tv Kennedy FOX Business January 9, 2016 8:00am-9:01am EST
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dissident minority idea into a majority idea is if a society has the space to think. >> the space to think. that's worth there's a brand-new skittishness to keep an eyeball on, swirling storms in the sea of international discontent, with north korea bragging about getting a fake hydrogen bomb, saudi arabia and iran set to annihilate each other, and the stock market tanking like a new george clooney movie, it feels like we're on the eve of destruction. donald trump wants to make america great again. do you bomb or invade north
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korea? trump's plan is to force china to do the world bidding since they decided to mentor such a useless nuclear troll. plus who wants to talk to kim jong-un. >> nobody talks to him other than dennis rodman talked to him. >> that's right. so you make china the beast, and dennis the beauty. basketball diplomacy with a side of dim sum. mm-hmm. >> i love him. the guy is awesome. he is so honest. he's a good guy to me. he's my friend. >> talking about kim jong-un. a murderous dictator. you know who else dennis rodman likes? >> look at that woman. donald trump don't marry any woman. >> china has to clean up this mess. north korea is their puppet state as evidenced by this.
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♪ i'm so lonely, so lonely, so lonely and sadly alone ♪ >> that's from a great documentary. pivot to the middle east, you have saudi arabia and iran leg locked in their own oily death match, their fight is worse than batman versus superman. ben affleck is not even a part of it. with yippy markets and hot feuds in every part of the globe, we are trucking to hell in a hand cart and nobody wants to apply the break. last night senator rand paul said trump and christie are set to start the next global conflict of the continuation of the fight that he started in the last debate. >> i think if you're in favor of world war iii, you have your candidate. here's the thing --- >> no, you didn't. chris christie is looking like you're little and i'm hungry. if we engage in all the places people like chris christie, marco rubio and hillary clinton want to, that sort of doom is a forgone conclusion, it all
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sounds so expensive and stupid. when you add it up the biggest loser in the conflict is you and me. i don't want that moody man baby hydrogen bombing us, i don't even want him to have a tank of helium for his kid's birthday party, i prefer measured u.s. foreign policy instead of going into murky conflicts. other than that, i think everything is going super. thanks for asking. all right. on the show tonight, dr. ron paul is here to sift through the global chaos and tell us what america shouldn't do. the next powerball lottery jackpot is the biggest in history. we'll tell you what to do if you win it. i'm kennedy. between atomic north korea and a stand off between iran and
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saudi arabia, if we end up with president clinton or president trump, will things get worse? jimmy fala is a stand up comedian and cab driver, we have andy levy, also a celebrated author, the co-host of red eye on the fox news channel. >> happy new year. >> great to see you. >> great to have you here the first week of the new year. that's a verbal thank you note. >> we're done with the happy new year. it's been a week. enough. how was your christmas? let's talk about the difference between being reactionary and a force of stability. who does this world war iii talk benefit in the presidential race? >> on the republican side you would think it would help trump the least, the idea of him being in charge of a period of global chaos is scary as hell it will probably help him the most
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mainly because everything helps trump the most. when i wake up and check the news and see something happens, oh that will help trump. the weather, a sports score or kim jong-un pretending to set off a hydrogen bomb it will help trump. >> you can have secret video of him euthanizing kittens, somehow that will -- >> yeah. on the republican side. also polls have shown for some odd reason republican voters trust him the most on foreign policy. >> yeah. >> which boggles my mind. on the democratic side, it helps hillary because bernie sanders doesn't give a rats ass about anything other than income inequality. >> do you agree donald trump could be the benefactor? >> yes, andy, for once, is right. the default answer -- >> andy that hurt your feelings. >> it's okay. >> the default answer to the
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question who does this benefit this year is donald trump on the republican side. hillary clinton i think would make the argument i have all this experience in foreign policy. i traveled all over the world. i know these players. that's true, she is sort of the architect of this disastrous foreign policy that is now unfolding before our eyes. this is something where i think one of her greatest assets in her mind is an achilles heel. >> i couldn't be surprised if she came up with the term strategic patience. we talk about reactionary versus stability or someone who is stabilizing force, i think she could sell herself as a stabilizing force. but right now i still think people want the reactionary. i think people want someone who reacts to isis, who reacts strongly, greatly, with america in mind. is that person donald trump? >> that is. somehow he has created this perception he's going to do something about terror, which is amazing to me. absent from this entire context right now, whoever becomes the president immediately gets alerted to what they can and can't do. right now all of these speeches
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are being given as if we have that information. we don't have that information. there's a lot of things we can't do. i think it hurts hillary the most, she's the architect of this. our foreign policy right now is johnny manziel right now, the laughing stock. at some point when you get done pointing the finger at him, you look at the scout. she's the scout, it hurts. >> who's in vegas, downing champagne with chicks and bikinis. >> i love he went to vegas and wore a disguise. >> i thought you meant bill clinton. >> funny. >> i'm really happy that we're talking about hydrogen bombs again, it makes me feel young. takes me back to the glory days -- >> hiding under the desk. >> the whole duck and cover thing. >> it's the first election in a long time where the leading democratic candidate and the likely democratic nominee is more hawkish than -- >> than the likely republican. it's true. everyone is trying to pin their opponent's foreign policy on hillary clinton. marco rubio is hillary clinton?
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marco rubio wishes he was as hawkish as hillary clinton. >> you can watch the upcoming presidential debate next thursday, january 14th. the first debate starts at 6:00 p.m. eastern with sandra smith and trish reagan. the time time debate at 9:00 p.m. i predict it will be the best debate of the year. thank you very much. coming up, donald trump is pulling out the birther card. and later north korea says, yeah, they have the hydrogen bomb. dr. ron paul
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>> boom is works every time. welcome back. donald trump -- thank you very much, andy. donald trump is still playing the birther card against -- not against himself, he's playing it against ted cruz and offering helpful advice while skewering him in interviews. >> i'd go and seek a declaratory judgment if i was ted. it can go quickly. declaratory judgment. it's very good. i used it on numerous occasions. i've been pretty good with it, actually. >> i would say great with it. the white house is getting in on the act. >> look, i -- it would be quite ironic if after seven or eight
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years of drama around the president's birth certificate if republican primary voters were to choose somebody who actually wasn't born in the united states and only 18 months ago renounced his canadian citizenship. but he has not renounced his keny citizenship. guy benson and andy levy, what is donald trump signaling here by giving ted advice? just get a declaratory statement. >> he is signaling that ted is okay on this. tweet it, get a statement, you'll be fine. >> ted doesn't know. went to law school. >> what donald trump is signaling, he's like a wino carpet bombing society. have you ever seen a wino on 85th and broadway and stands there rambling? >> yes, i live close to that
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intersection. >> oddly that's how we met. he can carpet bombing any suggest that comes his way. he doesn't think through the stuff like we do. >> he is more of a rhino carpet bomber. >> you say the whole thing is settled. are you cruising with ted? >> on this issue, absolutely. the law is clear. the simplest way to think about it, there's two brands of american citizen. natural born citizens and naturalized citizens. if you're a citizen of this country and have never gone through the process of being naturalized, you are by definition, by law and commonsense, you are natural born. he is eligible. >> that's the same for president obama. his mom was born here. he's also a natural born citizen. >> he was also born here. >> he was born in hawaii. >> if by here do you mean a citizen of the world. >> is trump being passive aggressive or giving genuine advice? >> it's classic trump. cruz is leading him in iowa now,
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he brings it up. he acts like, oh, i think everything is fine. but i'm hearing this from a lot of people. >> that's why i keep bringing it up 20 times a day. >> he has an unbelievably hackie spokesperson -- >> cruz does. >> no trump. back then she actually posted on facebook, she said ted cruz is a natural citizen by birth and is eligible to be president. for those citing otherwise, it's whiney. now she says there's a ton of voters who are uneasy about voting for someone from outside the country. this is the hackie world we live in. >> team switching and bad verbiage. >> i love trump saying i hear people talking about this. yes. because of you. because of you. the person you hear talking
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about it is you on every television. >> that's still a person. if he were two persons he would be people. the panel returns later. if you want to get man happy stay here. plus michael ian black, an all-around comedy war lord will join me to talk about his book. a madman dictatorship might have a hydrogen bomb. dr. ron paul has some surprising points on how america should points on how america should handle at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like reunions equal blatant lying. the company is actually doing really well on, on social media. oh that's interesting. i - i started social media. oh! it was so strap yourselves in for action flo! small business edition. oh, no! i'm up to my neck in operating costs! i'll save the day!
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disputed. nevertheless how should america handle a hydrogen rogue nation? joining me now is dr. ron paul, former texas congressman and host of the ron paul liberty report. so, let's talk about north korea a bit. >> okay. >> should they have a hydrogen bomb? is that okay? >> well, no, they shouldn't have them, but we should have a lot less of them, too. nobody should have them. it would be best that nobody has them. but, no, we don't need more nuclear bombs in the world. >> yeah. >> of course they don't have one. so i don't think people should get too worried and lie awake at night right now because somebody that's pretty inept as a world leader is turning to threats. the comedy here is that we sort of cringe, that north korea, they can't feed themselves, they can't light their country up, they don't have electricity, we're intimidated and we all of a sudden have to make this a big, big event.
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it's interjected into the presidential campaign. no, i think the whole process is overblown. >> okay. >> but the question was should we have more nukes? no, we should have a lot less. >> i'm not so worried about us, by in large the state actors who have nuclear weapons can be described as at least somewhat rationale. but a country that can't feed its people, governed by an inept people, starving citizens to death and pouring that money into a nuclear program, it does give me pause. i have to admit. i agree with you that the united states should not be intervening. we should not be attacking other countries. but i don't know if i want to wait for north korea to use their hydrogen bomb on us. >> well, what are you going about tack stan? they're not very reliable either. when pakistan and india got them, everybody predicted horrible things, they end up with weapons and they're in a standoff and won't attack each other. when we had most of the nukes, the soviets had 30,000, and we
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had equal number. the world was on the point of total annihilation, but it never happened. so, the fact that people have it, it's sort of like back to the issue of guns. you know, the gun is not the problem, it's the people behind it. you correctly point out this guy is goofy, but that also means he's pretty darn inept, and he knows how to play us. the fact that he can play this game for the fourth time now -- >> yeah. >> it says something about us so easily intimidated. north korea has -- they detonated an explosion in 1952. so, it goes on. i think that people -- just think of all the years, still plenty now are intimidated by iran. iran might get a nuke. when this story came out about north korea, it was immediately on national television the hawks said, oh, i'll bet you iran is
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behind this. we have to check this out. >> yeah. >> that was just pure war mongering for the military industrial complex. >> i agree with you. i do think there are people who take opportunities like this to fan hysteria. there's definitely something in it for them. having said that, if you take the neocons out of it, the hawkish reaction out of it, there's a level of instability, it may not meet your threshold of alarming, but it is still pretty freaky. donald trump says the way to handle north korea is force china to do it. do you agree with that? do you agree we should be putting economic or trade pressure on china and have them shorten north korea's leash? >> that makes no sense. it it's irrational. if we were tough and had a tough negotiator with china and said we're not going to buy your stuff anymore, that's really off
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base. i think that -- you know, people -- people want to have these weapons, but generally there's a reason for it. but what did we do when there were missiles in cuba? that's when i was drafted. that was a real story. and, you know what? kennedy talks to krushev, they take the missiles out, the cold war lingers on. that's danger. one guy maybe having something? he doesn't have it, he doesn't have a delivery device and this fear mongering goes on that's so dangerous. it's all out of proportion. >> all right. so you're saying the fear mongering is much worse than the reality itself. i will take you at your word. i will sleep better. but i'm telling you, if something happens i'm coming to your bunker and eating your gluten free granola and drinking your water. if you want to fear somebody,
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fear the leftover nukes over in russia worry about pakistan, worry about india, worry about the middle east. the weapons are all over the place. >> maybe i worry about the middle east every day. i absolutely do. >> well, i'll tell you what, i'd worry about a lot less if we weren't provoking people f we had not invaded 120 countries and antagonizing people, fixing elections, throwing out dictators, installing our dictator, declaring war against syria. that's the problem. >> we have five seconds left, dr. paul. do you like rand's chances? >> well, you know, it remains to be seen. he has do well in iowa. that's what he's planning on doing. there's been stories out that he may be a dark horse and will do very well in iowa. but, you know, if he had fair coverage, i think he would be doing better. he's organized, has a lot of young people. if they get out, you know, when i ran i was in second place, but
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they didn't announce it. so, this is -- this is the way -- if you're against the fed and against war mongering, believe me, the establishment media, they don't want to hear that message. it's so dangerous to the establishment, they want to promote the foreign policy that we have and the monetary policy and bail out the rich, the whole mess. they don't want to change anything. that's what he's up against. if he does well in iowa, that's going to change the whole story. >> that's a mouthful, dr. paul. thank you very much for joining me tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you. all eyes on iowa. coming up, we'll climb behind the wheel of a car as it plunges off the road and over a cliff. the terrifying footage coming up. and a father records some magic shock and horror his daughter experiences when she learns the
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helicopter, come with me, we'll float away on parachutes of news. this is the topical storm, topic number one. spoiler alert. i'm about to show you footage revealing very important "star wars" plot twists from the empire strikes back in 1980. but it's not just new and shocking to coma patients, a whole swath of kids are just now learning the identity of luke skywalker's father. like anabella. watch as her dad records her reaction to the news. >> luke, i am your father. ♪ >> no, is that true? she's so priceless. she was really shocked. god bless her. oh. and i have to say, really? darth vader? man, i only ever watched the
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"star wars" special edition where george lucas dubbed over darth vader with donald trump's voice. >> it's not true. >> no, it's true. >> that's impossible. >> no, no, no, it happened. >> topic number two. a chinese drone maker revealed a giant drone capable of transporting an entire human being. behold the megadrone. wait a minute. a drone that you can fly around? isn't that just a helicopter? am i missing something here? the press release does say it's autonomous which means you can plug in your destination and it will fly you there itself. yeah, i guess the whole megadrone thing works ouis cool hope it's better than that autonomous car that lets your
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car chauffeur you around. >> i told you he could drive. >> ah! >> now, for our mindless destruction segment, it's topic number three. what happens when your bowling night with friends devolves into full-blown jackassary. this man is the miley cyrus of bowling alleys, he has proven how much damage you can do in the blink of a drunken eye. watch. that's so awesome. oh. look, ta family of gypsies also falls from the ceiling. how fun would it be to take that guy, play lawn darts at the clinton summer picnic. gives me the giggles already.
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topic number four, technology's a blessing. drivers, motoring bicyclists love gopros on their head when they're tooling around watching videos for hours and hours delighting themselves and boring their friends to tears. this helmet cam is far from boring. one guy was going super fast on angeles crest highway, making vroom noises in a pair of tunnels, but when he got distracted by his car's fnoise, he took a turn way too tight. wait for it. it's coming up after this tunne tunnel. >> oh no! oh no! >> yes, yes. yes, yes. and sadly he died. no! that's not true. he didn't die. he lived, but i bet he soiled
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his calvins. luckily he landed on a drainage pipe, that saved his life, but now he might die from embarrassment as the world finds out he was driving a 2004 subaru forrester. fortunately that guy was able to catch a ride home from one of his friends. >> ah! >> neither he or tunse made it out alive. topic number five, raccoons evolved to steal food from campers and garage cams. but they're also very clean. did you know that? yeah. they like to wash their pilferer trash. which is problematic when the food they've stolen is cotton candy. mm-hmm. there he goes. right in the water. washing the cotton candy. hey, wait a second. yeah, put it in again. hey. it's a magic trish. oh, that's frustrating.
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going to comb through the water with his fingers for hours. all he wanted was his cotton candy. what a cruel and unyielding universe. if you think about it, isn't that raccoon a metaphor for the fleeting nature of wanting and having and how attachment to materialism is completely fruitless? i know, it's deep stuff. like this. that raccoon is riding a dice cal. if you have any weird stories you want to see on the topical storm, tweet me, i'll find them there. use #topicalstorm. coming up, the panel returns. the next powerball jackpot is the biggest in history. i'll tell you exactly what i would splurge on. and then actor, comedian, pirate michael ian black is
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welcome back. jeb bush reportedly embracing his slow but steady wins the race philosophy, making a habit of passing out tiny turtle figurines to children along the campaign trail. is rebranding himself as the joyful tortoise going to change everything? the panel is going to discuss. okay. so, he goes out to little kids, he reaches in his pocket, and he pulls out tiny turtles, he gives them to the terrified children. how does the analogy work? >> it's not creepy at all. the only way his tortoise and the hare analogy is if the tortoise father and brother already beat the hare in two races and the tortoise was the heavy favorite going into this race. that's the only way this works.
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also, tortoises and turtles are not the same things. tortoises live on land, turtles live in water. i guess this is good for bush because he is under water in most polls. >> here's a quote from jeb bush as he is handing out the turtles. he says i have a bunch of turtles. i got the little baby jesus, i got my rosary beads and three turtles. he sounds like my grandmother when she was 96 years old. actually she would have run a more competent campaign, god rest her soul. he's spending tons of money and it's totally working. >> she might run a more competent campaign today. it's a low-energy animal. very low energy. the one thing about tortoises, even they are moving forward, towards the finish line. jeb bush has been moving backwards in the polls. they have spent, he and his allies, $50 million, including $33 million in iowa and new hampshire. he's in first place in both states, right?
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>> he's in sixth place nationally at 3%, fifth place in iowa, sixth place in new hampshire. the favorable ratings have gone down since spending all that money. maybe less money on advertising, more money on figurines of animals. >> that's where the $50 million has gone. >> the tortoise budget is blown. >> he should give it to children over 18. >> if he is the tortoise what does that make rick santorum? >> jeb is giving away turtles, rick santorum is giving away driving directions. you must be lost. i'm so sorry. >> when people actually show up? have you downloaded waze, this is all wrong. >> we don't want to bag on him, but he is earning it. >> very nice guy, good governor. >> he's bringing out dubya, by the way. >> he's so desperate, he's bringing out bill clinton. the bad news is i didn't win
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last night's powerball drawing, but the good news is nobody else did either. so saturday's is the largest in history estimated at $700 million. look at those bubbling balls. that's such incredible promise. the payout will be 400 million if you get it all at once. how could you not play? >> the odds are insane. i was reading it's 1 in 775 -- wait, that's martin o'malley's chances of winning. everyone does say that. i only play the big pot. they're all big. i never understood that rash rational. play when it's 4 million, you have a chance. >> are you playing? >> all you suckers who bought tickets yesterday, you must feel like an idiot. no, i'm not playing.
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>> people feel there's hope, the odds will be in their favor at some point. i want you to put it all into perspective. $700 million sounds like a lot of money. >> it does. i'm of the opinion that we're having too much fun on this show. i will be a wet blanket, if that's okay. $675 million. according to cbs news, our beloved federal government spends about $700 million per minute. if uncle sam were to win this jackpot, washington would have spent all of it within two hours. rand paul said the federal government borrows about $1 million per minute. at that rate, by the time our viewers wake up tomorrow morning, washington will have borrowed $675 million. >> well done, washington. >> so the debt is still a thing. i know we're not talking at all in this presidential campaign, because we're talking about birth certificates and donald trump and what have you, e-mail scandals -- >> i would like to say i'm more responsible thannal federal government. if i win that money, i could make it last at least two weeks.
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>> you are so frugal. >> i really am. >> you're so good. that's one of the most beloved adjectives that people can call you. >> if i do win, i will still come back on the show. >> get out of of dodge. when you say every once in a while does what does that mean. >> on a pedestal bed, carried in. >> a four-poster? what would be your big purchase? >> i like the new mercedes g class coupe. have you seen it? >> no. >> it's actually a bad ass car. i know we were talking about the tortoise, but you heard crickets. >> i don't know if you wanted me to say hookers. >> i assume you would use the coupe to get the hookers. >> you said car, awe, he just
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ruined everything. i would love to see a wealthy and famous person win the lottery. like tom brady. i would love to see tom brady win $700 million, just to make people super depressed. >> what about joe biden? >> he really should, he's america patriot. has a beautiful smile. >> yeah. >> warm heart. and he makes bad decisions, like not running for president. thank you guys so much. >> so much fun. >> you are all my kind of guys. coming up, comedy juggernaut michael ian black is here. is he running for president? probably not. but he's very funny and charming. stay with me. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like reunions equal blatant lying. the company is actually doing really well on, on social media. oh that's interesting. i - i started social media. oh!
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admitted publicly he's, in fact, middle aged. he has written a new memoir about the travails of being in your mid 40s. his new memoir "naval gazing: true tales of bodies, mostly mine." between the baldness, the toenail fungus, is there anything good so far about mid age for you? >> yes, actually. despite all of that, i find myself happier than i've ever been. >> that's nice. >> do you find yourself happier? you're not middle aged. >> i think we're almost exactly the same age. >> i'm 44. >> i'm 43. >> i find myself happier than i have ever been. i don't want to go back. i just want to be as ripped as i was. >> were you ever ripped? >> no. >> you don't strike me as somebody who was ripped. >> no.
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>> you don't strike me as a chubby kid. >> no, i never felt good about inhabiting my own skin until recently. >> you started running. you have a hilarious few chapters about running in the book where you complain that there are a lot of books about running, form, clothes, stuff like that. no one telling you how much it sucks. >> that's the main attribute of running, it's terrible. it hurts, it's boring, and it takes a long time. at the end of it you get nothing. >> you got nothing because your family didn't show up when you finally finished a 10k race. you were there, it was this incredible moment where you wanted to show your kids the power of perseverance, never giving up, and completing a project. >> they didn't make it. they couldn't bother to be there on time. >> the book is very funny. above all else, you're a hsuper
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humorous person. you talk about your mom's sugar, and she doesn't have a belly button. >> she doesn't have a belly button. they took her belly button in surgery. they gave her a belly button-ectomy. >> i don't nknow, they had to g in, fix some things, go back in through the belly button. >> she had the choice of getting a new belly button -- >> she opted against it because it was a lot of money. i think that was right call. >> there's something about that that's disturbing for you. >> not having belly button. >> your mom not having a belly button. she's like adam and eve. >> as a child we were literally connected through that belly button. >> through your belly button. not hers. >> that's exactly right. that's exactly right. i don't understand basic human
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anatomy. why should her belly button being gone bother me at all. it shouldn't. >> you have an honest discussion throughout the book about your mom, a number of surgeries, a cancer diagnosis, your mom is gay, she and her partner said it's okay if you're gay -- >> they outed me, despite the fact i am not gay. they sat me down at 13, brought me into the living room and said being gay is totally fine. >> we're gay. >> i was like did i do something to make you think it was not okay? they thought it was me, then i was furious. the only thing i knew about me is that i was straight. >> you were straight shamed. >> i was straight shamed. you could say that's part of the gay agenda. they were trying to initiate you into the nefarious homosexual lifestyle. >> you had one foot in the cave. >> but i found out later that my
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mom was actually afraid that i was day. she was being the homophobe of the two of us, because she was worried about how it would affect my happiness in my life. >> she is like the blind racist on the chappelle show. >> she is like the blind racist. one of my favorite stories in here is where you decided to donate bone marrow to a girl who you went to nyu with, and you didn't want to be the oskar schindler of bone marrow. >> they bait you. they're like this girl is dying. come see if you can be a match for her bone marrow. i knew i wasn't going to be a match. she had rare bone marrow. i'll do that. i feel like a hero. >> you felt so virtuous for doing nothing. >> for having tried. weeks later i get a call, there's some dude in indiana or wherever who you might be a match for. do you want to come in for further testing? now i'm responsible for everybody? now i'm the oskar schindler of
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bone marrow? it was horrible. thankfully i wasn't a match. i didn't have to save that stupid guy's life hart. god. they put you in a position, if you don't want to come in for further testing, you'll kill somebody. >> their life is on your hands. >> i had three of those calls. >> you never done it. >> i have always done t but not a full match. >> i love the book "naval gazing true tales of bodies mostly mine, but mostly my moms -- which i know sounds weird." read the book. it's funny. >> you clearly have read it, i appreciate it. >> i enjoy you. >> i enjoy you. >> coming up, it's not just the north korean nuke crisis, the global economy is on turmoil and taking
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tanking over the last few days. i'm so sorry about that. don't feel bad. so has the rest of the planet as chinese stock markets plunged and exchanges throughout europe dropped. here to make sense of the entire financial roller coaster is professor brian brenberg of the kings kol college. happy new year. >> happy new year to you, too. >> let's discuss. stock market is doing bad. it has something to do with china. >> it has a lot to do with china. the chinese stock market took a huge plunge yesterday. they have two levels of problems. the chinese economy is weakening. we've known that for quite some time. >> they try to hide it. >> yeah, you never know if you with trust the chinese statistics. the problem here is even the statistics they're releasing is bad. so we knows there a problem. the chinese economy is
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weakening, that's a problem for companies that send raw materials to china to make things, but the bigger problem is the chinese stock market has seen a selloff, but the chinese government has been intervening to stop it and they're making the problem worse. >> so they're not letting their market correct itself, and that's obviously exacerbating things. which is typical. china is not known as a free market economy. >> not a truly free market economy. they may have some reform. >> they are blending these things together. they're trying to intervene when the stock market plunges, and that makes problems worse. when people are selling stocks, they decide to halt trading, which only encouraging people to sell stocks faster before they halt trading. >> it scares people. >> yeah. they don't let big investors sell shares which makes others say i will dump my shares before those guys have an opportunity to do it. they're trying to manage this but managing it the wrong way.
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that's spilling over to the u.s. stock market, the european stock market, causing this worldwide malaise. the question is how much more will china screw up what's going on in the financial markets? >> what should they do? should they pull back completely? >> they did one good thing today, they stopped the circuit breaker mechanism. when the market has been falling, the chinese step in, stop, we'll stop trading for 15 minutes. that causes everybody to trade before the halt happens. they stopped doing that today. they stepped out of the market. it's those kinds of things that china has to be doing. this is the problem when you have a market economy growing in a mostly communist socialist regime. this problem, i think will be around for a long time. it will hang over markets in 2016. >> that is the saddest thing i've ever heard. but somehow capitalism will prevail because it absolutely must. it is a moral certainty. brian, thank you very much. >> always good to be here. >> always good to have you here.
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