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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  December 2, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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speak. they are operating under disaster mode. there was a report some of the gunmen or got away in black suv, possibly described as a gm c yukon. they're trying to clear the building that provided social services to people with developmental disabilities. this happened shortly before noon. quickly authorities responded, sealed off the area, shut down all the streets around. we understand that atf, fbi, all converging on the area whale -- while local authorities try to figure out who the people were, what they were up to. they were wearing ski masks and wearing perhaps body armor, giving it a military aspect. three individuals, up to three individuals, it is believed, carrying rifles, literally walked into a building and opening fire, we believe inside of a conference room. again, the motive completely
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unknown. the key is to track down where these gunmen are. authorities stressing this is active shooter scene. they are pushing media back. they put in a temporary flight restriction over the area as well. they're totally trying to seal it off while they track down those responsible, guys. david: ashley, we'll be right back to you. melissa has eyewitness or a source. melissa: former j fbi agent jeff lanza. jeff, this is one of the situations that doesn't make logical sense. i will ask you to draw your experience what this could possibly be. when we hear reports of three masked gunmen possibly going into body armor into a center for developmentally disabled, where witnesses on the scene said people go here to carpool or get on bus to go to other locations. it is local community services
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for people that disabled. the story doesn't make a lot of sense, right? >> no. it is last target you would expect anyone to hit with this type of violence. first thing i thought of with the news reports, it is one person, may be a case of workplace violence, disgruntled usually where this type of thing might happen but not three people, not with this type, this type of violence and with the bomb and everything else. it's crazy and everyone wants answers to this we just don't have a lot of information, to even comprehend what motive might behind it. melissa: other detail sticks out as something that doesn't make sense in situation like this, unfortunately when we've seen these shootings more regularly, recently, something happens to the gunman on site. they don't get away or try to escape. almost a shooting/suicide or they're caught by authorities. in this case, if there were three shooters and they did get away, seems to imply a level of organization.
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the idea they wanted to get in and do damage and get out. that is also unusual this type of situation, right? >> right. totally different thing. most cases where you have this type of violence it's a suicide mission as you mentioned. in this case if they escaped in suv or other vehicle, totally different situation, one involves a lot more planning and escape route and that brings it to entirely new level. why again target a place like this? this is the main thing we're all wanting to know. we don't have enough to even get close to figuring that out now. melissa: wouldn't it also be surprising to you, we're looking at pictures right now, you see massive amount of law enforcement on the seen. we've herd airspace overhead is closed. we know this is heavily-populated area and they were called to the scene quickly. isn't it surprising they would have been able to get away? >> not, if they did a lot of planning.
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police would get there very quickly and they could move out very quickly. if he they had did do that there would be a way to get away before the police arrived. we're not talking about this, yet we have to figure out a motive, if we know the motive we'll see if they will strike again. is this isolated incident or starting event for some other plan they have in mind. melissa: that's a great point, yeah. david: biggest concern norfolks in that area, just to set the scene, san bernardino is about 60 miles due east of los angeles. so if these folks are heading to even larger metropolis, this is a very scary situation considering how well-armed they are, well-planned this was. perhaps they're in different vehicle by now. how exactly did they throw out the net to catch these guys? >> will depend on ice of the public. law enforcement can't be everywhere even though a lot of officers are there.
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entaro is big city to the west. san bernardino national forest which would be escape area. they could height out for a while. to the south you have riverside and los angeles metropolitan area, not more than an hour or so drive away. yeah, this is very problematic. david: do we have, just to set it straight here, jeff, do we have a lockdown now? would it be safe to say between san bernardino and los angeles. >> i don't know what they have done in terms of a lockdown. i just don't know yet. i don't know how they will handle it. this is not like boston where you had a much more limited area. you have a gigantic metropolis here with a lot of land. david: you would recommend certain roadways actually be closed off right now in order to stop their escape route? >> i'm not an expert in those kind of logistics. if they knew, if they had some area of direction or some point of direction, yeah, then you close off a road.
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without that information you can't just start inadvertently closing off roads. melissa: you bring up the specter a lot of people must be thinking, if they went in, had a plan, got out, if it was three people, they were organized and wearing the body armor, given the target seems like this would be possibly a prelude to another event. authorities have to be worried about that, right? >> i think everybody is probably worried about that right now. we can't make that jump of logic it's a prelude. we don't know yet. that has to be on, one part of the law enforcement response will be where are they going from here. not just to catch them but where could they possibly do more harm. that will be a big part of the investigation. two, law enforcement agencies will be strained. with what happened there, there will be a lot of investigators on scene. you have a gigantic geographic area where they might end up. david: jeff, we know the role social media played in all of these events, sometimes for the
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good, sometimes for the bad, is that playing a role here? is the fbi and other law enforcement agencies are they tapping into twitter and all other forms of social media? >> yeah, that would be pretty standard in a case like this to get intelligence to see if there's clues if how this event was conjured up, number one. and where they might be. social media might be a good source of information finding these people if they did escape from that area. david: jeff, hang in there if we could. we have breaking news from jo ling kent in our newsroom. go ahead, jo. >> we're watching this situation unfold. we do know the police so far saying the southern building of inland regional has been cleared. we also do know that the northern building where some of this activity appears to have taken place is not yet cleared yet. the president and ceo of this social services center says that the action action and shooting itself was focused in conference
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an outside group was renting according to the associated press. likely, this is about the 60 miles east of los angeles. we're also getting now that the department of homeland security secretary jeh johnson has been briefed by law enforcement according to fox news. david: hold in there for a second. we just have a statement from the fbi i want to read about the incident. the fbi says thank you for your patience. the fbi is responding to the reported shooting incident at san bernardino with resources to assist our partners. no further information currently is available. san bernardino law enforcement officials have the lead on this incident at this time. i will provide you with additional information as possible as the situation develops. thank you. that is from the fbi. melissa: okay. we are right now hearing from one man whose daughter was in the building and was tweeting him. let's listen to that in a second. >> our daughter's in there. she texted us 30 minutes ago
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said there was a shooter. she thought he shot 10 to 20 people. they were hiding. shooting, people shot. waiting for cops. pray for us. i am locked in an office. that's it. david: joining us on the phone, rod wheeler, former d.c. homicide detective and fox news contributor. rod, again, these guys are on the loose. what really separates this from all the other recent shooting incidents is that we have some fugitives still on the loose. that's scary. how do you drag them in. >> right now so you know, viewers understand, there are multiple teams of police investigators looking at this case from different aspects. now if these guys actually made
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it away from the actual building, then the investigators are trying to figure out, do they live nearby? did they come there from out-of-state? all these kind of questions right now are very fluid questions. why? it is still a very fluid situation. one other thing that has not been mentioned so important in active shooter situation, dave, what that is, why did these individuals target that particular building? there was about 200 people in that building but did they just select that building at ran dorm or was this a planned event? the other question, were there warning signs. they went to the second floor of that building according to most reports of that building f they went to the second floor, why the second floor? what was going an up there? these are the kinds of questions police investigators are aggressionly trying to figure out right now with the help of the fbi. david: wouldn't you say it is fair to say at this point, again we don't know a lot of stuff that went on, that they had some kind of floor plan, some kind of knowledge of that facility? >> right.
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you would think that. that's why i said earlier, dave, in a situation like this, law enforcement we try to figure out what is the connection to that building? why did they select that building? why did they go to the second floor. there were 200 people supposedly in that building. there are two other buildings in that area with other people. why did they select that build? because this is fluid situation that is questions we're trying to figure out. you talked earlier about social media, i heard you talk to one other person. social media plays a huge role in this. i can tell you fbi forensic unit is searching for facebook, instagram, and other social media as for clues to who these people may be and whether there were warning signs. melissa: rod, jo ling kent gave as you huge piece of information we hadn't heard before.
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they were focused on particular conference room. jo, said in report that the conference room had been rented by an outside group. that is a huge piece of story. >> absolutely. i heard her when she mentioned that, got to thinking who knew about this outside group? again put on investigator's hat. who was this outside group. when did they rent this room out. who knew about that and whether or not this was planned event. i can tell you, now guys, based on many, many years of law enforcement, this was a planned attack. what i don't know who is the group behind this and that is what law enforcement is trying to figure out right now as i speak. david: rod, we have a very important event happening here in new york tonight, the lighting of the christmas tree at rockefeller center. a lot of other communities around the country have similar events because of the christmas season. should any of those events be canceled or changed in any way because of this? >> that's an excellent question
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and a lot of viewers emailed me that question. the answer is no. here is why i say no. i have to be honest, law enforcement across the country and especially in new york and in washington, d.c., we've been operates on high alert for a while now, ever since that paris attack and i would suggest to you that the areas, these cities are very, very safe. you're going to have isolated incidents that occur, but i would suggest not canceling anything and continuing on with your normal plans. let me tell you, law enforcement is aware of everything and they're on top of it, dave. david: rod wheeler, former d.c. homicide detective. rod, thank you very much. melissa: i want to bring in chris harmer from the institute of the study of war. chris, what details are jumping out at you and what is your take? >> i want to talk to your audience very briefly the process and intelligence community and active duty military provide to law enforcement of this situation like this. because of legal concept positives see comitatus, there
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is no action for the active military or intelligence community to take. if these guys assistance or part of the international network, intelligence community and military need to get involved as soon as possible to rolled up that network. immediate response is purely law enforcement issue. local law enforcement, state, police officer, things like that and federal law enforcement which layer in on top of that. in terms of rolling up network, cia, department of department of defense, nsa, with long-term analytical process they go through to see who the twice got assistance from. i have no idea if these guys got any external assistance. i would echo what rod wheeler said. these were specifically trained guys. these were not random shooters. they went to specific place. there were three of them, they were dressed in masks, possibly body armor, they had a escape vehicle. they had a plan. they practiced this. they are not random guys that
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don't know what they're doing, professional assassins quite frankly. staggering that they chose this target. melissa: as we learned just a short time ago they target ad particular conference room and we found out that conference room was being used by an outside group. if those reports are true and everything we're getting now is very preliminary, but if those reports are true, that is certainly a big point of this this story. do you feel like at this point even given the nature the way they carried out this act that would bring folks from a national level, the community that you're talking about, pique their interest? >> absolutely would pique their interest. the military and intelligence community are very worried about getting involved in law enforcement issues at a local level but in a case like this, time is of the essence, every second or minute goes by thighs guys are not caught, it is not perpetrators getting away but network of supporters is going to ground. they're cutting cell phones, cutting internet connections,
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cutting physical location, ditching vehicles, they're going to ground. in the digital age it is so difficult to find someone when they cut off their digital profile. sooner intelligence committee, sooner federal law enforcement and sooner military gets involved if there is international connection more likely we roll up this network of people. if the latest reports are accurate and they went after specific conference room booked by outsiders that is more evidence that this was selection and designed involved in the targeting here. one of the things you always look for, what were the precepts of attack. not just who these guys were but who they were target and why. this is key piece of information this is not a random shooting event this was targeted attack. there was someone there they wanted to kill. they were going after specific target. that leads back to the conclusion these were professional assassins, professional terrorists or professional gun then that carried out this action.
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david: chris, let me ask, the fact there is no -- these guys are on the loose right now, that this was not a suicide mission per se, does that tell you anything? >> tells me, there are a couple of hallmarks with international terrorists. one they're much more likely to go suicide route. they go in to set off suicide vest, or active shooters and fight to the death there. these guys trying to escape makes it mildly less likely, in my opinion that they're isis or al qaeda affiliated. obviously nobody knows for sure who they are. right now it looks and smells a little bit more like a domestic terror incident than a international terrorist incident. david: by the way, if they were targeting particular people for assassination as you suggest, why would they kill so many other people? >> once the shooting starts the plan goes out the window. i hate to put it so cause i cannily. being a veteran of many life combat actions everybody last a plan until the first shot is fired. everybody has a plan until they get hit.
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the plan goes out the window. depending how professional these guys were, maybe they lose their cool or situational awareness. in live fights i don't remember half the stuff that happened to me. i vaguely remember relying on our training. for these guys not up to american special operations standards, they have somebody they want to kill, once the shooting starts they are likely to shoot at any target and get their rounds off and get out of the scene f they have escape scenario they are trying to distance themselves as soon as possible. maybe the plan went off track. they didn't kill who they thought they were going to kill. in any situation virtually inevitable you wind up with people getting killed that were not the intended target. i don't want to use the term collateral damage because it sounds so uncaring but reality if you have got professional assassins in active shooter situation like they will kill
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people not the intended target. obviously that is a cost they don't care about. they're terrorists or whether they're assassins or whatever you want to call them at this point, they don't care about the collateral damage. it is clear to me there was selection and design to use for the target. clear to me they were professionals. almost beyond dispute they had some external assistance. the fact they fled the sign less likely they are international terrorists. more likely domestic terrorists and caveat nobody knows for sure yet. david: chris harmer, thank you for your assistance. appreciate it. i want to reset things beginning to tune into the situation, a mass shooting in san bernardino, california, multiple injuries, multiple deaths. at many as 12 people have been killed. three shooters involved. heavily armed men. some have described them as being masked, as having heavy body armor.
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apparently they escaped in a black suv with tinted windows by some accounts. police have not confirmed that the shooters have been found. they are still at large. this facility is an inland regional center. it is for developmentally impaired, of all places for a multiple shooting to take place. this is probably the last place in the world one would think of. melissa: one of the important details reported so far, that the actions seemed to focus on conference room which reports say may have been rented out by an outside group. we don't know who it was. we had been showing at bottom of the screen, 800 number from the san bernardino police department, asking for help, asking for witnesses who had seen things. really there is the number again. 1-800-78 crime. indicating to us they're looking for help. they're out scouring for these people and looking for witnesses described as a black yukon
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leaving the scene with many as three shooters inside. these are details we're getting now. david: again, san bernardino is about 60 miles due east of los angeles. this is extremely heavily populated area, one of the most heavily-populated areas in the united states. law enforcement is concerned whoever is responsible for the shooting may go west into the los angeles area where it will be much more difficult to capture them. ashley webster in the newsroom with more details. go ahead. >> difficult as you mentioned, david, san bernardino a city by itself of 214,000. it is really part of that massive sprawl spreads out from los angeles 60 miles to the east. let's not forget interstate 15 and interstate 10:00 runs through san bernardino. 15 goes through to mexico and to las vegas. 10 goes all the way es through to florida. many escape routes there.
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have they gotten away. as you mentioned a black gmc yukon was mentioned by a couple of witnesses. now big issue you've been talking about, who was renting out that conference room that appears to be the focus of this violence? maribeth fields, she is the ceo of the inland regional center where this took place. she said it was, all she knows, it was hired by an outside group that was using it today. she says she doesn't know what that group was, who they were and when they were renting that center today. but it does appear to be the focus. she says there would have been people with disabilities in the building at the same time. we're unclear now but it appears when they went into that building, they went straight for the conference room and then started firing. so maybe the key to this is understanding, we're working on it, to try to find out who was renting that room day, thanks, ash. melissa: let's go back to jeff lanza, a former fbi agent and he
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is with us. that is second time we're hearing about the very key report. the ceo of the facility, maribeth fields confirming the conference room was rented out to outside group. we want to look like something on surface so quickly, professionally plan, number of people go in, target an area, they had an escape plan. they were reportedly wearing body armor. we're hearing again from the ceo confirming the area they targeted was rented out by an outside group. jeff, what is your reaction? >> that is only thing that makes sense. we have to caution ourselves about conjecture and speculation. melissa: sure. >> based on statements from ceo and based on statements that were made that is where the event was targeted, then the only thing that makes sense, you didn't have an outside group hit on outside group as your previous guest alluded to. so if that is the case makes a
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lot more sense than randomly going into some mental health facility with senior citizens there shootings up the place. we have to find out who was meeting and who could have been potentially targeted. that should be easy information to mind. we probably do have people who are killed and find out why they have been targeted. melissa: local hospital says four adults have been received. they're expecting three more at this time. jeff, you know, as a former fbi agent, the coined of scenario we're describing, a number of people now we learned the room was occupied by outside group, used the word targeted assassination is something that you see in the movies. one of those scenarios you see on television. how often do you see something like that in real life? the. >> not in this country very often. i can't even remember, if that is what this is, we had a hit placed on someone, especially of
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this, of this gravity. so no, it is, it would be something ripped from the script of a hollywood movie but unfortunately it is real today and very real to the people in that facility. again we still don't know -- melissa: we want to use a lot of caution jumping to the conclusion. we're just reacting to the latest reports we've gotten. jeff, stand by for us. david, let me hand it over to you. david: joining us on the phone is howard safir, former nypd commissioner. commissioner, good to have you with us. our studio overlooks sixth avenue. i can see radio city music hall here. i see a lot of people out on the street. it is the christmas tree-lighting ceremony this very evening. as you look at this picture you see radio city music hall in the picture. a block behind radio city is the tree is about to be lit. you see flashing lights from police vehicles. this must put people on edge
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here in new york and other metropolises around the country? the. >> absolutely. the fact as everybody has been saying, we don't know actually what happened there. we don't know whether the it was targeted group, a targeted individual. what the san bernardino and l.a.p.d. is doing there, right now they're interviewing survivors. they're getting information on the what the group was, potential explosives have been cleared. they're sending forensic teams in there to see if there is any forensic evidence they can use to identify who these shooters were. pretty clear this was a planned event. all we don't know is motivation. whether it was a planned event to make a statement against an organization and bill as many people as possible. or whether it was targeted individual. that will become clear as we learn more. as far as new yorkers are concerned, we're always on alert for this kind of situation. the tree-lighting is protected
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by special units of nypd which are some of the best in the world and they always assume there is potential threat. david: has this changed the situation in manhattan though? have police somehow radioed each other and changed their strategies for dealing with crowd control and such as a result of this? >> i don't believe so because i, i know that tactical plans are in place are in place for just this kind of eventuality. it wilhiten sensitivity and alerts of police officers involved knowing that a major event has occurred. melissa: i would say in the city during thanksgiving weekend, here in new york city when they had the parade, you know you saw armored vehicles out on the parade route. we saw law enforcement with automatic weapons on parade route. much more security than you have seen before. hazmat teams around. dogs, plain clothes police people.
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that's new york. is most of the nation in your opinion on higher alert and perhaps in los angeles where the direction this group may have gone? >> absolutely. you know the major city police departments all have tactical response plans for situations like this. i was with commissioner bratton last night. he was explaining to me some of the plans he had put in place for the potential incidents like this. i know chief beck in los angeles has similar plans in place. but again, you know, the issue always comes down to, you can't be everywhere. soft targets like this center are always vulnerable and unfortunately it is going to be reaction rather than proaction. david: commissioner, as the police and the fbi are trying to coordinate attempts to capture the people still on the loose what do citizens do? we mentioned social media and
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the importance of that for good and for bad. of course the bad people use it as well as the good people. for the good people out there who want to help law enforcement capture these guys, what do they do? how do they contact or leave their lines of information open? >> i know l.a.p.d. and i'm sure san bernardino have sites in which you can report things anonymously. you can call 911. this is a situation where you see something that is related to the situation, i'm sure they're getting hundreds of calls on black yukons right now, but this is a situation where you err on the side of calling in. don't be embarrassed. provide situation to the police. that is the way situation will get resolved. david: by the way last time we heard from the fbi, they said local police have authority in this matter at this moment. when is that likely to change over to the fbi or some other agency or will it stay that way? >> no. if it becomes clear this is a
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terrorism incident, the fbi has primary jurisdiction. if it turns out to be a criminal act, certainly local police will have jurisdiction and i'm sure in this case department like san bernardino will reach out to the fbi or bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms for assistance as well. david: we should mention by the way, department of homeland security, jeh johnsons head of that agency, are being briefed regularly right now, are in a meeting to discuss what's happening. so presumably they are on top of things. our own national services are engaged trying to track data whatever, right, commissioner? >> every state and local is in gear trying to resolve the situation but the key here is right now intelligence is critical. and one of the things that i'm sure is happening there are dozens of police officers
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speaking to people on site to get as much information as possible. melissa: okay. thank you so much. i think we want go check in with jo ling kent right now who has some more details from our newsroom. jo, are you with us? >> yeah, i'm with you. this manhunt is very much ongoing, melissa, what i'm hearing from police sources and from individuals on the ground they're pursuing several different locations up to three to five miles away from the scene of the shooting. we do know that they are looking for an individual wearing camouflage and headset potentially with a beard. the suspects as we reported earlier may have been wearing some sort of fatigue or tactical gear. we also know that the northern building so far has not been cleared at the inland regional center where hundreds of people work. the southern building has been cleared. they have been taking suspects -- excuse me, victims and witnesses off site to put
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them in safe and secure location. the search for the black yukon is still ongoing, melissa. melissa: we're seeing at bottom of our screen there is a report about an abandoned suv found in san bernardino. i don't know if you know anything about that. that may be brand new information. >> police are chattering about that. i don't have any further details at this time. david: we have former nypd detective tom ruskin on the phone. detective, we have a crime scene. we have number of eyewitnesses. we may have abandoned suv. there is the crime scene as well. there is a lot of evidence but the suspects are still at large. how do you combine all the evidence we're gathering for search of the suspects? what you have to do is take everything in legitimate, organized way. first there were three shooters. now appears there may only be one. you have to put together the pieces of the puzzle to determine was there one, was
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there three? the how they got away? what leads you have on the vehicle to try to apprehend this person as fast as possible before they do something else. then put the pieces together that are going to indicate what you actually had. david: are you surprised that the shooter or shooters are still at large? >> no. because it -- because they possibly had an avenue of escape. if the yukon was used. the yukon was available. david: if we have reports of abandoned suv that would be treasure trove of information about who these people or this person were? >> exactly. also videos as well as as well as different surveillance tapes within the place. we don't know if the person was hidden or person showed their face. or who this person was. that will come out after the
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fact. you want to try to get the shooter as early as possible. melissa: we had reports early on there was information on at least one of the shooters. police thought they had information of who that person might be. obviously that's essential and that would be thing they are digging into right now. we haven't heard that again in past 20 or 30 minutes since that report came out. >> absolutely. in initial reports in hundreds of these situations that either i followed or been involved in the initial reports are formally so far off even like days with the city when i was actually at the scene. they're giving initial reports, people are whispering in your ear these are the reports and you know the facts at that moment. i caution people to bear in mind these are initial reports.
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and they are unsubstantiated and until the facts are rolled out take them with a grain of salt. melissa: even something as big as range of one to three shooters, you would think that would be detail salient in the minds of people that were there but is there enough gunfire or confusion you could not know whether there was one or three? >> absolutely. if you have a shooter, and you have swat people or off-duty officers coming in responding to the call in the area, coming in camouflage gear they economies taken for a shooter when really they're there to rescue people. the initial reports normally are very, very, very initial. melissa: yeah. david: by the way, tom, hold on one second. we just want to announce there is going to be a press conference in san bernardino. it is going to be happening any moment. so we may break in to whomever we're interviewing in order to cover the press conference, joint press conference from
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local officials describing what they know as of now. melissa: let's bring in chris harmer. he is still with us, from the institute of study for war. tom brought up a really interesting point. we were talking about how there could be range of witnesses and reports on the scene there was somewhere between one and three shooters. we also heard early on a local s.w.a.t. team was rehearsing and staging in the area and that they responded very quickly because they happened to be already geared up and in the area and they were the ones got the call. maybe that is where some of the confusion is coming from? >> that is a great point. to echo what your previous guest says, anybody who has been in combat knows absolutely, once you first taste combat your impressions of it are not going to jibe with reality. i can tell you a dozen different times i was in combat scenario i was being shot at, me, my copilot and air crew, seal snipers on board the aircraft we all experienced identical thing but we all remembered it differently.
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the fact that we've got eyewitnesses here who are remembering it differently or seeing it differently is completely consistent with these type of high-intensity events especially dealing with people that aren't used or expecting to be in combat. even federal law enforcement, local law enforcement people in the military expect to be in high pressure situations getting shot at they will mention things differently. the initial reports should be taken with a grain of salt. easy to confuse one that shooter with three and easy easy to confuse until we know, we don't know if it is one shooter, two shooters, three shooters or more. those reports are consistent with my experience in combat as well as most law enforcement personnel. the other point i like to make we're all spring-wired to act. we've seen a horrific tragedy. we want to act against it. we want to roll up the perpetrator or perpetrators. if it is lone wolf we want to
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get him but if he is part of that network we want to roll up network. something we're taught in military aviation. observe, orient, died decide act. if you observe out of the sequence, if you act before you're oriented you almost certainly will be going in the wrong direction. law enforcement are trying to get their arms what did the different eyewitnesses say what did they see, what did they experience? then they will act in a coherent fashion. david: chris, hang in there if we can. we have eyewitness to the shooting on the phone with us. taylor petite. taylor, first of all if i got your name wrong, can you tell us precisely what you saw and what you know right now? >> well, basically my sister was the one that was in there. she cent a text message to us saying there was a shooting and she had the door locked. they were just waiting for someone to come help them out.
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david: i just got to ask a critical question. did she or any other witnesses that she talked to say anything about how many shooters there were? because there is a lot of dispute about that right now. >> they didn't. they do not know. melissa: taylor, i know we saw, we heard you talking earlier. we saw video of you standing outside getting choked up that she had texted to you to pray for her, where is she now? what is her condition? >> she is at a safe facility off site. they basically are going to interview everyone, police are, to get their point of view what happened so they can figure out how to catch these guys i guess. melissa: have you been able to speak to her? >> i have not directly spoken to her. it just been text messages because they eventual loued her to come out and see family. but she but she is safe.
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david: taylor, can i ask, we're hearing reports whether there was particular conference going on in the facility at the time that might have attracted these shooters for whatever reason. do you know of any events taking place inside of the regional center? >> the only thing i heard about they were having some kind of a christmas party. but that is the extent what i heard on that one. david: as far as you know there has never been any controversy associated with the center that might bring out hostility from anyone? >> not that i'm aware of, no. melissa: what usually goes on there. >> it's a facility for disabled health. i wish i could tell you more than that that is about all i know on that one. melissa: what is it like to be standing there, what is going on, what was going through your mind? >> i think you might have something crossed up. i'm not terry. i'm his son taylor. i wasn't the one on interview on
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tv. but it was just very scary hearing what happened and not knowing if my sister was going to be okay. scary. david: taylor, another thing we don't know is where the perpetrators or perpetrator of this act are. what's the mood like in the area. everybody must be on edge, right? >> yeah. it's, it's scary. it's definitely something i wish we would know if they were dead or captured. it is worst-case scenario not knowing where they are. david: have you been told anything by law enforcement to lock your doors, not go outside, anything like that. >> no, i have not been told anything like that. melissa: can you describe to us what the area around the facility is like? how densely populate is it? what are the streets like? what is nearby if somebody tries to get away? >> there is a golf course directly across the street. there is a lot of restaurants.
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i know there is definitely a staples not too far away. but, somewhat populated but there are no large buildings or anything. david: all right, taylor petit, thanks very much for being with us, taylor. ashley webster in the newsroom with more breaking details. ashley? >> one thing i want to mention, guys, as the manhunt goes on there is some law enforcement saying they're trying to check to make sure those people that came out of the building, in all the confusion were not containing also the gunmen themselves. it is very easy for, in the chaos, especially if they were wearing masks to ditch whatever they were wearing and come out in some form or fashion like a victim. apparently police are trying very carefully to address that issue. meanwhile family members of those people inside buildings and victims are being referred to a center nearby where they can reunite with their loved
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ones or get more information on their loved ones if they can't find them. that is one aspect. there is report of a gmc yukon that took off, maybe. we know that eyewitness accounts are notoriously unreliable. that is just one interesting factor in this. difficulty law enforcement faces when they try to determine who is responsible. those people coming out of the building you don't really know who is victim and who could be a suspect. david: ashley, i know you've been following all the twitter and soes media activity with regard to this. there is one twitter site, #watermanincident. a lot of information. #watermanincident, one word. what are you seeing there. reporter: a lot of stuff you get through that you have to be very careful. a lot is hyperbole. interesting nuggets, be careful, stay away from the area. see a lot of that.
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still trying to get information on the abandoned suv found. having lived in southern california, not unusual to see abandoned cars on the road. it could be a red herring. we'll find that down as well. david: thank you very much, ashley. melissa: i want to bring in state senator senator mike morell represents san bernardino. this is tough time for you. what are you doing now. >> we're working hard, getting a lot of calls for my office and trying to get the facts to make sure we give information. melissa: what are they as you know them? >> here is what we know and this is from law enforcement. right now the situation is still fluid. they're looking for the shooters. i heard all sorts of rumors, but not from the sheriff's department. they said they don't have the fact but can't release any information but i have a couple
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good sources that are on site, they think possibly, again i say this unconfirmed, possibly 12 to 14 deaths and maybe 10 to 15 people in the hospital but they're still evacuating the building. melissa: is there truth to the reports that we have heard that it was focused on a conference room that was rented by an outside group? the ceo of the center confirmed that but i'm wondering do you have any insight who that group may have been and how significant that is? >> no, i heard exactly what you heard. i think it is sort of, there is a lot of confusion. melissa: can you pause and hang with us for one second. >> yeah. melissa: we want to -- david: jo ling kent has a little more details exactly what we were talking about. go ahead, jo. >> the inland regional center director is telling reuters that san bernardino shooting was at the conference center. her group had rented out for a county personnel holiday party that was possibly, according to reuters, the department of health.
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so we're starting to get more details on exactly who the group was inside of that conference room. melissa: let's go back to state senator mike morell. i don't know if you heard that report. >> i did. melissa: it was rented out by the county for the department that was targeted. what is your reaction? >> my reaction is i hope to find these criminals soon who prey on anybody, the weak, anybody. this is just tragic and i hope they're caught soon and justice and i pray that the people who are in the hospital, you know the good lord will heal them and heel our community and heal our nation at this time. david: senator, you know the area well. >> i do. david: you know this facility. >> i've been in that facility. david: you've been in the facility. >> yeah. david: so i can't imagine anybody, in the fartherrest
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reaches of their imagination something would happen there. doesn't seem to be a target of anybody but was there any kind of defensive precautionary measures or alerts for something like this happening there? did they have any procedures for either evacuation or dealing with a situation like this? >> you know, i don't know that specifically because i haven't been in there over a year. if you can picture in your mind, probably a five or six-story newer commercial building. where you have sort of a lobby and people come in and out. it's not the kind of place that you would think something like this would happen so. david: is it kind of place that is difficult to get around in? that is, do you suspect whoever is responsible knew the facility, knew where they were going? >> well that i don't know but the last time i was in there there is not anything like x-ray machines that you walk through. it is like a commercial
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building. it has been over a year since i have been in there. they may have updated it. the time i was there you could walk in and walk into the office. david: i'm wondering organization of the build something such that you would have to know where you were going, if these people had a particular target they would to know ahead of time how to get there? >> yeah, that's a good point. i don't know they could have randomly came in but it certainly doesn't sound like that. i feel uncomfortable answering that question. in my mind i think they would havesort of how to get there but it is not a complicated building. david: senator mike morell, our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your community. >> thank you very much. melissa: let's bring in howard safir, former nypd commissioner. we're finding out this room that seems to be specifically targeted had been rented out for the holiday party, for the county department of health.
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what do you think about that? what is your reaction to that? >> well, again i really don't know whether it is abortion-related, could it be planned parenthood related? when you say health, those are issues that are raised in my mind. again i don't know. melissa: yeah, could just have easily been somebody who had specific problem -- could have been anything that they would have a problem with someone in that room. >> absolutely. and again, until we have some clarity on this, this is all speculation. david: by the way, commissioner, i just want to read to you something president obama has just said about all this. the president, i'm quoting my hope we're able to contain this particular shooting. we don't yet know what motives of shooters are, but we know there are steps to make america safer and we should come
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together on bipartisan basis to make these as rare as opposed to normal. we shouldn't think this happens in ordinary course of events because it doesn't happen with the same frequency in other countries. of course it does happen in other countries. we had horrific shooting in paris quite recently. is there a way we can combat this? when you think of a target, soft targets, you can't think of anything softer than this particular target, can you? >> absolutely. i believe probably what the president is referring to the statements he made on gun control. that is very high hill to climb. something tried year after year. my belief is that we are nowhere close to logical gun control in this country than we have ever been. david: he, i think it is interesting that he did not use that phrase, gran control,
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perhaps because of the or bringing that into the discussion what happened. >> clearly using long semiautomatic weapons as reported. david: yeah. >> those are legally obtained weapons. david: indeed. once again we are looking now at the tree-lighting ceremony here in manhattan. there are others -- melissa: something going on in the capitol right now. david: just about every city in the nation, has something like that going on. and i know commissioner, that the department of homeland security meeting whenever that department. jeh johnson is in touch with law enforcement. are we likely to see more stringent guidelines of public events on something like this. >> i think you have them. i think people will have more awareness. i know most police chiefs in
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this country, and i know most police departments and all of them have very clear contingency plans on how to respond. but again, with some soft targets, what you're doing is mitigating, you're not preventing. melissa: yeah. >> so the most important thing in my view is to harden as many targets as possible. for us to get some sanity when it comes to dealing with how people obtain weapons. i'm not suggesting that people should not be entitled to or allowed to carry guns legally but certainly we should have things like insurance and safety checks and have some way that we can at least track who has guns in this country. david: commissioner, hang on if you can. we have breaking details from jo ling kent. go ahead, jo. >> san bernardino police saying no one is still in custody in california in this mass shooting. the search continues. it is underway for suspects. that is plural.
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that we do know it is confirmed. there is more than one suspect. i've been listening to police authorities as they are out on this search. they are searching in multiple locations which we will not disclose at this point. but we also do know more about the inland regional center. the executive director, lavinia rogers telling reuters that the shooting was at conference center that they rented out for a county personnel christmas party possibly for the department of health. david: interesting. thank you very much. melissa: let's go back to nypd detective tom ruskin. what do you make of details we specifically heard, them confirming they do not have the suspects and they're still on the loose and they're looking for them. >> just means whoever planned this, had avenue of escape, whether vehicles or vehicle, we don't know that yet. there is drastic difference than one person or multiple people
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taking this active shooter situation today. if there is one person it could go back to a person who is disgruntled, who wanted to breaks up the christmas party, who had been fired. if it is multiple people, something we may never have seen before this country. i don't know of any active shooter situation where two or three people go into a location, really soft target and target that for a shooting and mass casualties. david: what we're seeing on on right of screen, set up for a press conference, san bernardino chief of police will be speaking with what they know and what they don't know. most important thing they don't know where the perps are right now. this dragnet must be unbelievably extensive. i'm sure they're bringing in personnel from l.a. as well, aren't you? >> absolutely. all the local jurisdictions and all surrounding jurisdictions including federal government are supplying aid to try and do this investigation.
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the pressure on law enforcement in that area to try to determine how they escaped, if they do have that suv, who was in the suv and do prints and forensicses on it as quickly as possible to possibly determine who, or who may be responsible for this. melissa: we said it so many times, but there are multiple and conflicting reports at this stage with something like this. just because so many people on the scene see some different things. as more details become clearer. seems most likely scenario it was one person and probably not three. you mentioned before you haven't seen situation. columbine had more than one shooter. that was, unusual circumstance. most logical thing would be it is one person. any know the name of him. we're seeing someone come to the microphone. let's listen in.
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>> public affairs division. like to provide you with telephone number. we have information for investigative leads. the number that will be manned by the sheriff's department will be 1-866-346-7632. you can also call 1-800-78 crime if you wish to remain anonymous. make a couple quick introductions. we have the chief from the san bernardino police department standing here to my right. sheriff john mcman to my left here and assistant director of the, in charge of the l.a. office of fbi, david bow ditch. with that i will hand it over to the chief. >> good afternoon, everybody. so this originally started off at 11:00 this morning, late this morning, early afternoon. we received a call here at inland regional center, 1400
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block of south waterman of a shooting. quickly apparent we had what amounted to a active shooter situation. there was a massive law enforcement response. initially officers from our department that responded. very quickly as word spread through the region. we had mutual aid response from virtually every law enforcement agency in the immediate area, sheriff's department, fontana police department, california highway patrol, probation department, parole, number of agencies responded. what we have so far is information that up to three people had entered the building and had opened fire on people inside of the building. we do have some preliminary numbers of upwards of 14 people that are dead and upwards of 14 people that are injured. we think those are pretty reliable but keep in mind those are potentially subject to change. they are preliminary numbers. 14 wounded have been taken to
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various area hospitals. in addition to the law enforcement response, there was a massive medical aid response from the city fire department and other area fire departments as well as ambulance and american medical response. as officers initially arrived on scene, they went into the active shooter procalls, things we train for. they immediately entered the building in search of the suspects. the initial information, i'm sorry, suspects were potentially inside of the building. it's a massive facility employs, several hundred people. taken a long time to clear the building. in fact i still think we have assets inside that are completing that clearing process information that i think is probably the most reliable at this point is that the suspects have fled potentially in a dark-colored suv. we don't have any identification who those suspects are. we do not know what the motive is for the shooting at this
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point. with that i will turn it over to the sheriff for a couple of comments. >> thank you chief. we're working closely with the san bernardino police department and unified command as well as our federal partners to make sure we have resources we need to thoroughly investigate this event. our officers are working hand in hand with members of the san bernardino police department as well as the other agencies to search the building as the chief indicated. that search is still ongoing. we have also because of the information that the suspects may have fled the area, we have also shut down and locked down the courts, and local city and county buildings in the general area around san bernardino. we have an increased law enforcement presence at all the high-profile areas including hospitals. we've been in contact with the school district and their school police chief to take care of the school side of things. we continue to make sure we do everything we can to keep the public safe. we've been in contact with the
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board of supervisors. they pledged their full support and resources that they have to help solve this as well. we'll work together to investigate this case as once the scene is secure. to work hand in hand with the city of san bernardino as we do with other high-profile events. i will now have dave bowditch, assistant director from fbi say a few words. >> thank you, sheriff. the fbi is here with state and local partners as well as partners from the atf. we're here essentially to assure all wounded are extracted and ultimately public safety is the number one goal at this point. we will work as the law enforcement community to assure we've done everything we can to find, locate and apprehend these subjects. at this point i know one of your questions is going to be, is this a terrorist incident? i will tell you right now we do


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