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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 15, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EST

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people will figure it out. lou: thank you both for being here. we are out of time. our online poll. 81% said the republican party would be signing a suicide note if there is a brokered convention. good night. kennedy: welcome aboard. i'm watching a couple of presidential hopefuls uncome from each other as ted cruz and donald trump release themselves from their curious man snuggle as cruz refused to fall into donald's muddy bunker. but the texas senator is giving gone ald a run for his money in iowa and ted cruz is at 28% to trump's 26%. in the last monmouth poll cruz was beating him.
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trump went into furious koirnlt attack mode this weekend and said this. >> if you look at the way he dealt with the senate and goes in there like a main whack -- kennedy: to respond with a tweet cruz says in honor of my friend donald trump and his good hearted maniacs he where, he linked to this. [♪] that body double was ted cruz. ted, the man is calling you out and you respond by calling you "my friending? what is going on here. why is cruz being so nice as consolidate the base on immigration and national
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security. ted cruz is also raising tons of cash through his campaign and super pac. he's pouring that cash into an littics where behavioral psychology and your tech footprints have a few drink and have a baby. crew'crewr -- cruz's only real t at getting trump out of the race is to join with rubio. could a brokered convention stop donald trump in his tracks? a new york school is banning santa claus, the pledge of allegiance, all for being offensive. the president peak from the pentagon about the fight against isis.
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dose have any clue what he's doing? no. but you do because you are here on "kennedy." i'm going to fix this. how does she do it? welcome to the show. ted crew may be gaining in iowa but the latest monmouth poll has kres leading at 41%. what do we make this back and forth between cruz and trump. megyn mccain is here. and red eye co-host andy levy. welcome, everyone. it's such a treat. like a mug of gingerbread. drink it now let it wash down your throat. ted cruz obviously has the
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money, he raised $65 million with his campaign. is ted cruz more of a threat to anyone in the field than donald trump? >> probably. what trump sounds like here, he sounds like a hater and a loser. but the thing is, trump to me is the candidate most like trump in a lot of different ways compared to the other candidate. i believe he's too conservative to win a general elect but conservatives are out there saying we tried running a not conservative last time and that didn't work out too well. they both seem unlikeable to me. but cruz's favorables are through the roof. they are up to 77%. so i think right now at least in the early going he is the most dangerous person to trump. kennedy: normally in iowa that doesn't mean anything.
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but the differential two ted cruz is yes he has the face of evangelicals in his campaign but he also has the cash. >> he can get the momentum coming out of iowa. it's fascinating because iowa considered ted cruz the thinking man's donald trump. actually it doesn't surprise me that donald trump who openly admits to never asking god for forgiveness isn't doing well in an evangelical state. kennedy: trump said i don't know of a lot of evangelicals that come out of cuba. >> three months ago he would have said he's not qualified because he's mexican.
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>> he's canadian and wasn't born in the united states. kennedy: but he has that hot sweet cuban blood. donald trump has said that he has had plenty of attorneys look at ted cruz' birth situation. ted cruz's wife says he was deemed all of s. citizen because his mother was born in this country. >> i want to see if trump calls cruz a port snifting mary worshiper. cruz doesn't want to fight trump. so this has become like an ongoing snake charmer situation. trump is trying to play the right song.
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>> so far any time trump has attacked a gop rival they have come back at him and it hasn't worked in their favor. cruz may have the right strategy saying no, he's my friend. >> they think it many cute now, this flash dance video music is cute. will you next week they will be standing next to each other on the stage. you want to get to the presidency, ted cruz? har morarmor up. kennedy: he knows once he does that he can start offending shows precious voters. >> i say he doesn't have to. >> i say he will. kennedy: i think he's walk on sunshine. donald trump is squarely aiming at hillary clinton's record as secretary of state.
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he said this to chris wallace sunday. >> she was truly if not the worst secretary of state in the history of the country. she has killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity. kennedy: with an ak-47. hundreds of thousands of lives? i want him to be right. >> i love it. >> he does a good job getting the conversation where he needs it to be. but you can't argue that our foreign policy has been a success under hillary and obama. it would be like defending the 76ers. we didn't want this to happen. so i think he does a good job of pivoting the discussion. >> but at some point he has to get policy specific. are you talking about benghazi and syria? ways your plan moving forward to fix things the middle east?
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>> i guess would you say's a chameleon on foreign policy but that would assume he's changing firmly held positions. i think he doesn't have these marks squared out. he's saying we shouldn't go over there but he's saying let's bomb isis. >> he has consistently maintained his foreign policy will be great. what more do you want in a president? kennedy: has he given us enough an alternative foreign policy? >> no. kennedy: it's not enough to just criticize. >> not at his stage. for me, yes. he's not wrong about hillary. her stupidity didn't pull the trigger but it's fully automatic stupidity. he hasn't laid out a foreign policy of his own.
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one week he will sound almost like a neoisolationist. the next week he's talking about bombing them and taking their oil. >> he didn't know who the head of isis was. he's like a human comments threat. there is something refresh big it. people like it. kennedy: he puts up these trial balloons to see what works in his speeches. if it works. he sticks with it. the panel returns because president obama spoke out at the pentagon about his isis strategy. but dose have any clue what he's doing? the gop used a brokered convention. chris stirewalt knows as much
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>> our strategy is moving forward with a great sense of urgency on four fronts. coalition aircraft, fighters, bombers and drones have been increasing the pails of airstrikes. -- the pails of airstrikes. kennedy: he also says america will squeeze isis to make it harder to spread their proper began today and his administration is consistently reassessing their strategy to fight them abroad and at home.
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so was all this b.s. just an empty ruse? >> i cannot watch this. especially after his speech a week ago. he just continues to say isis is a problem and it's leadership as its very worse. all the things president obama has done, this is the worse. kennedy: have you seen his office space? throwing out vague statements, got getting anything done. what difference does it make if he goes to the pentagon? >> i don't understand. i guess it's good theater. is this the first time he met with his sake carry of defense? no, they go to the white house. the problem isn't where the meeting is. the problem is he has a good history of not listening to advice from the pentagon. fighting terrorists is not his thing.
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you can't slow jam terrorists away. i'm glad we are hitting them harder than ever. >> he's like an ad for prostate medication. >> he continues to say's not a war time president. we are sitting ducks and every security analyst i talked to said we are waiting for another 9/11 and it's petrifying. kennedy: lyndsey graham is always going to say that. >> he was saying that about kids' t-ball. kennedy: the president is very disengaged. he obviously doesn't care. >> when you hear 7 in 10 americans think we are close to
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a terrorist attack, did you have a conversation with your kids about their day and they are only half talking to you? smoke him out it was a cathartic thing. this guy is honest. the idea that rhetoric is helping them recruit is b.s. i don't believe reasonable people hear rhetoric from the president. kennedy: all he's doing is switching the venue. and his poll number are the so low on national security and a majority of people want boots on the ground. people are worried about moment grown terrorist attacks and lone wolves. his solution is i know, i'll say stuff at the pentagon that will make everyone feel confident. someone month isis is a jv and the next month we are fighting them harder than ever with a
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sense of urgency. >> if you don't know your enemy ... >> bush would say we are going to holly home them in the face. we miss you g.w. kennedy: a study finds too much sleep is bad for you. last week it was too little. what do the scientists want us to do. can a brokered convention cause total chaos in the gop? you used to sleep like a champ.
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takes the election. gop leaders reportedly met last week to discuss the prospects of a brokered convention. that prompted dr. ben carson to consider bolt the party as an independent candidate. >> one of the reasons i got into this is i heard the frustration in people who are so tired of back room deals wive subject tremendous fiewng and dis -- of subject tremendous fiewnof -- o. kennedy: here to make sense of it all is chris stirewalt. that's all we are hearing today. brokered convention. if the gop gets mad enough and donald trump wins the nomination.
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could they finger with his dreams at a convention? >> no, not if he wins the requisite number of delegates. it used to be smoke-filled rooms. they used to have state conventions that fed into a national convention. so party bosses on local levels close delegates to went to national conventions unbound, made choices and came back to the folks in peoria and said congratulations, it's somebody you never heard of. the overwhelming majority of these delegate go bound, they are bound to vote for by law the candidate who wins their state primary or the candidate who has wouldn't appropriate share of the votes. so if donald trump gets enough delegates for the nomination he shall be the nominee. kennedy: these are chilling unsettling time and there is a
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very crowded republican field. with that's candidate running in that's races certainly there is a chance no one person even someone as superhuman as donald trump could get the necessary majority of delegates going into the convention. if he doesn't have enough will there be a contested or brokered convention? >> is it possible that no one will go to the republican nomination without the right number of delegates? is it possible they will show up as they did in 1976 when the incumbent gerald ford showed up. ronald reagan who was running second said i'm not going contest this. he didn't have the delegates going in but he got them right away it many been since 1952 that there had to be a brokered convention. i still believe this is so much hogwash that the press corps even gangs in he four years that
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there is disaster, there is brokered convention. is trump going to trump or the republican party will coalesce between antitrump. and they will go on. but it will be clear and decisive in all likelihood. kennedy: everyone said in all likelihood donald trump would give in to the gravity of his mouth and that hasn't happened. this is an election so bizarre the past rules don't apply. we have seen the wild swings. we see ted cruz is up by 10 point in iowa. then he has a plan for the south carolina primary. >> i think donald trump is in the cat bird seat. this hogwash about saying nothing is the same be that's not the case.
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what's going on here is people are sorting themselves out. we don't have brokers conventions any more because of the internet, because of the connected nature of thing. it's not like they are seeing each other once every four years when they go to the convention. they are watchinged the same information coming through. i think republicans will come to a conclusion. i think trus is in the best condition for that to be him. kennedy: cruz and rubio have to combine forces. as long as they are both running i think donald trump has his best shot. when one of them drops out of the race, they have the best shot. >> valentine's day. we'll see how the world look after the folk start voting and we see how it's going, and
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people who have factually based campaigns they can run will really run, and the people who are high on hopeium will go away. kennedy: then i'll buy you a box of my little ponies. coming up, the guinness book of world record has found the man with the most darth vader memorabilia in the world. and the president's thoughts about 2016. the topical storm is next. >> this an important day. i made a big decision. i made a big decision. i'm but what if you could see more of what you wanted to know? with fidelity's new active trader pro investing platform, the information that's important to you
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kennedy: when your trampoline is
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slumming and your pool is full of gunk, come to me and we'll fly to freedom. this is the top calculate storm. topic number one. thank god will ferrell has a new movie coming out, because it's a perfect time for cross-promotion so he could dust off his "w" i am froation launch the latest presidential bid by making fun of the republican field. >> rubio and cruz sounds like a miami law firm. if you have been injured on the job, call rubio and cruz. then you have got this knucklehead. whenever i get in a bad mood i picture his big face. poor jeb. you have got to admit's a pretty good plot twist that i turned out to be the smart one. kennedy: you can see will's
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unashamed liberalism bleeding through the brilliance. i hope this movie floches so he can bring back "w" for a few more round. that and bernie sanders have been this season's highlights. topic two, the guinness book of world records has declared bill mcbride the world's top collector of dasht vader memorabilia. his vader vault has everything you can think of bearing his likeness. it's like the fort knox of nerds. i'm impressed. but mcbride's had the super limited edition of darth vader
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playing eddie murphy's dad in "coming america"? i love it so much. topic number 3. starbucks is killing christmas. first it was the boring red secular holiday cups free of snowflakes and christmas trees. now they want to murder polar bears. these grisly images have been trending as the stars look like blood dripping down white fur. they were made in 2010. keep your shirt on, people. i'm sure starbucks has clubbed baby fur the seal babies. topic number 4. there must be so many cat ladies
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in across dame yeah. dame -- in academia. check out this angry house cat who decided to best his best impression on a stuffed tiger. that will hurt you. see, the thing is willing to take on a beast it knows with certainty will kill him with one swipe. but he persists. that's what he plans on doing to you. he looks liking a starbucks polar bear. topic number 5. if you hop on a bus without a ticket and the inspector calls you on it, you can talk your way out of it, pay the fine, or
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escape out the window like this girl. oh, there she goes. keep in mind this is bel isabel. it's possible she is exiting a poorly designed bus door. a bus ticket inspector is the national animal. it's on their flag. do you know what the punishment for fare dodge is in bel berks laruse? death by cat boxer. if you have any stories you would like me to use on top cal storm tweet me sat kennedynation. coming up i'll tell you the
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surprise thing you never thought that could destroy isis from within. my panel returns to discuss today new york school that has band christmas, thanksgiving, the pledge of he len jones, santa and possibly certain santa and possibly certain nu
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i wasn't born yesterday. well, actually it looks like you were born yesterday. happy belated birthday. thanks. for all the confidence you need td ameritrade. you got this. kennedy: a new study from the university of sydney finds sleeping more than 9 hours a dead is associated with premature death. inactive people who sit and sleep most of the day are more likely to die young because they are sick, they have conditions that make them not do anything. is oversleeping the new smoking or is there more to this story?
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i could sleep as much as 15 hours a day, schedule permitting. indeed. >> there were two key word at the end of that. i'm willing to bet you never slept 15 hours a day. kennedy: you know what my roman name was in college? sleeps-alotakus. i slept 10 last night. i would if i could. >> the same study said sleeping fewer than 10 can also kill you. you have a 15 minute window. kennedy: how much sleep do you get a night? >> i get six hours of sleep a night and two of those are behind the wheel of my car.
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>> this whole thing struck me like the weather in florida. they say if you don't like the weather in florida wait five minutes. kennedy: you know who sleeps 12 hours a day who looks really good? penelope cruz. kennedy: that's the key for insomnia. let's get "vanilla sky." >> it doesn't make any sense. >> it has a great sound track. >> the soundtrack is phenomenal. kennedy: let's take it to twitter. the new principal of the school
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in brooklyn, a public school has reportedly unleashed a torrent of political correctness. administrators suggest a harvest festival instead of thanksgiving. christmas is obviously forbidden, but even stars are problematic because they could represent the star of david. kid are so bad at math, the place is run like an asylum. the pledge of allegiance is also gone. has political correctness gone too far or incredibly far. >> i never heard of the pledge of allegiance. i don't understand. kennedy: i don't care if i sounds like an old-time member of the legion. >> when they don't stand there. kennedy: they should be pledge allegiance.
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>> i don't like the fact she is replacing thanksgiving with the harvest festival. my great aunt was killed in a harvest festival. it's triggering for me and i don't think it should be taught in schools. >> where is the harvest? what are they harvesting? >> i wonder how people respond to terrorism. harvest festival and thanksgiving is something you find shocking. >> this is why trump is winning. people are sick of the persecution of the american lifestyle. tired of apologizing for it. the left created trump. that's why he drives them so crazy. they cultivated the world where if you don't like something you can make it go away by tweeting at it. these people are ridiculous. i'm a parent of a 7-year-old kid.
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if you want to get into the issues affecting these kid? they we have 700 pound third graders. >> it's like having kate moss as your winter idol. >> we talked about where 40% of elementary school kid are obese. bring back the bullies. kennedy: i think we have to bring back common sense. just like having a normal life and good teachers, and ordinary stuff. i don't want people to be ordinary. but i don't want them to be a bunch of sissy wimps who go to college and expect more of the same and they will let you and me and grandma and grandpa die.
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melissa harris enlightened the world earlier with this. >> he was totally a black guy with james earl jones. while he was black he was terrible and he used to bite hand. as soon as he claims the sun and go over to the good he takes off his mask and he's white. i have many feeling about that. kennedy: is the force with her? i don't think she knows a thing about "star wars." >> you don't need to have many, many feeling about darth vader. it's a movie. also, thanks for the spoiler. kennedy: i still have a fact that she said nasty things about mitt romney's fans.
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kennedy: it's an everything race. the color black is racist. my wagon is racist. >> is she high on the theory. is it really bad? then he goats white and saves the baby. kennedy: we just had a terrorist attack. whatever terrorist massacre in san bernardino, talk about something affecting this country. crazy. >> any time there is a national tragedy or we are in the middle of a war, the box office always does well. "star wars" is providing a necessary escape and hopefully we'll resolve all the issues that came up during the prequels. a.j. abrams has the chance to make this world right.
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everyone wants to be a contrarian when it comes to "star wars." >> it looks fun, and it was really fun being on the set. but after a while you get sandy. >> here is the problem. perry obviously lean left. but if you are going to demonize made-up stories, she is on making it harder for hillary. >> when i was a kid i had no idea the voice of "star wars" was black. kennedy: it's not like it's huggie bear from "starsky and hutch." >> it was a long long time ago in a galaxy far away.
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>> he was a black guy, now he's a white guy. no, he's not a machine. but the thing that drives me crazy is the return of the jedi where gorge lucas has to super impose him next to yoda. >> i have to rewatch this movie. kennedy: thank you so much, panel. coming up, we may have found the one thing that will destroy isis from within, and it's a big surprise you may not have thought of. what is it? stay tuned and i'll tell you.
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kennedy: information coming out of the islamic state indicates isis is choke itself to death in a way you might not expect, through high tax, regulations and price controls. could the regime implode through its bad financial policies? one can hope. let's talk about this. something surprising that you brought up. isis actually gets more money from tax than oil. >> we talked about this before. a lot of these sorts of regimes get money from the outside and that makes them vulnerable because you can cut off those financial flows. isis gets it from the inside because they control their funding apart from outside influences. the problem is they have to govern the territory they are in
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and they are not doing a very good job of that. kennedy: they are creating refugees and resent i am. >> they walk into a territory, everybody stand still, we are going to take everything here and then we are going to move on. the proanl is if they can move on, they have been able to gain territory, that's slowing down a little bit. if they can't move on once they robbed the bang, it's not sustainable. the real answer is to keep them from expanding their territory. kennedy: if people can't build anything or sell anything. >> you can't could fist skate wham not there and tax what's not there. this comes from the inside out rather than the outside in. kennedy: women can't do these
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higher-end jobs. they can only teach at girls' schools. >> isis is making calls to get people to come into their territory. they are taking half their population and saying you can't do anything except work as a clark at a store. that's great for those of us who want to see isis crumble but it's totally unsustainable for their economy. kennedy: at some point where that be enough to make the regime if you can call it, implode? >> apart from whether they leave, necessity just don't do anything. isis can't keep up the funding they need to do the atrocious things they are doing around the world. the question is how much time does it take? the sooner you collapse their territory the faster it happens.
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when these sorts of regimes see their territory start to shrink they become more violent. so it wouldn't surprise me if as the economy crumbles you see them doing more and more things, a last gasp. they are moving in the right direction from the standpoint of those of us who want to see their regime crumble. ken there are maybe this will be the recipe for their doom. >> it's like the soviet and china model. they do not last over the long term. kennedy: maybe they will do what china does and become economically liberal and socially controlling. >> i don't think those mod. s are sustainable. i think they have got it wrong and they will keep getting it wrong and it will be their undoing. kennedy: other models are not sustainable.
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victoria's secrets models. coming up, the united states and other nations sign an epic plan in paris. i'll tell you why that expensive
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kennedy: 195 countries pound out a deal to reduce carbon he miss and affect climate change at the paris fon conference. the united states made the deal with enough slippery language to avoid calling it a treaty, thus skirting congressional approval. by spending hundreds of billions of dollars through a hypocritical process of international bullying.
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the u.s. will pay for wind and solar countries don't want and won't use. now we are compromising our own growth with a condescending pat on the head to the developing world in homes our handout helps. even if we start running our factories on swedish fish and candy canes. who's to say the impacts clue moot. have you ever wanted to throw your iphone out the window in the sunshine? we are being given the true facts on all the factors some of which are wildly beyond coach our choices. when they get sun to pony up and pipe down, then i'll have faith into you are leaders. right moist's one giant solyndra. thank you so much for watching the show.
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don't forget you can watch all new episodes monday through thursday on the fox business network. network. kennedy: . for the bye bye foundation beautiful you collection from it cosmetics by jamie kern lima. brought to you by guthy renker. imagine having skin that looks this beautiful, this flawless, without having to wear foundation. imagine a product that covers everything but looks and feels like you're wearing nothing. imagine one product that is clinically shown to make your skin younger-looking in just ten days and can make you look up to five years younger instantly. this life changing product is bye bye foundation, the first ever full coverage moisturizer from it cosmetics. it's proven skincare and full coverage, plus broad spectrum spf 50+ sunscreen all in one simple step.


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