tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 29, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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thanks so much for watching. and remember, you can't take it with you. ♪ we always appreciate. now lou dobbs with jeff. next. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. republican presidential candidates are battling it out for votes on the eve of super tuesday. senator marco rubio launching intensely personal attacks against donald trump who isn't afraid one bit to hit back. >> he's always calling me little marco. and i'll admit. the guy's taller man they, like, 6'2", which is why i don't understand why his hands are like the size of someone 5'2"? have you seen his hands? they're like this. and you know what they say about men with small hands. you can't trust them. you can't trust them. >> in florida where he comes
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from, this guy couldn't be elected dogcatcher right now if he ran. because he's like a machine. a robot. you wind him up, and he talks. it's like a robot. we call him the robot. well, we call him the lightweight. but we call him the lightweight robot. lou: well, it is clear that the presidential debate dialogue is elevating. the attacks on trump whatever they are aren't working. the republican front-runner today boasting about stunning new national poll numbers. >> cnn just released a poll an hour ago and it evened surprised me, i'll tell you. just came out. trump 49. [cheers and applause] little marco rubio 16. lying ted cruz 15. lou: and in a disappointment for senator ted cruz, trump netting the endorsement of
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influential senator jeff sessions. here he is. >> at this time in american history, we need to make america great again. i am pleased to endorse donald trump for the president of the united states. lou: senator sessions among our special guest here tonight. the senator joining us in a moment. also tonight trump sufficiently ahead in the polls that hillary clinton is all but ignoring bernie sanders and saving her fire for the republicans and in particular donald trump. >> every time i listen to the republicans, i know we have to fight. fight hard for our rights. our values. it started right here in boston. you know, i don't know what our founders of those early patriots would think about some of what we're up against today. lou: we'll be taking up both
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the democratic and republican races talking with former reagan white house political director, republican strategist ed rollins. surprise winning columnist for the new york post michael goodwin. our top story tonight super tuesday just a day away and the republican candidates are in a fight. the biggest battle is between donald trump and senator rubio. rubio's increasinglily personal attacks don't seem to be sticking to the front-runner, who is dominating as you just heard in the polls. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron is in san ontonio tonight and has our report. >> polls showed donald trump sitting pretty. >> you're going to vote tomorrow, we're going to win tremendously -- >> the latest polls show trump leading in georgia, tennessee, virginia, massachusetts, oklahoma, and alabama. trump spending off attacks from ted cruz and marco rubio for failing to kkk.
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repeatedly interrupted by black lives matter demonstrators. >> sunday trump twice refused. >> i don't know anything about david duke. okay? i don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacies. >> but two days later -- today trump tried to kiss can i say off the whole controversy saying he didn't have a earpiece. >> i'm sitting in a house in florida with a very bad earpiece that they gave me. >> he's unelectable now. he refused to criticize the ku klux klan. i don't care how bad the earpiece is. >> needs to win, echoed his criticism yesterday and as a fraud on illegal immigration. >> donald trump had a $1 million court judgment entered against him for hiring illegal aliens to build trump tower. >> cruz also challenged trump to release an audio tape of a january editorial meeting with the new york times, some of
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which was off the record. and according to cruz may have indicated that trump does not believe his own immigration positions and only offering them as a bargaining position for future negotiations. >> that can clear it up and the voters deserve to know. if he said something different when he's talking to the new york times than he does when he's talking to the voters, and we deserve to know before super tuesday. >> a weekend of insults with rubio getting as good as he gets. >> he doesn't sweat because his pours are clogged from the spray tan that he uses. donald is not going to make great. he's going to make america orange. lou: carl cameron reporting. and my first guest tonight the first senator to endorse donald trump for president. joining us tonight is senator jeff sessions, a member of several key committees including budget, armed services, and the judicialary committee. senator, great to have you with us. first, i've got to ask you about this new york times piece. it was a reference in a
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collins column. and then suddenly buzz feed reporting that it had a number of sources on the editorial board suggesting that trump's answers to the questions by the editorial board were at variance with what trump is saying publically. your reaction. >> i have not -- studied that. i've heard that controversy. i think he's been absolutely clear in his positions. i can't imagine that he would go back on that. he has issued a statement of immigration policy that i thought was very good. and i would expect he would honor that statement. lou: yeah, i want to make two comments just for myself to be very clear. the fact that the times recorded an off-the-record conversation with a news maker if you will is at variance with what i think most people would expect. off the record means there is no record of what is discussed. and secondly it's pretty clear that ben smith and buzz feed
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are definitive antitrump and that there would be some explanation as to why this information would only arise publically on the eve of super tuesday than rather, say, january 6th, a day after the meeting. two months for it to happen i think they're begging too much for it to be a coincidence. senator, let's turn to what is going to happen in this country with illegal immigration. if donald trump moves forward. the largest question most people have of course is the deportation of 11 million illegal immigrants and the degree to which that is practical and possible. >> well, the first thing we would see under the trump administration is that the border would be closed. the illegal flow would stop. we would deal with those who are overstaying their visas. and then we'll deal with people that are here. but illegally.
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and there's no easy way to do that. but i think we're going to move in the direction of ending the lawlessness, creating a system that protects americans from the lawlessness. a system that we can be proud of. and i believe that trump will execute that in a way that's proper. and congress would not participate in a -- something that would be improper, so i think that would be a good pathway for us to be on. lou: the idea that you and i are talking on this broadcast tonight some ten years after the comprehensive immigration reform bill was put forward by john mccain and senator ted kennedy is striking. it is as if no one in washington d.c. has ever once considered compromised or the consequences of the extreme positions to the left and the right. this is -- this has been just an absolutely surreal experience to see the debates,
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the battles, the special interest engage both parties of the way to solution. you believe -- obviously that donald trump can overcome all of that. >> well, i think so. because the american people want it, lou. the american people want a lawful system of immigration that serves their interest, protects their jobs and their public safety. what's wrong with that? politicians for 30 years have been elected promising that. and they haven't delivered. and i think trump is crystal clear on this. i believe there are two big issues out there that the american people care about and the masters of the universe column have blocked for many years and in a trade policy that serves the public interest and an immigration policy that's lawful and decent, and we can be proud of. so i think trump is correct on both of those. i have been telling republicans for years if we
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will lead on those two issues, we'll be surprised how many new people will come into our party. and he's drawing these people in by the huge numbers. and yesterday there were 30,000 people. it was packed. and i think these positions are big part of the strength. and i think the american people have a right, lou, to be angry that their politicians haven't protected them sufficiently, and i think trump is right to fix it. lou: it's interesting we talked about this thing anger that trump has addressed it himself. but the fact of the matter is whether you're on the left or the right. the establishment of the republican party whether you're a moderate, one can even consider that a position these days. the party leadership has been absolutely -- it seems to me capacity or direction or frankly principle. we'll see how this proceeds.
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you expect trump to do how well tomorrow in super tuesday? >> well, the people will decide, you know, any my comments aren't worth much. the people will decide, and i think he's going to do well it looks like to me. lou: did you just dodge political prognostication, senator? thanks so much for being with us, senator. >> thank you. lou: we're coming right back. much more straight ahead. it's a busy nature. stay with us. >> marco rubio still going after donald trump. but trump dismisses his attacks as petty. >> he's a big talker and attacker and a guy that has been able to manipulate the media to get a lot of attention. >> in florida where this guy comes from, this guy could not be elected dogcatcher. lou: we take it up with ed rollins and michael goodwin here next. and everything in this intersection is about to come to a screeching halt. and we have the video of the
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themselves with the buzz its owner to keer out dirty tricks against donald trump on election eve. surely not. former reagan white house political director, republican strategist ed rollins, prize winning both fox news contributors, and it is great to have you both here. >> thank you. lou: ed, what do you make of it? this looks like -- classic election eve dirty tricks. but with an interesting alignment. >> well, at the end of the day donald trump went in there and was off the record on the board, and they violate that. there's no standards anymore in my sense. it's outrageous. he's entitled to say in there what he chooses to say, and it's for their benefit to write a story or an editorial. but they can't leak that information and leak it. lou: but you've got cruz and rubio for crying out loud that the new york times release a record of the off-the-record conversation. that's how preposterous the
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situation is. >> well, i'm a new york times alum but it's a different paper now than when i grew up there. lou: you say that with great pride. >> i do. look, it does seem from the buzz feed story that the new york times -- clearly is confirming that there is an off the record tape. now, i think that in itself is bizarre on two counts. first that trump would allow them to tape something off the record. lou: now, we don't know that he was aware that they were taping it. >> that's true. although he was there. it seems -- lou: there he was. >> i mean it wasn't a phone call. lou: right? >> right. and then the second for the times to confirm that there is something and effectively urge trump to say something to be quoted that the editorial page to be quoted and say, well, if he wants to release it, he should just call us and consider it. almost urging trump to do that and throwing bait at the other candidates. lou: throwing bait.
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it is -- don't you find it to be an ugly ethical performance on the part of the times? >> yes. lou: whoever these unnamed editorial -- >> and, look, the times is clearly in the tank for the democrats, so they will do anything they can to destroy whatever republican candidate emerges. so if trump now, it would be somebody else if not trump. >> and they're implying that he did say something contrary. lou: by the way, that's the violation -- >> but if it's not good, why don't they print it themselves? lou: because it's off the record and they've got ethical -- how dare you. >> they've outsourced. lou: i'm going to say something about the times and i think it's everyone important in the context to understand these two things. one that most people now know and the second i doubt they do. one is that carl slim, one of the wealthiest people in the world, a multibillionaire from mexico is the principle owner of the new york times. secondly, the editorial board policy has been for years, quote, unquote, the
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laughization of america. and that i am actually referring to an editorial board member whose name i will not divulge. but straight forwardly. that's their policy, and he acknowledged it to me directly over lunch. >> right. and, well, in terms of endorsements, the last republican they endorsed i believe was eisenhower. lou: yeah, it's remarkable. tomorrow super tuesday no accident the timing of this kerfuffle. how well do you believe trump will do? >> i think he can do go over 300 delegates easily. he can break the back of the others. if he beats cruz in texas and getting very close, then i think cruz is finished. and even if he doesn't because of the 20% entrance, he's got to get 20% to get any delegates, he and cruz are the only one splitting -- lou: rubio is nonfactor? >> not going to be a factor in
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a lot of these states because he's below 20%. and he takes texas, georgia, tennessee, all big states, all big numbers. and, you know, they don't get 20%, they don't get any delegates. the bottom of the pack knocking away with delegates. lou: if trump gets 300 or more delegates, i mean that puts him at an almost -- it seems like that would be an advantage that would be very difficult to overcome. >> well, and i agree with ed's analysis of what's likely to happen which would mean that cruz wins at most texas and trump even finishing second would get a lot of delegates and rubio would still not have won a single state. i mean at some point -- lou: the state and prospect tomorrow? >> for not rubio. lou: all right. >> i don't think so. lou: gentlemen. michael. thank you very much. they will join us here later in the broadcast. and, by the way, talking about cruz in texas, we'll be talking with one of those prominent cruz supporters here of governor dan patrick.
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thanks again. breaking news, now, a setback for the federal government and its legal battle against apple. a federal judge in new york has ruled that the justice department cannot force apple to unlock that iphone used by a terrorist. the decision supports apple's fight against a california judge who ordered apple to help the fbi unlock the iphone link to the san bernardino terrorist investigation. the justice department says it is appealing tonight's ruling. be sure to vote on our poll on tomorrow's super tuesday elections. who do you think will be the gop nominee? ted cruz, marco rubio, donald trump, none of the above? follow me on twitter at lou dobbs news, like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. links to everything lou incredible video now out of austin, texas tonight. a dump truck as you see there flying through that intersection, running a red
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light, slamming into a small car, it was pushed into traffic before driving over that texas freeway overpass. what we can't see is that the truck falls 30 feet into the dry river bed below and neurologists flames. the truck driver pulls out in just time, six injured, but we're told it could have been much, much worse. up next senator cruz needed a big win in text. texas lieutenant governor daniel patrick says cruz will pull it off. >> march 1st texas for ted cruz. and states all across the south and the midwest and the north. lou: lieutenant governor dan patrick joins me. what a day tomorrow will be. we'll talk to him and the worlds best big wave surfers. they've got big waves in hawaii 60-foot waves. we're bringing you some of the
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best rides and wipeouts right here. those coming up later in the broadcast. wow. look at that. when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. unless you have allergies., then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes
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lou: a few thoughts on a polite call effort to hit donald trump on the eve of super tuesday. the effort required the alignment of many institutions and votes. it included "new york times," buzz, cruz and rubio. buzz feed reporting the "new york times" owned by a mexican billionaire has a secret off the record reportr recording of trump. we don't know if trump knew there was a recording and we don't know they have a recording. but buzzfeed said so. it's unusual to call a meeting
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off the record and make a record of it. in that meeting buzzfeed says trump indicated he was flexible on his immigration poe posals -- proposals. adding the comments in a recent "times" column were more than speculation. the column evident writin col you can't explain how you are going explain 11 million undocumented immigrants. first much all, if collins thinks this is a monster negotiation session, she should be grateful should that
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opportunity present itself. buzzfeed smith admit he doesn't have a recording of the or a transcript. but senators rubio and cruz seizing on this. listen to the sanctimonious tones if you will of the good senators today. >> so i call on donald trump, allow the "new york times" to release the transcript. if you are sitting in manhattan telling the "new york times" you are thrieght voters, the voters have a right to know about it. >> the new york "times" should release the awed yoaf this interview with him so we can see what he really thinks about this issue he made the cornerstone of his campaign. lou: rubio and cruz have secret meetings just as trump does with news organizations. this attack is collusion, "new
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york times," the republican party and buzzfeed working to take down trump. there was a comment i figured out how the trump campaign ends. clever people at the "times." and the "times" meeting almost two months ago and it appears only on the eve of super tuesday? i believe in coincidences, just not this one. this election is an all-out war. it's a war among all the candidates, the gop establishment and the truth. if you want to win this war, you better be at the polls making sure your vote counts and is counts. let's see, injecting themselves into this presidential campaign.
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the catholic pope, two former presidents of mexico and the principle owner of the "new york times." suppose that's all coincidence as well? tour quotation of the evening, this from richard pearl who once said, national sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. a government that will not perform if the role of a government forfeits the right of the government. what do the people do? all eyes on texas as cruz makes one more run to hold off a surging donald trump. cruz has to win his home state. will he? we'll find out. cruz supporter dan patrick with me next. what could be tougher than what could be tougher than daredevil's long climb?
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[bassist] two late nights in blew an amp.but good nights. sure,music's why we do this,but it's still our business. we spend days booking gigs, then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money. we run on quickbooks.that's how we own it. lou: joining us tonight, dan patrick, the texas republican cruz chairman. your candidate is the only one leading against donald trump in the major states tomorrow.
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>> he will win texas. i can assure you of that. here is something else that's interesting. our turnout is through the roof. our high water mark for turnout in a primary is a little under 1.4 million democrat and republican combined. we are look at passing the 2 million mark. we have had 1 million vote early. lou: let's start with the total number republican and democrat. you said 2 million. is that democrat and republican? >> the majority is republican. in harris county where houston is, we blew through the records last week. we have early vote almost two weeks. and it was 60% republican, 40% democrat.
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that's a county barack obama won. so this is the republican. >> how much in the way of early voting? >> we crossed a million voters in early vote. lou: in early vote in 2012? >> i don't know that exact number but i'm going to say it was about 600,000. that's a guesstimate. lou: you expect most of them to go to your candidate? >> i do. people who vote early made up their minds. there were a lot of votes cast before south carolina and nevada. there will be thousands of votes voting for jeb bush before he dropped out. the key is tomorrow night ted will do very well in the delegate count. i don't think rubio will win a state. wednesday morning rubio, kasich and carson need to step down out of the race. they are all good people. but they don't have a path to
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victory. ted is the wn -- the on one whos beaten ted in a race. lou: i heard that before. >> i think we were talking about that in south carolina. our intern polling and other outside polling shows 75% of ted cruz voters go to donald trump if ted cruz is out of the race. rubio voters go to ted cruz. for those in the establishment trying to back rubio or so miracle candidate. if ted is out it's handed on a silver platter to trump. so the on person who can take down trump is ted cruz and rubio need to step aside wednesday morning. lou: we'll test that proposition tomorrow. thanks so much. lieutenant governor dan patrick. forget bunny jumping.
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we'll show you a guy who take us to a new level. this daredevi daredevil climbino the top of a spring. the 75-foot up'. fascinating video. but not something i would like to do at all. thousands of illegal immigrant crossing from greece into macedonia. kt mcfarland joins me right kt mcfarland joins me right here after these at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that.
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lou: joining us tonight former pentagon official and fox news analyst kt mcfarland. let's start with this amazing crisis in europe with illegal immigrant, refugees crashing by the hundreds of thousands into the european union. let's see some video as we discuss this. this i at the greek-macedonian border. migrant are saying to hell with everyone and they are just rolling in.
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>> even the german development minister said we have on seen 10% of the migrant, there are 8 million to 10 million still on the way. this is stressing the social services because they have no skills, they have a different cultural background and they don't know the language and they have no jobs. every country is going to say no, thank you, go someplace else. lou: even germany, angela merkel pulled back. we are watching a number of nations change policy and start insisting on border security. i have the feeling if this were not an elect year, there would be no lesson learned from the experience in europe whatsoever. >> within months we could have hundreds of thousands of young muslim men, stateless, putting
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up barriers, roaming around europe with no visible connection to family. when the germans say we are going to send them back. there is no back to send them back. you can't legally send migrant, refugees back to a war situation. lou: the united nations is presiding over this crisis and the european union is trying to hiding from it. there is no understanding of what to do with them or their whereabouts. think is a tragedy, a humanitarian tragedy. it's inpyred in part by a u.s. administration in syria that acted recklessly and foolishly without regard for consequences.
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at the same time this is not europe's problem. we keep hearing help us out, united states. >> europe is committing a mass suicide. the brits understand it. they are having a referendum to get out of the european union and they will probably pass that referendum. if you want to be a real humanitarian don't let those refugees come into europe where there are no jobs for them and they can't asip late. put areas in the region where they can have an opportunity maybe to go back to their own society. lou: there are two groups to fear when it comes to responsible leadership in foreign policy, the fir is the corporate and the second is the bureaucrat. europe is blessed with an abundance of both and no
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leaders. >> they are all ringing their hand. this is a crisis their own making and they don't have a solution. i don't understand how they are going to fix it. when they have 10 million immigrant coming into the country where there is no place for them to go, that's a demographic change that will take 100 years to reof cover. lou: the state department released the fine installment of hillary clinton's emails from her private server. the total number of classified emails in her personal private server is more than 2,000. throughout the 10-month process preside over by a federal judge. this would not have happened if it were not for the courage and strength of that federal judge. mrs. clinton claimed none of these emails were marked classified at the type they were sent.
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intelligence officials tell fox news that's a dubious claim at best. all of the emails were created classified. a surfing come figure taking place on the north shore of hawaii. it's only been held nine times because of unpredictable ocean conditions. and you can see the conditions a little tall. the surfers you see there were able to ride 60-'swells. unbelievable. mostly ride them. some wild moves. john florence took the competition title and bragging right well into grandfatherhood. the personal nasty, petty, vicious attacks in the presidential race.
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>> you don't get to abuse and take advantage of american workers then suddenly style yourself a champion for american workers. >> we call him lying ted. elliston me say something. he will get up someplace else, and he will say the exact opposite of what i said. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a.
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oklahoma city, oklahoma. there is senator rubio. he's holding a rally there ahead of tomorrow's big primary. oklahoma one of the 14 states in the super tuesday agree nation. polls show rubio running in third place in oklahoma. and the same in texas as well. donald trump just a short while ago wrapped up a rally in val does a state university. trump talking about how he's not beholding to big money. listen to a little bit of this. >> i have a good friend mel. but he does well in this world. he raises a lot of money for politicians. he said can i raise money for you. you know how much money i turned in? i would have made jeb bush's $148 million. lou: there he is in valdosta.
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he's self-funding. that's a big deal to say you are clear of special interest influence. ed rollins rejoining us. michael goodwin, and eboni williams, all three fox news contributors. great to have you with us. thank you for staying through. let me just start, eboni. let's get to the issue of tomorrow. this is a big scandal on the part of buzzfeed. the scandal is they were all work together, quliewgd the left, colluding together with the "new york times." and you have got quite a brew. does it stink to you or are you
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just enjoying it so much? >> i actually am holding out a little bit of hope for the "new york times" that they can save themselves in terms of credibility. i'm not over that. i'm one of the last people standing, lou. i don't like even the talk around speak being things that were done off the record. i think things that have a shot of being anything that even some of us will still read and seek to have substance of truth to it, you cannot cross that ethical line. that's major problems for the "times." >> i worked there before, and i grew up with the "times" but it's i different place now. that kind of thing would have been unheard of. lou: there would have been a full-on investigation. the principle ownership -- the
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principal ownership is a millionaire from mexico. >> tomorrow it will be an old story. the story will be the trump victory. lou: and here we are stuck in tonight. >> the fact that cruz and rubio will not have done as well as anticipated. cruz said if he doesn't win texas, his campaign is over. but rubio is going to have hard time breaking through those 20% barriers. certainly the bottom of the pack, kasich and carson are not going to get anything. lou: i have to confess something here tonight. i'm getting tired of the personal attacks i found enjoyable the first two or three or whatever it was. it's now getting old. and i'm starting to think and i don't mean to a fuddy duddy, i assure you i'm not a prig.
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i just can't imagine that these people, whoever emerges, most likely trump on the republican side and most definitely clinton, let's get to a higher level now. this is becoming tedious. >> i have to say, trump has been famous throughout this race for his insults. i think the way rubio has behaved in the last week is disappointing. lou: this was the real guy. he totally flipped his personality the last week. this is not the guy who was out there sunny side up with a plan and vigorous national defense strategy. he's not talking about that. now it's all about insults. in a way i think he has chosen a slow road that will destroy him. >> i think you are exactly right. what makes it even more offputting than when trump does
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it, it doesn't seem authentic. he's seen sit award -- rewarded in trump. >> it doesn't have substance. there is an old saying you don't get in a mud fight with a pig. trump is a great counter pun. er. -- counter-puncher. lou: never have the words junior senator resonated stronger than when these two men started acting like this. >> there is a term we use when we work with presidents and what have you. we tell candidates, be presidential, be like a governor, be like a senator, be like a president. this is not presidential. lou: on the democratic side we have a federal investigation of hillary clinton and a 74-year-old democratic socialist from which to choose. this gets to be complex for the
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primary voters. think what it will be like come general election november 8. mean while we'll be bringing it all to you on the fox business network beginning at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night. so be with us. thank you, folks, we appreciate it. ed, thank you. our online poll. we can reveal 87% of you said trump demonstrated he's in control of the 2016 primary election narrative. now we'll see how many delegates he's in charge of tomorrow. 14 states. clinton and trump favored to take nearly all of them. the wins of the state, not the delegates. a force -- apportionment is still in play. email me at
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and take a second to like the fox business network facebook page it many very likeable. tomorrow super tuesday. [♪] kennedy: let us bring it in and begin. i'm watching the anticipation buildup for the biggest day in the presidential primary season. they don't sell as many avocados. tomorrow night you get some main line results from over a dozen states as you experience the highs and surprises from a vast swath. on the republican side, marco rubio is hoping to secure his first win and he will look to more moderate comfort like colorado. he's not expecting to win but he's hoping his new found tough
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