tv Cashin In FOX Business December 20, 2015 3:30am-4:01am EST
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a spectacular growth but growth and a good dividend. >> what do you think? >> i want to play the contrarian. goldman sachs downgraded from buy to neutral. buy it >> thanks for watching. keep it here. the number one business block continues with "cashin' in." >> it is very easy in hindsight to criticize the decision based on results that the decider could never have known. it is also easy to criticize the decision when you have no responsibility for the outcome of the decision. >> damned if you do, damned if you don't. police defend the l.a. school district for shutting down over a massive terror threat this week. new york, houston and miami getting similar threats but refusing to close. who immediate the right decision? i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." this week, michelle fields, jonathan hoenig.
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welcome, everybody. nerve gas, bombs in lockers, machine pistols and grenades. which school district did the right thing? >> it's tricky. you have to keep in mind that they just had the san bernardino attacks and the terrorist who committed the attacks in san bernardino reportedly had planned to go after a school. we have this in mind. it was fresh on their minds about what happened. it's easy to say they over reacted. if you have that in your head and on top of that it's better to be safe than sorry. >> new york didn't close schools, l.a. did. almost identical threats. which one, jess, was right? >> as a native new yorker i will go with the home team here. there were certain indications in the letter that this could have been a hoax that they didn't capitalize the "a" in allah which they say was a dead give away. i don't want to throw l.a. under
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the bus. i understand being cautious. we are in difficult times and the decisions have to be made more and more. what we should be talking about is sharing more information between police departments and intelligence offices. new york, we have been dealing with the greatest counter terror. >> we don't have a week to vet. this is a decision you have to make right there. >> you have to make a quick decision. >> john, one of the important issues is that 640,000 students and 70,000 employees didn't go to school or work over one e-mail. >> imagine the inconvenience, not to mention the expense. of course these schools had to sus pent classes. their job is to keep kids safe. if the school board can't defeat isis, the pta can't take on and destroy the islamic state that's government's job.
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essentially we are becoming here what the infantada has been in israel for years. everything is a threat whether it's pizza parlors, offices or schools. >> michelle and jonathan are on the same wavelength here. do you think houston made a mistake? do you think new york made a mistake not keeping kids out of class? >> i don't want to criticize new york. and houston or these other areas for their decisions. i think you can't criticize los angeles for doing this. >> can i push back a little bit? >> sure. >> new york says they get them every week and they can't shut town. >> why do they get them every week? >> that's the point. why? we have hardened airplane doors. now we have to take the shoes off, no liquids, body scanners. now they have moved to other threats. until we destairway the enemy this state of homeland security
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we have been in since 9/11 has been completely ineffective. now it's growing more disruptive with schools, any type of target is a threat. >> if something happened we would be here saying why didn't they do anything? well, there was a capital letter or not. we'd say that's a stupid reason for not doing anything. it's easy for us to say they made the wrong decision and it's inconvenient that they closed schools and parents had to take a day off work. it's more inconvenient to bury a child killed in a terrorist attack. >> imagine the hit to the my if every shopping mall shut down every time there is a threat via e-mail, every school, every business. it wouldn't take isis long to figure out we can shut down the american economy by sending e-mails. >> we are talking about some random person who sent a letter that resembles what homeland fans would be sending. i'm not -- i don't want to criticize l.a. line line this is
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part of a larger issue we will be facing going forward about how he need to beef up the way we evaluate whoever is coming in on visas. with the way we evaluate the threats we are getting. >> jess -- >> we need to be on high alert. you should learn from the forces who know how to deal with it and the new york police department is the best for doing this. >> john. >> jessica, aren't you giving in to the notion that we are in for a multi decade, quote/unquote, fight against radical islam? >> i'm not. >> it's not like the -- the pta can't destairway the enemy. only government has that. they have not yet addressed it which is why it may not have to be on high alert for everything. snipers at the super bowl. every bag is checked. everyone at the marathon has to be vetted on an individual basis. our lives are in deaf con one
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now until the enemy is destroyed. >> the way they reacted shows what's going on in this country. many people are living in fear. why? because they feel like the administration is not taking the threat seriously. something can happen. that's the larger issue that's happening. >> honestly, i'm trying to figure outgoing forward, a movie premiere, "star wars." >> you have a kid. >> i do. i'm being honest. i'm in favor of them -- i like them going through the hallways -- comes in the hallways. i am not in favor of shutting down the school. >> if you received the letter saying -- >> they do. they get them all the time. >> wouldn't you keep your kid home to be safe ? you would. you wouldn't send him. >> no, no. let the parents decide whether to keep the kids home or not. that's what you are getting at. i'm in favor of that. rather than shutting down. throw out a hundred e-mails with similar threat s and shut down the whole education system.
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>> we are in tough times now. >> aren't they winning when they shut down school systems with one e-mail. >> you sound like barack obama. >> i do? >> you sound just like him when you say you can't let the enemy win. >> i don't think that's what he said. george bush after the world trade center went to tv and said, get back out there. go back to the shopping malls. >> you're saying we should not shut down the school system because of a threat. that was the attitude. >>. >> we joked about the terrorists have won. >> they have. jihad has grown since 9/11. to your point, the fact that everything is a threat now,
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"star wars" opening, school plays. any place where people gather. >> football game, hockey game, adele concert. they are winning. we have to fix it. but we have to go now. add wake up america on your social media comments and tweets. we are averaging 15,000 comments per day and 25,000 on saturdays. your voice is reaching tens of millions when you use # wakeupamerica. coming up, satire turning serious on an ivy league college campus. did students at yale just sign away the first amendment rights? god help us if they did. >> we are
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an interesting take on free speech and the p.c. culture at college campuses taking an unexpected turn. a political satirist going to yale university asking student ifs the first amendment is still necessary. many were willing to sign away theirs first amendment rights. >> we are calling to repeal the first amendment. get rid of it. blow it up. >> i think this is fantastic. i absolutely agree. >> excellent. >> thank you. >> love it. >> i'll sign it. >> appreciate it. >> i appreciate what you are trying to do. >> you shouldn't be exposed to things you don't want to hear. >> yeah.
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>> micro aggression should not be protected. making fun of people is not cool. it sucks. >> i agree. >> fantastic. love it. signing it away. what's going on with college campus campuses? >> one in three college kids don't know what the first amendment is. the majority want codes against offensive speech. it's like they are perfect little college students. these are ideas that have been perpetrated at the most elite universities for decades. america is flawed, built on slavery. who needs to know what the constitution is all about? it was flawed from the start. >> especially when those nasty little micro aggressions. they're going to kill you. >> i told you guys before, i love micro aggressions. they keep things lively. this is ridiculous. we know they are edited. the average student isn't going
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to say that. to jonathan's point we need to be edgele indicating people more about the constitution, what it says and have a discussion about what hate speech is. >> how come college kids don't know about the constitution at yale university? they don't know about the constitution? >> it doesn't seem like everybody does. i think having a discussion, i don't think it has to be a mandatory freshman seminar. >> i think it does. >> hang in there. i want to read this. this is response from yale. a spokesperson said there are a number of, quote, heavily ed ed prank videos. if you watch that video, it doesn't look like they are pranked, like the kids know. they are signing away their first amendment rights. >> if you look at what happened at a lot of college campuses trying to silence free speech, create safe spaces where other opinions aren't allowed. this is what college kids are like today. they are delicate flowers who
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don't want anyone to hurt their feeling or so offend them. they believele that the constitution gives them the right to not be offended. that's what they think. it's crazy. >> as long as it fits their dialogue, once it gets into micro aggression, shut it down. >> it's anti-conceptual based on feelings. if their feelings are hurt, that's right. what they strive for is consensus in everything. that's groupthink. >> feelings, jess. you have an abundance. >> so many feelings and i'm having them now. maybe it's all about micro aggression missing the point. racism goes on, sexism. when we talk about the missouri case we ignore the fact that there were real racist threats that we had the swastika incident on the wall in the bathroom, things that were
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confirmed. these issues exist. but let's talk about the real issues instead of this side show. >> okay. let's move on to this. yale isn't the only college campus causing controversy this week. look at what our friends at campus found for us. this is a place mat. harvard giving out holiday placemats for social justice. it's a guide for holiday discussions on race, and justice with loved ones. harvard has apologized but now you're on this, jess. this is a great topic during christmas to teach people how to talk about race and socialle justice at the christmas table? >> at thanksgiving it was how to handle relatives who like donald trump. i think the placemat is ridiculous. we need to know how to talk to people with differing upons. i do it all the time. i keep coming back, outnumbered. it makes me a better person, a clearer thinking and more resolute in my own principles
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after each of these shows. >> harvard and yale, michelle. what's going on. >> it's the best and the brightest. pathetic the universities think they have to tell their student what is to think. they gave them a place card which are talking points because they think they are too dumb to not know how to argue about hot topics? if i was one of these people in school paying $60,000 a year i would demand a refund. >> and islamaphobia, refugees, black murders in the streets. you want to talk about this at christmas dinner? >> it demonstrates the danger of the university. they are training the future leaders and politicians where ideas are born. that's what's frightening. not like this is a small group of college kids who don't know about individual rights. this is institutionalized on the college level. we are churning out generation after generation of
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include the california terrorists and missing red flags and the sainthood of mother teresa. now back to kwoez cash. -- "cashin' in." >> putin is pushing for trump to win the white house. the russian president saying relations between the countries would be better. now what could it mean for america? >> i'm not a fan of putin.
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i don't think this is great. he's just trolling president obama, i think. i don't think he means it. he just wants to make him angry. >> jess, good or bad for donald trump? >> i don't think it matters. anything that's bad for donald trump ends up being good for him somehow. i have never seen someone that's receive lon to bad news. "ban muslims," up in the polls. i'm sure the base will think this is an indication of going into amazing american-russian relations. >> i mean, it's got to be better than putin saying we want to kill you, is it not? >> it's bet er than that, yeah. >> they have a lot in common. both banned press from covering their events. what frightens me is they both share not pat rottism but nationalism. for trump it's great america. for putin it's mother russia. that's collectivism. putin is not an endorsement a
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potential nominee should want or favor. >> michelle, would it be a draw on donald trump's popularity that putin likes him? >> no. i don't think it will make him go up in the polls. >> what if he takes off his shirt? >> that might help. >> i'd love to see him and obama square off on the basketball court and see how he will think he is then. >> if putin wants to kill isis, let him fly over syria and kill isis. decent strategy, no? i don't think you can trust vladimir putin. just as you wouldn't make a deal. trump wants to renegotiate, negotiate the iran deal as well. just because someone a strong leader and you can deal with them i don't think you should want to. that seems to be trump's point
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of view. >> horseback riding topless, u.s. and russia relations will be all better and good. >> jess, last word on this one. >> another reset that we'll have. joe scarborough asked donald trump about the endorsement and he said this is a man who has murdered journalists. trump's response was, well, we do a lot of killing in america. >> speechless. >> speaking of speechless, let's end it right there. coming up, mixed messages from the white house about keeping us safe. that's next.
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i want to say thanks to the crew for joining us. head over to to see jonathan's stock pick. by the way, in studio, both of the ladies. i can put my hand in everyone's shot. that's how we do it here. time to wake up, america. someone is lying to us. someone is deceiving us, someone is dishonest. listen to james comey on the terror threat to the homeland. >> the fbi has hundreds of first nations in all 50 states. >> just months ago comey estimated we had 900 credible threat s in all 50 states. amazing. now listen to the secretary of defense ash carter answering john mccain's question about isis not being contained. >> congressman forbes asked general duneford, quote, have we currently contained isil.
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general, we have not. mr. secretary, do you agree with general dunford? >> i agree with what the general said, yes. >> now listen to the secretary of homeland security jay johnson saying isis may be plotting to hide among the syrian refugees. >> we do have to be concerned about the possibility that a terrorist organization they seek to exploit our refugee resettlement process. >> got it so far? okay. now take a listen to president obama on thursday. >> our intelligence and counter terrorism professionals do not have any specific and credible information about an attack on the homeland. >> no credible information. really? i'm shaking my head, folks. either the fbi director, the secretary of defense, and the secretary of homeland security are conspiring and lying to us or the president of the united states is blatantly misleading you. i will stop now and let it sink
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in. the heads of three terror-sensitive agencies and deps in the u.s. government see the terror threat as real and imminent but the president is good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. president obama's public assessment of the islamic state is not only misleading, it's utterly wrong. according to thepoipentagon rep the islamic state is growing stronger in afghanistan. the pentagon report says the islamic state is now openly fighting the taliban there and trying to establish territorial control in large regions. i'll take up the administration's terror strategy with general jack keane in moments. donald trump has
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