't lose sight that there has been progress being made. only the marl front, our cocollision is intensifying our airstrikes more than 8,000 to date. we're taking out isil leaders, commanders, their killers, we've seen that when we have an effective partner on the ground i.c.e. isil can and can push
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back to local forces in iraq backed by liberated sinjar they're fighting back to take back ruemadi syria, pushed back for the region with turkey. we've stepped up our support of opposition forces who are working to cut off supply lands to isil strong hold it is in iran, raqaa in short in iraq and syria it has less territory than it did before. i made the point if we want this progress to be sustained more needs to step up with the resources that this fight demands. of course, the attacks in remind us that will it will not be enough to defeat isil in syria and iraq alone. our nation therefore committed to strengthen border controls, sharing more information, and stepping our efforts to precht e flow of foreign fighters in and
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out of syria and iraq. as the united states just showed in libya, isil leaders will have no safe haven anywhere and stand with leaders in muslim communities including leaders who are best voices to discredit isil's warped ideology. on the humanitarian front, our nations agree that we have to do even more individual and collectively to addressing agony of the syrian people. some 4.5 billion dollars in aid so far. as winter approaches we're donating additional supplies including clothing and generators through the united nations. but the u.n. appealed for syria and less than half the funds needed. today i'm calling on more nations to contribute to what the nation demands. in terms of refugees it is clear
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that jordan, lebanon bearing an extraordinary backwarden cannot be expected to do so alone. but at the same time all of our countries have to ensure our security, and as president, my first priority is the safety of the american people. that's why even as we accept more refugees including syrians, we do so only after subjecting them to rigorous screening and security checks. we have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves. that's what they're fleeing. slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our battle. for those seeking safety and ensure our own security. we can and must do both. finally, we have begun to see some modest progress on the diplomatic front which is critical because a political solution is the only way to end the war in syria and unite the syrian people and world against
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isil. the talks mark first times that the key countries have come together. as a result i would add of american leadership, and reached a common understanding. with this weekend talks there's a path forward. negotiations between the syrian opposition and syrian regime under the united nations, a transition toward a more inclusive respective government. a new constitution filed by preelection and a cease-fire in the civil war as we continue to fight against isil. these are ambitious goals, hopes for diplomacy in syria have been bashed before. there are any number of ways that this latest diplomatic push could falter and there are still disagreements between the parties including most critically over the fate of bashar assad who we do not believe has a role in syria's future because of his brutal
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rule. his war against the people is the proorm root cause of this crisis. what is different this time and what gives us some disagree of hope is as i've said for the first time all of the major countries on sides of the syrian conflict agree on a process that is needed to end this war. while we're very clear about the very difficult road still ahead, the united states and partnership with our coalition is going to remain relentless on all fronts, military, human tarn and diplomatic. we have the right strategy and we're going to see it through. with that i'm gong to tack some questions, and i'll begin with jerome kartilia of afp ppg. >> thank you, mr. president.
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129 people were killed in paris on friday night. isil claimed it responsibility for the attacker sending the message they could not target civilians all over the world. the equation has security changed. is it time for your strategy to change? >> well keep keep in mind what e have been doing. we have a military strategy that involves putting enormous pressure on isil to air strikes that has put assistance and training on the ground with iraqi forces who are now working with syrian sources to cut off their supply lines. coordinating intergnarlly to reduce their financing capabilities, the oil that they'reing trying to ship owsdz and strikes against high value
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tarts including most recently against the individual who ftion on video executing civilians who had been captured as well as head of isil in libya and iraq and syria. so on the military front, we're continuing to accelerate what we do, we work with them more closely. i've already authorized additional special force it is on the ground who are going to be able to improve that coordination. on the counterterrorism front, keep in mind that since i came into office, we have been worried about these kinds of attacks. the vigilance that the united states government maintains, and the cooperation that we're countily expanding with our european and other partners in
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going after every single terrorist network is robust and constant. on aviation security. we have over the last several years been working so that at various airport sites not just in the united states, but overseas, we are strengthening our mechanisms to screen and discover passengers who should not be boarding flights. and improving the manners in which we're screening luggage on board and on the diplomatic front, we've been consistently working to try to get all the
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parties together to recognize that there is a moderate opposition inside of syria that can form the basis for a transition government and to reach out not only to our friends, but also to the russians and iran and on the other side of the equation to explain to them, an organization like isil the greatest danger to them as well as to us. so, there will be an intensification of the strategy that we put forward, but the strategy that we are putting forward is the strategy that ultimately is going to work. but as i said from the start, it's going to take time and what's been interesting is it, in the aftermath of paris, as i listened to those who suggest something else needs to be done, typically the thing that they suggest need to be done
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are things we are already doing. the one exception is that there have been a few who suggested that we should put large numbers of u.s. troops on the ground. and keep in mind that, know, we have the finest military in the world and we have the finest military minds in the world and i've been meeting with them intensively for years now discussing these various options and it's not just my view, but the view of my closest military advisors that that would be a mistake, not because our military could not march into mosul or raqqah or ramadi and temporarily clear out isis, but because we would
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see a repetition of what we've seen before which is if you do not have local populations that are committed to inclusive governance and who are pushing back against ideological extremists, that they resurface, unless we're prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries. let's assume that we were to send 50,000 troops into syria, what happens when there's a terrorist attack generated from yemen? do we then send more troops into there or libya, perhaps? or if there's a terrorist network that's operating anywhere else in north africa or in southeast asia. so, a strategy has to be one that can be sustained. and the strategy that we're pursuing, which focuses on
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going after targets, limiting wherever possible the capabilities of isil on the ground, systematically going after their leadership, their infrastructure, strengthening shia or strengthening syrian and iraqi forces that-- and kurdish forces that are prepared to fight them, cutting off their borders and squeezing the space in which they can operate until ultimaly we're able to defeat them, that's a strategy we're going to have to pursue and we will continue to generate more partners for that strategy and they're going to be in some things that we try that don't work. there will be some strategies that we try that do work and when we find strategies that work, we will doubledown on those. margaret brennan, cbs.
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>> thank you, mr. president. a more than year-long bombing campaign in iraq and syria has failed to contain the ambitions and the ability of isis to launch attacks in the west. have you underestimated their abilities and will you widen the rules of engagement for u.s. forces to take more aggressive action? >> no, we haven't underestimated our abilities, this is precisely why we're in iraq as we speak and operating in syria as we speak and it's precisely why we have mobilized 65 countries to go after isil and why i hosted at the united nations an entire discussion of counterterrorism strategies and curbing the flow of foreign fighters and why we have been putting pressure on those countries that have not been as robust as they need to in tracking the flow of foreign
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fighters in and out of syria and iraq. and so there has been an acute awareness on the part of my administration from the start that it is possible for an organization like isil that has such a twisted ideology and has shown such extraordinary brutality and complete disregard for innocent lives, that they would have the capabilities to potentially strike in the west and because thousands of fighters have flowed from the west and are european citizens, a few hundred from the united states, but far more from europe, that when those foreign fighters returned it posed a significant danger and we have consistently
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worked with our european partners, disrupting plots in some cases, sadly, this one was not disrupted in time, but understand that one of the challenges we have in this situation is that if you have a handful of people who don't mind dying, they can kill a lot of people. that's one of the challenges of terrorism. it's not their sophistication or the particular weaponry that they possess, but it's the ideology that they're carrying with them and their willingness to die and in those circumstances tracking each individual, making sure that we are disrupting and preventing these attacks is a constant
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effort at vigilance and requires extraordinary coordination. now, part of the reason that it is important, what we do in iraq and syria is that the narrative that isil developed of creating this caliphate makes it more attractive to potential recruits. so when i said that we are containing their spread in iraq and syria, in fact, they control less territory than they did last year. and the more we shrink that territory, the less they can pretend that they are somehow a functioning state and the more it becomes apparent that they are simply a network of killers who are brutalizing local populatio populations, that allows us to reduce the flow of foreign fighters, which then over time
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will listen the numbers of terrorists who can potentially carry out terrible acts like they did in paris. and that's what we did with al qaeda. that doesn't mean, by the way, that al qaeda no longer possesses the capabilities of potentially striking the west. al qaeda and the peninsula that operates primarily in yemen, we know, has consistently tried to target the west and we are consistently working to disrupt those acts, but despite the fact that they have not gotten as much attention as isil, they still pose a danger as well. and so, our goals here consistently have to be to be aggressive and to leave no stone unturned, but also, recognize this is not
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conventional warfare. you know, we play into the isil narrative when we act as if they're a state. and we use routine military tactics that her designed to fight a state that is attacking another state. that's not what's going on here. and these are killers. with fantasies of glory, who are very savvy when it comes to social media, and are able to infiltrate the mind of not just iraqis or syrians, but disaffected individuals around the world. and when they activate those individuals, those individuals can do a lot of damage. and so, we have to take the approach of being rigorous on our counterterrorism efforts and consistently improve and
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figure out how we can get more infiltration and get the networks and reduce their operational space, even as we also try to shrink the amount of territory they control to defeat their narrative. ultimately to reclaim territory from them is going to require, however, an ending of the syrian civil war, which is why the diplomatic efforts are so important and it's going to require an effective iraqi effort that bridges shia and sunni differences, which is why our diplomatic efforts inside of iraq are so important as well. jim. >> thank you, mr. president. in the days and weeks before the paris attacks, did you reivarng inou dly inteigen briefinhat a atck wimmint
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f not, does that not call into question the current assessment that there is no immediate specific credible threats to the united states today? and secondly, if i could ask you to address your critics who say that your reluctance to enter another middle east war and preference of diplomacy over using the military takes the united states weaker and e? >> jim, every day we have threat streams coming through the intelligence trends and as i said every several weeks we sit down with all of my national security intelligence and military teams to discuss various threat streams that may be generated. and the concerns about potential isil attacks in the
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west have been there for over a year now and they come through periodically. there were no specific mentions of this particular attack that would give us a sense of something that we need -- that we could provide french authorities, for example, or act on ourselves, but typically the way the intelligence works is there will be a threat stream that's from one source, how reliable is that source, perhaps some signal intelligence gets picked up. it's evaluated. some of it is extraordinarily vague and unspecific and there's no clear timetable. some of it may be more specific and then folks chase down that
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threat to see what happens. i'm not aware of anything that was specific in the sense that would have given a premonition about a particular action in paris that would allow for law enforcement or military actions to disrupt it. with respect to the broader issue of my critics, to some degree, i anticipated the question earlier. i think that when you listen to what they actually have to say, what they're proposing, most of the time when pressed, they describe things that we're already doing. maybe they're not aware that we're already doing them. some of them seem to think that if i were just more bellicose in expressing what we're doing, that that would make a difference because that seems
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to be the only thing that they're doing is talking as if they're tough, but i haven't seen particular strategies that they would suggest that would make a real difference. now, there are few exceptions, as i said, a primary exception is those who would deploy u.s. troops on a large scale to retake territory either in iraq or know you in syria and at least they have their honesty to go ahead and say that's what they would do. i just addressed why i think they are wrong. there have been some who are well-meaning and i don't doubt their sincerity when it comes to the issue of the dire humanitarian issue in syria, who, for example, call for a no-fly zone or a safe zone of
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some sort, and this is an example of the kind of issue where i will sit down with our top military and intelligence advisors and we will painstakingly go through what does something like that look like and typically after we've gone through a lot of planning and a lot of discussion and really working it through, it is determined that it would be counterproductive to take those steps, in part because isil does not have planes, so the attacks are on the ground. a true safe zone requires us to set up ground operations, and you know, the bulk of the deaths that occurred in syria, for example, have come about not because of regime bombing, but because of on the ground casualties.
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who would come in, who would come out of that safe zone, how would it work, would it become a magnet for further terrorist attacks and how many personnel would be required and how would it end, there's a whole set of questions that have to be answered there. i guess my point is this, jim, my only interest is to end suffering and to keep the american people safe and if there's a good idea out there, we're going to do it. i don't think i've shown hesitation to act, whether it's with respect to bin laden or with respect to additional troops to afghanistan or keeping them there if it's determined that it's actually going to work. but what we do know the do, what i do not do is to take
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actions either because it is going to work politically or it's going to somehow in the abstract make america look tough or make me look tough. and maybe part of the reason is because every few months i go to walter reed and i see a 25-year-old kid who's paralyzed or has lost his limbs, and some of those are people i've ordered into battle and so i can't afford to play some of the political games that others may. we'll do what's required to keep the american people safe and i think it's entirely appropriate in a democracy to have a serious debate about
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these issues. folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. if they think that somehow their advisors are better than chairman and my joint chiefs of staff, and the folks who are actually on the ground, i want to meet them. and we can have that debate. but what i'm not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of american leadership or america winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the american people and to protect people in the region
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who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like france. i'm too busy for that. j jim. >> thank you very much, mr. president. i wanted to go back to something that you said to margaret earlier when you said that you have not underestimated isis' abilities. this is an organization that you once described as a jv team, that evolved into a force that's now occupy territory in iraq and is now able 0 use that safe haven to launch attacks in other parts of the world. how is that not underestimating their capabilities and how is that contained, quite frankly? and i think a lot of americans have this frustration that they see that the united states has the greatest military in the world, it has the backing of nearly every country in the world when it comes to taking on isis. and i guess, the question is, if you'll forgive the language,
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is why can't we take out these bastards? >> well, jim, i just spent the last three questions answering that very question, so i don't know what more you want me to add. i think i've described specifically what our strategy is and i've described very specifically why we do not pursue some of the other strategies that have been suggested. t the-- this is not a traditional military opponent. we can retake territory and as long as we leave our troops there, we can hold it, but that does not solve the underlying problem of eliminating the dynamics that are producing these kinds of violent extremist groups so we're going
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to continue to pursue the strategy that has the best chance of working even though it does not offer the satisfaction, i guess, of a neat headline or an immediate resolution and part of the reason, as i said, jim, because there are costs to the other si side. i just want to -- i just want to remind people, this is not an abstraction. when we send troops in, those troops get injured, they get killed, they're away from their families. our country spends hundreds of billions of dollars and so given the fact that there are enormous sacrifices involved in any military action, it's best that we don't, you know, shoot
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first and aim later. it's important for us to get the strategy right and the strategy that we are pursuing is the right one. ryan. >> thank you, mr. president. i think a lot of people around the world and in america are concerned because given the strategy that you're pursuing and it's been more than a year now, isis' capabilities seem to be expanding. were you aware that they had the capability of pulling off the kind of attack that they did in paris? are you concerned and do you think they have that same capability to strike in the united states? and do you think that given all you've learned about isis over the past year or so, and given all the criticism about your underestimating them, do you think you really understand this enemy well enough to defeat them and to protect the homeland? >> all right.
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so, this is another variation on the same question. and i guess, let me try it one last time. the -- we have been fully aware of the potential capabilities of them carrying out a terrorist attack. that's precisely why we have been mounting a very aggressive strategy to go after them. as i said before, when you're talking about the ability of a handful of people with not wildly sophisticated military equipment, weapons, who are willing to die, they can kill a lot of people and preventing them from doing so is
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challenging for every country. and if there was a swift and quick solution to this, i assure you that not just the united states, but france and turkey and others who have been subject to these terrorist attacks would have implemented those strategies. there are certain advantages that the united states has in preventing these kinds of attacks. obviously, after 9/11 we hardened the homeland, set up a whole series of additional steps to protect aviation, to apply lessons learned. we've seen much better cooperation between the fbi, state governments, local governments.
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there is some advantages to geography with respect to the united states, but having said that we've seen the possibility of terrorist attacks on our soil. there was the boston marathon bombers. obviously, it did not result in the scale of death that we saw in paris, but that was a serious attempt at killing a lot of people by two brothers and a crock pot, and it gives you some sense of the kind of challenges of this going forward. and again, isil has serious capabilities, its capabilities are not unique, their capabilities that other terrorist organizations that we track and are paying attention to possess as well. we are going after all of them.
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what is unique about isil is the degree to which it has been able to control territory that then allows them to attract additional recruits and the greater effectiveness they have on social media and their ability to use that to not only attract recruits to fight in syria, but also to potentially carry out attacks in the homeland and in europe and in other parts of the world. and so, our ability to shrink the space in which they can operate, combined with a resolution to the syria situation which will reduce the freedom with which they feel that they can operate, and getting local forces who are able to hold and keep them out over the long-term, that ultimately is going to be what's going to make a difference and it's going to take some time, but it's not something that at any stage in this process have we not been
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aware needs to be done. okay, go ahead. no, i can hear you. [inaudible] [inaudible question] [inaudible question] >> this we spoke a lot about at the g20. the overwhelming majority of
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victims of terrorism over the last several years and certainly the overwhelming majority of victims of isil are themselves muslims. isil does not represent islam, it is not representative in any way of the attitudes of the overwhelming majority of muslims. this is something that's been emphasized by muslim leaders, whether it's president of indonesia or malaysia, countries that are majority muslim, but have shown themselves to be tolerant and to work to be inclusive in their political process. and so to the degree that anyone would equate the terrible actions that took
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place in paris with the views of islam, those kinds of stereo types are counterproductive, they're wrong, they will lead, i think, to greater recruitment into terrorist organizations over time if this becomes somehow defined as a muslim problem as opposed to a terrorist problem. now, what is also true is that the most vicious terrorist organizations at the moment are ones that claim to be speaking on behalf of true muslims. and i do think that muslims around the world, religious
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leaders, political leaders, ordinary people, have to, you know, ask very serious questions about how did these extremist ideologies take root. even if it's only affecting a very small fraction of the population, it is real and it is dangerous and it is built up over time and with social media, it is now accelerating. and so i think on the one hand, non-muslims cannot stereo type, but i also think the muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being infected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people and that that is justified by religion. and to some degree, that is something that has to come from within the muslim community
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itself. and i think there have been times where there has not been enough pushback against extremism. there's been pushback, there's some who say, well, we don't believe in violence, but are not as willing to challenge some of the extremist thoughts or rationals for why muslims feel oppressed and i think those ideas have to be challenged. let me make one last point about this. and then, unfortunately, i have to take a flight to manila. i'm looking forward to see manila, but i hope i can come back to turkey when i'm not so busy. one of the places that you're seeing this debate play out is on the refugee issue. both in europe and in, i gather, it's started popping up while i was gone, back in the
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united states. the people who are fleeing syria are the most harmed by terrorism, they are the most vulnerable as a consequence of civil war and strive, they are parents, they are children, they are orphans, and it is very important, and i was glad to see that this was affirmed again and again by the g20, that we do not close our hearts to these victims of such violence and somehow start equating the issue of refugees
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with the issue of terrorism. you know, in europe i think people like chancellor merkel had taken a very courageous stance in saying it is our moral obligation as fellow human beings to help people who are in such vulnerable situations. and i know that it is putting enormous strains on the resources of the people of europe. nobody's been carrying a bigger burden than the people here in turkey with 2 1/2 million refugees and the people of jordan and lebanon who are also admitting refugees. the fact that they've kept their borders open to these refugees is a signal of their belief in the common humanity. and so, we have to, each of us, do our part and the united states has to step up and do
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its part. >> and when i hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the christians, but not the muslims. when i hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which a person who is fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefitted from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that's shameful. that's not american. that's not who we are. we don't have religious tests to our compassion. when pope francis came to
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visit, the united states and gave a speech in front of congress, he didn't just speak about christians being purse cuted. he didn't call on catholic parish to admit just those of religious faith, he said protect people who are vulnerable. and so, i think it is very important for us right now, particularly those who are in leadership, particularly those who have a platform and can be hea heard, not to fall into that trap. not to feed that dark impulse inside of us. now, i had a lot of disagreements with george w. bush on policy, but i was very proud after 9/11 when he was adamant and clear about the fact that this was not a war on
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islam. and the notion that some of those who have taken on leadership in his party would ignore all of that, that's not who we are. on this, they should follow his example. it was the right one. it's the right impulse. it's our better impulse. and whether you are european or american, you know, the values that we are defending, the values that we're fighting against isil far are precisely that we don't discriminate against people because of their faith. we don't kill people because they're different than us.
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that's what separates us from them. and we don't feed that kind of notion that somehow christians and muslims are at war. and if we want to be successful defeating isil, that's a good place to start by not promoting that kind of ideology, that kind of attitude. in the same way that the muslim community has an obligation not to in any way excuse anti-western or anti-christian sentiment, we have the same obligation as christians. and we are-- it is good to remember that the united states does not have a religious test and we are a nation of many peoples of different faiths, which means that we show compassion to everybody. those are the universal values
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that we stand for, that's what my administration intends to stand for. all right. thank you very much, everybody. stuart: the president holding a lengthy news conference, he answered six questions in all and the main question, which was-- came back to frequently was the following: a young man stood up and asked the president-- this is question number four, why can't we take out these bastards? that was what he said. that was the question and the president had a hard time responding to it. the one or two moments in that news conference where the president showed real passion, he was almost campaigning against republicans. the rest of the time, it was rather a retreat and a quiet attempt to lecture on the strategy, which the united states has been employing. here with us now is judge andrew napolitano for his take on what we just heard. >> this was decidedly in my view unpresidential.
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this was him at his professor yal worse, a moment in time where perhaps the whole country and perhaps the world was looking for leadership and didn't get it. we know it's not a question of a lack of ability, it's a question of a lack of will on his part to provide political, emotional moral and military leadership at the time it's badly needed. stuart: it seems that the medias was not prepared to ask patsy questions and went at him. >> and the question you talked about, he winced a little bit. this is his time to reach out to people and. the republicans want to do this, this and this and we're not going to do this, that's the moment where he's showing emotion there, which is surprising. >> he showed emotion at the wrong time, at the wrong place,
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and against the wrong people, and it doesn't serve the country well, it doesn't serve his presidency well, and it doesn't serve the future well. the immediate short-term future, while he is still in the white house. stuart: now, liz, hold on a second. he consistently went to the idea of using the military, large boots-- boots on the ground to oppose isis, he's not going to do that, but you've got new polls that say that the public wants that liz: there's a discernible shift in american opinion boots on the ground to defeat isis. six in ten now favor boots. and we have seen that, the public opinion a shifting. a jv squad would not have been abling to take out a russian aircraft. and when the president made that comment they took one third of iraq and moving into
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syria. stuart: and simultaneous to the president talking in turkey, the president of france talking. ashley: he talked to the assemblies and it only happened once before. and he addressed the nation. and his first line, we are at war. calls are to be ruthless in the fight against terrorism and state of emergency to be extended three months and a proposal for a law, people who have dual citizenship, if they are condemned the terrorism they will be stripped of their french nationality. stuart: it was aggressive. >> very aggressive and very to the point of saying we are at war and we are not going to lay down, we are going on the attack. stuart: liz. >> there's a discernible shift in the polls. episodic air strikes and drone strikes, the american people in the polls, it's not a response
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to the iraq war, but isis was in response to the vacuum left we the united states left. stuart: you were in the navy for years, but you're a moderate muslim, not an islamist by any means. the president said that isis does not represent islam. now, i take exception to that because clearly they are a branch of islam. they're a part of the thought process within the islamic community. am i wrong? >> oh, absolutely. and you know, the president was dancing in this word salad of ideas. it was a bizarre, confusing, to torturous start, in a way that went on to label bush 43 and went on to say, muslims need to
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do hard look within and r look where the ideas come from. he was all over the place at a time when we need leadership and number two, the reason this problem isn't solved and the reason names matter in order to engage muslim reformers, you have to identify islam as the problem. >> my family lives in lipo and from damascus, do you think the muslims from raqqah would be welcomed? no, because it's a war. so we have to identify, political islamist, just like the immigration still says are you member of the communist party, it's about the cold ward. until the president exerts leadership especially after few days after the attacks, i'm disappointed. stuart: and the president, how
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do you think that will play in america's muslim communities? >> you know, i think it depends which community. the islamists groups that are apologieses, they'll love it he gave them the fruit they want. the muslims that are anti-assad and anti-isis are going to be horrificically disappointed as he said he's doing something. i mean, seriously, the families in syria believe na a few sorties are doing anything? they're not. france is proving that we've not been doing anything. it's a bit insulting to say that the strategies, he hasn't heard of, we've been calling for strategies against political islam he's ignoring it, he's listening to the islam brotherhood legacy groups in america, the moderate anti-slammists-- >> look, there is-- we're going to take 10,000 syrian refugees before the end of this year and maybe 100,000
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next year. the governors of alabama and michigan have said, we're not taking any in our state. there seems to be a growing movement that says, no refugees, muslim refugees coming to america. what do you say to that? >> i think certainly this attack tells, you know, as much as i'm certainly biased in some of this, having family there, we can't surrender, we cannot bring in people that we don't know. and as i told you, our own famili famili families in syria don't take in people until they know what party, and state. it's not about muslims. listen, the christians aren't being brought in either because we don't want to religiously vet them and that allows a discrimination against christian. so we should vet the politics of islamism and then by that nature bring in more christians. even just in percentage of their population, which is 10%. at this point i'm hearing we're
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not allowing any of the christians to come in because the sunnis are sort of leading the pack and we need to be fair how we do this and we've not been because we're not vetting for the political islamist movement. stuart: thank you very much, indeed, sir. >> thanks, sir. stuart: during the president's press conference, the stock market showed virtually no reaction whatsoever. we were up 40 or 50 points during the press conference and now 55, and no impact on finance whatsoever. walid phares is with us, glad to have you with us this morning. very important day, absent the president's news conference, address the issue of europe's migrant crisis which seems to me seems to be unsolvable and made worse by the events in france. my real question is, can you see the point coming where europe closes its borders completely and says no more refugees period?
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could that happen? >> to that question, yes, especially after what happened in paris, regardless of our discussion, our debate about how just it is or not, who, what is the composition of the refugees, eastern europe already, czech, slovenia have been clear, they don't want-- there's a reason, they don't do enough at the root problem. where are the refugees coming from? they're coming from the syrian, turkish border, why are they leaving to europe because nothing is done in syria. the president has to address the issue in syria, address the issues of security end zones inside syria and put an effort there, so that no refugees would be going towards europe or the united states. we are dealing with the end product of a crises that's not been addressed, unfortunately. >> now, you watched president obama at his news conference, what's your impression? >> there are two points that he did not answer.
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one is theatrical. he keeps talking about an ideology, he never explains it, he never explains the ideology. he says he'll meet with the different views. he never meets with the different views experts. the issue of boots on the ground. okay, he doesn't want to have boots on the ground forever, why doesn't he address the arab countries, egypt, saudi, uae, jo are dan, most haven been fighting wars against the in libya and yemen and train with us, he doesn't want to partner with them in syria and iraq, that's the question of the day. stuart: he did not answer why the current strategy has been unsuccessful. i mean, american intelligence gave information to the air force, here is where isis is in those towns. why haven't we attacked the isis command posts before? why did it have to be the
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french after the paris attack? he never explained the lack of success on the part of coalition he's established. >> because in my view, he wants to keep it as-- you know, that level of pressure, because if he goes too strong, he will have to answer the next question, if he destroys raqqah, what force is going in? he doesn't have an answer for that one, he can't destroy raqqah, he can't destroy isis if he doesn't know who is going in. iranians are pressures him not to send the forces and not to send the arab sunnis. stuart: thank you for joining us. >> thank you. stuart: joining us now, we have chief kerry cunningham, the chief of wellesley, massachusetts. have i got that right. >> yes, stuart. stuart: the president talked a lot about keeping us safe here in the united states. i put it to you that we are-- we'll have a very hard time defending what i would call
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soft targets in the united states. shopping malls, train stations, bus stations, can you offer us any sense of security for those soft targets, sir? >> well, sir. first of all, stuart, i think that we've been very successful protecting soft targets through two means, first is through community engagement. talking to schools, colleges, universities and say, again if you see something, say something, let us know if there's an individual you're out there talking about, somebody you think may have been radicalizedor in the process of being radicalized. that's the first place we've been successful. the second piece is through intelligence and unfortunately, these terrorists are being allowed to communicate without fear of any penetration through our intelligence services now. and essentially, they're acting and communicating through impunity because the vices are encrypted. when i heard the president talk
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about the fact, you know, that he wants to do everything that he can to make sure that we keep the american people safe, that's a concern for me. as a citizen and a police chief. stuart: you can't really defend these soft targets, can you? you can't defend a shopping mall, you can't do that, now, can you? >> well, it's difficult. i'm sure you've heard folks talk about, you know, i actually have the middle five miles of the boston marathon that comes through my town. that's a difficult task to try and defend against that. again, you look through your community engagement, but the intelligence piece is so important. this is something the director from the fbi has been talking about and trying to get the american people focused on the fact-- >> hold on a second. we're about to admit 10,000 syrian refugees before the end of the year, that's six or seven weeks. 10,000 are coming. there's no certainty that we can vet these people.
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there's no paper trail, we don't know who they are and another 100,000 next year. how do you feel about this new influx of muslim refugees whom we cannot vet? >> i agree, stuart. i think this is going to be very, very difficult task for us, particularly law enforcement with limited resources, you know, we do the best we can to prevent against radicalization, and encounter violent extremism. just at our recent conference that we had in chicago, that was a key focus, we had the leaders from around the world, from the folks from the french national police and investigative service toss talk about charlie hebdo. we do the best we can with what we have for resources. from wellesley, massachusetts, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: we'll be back. more varney after this.
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>> >> >> >>
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opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances.
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>> i guess the question is, and if you forget the language, why can't we take out these bastards? >> jim, i just spent the last three questions answering that very question. i do not know what more you want me to add. i described very specifically what our strategy is. stuart: a moment where president obama became a little testy with the media. the question, why can't we take the bastards out? it related to the president's strategy. what is the strategy to defeat isis? will there be boots on the ground? the president said no change in the strategy. along comes the question, why can't we take the bastards out. the president gets a little testy. still does not respond with a firm, direct answer.
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joining us now is congressman chris stuart. he is a congressman. republican from utah. >> good morning. good to be with you again. stuart: when the president was answering questions about the current strategy, which is to use this coalition and airstrikes, why is it that we did not go after these isis command centers? why did we tell the french about them. have the french bomb them on saturday night. what have we been doing over the past year when we apparently knew where isis was. why were we not bombing them? >> that is one of the questions we should ask. why have we not been hitting the transportation trucks that they have been using to sell their oil on the international markets. there have been some of us advocating hitting those targets for more than one year now. i look at the president's speech, i listen to this, i have to ask is it leadership even
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value waiting improved and how do we look at our respondent say things are going so well that we will just do more of the same. he is the only person in the country that believes that any longer. stuart: you were an obama pilot. >> yes, that is true. >> a lot more fun than being in congress, i have to say. stuart: we have pictures, i think they are available, essentially, a victory parade on the part of isis. this was a victory in vermont. american things going down the road. flying black isis flags. i hope we have those pictures. this was in may of this year. we did absolutely nothing. if that is not a target, what is? can you explain to me why a coalition over 60 countries, i think 67 countries, did
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absolutely nothing when you have a target like that presenting itself? >> again, stuart, i cannot explain that. i do not think anyone can explain that. the president will apparently adhere to the strategy. tell me what the president's strategy is in serious. i think that that is one of the failures in this administration. vocalize that this is our strategy in syria. even if he had one, you still have to adapt as the environment changes. very clearly, over the last three or four days, we have seen age of magic change. it will require some demonstration. there is no possible way. anyone that says that we can is not being honest. we do not know who they are. stuart: would you say flat out that we will not admit these before the end of this year?
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not going to do it. >> i think we have to say to the american people, in an honest way, until we can do that, i do not think we can allow them. there are some, for example, thousands. let us take the orphaned children in. let us take those that are not a threat did how could a president, while isis is saying we will use the refugee program to infiltrate terrorist into america did we know that they targeted washington, d.c., among others. under that scenario, how can we say let's allow 10,000 of them in over the next few months. there is no possible way we can know who they are. we cannot talk to their families. we cannot talk to their friends. they can show up and claimed to be anyone that they want to. there's just no way around that fact. stuart: congressman, utah. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you.
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stuart: also joining us john kasich. governor of ohio. governor, welcome to the program. good to see you. >> thank you. let me amplify what the congressman just said he had the president was extremely passionate on this issue of refugees. no one has ever accused me of not having a big heart. it has been a criticism of me. he cares so much about so many people. look, there is no way we can put our people at risk by bringing people in at this point. you ask a question, should anyone coming here at the end of the year, the answer is no. we cannot jeopardize our people. it is not just an issue of the heart, it is an issue of the head. i hope that perhaps congress can get involved in this and to say we will not do this. we cannot let people in here unless we know clearly who they
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are. stuart: they have said not in our states. we will not have these migrants coming in to our states. i guess the question is, immigration is now front and center in the presidential election. the status of refugees that want to come here, that will be a huge contention for this presidential election and the campaign. >> stuart, i think we really ought to be pretty unanimous on all sides. we cannot put ourselves at war risk than we are defined ourselves at this point. hopefully cooler heads will prevail. president obama and i believe hillary clinton and bernie sanders are not calling for limits on muslim refugees coming into this country. they are not. >> i am not sure that to beat true today, stuart.
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this is a matter of judgment and concern about our people inside the united states of america. it is about our communities. there should be nothing done on this. no more entry into this country. a significant amount of time has been invested into who these people are. it is just that simple. >> let me also comment here. a variety of things that the united states should be doing. article five should be instituted or an attack on one nato allies is eight attack on all of us. i think a no-fly zone should be established in syria. the president said who would defend it on the ground. the capability to do that.
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we can defend it from the air. we have to make sure that the herds have all that they need finally, we ought to have a coalition. joint military emissions to take this war to isis, including if it is necessary, will be necessary to put u.s. boots on the ground. not only include the nato allies, but our people that have common interests with those located in the middle east. the jordanians and of course, the saudis. stuart: the criticism labeled. have politicized the event in paris friday night. we should not be doing that. your comments on that? >> friday night i was in new hampshire higher. i said a prayer for all the people in france. in addition to that, in the iowa
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state fair, i talked about this issue. i talked about isis. i talked about the fact that this is really an attack on western civilization. i have been talking about this for a long time. not just in terms of the standpoint for military activity. also the battle of ideas which we are failing to conduct. i do not know who these folks are and what they are saying, but i have handled myself very responsibly with significant ideas and significant programs. i am the first to suggest that we invoke article five. this is a deadly serious matter. people have to speak out. we cannot be silent on this. i have 20 seconds left. what would your response be to that question from the young man that stood up and asked the
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president, why can't we take these bastards out. at that question were asked to you, i realize it was a different station. what would you have said? >> we have to destroy them where they are. end of story. once this group is not down, others will spring up. at the end of the day the world is not on her savage. we have to engage. bullets on the battlefield. winning the war of ideas. both can be done and must be done if we are going to be strengthened. america has to lead, stuart. in the story. stuart: thank you for joining us on a difficult day. we appreciate it. >> i welcome jonathan morris to our studio.
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i want to talk peace. i want to talk love. i want to kill the bastards. frankly. am i a good christian? >> it depends on who you are talking about. >> trying to kill other people. not only can you, a little bit more responsibility if you are a government leader to stop them and use force if necessary. use all the force that is necessary to stop them. >> that is classic. you are the channel of that emotion. we will not just bomb the whole country is serious. what are we going to do to defend the people? we have hundreds of thousands of people who are indeed refugees. they want to come to this country. i say, no, you cannot come into
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this country. i do not know exactly who you are. i am going to keep you out. am i a good christian? >> let me give you a very practical way to go about it. president obama talks, as he should, about religious past. here is my plan. what i would suggest is let jordan to the bedding for us. the king and queen of jordan have had all of these refugees from iraq and syria. they have been in camps for months and months and years and years. let them decide who should come into the united states of america. by proving that they have been model refugees in jordan. that is a very practical way to do it. turkey is our greatest ally for these refugees. no, they are not. it has been jordan.
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jordan has stood out. not only being good people, but great let it go leaders. stuart: why should we not say, yes, christians, you have been slaughtered and persecuted. >> no. no. the test should be have you been involved or showing any sign whatsoever? >> right. it should not be religion. it should be rational minded people who are in to peace and prosperity. stuart: all right, father, we'd appreciate your presence today. a very difficult day. we will be back in just a moment. ♪
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stuart: despite all the turmoil in france, europe and indeed in the united states, no impact on stock prices, your money at all
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today. we are up 23 points on the dow jones industrial average. a little back or up here. the events in paris took place friday night. all the way through the weekend. this morning, we have had the united states, a great deal of discussion about whether or not we should allow muslim immigration to america. president obama took a news conference. no interruption of the flow of muslim refugees coming into america. at a time when president obama was speaking, france's president also speaking. very dramatic terms. we are at war. ashley, now what he is saying? ashley: additional police officers over the next two years. 1000 extra staff for the border agency. also, no cuts to the armed forces before 2017.
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i know this probably blows the eu budget rules, but they do not care. stuart: joining us now is a frequent guest. james, welcome back. françoise holland, we are at war. we will deal with these people murkier leslie. the president, mr. obama, very different stance entirely. what is the strategy and why is it not working? why can't we, what was the precise exploration, why can't we take these bastards out. he did not seem to have a real response. how did you see that press conference going? >> the french president responds
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much more than the american. i think president obama did not really answer the question. he does not have a strategy. we are not fighting any major matters in the middle east. we have killed al qaeda and senior people. things are going to be fine. it is not really going anywhere. they work backward to see what they may describe the faxes being. not that they start with an objective, develop a strategy and then try to implement a strategy.
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what is their judgment of america's president? >> i think scratching of heads. what did he say? what did he mean? what are they doing? why aren't they doing anything? i joined the head scratchers. stuart: what we have been hearing a lot is why doesn't the president invoked article five of the nato treaty. i understand it as one member of nato attacks, we are all attacked. nato backed this up here and the only time it has been invoked. the sensible way to do this is for france under article four. have a conference. come out with support for them, which they will and have geared and then they asked for article five to be implemented did that
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means that the war is not just between isis and france, it is between isis and nato. stuart: you know more about this that most people do. the betting of potential incomers to america. can we bet serious refugees properly? >> i think no. there may be a few that have valid passports. i have not heard anything that suggests that the bedding process goes on real data and real information. one of your congressmen that spoke earlier suggested something that i think is very sound. let's let the orphans in. their parents are not with them. let's take in that young children as orphans and the rest you get in only if you go through a real process. it is going to be a tiny number.
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stuart: much appreciated. thank you. cheryl: texas and michigan joining now. stuart: that is interesting. michigan and alabama. no, we will not take muslim refugees. now you say texas said the same. that is significant. what president obama intends to do. still doing it by his negative order. >> yes. increase the number of serious refugees. the heat and the pressure from mrs. buffalo new york. upstate new york is where a lot of refugees are being relocated. stuart: they have gotten there
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already. no impact on the markets yet. we were expecting a huge decline. the opening bell did not get it. up 36 points. some nervous money that is coming to america as a safe haven. some possibility that the federal reserve will not raise interest rates bearing in mind what is going on with europe and japan in recession to. >> arkansas now joins. stuart: back in a moment. ♪
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stuart: i want to update you on what looks like a drone will fall. no, we will not take muslim refugees from north africa. president obama said, yes, we will take them. up to 10,000 by the end of the year. meanwhile, arkansas, texas, alabama and michigan, their governors have said, no, we will not take these refugees into our state. a clash of a muslim immigration into america. all of this has been transpiring. they are doing absolutely
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nothing. come on in doll. one of the big names in the financial world. many years ago, i used to call you the trillion dollar man. you, i believe, managed about $1 trillion. are you a trillion dollar man still? >> no. we have given some of that money away, stuart. stuart: explain this to me. we have this turmoil in europe. we have japan now in a recession. we have the dow industrial average doing virtually nothing. i thought that we would see a selloff this morning. >> i would have expected more of a risk. it opened at 9:30 a.m. eastern time here in the u.s. we had a pretty big selloff in
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the futures. these events, whether you go back to 04 bombings image read or 05 in london or the uss cole or the libyan embassy, these things tend to come and go. yes, it is telescoped here. it is always 9/11 and way back when. pearl harbor when you had a long-term impact. the markets are assuming that it will be business pretty much as usual. absent that, civilization comes back to working together again. >> is it possible that there is now a recession again in japan? probably going to be a significant slowdown in europe because of these recent events.
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is that possible because of those, that is what is going on. the federal reserve will take another look. is it possible that that is what pushes our market higher? >> possible, guess. i still think that this event alone will not cause the fed to alter its course of most likely starting in december. you think about the employment numbers that we witness here. the inflation is moving towards the 2% level. i think it is still more likely than not. i have two at knowledge that. i think it is still comfortably over 50%. stuart: it would be a gutsy move. clearly suffering big time. you do not normally raise interest rates. a one and a half% growth rate at home. unemployment, people out of the labor market.
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you do not normally raise money in that environment, do you? >> europe will continue its modest economic recovery. all of a sudden, all the borders get shut. activity on the part of the governments there. then it is a different consequence. we do not know any of that eventuality. the weakness in japan is not new news either. speed to the closing of borders, the repelling of the muslim refugees, if that happens, then you could see fallout in our market. >> yes. for certain. europe is an important market to the united states. if that weakens noticeably on behalf of this because government responded, as you know, traveling is very easy.
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if that begins to change, we will have more issues. particularly around travel companies and to her raise him. those companies already being hit a bit, as you know, today. stuart: bob dole. pleasure. thank you for being with us. before we go to break. contrast between two leaders. president obama was delivering a press conference in turkey. his mood, his demeanor was not exactly passionate. he was asked frequently what is the strategy versus isis. very, very defensive. ashley, speaking at the same time-- another comment that he made. those do not represent any civilization. calling for a massive increase.
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bottom line, we have to protect ourselves. >> vigorous. >> treating the events in paris. like a natural disaster. they said that even pope francis was clearer on the subject. >> all right. we have to wrap it up. taking a commercial break. back in a moment. ♪ ♪ come on, wake up!!! come on, why ya sleepin'? come on! >>what time is it? it's go time. >>come on. let's go, let's go, let's go. woooo hoooo!! yeah!! i feel like i went to bed an hour ago. >>i'll make the cocoa. get a great offer on the car of your grown-up dreams at the mercedes-benz winter event.
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stuart: about 45 minutes ago, president obama wrapped up a news conference in turkey. he was addressing our strategy to deal with isis. i want to bring in concerned veterans of america. pete, there was one question that stood out. i want your opinion. why can't we take these bastards out. that will be a question that is repeated time and time again. already answering this three or four times. he still, it was utterly delusional.
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talking about just a handful of people with no attention to islam. our strategy can be successful. dismissive of the migrant crisis. so invested in his small narrow view of the world. george bush in 2007. we needed a new strategy if we were going to be successful. this president is too arrogant and too small minded. he said rough erring to the muslim immigrants who are coming here from syria, we have to take them. that is what he said. four states have now said we are not taking any of them. looks like there is a growing
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ruffle about muslim immigration into america. >> we do not have to take anybody. you will see a big ruffle and a big change in the way the world sees a lot of these migrants. young man without any identification backgrounds. what is going on elsewhere around the globe. it is dangerous to say that we must. we have to. be careful about the way we articulated in many cases. my goodness, they are invading us silently right now. stuart: let's hear from nile gardiner. frequently appears on this program. we just heard that there is a growing ruffle about taking in muslim immigrants to the united states. you say? >> in europe, there is are ready
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a few to backlash against this idea that you can bring in hundreds of thousands of muslim immigrants from syria and north africa and across the middle east. and then everything will be normal. i think that angela merkel's invitation to foss members of migrants send completely the wrong signal. you will see a serious backlash in the coming weeks. the polish today said that they will not cooperate with the european unions refugee resettlement plan. stuart: if you destroy this idea of free movement within the european union, that is being destroyed. you essentially ended the whole idea of european unions seek. >> i think the agreement between 2600 that have open borders, it will crumble. really at the heart of the
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european project. feeding something for the european superstate heated i think in the wake of the pairs attacks, you will see a rise in calls for ford or cause to be reinstated. already, the french. moving across without border control as we've seen with paris. this is an extremely dangerous policy in place. unless you can control your own borders, you will see more and more terrorist attacks across europe. stuart: this is a turning point. we said the same things with the midget bombings. the london bombings. you now believe that this is the turning point did. >> i think that the stakes are even higher now than they were following the attacks on london image or had a decade ago. i think we are facing an enemy that is even more vicious than al qaeda itself in some respect.
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also in enemy that is more firmly rooted on the ground. dozens upon dozens of islamic operated across europe from berlin to amsterdam to brussels and paris and london. we are fighting a truly global war here. we need to defeat the islamists at home and abroad. especially on the streets of europe. stuart: thank you very much for joining us. we're dealing with the growing ruffle. we're dealing with a stock market that has actually gone up as opposed to going down. charlie gasparino on the politics of this development in just a moment. the i'd steer clear. local .
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>> i am nicole petallides with your fox business brief. back-and-forth action on wall street. we see the dow jones industrial. it had been up 78. off the earlier highs. the nasdaq down 12. dow winners include cisco systems, united health, goldman and pfizer to the downside. the tomahawk maker hitting a
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lifetime high. drone maker and nordstrom seeing up there as here. liking what we have seen over the weekend. all of the arrows. starting your day at the nam. start your day fbn at 5:00 a.m. ♪
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stuart: like everybody, i am
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intrigued at the politics of these attacks. the influx of muslim refugees into the united states. charlie gasparino is here. who is up in the political polls? >> none of these guys want to say they are playing politics with this. the republicans are clearly up. charlie: trump because of his stance on immigration. sitting there and say saying why are we letting these people in our country. jeb bush will try to pivot. trying to focus on his experience. he cannot trust trump. cannot trust carson. >> we should profile. president obama answered them. we will not do it. >> tell you where he is going. experience. yes. the christian thing has
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resonated. why not let them in. i have been telling you for a long time. ted cruz. silent. i do not know if he needs it. stuart: the debate on terror, in the debate saturday night, she would not name it. charlie: these are playing with fire. stuart: well said. charlie, i am so sorry i am short on time. charlie: i know how it is. stuart: right next to me -- >> happy he is short on time. >> members of nato. there is an article five in the
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nato treaty. we can declare war. it is an act of war. why can't we declare war on isis. >> because the president lacks the will to do so. they referred to themselves as a state. a legal basis for war because of the nato treaty. it would still require a declaration of war for the congress. the president refuses to wait. they can't rational is actually a statute. let's play congress. he overrides it. then compelling a president that he vetoed. he does not have whatever in him to fight a war that the country and congress want.
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stuart: it is not going to occur it, is it. >> there will not be a declaration. >> has anything changed since republicans took over congress? apparently not. a year before the election, no, we will not do it. no matter what republican opinion says. it sounded like a good idea at the time. >> yes, it did. stuart: judge andrew napolitano. >> i would oppose a war without a declaration of war. i would impose oppose obama putting 50 people here in 50 people there. that would accomplish nothing. if they want a war, they should do it legally. if they don't do it legally, they should not do it at all.
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he was against anchor babies and illegal immigration. stuart: five seconds they will cut you off. >> i think he is brilliant. stuart: everybody, thank you. back in a moment. ♪
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stuart: another state has said nowe wl notake any serious refugees into this state. indiana, arkansas, texas and michigan said it earlier today. muslim refugees into those states. chris harmer is with us now. chris, i want to get right at this. the most poignant question in that press conference was one that said why can't we take these bastards out. you want to answer that? >> we can take these bastards out. it is not that watch of a problem. general david put trey is organized the search in iraq. we defeated. al qaeda and iraq sent the message back to stop sending to iraq because americans were all killing it. president obama admitted. we are leaving behind a sovereign, stable, self-reliant spbiesthaqernment.toacr
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government. the iranians failed that. i sizzle that. all it requires is willpower and commitment. the president did say we will take humanitarian grounds. 10,000 by the end of this year. maybe 100,000 next year. a growing list of states which say i'm a no, we will take none of them. loui all have said no. we are not taking these refugees into our state. what do you make of that? >> i do not deal with immigration other to say, isis
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made no secret how they would do this. they said that they were going to infiltrate some of their fighters. they have done that. now they are executing their strategy. using it to cover their fighters. this is a core tenet of the isis strategy. i think we can control for it. throughout our hands and say we will not deal with it. using immigration as a cover for their operations. stuart: thank you for appearing with us. chris, thank you very much indeed. in just a moment. the .reservation. local preparing to travel can get complicated. switching your wireless service can be easy. just visit your at&t store and see. can i help you? oui. i mean, yes. it's this easy. they'll explain your options, answer questions.
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