tv Republican Presidential Debate FOX Business January 31, 2016 9:00pm-11:01pm EST
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but the dynamic is very important, as well. that is it for us today from southern california. thanks again for watching. please remember, the spin stops here becararararararararararara looking out for you. ♪ [ applause ] 8:00 here in des moines, iowa. i'm bret baier, with megyn kelly and chris wallace. >> tonight, we are coming to you live from the iowa event center in downtown des moines in the shadow of the iowa state capital. in just four days, people here in the hawkeye state will caucus and cast the first votes of the 2016 election. >> tonight, we're partnering with google for an exclusive second screen experience.
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search fox news debate on goggle any time in the next two hours to access exclusive content. you can see the campaigns respond to the debate in realtime and you can weigh in by voting on the tompics being discussed. just go to >> google sees political searches spike during televised presidential debates, no surprise there. but they spike by more than 440% on average, as voters across america seek to learn more about what's happening on the live debate stage. >> seven candidates are on that stage tonight. their position on the stage determined by their standing in the latest national polls. as well as polls in iowa and new hampshire. and here they are. texas senator ted cruz. [ applause ] florida senator marco rubio. [ applause ] >> dr. ben carson. [ applause ]
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former florida governor jeb bush. [ applause ] >> new jersey governor chris christie. [ applause ] ohio governor john kasich. [ applause ] >> and kentucky senator rand paul. [ applause ] >> apparently iowa is near kentucky. >> tonight's rules are simple. up to 60 seconds for each answer, 30 seconds for each followup response. if a candidate goes over the allotted time, you will hear this. i think the double is the one we want. very pleasing. we have a crowd of about 1600 here, and while they have agreed to respect the candidates and listen intently, we can tell you they are very excited to be here. am i right? [ applause ] >> let's get started. senator cruz, before we get to the issues, let's address the elephant not in the room
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tonight. [ laughter ] donald trump has chosen not to attend this evening's presidential debate. what message do you think that sends to the voters of iowa? >> megyn, let me say at the outset to the men and women of iowa, thank you for the incredible hospitality over this past year. by monday, you will have welcomed me in all 99 counties in iowa. you will have welcomed my dad to preach at your churches. you will have welcomed heidi and our girls, caroline and catherine into your homes. and i'm so grateful for the diligence, for the seriousness which the men and women of iowa approach this process. if i am elected president, keep an eye on the tarmac because i'll be back. because iowa in 2017 will not be fly-over country. it will be fly-to country. [ applause ] now, secondly, let me say i'm a
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maniac and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly. and ben, you're a terrible surgeon. now that we've gotten the donald trump portion out of the way -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] i want to thank everyone here for showing the men and women of iowa the respect to show up and make the case to the people of this state and the people of the country why each of us believe we would make the best commander in chief. [ applause ] >> the divide between you and mr. trump has turned into one of the biggest stories in the country. and for six months, you praised mr. trump as somebody who you thought was an effective voice against the washington cartel. you said you were glad that he was running as a republican. but when he started to criticize you, your message changed.
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and you suddenly started to portray him as the voice of the washington cartel and suggested he would do the democrat's bidding. which is it? >> well, let me be clear, if donald engages in insults or anybody else, i don't intend to reciprocate. i have not insulted donald personally and i don't intend to. i'm glad he's running and produced enormous enthusiasm and every donald trump voter or potential voter, i hope to earn your support. i know everyone else on this stage hopes to earn your support. there's a difference between going into the mud with adhomonyms. policy and vision and record should be the meat of politic. that's fair game but that's where i'm going to focus. that's how i focussed from the beginning of the campaign and how i plan to continue going forward. [ applause ] >> senator rubio, i want to explore this larger issue. the campaign has in a sense
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turned into a battle for the soul of the republican party, establishment versus grassroots, pragmatic versus principle. you can say you can unite all of the factions inside the gop. how? >> chris, let's be clear what this is about. it's not about donald trump. he's the greatest show on earth. but this campaign isn't the greatest country in the world and a president who has systematically destroyed many of the things that made america special. you see, we usually elect presidents in america that want to change the things that are wrong in america. barack obama wants to change america. barack obama wants america to be more like the rest of the world. we don't want to be like the rest of the world. we want to be the united states of america. that is why hillary clinton cannot win this election. hillary clinton this week said barack obama would make a great supreme court justice. the guy who systematically violates the constitution on the supreme court? i don't think so. if i'm the nominee, i will unite
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this party and we'll defeat hillary clinton and turn this country around after serve years of the disaster that is barack obama. [ applause ] >> governor bush, it's hard for anyone of your pedigree to avoid being called establishment. but isn't that part of the problem, that three others on this stage are splitting the main stream republican vote and there by possibly hand thing nomination over to an anti-establishment candidate? >> bret, we're just starting. let's let the process work. i trust iowaens, people in south carolina and nevada to start this process out. i kind of miss donald trump. he was a little teddy bear to me. we always had such a loving relationship in these debates and in between and the tweets. i wish he was here. everybody else was in the witness protection program when i went after him on behalf of what the republican cause should be, conservative principles, believing in limited government
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and accountability. leading by fixing the things that are broken. my dad and brother who were presidents of the united states. fine, i'll take it. i guess i'm part of the establishment because barbara bush is my mom. i'll take that, too. but this election is not about our pedigree, this is about people who are hurting. we need a leader who will fix things and have a proven record to do it. and we need someone who will take on hillary clinton in november. someone who has a proven record, who has been tested and is transparent. i released 34 years of tax returns and 300,000 e-mails to get the information from hillary clinton, you need to get a subpoena from the fbi. [ applause ] >> senator christie, you began this campaign touting your record as a republican from a blue state who knows how to get things done and reach across the aisle.
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however, many republicans feel that reaching across the aisle and getting things done isn't great if you get the wrong things done. and they prefer to stand on principle rather than compromise. why are they wrong and you're right? >> they're not wrong. but what's wrong is your premise in the question. you can do both. there is no reason why you can't stand for principles, go and fight for them, and be able also to have to get things done in government. you know, what people are frustrated about in washington, d.c., and i know the folks out there tonight are frustrated because what they see is a government that doesn't work for them. for the 45-year-old construction worker out there having a hard time making things meet. he doesn't want to hear the talk about politics and who is grassroots and establishment. what he wants is something done. that's the difference between being a governor and having done that for six years in new jersey and being someone who has never
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had to be responsible for any of those decisions. barack obama was never responsible for those decisions. hillary clinton has never been responsible for those kind of decisions where they were held accountable. i've been held accountable for six years as the governor of new jersey and with a democratic legislature, i've gotten conservative things done. that's what i'll do as president of the united states. [ applause ] >> senator paul, you are definitely not in the establishment category. but at the beginning of this campaign, you said you were your own man when asked about your father, former texas congressman and three-time presidential candidate ron paul. senator cruz is out with a video saying cruz is the political heir to your father's 2012 campaign and the liberty movement and your father now says it's realistic that donald trump will be your party's nominee. did you make a mistake by not more fully embracing your father politically at the beginning of this campaign?
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>> you know, i've always had a great deal of respect, probably no person i respect more in the country than my father. i think he was probably the most honest man in politics we've ever seen in a generation. so in no way have i ever said i don't embrace my father or appreciate everything he's done for the country. i think what's interesting where that liberty vote goes that my father brought to the republican party, i don't think they're necessarily going to go for ted. ted didn't show up. we had a vote, the biggest thing my dad had been advocating for, for 30 years, ted was the only republican that didn't show up for it. so that vote is going to stay in the paul household. i think more is coming and will grow. the nsa is another big issue. ted said he was for nsa reform, but then he told marco rubio, no, i voted for the bill because i'm for the government
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collecting 100% of your cell phone records. i don't think ted can have it both ways. they want to say they're getting some of the liberty vote. but we think we'll do very well in iowa with the liberty vote. [ applause ] >> senator cruz, your response to that? >> well, i agree with rand that i very much respect ron paul and i think anyone who is going to win in the republican party has to bring together the disparate elements of the reagan coalition, bring together conservatives and libertarians and evangelicals and stitch together a winning majority. when it comes to the audit of the fed bill, i was an original sponsor of the bill, i'm supportive of it. it didn't have the votes to pass and i had commitments to be in a town hall in new hampshire. but i look forward to signing that bill into law as president and auditing the fed and providing needed accountability at the federal reserve. [ applause ] >> senator rubio? >> i think, you know, rand and i have some significant issues on policy, but i respect rand.
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he believes everything he stands for. [ applause ] i want to be frank about what i stand for. i believe the world is a safer and better place when america is the strongest power in the world. i believe only with a strong america will we defeat this radical group called isis. that's why when i'm president we're going to rebuild our intelligence capabilities and a rebuilt u.s. military is going to destroy these terrorists. if we capture any of these isis killers alive, they are going to guantanamo bay, cuba and we'll find out everything they know. because when i'm president, we will keep this country safe, unlike barack obama. [ applause ] >> may i respond? >> we'll come back -- >> just very quickly, i would like to respond. the bulk collection of your phone data, the invasion of your privacy did not stop one terrorist attack. i don't think you have to give up your liberty for a false sense of security. when we look at this bulk collection, the court has looked
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at this. even the court declared it to be illegal. if we want to collect the records of terrorists, let's do it the old fashioned way. let's use the fourth amendment. let's put a name on a warrant, let's respect the history of our country. john adams said we fought a war for independence because we wanted to fight against generalized warrants. let's don't forget that. [ applause ] >> governor kasich, i want to get back to this question of where conservatives are this year. you call yourself a "inside outside guy, a reformer who knows how to get things done," but you reject the establishment label. the first question is why do you reject it? and secondly, what do you say to republican voters this year who view practical government experience as a liability and not an asset? >> first of all, i had a national reporter say there's three lanes. there's the establishment lane, the anti-establishment lane and then the kasich lane. the reason is, i've been a
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reformer all my career, fighting to reform welfare, fighting to reform the pentagon. also being in a position to balance the budget. because that is very hard to do. and then in ohio, i had to bring about big reform, again, because we were so far in the hole and now we just found out we were up over 400,000 jobs since i took over as governor. you know, the situation is this, we cannot fix the things in this country, the social security, the border, balancing the budget, getting wages to grow faster, unless we lead as conservatives but we also invite people from the other party. we have to come together as a country and stop the division. that's been my message in new hampshire. i just received the support of 7 out of 8 of the newspapers in new hampshire, because they see positive, they see unity and coming together and they see a record of change and accomplishment. it's not because i'm that great,
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it's because i've been assembling a team of people who want to be involved in something bigger than themselves. i'll keep heading in that direction, believe me. >> dr. carson, i want to pick up on that with you. governor kasich likes to say he knows how to land the plane. you've landed a lot of planes in the o.r. but what about the idea of running for president with no experience in government at all? >> well, i will gladly confess that i'm the only one on this stage with no political title. you're not going to hear a lot of polished, political speech from me. but you will hear the truth. and i don't think you have to be a politician to tell the truth. [ applause ] in fact, sometimes it's not that way. i've had more 2:00 a.m. phone calls than everybody here put together, making life and death decisions, put together very complex teams to accomplish things that have never been done before.
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and we are in a situation right now in our country we've never been in before. we need people who think out of the box and can solve problems. can utilize the resources around them, very smart people, to focus on the problem and solve the problem. the american people are terrified. that's why we have this abnormal situation going on right now. we don't need more of the same solutions. we need different solutions to solve the problems, and to save our nation. [ applause ] >> gentlemen, we're now going to go to specific issues and start with one of the biggest ones, which is foreign terror. according to google, isis was by far the most searched foreign policy topic over the last year. senator cruz, you talk tough about fighting terrorism. you talk about carpet bombing into oblivion. you talk about seeing if the sand will glow at night. but critics say that your record
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does not match up to that. you opposed giving president obama authority to enforce his red line in syria. you have voted against the defense authorization act three years. how do you square your rhetoric with your report, sir? >> i apologize to nobody for the vigorousness to with which i will fight terrorism, go after isis, hunt them down wherever they are and utterly and completely destroy isis. [ applause ] you know, you claim it is tough talk to discuss carpet bombing. it is not tough talk, it is a different fundamental military strategy than what we've seen from barack obama. barack obama right now, number one, over seven years has dramatically degraded our military. just two weeks ago was the 25th anniversary of the first persian gulf war. when that war began, we had 8,000 planes. today, we have about 4,000. when that war began, we had 529
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ships. today, we have 272. you want to know what carpet bombing is? it's what we did in the first persian gulf war. 1100 air attacks a day, saturation bombing that destroyed the enemy. right now barack obama is launching between 15 and 30 air attacks a day. he's not arming the kurds. we need to define the enemy, rebuild the military to defeat the enemy, and we need to be focused and lift the rules of engagement so we're not sending our fighting men and women into combat with their arms tied behind their back. >> does his rhetoric match his -- >> i think that's a bad idea for the following reason. isis is the most dangerous group in the history of man kind.
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isis burns people alive in cages, that sells off little girls as brides. isis wants to trigger an apocalyptic showdown in syria. they want to trigger an armageddon showdown. they need to be defeated. they are not going to go away on their own. they are not going to turn into stockbrokers overnight. they need to be defeated militarily and that will take overwhelming u.s. force. today, we are on pace to have the smallest army since the end of world war ii. the smallest navy in 100 years. the smallest air force in our history. you cannot destroy isis with a military that's been diminished. when i'm president, we are rebuilding the u.s. military, because the world is a safer and better place when america is the strongest military in the world. >> senator cruz, 30 seconds. >> chris, in 1981, when ronald reagan came to the oval office, he encountered a military that
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had been debilitated just as the current military has, just like jimmy carter weakened our readiness, undermined our ability to defend this country, so too has barack obama. just as morale has plummeted in the last seven years, so it had then. reagan began with regulatory reform, unleashing the engine of the american free enterprise system and brought booming economic growth and that growth fueled rebuilding the military. i intend to do the exact same thing to defeat radical islamic terrorism and to devote the resources from the booming economy to rebuilding our navy, our air force, our army. and ensuring we have the capacity to keep this country safe. [ overlapping speakers ] >> may i just say, we are going to continue the questions about foreign terror, gentlemen, right after this break. >> but first, you can join tonight's conversation right from home go. to or open your
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google search app and search fox news debate to vote on which candidate you think has the best plan to defeat isis. we'll be right back. your path to retirement... may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. for over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit?
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[ applause ] welcome back. let's get right back to the questions. chris? >> governor christie, you have compared both senators cruz and rubio to barack obama saying we cannot afford another inexperienced president and that senator cruz's vote to curtail the nsa surveillance program made america less safe. is either ready to be commander
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in chief? >> i do believe that the vote on nsa made the country less safe. i watched that town hall meeting with the democrats the other night, and i heard hillary clinton asked a direct question by an iowaen. they asked about her e-mail situation, and here's what she said to the american people. she did it for convenience, for her convenience. she put america's secrets at risk for her convenience. she put american intelligence officers at risk for her convenience. she put american strategy at risk for her convenience. let me tell you who's not qualified to be president of the united states, hillary rodham clinton did that to our country. she's not qualified to be president of the united states. [ applause ] the fact is, what we need is someone on that stage who has been tested, who has been through it, who has made decisions, who will sit in the chair of consequence and can
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prosecute the case against hillary clinton on that stage. that's what i'm ready to do. >> governor bush -- >> chris, i was mentioned in that question. >> i don't think your name was mentioned. >> your question said -- >> i think -- the question was about -- it's not my question you get a chance to respond to, it's his answer. >> your question was -- >> you don't get 30 seconds -- sir, i know you like to argue about the rules, but we're going to conduct the debate. governor bush, here's a question. you criticized several candidates in this field on this day for what you call unrealistic ideas about how to fight terrorists, including rubio and cruz on the issue of their refusing to give the president authority to enforce the red line in syria. given the fact that your brother got us into two wars in iraq and
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afghanistan that's still not ended -- [ crowd boos ] -- what lessons have you learned from his mistakes? >> i was critical of the senators not giving the president authorization to use military force. we shouldn't have the war fighters have their arms tied behind their back as president obama wanted to do. but they had a chance to show support. and it wasn't popular at the time. it became popular after the attack in paris and san bernardino. prior to that, in the reagan library, i gave a detailed plan related to isis. it is from the he isslessons fr history that we do this. if we allow this to fester, we'll have generations of it. the caliphate of isis needs to be destroyed, which means we need to arm the kurds, reengage with the sunni tribal lawyeader
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get the you lawyers off the backs of our soldiers and take out isis on the ground and air. i laid that out prior to the chris which is the advice of a lot of people, including 12 medal of honor recipients that i'm proud are supporting my campaign. >> senator cruz, now you get a chance to respond. >> chris, i would note that the last four questions have been rand, please attack ted, jeb, please attack ted -- [ crowd boos ] >> let me just say this. >> it is a debate, sir. >> no, a debate is a policy issue, but i will say this, gosh, if you guys ask one more mean question, i may have to leave the stage. [ applause ] chris, the most important determination any voter is going to make in this election is who is best prepared to be commander in chief. who has the experience, who has the knowledge, who has the judgment, who has the clarity,
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vision, and strength to keep this country safe. that is what this debate is all about. i would suggest let's stay focused on those issues rather than just attacks directed at each other. >> i think the questions were about issues. but senator rubio -- >> i was mentioned in that question and i would like to respond. >> let me go first and then you can please recognize rand after. [ laughter ] first of all, don't worry, i'm not leaving the stage no matter what you ask me. [ applause ] the authorization that barack obama asked for was not against isis, it was against assad. john kerry described it as attacks that would be unbelievably small. i don't think the united states should be engaged in symbolic military activity. it was not against isis, it was against assad. i think the united states military is operating under rules of engagement too strict
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and do not allow us to pursue victory. when i'm president, that will change. >> senator paul, go ahead. >> thank you. the issue in syria is a very important one, and one that we need to get right. the question is, should we be bombing both sides of the war? someone to topple assad. they want to bomb isis and assad simultaneously. i think that's a really bad idea. i said that arming the allies of isis will make the situation worse. that what we need to do is defeat isis, but if you defeat assad, what you will wind up with is a larger and more powerful isis that occupies that space. you may see an isis that takes over all of syria. [ applause ] >> there was a question about foreign policy, by the way, and experience. i thought if i didn't jump in, i might not be able to tell everybody this. look, i served on -- >> we have a lot to cover.
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>> wait a minute, the only -- >> we want to turn the page to domestic terror and let me tell you why. we're partnering with google and they're telling us their search results have gone through the roof -- >> go ahead, megyn. >> you're a good man, governor kasich. the searches for terror issues, for safety issues in america have gone through the roof, increased of 400% since 2008. people are worried about what's happening in the country and a domestic terrorist attack. when combatting this attack, senator rubio, you advocated closing down mosques, diners, any place where radicalization is occurring. you told me that. but the supreme court made clear that hateful speech is generally protected by the first amendment. in other words, if radical muslims have the right to be radical muslims unless they turn to terror. doesn't your position run afoul
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of the first amendment? >> radical islam is not just hate talk, it's hate action. they blow people up. look at san bernardino. look at the incident in philadelphia where a guy shot a police officers pl s three time. he said i did it because i was inspired by isis and the white house acknowledges it had anything to do with terror. the threat we face from isis is unprecedented. there's they have been a jihadist group like this. they have affiliates in a dozen countries. they're the best funded radical group in the history of the world and have shown a sophisticated understanding of the laws of other countries and are planning to attack us here at home and around the world. we must keep america safe from this threat. yes, when i am president of the united states, if there is some place in thisists are planning attack, we will go after them
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and if captured, they will go to guantanamo. >> senator paul, do you agree with that? >> i think that's a huge mistake to close down mosques. but if you want to defend the country, it begins with border security. when senator rubio brought forward the gang of eight bill to give citizenship to those who came here illegally, i had an amendment that says we should have more scrutiny on those who are coming as students, immigrants and refugees. we had two refugees come to bowling green and tried to attack us. he opposed this because he made a deal with chuck strchumer tha he would oppose any conservative amendment. you can't defend us against islam if you're not for border security. [ applause ] >> let me respond. the first thing, i don't know of anyone who is not in favor of fully vetting people trying to come to this country other than perhaps barack obama and hillary clinton. i think we all support that.
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i do believe people coming to the united states, this country has a right to know who they are and why they are coming. that's why i've been clear, when i am president of the united states of america, we don't know who you are, and we don't know why you're trying to come to the united states, you are not going to get in. because the radical threat that we now face from isis is extraordinary and unprecedented and when i'm president, we are keeping isis out of america. >> governor christie, let's talk about profiling. in december, two radical muslims killed 14 people in san bernardino, california. neighbors of the terrorists said they did not report the couple to law enforcement prior to the crime because they were afraid they would be accused of profiling. you have said we should not profile. how do you square that with the san bernardino case? >> because you can do it without profiling. you do it on the facts. what those facts knew was that these folks had weapons, they knew that they were talking about trying to take our country and attack it.
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that's not profiling, that's law enforcement. that's the difference between somebody who knows how to do this and somebody who has done this before. >> they didn't know they were going to attack the country. >> they knew they were talking about attacking people. >> neighbors said they saw men going in and out of the garage. they saw packages being delivered. they saw muslims and they did not think that was enough to call the cops. do you? >> listen, i think what people should do is use common sense. and the fact is, let law enforcement make those decisions. i told people that from the time i was u.s. attorney 13 years ago. you see something that's suspicious, you call law enforcement and let law enforcement make those decisions. that's what should be done and can be done. that can be done without profiling people. what that is, it's common sense. they thought something was wrong. here's the problem in this country right now. the problem is, barack obama has made law enforcement the enemy,
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hillary clinton has made law enforcement the enemy. they're not supporting law enforcement, it's making everybody nervous to get out of your cars if you're a law enforcement officer. it's making people nervous to go to law enforcement. as president, i will support law enforcement and we'll stop radical terrorist attacks in this country by supporting our intelligence and law enforcement community. >> dr. carson, this week a female muslim who served in the u.s. air force asked hillary clinton the question, whether the united states is still the best place in which to raise her three muslim children. given what she perceives as a rise in islamaphobia in this country. do you think the gop messaging on muslims has stoked the flames of bias on this as the democrats suggest and how would you answer this veteran? >> well, i don't know about the gop messaging, but i can tell you about my messaging. we need to stop allowing political correctness to dictate our policies, because it's going to kill us if we don't.
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in the holy land foundation trial in 2006 in texas, they had a memorandum, an explanatory memorandum that talked about the fact that americans would be easy to overcome and to commit civilization jihad because they were going to be trying to protect the rights of the very people who were trying to subvert them. but i believe in the teddy roosevelt philosophy. he said, we are a nation of immigrants. as such, everybody is welcome from any race, any country, any religion, if they want to be americans. if they want to accept our values and our laws. if not, they can stay where they are. [ applause ] >> governor kasich, you appear to back in another debate, a back door to encrypted cell phone technology, which protects most smartphones that we all have from hacking.
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and it includes our phones and it protects the cell phones of the terrorist. the tech companies and a group of m.i.t. scientists, smart guys, warn if they create a way for the fbi to have a back door into our encrypted communications, the bad guys will exploit it and cause more problems than it solves. are they wrong? >> the joint terrorism task force need resources and tools. those are made up of the fbi, state and local law enforcement. it's best not to talk anymore about back door encryption, it will be solved but it needs to be solved in the situation of the white house. >> this is public testimony. >> it's best with some of these things not be said. i want to go back something. i was there when reagan rebuilt the military. i was there in '89 when the wall came tumbling down because we were strong and i was there when we went into the gulf car. we didn't win that war just from the air, but by assembling a group of arab leaders who stood
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with america. we want to destroy isis, it has to be in the air, on the ground, it has to be with our friends in the arab world and our friends in europe, the coalition that we had when we went to the first gulf war. and then when we win that, and we will win that against isis as it settles down and we should leave. we shouldn't be policemen of the world. but we need to turn it over to the regional powers to handle that. we have a unique time in america to connect with people around the world that understand that there's an threat against all of them, the arabs, the saudis, the egypti egyptians, our friends in europe, including the turks. so we have an opportunity to bring everybody together. i saw reagan do it and other presidents do it. if you want to be commander in chief, you have to have the experience. at the same time we're doing all that, the pentagon must be reformed so we get what we need for our men and women in uniform. all of that together, we're going to be just fine and america is going to continue to lead the world.
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>> governor, thank you. >> governor bush, just today, a wounded warrior organization designed to help wounded veterans and their families is coming under fire for raising tens of millions of dollars, but spending almost half of that on travel and hotels and dinners and luxury, lavish conferences. if you were president, would you police these charity organizations that say they're helping vets? >> of course. and there's all sorts of ways that can be done to do that. but the first duty of the next president of the united states is to fix the mess at the department of veterans affairs. that's his first responsibility. we have waiting lists or veterans that are waiting. we're gutting the military. more and more military personnel are leaving, becoming veterans. and the waiting list grows. they've given out $140 million of bonuses to veterans
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department employees, including reducing the waiting list, without giving veterans care. people died. and only three people have been fired. i will make sure that we fire the sheer incompetence inside the office of veterans affairs and give veterans a choice card so they can go to their open private provider. you want to make the veterans administration do a better job, get veterans choices and you'll get a better choice. in houston, texas, there's an organization in place because someone acted on their heart, wanted to make sure that that's no homeless veterans in houston. they've come close to that. without federal government assistance. we need to mobilize the entire country to treat our veterans with much more respect than they get today. >> governor bush, thank you. speaking of veterans, we have a question from a veteran, one of the top youtube creators. over the course of the evening, we'll hear from some of you t n
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youtube's most followed stars. >> i'm mark watson. i'm a veteran who served in the army for eight years. as an african-american living near ferguson, i've seen the strain between police officers and the communities they serve firsthand. now, there are great tools like cameras that can protect officers and citizens, but we all have better cameras in our pockets than our precincts. why aren't we using the technology available to better protect our communities? >> senator paul, that question to you? >> i supported legislation to allow body cameras. i've been to ferguson. one thing i discovered in ferguson was that a third of the budget for the city of ferguson was being reaped by civil fines. people were just being fined to death. you and i, many of the people, we get a $100 fine, we can survive it. if you're on the edge of poverty
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and you get a $100 fine, you can lose your job. we need to make sure the war on drugs is equal protection under the law and we don't unfairly incarcerate under generation of african-american males. in ferguson, for every 100 african-american women, there are only 60 african-american men. drug use is equal between white and black, but three out of four people in prison are black or brown. i think it's a big thing our party needs to be part of and i've been a leader in congress trying to bring about criminal justice reform. [ applause ] >> this debate is just getting started. coming up, the role of the federal government. but first, join tonight's conversation right from your home. go to or hope your google search app and search fox news debate to vote on which issue is most important to you in this election. more from the iowa event center and the republican presidential debate in a moment.
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welcome back, everybody. we are live in des moines, iowa. let's get right back to the questions. bret. >> i'll ask some questions about federal spending. everybody always said they want to cut federal spending and usually say they'll start by cutting waste, fraud, or abuse, but that never materializes. governor christie, you talk about entitlement reform and say that's where the federal government can get savings to balance the budget. can you name even one thing that the federal government does now that it should not do at all? >> yeah. you want one? >> i want one. [ laughter ] >> how about one that i've done in new jersey for the last six years. that's get rid of planned parenthood funding from the united states of america. [ applause ] >> anything bigger than that?
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>> bigger than that? when you see thousands upon thousands upon thousands of american being murdered in the womb, i can't think of anything better than that. [ applause ] >> i realize everyone opposes obamacare and you're not alone. data shows that in the last month when people searched policy repeals, that there were a lot of them. obamacare took the top two spots. but today there are millions of people who gained health insurance from obamacare and they now rely on it. so the question, senator cruz, if you repeal obamacare, as you say you will, will you be fine if millions of people don't have health insurance? and what is your specific plan for covering the uninsured? >> sure. let's take it one at a time. first of all, we have seen now in six years of obamacare that it's been a disaster. millions of people have lost their jobs, forced into part
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time work, have lost their insurance, have seem their premiums skyrocket. if i'm elected president, we will repeal every word of obamacare. [ applause ] now, once that is done, everyone agrees we need health care reform. it should follow the principles of expanding competition, empowering patients and keeping government from getting between us and our doctors. we should expand health savings accounts so people can save in a tax advantage way for more routine health care needs. and number three, we should work to delink health insurance from employment, so if you lose your job, your health insurance goes with you, and it is personal,
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portable and i think that's a much more attractive vision for health care than the washington driven top down obamacare that is causing so many millions to hurt. >> governor bush, you've advocated for statehood for puerto rico. the puerto rican economy is collapsing under unsustainable debt burden. only about 1 million of 4 million residents are employed. so should american citizens, who you say are already overtaxed, bail out puerto rico, as well in >> no, they shouldn't. i believe puerto rico ought to have the right of self-determination. if i was a puerto rican, i would vote for statehood. they should have the right of self-determination. before you get to that, though, puerto rico will have to deal with the structural problems they face. it's a fact that if you can pay for $79 one-way ticket to
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orlando and escape crime rates, you move to orlando. a lot of people are doing that and the spiraling out of control requires puerto rico to make reforms. the federal government can allow them to do that but should not -- the process of statehood or the status of puerto rico won't be solved until we get to the bigger issue how to deal with the economic problems they're facing right now. >> governor kasich, you're one of two remaining governors in the race. your colleague rick snyder in michigan is under fire for the flint, michigan water krocrisis. how would you have handled that? >> you have to be on top of it right away. i know people are being held accountable, but the fact is, every single engine of government has to move when you see a crisis like that. i've had many situations in the
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state of ohio where we've had to move, whether it's storms, whether it was a horrible school shooting. there are many crises that come. the water crisis in toledo. you've got to be on top of it and go the extra mile. you have to work with local communities and the federal government. because you realize that people are depending on you. so you go the extra mile. but people have to be alert. and when you see a problem, you must act quickly to get on top of it and people at home are saying they've got a problem. listen to them. because most of the time they're absolutely correct. so the fact is, we work for the people, the people don't work for us, and we have to have an attitude when we're in government of servanthood that's what matters. we serve you, you don't serve us. we listen to you. and then we act. >> senator rubio -- >> [ applause ] >> -- on the issue of climate change, in 2008 you wanted florida to get ahead of other states and establish a cap and
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trade system, a program for carbon emissions, which many republicans thought at the time would hurt the florida economy. now you're a skeptic of climate change science and in fact, you warn that federal efforts to fight climate change will u.s. the hurt economy and cost jobs. why the change? >> first, that's not entirely the story. at the time, the liberal governor of florida, charlie crist, he wanted to impose cap and trade on florida and i was the first person out of the box that then we saw the leads candidate for president at the time both the republicans and democrats all supported it. what we said is they're going to impose this on us, i never thought it was a good idea. i was clear about that at the time. i do not believe it's a good idea now. i do not believe we have to destroy our economy in order to protect our environment. and especially with these programs they're asking us to pass that will do nothing to help the environment but will be devastating for our economy. when i'm president of the united states of america, there will
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never be any cap and trade in the united states. >> thank you, senator. >> all right. we're going to move on, because coming up, immigration, and something you've never seen before. stay tuned, right after this break. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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♪ [ applause ] welcome back, everyone, live in des moines, iowa, and now we move on to the topic of immigration. senator rubio, we start with you. when you ran for senate in 2010, you made clear you opposed legalization and citizenship for illegal immigrants. you promised repeatedly that you would oppose it as a u.s. senator as well. here are just a few examples. watch. >> never support, never have and never will support any effort to
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grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks who have eente stayed in the country el legally. >> earned path to citizenship is code, the reality is this, it's unfair to the people who legally entered this country to create an alternative pathway who entered illegally and knowingly did so. you cannot grant amnesty. they'll never again believe in legal immigration, never again support it. that's bad for our country and future. >> within two years of getting elected you were co-sponsoring legislation to create a path to citizenship, in your words, amnesty. haven't you already proven you cannot be trusted on this issue? >> no because if you look at the quote, it's very specific, it says blanket amnesty. i do not support -- >> you said more than that, sir. >>s i said i do not support -- >> you said earned path to citizenship is basically code for amnesty. >> it was. >> you supported earned path to citizenship. >> it absolutely has been. at the time and context of that was in 2009 and 2010 where the last effort for legalization was an effort done in the senate, an
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effort led by several people that provided almost an instant path, with very little obstacles moving forward. what i've always said is this issue does need to be solved. they've been talking about this issue for 30 years and nothing ever happens and i'm going to tell you exactly how we're going to deal with it when i am president. number one, we're going to keep isis out of america. if we don't know who you are or why you're coming, you won't get into the united states. number two, we're going to enforce immigration laws. i am the son and grandson of immigra immigrants. securing our borders is not anti-immigrant. we'll hire 20,000 new border agents instead of 20,000 new irs agents. finish the 700 miles of fencing and walls our nation needs. we'll have mandatory e-verify, a mandatory entry/exit tracking system and until all of that is in place and all of that is working and we can prove to the people of this country that illegal immigration is under control, nothing else is going to happen. we are not going to round up and deport 12 million people but we're not going to hand out citizenship cards, either. there will be a process. we will see what the american people are willing to support.
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but it will not be unconstitutional executive orders like the ones barack obama has forced on us. >> governor bush, do you agree senator rubio has not reversed himself on his immigration promise? >> i'm kind of confused because he was the sponsor of the gang of eight bill that did require a bunch of thresholds but ultimately allowed for citizenship over an extended period of time. i mean, that's a fact. and he asked me to support that. and i -- i supported him because i think people when you're elected you need to do things and he led the charge to finally fix this immigration problem that has existed now for, as marco says, for 30 years. then he cut and run because it wasn't popular amongst conservatives, i guess. here's what i believe. and i wrote a book about this called "immigration wars." you can get it at $2.99 on amazon. it's not a bestseller. i can promise you, there won't be any -- you can get it. it's affordable to everybody. we should have a math to legal status for the 12 million people here illegally. come out from the shadows, pay a
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fine, earn legal status by working, paying taxes, learning english, not committing crimes and earn legal status, not cutting in front of the line for people that are patiently waiting outside. that is the -- i think that's the conservative consensus pragmatic approach to how to solve this problem. >> go ahead, senator. >> it's interesting jeb mentions the book, that's the book where you changed your position on immigration because you used to support a path to citizenship. >> to did you. >> you changed -- >> so did you, marco. >> you wrote a book where you changed your position -- you wrote a book where you changed your position from a path to citizenship to a path to legalization and the bottom line is this, we are not ghoij oing anything on this issue until we first bring illegal immigration under control. the american people have been told for 30 years they're going to enforce the border, going to build the wall and it never gets build and never happens. it is very clear there will be no progress on this issue in any way, shape or form until you prove to the people of this country illegal immigration is under control and when i'm president, we are going to bring it under control once and for all after 30 years of talking
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about it. >> marco, marco -- he brought up my name. i have supported a consensus approach to solving this problem wherever it came up and in 2007 it almost passed bwhen my brothr was president of the united states. when you led the charge with the chang of eight, i supported it because you asked me to. i think it's important for people in elected office to forge consensus to solve problems. there's never going do be perfect bill. >> all right. >> when you didn't do that and asked people to support, you shouldn't cut and run. >> megyn -- >> stick with it, that's exactly what happened. he cut and run. that's a tragedy. now it's harder and harder to solve this problem. >> the last one. >> there's not going to be consensus on this issue until we enforce our immigration laws. that is abundantly clear, you're not going to be able to ram down the throat of the american people your approach. the only way to move forward after two migratory crises with
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minor minors, first bring illegal immigration under control. until that happens there's not going to be consensus on this issue. >> let's move on. senator cruz, when senator rubio proposed that bill creating a math to citizenship, you proposed an amendment. it would have allowed for legalization but not citizenship. yes, it would. pressed last month on why you supported legalization, you claimed that you didn't. right, like you just did. saw that. you argued that this was just a poison pill amendment, basically something designed to kill the bill and not actually get it through. but that is not, however, how it sounded at the time. watch. >> this bill to be voted down. i don't want immigration reform to fail. i want immigration reform to pass. i believe if this amendment were to pass, the chances of this bill passing into law would increase dramatically. i believe if the amendments i introduced were adopted that the bill would pass and my effort in introducing them was to find a solution that reflected common
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ground and that fixed the problem. if the proponents of this bill actually demonstrate a commitment not to politics, not to campaigning all the time, but to actually fixing this problem, to finding a middle ground, that would fix the problem and also allow for those 11 million people who are here illegally a legal status with citizenship off the table. >> was that all an act? it was pretty convincing. >> you know, the amendment you're talking about is one sentence, it's 38 words. anyone can go online at and read exactly what it said. in those 38 words, it said anyone here illegally is permanently ineligible for leadership. didn't say a word -- >> the bill you're amending allowed -- >> megyn, the bill was 1,000 pages. i introduced a serious of amendments each designed to fix problems in the bill. the fact that each amendment
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didn't fix every problem didn't mean that i supported the rest of the bill and i'll tell you who supported my amendment. jeff sessions, the strongest opponent of amnesty in the united states congress, and he did so because taking citizenship off the table was important and it revealed the hypocrisy of the proponents of this bill who were looking for votes. listen, we can solve immigration. we just heard an argument back and forth that we can't solve immigration. i have a detailed immigration plan that is on my website, it was designed with iowa's own congressman steve king and jeff sessions, and we have the tools in federal law to do this now. we can build the fence. we can triple the border patrol. we can end sanctuary cities by cutting off funding to them. we can end welfare for those here illegally and what is missing is the political will because too many democrats and, sadly, too many republicans don't want to solve this problem. if i am elected president, we will secure the border and we will end the illegal
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immigration. >> senator paul, you know how washington works. do you buy that? >> i was there and i saw the debate. i saw ted cruz say we'll take citizenship off the table and then the bill will pass and i'm for the bill. the bill would involve legalization. he can't have it both ways. what is particularly insulting, though, he is the king of saying, oh, you're for amnesty, everybody's for amnesty except for ted cruz, but it's a falseness. and that's an authenticity problem that everybody he knows is not as perfect as him because we're all for amnesty. i was for legalization. i think, frankly, we could have border security, you can have legalization. so was ted, but now he says it wasn't so. that's not true. >> two ahead, sir. [ cheers and applause ] >> you know, john adams famously said facts are are stubborn things. the facts are are very, very simple. when that battle was waged my friend senator rubio chose to stand with barack obama and harry reid and chuck schumer and support amnesty.
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and i stood alongside jeff sessions and steve king and we led the fight against amnesty. and if you want to know who's telling the truth, you should look and ask people like jeff sessions and steve king and rush limbaugh and mark levin, all of whom say as jeff sessions said responding to these false att k attacks just recently in alabama, he said if it wasn't for ted cruz, the gang of eight rubio/schumer bill would have passed but because ted stood up and helped lead the effort, millions rose up to kill it. >> senator rubio, even chuck schumer, your co-sponsor of that bill agrees with ted cruz on this. >> i understand, but let me respond. that was mentioned in this answer. i'm going to respond this way. this is the lie that ted's campaign is built on and rand touched upon it that he's the most conservative guy and everyone else is, you know, everyone else is a rino. the truth is, ted, throughout this campaign you've been saying to do or say anything to get votes. you worked for george bush's
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campaign. you helped design george w. bush's immigration policy. when you got to the senate, you did an interview with cbs news, i wasn't part of the video, you said on the issue of people here illegally we can reach a compromise. in the committee you said i want to bring people out of the shadows. now you want to trump trump on immigration. you can't -- we're not going to beat hillary clinton with someone who's willing to say or do anything to win an election. >> go ahead, senator cruz. [ applause ] >> you know, i like marco. he's very charming. he's very smooth. but the facts are simple. when he ran for election in the state of florida, he told the people of florida if you elect me, i will lead the fight against amnesty. when i ran in texas, i told the people of texas if you elect me, i will lead the fight against amnesty. we both made the identical promises. but when we came to washington, we made a different choice. marco made the choice to go the direction of the major donors, to support amnesty because he thought it was politically advantageous. i honored my commitments and as
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president, i will honor every commitment that i make to the men and women of this country. >> all right. go ahead, governor christie. >> i want to ask the people in the audience i'm standing here, i watched the video of senator cruz, i watched the video of senator rubio. i heard what they said. and this is why you need to send someone from outside of washington to washington. i feel like -- [ applause ] i feel like i need -- i feel like i need a washington english dictionary converter, right? i mean, i heard what they both said. i saw it on video. fact is this is what makes a difference when you're a governor. you can change your mind. ted can change his mind. marco can change his mind. it's perfectly legal in this country to change your mind. ben you're a governor, you have to admit it. you can't hide behind parliamentary tricks. that's the difference. that's the kind of leader we need in the white house. stop the washington bull and let's get things done. >> all right. let's go to a youtube question. let's get to a youtube question. this is a question from a
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youtube creator with over 2 million subscribers. watch. >> i'm dulce candy, a youtube creator who immigrated to the united states from mexico. i'm proud to say i served in the armed forces in iraq, became a citizen, i'm now an entrepreneur. there are many immigrants who contribute positively to the american economy. some of the comments in the campaign make us question or place in the country. if america does not seem like a welcoming place for immigrant entrepreneurs, will the american economy suffer? >> dr. carson, that one's for you. >> oh, great. [ laughter ] as i said before, we are a land of immigrants, but we have to be intelligent about the way that we form our immigration policies and that's one of the reasons that i have called on us to
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declare war on the islamic state. because we need to reorient our immigration policies and our visa policies for people who are coming into this country because there are many people out there who want to destroy us. now, i recognize that the vast majority of people coming in here probably are not those kinds of people, but that's not good enough. if you've got ten people coming to your house and you know one of them is a terrorist, you're probably going to keep them all out. you know, we probably have to figure out a way to make sure that we keep america safe. >> i just -- >> go ahead. >> that beautiful young woman who's an entrepreneur who served in the military, first of all, is deserving of our respect for service in the military and the fact that she's an entrepreneur. and we should be a welcoming nation. our identity is not based on race or ethnicity. it's based on a set of shared values. that's american citizenship. dulce candy, pretty cool name,
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actually, that is now an sbrup na entrepreneur over youtube is part of the american spirit. we should celebrate it as conservatives. that's what we believe in. deal with the threat of terror and also recognize this country should be aspirational across the board. >> i think that's the -- [ applause ] that's the false choice in this whole debate about immigration. of course, we're going to be a nation of immigrants. every single year close to a million people emigrate to the united states legally. there's no nation on earth that comes close to that number. are we not a sovereign country, choose who comes in, when they come in and how they come in? that's not what's happening now. >> all right. >> i think the other problem is we have an immigration system that's outdated, primarily based on whether you have family members living here. in the 21st century, it has to be a merit-based system and that is why our legal immigration system is in need of modernization and we will always celebrate legal immigration like dulce's great story. >> all right.
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we're moving on. >> gentlemen, we're going to turn now to what we call ele electabili electabili electability, issues you face in a primary or general election. you may not be altogether unhappy if you're not included in this round. senator cruz, you pride yourself on standing up to the d.c. cartel. as we see to a turn degree tonight, there's a price of standing up to the d.c. cartel. 13 republican senators have endorsed other candidates, none have endorsed you. you twice last year, you asked for a colleague to second a motion, a routine courtesy on the senate floor and no senator would do it. top gop officials worry that if you're at the top of the ticket, some officials, that not only will you lose the whouite house but tank the ticket all the way down the line. question is does your style sometimes get in the way of your ability to get things done, sir? >> well, chris, you are exactly right that i am not the candidate of career politicians in washington.
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[ applause ] i'll tell you the endorsements i'm proud of are the over 200,000 volunteers across this country who have signed up to volunteer for our campaign. the endorsements i am proud of are leading conservatives like iowa's own congressman steve king who's the national co-chairman of my campaign. the endorsements that i'm proud of are conservative leaders like dr. james dobson and over 700,000 contributions nationwide, people going to our website, this is a grassroots campaign and, you know, when i ran for senate in texas, i told the people of texas that i'm not going there to go along to get along. washington is broken and the people i have been accountable to every single day in the senate are the 27 million texans who i represent and i made a promise to them that i make to you today which is if i am elected, every single day i will do two things. tell the truth, and do what i said i would do. >> thank you.
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>> governor bush. poll after poll shows you running among the worst in your party against hillary clinton. even mitt romney said that a bush v. clinton head to head would be too easy for the democrats. yet still you and the superpacs supporting you continue to blanket the airwaves with cutting ads, not against mrs. clinton but against your fellow republicans especially senator rubio. do these attacks do more harm than good by targeting those candidates who appear to have the best chance of defeating mrs. clinton? >> first of all, i've seen polls where i'm beating hillary clinton pretty regularly. i believe i can. i have a proven record. cutting taxes, shrinking the government, reforming education, challenging the status quo. eliminating career civil service protections, shrinking the government workforce by 11 but leading the nation in job growth. hillary clinton has no record of accomplishment. i'm confident if i win this nomination i will aggressively go against her and beat her as it relates to the superpacs, i have no control over that.
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and this is beanbag compared to what the clinton hit machine is going to do to the republican nominee. the simple fact is we all have record. it will all be scrutinized. it's give and take. it's call the politics and that's the way it is. i'm running hard and i believe i'll be the republican nominee and be the one best suited to beat hillary clinton who should not be president of the united states. [ applause ] >> senator rubio first before i ask you a question, any response to governor bush? >> well, i believe, and i know that if iowa helps make me the republican nominee, i will defeat hillary clinton. hillary doesn't want to run against me, but i cannot wait to run against her and cannot wait to earn the opportunity to do it because she cannot be the president of the united states. she wants to put barack obama on the supreme court of the united states of america. she said that here in iowa just two days ago. that would be a disaster for this country. so i hope and pray and cannot wait until this state and others give me an opportunity to serve this party as its nominee because i will defeat hillary clinton. >> now let's talk about electability, senator. "time" magazine once called you the republican savior.
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rush limbaugh and others said you likely will be president someday. but if you look at the recent average of polls in your home state of florida, you're in third trailing donald trump by 24 points. if the people who know you best have you there, why should the rest of the country elect you? >> well, let me be clear about one thing. there's only one savior and it's not me. it's jesus christ who came down to earth and died for our sins and so i've always made that clear about that cover story. as far as the polls are concerned, iowa, on monday night you're going to go to a caucus site and you'll be the first americans that vote in this election. you will be the first americans that get to answer the fundam t fundamental question what comes next for this country after seven disastrous years of barack obama? let me tell you what the answer better not be. it better not be bernie sanders. bernie sanders is a socialist. i think bernie sanders is good candidate for president of sweden. we don't want to be sweden. we want to be the united states of america.
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and hillary clinton, hillary clinton is disqualified from being the commander in chief of the united states. in fact, one of her first acts as president may very well be to pardon herself because hillary clinton, hillary clinton stored classified information on her private server and hillary clinton lied to the families of those four brave americans who lost their life in benghazi, and anyone who lies to the families of americans who have died in the service of this country can never be commander in chief of the united states. [ applause ] >> governor christie, two of your former top aides go on trial in may for fraud and conspiracy in the bridge-gate case. the politically motivated closure of lanes to the george washington bridge. another former aide who has already pleaded guilty and will likely testify for the government, as you know, says that you knew about this whole deal. can the gop take the chance of nominating you with this scandal still out there, sir? >> sure, because there's been
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three different investigations and proven that i knew nothing. and the fact is that what i did do, what i did do from the beginning, chris, as soon as i found out about it, i fired the people who were responsible and that's what you expect from a leader. and i'll tell you something else, i inherited a state in new jersey that was downtrodden and beaten by liberal democratic policies, high taxation, high regulation and this year in 2015, new jersey has had the best year of job growth that our state has ever had in the last 15 years. that's because we put conservative policies in place. and i'll tell withdrew oyou one thing. you know why the republican party will want to take a chance on me? because they know that hillary clinton will never be prosecuted by this justice department and they're going to want to put a former federal prosecutor on the stage to prosecute her next september and there is no one on this stage better prepared to prosecute the case against hillary clinton than i am. i will be ready, i will take her on and when i take her on, i guarantee you one thing, she will never get within ten miles of the white house. the days for the clintons in public housing are over. [ applause ]
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>> much more to come including where the candidates stand on foreign policy and, once again, you can go to, or open the google search app and search "fox news debate" to vote on which candidate you think is winning the debate tonight. we'll be right back. i think it landed last tuesday. one second it's there. then, woosh, it's gone. i swear i saw it swallow seven people. seven. i just wish one of those people could have been mrs. johnson. [dog bark] trust me, we're dealing with a higher intelligence here. ♪ the all-new audi q7 is here. ♪ may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings.
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governor kasich, you talk a good deal about your faith. in fact, you said it played your role in a decision to expand medicaid and say when you meet st. peter at the pearly gates he's going to ask what you did for the poor, not what you did to keep government small. senator cruz is on the opposite side of this issue if you. does that mean you're getting in and he isn't? >> no, you know, chris, here's what happened with medicaid in my state. we took the growth of medicaid from over 10% in my second budget to 2.5% without cutting off one person or cutting one benefit because we innovated the government. now mom and dad can stay in their own home rather than being forced into a nursing home. and then we decided we could bring $14 million of our money, washington doesn't have money, our money to tend to the mentally ill because i don't think they ought to live in prison or live under a bridge, to treat the drug addicted so they're not in an in and out of door policy out of the prisons and help the working poor so
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they don't live in emergency rooms. how's it worked? we treated the drug addicted in our prisons and released them into the community and our recidivism rate is less than 20%, that's basically bordering on a miracle because of our great prison director. the mentally ill, they've been stepped on for too long in this society and we're beginning to treat them. in terms of my faith, look, when i study scripture i know people who pllive in the shadows need chance. i'm not deciding anybody has to make these decisions the way i do on the basis of what i do, bull. the time to come to stop ignoring the mentally ill in this country, begin to treat them and get them on their feet along, of course, with treating the drug addicted because we don't want them in and out of the prisons. give people a chance. we talked about criminal justice reform. we've enacted it in our state. look, the conservative message is economic growth, and along with economic growth goes opportunity for everybody in
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america. everybody ought to have a chance to be able to rise to their god-given purpose. and that is what we have done in ohio. we're running surpluses. we're up 400,000 jobs. guess what, the formula is working. i'd suggest people take a look at it. thank you. >> gentlemen, we had a case study on religious liberty just this last summer. a county clerk in kentucky named kim davis refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the supreme court ruling saying that it violated her religious beliefs. governor christie, you said that she must follow the law or be moved to another job that would be in keeping with her conscience. but some conservatives say that that violates her religious liberty. >> no, what i said, chris, was the law needs to be followed and that someone in that office has to do their job. so if miss davis wanted to step aside and get rid of her ability to be able to do that, there should be someone else in that office who it didn't violate their conscience so they could follow the law of the state of
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kentucky. i never said miss davis should lose her job or she had to do it. what i did say was the person who came in for the license needed to get it. if there's someone in that organization and it turns out there was who was willing to be able to that, that's what we should do. but just as importantly, and i agree with what john said, you know, we all have our own individual interpretations of offer faith. and here's the problem with what's going on around the world. the radical islamic jihadists, what they want to do is impose their faith upon each and every one of us. every one of us. the reason why this war against them is so important is that very basis of religious liberty. they want everyone in this country to follow their religious beliefs the way they do. they do not want us to exercise religious liberty. that's why as commander in chief, i will take on isis, not only because it keeps us safe, but because it allows us to absolutely conduct our religious affairs the way we find in our heart and in our souls as a catholic, that's what i want to do, and no matter what your faith is, that's what i want you to be able to do.
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>> thank you, sir. senator rubio, during the last debate, you said governor christie had changed his position and his mind on gun control, on common core, and backing president obama's nomination of sonia sotomayor to the supreme court. he said you're wrong on the facts and can't, quote, slime your way to the white house. i assume in the last two weeks you've done some fact checking. do you want to take anything back? >> yeah, i would encourage people to go on we'll put all the facts up so people can see it for themselves. you asked a fundamental question about the role of faith in our country. i think this is an important question. i think if you do not understand our judeo-christian values are one of the reasons america is such a special country, you don't understand our history. you see, why are we one of the most generous people in the world, no, the most generous people in the world? why do americans contribute millions of dollars to charity? it is not because of the tax write-off. it's because in this nation, we are influenced by judeo-christian values that teach us to care for the less
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fortunate, reach out to the needy, to love our neighbor. this is what's made our nation so special and you should hope that our next president is someone that is influenced by their faith because if your faith causes you to care for the less fortunate, it is something you want to see in your public figures and when i'm president, i can tell you this, my faith will not just influence the way i'll govern as president, it will influence the way i live my life because in the end, my goal is not simply to live on this earth for 80 years but to live an eternity with my creator. i will always allow my faith to influence everything i do. >> thank you, senator. senator paul, in may, in may on the campaign trail you, said you didn't get into politics to fight about abortion. you said you were more concerned about the national debt. your answer is to turn abortion back to the states the way it was before roe v. wade. does that mean that if a liberal state, let's say, wants to make abortion legal, that you're okay with that, and what do you say to conservative voters who believe deeply that abortion is
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murder? >> i think abortion is always wrong. i've supported a variety of solutions. both state as well as federal. in fact, just last week, i introduced the life at conception act which would say that the 14th amendment would defend an individual even in the womb. but i think on the broader question of religion and politics, you know, i think liberty, itself, requires a virtue, require the a virtuous people. in fact, washington said that democracy requires a virtuous people. a theologian said liberty requires restraint but the only restraint consistent with liberty is self-restraint. there's a lot packed into that statement, but the bottom line is we must have virtue, we must have a religious bearing as a nation. the government's not always going to save us and it's not always going to come from government. if we don't know right and wrong, i think we have lost our way, i think we become unmoored and without the religious foundation that guides us all,
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we have a great risk of going horribly in the wrong direction. >> sir, 30 seconds to answer my specific -- [ cheers and applause ] just 30 seconds to answer my specific question. do you favor the idea that abortion should be a states rights issue and if a liberal state wants to make it legal, that that's their choice? yes or no? >> both. both federal and state approach. i have said that we could leave it to the states but i've also introduced a federal solution as well. so the federal solution would be the life at conception act which is an act that would federalize the issue. but i've also said for the most part these issues would be left back to the states. so there might be an occasion if we did overturn roe v. wade, roe v. wade nationalized the issue. if you had the court reverse roe v. wade, it would become a state issue once again. i think it would be better the less abortions we have so the more states that we have that made abortion illegal, the better as far as trying to save and preserve lives. >> thank you, sir. gentlemen -- [ cheers and applause ] like to ask you a few questions about foreign policy broadly. dr. carson, many experts believe
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russian leader vladimir putin has greater ideas, bigger designs for the region beyond russia's actions inside ukraine. fast forward to february 2017, and it is president carson, and russian ununiformed commandos cross the estonian border and they occupy a city in estonia. estonia, a member of nato, essentially invokes article 5, an attack on one is an attack on all. what do you do? >> well, first of all, recognize that vladimir putin is an opportunist, and he's a bully, and we have to face him down. and i would, first of all, face him down in that whole region, the whole baltic region. i think we need to put in some armored brigades there. we only have one or two. we need much more than that. we need to be doing military exercises if not only estonia but latvia and lithuania. they're terrified by the saber rattling. i think we ought to put in our
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missile defense system. i think we ought to give ukraine offensive weapons and i think we ought to fight them on the economic basis because putin is a one-horse country, oil and energy. and we ought to fight them on that level. we ought to be helping in terms of the technology for fracking keeping the price low, quite frankly, because that's what's keeping him contained. so, yes, i'd absolutely would go in if he attacked, i think article 5 of nato, we would definitely protect all of our allies. >> gentlemen, you've all said that the iran nuclear deal is a bad one. senator rubio, you're among the candidates who've said you would tear it up on day one. but as you know, iran has already received tens of millions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars in this deal and has quickly reestablished ties economically with europe. the major concessions, in other words, are up front in this deal. so should you win by the time you take office, the remaining parts of the deal would be the
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constraints on iran. so why blow up those constraints on day one? letting iran off the hook? >> well, let me first describe iran because they're not just a normal nation state. we have no quarrel with the iranian people. the iranian leader, supreme leader is a radical shia cleric who has an apocalyptic vision of the future. he views himself not simply as the leader of iran but the leader of all muslims, all shia muslims on the planet and have a desire not simply to conquer the middle east and become the dominant power in the region but be able to hold america hostage. that is why they're building right now and developing long-range missiles capable of reaching the united states and that is why they're going to use those $100 billion to expand their conventional capabilities and one day buy our build a nuclear weapon. we will -- when i am president of the united states, on my first day in office we are canceling the deal with iran and nations will have to make a choice. they can do business with iran or do business with america and i am very confident they're going to choose america before they choose the iranian economy. >> governor kasich, you've said that marco rubio is wrong, that senator rubio is wrong with
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tearing it up on day one. >> look, we don't know what's going to happen in ten months. and if i were president of the united states right now, i'd be lining up our allies to say that if one crossed "t" or one dotted "i" does not occur they violate the agreement, we slap back on sanctions. we can slap on sanctions alone on day one, but it's not going to be anywhere near as effective. but the president needs to be laying the groundwork right now for the ability to slap those sanctions back on worldwide. and i'll tell you what i'm worried about. i'm worried about money. you read about all the companies now that are doing business, about to do business in iran, and we don't get this settled down with other countries in the world about sanctions, then iran could violate that agreement and we're the only ones putting the sanctions on. we need to move aggressively now. but i would say this to you, brett, number one, if they violate it, we need to move against them and number two, if we find out they're developing a nuclear weapon and we know how to get to it, we're going to go
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take it out. that is what we have to do. we cannot let things get farther down the road like we did with north korea. >> governor kasich, you know the most powerful sanction are the multilateral ones. >> that's right. >> these european countries are reestablishing these ties. i know, bret. bret, here's the problem. you take a look at belgium, i talked to a diplomat from belgium, i said how's it going? he said we have the military in the streets right now, we never dreamt we'd ever see it. i think there's an opportunity to bring the world together. the turks are being threatened. we know about the french. we know about the belgians. we know about the brits. everybody is under fire and under attack. we have to stand together as an alliance. so actually the opportunity is there because of the threat to all of these countries to bring all of us together and say there is something more important than money, it is the future of the world and the future of our children and grandchildren. that's the kind of leadership this country needs and it has not been in effect during the
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administration of barack obama and that's only the beginning of the failures that they have committed not only in the middle east but all over the world including russia and china. >> governor, thank you. governor christie, libya is the newest base for isis. just today defense secretary ashton carter said isis is consolidating their footprint there and setting up training facilities. if you were president, would you deploy u.s. troops to libya to take out isis there? >> bret, let me tell you, this is another one of those places where hillary clinton has so much to answer for and why she is completely unqualified to be commander in chief. in a previous democratic debate, three times hillary clinton was asked about the failure in libya, a policy she took credit for and said what is your measure of responsibility, madam secretary, for the failure in libya? three times she refused to answer the question because she refuses to be held accountable for anything that goes wrong.
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if it had gone right, believe me, she would have been running around to be able to take credit for it. here's what i'd do. this is about the bigger broader war against isis. we need to bring together our european and sunni arab allies and develop a strategy together to take on isis every place that it is around the world so that together all of us can take isis out, destroy it, and then move on to come back to our country, protect our homeland security and make sure that the american people are safe. as president of the united states, that is exactly what i will do. >> thank you, governor. we're not finished yet. more to come from the presidential debate live from des moines, iowa. next. and remember, to see how the campaigns are responding to the debate in realtime, go to or open your google search app and search "fox news debate" and please stay with us. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future.
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iowa, resume the debate. >> senator paul? >> you have said former president bill clinton's history with women is fair game in this campaign. how do you answer those who say you don't hold the sins of the husband against the wife? >> you know, i've never really brought this up and asked the question but i have responded to the question. i don't blame hillary clinton at all for this. i don't think she's responsible for his behavior. i do think the position promoting women's rights and fairness to women in the workplace that if what bill clinton did, any ceo in our country did, with an intern, with a 22-year-old, 21-year-old intern in their office, they would be fired. they would never be hired again. [ cheers and applause ] fired, never hired again and probably shunned in their community.
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and the thing is, she can't be a champion of women's rights at the same time she's got this that is always lurking out there, this type of behavior. so it is difficult. >> of her husband's. >> yeah, but i combine this also with the millions upon millions of dollars they've taken from regimes in the middle east who treat women like, like cattle. [ applause ] >> we have another question from one of youtube's top creators. here it is. >> i'm nabela noor, i'm a muslim-american born and raised in the u.s. who creates beauty and lifestyle videos on youtube. in 2015, the membnumber of hate crimes against muslims in the u.s. has tripled. on social media where i've spent a lot of times i've seen many attacks directed toward fellow muslims. this culture of hatred is only driving isis to radicalize, recruit and insight violence.
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as president what would you do to address this toxic climate and promote increased tolerance in the united states? >> how do you answer nabela? >> first of all, it's important when running for the highest office in the land we recognize we're living in dangerous times and have to be serious about it, that our words have consequences. donald trump, for example, i mentioned his name again if anybody was missing him. mr. trump believed in reaction to people's fears that we should ban all muslims. well, that creates an environment that's toxic in our own country. nabela's a rising entrepreneur. she wants to pursue the american dream. she's an american citizen. she should not feel uncomfortable about her citizenship. she's not the threat. the threat is islamic terrorism. we need to focus our energies there, not these broad-blanket kind of statements that will make it harder for us to deal with isis. we need to deal with isis in the caliphate. we need a strategy to destroy isis there. you can't do that without the cooperation of the muslim world
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because they're as threatened as we are, so i think it's important for us to be careful about the language we use which is why i've been critical of donald trump disparaging women, disparaging hispanics. that's not a sign of strength. making fun of disabled people, we're never going to win elections if we don't have a more broader unifying message. [ applause ] >> governor, thank you. senator cruz, change of subject, you've called for an end to the renewable fuel standards which mandate that refineries blend biofuels including ethanol into gasoline. as you well know, ethanol is a big industry in this state. $10 billion a year. last week terry branstad, the popular governor of iowa -- [ cheers and applause ] -- who is in the hall tonight, said that bankrolled by big oil and iowa voters would be making a mistake supporting you. why should those voters side with you over the six-term governor of this state, sir?
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>> well, chris, i'm glad to discuss my views on ethanol and energy. i think god has blessed this country with enormous natural resources and we should pursue all of the above. we should be developing oil and gas and coal and nuclear and wind and solar and ethanol and biofuels, but i don't believe that washington should be picking winners and losers and i think there should be no mandate and no subsidies whatsoever. indeed, my tax plan i've introduced, it's available on our website, it's a simple flat tax for everyone, produce enormous economic growth and eliminates every mandate, every subsidy so there's no subsidies for oil and gas, no subsidies for anyone. now, it is true there are a bunch of lobbyists and a bunch of democrats in this state spending millions of dollars trying to convince the people of iowa that i somehow oppose ethanol. it's not true. i've introduced legislation that would phase out the ethanol mandate over five years but that is in the context of having no mandates whatsoever for anyone and i would note there's a much
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more important government regulation to ethanol and that's the epa's blend wall that makes it illegal to sell mid-level blends of ethanol and gasoline. i will tear down the epa's blend wall which will enable ethanol to expand its market share by up to 60% all without mandates, all without any government mandates whatsoever through the marketplace. i'll note finally, chris, there's a reason iowa's congressman steve king the fiercest defender of farmers in this state is chairing my campaign. he understands i'm committed to a fair and level playing field for every energy source without lobbyists and without washington picking winners and losers. [ applause ] >> dr. carson, i'd like to ask you about exactly that issue. where are you on the mandatory ethanol standard and precisely this question, should government be in the business of picking winners and losers? or should it be left to the marketplace? >> well, as anyone knows who's
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been listening to me, i'm very much against the government being involved in every aspect of our lives. you know, we -- last year there was an additional 81,000 pages of government regulations, if you stack that up, it would be a three-story building. this is absolutely absurd. they've insinuated themselves into everything. as far as the renewable fuel standard is concerned, certain promises were made, certain government contracts were issued which extend all the way into the year 2022. and i believe that it's probably unfair to withdraw the rug because people have invested money, people have invested a lot of energy into that. but, you know, we are blessed with tremendous energy in this nation and need to be talking about new sources of energy. 70% of our population lives bicoastly. what about hydroelectric power? we can develop that. you know, we have so much
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natural gas now and can liquify it, transfer it across the seas. we can make europe dependent on us instead of putin, put him back in his little box where he belongs. doing and take advantage of the tremendous opportunities in energy god has given us and not get involved in these little petty arguments. we can get a lot of them out if we get the government out of our lives. >> coming up, closing statements from our candidates as our debate continues, live, p ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line.
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it's great to be back. i'm an eye surgeon from kentucky, i miss doing eye surgery, did a little bit of surgery over christmas last year, got to be on the floor of the senate and it's been amazing to me. the thing that is most important to me and caused me to run for office is i'm worried about the country and how much debt we're adding and i'm the one true fiscal conservative that will look at all spending. that is the only way we'll ever balance our budget, thank you. >> iowa governor, kasich. >> one of our national security issues is that we look at each other and say why can't we solve problems? we can. we can in fact create jobs and provide job security. we can create a situation where
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wages begin to rise. we can create a situation for our children to be able to get a decent job to pay down debt and resume our role in the world. all of us have to come together with an ability for us to set the tune as conservatives. to invite other people in to be part of that orchestra. i'm an optimist and we can do it again, together to strengthen this country. work together. thank you. >> new jersey governor, chris christie. >> on september 11th, my wife was two blocks if the world trade center. when the buildings came down, she was trapped and i didn't hear from her. we have three children and i had to confront the possibility of being a single parent. terrorism in this country scares everyone. the fact is that we need a
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commander in chief that feels in here the possibility of loss. i've faced it, prosecuted terrorists, may have had the decisions that need to be made to protect us and as president of the united states, no one will keep this country safe than i will. >> florida governor jeb bush. >> i have a proven record as governor of the state of florida as a conservative leader and detailed plans to fix the mess in washington, d.c. as president i will restore and rebuild our military, restore alliances and keep us safe. as our party nominee, i will defeat hillary clinton. i ask for your support monday night and make you proud as our party's nominee. thank you very much. >> dr. ben carson. >> i want to thank the people of iowa for being so welcoming to me. please think of our founding fathers as you listen.
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we the people of the united states... in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the benefits of liberty to ourselves do ordain and establish this constitution of the united states of america. folks, it's not too late. enough said. >> senator marco rubio. >> the bible commands us to let our light shine on the world. over 200 years, america's light has been shining on the world and the world has never been the same again. now, the world is dimming a little because of barack obama. that is why what will happen in iowa is southern. i'm asking for your vote. i will unite this party and
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defeat hillary clinton and when i'm president, america's light will shine again, and the 21 century will be a new american century. >> texas senator, ted cruz. >> 93 hours. the media noise will soon are over and it's now for the men and women of iowa to decide. our country is in crisis. we're worried the future of our children and have been burned, over and over again. the central question in this race is trust. who do you know will kill the terrorists, defend the constitution and repeal obamacare? who do you know will secure amnesty and defend the borders? defend religious liberty? and i will be honored if you and your family will come, caucus for us on monday night. >> gentlemen, thank you all so much for being here tonight. we appreciate it greatly.
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that does it for the republican debate. but the kelly file starts in just a moment and guess who is going to be there? senator ted cruz. >> after the talk, the voting happens in just four days. the first americans to vote, the iowa caucuses are monday and fox news will have complete coverage. >> we have you covered from iowa to the conventions and to the general election. thanks again for joining us. for all of us here in des moines, have a great evening.
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♪ tonight, a campaign season unlike any other, it's a dramatic turn. >> before getting to the issues let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. donald trump has chosen not to attend. >> last four questions have been rand, please attack ted, chris please attack ted, jeb, please attack ted. let me just say this. >> it is a debate, sir, let me tell you who
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