tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business March 4, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EST
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stuart: a solid rebound and the webster ratio. ashley: don't prius me, send money. stuart: neil is here with an interview with mitt romney. neil: the battle is on and mitt romney is doubling down blues some would say he is having a fit. y -- why are you doing this? >> i care about the country and my party and i watched from the sidelines play a role as the umpire and calling some foul balls now and then but i couldn't sit back and say nothing as i watch donald trump be more and more outrageous, as a terrible things about george bush, john mccain, positive things about vladimir putin, mocking reporter, a disabled reporter. john: when he first said the
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methodology -- >> i need it clear that that was a mistake. i do that along the way but actually getting in the race and laying out the case against donald trump as i see it is something a lot of folks said don't do, you get in coming from all sorts of directions, people will he landed at you, i just can't sit by. what do i do when my granted say what did you do to stop donald trump? what if i said i didn't do anything? john: you also say who were you to stop donald trump? he is winning all these votes, that is the will of the people. >> i don't think a lot of people understand who the real donald trump is. you have seen the other two candidates on either side of him begin to serve you noticed what he has done? he gave money to jimmy carter, hillary clinton time and time again they are laying out the case, his business, trump university, this is a guy who
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says he is worth $10 billion, and nonetheless wants to apparently free-speech lot of 10, $15,000 to make a little more money for himself. john: he says we can go back and forth on that but he won support four years ago. >> i won the support of everybody in the country, that doesn't mean a want to endorse all of them for president. i would not endorse him for president. had i heard then when he has been saying during this campaign i would not have appeared with him. john: when he said yesterday, i could have said go of to your knees and he would have dropped to his knees. >> characteristically disgusting on his part. it is beneath the dignity of the office of president and even being a candidate for president. john: that is what really got to you, you knew the fallout you would get from this but on those grounds, personal decency grounds, the way you treat
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people, that is why you care about the way you did. >> his temperament and personal characteristics, character if you will -- john: a lot of president's are not since. >> and they keep their foibles and weaknesses to themselves, keep it private to the extent they can but not all the time, but they try to. this is very different. this is a person who on almost every occasion he can bring this into the public view and look around the world. i talked to people in other parts of the world, they can't believe it. what is going on? hell in the world can you be supporting someone like this? john: maybe the party has created this monster if you want to look at it that way. >> donald has always been donald. john: what they're saying is people are fed up, is angry and they want someone who will be a bull in a china shop and deal with china and mexico.
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stop letting them run around. >> first of all the whole decision of going after china was something you may recall from 2012 was a big part of my campaign. at that time i said they're manipulating their currency, holding a down artificially to and their products less expensive and that was true four years ago. donald trump and i spoke about that when i'm at him in his office. he is forgetting that is something -- i wasn't a free trader. the way you bring jobs back is not by putting a 35% tariff on foreign products, that would just raise prices -- john: your father in the early 60s. ibm are really smart trader. and those cars come year, up 35%. >> so their cars will have a 35% tax overseas, that is a problem.
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will he do that for toyota. toyota is not an american company. if they bring cars from mexico, china, or south korea will they get a 35% tax? if not, then ford's cars will be a huge disadvantage to toyota's cars. john: treat americans spending more? you know, we could be -- >> we could bring jobs back to this country and we could be effective in gaining the upper hand economically but not by putting tariffs in place. that doesn't work. john: he is saying we have put half trillion dollars trade gap with the chinese. we have $16 million trade gap with the mexicans. something is wrong. everything conventional has not worked. >> there has been no real effort conventionally. barack obama had no clue what to do to bring back american jobs. hillary clinton has no clue what to do. i laid out during my campaign
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things that are effective. ted cruz last night lead down something extraordinarily powerful and true. they have a different tax system and when they export goods to the u.s. they refund taxes in various countries. when their products come here they don't have taxes embedded in them. our products have taxes. our product are 30% higher cost than they would be with a similar tax regime. john: you mentioned hillary clinton. i was struck by the fact that you don't want donald trump to be the nominee, everyone should support the candidates that are out there, john kasich in ohio, marco rubio in florida, almost wishing for a brokered convention. >> on the first -- i would like to see an open convention with
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more give and take between the candidate and someone besides donald trump becomes the nominee. stuart: note fan of donald trump set a brokered convention would not be fair to donald trump and he would leave and have a right to leave. >> if he wants to be that is fine. everyone has a right to do what they want, but in a convention, said donald trump had 40% of the delegates and the other guys have 30% each and what does that give us, 100% so in a case like that, 60% don't want donald trump, totally appropriate, say they get together and form a ticket, that is how politics works. neil: i am going to put marco rubio on it. >> if those guys go along with it that is their right. i am not going to support donald trump as the candidate. stuart: would you vote for hillary clinton? >> i won't vote for hillary clinton.
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john: neil: mitt romney the 2012 candidates sitting out the election? >> i will write in the name of a conservative. i cannot -- john: republican nominee from getting -- >> i cannot in good conscience vote for a person who has been is degrading and destructive and unhinged. neil: in so doing would be electing hillary clinton. >> i will do with my conscience what i think is right for the country and what i can live with as an individual. the elements i laid out about donald trump is economic plans will cause a recession, his foreign policy plans would cause us to be less safe and in more danger and his personal temperament is of such a nature that it would keep america -- neil: andrew jackson was ill tempered. >> it has been a while. i probably would not have been -- donald trump is a new
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phenomenon in my view. neil: it is one thing -- he says you were testing the waters yourself this election year and the prospect of being in the race gave you pause. >> what was the phrase ted cruz said about donald trump's association, i looked it this race in january. it was unimaginable to meet donald trump would enter the race and if he did -- neil: what you know now, jeb bush and the backers. >> wasn't donald trump. in politics -- neil: a lot of money going in and out giving pause that the donors were running -- >> i will correct the record again. i look at the race and said
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hillary clinton will be hard to be. another bad prediction because she turned out a lot weaker than i thought. she would be hard to be, it will take someone new, it will take a new phase, a new generation of political leader. neil: an old and familiar face, trying to destroy the party, you say what? >> donald trump is having an effect on the party which is serious and negative and i am trying to make people understand while we still have a chance the republican party stands for something. neil: bringing new people into the party? >> and understand what he stands for. that is something people have to respect. i disagree with what he stands for. and what people have in mind. what he stands for and what he has done in his life and saying
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during this campaign, quote george w. bush is a liar, vladimir putin is a strong powerful leader. that is something i can't abide. by the way, he is completely dishonest time and time again. last night he said he never praised vladimir putin. on morning show he said we get along, vladimir putin and die and he is a strong and powerful leader who is popular with his people. the guy has a real problem with the truth. neil: we have a quote on the show. i know you are trying -- you knew ahead of time this would be tough and people would come out -- in be seen news is reporting, and i quote another organization, the american freedom party which is promoting right nationalism, will put out ads today targeting you, mitt romney is mean-spirited, establishment conservative protect big money interests,
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captains of industry, the working man's struggles to make ends meet. donald trump is a populist, he cares about the working man. i would imagine we will see this played out across the country? >> i am happy to have trump supporters attacked me because that means they are not attacking marco rubio or ted cruz or john kasich who would be far better nominees, so they can waste their money attacking me. neil: they will use you as a poster child of. >> let's look at the line they have about wealthy people taking advantage of people of modest means. is there in any greater example of that than you are aware of and donald trump going after people for trump steaks and trump vodka and trump mortgage and trump vitamins and worst of all trump university? neil: that is just a part of an empire that is past. >> if i'd do something really awful and really hurt small people, if it is just a small
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part of what i do, who cares? i don't believe that. neil: people are invested. >> you don't say get your degree at my university and i will tell you the secrets of real-estate and have thousands upon thousands of people say i got built, i didn't get -- neil: what is the reaction -- hoss standards for the trump campaign so mitt romney's dissertation against trump will cement his appeal to voters, you're helping him. >> i can't talk about the political implications. i won't worry about that. i know getting a lot of heat mail and the kinds of things you can expect from trump supporters but i also know i couldn't sit by and watch someone who has done the things he has done and live the way he has lived and said the things he said during this campaign and time and time again laid out policies which are not republican policies. this is a guy who says its tax
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plan which combined with his spending plan creates $10 trillion of additional debt, i can't pretend that is republican. neil: mitt romney wants to beat the guy in the white hat who everyone comes to and save the party in a brokered convention. >> our nominee will be one of the people running for president. neil: what if they come to you? >> the won't come to me. that is the 0% chance. i have no interest. neil: it is possible if they go -- >> they come to you, they could come to anybody. neil: if they did. >> i am not going there. i am not going there. the nominee of our party and will be someone who is running for president. neil: it has always been that way in brokered conventions. >> indeed the region's car field came from the outside. to dave the people running for
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president will be the nominee. i will support -- neil: it what if they are not? we need you to bridge the gap. >> what happens if president obama subsidence says i am in trouble and joe biden is sick, come indeed president. neil: my scenario is more likely. >> it is a one in a million scenario, one in 10 million syria. s neil: are not ruling it out. >> i am not the nominee and i am not going to run for office, i will support whoever the nominee is. neil: this is not your advancement. >> if i wanted to advance mitt romney, and i would have filed as of persons seeking delegates in various states. neil: any regrets about that decision? >> you don't look back at something like that. i think she looks at the people in the state and watches donald trump look at marco rubio and call him little marco, has there ever been a campaign where people have been so demeaning?
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watching donald trump bill after people not just on differences politically, but to go after people on their personal physical characteristics is unprecedented. i wouldn't want to be on a stage like that. donald trump acts like he is a great paragon of attractiveness. he is human like the rest of us. for him to run a campaign like that is unfortunate and degrades the process of becoming president of the united states. neil: i will put you down as a may be on donald trump. thank you very much. we do have donald trump responding to is this. while the interview was running we got word from donald trump that he is dropping out of sea-tac. he will not be joining the conservative compact going on right now. response from sea-tac very disappointed he decided that a last-minute drop out. this sends a clear message to
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call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. indeed 20 very big news cpac, donald trump is going to skip beingneil: very big news cpac, d trump is going to skip being with this conservative organization. francesca chambers is with us. was this expected? the invite was on the appearance. >> when i came to do this interview, tea party patriots was on stage, she was quite frankly been middling donald trump been a way that made me
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feel quite uncomfortable. actually one of trump's people came to me and said donald is going to pull out and i said i hope not. because he has a lot of fans and supporters here, he could very well win the straw poll. i think ted cruz will win the donald trump is in the running and it is a terrible tragedy and mistake that he is not going to be here. neil: it is surprising a lot of folks. what do you think happened. >> it is interesting. he does have an event tomorrow in florida, that is not until noon, he could have gone from sea-tac to that event in times of mysterious. one theory is he maybe always knew he was going to end up pulling out of this and didn't want conservatives to be talking about it for weeks and now they only have one day to talk about it. that is one possible reason. also his people might have thought about it and worried he might get booed "cavuto coast to coast" does have fans that there
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could be a spectacle. neil: we are finding out from donald trump -- we did get a statement out of the trump camp that sounds like we are busy. donald trump presidential campaign just announced it will be in wichita, kansas for a major rally on saturday prior to the caucus. he will speak at the kansas caucus and depart for orlando with a crowd of 20,000 people or more. because of this he will not be able to speak at cpac as he has done for many years. mr. trump would like to thank all the executives there, look forward to returning next year, hopefully as president of the united states. what do you make of that? >> very classy remark, very professional, very classy remark. i still believe it is a mistake not to show. i disagree with my colleagues, i think allison is turning. he would not get booed here. maybe a couple scattered blues bud selig marco rubio and other candidates.
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he would be extremely popular. the two most popular people here in my own survey would be ted cruz and donald trump. they are two legs of the conservatives tools that will be needed to beat hillary clinton in november. neil: my chat with mitt romney, the guy is not referring to donald trump, a real conservative, doesn't share our values. prior to my chat with mitt romney, doesn't that you'll an argument that he is telling the superconservatives i am not that into you? >> i wouldn't read that much into it about whether or not he is or isn't a conservative because he is coming to this event. is interesting that last night he was hitting marco know show rubio for not showing up in the senate and marco rubio had people asking the same question because he had a scheduling conflict. is he blowing off concern because he is not a real
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conservative? i think you don't want to read too much into it, one scheduling conflict, being from kansas, kansas is a very rigid state, a conservative state, a state worth competing in if you are a republican and they have their caucus coming that this weekend. neil: that wasn't a movable pieces. thank you very much. we have some major breaking political developments the night after the big fox news debate where donald trump was the target minutes after an interview with the last republican standard bearer that he doesn't deserve to be the republican nominee. cheese and the real conservative and lo and behold donald trump saying essentially to the largest conservative contest around, can't make it. something is afoot, my friends. more after this.
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neil: donald trump is not going to cpac because he has better things to do. he is not joining this, people are reading all sorts of things into including comments mitt romney made it he is not a real conservative. you can believe who you want to believe. donald trump does not hurt for a huge crowds. he will have a big one in orlando tomorrow, 20,000 plus expected to attend. blake berman from detroit, the site of the big debate on what the impact could be. >> i would point out you might remember a couple weeks ago marco rubio's campaign caught some heat for not initially saying they would be going, they said we got to figure out the scheduling. a lot of folks pushed back and said what do you mean? it was a day later the marco rubio camp said no, we are going to go and here you have trump today the opposite, at the very last second pulling out.
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speaking of these two, donald trump and marco rubio, trump was back on the campaign trail early this morning in warren, mich. half an hour north of us in detroit, one of the suburbs and it was marco rubio who was the first subject. >> you note that in florida and they have aknow that in florida they have a little marco rubio so much because he never shows up to vote. carrying greek at him, he couldn't be elected dogcatcher. >> that happened in the first couple minutes but there was another target i guess you could save donald trump and that was mitt romney. he went off on mitt romney earlier today. >> i don't like mitt romney. he thinks he is hot stuff. i hate people that think they are hot stuff and they are nothing.
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he is an elitist. i don't consider him indeed. i don't consider him elite because i am much richer than he is. >> reporter: recalled romney a choke artists you which you heard from him yesterday as well but he repeated that today at a rally. donald trump has one more event in michigan today before he heads off as we now know to kansas tomorrow. neil: we got a response from the romney, and robert, your blue, whatever you say bounces off of me and 6 to you. can you believe this is the tone of the debate? a lot more coming up on whatever you want to call this, a fracture in the grand old party, grand old mess. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact.
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some campaigning to do. i will be in orlando tomorrow. you have to deal. he is paraphrasing there. citizens united. he has not endorsed anyone. donald trump is the nominee. you would hold your nose and vote for him. >> i am a friend of mister trumps. i have known him for many, any years. i have invited him. i have held events with him here. >> i am not supporting him in this campaign at the moment. just like i was asked to do about mitt romney. my point is, mr. trump has come here the last three years. he has put in his time here. i wish he was coming. i think he should be here.
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i do understand the dynamics of trying to win the election that was tomorrow. there are priorities that you have to say. not supporting mitt romney. he is not a real republican. he does not really do this. maybe, maybe, mr. trump may have been, maybe he is not dealing with any potential fire with conservatives that may not slip with some of these positions. >> let me just say. i was not a supporter of net romney until he became a nominee. i have to just say, it was your feedback that met rob ley said he was severely conservative.
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let's make sure that we are dealing with exactly who is talking. i understand what he is trying to do. he is a frustrated sales candidate who is trying to stay relevant. i have never been a fan of net romney's and i am not today. >> i know everyone looks on both sides. he is just worried about the direction that the republican party could go. millions of voters feel. donald trump has brought in more voters to a party that never had them before. that would be good. he says, no, no. we have to remember who we are. what do you say? >> john mccain attacked early on in this cycle. getting back in little tougher language than he used to.
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he really had not been heard from until yesterday. i am not here to sarah give for donald trump. the establishment figures were desperate to stop. really. donald trump, those anti-establishment. those millions of america say john mccain failed. senators failing. you need somebody who will get in there and change things. i find it incredibly delicious. coming down to ted cruz and donald trump. that was very good. i appreciate that he had. >> thank you. citizens united.
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understand. we still have a chance that the republican party stands for something. he is saying that the republican party, donald trump would make a good candidate. something he seems to be pointing to. helping or hurting matters. what do you think? >> g, i wish i could change the rules of this football game, but you cannot do that. these are the rules. you have to live with them. donald trump is winning. that is your shot. that is probably the last shot. it is not a brokered convention. all you can guarantee is that hillary clinton will win. other folks that are upset at the establishment. fleeing the party. no matter what happens, one
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thing is clear, the republican party is a bombed out building coming through this election. starting to leave this republican party forward. >> even before governor romney has been out. of all the candidates, even just before who we are down to now, it would be very difficult for donald trump. there is a path to that. even for ted cruz. arguing for marco rubio. all of those do speak to the possibility they all still stand that donald trump would not quite catch the 1237. is what mitt romney is saying so far-fetched? >> march 15 is obviously going to be the most important upcoming dates in this election.
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we are trying to switch to a time. they will get locked up pretty soon here. your goal should be let's go through to the next part of the election cycle. ted cruzan marco rubio coming together to find an agreement. actually, trying to play the games behind-the-scenes. hey, if donald trump wednesday, he wins it. if he doesn't, let's go to cleveland and have some fun on the floor. >> thank you very, very much. kind of like michigan.
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donald trump is scheduled to appear. you may notice the timing. just. timing. donald trump is making his case. a free trader. a smart trader. referring to all good manufacturing jobs that have been lost. donald trump has been saying, i will stop that. i will stop this by taxes on goods. being made in mexico. coming back to the united states. that is your way to start a trade war. remember where we are, friends. the state that made mitt romney, george romney, running for president. also ahead of american motors. now, it is a source of
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what do you think is going on? >> everything that he does keeps working. he keeps getting encouraged by it. just make promises. people seem to like it. he keeps doing it. not being rewarded. >> the general election. >> kicking off some in the republican party. down the road, that may start to hurt him. that is the key thing. starting to reach out with establishment people. maybe getting some different advice. >> it seems so far so good. with all due respect to mitt romney. he stopped trump said in his -- dead in his tracks.
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trump is saying, i will raise these terrorists. i will bring the jobs back to michigan. show me how you are going to do it. do you have a business plan? no, i am just really good at this. >> i need to see more. show me more. show me more of a substance. wanting to talk about what you said in mexico. how he has treated some women that have crossed his path. >> we keep talking about it. getting 50% of the republican vote. that does mean that even within the party, there is a lot of doubt. i am not totally surprised. a lot of pro cruz notions down
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there. i think this is the kind of notion. there are some people that legitimately oppose. i think it is becoming a disaster. in debut establishment. i think they have been tone deaf. stupid for a long time. now it is still amazing. >> may be what both the gop needed. not saying donald trump is a savior. maybe a wake-up call. read figuring out policies. strong leadership. showing the american public that we are right. what can we come up with? that is the one issue i had with that romney. he showed us that romney was bad.
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>> i will not support donald tromp as the candidate. not going to vote for hillary clinton. that is for sure. >> i will not sit down. voting for conservative that runs or i will write in the name of vacant there but it. >> a republican nomination. >> i cannot in good conscience vote for a person that has been degrading and disruptive and
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unhinged. neil: electing hillary clinton. >> i will do with my conscience what i believe is right for the country. >> that is one saying no to donald trump. that is not the view of all the establishments. already you like this position. these two gentlemen count. they are sitting u.s. congressman. chris collins is endorsing donald. in fact, the cochair of the trump campaign there. gentlemen, welcome to both of you. congressman, very good to have you. what do you make of what mitt
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romney said. donald trump does not feed the party. they may have, after that interview with donald trump skipping out. what do you think? >> clearly the one person that does not speak, the shelf like expired in 2012. they are speaking with energy. to alabama. two nevada. looking forward to march 15. florida and ohio. at this point, people will recognize that it is a done deal. mitt romney would say that he will not support donald trump. ted cruz all saying they will support donald trump if he is the nominee.
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we need to secure our borders. we need our jobs coming back. we need to deal with immigration. those are the top line messages. resignation with the voters. they've romney is not speaking for the party, clearly not speaking for the party. >> do you think that it is strange? supporting the nominee. after we have heard the likes of marco rubio. calling him a con man and a phony. is that possible? >> well, no. thank you. by the way, the other people, the people of massachusetts where he governed. 49%, voters for donald trump.
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the democratic -- so they could go for donald trump. super tuesday. seeing anything. i do not think we had a political agenda to this. maybe he is concerned about the direction of the party. the demeanor as a nominee and what you say counts. on that well below loan. what do you think? >> on top of that, i think what governor romney is doing, is playing on the hands of the democratic line. that is just a fallacy. you know this.
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not every business you build succeeds. sports authority authority going bankrupt pretty much the same day. >> he had failed his this is as well. he even argued that donald trump did business with them. i think what this opens up here is you constantly hear that republicans are not always on the same page. express with reservations at the polls. a lot of people staying home. what do you think of that? >> there is no energy on the democratic side. you look at the overwhelming turnout that we are seeing. a city that has been decimated by nassau. we are lead the trade unions are coming on board. i am hearing this from a lot of democrats. donald trump is tapping into the
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blue-collar workers. over the last few decades, donald trump is resignation with them. con november when new york is in play, i believe we could see a resounding win for donald trump based on the energy. >> you think that donald trump can win new york? i absolutely do. a republican winning, a two to one democratic county. a republican when. they can become governor and they can certainly carry it in the presidential. we have seen it before. real quickly, representative, do you agree with that? i agree. i think that massachusetts is in play. donald trump is bringing all demographics to the republican party. this will be the future reagan democrat.
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they will be voting for him in november. i see it on the ground myself. i noted the pains we have in massachusetts. failed policy for the last 18 years. a massive turnout in favor of donald trump. >> doing it again. donald trump dropping out of this conference. did he hurt himself with conservatives. after all, he has not gotten the nomination. he could be hurting himself now. peter barnes the latest on that. peter. >> hey, neil. canceling his plans to speak here tomorrow morning. wanting to campaign tomorrow. there are some sources here that say he is dropping out in part
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of a blistering speech on the part of the leader of tea party patriots earlier today. she went after trump and this blistering attack on him. a flip flopper. not a true conservative. not somebody that conservatives should support. take a listen to just a little bit more of what she said. >> donald trump loves himself first, last and everywhere in between. he loves himself more than his country. he loves himself more than the constitution. he does not love you or me. >> one tea party officials telling me that this was a mitt romney level attack against tromp. the chairman of the american
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conservative union sponsoring a cpap. i said, it is tea pack. is it because of this margin speech? he said no. i will talk to you i am just about to be on another network. he will be appearing with trish in the next hour. we will hear from him himself on exactly what happened. they did tweet out, seatac tweeted out very disappointed that donald trump has decided at the very last minute to drop out. sending a clear message to conservatives. >> take you very, very much. a real quick reaction. just some samplings. fox news not liking donald trump. especially you, cavuto. preference of the 300 million of us who do like donald trump.
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and i'll get the promo materials.reports questions? i got a question, where's my omelet!! coming right up, mr. tinsley! um. who's he? until our startup gets on its feet, money is a little bit tight. so i opened an online bed and breakfast. there's supposed to be muffins! these are scones! ok, mr. tinsley. or we can just use fedex ground shipping. they're fast and can save us money. yeah. let's do that. also i'm gonna need more towels. also the toilet is busted.
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the 15 still waiting on donald trump. speaking to troops in michigan. the stance of winning the home state. former presidential candidate himself. campaigning has torpedoed out. former head of american motors. mitt romney talking lovingly in those days. he will argue there. enough of that. let's bring in this notion. principal cello.
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using the terms of language. very different times. >> you know, there is anger out there that is being expressed. people are present mating to those in public life. ready to express their dissent to the status quo. we do not help our country when we start to get into insults. >> he is obviously gravitating. never voting republican. never voting at all. >> smart people participating. people who were democrats. voting in the republican primaries. the democratic nominee. they will rally people to an economic cause. it will be very difficult for
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them to win this year. >> donald trump. a very high negative. someone has to win. right. who is that going to be. >> donald trump has created an opening in politics. he has seized the moment. he appears to be heading to that republican nomination. eventually, the election will have to solidly focus between the candidates. on the actual economic fees of the american people. we have to find a way to get money into the hands of middle class. i think he is resonating between places like dish again and all ohio. these trade deals have killed the middle-class. they have moved out i'd the middle country. how are we going to correct the course?
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i mean, that is where this discussion has to go. taking place in the primaries. that will have to give way to a rational direct discussion about economics. >> to your point of view. parts of donald trump's overall strategy. status quo does not work. nice language does not work. political correctness does not work. he is going to embody that. >> it may be right. you can be very right on that. it will not matter. you cannot pick don rickles to be his running mate. we want a president who has a plan for the country, that will
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get jobs back. he can make that case. he will help his candidacy. >> thank you very, very much. i do not think i ever heard him talking about the size of his hands or anyone else's. i may have to go back. all right, in the meantime, north korea is now way into crazy territory. a moments notice having nuclear weapons ready to go. former cia director. we will ask him. ♪
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koreans have this satellite going around the earth. former cia are joining us right now. very good to see you. what do you think they're capable really is. >> you are talking about having the ability to hit a target on the other side of the earth. probably not quite yet. i do not think that that is the key issue. they have orbited three or four satellites over the last seven years. if they can get something in orbit and they have a nuclear weapon, they have 15 or 20, we are not sure how many. if they can put the nuclear weapons in this satellite, the satellite in orbit over the united states, then they can detonate it when it is over the u.s. and the pulses coming.
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it could destroy our electricity grid. >> it would be a suicidal note. we would obviously, not let that happen. it would be great if we could stop it once it started. have having missile defenses against anything that make on. no information about launches into orbit coming from the south. if the launch comes up over the north pole, that is where all of our radars and everything are focused. the south pole towards us, we have virtually -- neil: ronald reagan. following up on what he advocated. >> absolutely. we are vulnerable to the knocking out of our electric red. everyone is talking about whether we are vulnerable to an
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accurate and target to north korea. i do not think that we are. >> donald trump has said he had a unique revealing with this. they would not dare try anything like this with me. >> i do not know what he would do. ash carter. they said it is so dangerous. even to test icbms. what we ought to do is put submarines with cruz missiles off the korean coast. keeping them from bringing anything to a launchpad. knocking it out. neil: they are doing that right now. >> from your mouth to god's ear. i would hope we were.
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i do not think we are. i do not know that we are. >> are we always on catchable defense? or just approachable mode. we will not respond. maybe we are worn out. we do not want to. >> setting the tone for the way a lot of other countries will think of us when he drew the red line about syria. not using chemical weapons against its own people. he more or less shrugged and turned the problem over to russia. i think that that created a situation and made it very hard to turn things around. neil: real quickly. he is very concerned about donald trump. he has gotten a lot of grief. worried about the direction of
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the party. agree or disagree with that. what do you make of that? donald trump, as popular as he is, may be a problem. >> as popular as a rebel. will not go on with political correctness. why young people particularly respond to that. i am worried about his impetuous miss. they have to take the time to make decisions carefully. especially when it may involve world peace. neil: andrew jackson. the last trump like president. >> he was. happily, he did not have any nuclear weapons to work with. >> thank you. we are, speak of the devil, not that he is a devil, but donald trump will be addressing crowds in michigan.
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up for grabs tomorrow. that is anyone's guess. tomorrow will hurt him. donald trump. maybe this does not. after this. ♪ i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine,
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destruction derby, naturally go to jeff flock at monster structurally. jeff what do you think of that? reporter: if you want something louder than the debate last night, i have something for you, maybe, listen? oh, yeah. this by the way is, i can't hear myself, but there you go, this is the iconic big foot, this is monster truck nationals. i have driver of big foot here. that is a different truck called snake bite. >> yay. he is not a very nice guy. reporter: not a nice guy. would fit in well at the debate last night. obviously the candidates talking about each other, but you crash cars for aing right? >> i can't hear you. that is way too loud. >> you crush cars for a living, right? >> that is part of the show. watch this. >> oh, cheese and crackers.
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this industry has been tremendously -- [inaudible]. not just trucks that are big, right? >> no, everything is big in this sport. our corporate sponsors, summit racing firestone, they're all huge, huge companies. we appreciate their support wow, nice and quiet now. >> reporter: wow. donald trump fell asleep. snake bite, big foot, not the next two candidates in the republican field but things that can really crush people. and stuff. neil: that was great! thank you, jeff, very, very much. isn't the best? meanwhile we're getting separate reports that those monster trucks were doing that monster thing that "politico" reporting that ben carson has landed new job of national chair of my faith votes. this only a few days after ben carson opted out of the
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fox news debate saying he could not see a logical path to the nomination. does not mean he has formally suspended his campaign for the presidency. some suspect that could be coming in remarks at cpac, i believe they're slated for tomorrow. i could be wrong. so too were donald trump's. he has skipped out on event. i'm told ben carson later today. we're hearing from "politico." other sites saying the same. we can't confirm that. just want to share that ahead of all that with the dust-up with the establishment types led by donald trump or i should say by mitt romney not keen on donald trump and blow-over now for the party, got dagen here, got connell here, got gaspo here. dagen, what do you think? >> i think trump heard himself the most when pressed on really hard issues, he fumbled, stumbled, has such a thin skin.
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neil: won't hurt him. >> we'll know tomorrow during your spectacular coverage on the fox business network. the caucuses -- neil: learn something from this, connell. >> primary, kansas, kentucky, maine, louisiana, all closed caucuses and primaries. neil: only republican. >> only republicans. who has won most of those so far? that would be ted cruz, iowa, oklahoma, alaska to name three. traditional republicans, see how people react to the debate tomorrow night. neil: very good point. what do you think? >> sounds like listening to the conversation you and i had on the show yesterday. take my notes here exactly what dagen just said. >> don't you know that when you're on i mute the television set? i watch neil. >> you like the way i look. neil: no room for this. you think any of this battle for heart and soul of the party is resonating? >> yes. i think there ising legitimate, yes, i think there is legitimate battle for heart and soul of the party. this weekend will be interesting, in terms of we
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don't have data on the states. we really go in having no clue what happens. if that trend continues to be serious, then that is issue for trump. by that theory, cruz should have a good weekend, this weekends right? neil: three of those states are his core base. what do you think? >> barring hillary clinton getting elected yesterday in my view was the end of donald trump, donald trump will never be president. he may win republican, he may win the republican nomination but he will never be president. i like donald. neil: two guys on said he will be a reagan landslide. >> i don't care. i seem to recall there was a certain former political guy for bill clinton who said romney would win ever state by 10 points. here's the reason why. if hillary doesn't get elected we will be seeing every day between the republican convention and the election, pictures of donald trump flubbing easy questions.
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i like donald. he didn't study up. not answering easy questions. making, 35%, let me finish what i'm saying, flubbing easy questions. making fun of people with epilepsy, not answering david duke question, he will be crushed. how will he respond? spend $500 million, sell three buildings he doesn't really have? neil: funny little gaspo. funny little gaspo. >> who will write him a check? you? neil: when you're nominee open themselves up to the party doing what it does for nominees, right, dagen? >> how much money does he need to run. >> 500. >> really closer to a billion dollars. >> lower it by saying, talking a lot of people about this, because of his force of personality and use of twitter, donald could get off, do it cheaply but he still has to do between 250 and 500. who will write him a check?
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listen -- neil: what do you think of appeal he has crossover appeal. democrat is now supporting him, crossover appeal. 20,000 democrats switched over to vote for him in massachusetts. hear it anecdotally, that kind of stuff. >> he is definitely actively courting democrats. >> blue-collar. >> blue-collar croon member. why do you think -- neil: that was -- >> that also looks, you know, thin-skinned i can't take the heat personally. >> am i missing something? i come from blue-collar, ethnic, donald trumpesque sort of background but i hate to say it, the american base on demographics, that's a shrinking part of the pie. so he is appealing to the shrinking part of the pie. >> that is whole point. that is why they're angry. one of the reasons they're so angry. i agree with you. >> how do you win election that being your base. >> keep people you already have in the party which he may lose. >> he is going to lose. he is going to lose. neil: i don't believe he cares.
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he is arguing he brings far more in that out. that is what he is arguing. >> i read this earlier best showing in any county of any contests so far was a county in southwestern virginia. i think he got like high 60, 60% of the vote. coal mining country, it will be interesting to see how that, how that works. and kentucky. >> play that out. general election, how does that demographic fare in a general election? generally, i hate to say, gets crushed. he is going to get crushed. >> enough to maybe win him the gop nomination to your point, i totally agree with you, is it enough to win him the general. >> no. >> not using common sense. not even close. not even close. >> hillary clinton goes in with built-in, everybody knows built-in advantage on electoral college. only argument for trump, russ belt states betting on pennsylvania, i guess ohio -- >> if he wins ohio -- if he wins ohio and florida, it is over
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because after that he only needs to win 50% of the delegates after that. >> democrats have amazing get-out-the-vote operation. neil: they have no passion. there is no passion. >> when you see -- neil: trump landslide. all 50 states and samoa. >> when you see pictures of donald trump every day, imitating the guy with epilepsy -- >> not going to happen. >> you don't win back the female vote talking about your manhood. we don't care. neil: really? >> that's baloney. >> we don't care. >> oh, no. >> he is right on that. no, no. >> that shows insecurity, mr. gasparino. that shows -- neil: doesn't matter. i'm talking about your hands. >> what? >> ask producer here.
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>> okay, it is time for the fox business brief. got rid of dagen and charlie for a minute in my own moment. jobs report better than expected this morning and 242,000 jobs would be about, yeah, 50,000 more than the expectation give or take and with that the market is up almost triple digits on the dow. already for the week we've been up, with just a few hours left in the week we have a nice gain of, you know, two, almost 3% in the dow jones industrial average on a weekly basis. s&p is also up in neighborhood of 3% this week as is the nasdaq. even a little bit more than that. it has been a pretty good week for the stock market, not just today.
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if you're into round numbers, tell it by looking at bottom of the screen, dow at 17,000 mark for first time since january 6th. a quick look at individual stocks doing well. we have energy, energy sector, all three of these, big gains. chesapeake up again big time today. neil more coverage with "coast to coast".
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you said that everyone should go ahead and support candidates out there, if it's john kasich in ohio, vote for john kasich and marco rubio in florida, you almost wishing for a brokered convention? >> well i'd rather see someone besides donald trump become the nominee outright on the first ballot. but if that doesn't happen -- neil: what if he does? >> if that doesn't happen i would like to see open convention where there is more give-and-take between the candidates and someone else besides donald trump becomes the -- neil: that is mitt romney way telling me is open to any other candidates in the race, just not, not, not, donald trump. does that inevitably lead to a brokered convention? congressman steve king, fine republican from state of iowa. he is backing ted cruz. what do you think of that, congressman, what governor romney is saying, yeah, it might lead to brokered convention but would be a better result? >> well, of course i think it would be a good result if ted cruz should win on first ballot. that is still a logistical
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possibility but we need to get past this march 15th. i think a lot will become more clear. one thing i would say, that i think -- rnc on this convention are the rules we should follow in this nomination process. and so, whoever wins that nomination on, if it should happen on first ballot, it's over and we have nominee. we have to figure out then how to beat hillary clinton. but i don't expect that is going to happen. i don't think it will happen on the first ballot. from that point i wouldn't call it necessarily brokered, but a second round of votes, third or fourth, at some point you can't get resolution you end up with smoke-filled room. each state will gather together and making some decisions amongst themselves. neil: conventions are not the end of the world. a lot of parties survive that. republicans have as well. having said that, there is any sense anyone but trump push on part of folks like mitt romney,
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hurts the party? that it just exposes the sort of gaping wound? >> well, there are a number of things hurt the party. some of it is going on the debate stage. the name-calling and hurling of accusations hurts the party. commercials for democrats are already written. i'll guaranty you, whoever the nominee, donald trump will be in somebody's commercials in september and october of this year. that is hurting us as well. division component comes with the convention, that is something at least partially anticipated. important part is to come together on other side of the convention with that nomination. in old days they didn't have much of an idea who would come out with the nomination and fought it out on location. neil: could you do that, when i asked mitt romney on that, he said even if trump were winner of nomination, fair and scare, 123delegates, wouldn't support him -- 12:30 seven.
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is that dangerous position to take. ted cruz push to shove he will back him. marco rubio called the guy a con man and a phony, they said in the enhe would be preferable to hillary clinton assuming she were the democratic nominee? >> when you see this, this is going to be pushback against donald trump. he by and large gotten a pass much of the process. there is strong pushback. morning after super tuesday, many more moderate or establishment members of the party said i'm not going to support donald trump. see if they reconsider on that if it comes to the nomination. meanwhile i see them instead is a political force that is looking to coalesce behind an alternative candidate. what i would like to see mitt romney do, and others in that fashion pick a candidate to get behind. important to be for somebody. you just can't be anybody but. when you get to anybody but side of this thing that does hurt us
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in the long run. neil: john kasich is speaking at cpac. you've been very focused on interview. i appreciate that. lindsey graham has said, he is not fan of donald trump, as you know, he said a brokered convention wouldn't be fair to trump. that he would leave, talking about trump. he would have ever right to leave. what do you think? >> you no he -- some things he -- i like lindh system i think he has a great sense of humor. he jumped the shark four or five times in this election process. i don't take that being serious statement in that fashion and i don't like message sent. the thing he said if somebody would shoot ted cruz on floor of the senate they couldn't convict him in trial held by senators. i hope that lindsey didn't mean that. sometimes this rhetoric gets a little bit soaring over the top. take him as good humor man that entered into the race in good humor and not take it all too seriously.
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neil: you mentioned rhetoric, congressman. i'm thinking on all sides is it getting too nasty. hard to hug when all said and done and something like george, sr., say of his opponent, ronald reagan's policies were voodoo economics. this now degenerated into name-calling and con man thing and trump talking about the size of his you know what. not exactly lincolnesque. >> not exactly lincolnesque for sure. i saw this start in iowa. on or about december 1st when they began to call each other bitter names. we went through iowa, worst i ever seen through november, december, january, and december and january in iowa. i went down to south carolina after new hampshire, and it was worse in south carolina than it was in iowa. i don't remember ever seeing candidates call each other liars up on the stage in this fashion. you don't get away with that in
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the neighborhood i grew up in. i don't know how you forgive that and give him man hug and offer him vice presidency. i don't think that is turns out well, neil. neil: i have relatives that haven't spoken to each other in decades on less offenses. i appreciate your focus in this interview with all that. look at session highs, with the dow up 105 points. we have oil moving up. much better than expected jobs report. folks saying wind is at economy's back. why the president is doing crowing today. probably makes sense if you're getting blamed for anything that goes bad. might as well take a bow for when things look good. today they look good. more after this. when you think about success,
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what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a.
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neil: all right. we are waiting to hear from donald trump, namely to respond to these latest developments where he has blown off cpac. can't make a big meeting there. gee, why do you want to risk doing that this this is base important to you in the party? but he could just be figuring he does have a busy travel schedule. he will address a group of to thousand plus in orlando among other destinations tomorrow.
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maybe he is looking ahead to november and he kind of thinks this is in the bag. despite what mitt romney says. hard to safe. connell mcshane is here to pick him apart. what do you think of that? >> i don't know. sometimes he looks at things and says if i do this it may hurt me more than help me. it may open him up to criticism and people would be booking left and right. that happens at his rallies, he never case. hey, throw them out. in this case they may not leave. neil: that is big ted cruz crowd. >> exactly. there is a lot of ted cruz people there. if they're getting on him and he can't, as he does in normal rally, literally get up, take his coat, get him out of the here, maybe he didn't want to put up with something like that. he thinks visual of that, this is all speculation, visual hurts him more than helps him. i thought it was interesting when he came out to hold a news conference, literally using chairs, if you don't know better
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he took out of the east room of the white house to take to mar-a-lago. has chairs, making it look like presidential news conference t was concerted effort to be quote, unquote, presidential, we get something thought of in common terms what is not traditionally presidential. neil: what do you think of attacks last night on him from all sides hurt, up till now nothing has? and yet the candidates take fire from each other and focus on him? >> since rubio started in last debate, we're seeing blueprint how trump can be attacked in general election. the train has probably left the station because of the math. he has a big lead. i think their strategy, i think low percentage probability, but probably the best bet. they tried to keep him, we talked about getting to 1237 on delegates. if they finagle things in florida and ohio, there is chance of that but more important, clintons, plural,
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bill and hillary clinton, whole team surrounds them will be able to effectively attack him. some things done by rubio, in particular, trump university, there is pending litigation but supposedly he will have to testify over summer that story will stay in the news. a lot of people don't think knew about it. it had been out there. neil: all these guys together raising this stuff, you don't know this guy? >> right. so i think if you can say, hey, look, argument rubio makes he sold these people a bill of goods. will do the same to the country. that may resonate. neil: spring eternal for his opponents. we should hear from donald trump himself after this. by looking at global and local insights to benefit from different points of view. and by consistently breaking apart risk to focus on long-term value. we actively manage with expertise and conviction.
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impressive. they certainly were waiting for him. will they be angry. it is hard to say. trish regan. hey, trish. and god is happening this hour. we also have that breaking news. donald trump announcing that he will drop out of the sea pack. here with exclusive reaction we have the chairman of the committee. this all coming just hours after a texas debate. donald trump even made a reference to his manhood. i am trish regan. ♪ >> donald trump has basically lost everyone with personal attacks. >> do not worry about it little marco. i will. do not worry about
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