tv Cashin In FOX Business December 6, 2015 3:30am-4:01am EST
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amazon web services is the fastest growing enterprise computer company on the history of the planet. >> they have good shows. what do you think? >> a little lovefest. i like it, too. >> that's it for "forbes on fox." it was kind of suspicious. wanted to report it but she said she didn't want to profile. >> red flags were raised. nobody said anything over fears of being labeled racist. neighbors of the suspected california terrorist had a feeling something was up but they kept quiet. some say we should blame political correctness. it is killing america now. hi, everyone. welcome to "cashin' in." the crew this week, jonathan monig, michelle field. it's time to wake up. p.c. is now getting us killed. >> it is. the department of homeland security has a campaign if you
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see something suspicious, say something. people don't want to report when something is suspicious. they are afraid they will be turned into a villain. look at texas. a teacher saw a student bring in something that looked like a bomb, not a clock. they became an overnight sensation. everyone was calling them reyesist. now the clock kid is suing them for $15 million. it seems like there is no incentive to report. you will just become a villain if you're wrong. >> the word profile becomes a nasty word, a racist word. but isn't it good policing? >> it's shorthand for thinking, eric. if the enemy is militant islam how can that not be a clear warning sign? michelle's point, people are even afraid of saying the word "islam" or "muslim." that's why the president can't say it.
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he calls them radical extremists. he can't get the words out of his mouth. >> even president obama can't say radical islam or extremists. why is that? >> he's making it a policy as did the bush administration not to use language that will tarnish the population of muslims. the moderate vast majority. i'm not saying it wasn't islamic terrorism. it was. i understand that. we know why the president has this policy. everyone is concerned about the p.c. police. we have anonymous tip lines for a reason. use them. do not be afraid. if you see something, say something, absolutely. this isn't just about terrorists -- >> hold on. i want john in here. the left are the enablers of the environment of worrying about saying something about a neighbor because you don't want to be labeled racist. >> it's not just a left problem. it's a people issue. we don't want to be a society that stops and frisks is a
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person just because you're black or goes after people because of the color of their skin. this person displayed clear indications he was doing something wrong. >> exactly. >> which is why, but they are scared to. >> these people -- we should not be blaming them. >> no one is worried about moderate muslims. we are not talking about kareem abdul jabar or muhammed ali. >> hold on, jess. >> people are getting murdered. >> why is that the problem of moderate muslims. >> you're not talking about moderate -- >> hold on, guys. >> the ultimate straw man. >> go ahead, john. finish. >> it's always the straw man. you're attacking muslims. we're not. this isn't muhammed ali orca ream abdul jabar. people exhibit strict danger
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signs. my litmus test is the less western they are, the more unsafe they are. yes. very observant people would make me pause. >> go ahead, michelle. >> jess, you're trying to change the conversation to moderate muslims. the problem is political correctness. this is not the first time political correctness when it comes to islam and muslims have gotten people killed. look at what happened in ft. hood. the ft. hood shooting, major hassan, there were tons of warning signs. he had anti-american rhetoric, tried to reach out to al qaeda. they didn't report it because they were scared of being called racist for pointing out that a muslim was doing something suspicious. it could have been avoided. 13 people were murdered. again, san bernardino. even is afraid to report things because of the political correct police. >> i'm saying we can't scapegoat everything on the left. every week it happens it comes
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under attack. >> but it's always the one leading the charge against people who say things that are politically incorrect. >> jess, the college campuses around the country have safe spaces. >> and i don't agree. >> people are getting in trouble for even naming the race of a person when there is a crime. >> can i just add, i'm not that type of liberal. you guys know me at this point. i don't live in a world -- >> i think you are. >> thanks, jonathan. >> i think you are. this is the college p.c. attitude. you can't even name the enemy. >> i can name the enemy. obama can. >> go ahead, john. >> it is good policy. this is absolute multiculturalism. the idea that every culture is the same. you can't offend anyone. even if it's a vowed islamist
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who said they want to kill americans. jessica, no one is talking about moderate muslims except for c.a.r.e., the council on american relations, you and everyone else who shares that bankrupt ideology. >> michelle. >> we need to have a conversation about how political correctness is destroying this country. >> i don't want to stop you but we rolled a sound bite of neighbors who thought this couple looked suspicious. they saw packages going in and out. >> they should have called the authority. >> hold on, jess. michelle. they saw it, thought it and worried about being labeled as racist. it has to go on a hundred thousand times a year in america. >> the same thing happened at ft. hood. people said there was suspicious activity with major hassan but they were scared to report things and the superiors weren't scared of reporting things because they wanted to be
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politically sensitive to the situation because he was a muslim. this is ridiculous. >> i would think the so-called moderate muslims would welcome the scrutiny. if anything else it proves to people that, yes, not all muslims are terrorists -- and we know that. we are under attack in a state of war. until that's changed we have to be suspicious. >> final thoughts to the ph.d.. >> from a really liberal institution. >> i'll bet. >> i would say i'm not in disagreement about this case or what happened in ft. hood. they should have said something. if you see someone or know someone could be mentally ill, this is what happened with the roanoke shooter. he was displaying evidence of mental illness and nobody said anything. >> this isn't about mental illness. >> what do you mean? every time there is a shooter, the planned parenthood shooter we called him mentally ill. >> we jumped to that conclusion. they were very quick --
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light on how he would do it. >> a bill that says 34 countries that have radical islamist movements, we'll stop admitting people for a while until we know who they are, whether they are refugee, student or visitor. we need to know who they are if they want to come to our country. >> should we stop allowing people from coming here from countries known to be terror hot beds? >> yes. i'm an advocate for open immigration but we are in a state of war. the enemy is inflamed by their success and our weakness. it is appropriate for strict immigration for countries with jihadi experiences and movements. >> by the way, the bill thursday night was reejected by the senate. these things come up time and again. the bill had a provision where it seems the visa waiver program, some countries are on a program where people can go in and get a visa to come to america within 24 to 36 hours, not allowing a lot of time to
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vet. two of the countries are france and belgium. we know what's happened there over the last few weeks. >> i agree with paul's bill. we need to suspend the program for countries that have significant jihadi movements. it's not just the visa waiver program. we need to target the refugee program. the administration says don't worry. it's fine. they are going to be fully vetted. the woman in the san bernardino terrorist attack was vetted when she came here. the boston bombers were vetted. look what happened there. i'm a little concerned about both programs. >> jess, what's so bad about waiting, i don't know, 30 days to make sure people are vetted properly before they are allowed in? >> we want people to be better. i'm shocked you aren't talking about the economic repercussions telling them they can't come in 24 or 48 hours' notice. >> allow me? >> mm-hmm. >> who comes -- who decides, i
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think i will go to america tomorrow. does that happen? >> sure. >> the data shows it's like a 3 or 4-week booking in advance of coming here. >> you're saying no one makes a last minute trip from london to new york? people don't plan a family vacation? >> that i'm not saying tlas huge economic impact. >> dianne feinstein said we can balance the economic repercussions with security needs. the senate democrat bill which targets iraq and syria instead of 34 countries, we are getting to a point where we'll be closing the borders. to michelle's point about refugees there was an open letter from henry kissinger, david petraeus who said don't block this program. it is not a risk. we support it. >> michelle, go ahead. >> okay. they may know what they are talking about. we can all agree the vetting process isn't perfect.
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>> it is perfect. >> tell me what isn't perfect? your next door neighbor is doing something. [ speaking at the same time ] >> john. >> i have said homeland security isn't going to keep us safe. that can only be had through military war. this is the issue. >> you're saying there are flaws in the system. coming up, meet the come willing to take a bullet as comes around the country bite the bullet. a true american hero next.
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with all the cop bashing in america now -- chicago, ferguson, et cetera. i want you to listen to what this come told people while helping them escape. >> try to relax, everyone. i will take a bullet before you do. that's for damn sure. just be cool. >> isn't this an accurate description of 99.9% of cops in america. >> they are selfless, there to protect us. this is often lost because of the black lives matter groups which are constantly spewing this anti-cop rhetoric when this is the face of police officers in america. >> john, why are cops getting a bad rap? the culture today, occupy wall
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street, black lives matter, all these commie groups that want to paint america as a country born out of oppression. the police are professionals. the overwhelming majoritile are valiant, honorable and brave. >> jessica will you push back? >> i will start with the negative and address the "commie" issue. yes, this is the face of police in america and why they are the third most respected institute according to gallup over and over again over the military and small business. >> not -- >> yes. >> not by liberals. >> it is impossible you can bash liberals this much. i'm exhausted. >> there is an anti-cop movement. it's not entirely populated by conservatives. >> we can have this conversation and i would love to because law enforcement is important. we can't forget what happened in chicago. we can't forget what happened to eric garner, freddie gray,
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unsolicited stops that happen every day and i do favor stop and frisk. >> tiny minorities. [ speaking at the same time ] >> we know all lives matter. we believele all lives matter. you cited four examples of tens of millions of stops around the country. >> does that mean -- >> hold on. let me see if they deserve this. >> nobody looks at you as a hero. ♪ stop the violence of the racist police ♪ >> it's awful. i would never support this. the vast majority of americans don't and many support the black lives matter movement who say this is wrong. there was an entire piece about how the black lives matter was hurting themselves with this rhetoric and not having clear policy proposals. >> can we also point out that
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protest, the anti-cop protest was going on this week, the very same week comes in san bernardino were running into a building four minutes after shooters were killing people. are a advantaging the place. >> it's ridiculous. jess is exhausted of us bashing liberals but i'm exhausted of liberals bashing police officers. it's happening it shall. >> so am i. >> it happens every day and it's ridiculous. >> it's nihilism including black lives matter, they want to tear down america. the police keep us safe. they love to bash police until they need police to help them. that's why as you pointed out black lives matter, blue lives matter. these are the professionals that help keep us safe. >> there is a movement. you can't deny the anti-cop movement. >> i'm not. >> it is clearly fed by the energy of the left, not the
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right. >> what happened to picking up the phone, calling a police officer to come protect them yet they are on the streets complaining about them. >> the jort of the community favors strong policing tactics. there are community that is want more police on the streets. this is a fringe movement. it's a nasty thing that goes on. i don't support it. i also don't believe we should be ignoring the fact that there are gross atrocities in society where innocent black people are murdered by police officers. >> so you don't endorse the black lives matter on any level? is that what we heard you say? >> no. what you heard me say is they take it too far but they have a point. there is systematic racism in this country. i'm sorry. it's the treatment of -- >> it's the highest levels of government. >> where in the black lives matter groups who are calling out black on black crime? more african-americans are
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killed by far by african-americans than cops obviously. >> they don't talk about i. they seem not to care about it. they have a narrative. it doesn't match that narrative. so they go and find isolated incidents that happen. they try to paint the entire police force and america as racists. >> i don't support painting the police force as racists. >> black lives matter did and you support them. >> did i forget my protest sign at home? no. they have a point. they make it inarticulately at times. >> i have to leave it there. >> i don't think they have a point. >> there is not much good coming out of the group. i have to agree. coming up another american hero sums it up for us. watch this.
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i want to say thanks to the crew for joinings. head to fox to see jonathan's stock pick. time to wake up, america. a note to the political left -- good lord, stop quibbling over petty crap. you're worried about offending groups who want to kill us. they are islamic, jihadist and terror is the weapon and they are here. the face of terror changed this week. a 27-year-old new mom dropped a 6 month old infant off at her
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grandmother's apartment and executed jihad on innocent americans at a center for the handicapped. time to put away the p.c. see something, say something. profile. yeah, i said it. terror on american soil is no longer an irrationalle fear. it's here. by the way, law enforcement is on our side. they are the good guys protecting us from the bad guys. this makes me angry that a hero come from san bernardino, one of the first on the scene feels this way. >> it's hard being labeled and branded as, you know, being rogue or -- and i guarantee you no cop comes into the job with the mind set that, oh, great, now i have ultimate power to be corrupt and violate people's rights. there are comes who go astray. but overwhelmingly the vast majority of officers -- and i'm talking 99.5% of the officers go out and do the job to protect the public. yesterday just reminded me of that. it just solidified that again in
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my heart and in my mindset. for that i'm thankful. >> we are thankful for >> lou: it took three days but the fbi announced it is trading the massacre as an act of terrorism. that is something president obama has done great lengths to avoid but the fbi director address the media. >> the investigation so far has indication of radicalization of the killers and the potential as pressure by foreign terrorist organizations. so far we have nullification the killers are part of an organized larger group or
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