tv Kennedy FOX Business March 14, 2016 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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thank you very much. appreciate it. the online poll. 72% of you friday night think trump will win in florida and ohio tomorrow. kennedy: i'm watching marco rubio and john kasich slugging it out in their home states. kasich is bringing attack dog mitt romney on the road. romney is new to the sport of trump bark. remember this speech? >> here's what i know. donald trump is a phoney, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university.
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kennedy: he left out the part where he calls donald a rancid umpaloompa. but romney announced he's not running. yay. and he's not endorsing anyone. even though romney isn't endorsing kasich, they are looking for better options. like every other struggling american voter. here is more of that romney tough talk we have grown to love. >> when my grandkids say what did you do to stop donald trump i want to be able to say something. i don't want to sit on the sidelines. kennedy: that's exactly what you have done. you sat on the sidelines because you were scared off by that trot whiler jeb bush. now, you .dusted off your presidential hair.
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you should be more concerned about your dignity than john kasich's establishment ties in an anti-establishment year. they are conspiring for a contested convention to steal an election they couldn't win outright. they are pretending it's 2012. while i find the whole thing wildly entertaining, none of these numb skulls has any tour yet. but i fear authoritarians will rule by fiat. hillary clinton says foreign leaders are asking to endorse her and begging her to stop donald trump. eagles of death metal acceptinger jesse hughes
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apologizes for statements he made about the bataclan shooting. can kasich pull off ohio and can the establishment stop trump before the convention? let's ask the turbo charged party panel. andy levy is the co-host of "red eye." and julie roginsky. john kasich dragging marco rubio out on the road, strapping him to the roof of his car. and straight to canada. julie: yes it's desperation. but i don't feel bad for romney. kennedy: i don't think he
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implied that, he said it. i don't feel bad for mitt romney. dr. frankenstein's monster, you can't control him anymore. kennedy: it speaks to the eco of anyone who want to be president. is this the thing he can do? >> it's sad he's swinging at pitches from 2012. also if you watch the clip. he still isn't endorsing him to add to the pointlessness. when he came out they were playing ac/dc. who has ever looked at kasich and thought i'm thunder truck? kennedy: will this cost kasich ohio? >> i don't think so. we are at the point where i have to root for kasich to win a state. but one of the last guys in the world i would want to be
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president, i hope he wins ohio. kennedy: what does that say about you? does that say you are a good person or these are such desperate times that you will cling to a minor victory. >> i totally agree with julie. mitt romney has the nerve to say i don't want to tell my grandkids when they ask where were you, i don't want to say i sat on the sidelines. what you should say is a lot of this was gran grandad's fault. this amazing thing politicians do. they say something as if the thing they said yesterday that was the exact opposite never happened. kennedy: like it never existed. julie: who appointed romney as the head of the republican establishment?
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ken report miss universe from the year before running the pageant. everybody knows she is tired and a little jealous. >> i think you referred to trump as a straigh straight liberache. there have been several vie threnlt he outbursts at trump rallies. is this a healthy sign of engagement or something darker. does trump bear the responsibility for unrest at his rallies. people punching each other. trump from the stage saying, i'm going to give you money. kick him in parts of the body i can't say on television.
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fantastic. kennedy: it whos a level of intensity we haven't seen. but does that mean that the country is doomed? does it get better from here? >> it's a symptom of the country being doomed. we confuse speech. if you have say someone said something violent, but when people commit aggressive violent act you say you have to defend their speech. he says obnoxious they can. but if you show up and say we are going to deny you to speak for threat of violence or disruption, this goes against freedom of speech. there is no way you can defend any of this as being a positive. kennedy: it's not just people going into trump rallies shutting down free speech. donald trump has talked about suing members of the media and shutting down constitutionally protected speech. >> he's certainly an awful person in that regard. but if you are going to say we
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are so proud, chicago, we shut hip down. is that something to be proud of? shouting someone down and grabbing a microphone, these are assaults. kennedy: i can't stand any of it. >> i completely disagree. i don't think this is good. i was appall bid your serious answer on that -- i was appalled by your serious answer on that. there is a monmouth poll that says 22% of gop voters say what happened in chicago make it more likely for them to support trump. smart people suggest everything that happened in chicago was set up by the trump campaign. i'm not quite sure i'm cynical enough to believe that but i'm not sure i'm not cynical enough to believe that. he's encouraging violence. he want there to be violence. whether he himself is racist may be an open question. but he has absolutely -- he has
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shown no problem with having neonazis and other racists make up too much of his support without repudiating them or saying he thinks it's wrong. he gets up there and says there is no violence at my rallies days after he said he was going to pay the legal fees of one of his supporters who sucker punched a protester. >> i think there is a big difference between an isolated incident as opposed to an organized campaign. whether you think their opinions are odious or grotesque they have the right to peacefully assemble. kennedy: i don't agree there are necessarily racial under tones to what trump is doing. i think he's doing this just to have the entire news cycle to himself. julie: he just had a minister doing an intro saying about bernie sanders who is jewish,
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this guy has to come to jesus. he doesn't believe in god. trump is sitting there and so is chris christie. they are not saying a word about this. >> this is the republican southern strategy. trump is just doing it nationally. kennedy: interesting. politic is gross. that's why i love it. i'll be part of fbn's live coverage it all start at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fbn. coming up, hillary clinton says she would make a better president than a candidate. hard to believe. stun reeg across in moments. please stay right here. e*trade is all about seizing opportunity.
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so i'm going to take this opportunity to go off script. so if i wanna go to jersey and check out shotsy tuccerelli's portfolio, what's it to you? or i'm a scottish mason whose assets are made of stone like me heart. papa! you're no son of mine! or perhaps it's time to seize the day. don't just see opportunity, seize it! (applause) this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away
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kennedy: welcome back. glad you are here. hillary clinton says she is glad you are here. she says they will make a better president than bill clinton and barack obama. >> i'm much better when i actually have a job to do rather than trying to get the job. i don't want to be hired to be a constant candidate, i want to be hired to be the president. kennedy: she says foreign leaders are contacting her to
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you have a their endorsement. why aren't they just making the contribution to the clinton foundation. that's how you do it, and hope that she can defeat donald trump. >> i'm already receiving messages from leaders. i'm having foreign leaders ask if they can endorse me to stop donald trump. kennedy: they have to ask you? do you control your friend like that? weirdo. the party panel is back. she says she is an unnatural politician. can an unnatural politician beat donald trump? julie: this is how i feel about dating. somebody just marry me. i think he single woman can relate to hillary clinton's plight.
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kennedy: she is a very bad person. she should in the kitchen and shackle her with the kasich 80s moms. is it possible to be a worse candidate than hillary clinton? >> we agree when she says she was sweater candidate and secretary of state. i think she would be an even better retiree. then when she says the foreign leaders want to endorse her but she can't reveal them. you have to cut her some slack, they did send the endorsements via email. you have got to cut her some slack. kennedy: is this the campaign strategy or is it completely brilliant? >> it many the job interview ever -- it's the worst job interview ever.
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it cracks me up. her campaign strategy is to talk about what a horrible campaigner she is. from someone who is more real than her it might be heart warming to see that candidate admit i'm horrible at this. but because it's hillary it's so patently obviously a planned move. like her team got around her and said we have some say you are a bad candidate. people will like you if you say this. they will feel sympathy for you. kennedy: no one thick that. it's so on it head patently false. >> and to say she would be better at the job and the candidate. based on what are we supposed to believe that. i'm fairly certain the people of libya are not calling her asking her to endorse -- asking to
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endorse her because they have no electricity. kennedy: who are the leaders in libya. >> there is nothing the american people like more than when foreign leaders tell them who to vote for. julie: don't you feel bad for her? let me make my case. the poor woman was surrounded by the most charismatic human being for 30 years. she has the nomination locked up and clinton 2.0, barack obama comes along and snatches it away from her. this very charismatic guys. kennedy: maybe charisma and like bit are important. now bernie sanders. you have got to some something there. kennedy: pant returns to discuss
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how bernie sanders the man of the hour burned hillary clinton with the help of some photographic evidence. ohio and florida could be do-or-die states for some candidates tomorrow. the superrist of super tuesday two, that's next. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours.
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in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo, where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at
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(ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. kennedy: florida and ohio up for grabs tomorrow. rubio's home state and kasich the governor ohio.
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reporter: they are all here in ohio. set it up for us. in the grand scheme of things in this primary season, how big a race is ohio? >> you hear no republican has ever been elected to the white house without winning ohio. it's an important state. the governor of ohio is tremendously popular among republicans. the latest poll shows 8 in 10 has a favorable opinion of john kasich. some people said i have a favorable opinion of them but i'm going to vote for donald trump because i think he's the guy who can effectuate the change we need. kennedy: polls are all over the place. why is it so hard to get a straight read on the buckeye state? >> you know, the governor has a
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tremendous organization here. he's almost running a gubernatorial campaign for president. but then you have got this wildcard of trump voters who can cross over. democrats can vote in the republican primary. so they don't know what that's going to be. you don't know what passion it will ignite in terms of turnout. kennedy: i don't see a lot of republicans crossing over in this race. you have seen democrats and independents cross over and vote on the republican side for or against trump. how vulnerable is trump or does this open primary contest benefit him? reporter: he has gone negative on kasich the last few days. it's usually an indication your oh own end is doing cost something good if you try to take him out. he sees this an opportunity to be a knockout blow for john kasich.
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he's the whown said if i lose my home state i'm out. donald trump would like to see that happen. he thinks he's close enough to make it happen. kennedy: marco rubio's campaign has been saying the exact same thing. thank you so much, jeff flock, now we'll go southeast. marco rubio trailing badly in his home state. he's fallen to third to cruz in some. blake berman is in miami beach. blake, what are you doing there in florida? >> we are just going out clubbing, hanging out, having dinner. you know, trying to stay out of trouble, kennedy. it's been fun. the big primary tomorrow. marco rubio, the question here is where exactly does he finish. the rubio campaign is probably
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not -- not probably, they are trying to tell anybody who will listen that he's going win this thing tomorrow night. you look at the polls, one of the polls had him in third, a close second to cruz. and trump is in the mid to high 40s. kennedy: you see poll after poll trump's big lead. i think cruz will make up lot of grounds and i think people will start to lose faith in rubio's campaign tomorrow night. the moment of truth will hit them. when it does, and if he loses florida will he drop out tomorrow night? what are you hearing? >> earlier today marco rubio said we are going forward to utah. utah and arizona are next up on the calendar. we have seen this several times, carly fiorina, chris christie come to minds. when their campaigns have been
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on the road saying we are going tomorrow, and ends up dropping out. it's kinds of what the candidates have to say. we have a plan, we are going to be there, we are going to win tonight and go on. kennedy: what do you hear from the organizations in the future states, are there still offices there? are they operating? are they functional? are they optimistic? >> he has some financing events, essentially fundraisers in utah and arizona. so he's going out there not only just to raise money and have events. but, you know, the rubio campaign has only had so much cash on hand. it was $5 million earlier this month. if marco rubio is going to continue, if he finishes in the mid-20s it could be curtains. kennedy: there is no fun in funds raising when you are not
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in the race any more. it's crazy there. hillary clinton morphs into bernie sanders in a desperate flee plea for votes. "topical storm" is next. you're an at&t small business expert? sure am. my staff could use your help staying in touch with customers. at&t can help you stay connected. am i seeing double? no ma'am. our at&t 'buy one get one free' makes it easier for your staff to send appointment reminders to your customers... ...and share promotions on social media? you know it! now i'm seeing dollar signs. you should probably get your eyes checked. good one babe. optometry humor. right now get up to $650 in credits to help you switch to at&t. then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide.
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kennedy: when beavers are chipping away at your bungalow and your home is toppling ... topic number one. no one on the planets of earth can do a bernie sanders impression as well as larry david. he reprised his role and "saturday night live." >> young people love me because i'm like them. i have got a lot of big plans and absolutely no idea how to achieve them.
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>> let's check in with senator bernie sanders. >> get out of here. get going. >> are you in your pajamas. each course i'm in pajamas. it's bedtime, you idiot. you said you were finished. >> how did you change so fast? >> i always wear them unmy suit. kennedy: here is the latest hillary parody ad. >> thank you for lending your support to the biggest outside sister jew in the race, hillary rodham clinton. there is a lot of work to be done and that's why i'm sick and tired reading me own damn emails. kennedy: bieber kicked off his
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purpose worm tour, starting in seattle with a little typo. you can see many are the plans in a person's heart. but it is god's purks rose that prevails. the word purpose misspelled. one of justin bieber's say fans can exchange the faulty shirt. many are the plans in a person's heart, bit of is gomsd pore poll is that prevails. oh, sorry. that's not right. our graphics department must have budged that one. it's not supposed to say pore poll is. can we -- it's not supposed to say porpoise. can we try that again? topic number 3.
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you think the biggest problem facing pro football players is the threat of chronic brain damage after multiple concussions but you would be wrong it many the ill-fitting helmets players have to wear to cushion their brains from almost certain injuries. we'll show how dire these plus-size brain buckets can be. watch. he world. then he fell down. topic number 4. horses are the most graceful animals mankind has tamed. a fine man on a fine horse is perhaps the noblest bodily
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object in the world. but one specimen just became that much finer. look at this. that is the horse wearing an excellent tweed suit designed by emma king. it's about time. think of the many instances where you have tried to enter a fansly club on your horse only to be told your pony is under dressed or that embarrassing moment when you have ride your horse into the middle of a funeral or wedding and realize how painfully casual your horse is. and morstead is a prize-winning racehorse. he's being devoured by a t-rex.
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topic number 5. parent often think it crossroad for preschoolers is when they transition from being at home to slowly moving into an academic environment. but it's actually the harmony song, the controls roads performed by elmo and cookie monster. it's the meanest of mean street it many "sesame street." [♪] . kennedy: it's really beautiful. i love busy bones so much, i would like to turn him into a puppet. if you are weird tories you want
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pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have kidney problems, stomach ulcers, a bleeding condition, or take certain medicines. side effects with pradaxa can include indigestion, stomach pain, upset or burning. don't just go with the flow. go with pradaxa, the only blood thinner that lowers your risk of stroke better than warfarin and has a specific reversal treatment. talk to your doctor about pradaxa today. kennedy: it's always 1993 here. hillary clinton attacked hillary clinton on the issue of healthcaring where was bernie during her earlier healthcare crusade in 1993? >> i always get a little chuckle when i hear my opponent doing it.
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i don't know where he was when i was trying to get healthcare in 1993 and 1994. the sanders campaign responded with this. >> the leadership many people are giving to this. that's bernie sanders literally standing right behind her. but maybe mrs. clinton didn't realize he was there. >> i'm grateful to congressman sanders who joins us today from vermont. it's so rich. so where was bernie? making berken stocks out of elephant tongues? >> not only does she say him by name but where he came from. he's standing 18 inches behind her. he still owns that jacket. fit had been creepy joe biden she would have had him in a headlock.
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if it had been her husband touching her she would have recognized it. >> there is a whole forrest gump he wasn't there originally and now he is. this is the living embodiment of the hack sitcom situation. where a character says something and you say web's standing right behind me. i can see her getting mileage out of this. she can say, you know, that's right, i forgot, bernie was standing behind me while i was leading the way. julie: her press secretary said that, he stole your line. >> i would like to hear her chuckle, though. kennedy: i'm so unnatural at laughing. my husband is good at it. i should be president. is this a sign of some sort of
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mental informity that makes her unelectable? >> i think it's somebody who has done so many speeches. she made a claim about aids and the reagans. she hasn't been on her game fact check. >> when you are a liar, she has been exactly on her game. she is a liar and she seems to have to memory issues, too. kennedy: what's the deal about the cough. she has coughing fits. people think that maybe she should hire one of those lawyers who does the late-night infomercials. marco rubio got heckled in florida over the weekend. but not over policy or ideology but over claims he stole a guy's girlfriend.
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>> that's enough. i have to tell everyone marco rubio stole my girlfriend. she doesn't look at me in the same way. kennedy: marco rubio trying to steal your girlfriend. >> it's a shame his campaign will be over tomorrow because marco rubio will steal your girlfriend is a great campaign slogan. shirts, underwear. he should have come up with that himself. kennedy: he will be such an effective president he will steal your girlfriend. he will destroy isis. this guy is clearly a plant from the rubio campaign to bring out the latin lover. where has he been?
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kennedy: my girlfriend could not resist. >> that guy is better looking than marco rubio. kennedy: do you think marco rubio is a secret dream boat? julie: i sat on this very set with marco rubio on "the five" it was hard to concentrate. kennedy: he was sweating on her. he's got that drinking problem. kennedy: i think he's going to win florida tomorrow. no i don't. i have been saying this for a while and maybe i'm wrong. i think he will come in third. >> if he comes in third, i think that's good for his campaign. it shows -- we'll be done with all of that, right? >> the question is, does he drop out tomorrow night or do the ben carson. this campaign is on.
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you know what? i'm tired of that. marco rubio takes huge credit for wins he never had. we came in third, third. >> he talks about the 1988 detroit pistons. thank you so much. coming up, donald trump says free trade is responsible for the loss of middle class jobs in america. but should the blame be laid on something else? death metal frontman jesse hughes apologize for comments he made on this show last week. it's more than a network. it's how you stay connected. with centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading broadband network and cloud and hosting services.
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outsourcing jobs overseas as crime culprits in the loss of american jobs. is free trade to flame for our unemployment and how will that effect voters in states like florida and ohio. you know who we have to ask, the associate professor sat king's college. a lot of politicians, it's like a siren song to claim manufacturing is dead and that's the what killed american jobs. >> we are manufacturing more in the u.s. than we ever have before. over $2 trillion. the volume of exports trimmed since 1995. and profits are higher than historical averages. manufacturing is not dead, what has changed is we are employing
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far fewer people to manufacture the output we are producing. it's not a question of manufacturing output, it's a question employment. kennedy: if we could privilege it back to the united states, everyone would be gainfully employed, our economy would explode. >> the reason employment has gone down. manufacturing workers have gotten so much better than producing more output per worker. you are not going to bring back the same manufacturing jobs because we are producing different things here. we have different skill sets, machinery and equipment. the rhetoric is like we look backward to go forward and that's not going to work. kennedy: people honest about the landscape will tell you that. but no one is making that case. technology was responsible for a lot of former manufacturing jobs. where does that shift, where do jobs proliferate.
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>> the service economy has got and lot bigger in the united states. that's where a lot of these jobs have to go. employment in the united states has never been higher. it's not like we are seeing massive job losses. it's so much easy tore blame somebody over there -- east easier to -- it's so much easier to blame someone overseas than your neighbor because it's more productive. 80% of the job loss in manufacturing has been because of technological improvement. it's not because someone overseas has stolen your job. kennedy: it's easy to make a case like that in michigan and ohio. how do you account for wage stagnation. >> economic growth in this country has been really slow. you have seen wage growth at upper ends.
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if you don't have a college diploma, if you only have a high school degree you are much more likely to fall into the lower income brackets. there are challenges with improving technology. butw will after rivers make things bet expert in answer is no. half of what we import is imports for businesses in the u.s. to make things. and number two, tariffs and imports hurt low-income workers the most. kennedy: people think if china is making a bunch of of stuff then we should stick it to them. >> you are sticking it to businesses here. kennedy: how does that work? >> a lower income workers depends on the warm smart stuff they are going to buy. that's how they make it day to day. if you put tariffs on those products win the many consumers who pay the tariffs. it's businesses who pay for the
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tariffs on the manufacturing. the problem isn't that's people overseas are stealing our jobs. kennedy: we are treating a patient tore heart disease who has cancer. and we need an oncologist. >> i can tell you the narrative is all wrong. kennedy: thanks for being here to right the ship. jesse hughes got into hot water for claims he made when i interviewed him about the terrorist attack at the bataclan concert. find out what his regrets are. coming up next.
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when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card.
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you commented when i interviewed the leader of eagles of death metal jesse hughs, especially when he made big waves when he said this. was there anything that was strange or off. >> when i first got to the venue and walked in, i walked past the dude who was supposed to be the security guard for the backstage, he didn't even look at me. i said who is that guy, and he said some of the yard aren't here. and i found out sick wouldn't show up. kennedy: why is that in. >> out of police still investigating i won't make a definite statement but it seem rather obvious they had a reason not to show up. the bataclan theater reacted with a tape that read in part, jesse hughes spread grave
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allegations against the bataclan team. we wish to let justice proceed serenely. hundreds of people were saved thanks to the agents' intervention. i know jesse is a well-intentioned and smart person who was clearly til dealing with the trauma and tragedy and reacting to the pressure his comment he released a statement that read, i humbly beg forgiveness from the people of france, the staff and security bataclan, my friend, family or anyone else in the absurd allegations i made in my fox interview. i take full responsibility for them. they do not reflect opinions of my band meats or anyone associated with eagles of death metal. i have been dealing with nonstop
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nightmares and struggling through therapy to make sense of this tragedy and insanity. i never spent to disrespect or accuse anyone. the controversial topic should not be dismissed in light of jesse's apology. he many the first one to highlight the bravery of all who were there and it remains to be seen if perhaps he was right. we'll know more at the conclusion of the investigation. he has for bert or worse become an expert on a subject he never wanted to be a part of. thank you as always for watching the show. please follow me on twitter @kennedynation. and web *. p
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have a safe and beautiful night. i'll talk to you soon. [ rock music plays ] >> a world-record car collection... >> he just kept going. he never stopped. >> i believe his goal was to have one of every car ever made. >> a maverick driven to leave a mark... >> he went to a wrecking-yard auction, bought the whole wrecking yard. >> his family promises to carry out his grand plan. >> i think there was a feeling of dread, relief, excitement, and enthusiasm. >> i love it. feel the hair blowing, the top down. >> but can they fulfill the patriarch's dying wish? >> none of us wanted to be the ones who said we split all the stuff up. you don't want that car oil on your hands. [ woman vocalizing, theme music plays ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]
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