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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  March 3, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EST

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fine coverage of what mitt romney just said. by the way, absolutely no response on the stock market. the two events totally unconnected, ladies and gentlemen. [laughter] our time is up, regrettably, because i was enjoying this. [laughter] neil, it's yours. neil: did mitt romney say anything? [laughter] all right. thanks, my friend. all right, well, the fire has started right now, and if you had any doubt that there is a break or friction between the so-called establishment wing of the republican party and the galvanizing force that is known simply as the donald, mitt romney put that to rest. mitt romney spelling it out very simply this way: >> let me put it very plainly. if we republicans choose donald trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished. neil: all right. now, you can and many will ask, as will we in this broadcast and across all broadcasts on all networks, why now, governor romney?
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why now attack the guy who you wanted support from four years ago when you were running for president? we can wade into the weeds, we can discern all sorts of things, or we could take governor romney at his word that this was the time, this was the moment, and this mormon had had enough. reaction now from conservatives gathering in national harbor, maryland, the cpac conference where you'll find our peter barnes. >> reporter: hey, neil, let's talk a little bit more about what mitt romney said about donald trump, and he said that if donald trump is the nominee, hillary clinton will be elected president. romney did not pull any punches. listen. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. [cheers and applause] he's playing the members of the american public for suckers. he gets a free ride to the white house, and all we get is a lousy hat. >> reporter: now, trump has
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been out commenting ahead of these remarks by romney. he's been tweeting as well. he said that romney begged him for his -- to enforce him for president in 2012, didn't know how to win, said that he is best candidate to beat hillary clinton and once again raised the threat of running as a third party nominee. i talked to some of the attendees here at cpac and got some mixed reaction. one said that romney is not the elder statesman of the party, so his opinion will not have that much of an impact. but another perp said that if -- person said that if romney does, in fact, get behind another candidate like marco rubio, for example, that might help that other candidate. neil? neil: peter barnes, thank you very, very much. of course, we put out calls to donald trump before tonight's fox news debate. we were not able to get him, but we do have katrina pearson, the trump campaign national spokesman. very good to have you. >> hi, neil. great to see you. neil: how do you think mr. trump
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will respond? will he respond? i know he tweeted some things ahead of the fact, but what do you think he does? >> i think he'll respond. he'll definitely bring it up in his speech simply because he'll be defending himself like he always would. but i've got to tell you, neil, it was interesting coming up to the studio to talk to you. two cycles in a row, all the geniuses told us who can win, who cannot win and why. failing twice now. it is time for republican voters to pick someone that can rally support from all fears of the republican party. >> one of the things that governor romney talked about was mister trump's plans. donald j
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does romney talk about spending. the people out there on the ground for years, they know what is best. they have failed that every measure. going on and attacking mister trump's business record. now, republicans attacking capitalism and pushing for social justice. >> there is no denying success with trump. we all do. trump university. two weeks ago. do you have any individual responses to those individual cases? does it business failures. >> oh, sure.
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this is a capitalist attraction. businesses work and some do not. that is how it works. these are people that did not have the same out on. did not go out and make the same money. they are pushing for it equal results. that is absurd. now i am questioning who the liberals really are. >> individual issues that he raised. you do not take the candidate, or you, for that matter, will respond. >> again, this is capitalism. you start a business and you take a risk. most people in business understand that. >> telegraphing it when we said watch how you are preferring to donald trump responding to my speech today. attacking me with every
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imaginable low road insult. >> i am not sure. mr. trump will respond in the way he feels like we should be responding. everyone knows that mister trump is mister trump. he is not a politician. he does not spend money on pollsters. he calls it like they see it and people respect that. >> on the wire saying that he agrees. what that romney was saying. john kasich tweeting out today. what do you make of all of this? >> this is the establishment circling the wagons. turning out to vote for him in the republican primary. they feel that their power is slipping away. they do not own mr. trump. they can not by mister trump.
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this is the american people versus the world, literally. >> one attack after another. things that would typically bring down other candidates. this looks like a broadside attack on pretty much all of the pedigree, to your point. maybe you are right. i do wonder, the gist of the charges coming to things like releasing tax forms. they romney among those things. suspicions about how which donald trump really is. do you think that that is something that donald trump should address. will address. he will never will beef those tax returns, will he. >> that is the role that they romney is playing right now.
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creating as much dow and speculation as possible. will he ever? >> mr. trump has already said that he will absolutely release his tax returns. this is the other thing. people will not push donald trump. mr. trump will put this out. no one doubt that mister trump is a very wealthy individual. mr. trump is going to do what he felt he needed to do to protect this country. he is only candidate on the republican and democratic side. >> the latest billionaires list. a very wealthy man on that list. four and a half billion dollars he had substantially less than 10 billion. whose numbers are right push a mark.
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>> well, i think that it depends. a lot of times, they do not include other assets and things that he deals with. it just really depends on which numbers you are looking at. 4 billion, 200 million. donald trump failing in business. neil: that is not the way that it is presented. once the returns are out -- >> absolutely. this was only put out there because they realize that they are in trouble. it does not make sense to them even though the signs have been on the wall for a very long time. they will get more of the same.
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donald trump is now finally identified as the one candidate that can not only fight back against the establishment in the media, but has built a coalition. >> finally, this issue of his temperament. barry frank. very refreshing. as his advisers, someone who obviously offers counsel when it comes to appearances, he gets a little rough. a little in your face. he should dial it back. >> well, you know, he does get tough. he has been defending himself from the very beginning. he does try very hard to be that politician. he has been working on it. he has gotten better.
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neil: everyone is going to be gunning for him. do not call me. do not fall for the sucker punch. what would you tell him wish mark. >> i would tell them all about. this will be designed to dial pile on donald trump to try to create a moment that they can place all day the next day. neil: they will want to call names. they will want to say something bad. at about 1:30 p.m., a half-hour from now, he is addressing people in portland maine. are you saying that it would be a mistake for mister trump to respond to governor romney by calling him any sort of name. >> i am not saying that it all. mr. trump will respond in a way that mister trump wants to respond. mr. trump has been winning being mister trump.
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i really do think that it works for his benefit to stay the same. he was, you know, very congratulatory to some of the folks. hitting the others that did attack him. >> real quickly. i appreciate it. i know you are busy. i felt very presidential. making comments tuesday night. he had some very good things to say about ted cruz. not so much marco rubio. would he entertain either if he got the nomination as his running mate? >> that is a really good question. i get that question a lot. i guess i am really not sure. saying anything to get you like did. it has always been in defense.
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that is true. it has always been in defense as well. >> his ticket for marco rubio. so poised -- so poisoned. >> i think that that is probably the million dollar question. i do not have a response for that. it makes things very different. >> all right here at thank you very, very much. >> good seeing you. speaking of donald trump, talking about the latest developments. a former republican standardbearer. losing an election he easily could have one. how donald trump response could say a lot about the tone that is being said for fox news is big residential d-day. stick around.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. neil: all right. you know what i love about connell mcshane? he is very calm.
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connell is stepping back and taking a look at exactly where we stand. >> crowning donald trump your winner already. we do have a long way to go. we will start with our delegate scoreboard after the romney speech today. the races to 1237. that is a long wait. i think you heard from romney what the strategy is. we have some important events to look at over the next couple of weeks. everyone is talking about the 15th of ohio. we have some important primaries and caucuses. 4640. twenty-three delegates. louisiana and kansas and kentucky maine. they are close primaries.
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the only republicans that are registered as republicans to vote. four early states that the washington point. did not close primaries, so far. ted cruz has 13. tuesday night, michigan and other states will be voting. i think some of these states are being ignored. we have some important work to do over the next couple weeks. only about one quarter of the way through this right now. a quarter of the delegates that he is going to need. he may very well be on his way to securing those. there are a variety of paths to get there. mitt romney indicating a short time ago that if you are hillary clinton, you have to be loving this. >> relishing any poll of what he thinks of himself.
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polls are also saying that he will lose to hillary clinton. think about that. a person so trustworthy and dishonest as hillary clinton must not become president. [applause] >> this has fractured a lot of the republican party. threatening the future of the parties very soul. expanding the base. supporting senator ted cruz. being brought up again and again. would you support donald trump if he ends up being the nominee? >> well, i certainly plan to support the republican nominee against hillary clinton. i would be really appalled if someone as untrustworthy and
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unaccomplished as hillary clinton is. the democrats they go crazy. i think carly fiorina hitting it very well with hillary when she was traveling around the world. it is not an accomplishment. it is an act to video. only two countries in the world, as ted cruz would point out to you. america is in better standing with those countries. neil: you could live with donald trump in that situation. making it clear that he could not. many other republicans who seem to be saying if he is the nominee, forget it here at do you think that it is construct this talk? >> i came out before mitt romney's talk or whatever you want to call it. it does not saying to this
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discussion to have establishment people who really are the cause of donald trump to come out and attack it now. the failure of republican leadership that has led to a lot of this. initially and still continues to fuel ted cruz's support. he has a track record fighting these people. he gets more media. a lot more media. ted cruz is the only candidate in this race with a long and strong track record. the feeding the gang of eight. you want to win, ted cruz has one. we should back people like that up with made to it. here is a conservative vision to get america's economy going again. >> thank you very, very much. the latest attack lines.
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in fact, it is a term that they all use. why now. you ask why now. the bottom line is, donald trump cannot beat hillary clinton. this is coming from the same crowd. donald trump would never begin the position he is in right now. ♪ there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95." [ beep ] but you'll be glad to see it here. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be.
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>> growth seas have crushed small businesses. and the men and women that have worked for him. what ever happened to trump airlines. how about trump university. then there is trump magazine. trump vodka. trump steaks. trump mortgage.
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a business genius, he is not. well, his endorsements four years ago. donald trump has shown an extraordinary capability to understand how are our economy does. he has done it across the country. he understands that we are facing threats abroad. >> they say that all is fair in politics. is this all just political? tit for tat. he is a trump supporter. carl, what do you make of this? >> i think that the republican party has brought them in for a last ditch effort.
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should some of these issues, whether you like donald trump or not, the democrats sure are. >> well, trump has for bankruptcies. babe ruth has the lowest in the hall of fame. let's start talking about trump's home run. >> there is a good point to that. he did not become a billionaire by failing. you are a pretty straightforward guide. do you think that donald trump should be straightforward? people can see for themselves that i am very wealthy. it will give the of parents otherwise. >> trump has committed. figure that he was running.
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>> the next batch did think about that. >> i think that donald trump will get that. he is trying to nominate the complicated rules. he is doing his best. a very wealthy guy. very accomplished. >> he is a very accomplished businessman. obviously coming from the ashes many, many times. i think what governor romney is getting at is maybe young guys like yourself do not know that much about him. maybe you should know more about the details of his business. do you think, guys like you, and americans in general, should be made aware of that? >> trump has changed his views
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on a few things before. i think every candidate has evolved and changed their views. he was a businessman trying to get the job done. now his priority is america. now he needs to make america great again. >> what do you want to hear out of him? what should he say? >> i think that he should address it. before romney has come out. this guy is a failed candidate. twice. i do not think that his attacks are doing anything. >> mitt romney saying he will say some nasty things. >> let trump be trump. it is working so far. keep in mind, if he ends up
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>> donald trump is a con artist. >> we will not lose conservatives to a con artist. preying on people's fears. friends do not let friends vote for, artists. >> donald trump is a phony. they are as worthless as a degree from trump university. he is playing the members of the american public for suckers. all we get is a lousy hat. >> sounded very similar. what do you think? >> i think that it is coordinated. mitt romney's speech today came out. what we are trying to do is present donald trump from getting the nomination. >> it seems like a pylon. >> it is a pylon.
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scared of trump. i think that that is very clear. they need to do something to stop them. i think that that is why you will see the donors run together. in florida and ohio. >> i understand it not suiting them. they must be seeing these people who are going to the polls to vote. a huge turnout. even four years ago. just ride that puppy. >> i think that that is one advantage that trump is bringing to the party. whether or not these people will stay republican, who knows. i think that they are afraid of what could happen if donald trump does get you like it.
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>> even more so if -- >> yes, i think that that is true. a choice between donald trump and hillary clinton. that is not something that i would do as a republican. we are hearing that. >> trying to protect their little turf. the republican party has been declining an appeal among voters. bringing in groups, a lot of them never voted at all. the establishment raining on all of that. they risk, you know, looking at the golden goose here and walking away from matt. >> they do. that is a calculated decision that they have made.
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especially after having barack obama for the last eight years. herding some of the new people that have come into this party. neil: whatever the merits of their efforts, they will really take off a lot of donald comes rabid backers. a lot of rabid republicans. >> that is a concern. obviously, it is calculated. they decided to do this. donald trump does survive this, we will know the attacks that hillary clinton will use against him. the republican party as a candidate will be able to survive those as well. >> thank you very, very much. he will have a campaign event. i think it is safe to say that he will be responding to the
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mitt romney broadsides. already predicting those will get very personal. some sort of paraphrase of the former republican standardbearer. there is no way of knowing. soon, we will. ♪ mom, dson. now that fedex has streamlined our e-commerce and helped us grow our business, i think it's time we start acting like a business. ok. -here we go... oh, look at this...
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>> if donald trump was ever implemented, the country would sink into prolonged recession. a few examples. proposed 35% tariff like penalties. that would raise prices for consumers.
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you know, export jobs. neil: neil: against donald trump. asking you whether this is too little too late. having a lot of new yorkers. what they thought. >> we have a range of people talking to us. people all over the country, neil. attacking donald trump character. listen to this. >> whatever med has to say about trump does not really change my opinion at all. me, personally, i think trump is a breath of fresh air. he will not sway my vote one way or another. >> mitt romney coming out after
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he was in the last election. i think that it is ridiculous. >> hardly anybody we talked to was willing to take mitt romney is advice on how to vote. the personality of sandpaper. back to you. >> sandpaper. thank you very, very much. again, to jerry's point. you are already in the position of liking donald trump. will this make you like him any less? if you do not like donald trump, this has reaffirmed that. it is an important time. is this all about planting feet? much like donald trump has when he raises this question about his opponents in the past. ted cruz and whether he is a
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national born citizen. marco and whether he is up to the job of florida senator. if that is what he was doing, did any of it work for anyone? we will ask donald himself. ♪ the microsoft cloud allows us to
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>> as mitt romney takes aim at don old trump, the other side of the aisle, as you like, the fbi continuing to zero in on hillary clinton's e-mail. sources telling fox news that the fbi could indeed be interviewing hillary clinton.
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the issue is, who has had access to hillary clinton's private e-mail server? therefore, access to highly classified material. he is the man who installed the private e-mail server in hillary clinton's home back in 2009. he was paid $5000, we understand, for that. why did hillary clinton want that private e-mail server? what was the intent? we understand that he has been granted immunity. therefore, a grand jury will have a conclusion that has been convened. things moving along. it would like to question who had access. perhaps, suggestions of
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passwords shared within the inner circle allowing multiple people access to top-secret material. we did get a statement earlier from hillary clinton's press secretary saying that hillary has encouraged everyone to cooperate. we want to make every good-faith effort to be transparent. answering any questions that people have. we encouraged him as well. we do not think that he has any reason to not be transparent. that is from the hillary clinton camp. now, he is being brought into immunity. obviously, investigators both from the department of justice and fbi believe, neil, that he has things to say that are very interesting. neil: thank you very, very much. donald trump, she would not be.
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reelecting. barack obama. if donald trump or the nominee. donald trump is bonding to that. also, going to take you live in the next hour to chris christie. the economy. one attack after another. urging he resigned. the star-ledger, the latest. the governor of new jersey is a second priority for him. the fact that even after his presidential. going around the country. shooting for donald ala shooting for donald ala we are there after this. ♪ i agree.
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let's get out there. let's meet these people.
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the 15 so weird that you have mitt romney making this nature announcement. on the very same day they are going to be debating in detroit. maybe that was the idea. blake bergman is and each rate. >> hi there, neil. if you had just shut your eyes and not know that that was mitt romney's voice, you may have thought that that was one of the presidential in this cycle. line after line directed towards donald trump for mitt romney. a handful here of what mitt romney said about, trump. not very smart. evidence that he is a con man. a phony and a fraud. i can go on and on from there.
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the most interesting thing from this news conference that mitt romney gave. he, essentially, endorsed a potential broker convention. low for rubio here. hasek there and possibly rubio in other states. >> that means i go for marco rubio in florida. john case again ohio. ted cruz are one of the other two contenders has the best chance of beating mister trump in any state. >> if that were indeed to play out, you have people asking where does mitt romney fit into the equation. >> that is a conversation for another day. donald trump has a big rally in maine. he was on twitter all morning. preempting mitt romney.
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failed candidate mitt romney who ran one of the worst races in presidential history is working with the establishment. fascinating stuff from utah earlier today. we will see tonight. >> the idea that make sure that it does, then trump. an idea at the very latest. where this whole race stands. that is donald trump. meanwhile, we have republican from south carolina. one of the early backers of marco rubio. the tryouts were big establishment figures in the party. i think, senator, it is very good to have you. donald trump is saying guys like you, forget them. who needs them.
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>> obviously, he is celebrating endorsements that he has. marco can continue taking over florida and winning the primary. america needs marco rubio. we need a conservative individual. leading us into the next century feared i know that that person is marco rubio. neil: where is the mania? i do not see of. >> we were very excited about winning in minnesota. other successes throughout the country. >> it very well means winning. the state of florida, we believe a lot of reasons to be confident. understanding the politics of florida.
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frankly, his message resonates everywhere. beginning in florida. excited about the next few days. continued momentum through florida. >> do you have the view, senator? if he does not win florida that he should hang up? >> this is a long process. we will likely see a lot of back video around the convention. the truth of the matter is marco's path requires the republican nominee. in the next several weeks, an opportunity to see how that unfolds. >> what do you make about what mitt romney says? either your candidate or anyone for that matter. almost wanting a brokered convention. what do you think? >> it is hard for anyone to figure out how to explain trump trajectory lee.
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he only seems to get stronger. the reality is we have an opportunity to create a contrast that the american people want. what he has said and what he has actually done. >> given the words that have been spoken, essentially calling donald trump, marco rubio the con man. if donald trump ends up being the nominee, he was supported as the nominee? >> what we know about the republican party for a long time is that we have been able to fuse together people that have had different philosophies. i think the momentum that is necessary to preserve that equilibrium will help many people make the decision, though bright decision. whoever the republican party
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nominees. neil: that is not exactly what i asked. calling donald trump a lot of things. a con man. a phony. i am just wondering. i know bygones are bygones and campaigns. all of those economics. he ends up on the ticket here it do you think that this would pass? marco rubio still end up supporting donald trump if he were the nominee. >> the good news is, i believe that marco rubio will be the nominee. i will not involve myself in this. i will be happy to have that conversation. >> all right. that is very well handled. you have, you know, there is very little ground between them.
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>> i am sorry. >> there is no dow that that we certainly like to have a bit of a brawl. we have a lot of strong folks in the party. the one thing that unifies this party. four years of hillary clinton. four years of bernie sanders. only an extension of the last eight years. wanting that to be a reality. we will find a way to make sure that this next cycle it lacks a republican. >> senator, always a pleasure talking to you. there is this saddle back and forth. the renegades. however you want to define who is whom. can it into real soon? that is anyone's guess. karl icahn.
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mike huckabee. a message to the paul ryan's, the mitch mcconnell's. you know. we can get along here. or we can't. >> people of the party have finally gotten together. finally speaking out. now you have this establishment. >> what do you think of all that? the establishment guys don't get it. the establishment has done so poorly for america. they have ruined this country. >> i want to get a read. the former of the 2008 campaign advisor. my guess, you are both establishment figures. i do not know how that got to be
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the bad monitor. let me get your sense of what did romney was trying to do today. ahead of a big debate tonight. he may have just made it tougher for the party. what do you think? >> taking away the new cycle a little bit. a traditional republican should not support mister trump did allowing other candidates to do what they need to do. he became the story. i think he makes it a little tougher. they are going to be part of that story. >> every time that i see something hits donald trump square in the face, marches on. galvanizes folks, still. what do you make of that? >> romney will control the new cycle may maybe for the next nine or 12 hours.
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then it will become a donald trump new cycle. i think that it is very clear that donald trump came out strong. mitt romney lost four years ago. i am the one that can beat hillary clinton. making a very strong case. carrying on for the political spots of the republican party. a real big disconnect. thousands of conservatives coming together. different gop candidates. there are the trump supporters here. i think for romney to come out and give this speech it will fall flat. it is what the political class wants to hear. not what the rest wants to hear. >> he is arguing, we nominate this guy, we go down to defeat. no way we can win with this guy.
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a lot of the backers, never voting at all, is that a fair criticism? one-on-one by 40 points. now in single digits. depending on the polls. >> nearly 80% of the deciders win against donald trump and they went against a different candidate. just started with the debate last thursday. five days of bad news for donald trump. that is a real big series of elections. this could have a real impact. especially if they continue. neil: you and i chatted for years. this is all about printing seeds of dow. just like donald trump.
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about ted cruz. natural born american citizen. >> how long does it take for the other candidates to attack donald trump? he did not last very long. donald trump had always been effective at fighting back. the little marco rubio. the liar ted cruz. the real question will be, neil, talking about policy. in issue that he has had in the last couple of days. where the other candidates. >> we will watch very closely. guys, i want to thank you very, very much. chris christie in new jersey threatened. talking to reporters about some financial issues. no doubt no fewer than seven new
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jersey newspapers including the biggest star-ledger. urging him to quit. spending so much time out of the state. even after giving up his presidential quest with donald trump now that he does not care. either feeling that mr. christie will try to put that to rest. we will see. we are also waiting to hear from donald trump. twenty minutes away from responding no doubt. his own tweeted response to mitt romney. the comments that mitt romney made about him. he is a liar and a phony. donald trump simply will not take that. ♪
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on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. neil: i want to take it to new jersey right now. chris christie responding to critics. the presidential upswing. going on to help donald trump. he is not speaking directly about that. how things are turning up new jersey. in the legislative agenda. let's listen to this. >> yes. in those 22 days, i also endorse donald trump for president of the united states. i did for one very simple
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reason. mr. trump, who i have known, as you all know, for 14 years. donald trump and i have been friends for 14 years. i believe that he is the best person to beat hillary clinton. as a republican, i feel strongly about making sure that hillary clinton does not become president of the united states. i think that donald trump, of those remaining, is who to do that. i honestly thought i was better. the voters disagreed with that. some friends of mine who supported me disagree with that beard some friends of mine who supported it agree with it. that is the way it goes. that is what life is like in politics when you do not sit on the sidelines. you actually get involved in the game. i am not a full-time surrogate for donald trump.
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i and in endorser of donald trump. i went out on the road on friday and saturday. reinforcing that in doors mitt. i went out on super tuesday with him. i have no current plan to go back on the road again. going away and taking off. march 8, next tuesday, my 30th wedding anniversary. it may be a good moment for me to take by wife away and remind her why she may want to stay with the a few more years. mary pat and i will be going away on tuesday for a couple days to relax. i will be back in the state after that.
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we have a lot of work to do. i am engaged in all the things we talk about. getting passed by the constitutional deadline on june 30. fighting against those amendments that i believe will avoid the tax increase on new jersey. dealing with the infrastructure problems. making sure that the legislature does their job. they want revenue, we will make sure that they come from -- neil: new jersey governor chris christie responding. tension has drifted elsewhere. he is still looking to the budget. blogged by both that say they are just not going to pick up the matter. a problem with president obama. it comes in the face of one newspaper after another. saying he is looking a little too politically correct. urging that he step down.
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only the final blow. any shred of ability. a few weeks ago, impossible to believe that christie is destroying the president. super tuesday show. even he can barely stomach. he looked like he had been taken hostage. >> i have no idea why. fighting fire with fire. they are all coming back saying, that is one thing for you to spend a lot of time out of town when running for president. now they are going after him for the guy who wants to spend a lot of the time with the guy running for president. >> this is like a sporting
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event. >> the big story. >> i do not care. it is all policy. >> monitoring what he is taking questions. that press conference, that is always reflecting that. he got really good with social media. i wonder what really hurt him beyond anything else. >> we always talk about this. you can never underestimate him. he knew exactly what had happened. he just cuts it off.
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>> he did look uncomfortable there. >> what am i doing for my 30th wedding anniversary. >> it was funny. just tearing it off at the pants now. talking about the budget. taxes in new jersey. thank god he is doing that. >> a very popular show in new jersey. >> he just is not into this. >> i know him and i do not believe that. i think he is a jersey guy through and through. a political animal in a good way. >> taking things out of the audience. when that that be a gimme for him. >> donald will have to get the
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governor to mexico or john kasich or something like that. governor christie, no. >> you will not remember it the running mates. >> a great attorney general. you cannot make this up. i am watching mitt romney. last week on his show. this was the guy. i swear to god, my mother, she called me. she goes, batman romney, i'd like to punch him in the nose. donald is speaking against all establishments. chris christie steps up now. you do not want to talk about the economy. he and donald will probably have a quick phone call. it is a one-to punch. jersey and new york. you cannot stop that.
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>> chris christie. >> i get no respect. no respect at all. [laughter] >> the debates today, it is going to be great. i have a plan. a rand paul audio. marco. marco. marco. marco. he has small hands. marco. marco. neil: all right. [laughter] i don't know. i do not know where you are going from there. [laughter] i don't know what he is saying. [laughter] >> is that the lawyers? [laughter]
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>> thank you. ready to go. now. former governor gary johnson. and enviable path. joining us right now. governor. i don't know if you can do any good impressions. chris christie really quickly. trying to explain how much time to spend with donald trump. >> i do find it amazing that he is backing donald trump. >> attorney general. i think it may be for running mate. what you think?
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>> i have to side with joe on that one. he really needs to tear graphically spread himself rather than all northeast. attorney general. guessing between the two, i will side with joe on that one. >> we will say good buy, now. the libertarian candidate for president. you may have company. an outside party candidate. donald trump, republicans. what do you think of that? >> it just is not possible. yesterday was a deadline that passed. the libertarian nominee for president is going to be on the ballot in all 50 states. i really think that i have the good possibility to be the third
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hardy candidate. donald trump deciding tomorrow to be a third party candidate, heat could not pull it off. it just passed yesterday. >> is it too late for him to try that? >> no. he can enter into that fray. >> that was only a threat. what did you think of that? >> zero. it is a nonstarter. talking about the border. aughter] i am talking about the border. >> okay. okay. all right. it is a pleasure being here. i am the third-party candidate. >> we will see what happens.
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it could be a factor in this race. we are waiting to hear from donald trump. you heard what some of donald trump's surrogates are saying. he is ready. are you? ♪ and i'll get the promo materials.reports questions? i got a question, where's my omelet!! coming right up, mr. tinsley!
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um. who's he? until our startup gets on its feet, money is a little bit tight. so i opened an online bed and breakfast. there's supposed to be muffins! these are scones! ok, mr. tinsley. or we can just use fedex ground shipping. they're fast and can save us money. yeah. let's do that. also i'm gonna need more towels. also the toilet is busted. also those two things are related. fast, affordable fedex ground shipping. (patrick 2) pretty to be the boss of you? (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done? (patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like... ...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, . .
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neil: good debates would not raise minimum. >> i would not raise minimum.
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neil: all right. we are waiting, for portland, maine, donald trump will be speaking to supporters there. no doubt responding to some of the criticisms of mitt romney who said it would be a mistake to elect this phony. those are his words there. he is isn't all he is cracked up to be. he says he is. donald trump tweeted pithy responses to that. this will be first time to verbally do so. you can plan on him doing so. you can plan on going to him when he does. this is not something fractures one party. democrats have own passion, dealing with hillary clinton and bernie sanders. we have someone with group against thee tockcracy. this group supporting bernie sanders. makes it well-known in that regard. victor, good to have you.
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you obviously want bernie sanders. right now he is trailing in the polls. it is still early, but if you throw in superdelegates and all, i'm sure a bone of contention to you guys, she's halfway there. if she's the nominee, are you saying you wouldn't support her. >> that's right, neil. thanks for having me. we appreciate this. we can not support hillary clinton for president. she is not a progressive. every time she makes that claim she is lying. she is neoliberal. going for hydrofracking, every bit as militaristic as john mccain. she will push free-trade agreements which are nothing more than trojan horses international corporate rule being imposed upon our democratic order. our position bernie or bust. if bernie doesn't get nomination, for the democratic party, we, and our 53,000 pledge takers, are going to write in bernie on the, in the general election or vote for the green party candidate.
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neil: i know you heard this before but that our way or the highway, our candidate or no candidate does sort of, you know, sound like sour grapes. >> it is not sour grapes. it's a revolutionary position. first of all, what senator sanders is doing, using an establishment party to undertake a political revolution is historically unprecedented in this country. and what we're trying to do, which is to use the leverage of telling democrats, you have a choice. either you unite behind bernie sanders or else, you're going to see a republican win the general election, that has never been done before as a primary campaign tactic on a national scale either. so our intention is, to use the synergy of sanders, really well-run campaign, and our grassroots movement to tell democrats, your choice is to
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vote for and nominate bernie sanders, or else, you're going to lose the white house. this is unprecedented. we believe the synergy will work to help sanders clinch the nomination. neil: what if sanders loses fair and square in the delegate count, even leaving superdelegates out of it, what then? >> so there are two choices. if he is behind in the elected pledged delegate count, the chips fall where they may, hillary won fair and square. we're not going to support her, we're not going to vote for her. we don't vote for the lesser of two fascists. we believe her support for the nasty -- donald trump the other fascist, is at that what you're saying? >> yes. but he opposed to freed at the same time agreements. south's, really difficult to figure out which of those two candidates in our view is more fascist. but we're not supporting either of them. our position we'll write in bernie sanders or vote for green
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party candidate, depending what the state you're in and what circumstances. neil: thank you, victor. what you're up to in revolt against plutocracy founder. donald trump is about the to speak. getting update on costco, the big retailer announcing raising its minimum wage by about buck 50 to $13 an hour, effective like now it sounds. a little more after this. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates.
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it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in.
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>> if donald trump's plans were every implement, the country would sink into prolonged recession. a few examples. his proposed 35% tariff-like penalties would instigate a trade war, and that would raise prices for consumers. kill our export jobs, and lead entrepreneurs an businesses of all stripes to flee america. neil: well i have a feeling that donald trump might disagree with that. in fact pretty much all of that and he might get his chance in just a few minutes in portland, maine, where he is set to address some supporters, among them not in maine right now is congressman tom marino, one of first so-called establishment congressman if you will to back donald trump. p he is from pennsylvania. good to have you, congressman. how are you doing? >> i'm doing we, thank you. it's a pleasure. neil: what do you make of what is going on here, what
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mitt romney was saying, others? >> look, i disagree with romney. i'm disappointed but six years ago my wife said to me as i was screaming at tv and throwing things at commentators, put your money where your mouth is an run for congress. and maybe mr. romney should have taken that advice up. neil: now, one of the things he is raising, he did run for president twice, failed twice as you know, is that, he is just very concerned for party. if you take it face value he is concerned, that trump heading ticket for the party would be disasterous ticket, unless the republican party gets around these issues and addresses them now, it is a given democrats will and you will all go down in flames. you say what? >> i disagree with that premise. this is takeover by the establishment and people in my district and across the great commonwealth of pennsylvania are tired of it.
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let me pose this rhetorical statement. how is it going over the last 30 or 40 years with vice presidents and governors and career politicians being president? we're $19 trillion in debt. 15 million people out of work. the borders are open. people want businessman and someone who speaks his mind or her mind and this is donald trump. he is saying what my constituents are thinking. neil: but do you fear that if some has tried to get, maybe say, not so nicely, they don't know how he is going to do this, they don't know how consistent he has been on this and you might not be the guy you think he is? >> i think he is guy. look, donald trump, and i, we don't agree on everything, but as part of his team i'm going to voice my opinion to him but he has proven himself. go across america, ask, repeat the name romney and repeat the name trump who are people going to know if you think that donald trump had a following two hours
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ago, romney just helped him tremendously because that following is going to explode now. neil: how do you think donald trump should respond in a few minutes? >> well, if i know donald he is going to pick apart the failures of the governor. but, the issue is that he's going to get right to the point. he is not going to pull any punches. that is donald trump. that is what voters want to hear. neil: okay, congressman, we'll watch closely as i'm sure you will. congressman, thank you again. to his point, everyone waiting to hear what donald trump has to say. he is already tweeted his displeasure. mitt romney making it clear expects in your face, almost childish response to paraphrase the governor. i don't know if that's fair. i do know that it is usual for donald trump not to take anything lying down or letting any slight go. how he lets go, we'll know in a few minutes.
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the gains for the sector, a bunch energy stocks in them and individually chesapeake in the news for all the wrong reasons. yesterday the former ceo died in a car crash. southwestern, console, a lot of energy stocks doing well on percentage terms in individual basis. markets as i said moment ago, are quite. markets down by 13. s&p is also lower. at this point in the year we're still seeing fairly sizable declines in markets which tells you how slowly we started off the year with the dow down 3%. s&p down even more. donald trump coming up. every day you read headlines about businesses
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when it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. we're building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. neil: all right. we know republicans are sort of divided on this issue of donald trump but what are democrats thinking about it as we wait to hear from donald trump today in light of a broadside attack by the party's last standard-bearer, mitt romney. joe, i get split reads, they welcome decision among republicans. others say fear donald trump, he is not the pushover some think he would be for hillary clinton or bernie sanders, whoever gets nomination. what do you think? >> yeah, i think first off, the split chasm existed in that party in the past six months is welcome news to democrats. nice to see them figuring out where they stand on particular issues but donald trump can't be ignored.
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obviously what we've seen a party taken him lightly and had opportunity to nip it in the bud six months ago, didn't take it. last minute retreads coming out trying to bring him down. the problem over the past six month he has got momentum. as democrats we're looking at this, we can't take him lightly. got to take him seriously. he is the presumptive nominee and build a strategy. strategy is don't do what everyone else is doing. neil: very reasoned and measured, i think very thoughtful type of response. >> thanks. neil: i don't hear it out of democratic colleagues, much like the jimmy carter folks said back in 1980, this fellow ronald reagan would be easy to beat. i distinctly remember after iowa caucuses when looked like george, sr. would be on his way more difficult to beat. we know in retrospect what really happen. you think some in the democratic party getting ahead of
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themselves praying for a trump opponent? >> i do. i say this, as opera i have it myself i'm excited about the opportunity to run against someone like donald trump. puts emotions on his sleeve, says what is on their mind, something we're telling voters about republican party for long time, intolerance, unacceptability of certain people, this brutal politics they have been playing. they have done a good job over past few years explaining to electorate that is not them. they created frankenstein's monster. he is out. we as democrats get back to watch and see what they do, build our own strategies. it will be very fun campaign in november which i'm sure democrats emerge victorious from. we'll go back. rubio stands to gain the most. polls way, way down, but when you compare it to republicans it is way, way up. >> yeah. neil: they have got the passion. they have got the juice. they have got the excitement and you guys don't of the does that worry you? >> not, not at all because here's the thing.
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that excitement is not necessarily for the gop. that excitement is for donald trump. what we don't know where the voters go if he doesn't get nomination. he dominated this primary season. if he ends up losing this nomination at convention what happens to all those people? that's number one. number two on our side, we're happy with the two nominees. i understand there are some policy differences but in general i think party as a whole, some extreme groups aside will be very pleased with either one of them being our nominee. not to mention it is a pretty foregone conclusion that hillary is going to be our nominee. so the fire and brimstone isn't there yet. we're looking for foil to come from the other side. once republicans finally choose somebody, whoever it may be, that's what we start using them as a foil to gin up our people. overall, i mean this is great primary season. great to see republicans duking this out. their party has been searching for a core for very long time, between tea party, establishment, cruz, evangelicals. they have a lot of factions that need to work this out. just an ugly way to work it out in public. neil: so, you know, when you're
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waiting as we are for donald trump to speak. i know you're going from perspective as democrat, mitt romney said a lot of bad things about him but again, donald trump said a lot of bad things about mitt romney. all is fair in love and war. donald trump has been trying, first clear signs of that tuesday night was very gracious talked about ted cruz. one little jab at marco rubio. but he is trying to obviously present a different, more seasoned, say presidential image. so keeping to that, in response to this, what do you think he does? >> it is interesting, he reached out to speaker ryan this week too, which was a sort of big political move to placate i can bring us together, nair tougher. the problem is, there is blood in the water and he has to smell this. this is perfect opportunity.
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don't forget, when we break down message to simplest point, it you winners and losers. it will be tempting to go at mitt romney going after him taking on the loser. he is the new winning way into the future. this plays perfectly into his narrative. his tone has to go a long way. if he wants to look presidential he has to deliver solid punches without being fanatical not necessarily his cup of tea. his supporters love that about him. they love that fanatical nature that fire and brimstone. they're looking for that. so does he, if he fails to deliver on that, do they get disenchanted? i don't think so. i think he comes at mitt romney extremely hard here. he laid the groundwork in the speech earlier a few minutes ago. this is going to be a lot of fun for everyone to watch. neil: it will be that. thank you very, very much, my friend, thank you. for putting all this in sort of perspective from the other side. blake burman in detroit right now, the seat of tonight's big debate. i have a feeling certainly this
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will come up tonight. reporter: yeah, one would think so, neil. whether it's moderators asking trying to get a response or if it is candidates going there and bringing it up themselves as avenue to attack trump. one would think this is layup for marco rubio and for ted cruz as they have, rubio starting last week and cruz for weeks now going after donald trump but john kasich might be a different story. as we saw last week in the debate, really in debates past but especially last week field narrowed, he played nice with donald trump and so too trump with kasich. kasich got to the debate venue here i believe a few minutes ago. before that he held a, availability with reporters, basically a press conference with reporters only and and he said he doesn't feel that calling trump names is kind of way to go here, the way to take down trump.
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so i think you might be able to read into that as far as it goes for at least case i can tonight, if -- kasich tonight, if it is lobbed out there for the candidates he might not take the fastball and hit it out of the park, neil. neil: we're told there might be a reason for this delay waiting for donald trump, i don't know if we still have the shot, ralph. chris christie is talking to reporters in new jersey where he has told folks, despite six newspapers urging him to do so he is not resigning the governorship. papers argued he spent so much time campaigning out state and shocked to discover would still campaign out-of-state even when he gave up his presidential request referring to him as trump surrogate. christie said he is no surrogate. new jersey's needs come first and he can do both. big backer of donald trump even though he disparaged donald trump in the past. the fact he is still talking leads some to believe donald trump want to see that he is done first before he addresses the troops.
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no other news network is on this. so, i'm just briefly showing you now. we touched on it. but it is out there. that is one of the reasons why he might be delaying a response. i have no idea. but i know connell has a few ideas. it could get interesting once mr. trump speaks. >> you think? if it was on other networks he would be sitting out rand comment on it. neil: exactly. >> i think trump in this appearance, his supporters will be fine for that. they have been all over television and social media. blake is right to point this out last hour, there was one significant thing romney said in his speech that could threaten trump. i don't know that he will respond to it directly. he basically said to people in other states, if you're in florida, you like ted cruz, don't vote for ted cruz, vote for rubio. he specifically said that. >> wants a brokered convention.
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if you're in ohio, you're a marco rubio fan, vote for john kasich. he endorsed strategy. only today it is political operatives. neil: could say he is good party guy. i'm not supporting anyone here. not if i'm flipping to rube year or flipping to cruz. do what you're doing. you could read into that a brokered convention would be just what the doctor ordered? >> speaks to couple things. one is desperation of mainstream establishment, whatever we're calling this part of the republican party now. they see this and romney epitomizes that. they see this as only option, right? you talked about it early on before anyone talking about idea of brokered convention. neil: numbers wouldn't be there. more likely be there if everyone stays in the race. >> right. neil: ben carson all but stepping out. won't be at debate. blake burman, he won't be at debate. don't know what full intentions are. might be there at cpac. ben carson out, and four key guys in, what do you think?
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>> yeah, he is, he is supposed to speak tomorrow at cpac, the biggs conservative gathering. he will not be at the debate tonight. this is hometown of detroit. it is interesting, neil, that i missed the top part of your question, excuse me if i don't answer it -- neil: if you were a tree, what kind tree would you be? >> that he would love dr. ben carson's supporters. as everybody seems to consolidate, you talk about ted cruz trying to consolidate and marco rubio trying to consolidate some of the establishment vote. here you have donald trump tweeting out he would love some of the ben carson vote which would kind of make sense, carson is quote, unquote, outsider just like donald trump is, neil. neil: you know, connell, we're watching this event, supposed to get underway in portland, maine, half an hour ago. that is what it was super tuesday night we were making big announcement. it was delayed half an hour. many thought it would be endorsement by -- >> rick scott, the governor. there, by the way there were
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other rumors floating around. all kinds of things out there. nothing really happened. neil: what do we think he has to do? knee seconder response is call the other guy a jerk? >> he has remarkable capacity for changing story line and narrative. just when we think -- we didn't know christie was coming out to endorse him that day, did we? i don't think anyone did until showed up on the stage. emac brought it up that it was a christie endorsement but i don't think anybody knew that. he has the capacity to change what people talking about. neil: christie, still talking to reporters, saying we've had enough of this. one thing when you were out of the state a lot running for governor. you're still out of the state being a sure regaat for donald trump. >> he really had a tough few day, right? the another night, we were at the cruz event in stafford, texas, everybody there just amongst group of people standing around talking about christie's facial expressions even then.
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before it started to blow up. before we realized that is what the whole world is talking about. people from new jersey, i know you live in new jersey, people from the state, what about that element, what about us? he is getting hit on lot of fronts, where he thought by endorsing donald trump helping himself, i agree with you, probably vice presidential candidate that might be in his head. neil: as attorney general, you don't have campaign for that such a great prosecutor. i would think that is slam-dunk. even a democrat, assuming he would be good. >> right. neil: but. if you buy the arguement running mate is good attack dog, he fits the bill. >> donald trump says he is currently in government. check, currently in government. not beyond trump to have somebody come out be like him. somebody saying from northeast, they are both from the northeast. since when is the trump campaign following conventional wisdom
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that way. neil: absolutely. >> wouldn't be beyond him to say there are two of me out there. neil: southerners, at the time, it didn't make sense. >> everybody said that. neil: blake, there is going to be pressure on donald trump tonight because he will be a target tonight. came out of all this okay, and won all these states on super tuesday, what are you hearing? >> you could say press conference that he held on super tuesday, standing in front of the flags where many thought he acted presidential, had right temperament. that has been the hit from some, that he doesn't. or, he could go the route of twitter, what he did this morning. attack the tack. we'll see you tonight, neil. neil: so crazy.
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looking at this, what donald trump has done, nothing is hidden. much more campaign among party luminaries saying he is not our candidate. >> look at argument rubio makes it ad nauseum, 65% of the voters haven't voted for trump. that's true. but they're not voting for you either, you being rubio or whoever is in the race or -- neil: idea one goes out, all those guys votes go to them. >> which is not necessarily true. trump sad it. and he's right. that is not necessarily the case. now we'll see concerted effort, i don't know if it will work, we'll see concerted effort on behalf of these establishment people led by romney and followed up by others in the coming days that says, rubio's our guy in florida, kasich is our guy in ohio, we'll cover talk about, one of the close primaries. neil: absolutely. >> just as hypothetical people say, cruz does well in that
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among conservative voters. let's go for cruz. people come out and say, vote for cruz here. again it may not work. more of a concerted effort to do that, spread out between three, four, five, six, at one point far more candidates. neil: makes it tougher to get to the 1237 if you hold his delegate count down. >> by that thesis, they would be happy, these republicans if john kasich got 0.5% in florida but won ohio. that is only way. neil: exactly. >> trump is still ahead in delegates but doesn't get to 1237. neil: you never know. first let me take a selfie. running late. trish regan, i have feeling something will happen in your hour on this. trish: i have a feeling it will. thank you, neil. donald trump expected to speak any minute from now on portland, maine. he is expected to take to the podium. looking live picture of some of
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the crowd members, rather controversial t-shirt on display there now. anyway he is addressing mitt romney's brutal attacks on on him. earlier today, mitt romney went after republican front-runner pretty hard. take a listen. >> donald trump is phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as degree from trump university. [cheers and applause] playing members the american public for suckers. trish: hmmm.


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