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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 30, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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i'm jamie colby for "strange inheritance." and, remember, you can't take it with you. every night 6 p.m., tell your friends about the show, here he is, lou dobbs, keep it on fox business. lou: i am lou dobbs. president obama opening a summits of world leaders in paris, declaring that fighting climate change is in his opinion, the only way to fight terrorism, pledging billions of dollars for a climate deal. it is not clear where he will get that money, this is our president's way of conducting diplomacy without a paper trail, without a role for congress there is no treaty, nothing signed but our president's announcement that quote, an agreement has been reached. we take up this leadership at
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a time of global terrorism and cyberattacks. senator is joining us to take up that as does fox news national security analyst kt mcfarland, and the u.s. tightening visa waiver rules that have permitted millions of investors here -- visitors here without a visaa. >> many of refugees no longer asking to be let in, they are now demanding entry into the e.u., and clashing with police as european nations strug told begin to enforce their borders. and donald trump a passion for controversy, did black pastors endorse him? were they bullied not to? it is all about politics and power in america tonight.
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they met with donald tru trump we'll tell you what happened, our top story, president obama in paris, calling for a swiping new agreement on climbal change. -- creeping new agreement on climate change, saying that the best way to fight terrorism is to save the pla planet from global warming, he fledged billions of dollars for his cause, but it faces stiff opposition from congress, and concerns that it would cost thousands of more jobs here at home. kevin corke with our report from paris. >> reporter: largest gathering of world leaders for a summit of its kind, president obama tied to draw a connection between the climate change and the war on terror. >> what greater rejection of those who would tear down our world, than marshals our best effort to save it.
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we've come to paris, to show our resolve. >> reporter: president, past of a group of 150 world leader gather for u.n. climate summit in paris, the city steel reeling into terrorist attacks, mr. obama joined his french counter part president hollande and the mayor of paris, laying flowers at a makeshift memorial outside of the concert hall where most victims were killed. security ha has been tight. with protesters clashing into police on the streets. president continues to make the argument that climate change and terrorism go hand in hand. >> this is a turning point. this is the moment we determine we would safe our planet. >> reporter: severe
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environmental conditions contribute to a since of desperation, that they say fuels extremism, there is a military component as rising seas and severe storms can alter conflict preparation and execution, there is a financial impact, climbal change means more heat wave, stronger hurricanes and superstorms like sandy and huge wildfire that cost u.s. taxpayers billionsa alannial -- annually. president obama and putin met on sidelines, critics slam president's insisting that terror war and climate change pose similar risks to national security. >> that is dilutional to say that climate change is are near term most severe security threat.
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it is isis period, followed closely by iran, then perhaps russia. >> reporter: president obama, and president erdogan of turkey will meet here at the summit, we suspect they will have a lot more on their schedule, including talking about what is going -- in syria. as you are aware they are involved with a tense standoff with the russians. lou. lou: thank you kevin. germany warning that radical islamist terrorists are trying to recruit new jihadist from among newly arrived refugees from serria and the middle east, reportedly identified more than 100 cases in which known esislamic extremists have tried to contact
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refugees. and as they go to europe they are going to mosques with links to extremism. germany to take in as many as 1.5 million refugees this year, that open door policy, by markel, could cost her, her job, almost half of germans in a new poll say they don't want merkel to serve another term. german olegermgerman election is next year. >> and low pan who opposed open-ended influx of muslim refugees is expected to win big in france's regional elections to be held sunday. american embassi embassy emin kabul.
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warned that americans to be cautious if moving around kabul. at home, national security aames surveillance program has expired from republicans are pushing to bring it back saying cell phone records help european officials track down terrorists and prevent another attack in paris, fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge with our report. >> reporter: new legislation forces nsa to end the bulk collection of american phone records, post 9/11 program tracked terror suspected with so-called metadata, that ca captures who you are calling, the length of the conversation but not content. the chairman of senate intelligence committee say that limiting the nsa comes with a cost. >> u.s. made a real mistake when they eliminated this program, where we could search foreign, known terrorist telephone numbers to see if
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they talked to anyone in u.s. >> reporter: nsa suri have lipsurveillance program was a poster child for government overreach in 2013, after this misleading statement to congress. >> does nsa collect any type of data at all on millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not whittingly. >> there was no doubt that nsa was collecting. under new rules phone records are gathered but held by phone company, requiring phone action. a intelligence officer said that attract step makes disrupting platt plot that much harder. >> if you don't have their en tiefeentire history you will miss the fact they have been up to suspicious activity. >> reporter: a mortaringetted program is a right approach even in paris, investigators
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were struggling to determine which leads to pursue in a massive amount of data. >> they call it analysis paralysis. >> reporter: other bulk collection programs remain in place including one that collects internet data. prism is reported to be a premier source of raw intelligent for the nsa. lou: thank you catherine herridge. >> we're coming right back with much more. stay with us. >> president obama and president putin meet in paris. could a happened shak handshake be more awkward? we take it up with ktmcfarland.
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at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. pinot noir, which means peanut of the night.
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prime minister today refused to apologize, instead asking moscow to reconsider its decree imposing punitive economic sanctions, today body of the russian pilot killed has been handed back to russia. >> joining us now, president of the foundation for defense of democracy cliffard may, and k ktmcfarland this start with that strange conflation of radical islamic terrorism. i cannot for the life of me come up with anyway to make a rational connection? >> there isn't one. this is obama's get out of jail free. who is in favor of global warming. but you don't have to do anything about jihad. in fact he can't do anything
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about global warming 92 . lou: a twofer, passivity. >> i agree, but i don't know how this is a repudiation to terrorists, let's say obama succeeds in 20 years. the world is almost a full fai fahrenheit degree cooler bthan now. lou: i think his language is more dangerous, he accused republicans of providing assistance to the terrorist, president said today it was an act of bravery for the 147 nation, military, and world economy to stand up against a group of radical islamist terrorists who have gone to label of the islamic state.
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if that is not a magcasion of their power, and influence and standing, i can't imagine what is, cliff? >> that is right. and meantime we know that the i islamic state continues to expand, where it is also in parts of africa and now libya. there is a cell controlling an entire lib ya libyan city, he is not doing anything about the islamic state, he is not doing anything about jihaddism, he will not even say the word. now if hillary clinton said i agree with president obama, climate change is the most important threat, i think a lot of voter say, she will shrink the carbon footprint but the jihadi footprint will grow. lou: manage is helping her with overwhelming support within the democratic party,
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that is a you could make a case she so verge of some sort of indictment for her reckless handling of confidential classified material, turning to obama meeting putin. a -- what did they call it a side table? a side dinner? they meet, now it is called a by lateral, this is so ridiculous and so bizarre, there is no comment from the white house about what happened. >> well, it of 30 minutes. the fact is that putin is now calling the shots in the middle east, obama is leading from behind, means he is left behind. so while isis is attacking with kalashnikovs, obama has the windmills and solar panels that will solve the world problem.
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lou: does that appear, president obama with his snapy tie, speaking 14 minutes with he was just alotted 3, snuffing the rest of the leaders at the summit. he looks to be the center of the meeting. >> russia as less power but putin is a man of action, and obama is a man of many records, they are all rhett -- rhetorical, no one is taking him seriously, he gets up, he speak, everyone is polite, and they applaud, then they say, what is putin going to do. he is a strategic, he knows what he wants for himself and for russia that means a lot in the world where there are membershimany people who are
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not interested in action. lou: thank you very much clifford may, and kt mcfarland. >> vote in our poll, do you believe that the way to defeat the islamic state is to fight -- well climate change or global warming? cast your vote at, if anyone can explain to me, a connection please write me, i would love to be educated. you can follow me on twitter as well, lic like me on facebook, how could you not. at least 14 people died after a wintry storm swept over southern plains, winter weather stuck as holiday weekend got underway, with flash flooding causing death of 4 people in dallas-fort worth area in kansas a cold front brought freezing rain thursday to sunday, 6 people
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were killed that storm. up next, a few thoughts on the biggest mistake that the republican party is making right now. and suggestion perhaps a way to win the white house. we'll have that, also ahead, were african-american pastors intimidated by the group black lives matter and other radicals? some of them refusing to hold support for donald trump? we take with up with jamie colby, and
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establishment and more than a handful of fellow billionaire businessmen who are threatened by status quo, and relishing every minute of it. to be comprehensive, we all agree donald trump has chosen to not only react to attacks against him but with greater power, greater energy and force rather than turn his cheek, turning his other cheek is no part of his battle plan, of late, trump is wading in to deliver first blows, in poll numbers are measure, trump's enthusiastic, rhetorical carpet bombing of his rivals has work for almost 5 months, that he has been the frontrunner, week in and we week out. he is. a long the way, all of the candidates, at some point
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ignored 11th command a commandment issued by ro byronald reagan. thou shalt not speak ill of fellow republicans. much of it is led by normally quiet, behind the scenes movers and shakers who keep their names and faces out of the rough stuff, usually just writing checks, establishment donors eager to destroy trump, karl rove, opening up his rolodex to top fundraiser to dr. ben carson campaign, and an ad from governor john kasich, comparing trump to hitler. but, much too late to climb hazhis mr. nice handle again.
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exposed many of his republican challengers as quote political cowards afraid to challenge him at risk of angering him and those who i support him, which the magazine's say i think of urging them on to attack trump. what we are watching is vicious and dirty and likely to get worse. but there is no loud call for better behavior, not for more little bitly correct language -- politically collec correct language, most republicans i talk with and hear from notice there is a bright truth in the republican arena. most of the candidates are talking this time, freely about real issues whether it is entitlement reform or trade, job creation, radical
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is. -- do you remember the presidential election we had just 4 years ago? the candidates seem afraid to address the issues, careful, careful to a fault. political correctness was everywhere. they were it seems without energy or passion. as president obama would put it they seemed afraid of a few sharp elbows, but not this time, we should be grateful for what we have in this group of candidates, i think we have a president in there somewhere, for the sake of this country, i sure hope so. this one from. said, democracy and socialism has nothing in common but one word equality, notice the difference, democracy seeks
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equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in strategy and servitude. we're coming right back. >> new polls explain rise of antiestablishment candidates like donald trump and dr. ben carson, michael goodwin, and jamie colby join us next to take up those issues and more. >> this is something that causes these cars to hover. we'll show you what it is righ this is the one place we're not afraid to fail. some of these experiments may not work. but a few might shape the future. like turning algae into biofuel... technology for capturing co2 emissions... ...and cars twice as efficient as the average car today. ideas exxonmobil scientists are working on to make energy go further... matter how many tries it takes.
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lou: americans losing confidence in the political establishment ahead of the presidentiapresident election. according to pew research. 45% of us would do a better job of solving this country's problem than the elected officials. joining us now host of "strange inheritance." jamie colby, "strange inheritance" has a unique time slot here on fox business network right after our show, if you will, tune in tonight. pulpulitzer prize winning
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columnist michael goodwin. >> thank you. lou: it you see how global warming and radical islamic terrorism works. >> no, but maybe this is a different trachaway froa -- distraction from the problem. he picks something he knows his core audience wants to hear. lou: his core audience is getting smaller. were you shocked? >> he need a rational for why he is in paris so soon after the attacks, why he would go there on another issue, he needed to drum up -- to concoct some relationship between the two. lou: maybe you just articulate
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his legacy, concoction. >> it is a stretch, a bit disrespectful to the people of france. lou: that is up to president hollande. he went to mr. obama's door looking for help, as he was president putin. this is a bizarre time, with people trying to fight radical islamist terrorists in syria and iraq, they are bombing the hell out of them, that leaves out about 98% of the terrorists, who are not exposed to the attacks, this is a peculiar response. >> like all he has done on the islamic state since started he has done minimum to keep the wolf away from the door, the wolf is public opinion, i think he has continued to do the least in hopes he would just kick the can down the road, it would be someone
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else's problem, but you think about his idea that the greatest threat, we have with us an enemy, that has the will to destroy us. all it lacks it the means. if it were to gets it hands on a nuclear weapon, this is an extraordinary even that or president is not treating this as the existential threat it is. >> i don't think we need any greater example of how terrifying that can be. look at response of france, something that happened immediately with force, with success. >> but i remember over 14 years, waiting in blood luft, wants revenge, i am speaking of myself no. for what happened world trade
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center, i wanted revenge. we got it in attacks taliban. >> did we? i was in that building that day. lou: attacking the taliban in afghanistan, now i have washed thcashed in 2 towz in 2003 invade iraq, this is a concoction, he is not the first president to do it the american people deserve better, we need to hear more from candidates. >> maybe that can they want regular folks, on 9/11 i was in the tower, i was able to escape, i don't see what that had to do with climate change. >> i think that paris, quickly changed the dynamics, we fell asleep, the metadata issue is back on the burner. it is getting new traction
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among candidates because of paris. but the enemy's choice every time, we dean hav we don't have a vote in this any more. lou: or a voice. you see that poll, showing 55% of folks don't begin to trust their own government, you talk about one in five. >> do you think that is more about them trusting current government? i'm not sure -- you think they believe av a average person could run the country? lou: i think they do, i think i would sign up for that. >> i think that a businessman like mitt romney would have done better, but who would' that job? a regular person. lou: people who' job are probably first disqualified. forgive me for mr. smith moment but i would like to see mr. smith show up in the white house one of these days, you could not screw it up much
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more than we have watched these so-called professional politicians do all these years. >> 18% trust the government most of the time are all of the time, that is extraordinary it did not just start but sped up, more that government does, the less that the public trusts it. we have the entitlement state but no gratification, no gratefulness to the government, the split is freeways an -- growing and growing. lou: you may get mrs. smith. that works as well, just so they are -- well, vish vision of democracy personified. thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: michael good to see you. >> thank you. lou: come back soon catch jameo "strange inheritance,"
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tonight 9 p.m. on the fox business network. i'm going to remind you at end of the broadcast, her show comes right after us. vote on our poll, do you believe like president obama that way to defeat the islamic state is to fight global warming? we'd like to hear from you, cast your vote at lou: some drivers causing a stir that looked like a magi act for a while, on video. the cars seem to be levitating on the street, at an intersection south of beijing, could haves were call in a fallen electrical wire, and literally tripped up, no injuries reported. up next, global terrorist threats and president obama wants to talk global warming, senator james langford of intelligence and homeland security committee will join us next. violence clashes between refugees and police, europe
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losing control of its borders, having a lot of trouble regaining. something called border security. don't they wish they could be more like america we have boarder security, we should send a delegation to tell them how to do it we're coming right back. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like playing the boss equals the boss wins. wow!
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lou: police in mas messen to -- >> the violence come asthmas don'tia -- builds a fence on its southern border. hungary and slovenia also building fences to stop the flow of the refugees, latest estimate, shows approximately 1.5 million people have illegally entered the euthis year, and merkel, the leader of germany seeking another million. joining us now, senator great to see you. delighted to have you here. let's start with warning from
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german officials at this late hour. they are worried there will be radicallation. >> that is likely. that is challenge, looking at next step when it moves from refugee coming in with no jobs, no place to live, try to integrate t society issue they are prime targets for the radicals. in paris, they were from paris, he they went too syria then back to paris, this is not foreign radicals coming in these are people who were already there. >> i am surprised is that late hour, what with german
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intelligence expect other than recruit. that is not view of our intelligence agencies this administration, president seeking to bring in 200,000 syrian refugees, he is not worried about radicalization, at all. >> well, he should be. that is happening here in the u.s. as well. there are investigations open in all 50 states by fbi tracking individuals here within the u.s., people have forget en, which is amazing to me, what happened in may of this year, individual from syria reached out to folks in arizona, encouraged them, radicalized them -- line could they left from arizona drove to garland, texas with guns to go shoot up a mohamed cartoon drawing even but texas officials met them at the curb, that would have been a very different day had they
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not been on top of it. lou: these people are the enemy of the u.s., they are a threat to us, there seems to be over course of 14 years, now since september 11. we are still behaving as if we don't know who the enemy is, we have a president who won't even mention that term radical islamist. >> he is so afraid if he says radical islam it will be painted as all islam, that absurd, that is not all islam world wide but a certain sect, they are very passionates about not just destroying the united states but the modern world, that is their preference, they believe they are bringing on the end times threw their believe systems and their actions, they are willing to i do for it. lou: the president today creating an equivalentsy with
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the war on radical terror and global warming, can you find any fanciful way they are connected? >> i can not, this is amazing, how much this has come up in the last week and a half saying that climate change is what is driving terrorism, that is not what is driving terrorism. the president said there is no greater threat to our children, than climate change that is irrational now as we look at all of issues with the debt, and stlo slow economy and terrorism and extremism they are threating to right now for him to say there is no greater threat than climate change is absurd. lou: senator james langford, we thank you so much. >> great to be with you lou. lou: turning to weekend box office quickly lionsgate, hunger games "mockingjay" part 2, holding to first place.
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buena vistay good dinosaur in second place. creed under 30 million. >> called best selfie of 2015, two brothers in canada pose with a bald eagle, they rescued the eagle from a hunting trap, they came across the bird. the eagle, appeared to be uninjured after a quick photo, they released eagle it flew away. up next, cyber monday, on-line sales putting practical stores on notice, it has been talked about for years, but this could be the year that web has over taken the brick and mortar. we'll talk about that and the direction of this economy, here next. stay with us, we're coming right back. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: on wall street stocks closed lower. the dow down 79 points. 4.1 billion shares traded for the month. the nasdaq gained 1% in
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november. now it's off to december. the international monetary fund lifted china's yuan to elite currency status. let's start with this economy. we are looking at the prospect that amazon and other online retailers are going to outperform brick and mortar for the first time. >> they aring off a relative -- they are coming off a relatively low base. what could it be worth in the future? lou: as shoppers and consumers, it's too easy to comparison shop online.
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it's difficult in america in the all-american mall. >> e commerce has punished businesses. lou: small business is where the country lives. that's where the jobs are created, not all retail. but small business, entrepreneurs, we are watching more businesses being destroyed than created. >> in part because of evening -f technological changes. lou: the housing market, how healthy is it? >> it might be in the process of topping off unless we get a reduction in bond yield. here we are, we have a 30-year mortgage yield less than 4%.
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but the past 3 months we had an index of pending home sales contract. there is a limited upside for treasury bond yield regardless of what the fed does. lou: one of the reasons we like you so much on this forecast is you are straightforward about what's going none this economy as you assess it. is the fed raising rates independent of markets, do it make any sense at all? >> we'll have to see. lou: no, no ... >> right now the economic backdrop, the financial backdrop for a rate hike is not the best. we are look at in the junk bond market. when the fed began to hike junk
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bond rates in the past it was below 4 percentage points. not' above 6 percentage points. when the fed began to hike rates it was a decline default rate. lou: what you are saying it janet yellen and others on the board who joat vote on these things have to be out of their ever loving mind. >> i don't know if i would go that far. they are risking a further destabilization of financial markets and a stronger dollar. recession should happen within a couple years i would think. it's too early to predict with confidence we have a recession 12 months from now. unless we see some return of earnings growth and business
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sales outside of energy we could be taking seriously the possibility of a recession come the 2016 election. lou: in this environment the fed is so irresponsible as to go ahead and raise rates. and against a backdrop of rising crude oil prices. that's madness. but it's also madness if they decline because we are talking about and federal independent rate hike. some seismic activity. >> you have lower prices for crude oil. industrial metals prices are off by nearly 30% from a year ago. and never before has the fed hiked rates with such an industrial medal's rate
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depression. lou: got to go, john. >> they need to raise rates so they have rates to cut in the next recession. lou: 64% of you have say you don't think the republican party can turn out sufficient voters in 2016 without donald trump. "strange inhair tan is coming up in just a few seconds. good night from new york. kennedy: happiest jumpsuit monday to you as well. i'm watching the embarrassing rationalizations as global leaders in paris try to bridge the gap between two disasters climate change and terrorism. the popular thought that climate change leads to terrorism.


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