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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 9, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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time, yes or no, do you think rubio get out before or after. >> after, his career not over. charles: wow thank you. >> we really appreciate it,ure numbers have been through the roof. lou dobbs is next. >> i am lou dobbs, donald trump close ing to securing the republican presidential nomination, with impressive victories in three states last night. michigan, mississippi and hawaii, trump pulled it off despite a barrage of attack ads from all quarters against him. >> it was an amazing evening, i don't think i have ever had so many horribling horrible things said about me in one week. i am what that shows more than anything else, advertising is not as important as competent.
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there has never been more money spent on hitting somebody than on me. lou: more money may be spent in the upcoming week, trump has 458 delegates, he needed just 54% of remaining outstanding delegates to win the republican nomination, his next closest rifle is senator ted cruz issue he needs 62% of cruz last night won idaho issue but donald trump has the momentum going to next tuesday when winner-take-all states of florida and ohio hold their primaries, a brand new fox news pop show trump trouncing rubio in florida. in ohio issue a closer race there. with ohio a governor john kasich in the lead, trump just behind him, rubio and kasich
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are now fighting for their political live, trump is hold a campaign rally in fayetteville, north carolina tonight, we'll go there live when it begins. bernie sanders pulling off a stunning upset over hillary clinton in michigan, we compaq with all things politics with ed rollins and nick adams. >> kristics blasting president obama say he unilaterally, handcuffed boarder patrol 18, since to sheriff paul babeu of pinal county, arizona. >> when an illegal is apprehended there they are supposed to be given a notice to appear. that not happening. it could be 30, 60, 90 days, we know it is proven a
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majority of these individuals will neff show up for their court hearing, this is a sham. the fact that the president says this is our process, basically it is defacto amnesty, there is no consequence, there no enforcement of the law, there no tracking of where that person is. lou: when sheriff said it is a sham. he means it is a sham along the entire me mexican border, 2000 miles of sham, sheriff babeu will be among our guests here later in this hour. >> top story, a battle for the republican nomination, a battle that donald trump is win, striking a more conciliatory in his tone. establishment republicans, donor class, g.o.p. elite are not giving up their absolute fierce fight to stop trump. fox news chief political
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correspondent carl ca cameron is in florida. reporter: donald trump won 3 of 4 states last night. >> they call them the elites or whatever they call them, i say to the republicans, embrace it, we will win the election. reporter: trump's saidakhmetov -- have to drop out now, case ib said he will drop out if he loses ohio. >> what are you kidding me? i'm running for this job because first of all, i have the national security experience issue i have the record of lifting these people with this economy, what the heck would anyone think we out
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to make deefs. >> trerchl continue trump continued to surge. ted cruz was only one to win in idaho, today carly fiorina endorsed him. >> people in our party are horrify by donald trump, i am one of them. >> if you were a jeb supporter, a marco supporters a kasich supporters we welcome i to our team, this afternoon they said ben carson all drop out now rumors we'll end your campaign, i will be on that ballot tuesday, we're going to the white house, we are going to win this nomination. reporter: rubio is on the ropes and he knows it, he had a meeting planned with jeb bush today, who has meetings and cruz and kasich tomorrow. >> here is higha leah, rubeo
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held a rally on football field, did so in the end zone issue pe hype him, the scoreboard read fourth quarter. lou: thank you very were. >> on democratic side, hillary clinton widened her delegate lead last night but it was bernie sanders upset in michigan that has everyone today talking, sanders campaign has more reason forris optimism. ed hen vi in miami with our report. reporter: new trouble for hillary clinton, whose stunning loss in michigan revealed long-term problems from her e-mail and other controversies, bernie sanders won in part, exit polls among democrats say honest and trust worthy was important to them.
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>> i just top take this opportunity to -- i just want to take this opportunity to thank the people of michigan that kind of repudiatedded the polls that had us down two weeks ago. >> work -- as well as in places like wisconsin next month. while clinton road her big ej edge, in michigan, sanders posted his best numbers yet. reporter: clinton campaign manager noted her massive win in mississippi translate to her nets 4 times as many delegates as sanders got in michigan. >> our lead will become insur.
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able. reporter: clinton is poised to clean up and delegate rich states, a new - pole shows. >> running for president, should not be about delivering insults it should be about delivering results for the american people. charles: to give you an idea of the upset of the victory, at 5:38, they predicted that hillary clinton had over a 9 percent chance of rain over mississippi. now voters go to polls next week but it be a steeper climb. lou: someone over there better recalibrate their odds. >> turning to white house that
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seems to maintain radio silence ony foreign call fee, and mideast ern materialments. -- developments. >> the launch of 2 missiles comes as vice president biden in israel in a news conference today biden said there should be no doubt that america has israel's back. biden also blasted palestinian leaders for not condemning the palestinian terrorist attack yesterday that claimed the life of an american tourist. >> kind of violence yesterday was failure to condemn it. to retribution it generates has to stop. lou: biden the travel to west bank and jordan on his five-day trip to the middle east. >> thousands of mourners gather in simi valley issue california to pay their respects to former first lady
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nancy reagan. reagan's body is lying in repose at reagan presidential library ahead of her funeral this friday, forminger first lady, rosalynn contractor, laura bush. -- carter, and laura bush, and first lady michelle obama will be in attendance. >> rubio make one last appeal. >> i need you to go out fine as many people as you can to vote for me, i'm going to be elected president. lou: jeb bush rounding out boys for a full out attack against donald trump. >> snow mobile, freestyler about to turn this downtown minnesota city to a snow mobile playground. get ready for wild video coming right up after these not so wild messages, purpose but not wild. stay with us.
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take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. lou: donald trump tonight is in fayetteville, north carolina, at the crown center theater. north carolina votes next tuesday, they have a lot of delegates as well.
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it has 72. he has an average 11-point lead in clear politics average, let's listen to donald trump for a minute. >> it is sort of a weird thing, i said, when i make speeches there is no much love in the room, it's easy, yoi number one, so much love in these rooms, it is easy, it is. you can help people. i told people of north carolina, a big thing i would see magnificent woods and beautiful roads in valleys and lakes, the biggest problem they have is heroin, i would go to meetings, say what is your biggest problem. we have a tremendous drug problem they say, i would say really? after two months of this, i said, we're going to fix this problem. the drugs come from the
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southern border, they go up there it is like selling water. they have so many people addicted, it all over, you have to too, we all have it, for some reason, all over the country, for some reason, new hampshire has it where the single biggest problem, is poisoning their youth and others, i said we'll get that solved. folks, we're going to get that problem solved. i mean that when i first came down, i road the escalator with my wife, i took a deep breath, because it takes guts believe me to run for president is takes guts, i have never done it before, i have done a lot of things, i built a massive company. we built a massive company -- oh, no. is this exciting?
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don't you love it, i love it. i love it. look at those cameras look how they turn. look at those cameras turn, follow them all the way up now cameras. wow. what a crowd. wow. look. total sell out, look at behind, thousands of people -- >> one thing that annoys donald trump more than almost anything that is that television cameras, do not pa pan around the venue to show how many thousands of people are in attendance, and usually, thousands of thousands of people. tonight we're told about 4,000 . are we confident in that number? producer on site said about
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4,000 people in crown center in fayetteville, that is impressive, the man delights in the crowds. and if we get into somewhat newer territory we'll go right back to donald trump there in north carolina. joining me now, former reagan white house political director, republican strea strategist ed rollins, we're watching something special happen here. there a funny reaction in media and amongst -- i understand opposition in democrats. but this man is running an impressive victory. >> he had a big day yesterday, winning in mississippi, hawaii and michigan. coming second where he didn't win is extraordinary, and equally as important, what he is tapping into, that astonishes me, is yesterday 59% of the republican voters were antirepublican
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establishment washington new polls have you here, 63% of republicans voters are against the republican establishment in washington, he is tapped into, that republican establishment, elites are doing what they can to take him out, it is not even putting a dent. he it is like shooting at him with a bbgun, and he is shooting book with a bazooka. in michigan upset win by senator bernie sanders, every poll had hillary clinton, ahead of bernie sanders. john kasich a's folks, governor of ohio his folks telling us he is going to win in michigan, trump wins, they or this message, the working man and woman and family are middle class, and the threat that the establishment of both political parties, democrat and republicans oppose to
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those folks, those messages carrying the day for both of the candidates, what do you make of that? >> dem idea that established candidate in democratic party, not communist or socialist, gets beat by a socialist in a party with auw, and large african-american support that hillary clinton loses that is astonishing to me, that is about as big as an unset as i have ever seen in politics. lou: from last june, trump entered the campaign high talking about immigration, he is talking about jobs, he is talking about the economy, and he is talking about the people who are saying, they are in leadership positions but they can't be brothered with their -- bothered with there are followers, the people they are responsible. i i don't know the see any room -- i don't see any room for anything but an outsider. >> i like john kasich, he has
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been a friend of mine for a long time, his message circumstance is, i have been a good governor, send me to washington i will be a good president, they don't want that. i think he will get shocked next week, it is a slight edge, and rubio will get slaughtered in florida. lou: your reaction to jeb bush, meeting tomorrow he meets with cruz and kasich. and met are rubio today, the establishment is not backing off, they mean to screw it up for themselves and everyone else, are these people really this obtuse? >> i think jeb had the most misirable year of his life, he is not going to endorse -- he does not like rubio. cruz has more to do with his son's future than anything else. i think he will just wirv
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wish them all well. no impact. lou: all right, ed rollins appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: breaking news, north korea firing two short range ballistic missiles south korea saying it tracked missiles that were fired to the sea, east off of the korean peninsula. the new tests comes hours after north korea claimed to have miniaturize nuclear warhead to fit such missiles, last week united nationsimp posed tough -- imposed tough new sanctions, they must be getting more, more intense because, the two new missiles launched, sanctions have never ever in anyway, thwarted north korea what so ever. vote in our poll, do you believe that republican elites are assuring donald trump's victory, by conspiring and
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attacking him? cast your vote on twitter, we would like to hear from you, follow me on twitter, write me on facebook, follow me on instagram. links to everything at >> looking at a video, impressive, folks at red bull, look here. woe! taking to streets of st. paul, in iniin i minnesota, professional snow mobiler, ripping through the streets of his town, they shut down roads and bridges allowing him a lot of space for a lot of thrills. look at that. amazing. up next, we'll have some amazing thoughts to the republican establishment's war against donald trump. a war that trump now, wants to end. >> believe it or not, i am a unifier, i unifier. you look the what i built, i am a unifier, i get along with
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people, i have great relations. lou: subject. i will tell but a would be thief, just may be well, not the brightest criminal in all of the world. or even in his neighborhood. we'll be right back. stay with us. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. . let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything.
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. lou: a few thoughts now on what has become a full-on conflict between the republican establishment against the voters who support donald trump, who added three more states to his string of victories last night. the republican elites now increasingly frantic after those wins who trump handily took hawaii, michigan and mississippi, and we shouldn't hear a lot more about his arithmetic ceiling by his political savants, should we? he has a higher ceiling now,
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about halfway through these primaries, trump has won 14 out of 22 contests. cruz has taken 7 states. rubio has won one state plus puerto rico, you expect rationally that the republican establishment would get together, they would meet with the donald to organize, synchronize the party and campaign strategies and set agendas to begin to prepare for calls for unity and to pivot to the general election, but no. not these elites, instead jeb bush has emerged, setting up meetings with rubio, today kasich and cruz tomorrow, no meetings sought with republican front-runner trump, and as rubio is drape -- drained of money, spirit and support, the they embrace cruz running well behind trump in the major contest leading into next tuesday. while the hapless establishment seeks out another favorite as
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they have done for years and years, as choices fall one after another in this campaign, walker, christie, bush, the new standard bearer cruz, the elites haven't done a thing right in the last two presidential elections, and their off-year election success had nothing to do with the party, was authored by spontaneous movement, expression of popular will in 2010. 109 freshman elected to the class in the house and senate. 99 of them republican. by the way. had nothing to do with republican leadership. maybe because the gop elites couldn't stand even that success and just had to co-op that movement. well, they keep trying to do something, something that's, well, apart from rational and in the interest of the party and the nation. this time i think trump is right.
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it is time for republicans to unite around him and embrace the trump phenomenon for what it is, a movement. my guess is the party elites will finally come around, perhaps they'll even come together with the voters themselves. we'll see. our quotation of the evening on bringing people together, like donald trump who is attracting independents and democrats, bring them together. so i thought we should quote one of trump's most leading and passionate attractors, we turn to the spirit of lindsey graham. graham said -- congratulations, senator! it looks like you've gotten just who you asked for. so the question becomes, now what, senator? we're coming right back. stay with us. uncharacteristically donald trump is bragging about his big
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win in michigan and deservedly so, calling on those trying to tear him down to instead unite behind his campaign. >> let's come together, folks, we're going to win, let's come together. believe it or not, i'm a unifier, i unify. >> reporter: if anyone can bring together the warring factions of the republican party including the establishment, it's donald trump. blaze's amy holmes and nick adams here next. and here you go. a beach full of jet ski stuntmen finding a creative way to keep low flying drones out of their way. the video of how they do it, what it looks like coming up next. "lou dobbs tonight" continues. stay with us. on our disciplined approach to find long term value. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call a t. rowe price retirement specialist
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. lou: joining me columnist nick adams, author of the book retaking america, i'm joined by the news anchor for the blaze, amy holmes. great to have you here. >> thanks for having us. >> bernie sanders taking michigan and at the same time, donald trump taking michigan and their stories not incredibly divergent and messages seemingly on point. it's about working men and women. american middle-class families, and their futures. amy, your thoughts? >> i think that's absolutely right, lou, and about the outside of the political system and challenging the status quo. bernie sanders, this is a big upset for hillary clinton.
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while it may not change the ultimate outcome, it does show that hillary clinton is a very weak candidate. a poor politician and remember one of the big debate points prior to michigan is accusing bernie sanders of being against the working class because he voted against auto money and proudly touting her support of the bailout money. michigan voters said they still liked bernie sanders better. lou: what do you think, nick? >> absolutely right, lou. look, this has been the rise of the anti-pc politician year, and we have certainly seen both bernie sanders and donald trump do incredibly well. if you remember that one is a socialist and one is an unabashed capitalist and what could be more american than being an unabashed capitalist. but without a doubt, i think that people have shown a tremendous inclination towards people that don't emanate from the political system because
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they're sick of the morale lil usings that occupy the establishment on both sides. lou: seems like one establishment, two political parties with elites who is obnoxious, one is the democrat, the other republican. the american people sending a very strong signal, and this is the year of the outsider. we've known it since nearly the beginning of the campaign, but with trump's intrigue and success over the course of all of these campaigns. he's won 14 out of 20 states. this is really an impressive place. there's no doubt he's going to move forward in my mind. how about yours as the nominee? >> looks like he's ahead in florida, winner takes all type of state. his win is bad for john kasich,
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the boy next door representing the midwest, and donald trump blew him out of the water as well as others competitors. i have to say donald trump is such an entertainer and such a great salesman that when he has put out on stage the trump steaks, the trump water, all of that was brilliant. i have to hand it to him. he literally served up red meat for his fans. lou: yes, he did. i thought it was a brilliant way to shut mitt romney up, and that was obviously a tribute to romney who said all of these things weren't being produced, they failed, and all that was your visual aid. donald trump said there you go, mitt, you got it wrong. >> yeah, it was flamboyant, it was exciting, provocative. it was donald trump, lou, and it was a great example exactly why so many people are so enthralled with him. i can tell when you it comes to florida, we obviously have the
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"fox news poll" recently released, very recently in fact. lou: today. >> it's very clear that if marco rubio stays in the race, he's going to be calling donald trump daddy because the voters in the florida are waiting with several 2 x 4's to absolutely land blows on him that his ancestors in cuba are going to feel. lou: okay. nick, amy, thank you very much. >> wow. lou: as we look at those numbers, it is something to see the degree to which, it seems to me, as we wrap up here, i believe trump was imminently successful in tagging marco rubio on his absentee record going through 80% absences from committee meetings, including the sba committee. 60% absentees on the principal committees, foreign relations,
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there we are, amy holmes, nick adams. thank you, both for being here. >> thank you. lou: filming extreme sports isn't an easy job, and a drone operator learned the hard way. a quadcopter drone capturing the perfect shot of a jet ski landing and got it upclose and personal. the jet ski jumped higher than expected. the drone, a $3,000 drone a total loss but the jet skiers got a great picture and this spectacular crash is seen i'm sure all around the world tonight. up next, pinal county, arizona sheriff paul babeu joins us, he's blasting the obama administration on what he calls chamborder security. he says the obama white house is preventing border patrol agents from enforcing our immigration laws. >> these are the cops, these are the men and women who swore an oath to protect our country. the cops at the border, and this administration literally
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has handcuffed them from doing their job. lou: sheriff paul babeu joins us next, stay with us, we're coming right back. ♪
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talking with for probably a decade about border security. pinal county, arizona sheriff paul babeu, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> the point you are trying get people to focus on first of all is the president of the united states ordered the border patrol to basically not do its job, handcuffing them, preventing them from enforcing border security, period. give us, if you will, your sense of how severe this is? >> well, i stood yesterday with border patrol agents who had the courage to come forward from arizona, texas and across the country saying two things are happening. nta's, a notice to appear, when illegals are apprehended, walked out the front door into our communities and they used to be given a paper called a notice to appear, 30 days, 60 days show up. they're not even issuing these to a lot of the illegals anymore. that's outrageous.
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what was laughable, most of them would never show up anyway, now not given the effort. second is the fact that the high-traffic areas for human trafficking and smuggling they are not assigning border patrol agents to the areas, brandon judd and myself said clearly this is an effort to show a lower number of apprehensions, thus the border is more secure and everything is just fine. lou: brandon judd, the head of the border patrol union. >> yes. lou: and sheriff, when you're talking about, what they're saying is they don't want the border patrol to go where the problem is, where they can interdict smugglers, where they have apprehend illegal immigrants. this is outrageous. why in the world -- why isn't congress reacting? why isn't the republican candidates talking about this? is it bad politics right now in this primary season? >> no, some are, it almost seems so obscene, outrageous,
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how could this really be happening and border patrol agents, 20+ years of service said, look, i never signed up for this. the leader appointed by obama told these guys, if you don't like, this not enforcing the law, find another job. lou: i've got some news for him, i'm not sure how good it is. instead of taking that direct order, instead they managed to persevere for 316 days, there will be a new president in the white house. >> thank god. lou: sheriff -- >> thank god. lou: indeed. we appreciate you being with us. thanks so much. paul babeu. >> you bet. lou: a teenaged robber pulled a gun on a philadelphia cab driver, but his timing was way, way off. >> don't have anything in my wallet. >> i need that, there's a copy of this. >> what's the problem? >> give me everything you got.
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>> i don't have anything in my wallet. lou: the would-be thief didn't pay attention to the fact that there was a sheriff deputy in his car with flashing lights. the officer arrested the teenager, he remains in custody on robbery and assault charges. quite something. up next, mitt romney paying a visit to jimmy kimmel to read all the mean tweets he received from donald trump supporters. there wasn't time for them all, of course. >> i pay good money to watch mitt romney crying in a ball pit at a chuck e. cheese. >>@mitt romney equals loser. >> that's true, i lost. >> red eye's andy levy, joanne nosuchinsky take all of that up and much, much more,thel be with us in moments. coming right back. it's a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad.
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it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. with toothpaste or plain their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. my school could be fast. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ >>
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at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. lou: donald trump in his victory speech last night defended his trump brand much products. he lined the stage with different trump products which mitt romney said were no longer
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in business. >> mitt got up, and he really shouldn't have done it. he talked about the water company. there is the water company. we sell water and we have water and it's a very successful. it's a private little water company. it's very good. trump steaks. we have trump steaks. lou: joining us now to tell was to make of all that, the co-host of red eye. and former u.s.a. what an impressive putdown. your reaction? >> tino what i'm spending my next paycheck on. that's a whole bunch of trump wine. my next job must be at trump vineyards. he must have a vineyard if he has wine.
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this is exactly the response we want to see from trump. serving it right to mitt romney. it's excellent. lou: you had to be impressed with three victories. just join me in a great rah-rah. what do you make of it? >> you are not going to be able to spend your paycheck on trump steaks because they are out of business, you are not going to be to spend your money on the water tore wine or magazine because they went out of business. and trump wine is not owned by donald trump. lou: he comes up with irrelevant things. >> i they are people talk about how president obama has demeaned the office of the presidency doing comedy bits. but they have no problem with this.
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i thought this was embarrassing. >> this is how trump started out. lou: trump national golf course. the doral. >> they still exist for now. >> you will never be invited there, andy. lou there are then romney goes on kimmel and does mean tweets. do we have any of those? let's take a further sampling. >> donald trump is trying to pull america back from the back and freakin mitt romney is playing with matches in the bathroom. >> is there any truth to that? >> i'm not touching that. @mitt romney equals loser. that's true actually, i lost. you may not have noticed. who are you anyway, and by the way ... lou: it goes on and on. he goes on and on as romney often does.
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am i being unfair to romney saying he's a desperate traitor to his party and an embarrass meteorologist. >> i think that's a fair assessment. his speech attacking trump and encouraging the gop and voters to rally around other candidates. it was so he could get a little more time. he warrants that taste of the celebrity back. lou: it seemed that way, didn't? it. >> if i western trump i would be worried about this. mitt romney has shown he's good at keeping rich republicans out of the white house. >> you should call donald trump a republican. very nice of you to say that. i would expect less of you. lou: i agree with you. high form of compliment. speak of obama, skipping the funeral of the former first lady
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nancy reagan so that he can be at southwest by southwest technology conference. your reaction? >> it doesn't surprise me. obama has never really cared about optics before. i finds it hard to believe that south by southwest wouldn't accommodate him by changing the time of his speech. lou: or the location. >> do it via satellite. lou: but tax pair money ... >> he has a chance to bro out in austin and you want him to go to some downer funeral? lou: you have got a point. i didn't think of that. did you think of that? >> no. lou: let's turn to the law school lawsuit. the young lady who doesn't feel she got a good deal. she graduated in 2008 and she still hasn't found a job.
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she is suing the law school, she spent a loot of money and borrowed a lot of money. >> she said she went to the school because they pride themselves that a lot of their alumnae got jobs right out of the gate. she was offer sad job at a law firm. she said she sent out 150 resumes and hasn 't gotten any response to which i say you are doing something wrong. maybe she is not a desirable. >> there is probably a typo in the resume. i assuming this was just another entitled millennial story. if the law school is misrepresenting its statistics in placing people, which is what she is allege. if the law school is lying -- lou: she is going to do what she should have done in 2005.
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>> due diligence. lou: you know now how to better live your life. what a good sport cheering on donald trump. in our online poll 51% of you have said candidates should not foreswear the use of profanity. good night from new york. [♪] kennedy: oh, baby, i watched the trump shopping network last night as the gop presidential frontrunner annihilated his enemies in a press conference/victory speech. he won three of the four contests. and he was flanked with more


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