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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 2, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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almost come to a game of would you rather? would you rather be impaled or die by spire? if it came to trump, tough choice. charles: thank you all very much appreciate it. thank you for watching. and of course we leave you with the man himself. lou dobbs. >> good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. establishment republican gop elites and the donor class desperate after their efforts to stop donald trump last night just crumbled. trump won seven states, enough delegates that will be more difficult than ever for the establishment gop to stop him. senator ted cruz also had a good night winning three states, his home state of texas, oklahoma, and alaska. senator marco rubio did win finally the minnesota caucus, which means trump leads in the delegate count with 319 to cruz's 226 and rubio's 110.
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trump last night reached out to republicans who try to take him down. >> we are going to be a much bigger party. and you can see that happening. we're going to be a much bigger party. our party is expanding. and all you have to do is take a look at the primary states where i've won and just look where we've gone from x-number to a much larger number. that hasn't happened to the republican party in many, many decades. so i think we're going to be more inclusive. i think we're going to be more unified, and i think we're going to be a much bigger party, and i think we're going to win in november. lou: but ted cruz already telling republicans the party needs to wake up and unite behind him. >> head-to-head our campaign beats donald trump resoundingly. [cheers and applause] but for that to happen, we must come together. and the republican primary
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voters in up coming states, you too have a choice. charles: cruz's holding a rally in kansas at this hour. we'll be going to that, bringing it to you live. and on the democratic side, hillary clinton with a strong performance last night. she won seven states as well. sanders won four. clinton making it clear she's looking ahead now to the general election. >> we know we've got work to do. but that work, that work is not to make america great again. america never stopped being great. i believe what we need in america today is more love and kindness. instead of building walls, we're going to break down barriers and build -- [cheers and applause] build ladders of opportunity and empowerment. lou: and among our guest tonight trump campaign manager
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cory joining us. i'll take up the lighter side of politics as well tonight. joined by red eye and joann. our top story tonight donald trump cleaning up on super tuesday. but his rivals, well, they haven't lost hope certainly. senator ted cruz and marco rubio are looking to score points at the next republican presidential debate. that's tomorrow on fox news in detroit. ben carson announcing today he won't be there because he says he no longer sees what he calls a viable path to the nomination. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron in detroit with our report. >> donald trump won seven out of 11 super tuesday states as diverse as vermont and tennessee, massachusetts, and alabama. republican voters are coming out in record numbers while democratic turnout is down. trump has now won ten out of 15 contests. >> they came from the
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democratic party or the democrat party and the democrats and their long time democrats and they were never going to switch, and they all switched. and they were independents. and we've actually expanded the party. >> trump called himself a unifier last night while his opponents say he's a liberal passing as a conservative. ted cruz racked up his second, third, and fourth wins in texas, oklahoma, and as a. urging the others to quit. >> for the candidates who have not won a state. who have not racked up significant delegates, i ask you to consider our coming together. uniting. >> minutes later marco rubio knocked his first win in minnesota's caucuses. he voted in florida today. >> it's my home, and we're going to win florida. i feel great about it. >> a distant third but charging forward, he says all the way to the convention if necessary. >> we're going to campaign in all 50 states, and we're going to do whatever it takes to ensure not only that i'm the nominee but that the republican party doesn't fall
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in the hands of someone like donald trump. >> a antitrump pack dubbed our principles released a web add today on rhetoric. >> the trump organization for racial discrimination in the 1970s. >> we're going to do great with the african-americans. and you see that in the polls. and i'm going to do great with the hispanics, i'm going to do great with virtually every group. >> trump dismissed house speaker paul ryan's warning today for anyone that quotes wants to be the gop nominee must reject any group or cause on big tree. >> paul ryan, i don't know him well, but i'm sure i'm going to get along great. and if i don't, he's going to have ato pay a big price. >> kansas, kentucky, maine, and puerto rico all have gop contests. >> as for dr. ben carson he does not see a path forward for the nomination himself. he will not attend the fox debate in michigan tomorrow and will tell the conference friday what his future plans are. lou. lou: carl, thank you very much. carl cameron from detroit. joining us now on the phone is trump campaign manager cory
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lou. cory, first, let me say congratulations. it was quite an evening. seven -- seven more wins in the column for trump. how do you feel about it tonight? >> well, i want to say thanks for having me on, and i want to tell you how honored mr. trump is for having such diverse support from across the country last night from massachusetts where he won almost 50% of all of the people who voted and as you know secretary of state out there that said 20,000 people switch from the democratic party so that they could vote in the republican primary yesterday just for donald trump. record numbers up there. when you look along the deep south, you look in alabama, you look in tennessee, you look in georgia. i think mr. trump won every single county and alabama. won every county except one in tennessee. his support is very wide. and so we're very, very humbled by the support we've seen so far. lou: it is weeding, and it appears to be widening and deepening.
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we're hearing about the rhetoric of the feelings for donald trump because trump keeps establishing news ceilings. as we look towards florida and because marco rubio is certainly focusing there. the establishment is going after you. and i've got to say, core, i've never seen anything like this in presidential history, and i'm old enough to have seen a few of these. where the establishment is going after certainly your candidate. but also senator cruz at the same time you're going to have to -- it would at least in conventional terms, you're going to have to throw all of your resources at florida to prevail there, aren't you? >> well, here's what i think. i think as you look at a hometown senator like marco rubio who has within exactly one state out of the first 15 contests, if this was the nfl, the coach would be fired. you don't go 1-15 and say i have everyone behind me.
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mr. trump employs thousands of people all over the state of florida. people know him very well in florida. he's doing very well in florida right now. marco rubio, the people -- the people know marco the best. a speaker of the house, left halfway now to run for the u.s. senate. now giving that term to run for president of the united states. very ambitious man and people know that and has him down in the home state 20 points to mr. trump. so he's going to rely on dark money and lobbyist friends to come and rescue his failing campaign. lou: and should we expect trump to -- well, and you to raise the level of spending on tv advertising and in florida? >> well, it's not just florida. that tuesday two weeks from now also has ohio and has north carolina and illinois and a number of states, and they become winner take all. so the stakes are much more important.
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yesterday campaigns in ohio and kentucky and now to maine in the debate. but we'll take nothing for granted. mr. trump is going to compete everywhere as you know. his message is resonating. make america great again is so simple it doesn't matter if you're in florida or alabama or vermont or nevada, everybody agrees with it, and that's why they're coming out in record numbers. lou: dr. ben carson withdrawing from the debate tomorrow. does that advantage -- donald trump, is it -- or not? how do you see that affecting his performance in the debate? >> well, let me say i think, you know, dr. carson is a very honorable man. he has won a great race and after suspending his campaign, mr. trump told him how honored he was to have him in this race. it's a shame what ted cruz did to ben carson in iowa. this is the problem with these politicians. they go out and lie, cheat, steal, and then they apologize after. and i think if ted cruz didn't falsely tell everybody that
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ben carson was getting out of that race, ben carson could have done much, much better in the state of iowa. and may be stale in the race today. lou: it look like the 2012 ticket really is very interested in your race. mitt romney coming in after dropping what we style here the dirty mitt bomb, talking about the bombshell in trump's tax returns. and paul ryan going after donald trump. this is sort of surprising. were you expecting this? and how are you going to deal with it? >> well, i think what you find now is you get the washington d.c. establishment class so concerned that for the first time in a lifetime or more, you have the chief executive in a white house that won't take money from lobbyists, that is his own person, has the financial resources to run his own campaign, not going to be held to special classes.
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they're scared to death. they know that their lives will change dramatically once donald trump becomes president of the united states. and didn't release taxes until six weeks before the general election, which is hypocritical. mitt romney lost the working class voters by 28% to barack obama. today donald trump wins that class and beats hillary clinton in the state of new york head-to-head. and if that happens, if donald trump is the nominee and goes against hillary clinton, and he wins the state of new york and wins in states like michigan and ohio and typical blue collar places in new york, california, the race is over, it's nowhere close and the failure of the last campaign to lose so badly in a working class is not going to be repeated in this campaign if donald trump is the nominee. lou: thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: coming right back with much more. a lot more here tonight. stay with us.
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lou: donald trump posts seven big wins on super tuesdays. he sets his sights now on hillary clinton. >> she's been there for so long. i mean if she hasn't straightened it out by now, she's not going to straighten it out in the next four years. lou: so trump is pivoting what does it take to close the deal for the nomination? we take it up with dr. robert next. and man's best friend is about to meet google's robodog. who's the alpha dog here? we'll show you the video. we report, you decide right after these messages. stay with us many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula
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lou: well, ted cruz and marco rubio both targeting donald trump following the florida senators not so super tuesday. here we go. >> it was a very tough night for marco rubio. he had a tough night. but he worked hard. he spent a lot of money. he is a lightweight as i've said many times before. i always liked marco until about a week ago when he decided to go hostile. you've got to be able to win something. he hasn't won anything and actually hasn't come very close. >> as long as the field remains divided, donald trump's pass to the nomination remains more likely, and that
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would be a disaster for republicans. lou: joining us now to talk about the trump, cruz, rubio evening if you will, the critical role that evangelicals are now playing in this race, we're joined by pastor dr. robert, pastor first baptist church in dallas, one of the most influential evangelical churches in the country and also fox news contributor and author of a book not all roads lead to heaven, pastor, great to have you with us. and to get your reaction -- evangelicals are starting to flex some muffle. we certainly didn't see in 2012. and surprisingly donald trump is one of the -- if not the principle beneficiary of the evangelicals contesting ted cruz who some think -- that he would be the darling of evangelicals. >> that's right. and ted cruz won the state of texas by a
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good margin, lou, and won oklahoma and of course alaska. but look at what donald trump did. he swept through the south like general sherman on a march and not only did he pick up all of these states, alabama, arkansas, tennessee, georgia, but he picked up the majority of evangelical voters. and to think that an unorthodox candidate like donald trump would do that, well, it's stunning. lou: it is stunning and almost as stunning as mitt romney, who some suggest scared away evangelicals in 2012. he and paul ryan two failed candidates from 2012 are injecting themselves into this campaign interjetically and many say inappropriately. your thoughts. >> well, i think it's utter futility as well, the more they attack donald trump, the better he's going to do i predict. because i believe, lou, the reason that trump is appealing to evangelicals is the same
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reason he's appealing to most americans, and that is the fact that, first of all, he's the true outsider. every poll says now that people consider donald trump the outsider. rubio and cruz for all their talk about being outsiders, they're a part of that 100-member. but he also said that he is a leader and people want a leader. you know, there was this editorial that came out from a christian leader that talked about trump's bad tone. and his vocabulary and denounced him for those things. someone sent me a clip to patent and the troops. he didn't care about tone or vocabulary, he wanted to win the war and evangelicals believe we are in a war against illegal immigration, against drugs, against islamic terrorism, we want somebody who is going to win the war. we don't care about tone or
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vocabulary. lou: it looks to me, pastor, that people are starting to understand it's a war but as importantly more so understands that it is a war that we have been losing now. >> absolutely. lou: for some number of years, irrespective of the tone taken by democrats or republicans in a run to the white house, i just can't tell you how we enjoy having you go with us. >> thank you. lou: thanks for being with us. breaking news now. oregon is about to become the state with the highest minimum wage in the country. democratic governor kate brown has just signed a law that will bring the oregon minimum wake to almost $15 an hour. $14.75 an hour. the current minimum is $9.25 and, by the way, they are taking six years to go from nine to a quarter to 14 and three-quarters. their new minimum wage. be sure to vote in our poll tonight.
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do you think anyone who has lost an election in 2012 should perhaps just pipe down? we're just wondering what you think. yes or no? let us hear from you, cast your vote on twitter @lou dobbs news. like me on facebook, follow me on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. links to everything at lou thinking of getting for your dog perhaps? watch this. it's google's dog robot who's called spot. playing with a real dog. playing -- look at this. i mean this is -- i think this is one of the most fascinating videos that we have seen in a long time. to think -- now, that's just -- that's taunting. that should be five yards at least. the military, by the way, recently decided that google's
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canine robot isn't quite ready for active duty. it's a little too loud they say. and we'll see what google comes up with, going to certainly -- well, first improve the product, but i think what they've got there is a pretty good start. get that part in there? up next howard joins me. he says donald trump has been plotting a general election strategy from the very beginning. wow. >> he's been running a general election campaign all along. my reporting suggests that even on day one trump was cognizant of the need to appeal to maybe some working class democrats and independents that he would need in the fall. lou: joins me next. and we'll see how a louisiana woman narrowly escaped a tornado. 100-mile per hour winds. surveillance video is coming up here next. stay with us. you don't want to miss it.
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. lou: a few thoughts now on two men who are on the republican ticket in the last presidential election, but they squandered their chance to win the 2012 election, and suddenly they think they're wisemen and standing to tell the republican party what to do, how to do it, mitt romney announcing he'll be delivering tomorrow a so-called major speech on the state of this presidential race. announcement comes a week after he claimed trump's tax returns may contain a, quote, bombshell. like romney's candidacy, his role of dirty tricksters is disappointing. a dull candidate and ultimately a dull. speaker paul ryan also a dull fellow in my opinion, but brimming with self-approval. attacking donald trump.
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ryan sounding envious and silly and throughout choking on sour grapes. trump has been patient, but last night had this to say about and to ryan. >> i'm going to get along great with congress, okay? paul ryan, i don't know him well, i'm sure i'm going to get along great with him. if i don't, he's going to have to pay a big price, okay? lou: if ryan and romney have any judgment at all, and to this point, they haven't shown they do, if they care remotely about the republican party, they'll both now eagerly support the party, and it's nominee. they have their chance in 2012. they blew it, they were awful candidates. romney and ryan are part of the problem, not part of the solution. by the way, as they cluck about conservatism. let's be perfectly clear about this -- neither has impressive conservative credentials, and for the good of the party, their silence would be a tremendous gift. unless they'd like to help the
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next nominee defeat, the democrats come nov. and groups like the club for growth, they need to be constructive. they have no standing as conservatives, they act principally as lackeys for money masters and as far as i know they never won much of anything. the conservative group touting the success of its anti-trump ads in arkansas and oklahoma, despite trump winning arkansas and six other states last night. the club for growth that has also planned an anti-trump ad blitz in florida, warning congressional candidates against endorsing trump. i gotta tell you. that sort of ticked me off. can you imagine how donald trump or any fair minded person would feel? the club is aligned with "national review" magazine that is on its own jihad against trump. the manhattan institute and heritage foundation, it is, i
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think, time for all republicans, establishment and otherwise, to, as donald trump said come together for the sake of the country, trump called for just that last night. >> look, i'm a unifier, i know people find that hard to believe, but believe me, i'm a unifier. i would love to see the republican party and everybody get together and unify, and when we unify, there's nobody, nobody that's going to beat us. lou: trump, as you see is pivoting, and it's time for the so-called conservative groups to pivot in their tone and the direction of their activities as well. to what trump calls common sense conservatism. past time and point of fact. now our quotation from the evening, we thought this time from donald trump would be appropriate on conservatism who said --
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isn't it, though? we're coming right back. ted cruz and marco rubio calling on one another to step aside. >> i ask you to prayerfully consider our coming together. uniting. lou: could a cruz-rubio-trump contest help trump? fox news media buzz host howard kurtz with us next. and a texas couple have to confront fight or flight and recover from it all. we'll show you what happens next when "lou dobbs tonight" continues, right after these messages. we'll be right back. stay with us. it's a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. mom, dson. now that fedex has streamlined our e-commerce and helped us grow our business, i think it's time we start acting like a business. ok. -here we go...
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oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. . lou: breaking news now, reuters reporting that the billionaire koch brothers have decided they will not use their $400 million political war chest to attack donald trump. an official from the koch brothers' political umbrella group saying the brothers have decided not to get involved in the primary at all. our next guest says donald trump and his inner circle have never advertised the fact they've been running a general election strategy from the moment he jumped into the campaign. here to talk about what he reported trump's unorthodox campaign and success, host of media buzz howie kurtz, joining us from the site of the fox news debate tomorrow in detroit.
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howie, great reporting. i think some people suspected they were hearing this but couldn't believe it. you confirm it and went further. it's remarkable. i don't know that ever being done before, do you? >> no, interesting strategy, and based on my reporting, this is done quietly and deliberately by donald trump. the feeling by the camp was taking a hard line out of the gate on illegal immigration he created a hard line on the right and positions that would appeal to general election voters not just republican primary voters, for example, coming out against george w. bush in the iraq war, for example, coming out for raising taxes on hedge fund strategiers and protecting social security and medicare and cuts, conservatives did not like this. they want to shrink the size of government. get entitlement programs under control. it has appeal to the working class voters and some might be democrats who might come over to the gop side if he's the nominee.
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lou: importantly, within his campaign strategy, when he talk about preserving entitlements, implicitly he's saying we're going to see economic growth again, creation of jobs. he has been, as you say, smart as the dickens throughout, as the dickens is my addition, howie. >> he did this in the press conference on super tuesday, wonderful organization, doesn't like the abortion services. not a popular position to take in the gop primary but donald trump has exhibited an appeal that crosses the usual ideological divides. lou: he straddled on that very well saying so long as abortion is part of it, he cannot fund it. so he's done the almost impossible, pleasing just about everyone, i think, at least in large measure. paul ryan, mitt romney.
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what is going on here? this is -- it's the regressive return of two losers in point of fact from 2012. how do they possibly expect to have any currency in this contest? >> well, donald trump hasn't been shy about calling mitt romney a loser. look, this is the last gasp of the remnants of the republican establishment. they see donald trump rolling to the nomination, and he's got obstacles and have to see what ted cruz and marco rubio do, but so they trot out the last nominee who apparently has really gotten under -- trump has gotten under romney's skin. if romney gives a speech and says trump's a terrible guy and doesn't trust him and nobody should vote for him, i don't know that it has much impact given that romney had his shot in 2012 and failed to win the white house. lou: the liberal news media will carry it, it's convenient to their interest who carry the
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prospective nominee, or presumptive. >> it's a story. >> go ahead? >> it's a story. whether mitt has troops to back him up is another question. trump is in a much stronger position than romney was in 2012. lou: when he came out with his bombshell remark talking with neil cavuto here, i have to say he went down a long way in my estimation, he had done far better than that before. i don't think you can recover from that personally. howard, can't wait to see the debate, can't wait to see your reporting. look forward to talk with you soon. howard kurtz. >> thanks, lou. lou: a blue sedan, children are inside. it intlus this gas station, knocking over the pumps. caught afire. the surveillance video shows you the adults and children fleeing the vehicles running to safety. three people were hospitalized
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but luckilyny injuries were reported. the cause of the accident has not been determined. this is horrifying. all, all are okay. up next, we talk global terrorist threats with general jack keane and what is not being done about it? and who would have thought a pair of high heels would upset tsa? well, doesn't take much these days, apparently. we'll talk fashion statements with red eye's andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky, who knows a lot about this issue. like everything else. they're with us tonight. stay with us, we're coming right back. when you think what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves?
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. lou: we're getting to very quickly, let's go to senator ted cruz. this is a campaign -- there is the podium for a campaign rally held at the johnson community college in overland park kansas, a suburb of kansas city, kansas holding caucuses saturday. we'll be covering that on the fox business network. we'll come back if he shows up. the united nations count is slapping north korea with the toughest sanctions in two decades. under those penalties drafted by the united states and china.
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all cargo going to and from north korea will be inspected. move is in response to the recent nuclear test and missile launches and the united nations at work again. joining us now former army vice chief of staff, fox news military analyst, general jack keane. great to have you with us. i didn't mean to be so dismissive of u.n. sanctions, but frankly, i'm not impressed. should i be? >> well, it's a step in the right direction, but, yes, we should have a healthy dose of skepticism here. we tried sanctions before. the only time we've gotten this guy's attention is when we went after his personal wealth fund, some of which is outside the country. that was under the bush administration. when that was done, we did get his attention. here, it will bother him, but it will not stop his technological advanced to having ballistic missiles that can reach the entirety of the
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united states and weaponize them with nuclear weapons and developing missiles launched by submarines which is incredibly dangerous. this is the march he's on, and this in and of itself will not stop it. lou: nothing will stop it under this administration in all likelihood, will that be your judgment as well? >> no, that's absolutely true. we don't have enough leverage with china in this administration, we backed up so many times with them. they don't take us very seriously. what's happening in the east china sea and the south china sea and the western pacific is evidence of that. we're finally starting to do something about what's taking place in the spratly islands of the development of what will be military bases, but it's a little late and certainly isn't enough. lou: russia, assad and syria. it's a cataclysm, without any doubt, in terms of the refugees, millions of refugees, the response of the united nations.
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where is the united nations in all of this? and then at the same time this president just telling nato, basically the hell with you. is he trying to serve up nato on a platter to vladimir putin? >> yeah, well first of all, the united nations are trying to oversee the peace negotiations that are taking place. strangest peace negotiations i've heard of. they permit russia to bomb pretty much as they see fit even though there's a supposed in place a cease-fire, so not much will come of that, to be sure. the other thing is, frankly the russians are contributing to this refugee and migration problem because they have been bombing daily. rebel villages, towns and communities, and it has been quite devastating. they have accumulated more casualties now on those forces than have been achieved in
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years by the assad regime because of the devastation of the weapons systems the russians are using. most of this doesn't get reported tragically. lou: general jack keane, always good to have you with us, we appreciate it. >> good talking to you, lou. lou: thanks, jack. in other news, attorneys for the nashville marriott say peep hole videos of sportscaster erin andrews did not damage her career. andrews is suing marriott for $75 million for allowing a stalker to check into the room next to her and make the viral video. a woman was stopped by the tsa at baltimore washington airport. she was wearing these. actually she wasn't wearing them, carrying them, a pair of gun shaped stiletto shoes. she was allowed to catch her flight but had to leave the house is, called bomb girl shoes, just a memory for her.
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"el chapo" wants to be extradited to the united states as soon as possible. can you imagine? prison guards aren't allowing him to sleep. he can't bear the living conditions there. you would think he'd buy another prison. well. desperate times call for desperate measures, in an effort to survive tornado, fedex delivery driver wedges herself between a wall and soda machine. the security footage shows the machine rocked violently, knocked to the ground. the driver ended up grabbing onto a door handle where she stayed until the storm eased up. amazingly, unscathed and quick thinking saved her life. up next it is a battle of campaign slogans, make america great again, versus make america whole again? >> america never stopped being great.
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[cheers] >> we have to make america whole. >> she wants to make america whole again. what is that all about? make america great again is going to be much better than making america whole again. lou: red eye's andy levy, joanne nosuchinsky, normally we would -- there they are! they'll pick their favorite slogan of all-time, including these two, amongs all of them in history. the grammar and the slogan earring and the tease. not bad for a night's work, we're coming right back. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies.
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then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything.
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leyna: joining me -- jolynn shyzinski. it's great to have you. you guys have got to be excited about super tuesday. hillary clinton, donald trump. they are tied. how do we feel about that? are you excited? >> look, i don't know what to do i have to figure out if i want to actually register to vote, do i want to register as a democrat to vote against hillary or democrat to vote against trump and it's a really tough call. lou: when you resolve that, update.
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to make not only was i excited the country was excited lou. voter turnout for the republicans very impressive and i appreciate people who want to get out and turn their passion to action. lou: it's really remarkable and i know you must be thrilled but basically trump has basically added about 100% to the voter roll. >> people need to start staying home and stop voting. you are doing it wrong. go back home, have a beer, throw up a burger, do something to watch lou dobbs. don't vote. >> stop it. lou: let's also go to aaron enters because this is an incredible story. it's fascinating that the fence against the plaintiffs that her career has skyrocketed and there has been no harm at all from
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some taking pictures through a wall. >> i guess the argument is that she should be thanking them. lemm the logical extension, that's right. >> kirker beer was taking off before this happened so i don't mean to make a valid argument let alone the fact that it's a disgusting argument but i don't get this. >> she said she hoped as time passes people won't remember her for this tape and a war member her for her career. i didn't even know about this to be honest. back in 2008 i was a child so i did know about this. i caught wind of this because of what's happening but i hope she gets every penny from marriott is what they did was not hospitality. lou: i'm not sure. by the way i matured during that
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same period myself. where watching donald trump. he is talking about bringing people together. he is talking about uniting. you particularly have to be moved by his generosity. >> i was moved to tears by his speech not probably for the same reasons you were. >> what reasons? >> i was weeping for the future the country. his speech last night was i thought very good. it was very well calibrated in terms of tone etc. and i've been saying for a while i think the democrats who are chomping at the bit to run against trump might be making a big mistake. lou: i can see where that would be a mistake. i can't figure out is how he sitting here with 300 some odd delicates now, cruz 200 some odd and rubio 100 some.
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what we have come to expect from rubio is that no matter where he is, or third or fifth he gives a victory speech. is that not an odd thing to say candidate due? >> it's a positive thing. stay positive and smile for your donors. they are taking pictures. but yeah he didn't do as well as we all thought. cruz was the one who impressed. if anyone, cruz should be the one who's giving that kind of his speech but again you are going to try to stay optimistic. lemm i thought cruz was pretty optimistic and it was nice that he prayerfully came together which means surrendered. so we will see how that works out. i just have to ask about tsa. do we have the picture by the way?
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she is apparently carrying bees. >> it's a crime lou. it's a crime against fashion and humanity and all that is right in the world. come on. come on you don't need to wear that. you don't. lou: do you feel the same way? >> yeah absolutely absolutely but i'm a serious note it's another example of how tsa is idiotic security theater that doesn't make us safer. how many drinks have i had? lou: okay you got it. thank you for joining us. we appreciated as we come together. in our on line poll only 83% visa donald trump will be the republican nominee. only 83%. i thought for andy lee plea he's he's -- andy levy we would have a surprise for him.
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we thank you for being with us tonight. tomorrow congressman mark meadows among our guests create thanks for being with us. good night from new york. kennedy: we are back and let's work it out and lighted up. i'm watching the fallout from tuesday which for some it was superb. let's start with amanda can single-handedly manipulate a new cycle and suck the oxygen out of a room like a dumpster fire and a roomful of asthmatics. the short fingered ovarian donald trump is was on the defensive before the 11 state ballot could -- delegate grab about the size of his teeny tiny hands. >> you say i have small hands for that never heard that one before. i've always heard people say donald b. e. have the most beautiful hands. kennedy: you have heard that


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