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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  March 8, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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goldman sachs warning on commodities. here is the closing bell. now over to david and melissa. [closing bell rings] david: markets sinking in the final hour of trading. market is down 111 points. all the indices are down including gold and oil. i'm david asman. take a look at oil ending the day down over 4%. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell." david: breaking this hour, a crucial night in republican race for the white house. we're four hours away from the polls closing in michigan where 59 gop delegates are at stake. that is tonight's biggest prize. 150 delegates are up four republicans in four states including idaho and mississippi. in two hours the first caucuses will be in hawaii. they will begin. first we go to fox news's molly line in detroit on the latest for the fight for "the wolvervine" state.
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molly? reporter: hi, david. despite predictions from the secretary of state office they're expecting record turnout, basing on absentee ballots we're here in polling station in detroit. it's a slow trickle despite visits recently from secretary hillary clinton and bernie sanders. the polls close at 8:00. most of the state tonight, there are some in the upper peninsula, some counties close 9:00 p.m. eastern time. we'll have a better idea how the actual enthusiasm on the democratic side pans out. on gop side, jobs dominated conversation here. donald trump working very hard also to appeal blue-collar workers to talk about manufacturing, to talk about bringing industry back to the state, really a big issue here. he is making stops in other states as well, reaching out, holding events there. ãgovernor john kasich has focus here on "the wolvervine" state.
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he held a a rally here. native son mitt romney, also hitting trump here on the ground here in michigan. he produced robocalls with the campaigns for kasich and also for marco rubio. the kasich campaign really putting those robocalls here. they are airing in michigan. we'll see if that plays a factor given the status mitt romney has here in the state. david? david: could be plus or negative. molly, thank you very much. melissa? melissa: new accusations of fights for dirty tricks. marco rubio is blasting the campaign spreading false media report that the florida senator is about to drop out of the race. sound familiar? fox business's blake burman, on the trail with senator cruz in charlotte, north carolina. what is latest with this one, blake?
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reporter: another election day headache that cruz campaign would probably not be dealing with. let me show you the email at send center of this all. this is sent by the ted cruz words wasted vote. big drudge for marco rubio. advisors tell him to drop out. circles back to the cnn report which the rubio campaign has said is false. is 100% not true. that rubio might be dropping out, before florida. cruz, the campaign says, look, we have nothing to do with this group in hawaii. they are pushing back on this saying that this didn't come from them. their lawyers stepped in and got involved with this. ted cruz sat down with megyn kelly a little while ago and was asked about this very email. >> this particular email apparently came from a volunteer in hawaii, not affiliated with the campaign. not working for the campaign. not under authorization from the campaign. we have a over 200,000
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volunteers across the country. i can not control, nor do i want to control what 200,000 volunteers do. reporter: overall accusation here is yet another dirty trick from the cruz campaign. i will bring you back as you kind of alluded to, melissa. first election night iowa which the cruz campaign ended up circulating false reports that dr. ben carson might be dropping out. the rubio campaign today sent out email entitled just that, ben carson at the top. they're saying this falls along in that same line of category. listen here to rubio's top spokesman. >> this is what we've seen from the ted cruz campaign over and over again. ask ben carson. it was a dirty trick by ted cruz and they have been caught again. reporter: cruz is here in north carolina, a suburb of the charlotte area. he is expected to speak in front of a large crowd of about a thousand people here. we'll see if this is addressed. though he does have availability with reporters afterwards. you can imagine he will be asked
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about this yet again. david, melissa. melissa: no doubt. blake, thank you so much for the update. david? david: here to weigh in, fred barnes, executive editor of "weekly standard,." also a fox news contributor. fred, without getting into the weeds of this case, there are a whole lot of different elements. it fits into the narrative of lying cruz as donald trump would say it. looks similar what happened to ben carson. you know donald trump will use it to inflate even further his lying cruz charge. >> yeah, no quote about it. seems like a trivial thing in politics, particularly in political campaigns, small things get blown out of proportion and become big issues. this looks like one of them. david: great point. how could cnn get so wrong? the reporter claimed she got it directly from somebody on the rubio team. they say not so. either she is not telling the truth or they're not sell telling the truth. what do you think happened? >> i think she probably got it
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right but didn't reflect the whole rubio campaign. i mean, look, after rubio did so poorly last weekend in those four contests, super saturday, there are bound to be people in the rubio campaign shaking their heads, saying gee, i don't know whether we can go on or not or something like that because things look so poorly for him. clearly he is not pulling out. also there is probably some gloom on the part of his campaign team. david: here is the direct quote, according to cnn. >> okay. david: this is supposedly from a rubio person and i'm quoting here, he doesn't want to get killed in his home state of course of florida. that's why they said or that cnn said they said they pulled out of florida, or they will pull out before florida happens. is that a possibility after this, perhaps not? >> look, of course he doesn't want to get in his home state of florida. that is why he is campaigning there so hard, spending so much money so he doesn't get killed. he has declared, a number of
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times that he will win florida, that he will win over donald trump. david: right. >> now that looks like it will be difficult to do but certainly making effort there. david: speaking of trump, there are all these anti-trump ads out now. they're all coalescing. media getting hine some of them. some people say the more establishment and mia go against trump the more his supporters love him. what about that? >> seems to be the case. he may not, trump may not be able to enlarge his support but he seems to be able to hold on to the support he has and has had throughout the primaries and before. that is, you know, he gets, what does he roughly get, 35% which is pretty good when the field is three or four people. and then he seems to be able to hold on to it. look, david, if he finishes after march 15th a week from now, in ohio and florida and illinois and north carolina and wins something like three out of four of those states, weathering
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this storm of attack where super-pacs have been spending 8 to $10 million, he is going to look pretty darn strong. david: that's true. it's a pile-on. if you emerge from a pile-on very often you're the victor. fred barnes, thank you very much. appreciate it. melissa. melissa: bernie sanders is gaining on hillary clinton. new "abc news/washington post poll" shows that the democratic front-runner only has seven-point lead for sanders. that is not only challenge she faces here. hillary clinton is still trying to defend the february by investigation into her emails. >> i have heard others say neither you nor your lawyers have been apprised that you are a target of the investigation. is that true. >> absolutely true. >> have you or your lawyers any members of your current or former staff are targets of the investigation? >> absolutely not. melissa: hmmm. little fact check on hillary clinton's claims. judge andrew napolitano, fox news senior judicial analyst. judge, when i hear her say that
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practiced line again and again, where she says i have never sent or received anything marked classified i see your hair stand on end. you start to twitch and get really annoyed. why do you love that statement. >> it's a gross and substantially misleading statement, melissa. nothing is marked classified. the markings are confidential, secret or top secret. so when she says i never sent or received anything marked classified, she is misleading everybody and aggravating the fbi they know nothing is marked classified. look it is beyond dispute that she sent or received 2093 emails that were confidential, secret or top secret. it is beyond dispute that she sent or received 22 emails that were top secret. it is beyond dispute that she authored 108 emails that were confidential, secret or top secret. it is beyond dispute that she failed to preserve state secrets by keeping them in a secure
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venue. instead she put them in a non-secure venue, her home internet server. melissa: i heard juan williams say earlier today she gets to determine these classifications. so by definition she gets to determine what she sent and what they are marked and everything else. >> i love juan and i did not hear him say that but that is not the law. the law is the essence of what's in the email determines whether or not it is confidential, secret or top secret. and the definition of those three is, a state secret is information, revelation of which, could, not will, could jeopardize the national security. now if you want to get technical, what entity actually makes the determination whether it is confidential, secret or top secret? the sender. who is the original sender of almost all these emails? the intelligence community. not mrs. clinton and not the state department. melissa: take that, juan.
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let me ask you, let me ask you -- >> don't get me in a fight with juan. he is my buddy. let me ask but the thought we heard at very beginning there where she said, absolutely not in response to the question, has she been told that she or her staff is a target of an fbi investigation. what do you make of that? >> that was a great question by our colleague bret baier. she would only know if she is a target. it is probably too early for the government to teller that she's a target because of privacy laws, she would not know of any of her aides are target unless the aides told her. we do know someone is a target. we know one of her aides, bryan pagliano, her information technology gift -- technologist, who diverted state department stream to her private server was granted immunity. immunity is only granted to induce testimony. testimony is only given before in this stage of events, a
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grand jury. somebody is a target. a grand jury is sitting and federal prosecutors working in tandem with fbi agents. we'll see where it goes. melissa: judge, you think we'll see pretty soon, right? >> we'll see this come to a head in may. i think in may mrs. clinton will face the very, very uncomfortable scenario of this. mrs. clinton, this is the justice department. we have all of this evidence here. we want to share with you and ask you how you would like us to proceed? would you come in and talk to us? if she says no, it will leak she refused to deal with the justice department and all of it will go to a grand jury. if she says yes, she will be the first presidential nominee in history to be compelled to testify before the fbi or a federal grand jury during the political campaign and that will leak. melissa: judge, thank you for coming on. we love having you here to decode the bs. >> my pleasure. melissa: thank you. david: breaking news on tehran. they have been test firing ballistic missiles just in the past 48 hours of course, in
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violation of international law. our new partnerses as is threatening to scrap the nuclear deal if they don't get more of what they want. wait until you hear how the white house is responding. colonel ralph peters is going to respond. you can't wait. melissa: marco rubio is trying to quash rumors he is dropping out of the race but can he win over voters in his own home state. >> here in florida if you vote for john kasich or ted cruz you're voting for donald trump. i'm the only one that can beat him in florida. i'm the only one that can stop him here. david: more breaking news from overseas. we're getting reports of a big win in the war on terror. us air strikes may have killed a top isis leader. we have more details on that story right after a short break. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies.
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david: breaking news. a big win in the war on terror. reuters is reporting that a top isis leader, abu al shoshani, the chechen has been killed by airstrike in syria. he was considered isis's defacto minister of war. there is five million dollars for information leading to his capture or death. it has not been confirmed. we'll bring you more details as they come in. melissa. melissa: another story we're watching overseas. iran launching barrage of short-range missiles during military exercises today. that is in violation of a u.n. security council resolution. the white house says it does not violate our nuclear agreement. jennifer griffin with the latest details from the pentagon. sort that out for us, jennifer. reporter: melissa, pentagon sources say the missile launch from tehran appears to be short-range variety, of with a
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range ofnot the same threat of a november launch of medium-range ballistic missile of a 1200-mile range which can threaten u.s. forces in israel. iranian officials said the launch of a missile that could fly 1250 miles. what has u.s. officials concern that these missiles are nuclear-capable. they are still assessing the launch. the pentagon spokesman added this. >> this is an issue of concern to us. so, but this is something that we'll evaluate along with our colleagues at the security council and continue to assess exactly what is taking place there. reporter: administration spokesmen at the state department, pentagon and white house today reiterated multiple times that the launch is not a violation of the recent nuclear agreement. the launch would however violate u.n. security council resolution it 231 which bars the proliferation of ballistic
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missile technology. the outgoing commander of u.s. central command, general lloyd austin, said he is concerned about iran's recent behavior. >> some of the behavior of iran of late is certainly not behavior what you would expect to see from a nation that wants to be taken seriously. we'll con into keep close eye on iran going forward. reporter: department of the treasury recently designated iranian entities involved with its ballistic missile program for sanctions. other sanctions imposed after october ballistic missile test have not deterred iran. basically, melissa, what is happening, the administration does not want to present this as a breach of the nuclear agreement however it is clear that it's a breach of other u.n. security council resolutions. they will act on that. melissa: wow, jennifer, thank you so much for that report. david. david: here to weigh in, lieutenant colonel ralph peters, fox news strategic analyst. so, colonel, here you have the iranians violating treaties,
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threatening to pull out of the continued talks for the nuclear treaty. what is going on here? >> there is several factors in play, david. first of all the hard-liners in iran, revolutionary guard, hard-line clerics they are absolutely furious about the results of last election in iran, despite all attempts to rig the election, relative, i suggest relative moderates won. so the revolutionary guards are doing and hard-liners are doing is for domestic consumption showing people, hey, we who hold the weapons still hold the power. on international scale, they're, they would be welcome at this point a break, a breakdown in the obama-kerry nuke deal because they have already got what they really wanted. david: right. >> sanctions are largely lifted. fund have flown, flowed back to them and they are now at a point where the deal threatens their smuggling networks, their
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lucrative monopolies. a lot of inside baseball but the bottom line is this. there was a turning point a while ago that hasn't been mentioned today, you have to see things through you are iranian eyes. revolution nary guards whether they seized our sailors and paid no penalty and had secretary kerry thank them, thank them for how it handled. they said, oh, my god we can do anything. david: right. perception is key in the middle east. i have got to ask though, the european sanctions have been lifted. we often said, in fact you and i argued this, the problem we may have a snap-back of some of our sanctions, we may not. that doesn't stop europeans from continuing to do business with them even if they violate every tick of that treaty. is that what is going on now? >> you nailed it because the hard-liners in iran now know, even if we called for sanctions to be reapplied, president obama will not, they know that, he is clinging to the legacy desperately, europeans will not
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play ball. there is gold rush in tehran. in iran right now, europeans and not use you are europeans, global corporations are in on this. david: right. they're not going to stop for nothing. i have to ask you a final question, because we're being wrapped for time here. what happens if they start building a nuclear bomb again? is there anything we can do or have we lost it all? >> we have certainly lost international business support. to show you how good they are, david, the dangling that big carrot of a huge airline buy from boeing because they're trying to get u.s. corporations to do lobbying for them. iranians are really, really good and we're not. david: colonel ralph peters, great to see you, colonel. thank you very much. >> thank you, david. melissa: moment of truth is just a few hours away in the great lakes state. voters head to the polls as we speak. will the trump effect bring out a record number of voters again? >> this is the biggest story in all of politics worldwide and people talk about it but they don't talk about it. this is such a great thing for
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the republican party. instead of dividing and fighting we should take advantage of it. melissa: booted from team ted cruz but adult film actress amy lindsey has something for a new candidate. more on that one coming up. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. these little guys? they represent blood cells. and if you have afib - an irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke - they can pool together in the heart,
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t. rowe price. invest with confidence. melissa: with less than four hours until the first polls close in michigan, they are assigning 59 gop delegates making it biggest race of the night. michigan's gop is looking to voters in hopes of record voter turnout. here can with what to expect in michigan is the michigan gop chair. thanks so much for joining us. turnout has really been the story of these primaries and i remember in nevada people were saying it is always low, it will be low and turned out to be very
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seen huge enthusiasm across the state. voters are concerned and passionate.
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i imagine the economy is a big deal for peopls. that is number one issue i heard from the candidates. they want somebody to go to the. >> i know that you're with the party. you're neutral. can't say what candidate is pulling ahead. you have a wide swath of voters from working class white voters who certainly have been looking at trump to moderate republicans you know who have been leaning towards kasich.
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who would you them. i haven't seen anything like this in my lifetime here in michigan. i've been with each of the candidates. i would say kasich has a very good ground game here. he spent a lot ofs very good tut machine in michigan with 83 county chairs. trump has brought in big crowds and rubio has a lot of big endorsements. so they're all in play. i would say the polls have shown a little bit of a surge for michigan.'ll see how that three other states have polls and caucuses tonight. of course michigan is today. fox business will have full coverage and analysis of these races. all starts 7:00 p.m. eastern time tonight we'll go as long as it takes. neil, me, liz, a whole bunch of people. melissa: my goodness.
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as long as it takes. there you go. gloves are off for democratic candidates for bernie and hillary to talk on the town hall last night. clinton defending use of a personal email account. >> i have said, it wasn't the best choice to use a personal email. nothing i sent was marked classified. or that i received was marked classified. melissa: oh, my goodness, how many times can she say that? plus, move over burgers. one fast-food's chain most successful item t goes against saul the odds. that's -- goes against all the odds. and that's next.
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melissa: hillary clinton looking to secure the lead for the democratic nomination. 166 delegates are up for grabs in two states tonight, michigan and mississippi. fox news's ed henry is on the campaign trail with clinton in cleveland, ohio, with the latest on this one. ed? reporter: well, melissa, good to see you. just the fact we're in cleveland tells you where we are in this race because as you noted ohio is not on the ballot tonight. it will be a week from today. hillary clinton is trying to basically put the pedal to the metal and pour these delegates on bernie sanders. he had been telling us he and his top advisors, bernie sanders, michigan today and ohio next week would be fertile ground for him because of his message about the middle class, income inequality, loss of
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manufacturing jobs in the state. polls show clinton with strong lead in michigan and mississippi. remember he has edge with african-american voters, sweeping the south. expected to do that tonight. where are we in the race? bottom line clinton is in firm control. because there are proportional delegates, sanders continues to collect delegates and entrenched in second place. he will have to start racking up wins but big winds in the states ahead if he catches up to hillary clinton. she has superdelegates, party bosses really, who are siding with her. that pushes her total even higher. right now she has half the delegates she needs to secure the nomination. very interesting aspect now, today we heard clinton over the last 24 hours talking about how she wants to get this primary battle over with basically, so she can focus on taking on the republicans in the general election, stopping short of saying bernie sanders should get
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out of the race because she wants to be delegate about that. if she upsets sanders, more importantly upsets his supporters she will need them down the road if in fact she wraps up this nomination. there will be a lotof very delicate diplomacy days ahead, medical list. melissa: ed henry, on the campaign trail. hillary clinton is always excited to see you. get back to you. >> i'm excited to see. >> i like that. >> glad it is not snowing there for ed. battle between democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders faces tough questions at fox news town hall before the final results come in. here to weigh in, lee carter, gop communication strategist and richard goodstein of goodstein and associates. thank you both for coming. start with hillary clinton. she responded to questions about her emails. let's play the clip and see how the dial registered as a result of what she said. go ahead. >> i have said, it wasn't the
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best choice to use a personal email. it was a mistake. however, i am not alone in that. many people in the government past and current have, on occasion or as a practice done the same. nothing i sent was marked classified or that i received was mark classifieded. david: now i assume the blue line going up is not a good thing for her, correct? >> blue line going across there was flat line. that was democrats. yellow line, independents, independents will be critical for hillary clinton going forward as she is looking towards the general election as we heard ed saying it is so important for her. what we really heard, this is lowest that she dialed all night. people were glad she was on fox news, willing to talk to people on the other side. david: we were happy she was on fox news. >> absolutely but this was really, really bad answer. what she is basically saying other people have done it. so it should be just fine that i did it too. that is the same thing as coming
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home from high school party saying everybody else was drinking. i should be allowed to do it too. it does not make it okay. people say i don't trust her. when they talk about the emails you know what? this is an issue. david: richard here is the other thing that doesn't make it too good, i'm holding in my hand, this is the document she signed when she became secretary of state at state department, 2009 and she was emphasizing last night, she said nothing i sent was classified, et cetera. it says here and i'm reading from this document, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information. classified under this standards of executive order, blah, blah. it being granted access to classified information, special confidence and trust shall be placed in me by the united states government. it wasn't, it didn't have to be marked classified for her not to put it on her server. according to document she signed. >> right. so, david, i always assume that your viewers on the business network deal in fact, not
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fantasy or wishes and i'm not saying this about you or lee but there were people who are making of this email issue the same people thought that benghazi would bring her down, that thought her concussion would bring her down. david: richard. >> i will get to the question. david: just answer specifically the question. what about this document she signed doesn't have to be marked classified. >> the answer, the answer is that classification is dynamic not a static process. things that are in the public domain today could be unclassified, and tomorrow the intelligence community could deem them classified. david: yeah. >> i wish she had actually said it just like that because we know what we're talking about. we're talking about articles in the "new york times" about drones, okay? and -- david: what we're talking about is very specifically, let me go back to lee for a second. what we're talking about is an investigation that even "the washington post" now says is a criminal investigation, something that hillary doesn't say, is that another reason why her dislikes went up when she
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began talking about this? >> look, i think nine out of 10 voters on all sides of the aisle question her judgment. now whether or not you know, we can talk about all the candidates and whether or not people question their judgment but nine out of 10 voters question hillary clinton's judgment as a result of this very issue and that's a major problem for her. we've got a lot of energy around a other candidate. there is a lot of energy around her opponent bernie sanders. is he going to win right now? it doesn't look like that. david: that is the grade we're looking at, specifically registered about emails. we have to leave it at that lee carter, richard goodstein. i got to tell you another part of the audience last night were fbi agents investigating this. you better -- >> they were utterly unfazed. david: we'll see. time will tell, won't it, richard? >> yes. david: melissa. melissa: whether on wall street or main street here is who is making money today. if you thought the fast-food chain hotdogs would not sell, think again. ceo of burger king's largest
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operator describing sales as overwhelming? they're selling 80 to one 20 hotdogs per store a day. that is amazing. the porn star that appeared in a ted cruz ad is now endorsing trump trump. we knew that was coming. handling of the cruz ad played a role in her endorsement that had a little bit of an effect. david: concerns over third party run for donald trump may be unfounded for the simple fact that he probably can't afford it. trump's claims that he is self-funded candidate might not make it all the way to november. at the same time "the donald" is wooing voters in the key state of michigan tonight. >> i've been fighting hard for cars. cars will be made in our country. they will be made in our country. [applause] we have idaho. we love idaho potatoes, right? who doesn't have potatoes from
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idaho? if you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. visit legalzoom today. the legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. that's why i run on quickbooks. details. i use the payments app to accept credit cards... ...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line.
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melissa: he's the self-funding front-runner but if the gop did deny trump the nomination critics question if his riches are enough to fund a third party run. here to weigh in, noelle nikpour, gop fund-raiser and james freeman of "the wall street journal" james, let me start with you. rich people are generally too smart to spend their own money. i would bet he is too cheap to fund his own campaign? >> certainly the the way it hase so far. basically a media funded campaign at this point, giving him free airtime on particular television networks. the question whether he could fund a national campaign, the answer seems to be no. melissa: noelle, i dispute that, it is called earned media for a reason. you put him on when he makes news and drives ratings which he has done so i feel like he is earning it. noelle, it cost as billion dollars basically to -- costs a
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billion dollars to run your own campaign. does very a billion to fund his campaign? i know i don't. does he? >> it's a yes and a no, because trump, for some reason trump breaks away and does third party run it will make the news. everybody knows you need to raise money to spend money to get your name out, to get your message out. but if all the time, you know they will be coming to trump to ask him how he feels about what cruz says or about what hillary says about him, he is going to be getting that earned media. he has been able to do it so far. without spending much money and i think that if for some reason there is some breakaway and he runs as a third party candidate i don't think he is going to need dig into any kind of personal finance. melissa: yeah. >> i will tell you though, if he does make some sort of a run, it will be outrage just. a lot of people are going to be in a frenzy and he will probably
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get a lot of five and 10 and $20 donation. it won't add up to big bucks but work in his favor, a lot of people will say look, anti-establishment and we have to help the guy out. it could work in his favor. melissa: james, let me ask you though, the person who runs as independent is almost always the spoiler, not the winner and i'm not sure you know, he i don't know that it would be worth it to him. he would do at love things out of spite. i don't think that includes spending any of his own money. >> obviously if he is running against hillary clinton he is probably getting less favorable media treatment. there is a real question, hillary clinton is aiming to raise $2.5 billion for this campaign. crane's new york business, a business publication here in new york, says that trump is getting a tax return now that is only available to people with less than $500,000 of income. so obviously people like forbes and bloomberg estimated his
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worth at far below where he has called it. melissa: yeah. >> but it may be that in terms of liquid money he could actually throw into a campaign it is nowhere even in the ballpark. melissa: i don't know, james, i don't want to get into the details, we're out of time, is that ordinary income as versus returns for investment? i have to see a lot more. >> he won't release the tax returns. we have to guess at this kind of stuff. that may be the reason why. melissa: we have to go. david. david: maybe that is the bombshell report they were talking about. one week and counting, how marco rubio is trying to avoid humiliation in his home state of florida. >> florida will always be important. always is. by the way whoever our nominee is which will be me has to come back there and win in november. that will be just as tough pet moments are beautiful,
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melissa: just a week until the florida presidential primary and senator marco rubio has his sights set on claiming victory in the state's republican contest because it is his home state and winner-take-all contest that could give him a huge boost in the delegates. fox news's james rosen is on the campaign trail with the latest. what can you tell is? reporter: melissa and david, good afternoon. aides to senator marco rubio say he knows how to win in florida and will indeed win the state's 99 delegates. thereby upending dynamics and delegate math in this race. we knew first half of march would be a challenging stretch. he told me we are way ahead in early voting and absentee voting in florida. "real clear politics" average shows donald trump up by 16 point in this state but team rubio says most recent surveys show their man with the momentum. >> these polls have been all over the place. i don't worry about polls right now. we were 20 points down in
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virginia. basically had we had another day would have beaten donald trump there. we will beat donald trump in florida. i need everyone to come out to vote. reporter: they said watch out for surprise in idaho and hawaii tonight. david and melissa. melissa: we'll see tonight. david: could the results tonight force another candidate out of the race? joining me now for more, fox news contributors nina easton and der roy murdoch. good to see you both. nina, first to you. with all the drama about the rubio-cnn story. what happens to him if he loses terribly tonight? >> i think he probably stays in. here's the thing, first of all if you are a close aide or a donor to marco rubio, you're necessarily going to be asking does it make sense for him to run in florida if he is going to lose by double digits. does that hurt his future career? young guy, 44 years old, could
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be next governor of florida, do you really want to lose florida that much. kind of early to know whether he will lose, it's a double-digit situation and he has got negative ads up, rubio does, attacking donald trump. so he can, he can probably narrow gap. whether he can win or not, i don't think you will see him taking action tonight. david: deroy is denying for the record that he will pull out before florida. he told our brian kilmeade. >> the point it ain't true. it's a lie. unfortunately looks like ted cruz's campaign is putting out emails in places like hawaii telling people about it. we saw that with ben carson earlier. david: deroy, that goes the cruz-rubio ticket. people were hoping that cruz and rubio would get together. doesn't sound like they could after this. >> i'm not sure they could be in a room together after all this i think rubio should stay in.
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if he stays in he can win and if he doesn't win he could say he can put up good fight. if he drops out now, he looks like a loser. he appears to be ahead in early voting. a lot of people spending anti-trump money that could help him out a week from today. david: nina, again the winner is trump. he denied the possibility of a cruz-rubio alliance, hasn't he? >> this has been, trump has been winner all along. go back to this cnn story because i was close with the romney campaign in 2012 and i watched stories that were printed that demonstrably false what was going on inside of a campaign. sometimes reporters will take a piece here, a disgruntled person there. david: right. >> i just, would warn and caution viewers to take all of this with a grain of salt. that said, the rubio campaign has to be looking at its future and where its heading but i don't see them dropping out before florida. david: nina, deroy, thank you very much.
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kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. melissa: good news for those who love chocolate. there is a new reason to chow down. a new study in appetite journal, i like that, indicates eating chocolate can make you smarter. of course it can. david: absolutely. participants who ate chocolate once a week saw improvement in memory and abstract thinking. it proves that frequent chocolate eaters are better at daily activities, remembering a shopping list or multitaxing. melissa: happier, nicer. david: enjoy chocolate and drink a little champagne. melissa: add alcohol to it. memory thing goes though. david: what else is great, fox business tonight, four states weigh in with their votes.
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we're a few short hours away from the full results. fox business has full coverage and analysis of all the key races. it all starts 7:00 p.m. eastern time here on fbn. melissa: that's right. that does it for us. "risk & reward" starts right now. >> you got to say this about him, he is equal opportunity attacker. he has attacked mexicans. he has attacked people with disabilities. he has attacked women. he has attacks muslim. he has gone after everybody. we will not let a person like that ever become president of the united states! [cheers and applause] >> a vote for any other candidate, a vote for marco rubio or a vote for john kasich is a vote for donald trump. because there is only one candidate who has repeatedly beaten donald trump. >> when i'm president of the united states, because there is a guy who is running for president right now who says he is not picking sides betw


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