tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business March 17, 2016 12:00pm-2:01pm EDT
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away from the dow industrials going positive for the year. go back to january the 1st and we were around 1,742,537 if we go to if we get back just another six points, we will be even on the year. neil come on in because i always like to hand a heal to you. neil: i was going to wish you a happy st. patrick's day. >> happy st. patrick's day. neil: are you wearing any green at all? >> can you see this? . neil: no. >> dual noted. neil: all right. welcome, everybody. and he's right. the rally here going in and out of breaking even on the air and maybe even a little bit positive. but that says a lot about a dow that had been off better than 10% on the year. and a lot of people said it was going toward bear market territory. well, that was then. this is now. the dow now looking at a flat performance on the year, which is an enormous come back. nicole petallides joining us later. in the meantime keeping track of very different numbers, these are delegate numbers.
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and what's at stake on tuesday when we have arizona and utah coming up for grabs. connell mcshane okay. who is so desperate for attention. look what he's wearing on. which could you wear anymore green? connell: absolutely right. missing the parade of the avenue, by the way, to bring you this on the delegate math. and it's interesting on the 17th of march means we've gotten past the 15th of march, which is what we're looking forward to. some say there's more clarity in the race. we move to the 22nd and arizona will vote because of its proximity of the border, and everything donald trump has on border issues, there seems to be an advantage of that state. let's say he does and then start looking at the state of utah, which is the cruz campaign 40 delegates state. a caucus state. remember, this race isn't over yet. some say donald trump has a clear path to 1237, the magic number. if cruz won't wants to stop
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him, utah would be a good place to start. now, if we come back out on the map, some of the results have come in other states already, it's interesting that cruz has done well in caucus states. id's one example. but because of the proximity to utah, cruz 45, trump 28, that's the type of result that's already been posted that ted cruz would like to post out west if he plans to stop donald trump on the 22nd. and moving through the calendar. as we get into the month of april here, the race still has a number of interesting days. i mean just real quick on the 5th of april wisconsin votes. again, maybe that's another place where cruz can pick up some votes after that. i think our own state here of the state of new york on the 19th. trump's a big favorite. kasich comes in, cruz, he doesn't want to give up new york. and then on the 26th, you have a lot of states that are thought to be trump friendly. pennsylvania, all the talk about blue-collar workers. will trump do well there or does kasich or cruz have a chance in the northeast? that's one of the questions
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going in. and then finally going into the month of june, a lot of people say when they do the modeling on this, they get to the 7th of june when the race finally wraps up and move out west to california, obviously a huge state is going to be delegate rich with 172 delegates at staying. there's still a big line of thinking that this race could very well come down to california. now, most likely scenario when we put all of this together, if donald trump does get to 123. second most likely scenario is that he stops short, and we have a contested convention. the third most likely scenario is that cruz gets there. where do we get all of that? from these numbers. donald trump has to win 53% of the remaining delegates, neil, to get to 1237. it's a bit above his pace, but he could do it with the winner take all states. tougher for cruz. 78%. and even my irish math, neil, can tell you that it's going to be even more difficult for governor kasich. but you go. it's going to be interesting. not over yet.
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neil: but kasich banks on those guys not coming anywhere close. >> exactly. and the only stake is to get there and be a contested convention in his home state, by the way,. neil: yeah, that could happen. that was very coherent. i didn't expect that you have to today. >> not today. of all days. neil: we had to drag connell and said you had a hit with us. all right. all right. all right. connell mcshane. his family outside gathe and don't worry. the mcshane gang is right out there. all right. now, other news today is how they're preparing for just that possibility they have some discourt at the convention. we've already heard paul ryan say do not try to recruit me. take a look. >> i saw boehner last night, and i told him to knock it off. i used slightly different words. i used his own words that he
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used to use against us when he told us to knock things off. it's not going to be me. it should be something running for president. look, i made a decision over a year ago not to run for president. i really believe if you want to be president, you should run for president. people are out there campaigning, they're canvassing, there's caucuses and primaries. that's who we should select from among for our next president. on whatever ballot we're talking about. so let's just put this thing to rest and move on. neil: all right. but of course the same guy who said he had no interest in being speaker of the house, and he was recruited to do that. and ultimately seated to their demands and ran for that. so it could happen again. former governor, also former presidential candidate. what do you think of the -- could you see a scenario, governor, where paul ryan is the guy they turn to? >> no. i think this are wise words by paul. i think he's assessed exactly correctly. i think at this stage of the proceedings if you try to
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parachute a third party not withstanding the great regard and respect we have for ryan, it could be an absolute disaster. somebody should win it or lose it, but they should not try to manipulate a third person, whoever that person may be into the convention. neil: you know, we talked about it and connell was breaking it down for us. donald trump would need 53% of the remaining delegates. that seems doable. could you see him getting to the convention with the 1237 he would need? >> i can, and i think the presentation you just had under scores that. it's not going to be for sure, but i think it's certainly likely. i think he's on his way to the nomination, neil, and even if it's a little bit short, i think the convention will move towards nominating him. neil: what's a little short, governor? i heard, well, if he's within 15 maybe. but 100 or more out, maybe not. >> i think inside of a 100 if you're just looking for a rule of thumb or benchmark. but if he's within 100, i would say the expectation is going to be he's the nominee and you're going to have a different result, you're going
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to have a revolution if not a civil war inside the party. neil: just as much of a sentiment on the other side people don't flip over donald trump that if it's donald trump, you're going to have a revolution there. people would say that's it. you're out. we'll sit on our hands. some of us might vote for hillary. what do you think? >> well, isn't it interesting, though, when you had all of these years the so-called establishment candidates were successful. and then the call was always to the conservatives or the tea party types or the libertarians. hey, you've got to join. you've got to be unified. you've got to come onboard. but now when the outsider gets the nomination -- neil: that's an excellent point. >> double standard. always a double standard. and one other thing, neil. the party brought this on itself. these people run around for a decade or more and say we're going to get spending under control, the debt under control, repeal and replace obamacare, we're going to fix immigration, have pro growth tax reform, we're going to do this, do that, rebuild the military, and none of it really happens. so i think basically a lot of activists just said, you know,
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i'm so fed up. i just want to get someone in there who at least has a better chance of getting something done. neil: you know, that really is a very good point. conservative words swallow their pride and support the mainstream put up. and now the press is on the mainstream or whatever you want to call them, governor, do the same. you know, going to take that as my own insight and not quote you. very good, governor. thank you very much. >> it wouldn't be the first time. neil: there you go. all right. well said. now let's take a look at what's going on at the corner of wall and broad here. in and out of day that could bring us into positive territory on the year. wiping out all the losses we've seen. remember how january started? wow. it's incredible. and nicole petallides has been all over it. joins us on the floor of the new york stock exchange. how do things look down there? >> well, much better. a lot of green. i'm seeing a lot of green on the floor today. that's no doubt. but i will tell you, though, you mention january. in january the dow was down nearly 2,000 points. no one wanted to look at our 401(k) or ira. now things are looking a little bit better, neil. on the december the year 2015
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we closed out the dow 17425. today, we came within one point of that number. so getting closer to positive territory for this year. that said when i asked the traders is the rally for real? they gave me a few reasons as to why they believe we can continue this move to the upside saying that the economic data is more recently. the china worry off. a little bit more quiet for now. oil has stabilized and also that the presidential nomination -- and they brought this in -- have some more clarity. some of the potential candidates have dropped out. we have more clarity on both sides. it's not done yet. but there is some more clarity, and they also factor that in as well. neil. neil: you know, nicole, you also hear from the bears who is, well, you're going to be -- you know, suckered into this thing. it could be a bear market rally or trap. you hear a lot of that. do they base that on the fact that people get a little bit too cocky? get ahead of themselves? what? >> well, there's always that pop and drop. you can't just go one way the whole time.
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we've seen oil running up, for example, getting closer to that $40 barrel. you do see profit taking. sometimes you get short squeezes. so it's not necessarily one way. i think you're definitely right. but as far as the bear trap and going down to the downside, i've heard less of that lately. neil: nicole petallides thank you very much. good seeing you. the next choice of the supreme court of united states making his rounds on capitol hill. but republicans so far not accepting him. maybe a phone call but as far as stopping by his office with not so much. meeting with a lot of democratic senators, republicans telling him, look, you seem like a very nice guy, but you're going to have to wait for confirmation proceeding if there is to be one. what about the that? after this ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number.
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neil: all right. well, it's the big sell on capitol hill for supreme court justice who might not get a chance to state his case until at least after the midterm or i'm sorry the november elections. because they won't even consider him for that post until then. blake burman on what's going on with the meet and greet. hi, blake. >> hi, there, neil. at least for today, it's going to be a busy afternoon for merrick garland, the supreme court nominee will be meeting with harry reed and the top democrat on the senate committee patrick. those are a couple hours from now. as we've been seeing here for days on all sides on this debate including david petraeus sat down with anthony scaramucci. take a look at this. >> this is an individual with a established track record, and it's going to be an interesting debate. >> do you think this could
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perhaps tip it, and we break the partisan struggle in washington by getting up a person with him nominated to supreme court? or do you think we're going to be still at loggerheads with one another? >> well, one would hope so, and i think the voters are sending a message. and the question is whether those in washington are going to get that message or not. if not, you're going to see the establishment outflanked again and again and again until i think it realizes what the american people want the folks who will do deals, get something done for our country and indeed make a difference for those who feel that they are being left behind. >> and you can see the entirety of that interview later on friday night. all across dc today president obama is set to hold a conference call right now regarding judge garland. no details, though, from the white house about who is involved on this call. but we anticipate more from the press secretary when josh ernest holds his daily briefing about an hour from now. also senate democrats will
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make a pitch for a confirmation hearing. they will do so from right in front of the supreme court. busy day here. neil, back to you. neil: all right, blake, thank you very much. joining us right now. he has looked at you know by now all the back and forth, brian, whether they should even have hearings or push him off. you're saying, though, that it's the guy you've been looking at, his track record that you've been looking at there's reason for concern separate from the reason not even having confirmation hearings. what do you think for republicans even if they change their minds had hearings now that could prove problematic for garland? >> well, here's the problem, neil. most average across the country including me are fed up with the partisanship in washington. they're fed up with the democrats fighting with the republicans. you know, a couple of days ago your network had the exit polls on the tuesday primary and all
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five states, neil, over 50% of voters said they feel like the federal government is betraying them. there's no trust. there was a poll that came out last night. 60% of people in this country want to have a bona fide fair hearing to see whether merrick garland should be appointed by the senate as a nominee. now, you tell me with that message from the people across this country, how is it that the republican party, mitch mcconnell and then another senator that came out and said garland would be like a human piñata if this hearing went forward. now, this is not the message that people are sending congress. so why is it that the republican party continues to do this? this is play around politics. either my way or the highway. neil: i actually agree with you. i think if they don't like the guy or have reservations about the guy, have confirmation hearings, get into it, and in
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that case vote down the guy. but they're not even giving him the chance. you're quite right it's about the theater and democrats do it to us, we're going to do it to them. but let's say somehow history changes itself and they agree on hearings. let's say hillary clinton win where she could submit a form liberal name. you argue there's a lot in garland's background that could prompt a "no" vote. his view on defense or immigration, but of course we don't know that because we're not holding hearings. >> also his view on gun control. his chastising the second amendment. he voted against private citizens having guns. so that would pose a problem for the republicans approving it. he also was against the decision. so those are problems that garland faces if there's a hearing.
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but the part i'm trying to say is we should at least have a hearing. there's a duty. most of us go to work every day. like you and i. we can't advocate our job for a year. imagine if this went into january of next year and let's say trump does win. we have to wait a few more months for approval. and what if he's not approved then? then we're looking into next summer. we're going to go a year and a half? . neil: no, i hear you. and i tell republicans. be careful what you wish for because the shoe's on the other foot -- >> exactly. neil: a republican coming in in the last year of his term, are you going to say the same thing? no, supreme court commissions, we have to wait until the will of the people and next election. by that definition we right off the last year of a president's term, a senator's term -- we already behave that way anyway. why insult to injury; right? >> right. absolutely. and one more thing i wanted to mention, neil, is, you know, if the republicans don't at least have a hearing for
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garland, it's kind of like a basketball game. you know, when two players are scuffling, the referee always calls that foul on the last -- on the last incident they see. the player making the last punch. and here my fear is that if the republicans rebuke this, they don't have to a fair due process hearing for garland that they're going to throw the last punch and the referee in this general election is the entire country. all the voters out there. and they're going to make the final call on this. and maybe the republican nominee if it's trump, he might suffer grave consequence as a result of this. neil: i think you're exactly right. and i also think it's part of our process here where each side blames the other. but this is a enormous opportunity for republicans to stand up and say we know the political games. we're not going to do it. we're just not going to do it, and i think that would send a powerful message to people. but they're not doing that. >> yeah. neil: all right, brian, great job. i appreciate your insights. >> thank you, neil,.
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neil: all right. take a look here we're now turning positive on the year with 102 point gain on the dow. how we got there, what we're doing there and how long we stay there? well, that's anyone's guess. one thingistically know it's no guessing is economists. yeah, those economists. they're warming up to donald trump. this is huge. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves?
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neil: all right. i don't know if it's the luck of the irish, but we're seeing green on the corner of wall and broad, up 102 points, a tremendous come back. we'll get to more of that on just a second. listen to a bunch of economists. they're worried that that could be short-lived if donald trump becomes president of the united states. that's not all economists in the united states some of the more premier are saying, you know, you could make your case
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that donald trump would be -- would be refreshing figure and get things done in washington. but that is not the view of the economist out right now with its top ten worries going forward. and who do you think is among the top ten? halfway down that list. donald trump that he would be damaging according to the economists and special survey more so than a host of other dramatic ills that did your about that. that donald trump trumps terror concerns for the economist. now, every week or two when this magazine has come out, there's something damming that is said about the united states. and one thing that if donald trump, we're done as a country. what do you think of that survey? >> i think the economists are learning something about donald trump and learning how to sell and self promote by putting his name in this list.
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and i asked a question. why is donald trump more of a threat than, say, ted cruz? who's talking about making the sand glow and bombing isis? or even a bernie sanders who wants to turn america into a socialist company but not have the tax policy to pay for it all? to lead us down that path to ruin? so i'm just begging the question -- and i patently reject that they say his antimuslim talk about limiting immigration, at least in the short run is a recruiting tool for terrorists. because that's like saying we brought 9/11 ourselves. and it is absolute horse huey, and they should be ashamed of themself. neil: all right. let me know what you think next time. part of the argument that they raise against trump to what dagen said is that not only start a trade war, be a god sin to trade war and he could disrupt the global economy. one guy could do all of that. what do you think?
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>> first of all, any president like dagen said is a risk; right? and they are smart using his name because they're going to get more readers. but, you know, first of all, think about this. the markets. as he's risen to likely the gop candidate, markets have risen; right? if he's that bad, if people really believe, the smart money really believes he's going to tear down the global economy or he's a high risk, i would think that markets globally would have an opposite reaction to his strength. just saying. markets are pretty good view -- pretty good, you know, report of what's currently happening. the other thing is i don't -- i don't buy any of this. i don't think -- i mean the guy has made a mends with ben carson. when push comes to shove, he knows how to get deals done. he's not going to sabotage the u.s. economy. and i believe in history he wants to go down as a great president. his ego is not going to let him screw up or do things stupid. and, again, he's going to have
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an advisor and like dagen, this is a foolish gimmick. neil: not be the first european publication or european entity period to have concerns about some outside the petary dish and ronald reagan and how they dismiss him coming out of the gate and how he would be a threat to the security and stupid in the minds of the economists. so i'm not comparing ronald reagan and donald trump. only that that's a traditional european view, especially when it comes to conservative, you know, candidates. whether you buy that donald trump is conservative or not. what do you think? >> well, there's a headline today that the kremlin that russia is upset at donald trump for his portrayal of avladimir putin and his ad that they came out against hillary clinton, and i think that is awesome. because look at what we've got. look at our relationship with russia if you can call it that
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under the obama administration. russia goes into syria. and what did vladimir putin do? he has propped up bashar al assad. he didn't go after the islamic state, now he's pulling the major forces out there, and he's going to go to the united states and want sanctions relief, sanctions that were put on because of what he did with crimea and ukraine. so i don't know how we're in a positive situation with russia at this point. so good for him for making fun of putin. neil: all right. one of the things -- the tests will be how the markets ultimately would respond to a nominee, trump if it got so far to elect trump and then a president trump. what do you think? will go to has been, again, you look at the statistics. he leads; right? i mean a lot of that is baked in. i think that the markets and the people i talk to believe that trump is going to be the nominee. and, again, moving closer to the presidency if he seems as though he would go in to win
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the presidency, then we'll see what the outcome is. but hillary president -- i don't think that's good for markets. i don't think markets really want that. so -- neil: we'll see. >> i vote for trump. neil: yeah, raising capital gains taxes is always good for markets; right? neil: i rarely see out of european publications. democratic candidates. but, again, that could just be me. guys, i want to thank you very, very much. as they were talking, not only is the dow in the positive territory, this might be a big reason why. oil is moving up again. over $40 a barrel. first time since last december. so something is going on here. meanwhile, this talk of a third party. a third party. not donald trump doing it. others in the republican party to stop donald trump. ♪ there's a lot of places you never want to see "$7.95."
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that is actually happening right now in washington. three prominent republicans. they will not support trump ever. let's take a look at how voters saw that on tuesday night. these are the percentages of who we trust to go third party. 44% would consider it. 43% also in missouri. north carolina, 39%. here is what he had to say on the matter. >> the first goal is to seek can't everyone wrap around ted cruz as the nominee. see if there is enough movement to try and figure out a way. this is bigger than the
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presidential race. >> okay. yet another hint indicating what will happen. supporting donald trump. this happening right now in washington. >> nothing. the damage is something. before a lot of people to the same donald trump. single-handedly kill you. robert, good to have you again. how are you? >> great to see you. happy saint patrick's day. >> this effort to stop trump.
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you think that it boomerangs. >> yes. i let them do it. i mean, really, they have a candidate now they can win a general election. they win the general election and get more conservative ideas put forward then anything. europe is collapsing right now. these policies, like the gop and democrats have put forward, have failed. i want to be a commonsense conservative. a guy that can do something. it makes me very frustrated, neil. the stupidity. >> whether they have argued,
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they all go down to see. whether that is the case or not. that is the will of voters. >> yes. he goes down in deceit. it is shocking to me. you know, here they have the nominee. they are doing everything they can to distract him. it is not letting the voters and the process go through what it is going to go through. >> i believe ted cruz off that evangelical vote when they found that tape recording of him off-camera. i will hug them close and then i will betray him. we know politicians saying one thing in front of someone's face. something else behind closed doors. >> how do you know that donald trump is not doing the same?
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>> he will talk about planned parenthood. if he was doing that, he would say, planned parenthood is no good. he is telling people where he stands on certain issues. the complexity of those issues. he has an authentic voice and people see that. stuart: robert, thank you very, very much. it deep and on the 1237 delegates. if he does, it is done. it is over. let's take a look at what is not done. what is not over. we have a bit of a rally going on here. we have the doubt into positive territory. all seems right with the financial world. ♪
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>> all right. the white house is prepared for more sanctions. unilaterally or with our european meet trading partners. the north koreans have threatened us with the technology. their resources to launch a hydrogen on that self that could take out new york city. we question whether they have such a weapon. we question their ability to launch a satellite in a couple weeks ago, they just did. secretary caray calling out another. >> they created this. they targeted their victims. genocidal. we must bear in mind, after all, the violence to genocide is a reaffirmation of the fundamental right to survive. every group targeted for
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destruction. we must preserve. >> former army intelligence officer. you are looking at this seeing the dual threats. may be trying to get support and deal with what is going on with isis. is any of this doing any good? >> no. you know, i think on north korea, everyone says that the ticket is china. you have to come to a deal with china. china has no interest in finalizing a deal with north korea. on isis, you know, it is a historic rhyme. the oldest christian community in the world. this is where st. peter is from. the united states thinks it
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would put the christian communities in more danger if they acted like they cared should be deeply concerning for all of us. neil: i am wondering if it is too little, too late. >> that is the problem with these escalating global crises. whether it is in ukraine, syria iraq or ironic. you give a little of each of them in the beginning. other aggressive states that want to increase their world start to get more aggressive. they see that there is a weakness and they push their advantage. they have a window to do this. neil: before ronald reagan became president, he was threatening holy health. sure enough at his inauguration. releasing our hostages.
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is there a wildcard factor to donald trump? similarly late talking about terrorist in the north aryans. >> i think that that is absolutely true. he is a man who commands attention. a secret plan to end the war. he was not going to say what he was going to do. other countries had a credible enough leader that they were willing to give him the benefit of the dow and come to america. neil: a nice rally going on here. by the end of january, 10% on the year. a bear market territory. a big comeback today.
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the fact of the matter is, we have problems in this country. is it because of other countries getting more than we do? the irish get it a lot more than we did. all day. we could learn a thing or two. two or more prominent irish contributors. they are up now. there they are. ♪ pet moments are beautiful,
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>> all right. fifth avenue. one avenue from the parade going on. i have no idea. what is fascinating, it you may know this, just forget it. up to central park. we have been seeing a lot of marching bands. they get back on the line again. that is why the st. patrick's parade lasts. >> they do not know when to stop. i could say that i am half irish. irish moment. [laughter]
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they are attracting a lot. companies who are relocating there. we know taxes. >> it is a moral reason. basically, they can make war liars out of each other. >> just stepped all over my jokes. >> oh, okay. a round of irish golf. >> not bad. neil: those rates drawing companies left and right. the googles of the world. the second thing now is the
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mergers with american companies trying to team up. taking that much money back overseas. neil: isn't that surprising. somebody named ryan. >> oh, cut it out. >> do not get angry at me. >> cut it out. >> italy and france and germany. a disadvantage. >> the irish tax system has brought more investment into an impoverished country. watch what governor gerri brown just joked about. he said he thought apple was a california company. you know, there is a reason why
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ireland came back. a tax haven. neil: these companies, it is not picture erotic to keep losing money. we can make all of this if we lower taxes. >> when they stumbled on the economy, they really went through some tough times. i went there in 2010. when the economy was having a lot of trouble. not into kenny, but the one that came before him. what are you going to do. they would say going through austerity. you get through the corporate tax rate. neil: they are not called the boston celtic.
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i just wondered. why is that? >> i don't know. >> bottom line. we've always had this debate. this whole argument i lowering taxes. >> they prove that it is all they are. hearing that the united states were cut. that is in important points. talking on the apple encryption debate. it is effect if. protecting your tax information. the government wants to get into your wallet. into your pockets. into your iphone. we have been fighting over the budget. not cutting tax rates. that is an issue.
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neil: it going the opposite way. thank you very, very much. >> wrap this up. >> president obama. this is according to the "new york times." can you imagine if bernie sanders gets wind of this. heis telling these donors that it is looking more and more like hillary clinton. they have her problems and or issues, but the party should get behind her and the sooner, the better. we will see after this. ♪
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mrs. clinton is certain to be the nominee. donors understand should get around that fact that time is running out for bernie. his campaign coming to an end. mrs. clinton does have some week this is as a candidate. readily seeing that she is not viewed as authentic. he ran for president against dortch w bush and his record and not back in 2008, president bush was once praised for his authenticity. that is his view. what do you make of all of this? almost seems to be guiding the campaign now on that authenticity issue. celebrating these are marks.
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i think that this is good news. the sanders campaign. that is what the clinton camp is hoping. >> you have always been suspicious. the president not really taking you seriously. not taking sides. if you are bernie sanders, you are really teed off that he lied to you. >> i do not think that this is any surprise. >> that somehow got out there. >> nothing is by accident, as they say. i do not hang that that is a surprise either. neil: they walk over broken glass. the president has brushed them off, too. the senators camp as a lot that
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you cannot be mad about. the democratic establishment. i think that this is another thing that they can add to the growing list. the main idea here is happy that president obama is finally, his comments are supporting her. >> not so neatly tying up. john kasich of ohio. he could not win it right now. he wants this slogan. from that inevitability. even though trump has to get 53% of the remaining delegates. he could argue that that will be an uphill fight for him. >> first of all, i think pocket or czar going to be back in style in 2016. let's make a deal.
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door number one, kasich chose to bow out of the race. number two. kasich had actually be getting cruz a boost by picking up some delegates in the northeastern states. that is maybe even though he has denied that multiple times. gathering up a bunch of delegates. doing the best to woo mr. kasich with all sorts of things. >> the outsiders. i would put ted cruz and not camp. they see him as a renegade.
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if you combine that cruz wins, 27 out of 30. the establishment figures. >> talking about the establishment. i do not know the establishment is really a well-defined group of people. what we have today is a lot of people that are as angry as they were when the tea party formed. had there not been a tea party movement and it was not express with other outrage, i do not hang that trump would be getting anyplace. bernie sanders is the inheritor of occupy wall street were years ago.
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i think that you are right. different for both crews and trump. they do not know what another direction is. they do not know what type of candidate that would be. is there a danger? i always see a party eventually rallying around its nominee. whoever it is. what do you think? >> on the republican side, i think the way that you get people to rally round the candidate is to have them rally around an issue. people are angry. they are angry over what is going to happen. cruz is actually being a willing participant in explaining the problem. trump, on the other hand, is
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basically saying he will make it worse. if crews can get people to understand the depth of the problem, when you talk about it, doesn't mean for anything when everybody owes $50,000? if you do not inc. someone is coming to your door, it is not a real threat. there is not enough money and upper classes to pay for all this. they do not have the stomach and appetite before. >> here is a real simple way to show you how big the problem is.
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8 trillion lapses after 30,000 years. now, when you say that to people, they understand that a trillion is a big number. you start to get people to buy into the fact. neil: that is very lovely. thank you. you have a lot of events occurring. the president is already calling goers and saying it is time to rally around hillary clinton. you have a lot of party forces. she is about 38 or so% away from the delegates that she needs to wrap up the nomination. is this the way for the democrats to get ready for the nomination? focusing on donald trump. peter barnes has been piecing some things together.
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>> looking at harry reid coming out today. blaming the rise on republican leaders and their policies. he said the result is an angry electorate. trump has strictly did this. >> it is embarrassing. his proposals are dangerous. republican establishment. they should not be below there. for eight years, replacing the thoughtful engagement. working with the democrats. raising the minimum wage. spending more on infrastructure. elizabeth moore also filing on trump. she says no more donald.
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>> promoting a form of hate that is very aligned. it is bad for this country. we cannot have a man like this as a serious candidate for president and have him threatening to take over the white house. >> finally, lots of liberal groups following him behind. stopping trump, a major labor group. involved in those chicago protests. meanwhile, back to washington. making the rounds and meeting largely with democratic senators. what would be the harm in at least meeting that guys? a day for confirmation. one senator dealing with that
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conundrum next. ♪ we were born 100 years ago into a new american century. born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. and what an amazing time it's been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. so, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. ♪ this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom?
1:11 pm
cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. hundreds of crash simulations. thousands of hours of painstaking craftsmanship. and an infinite reserve of patience... create a vehicle that looks, drives and thinks like nothing else on the road.
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neil: all right. even if you are rude republican senator and you are still holding for the idea of delaying any supreme court hearings until after the election, does that mean you still allow meeting with the guy? good question to ask republican oklahoma senator. he is joining us right now. meeting judge garland. is that still the case? >> i have been in policy for a long time. he called yesterday. we had a short visit.
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it does not make any difference who you are. i will not support anyone by obama during this election year. i did that for a number of reasons. that has been the president 439 years. we had a nice conversation. >> many of your colleagues are against meeting with him. a phone call. i agree with you. obviously no harm in just meeting him. especially if you stand the potential. >> i have no objection to that. my situation is a little bit unique. i actually knew him in the past. yes, i did take his call. i do not date that he will once have this.
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i made it very clear what his position was. even the president should nominate george w. bush to be on the supreme court. >> do you think that this is getting out of hand? i understand. the democrats are playing fast. the so-called died in rule. is this a good opportunity for you guys to stand up. we do not like the guy, we will shoot him down. with republican choices. this is getting crazy. >> a lot of things are crazy around here, neil. we are in recess when the time came. he had to make a quick decision. it happens that i agree with that decision. you heard the quotes by all the democrats and the circumstances
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that they had. we are doing what has been done for the last 139 years. neil: when was a confirmation hearing delayed until after an election? >> on a presidential year. >> 1988 condition. dragging into the new year. it has happened. then we are writing off the last year. by that math, proposing nothing gets done. sure enough, when it gets to
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washington, nothing gets done. demonstrating exactly what we have done by republicans taking over the united states senate. this has been with us before. the same position did they were in the same situation. i do not blame the president for trying to demagogue this thing >> he is not demagogue getting it. you are trying to fill your constitution. do you fear that he may get the upper hand here? i know what you are saying. he has until january 20, 2017. the term of this particular congress. almost saying where to evolve to deal with this kind of an issue now. what other kind of an issue will
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you not deal with? >> that is it. we knew that it was not going to be easy. we went through the same thing when the tables turned. right now, we knew that in advance. taking someone from an administration that is on its way up. looking at the future. >> a republican president. sticking to that. your last year being election year. these election years get longer and longer. >> the other side would do it, too. it is very rare now. we are very consistent with what the democrats have done. i do not see any reason to change over 100 year tradition out.
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neil: real quick. problems at least meeting with the judge in the meantime. >> this is the oklahoma connection. i welcome any opportunity to talk with any of our friends from oklahoma. neil: would you be someone that he considered? a basic position that you would support. could you see him getting supported? >> i will only say this, neil. several of my colleagues have pointed out. i am sure that we got into it. that is not the issue.
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the nominees during the election year. my answer is no. dennis: very good seeing you. >> thank you, neil. luck of the irish. whatever you want to call it. this particular saint patty's day. the dow is into positive territory. feeling a little bit of the green after this. ♪ when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders
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we were desperately low. everyone should just calm down. 2000 then some. we go through this. every year. we have this conversation. it is interesting. down less than 200 points. that was the turning point. neil: that was the worst. it did not close positive. >> that in this sense. it is not a bear market rally. you know -- neil: what do you tell your investors? >> i don't know the market.
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i try to find great individual names. a company that you think is doing great, has great management, has great long-term potential. new york city, the restaurant business, very competitive. it takes $2 million to open a restaurant in new york. anyone who puts money into that understands the risk. if it is successful, ultimately, you will sell it for a lot more. there are companies that have been around. it is led by blue-chip names. this morning, caterpillar. we will be okay for the year. at one point, it was down. if this goes down, to a certain degree, i will buy more. caterpillar is going to be okay.
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it is really the weak. >> is standing bear market rally. people jump on this. if you need the money right away, education, to charles payne, what is a long-term investment. >> someone who will be invested in the market for 10, 20, 30 years. not all the time. right now we are about 15% cash. i do not think that you ever completely get out. here is the problem. i will sell everything and by in the dip. >> people do not i in the dip. >> what about that?
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>> i had an older guy to meet me today. okay, charlie, i want in. >> warren buffett. >> you are very confident. you are worried over matt wise. >> i am worried about his welfare utopia that barack obama has tried to construct. it is amazing. we already have very high individual rates. hillary clinton and warren buffett. a little jab pods of money left. somehow, getting their hands on that. that is why this election is
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probably as good a call as any. knowing to mankind. why do people want to come here. our economic system. our spirit jewel believes. they are chipping away at it on this notion. somehow they can manufacture a fair down. even the nature of laws. you see them respond to each other. this competition is a healthy, beautiful thing. i think if they take that away, we are in trouble. >> i will put you down as a maybe on hillary. [laughter]
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the nation's largest mining company has been hit hard in the price of coal and very tough regulations on epa coal miners and coal companies. market capitalization for the entire coal industry just about six years ago was 70 billions. to date it stands at $7 billion as several of the nation's coal mining operations have declared bankruptcy. peabody employs 76 million people. they missed interest rates on tuesday and the bonds and the announcement in the last week that jp morgan chase would stop financing coal operations, new coal fields and coal mining projects in the united states. that was followed by other major financial institutions, which will no longer finance new coal mining or coal operations in the usa. more cavuto now. . neil: all right. thank you, bud auto, very, very much. well, by now you know that donald trump is sort of running the table with delegates.
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he needs to get 53% or so of the remaining delegates capture the nomination. and now seeing as the inevitable guy enter florida governor rick scott decided to endorse donald trump, that is after donald trump won th the state. the governor joins me now. is that the reason, governor? you want to wait until after the primary? because some would argue that's a little opportunistic. >> well, let's go to 2010 when i ran. the establishment was all against me. they wanted me to get out of race. i was not the republican republican establishment candidate. so i let the voters make their choices. they did it on tuesday. but let's think where we we want to go. we have to win in november. we have to win in november. if we want a person that's going to focus on jobs, defending the second amendment, having a -- somebody in the supreme court that believes in the constitution. we build the military. we've got to start focusing on winning november. and the only way to do that is get behind donald trump -- neil: on why didn't you do
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that when he was looking just as inevitable right before the primary? >> what i want to do is my voters go through florida make their choices just like what i did back in 2010. i relied on the voters. i didn't rely on the public -- the republican establishment wanted me out of the race. so i did the same thing. i waited until after our primary. but now is the time to coalesce so we can get the right president. . neil: all right. but he is not the nominee yet. and you seem to be telling ted cruz and john kasich hang it up. so what changed outside of his getting a few more delegates in pursuit of that? because no one has got the nomination yet. >> you know, he's going to either -- he's going to have almost the magic number or the magic number by the convention. there's nobody going to close to him. the voters have spoken.
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we need to listen to the voters. we want an outsider. we want a businessperson. and very similar what i went through. they've spoken. we need to listen to them. don't -- don't let party leaders sit here and tell us how voters -- what voters. neil: but you're a leader. you're a leader, governor. you're one of the party leaders. you're the governor of -- one of the most important states in the country. >> the -- i mean the best state delivered in the country as i know but you're establishment. >> you need to think about it. we need to think about november. we need to think about winning november. we need to think about -- i need a partner in dc that cares about jobs. barack obama has not helped me build jobs in this country since i've been governor for five years. he's never been help to me. i need somebody to defend the second amendment. . neil: all right. let me say something about that. paul ryan doesn't think much of what donald trump had said about not being behind riots or the threat of riots at his events. he was asked about this.
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and ryan told reporters that nobody should say such things the language donald trump uses. to hint violence is unacceptable. so that doesn't sound like a smitten guy. and then you have similar language that's kind of like the likes of mitch mcconnell. so they're big establishment guys who have serious reservations about the tone of donald trump's campaign. do you? >> well, i don't think i'm going to agree with anybody exactly the way they're going to say anything. but what i do know -- neil: well, do you think -- no, that's not what i asked. do you think then the way that donald trump has talked about the risk? he's never -- you're quite right. recommended or endorsed or espoused violence at events. but that he -- he hints at it. and these guys are saying you've got to police that kind of language. do you agree? >> in my races, i've had protesters, i've had hecklers,
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everyone deals with it differently. donald deals with it differently than i would deal with it. neil: so you don't agree with the way donald deals with it? >> everybody deals with it differently. every event is different, neil. they're never the same. but my point is the votership has spoken. they're picking him. we need to listen to the voters and now we need to coalesce -- neil: so what if they stop picking it? what if in future states. you think what you've risked here is those who voted future it states because ted cruz has had a mathematical route to get this. it's very -- you're quite right in the case of kasich. but you're ruling it out when that was the one thing you had argued before the florida primary. you didn't want to do it. but now you were ruling it out for them because he looks inevitable. i could play the math and say, well, he might be. but he's a long way from being there. >> he is -- neil, he's either going to have a majority, or he's going to be pretty close. think about it.
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this is election time where the citizens don't trust politicians. neil: i know that but what is pretty close to you? he's argued that if it's a big enough lead, he's close enough. he should get the nomination. there are these little rules that say half the available delegates plus one. which is 1237. if he's at 1,100, is governor rick scott of florida saying it's his nomination? >> he's going to be so -- i mean the odds are he's going to be so far ahead that if the party leaders decide to go different direction, then they're going to lose his support. neil: no, if he gets to the first, governor, and if he doesn't have 1237, yes, he might believe he didn't get it on the first ballot. so no one's taking -- >> i think it would be a mistake, neil. i think it would be a big mistake when you look at the voters that are coming in to vote for donald trump, they're active now in the republican party. they weren't active before. if he gez to the convention being very close to having all
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the delegates he needs an and doesn't gets it, i think it would be very difficult. neil: but it has happened before. i'm just saying. i don't know how it went down. i am saying we need to get 1237 delegates. you seem to be saying that it -- there would be hell to pay if he doesn't get the nomination when he doesn't have the 1237 delegates. those are the rules. everyone understood it's 1237. you seem to be saying if he doesn't get them on the first ballot, he should still be the nominee? >> i think that if he's where we all believe he's going to be and if we don't coalesce behind him, then we're going to have a very difficult time winning november. neil: i'm sorry, sir. that's not what i asked. if he doesn't get the 1237 on the first ballot, he is not the nominee. technically he's not. now, he might get it on a second ballot. >> absolutely. neil: go ahead. >> neil, i agree with you. he -- i would hope that he has the 50%. but if he's close, he needs to be our nominee because we've got to start coalescing this
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party. neil: but close is no cigar. this is an important distinction. i'm worried because i just want to be fair to everybody as i'm sure you do. there have been many candidates who have entered convention with delegate leads. linden johnson had far more delegates to him than john f kennedy even though kennedy was running so many primaries. now, we all know what happened then. all i'm saying is are you shifting the rules a bit that donald trump has the big enough read not quite the majority, it should still be given to him? shouldn't we go through the motion of ballots and see if he gets the 1237? great he's off to the races. are you saying that's not the case? >> clearly at the convention the rules will be followed. my belief is if he's close to the 50%, clearly if he's there, it's fine. but if he's close to the 50% and he doesn't get the nomination, we'll have a very difficult time winning in november. that's why i believe we ought to coalesce behind him now.
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neil: so why do we have ballots at all then? close is not a done deal. you seem to be advocating he's close, and he doesn't get it, that's not fair. but if he's close and he doesn't get it, that's the way the cookie crumbles; right? >> absolutely what the rules are. the rules should be followed. my belief is if he's that far ahead and he's close if we don't choose donald trump, then we'll have a very difficult time winning in november. the most important thing to me is making sure we have a president that wins, that helps with jobs, the second amendment, getting the right justices to make sure we change the direction of this country. i need a federal partner th's gng thelpe in ori il: l rit. al qukly. anyou' beeveryatie. at wld blikeayinyour pone if washeadn e pos byen pnts s onlyeekso goo th ecti, gi it him caushe h a b lea if we had stopped it there, we would have a very different governor of florida. we didn't do that. there was a process called election day. there's a process at the convention called a first ballot.
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and then if necessary a second ballot and then a necessary third and a and on. by that token, abraham lincoln in 1860 would never had a chance to be president because another guy had bigger degas. future ballots. abraham lincoln by governor -- you're saying would never happen. >> well, it's totally different to having polls and having votes. we've had a very contested primary with a lot of great candidates. some good friends of mine. a lot of governors that i've worked with. we've had marco rubio and jeb bush from florida. we've had very contested primary. . neil: but that's not what i'm saying. others have had delegate leads. in 1860 i mention that one just as an example to your party where others had big delegate leads and this guy lik lincoln was nowhere in that bunch. and then they all kind of eventually settled on him as a consensus. and i'm not saying that's
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going to happen. but what stopped the guy who led from happening is he didn't get to the required delegates. there's a reason why they're required. half the convention delegates plus one. >> my belief is donald trump has shown that he's brought so many new people into the party, he's winning, way ahead in the delegate count, he's going to be way ahead at the convention. it's going to be a big mistake if we want to win in november. i want -- nominee's going to win. . neil: okay., governor, thank you very, very much. we'll see what happens. all right. we'll have a lot more after this here's the plan. you're a financial company that cares, but your logo is old and a little pointy. so you evolve. you simplify. you haven't changed. you still help people live their best lives. and finally your new logo is ready, and you decide the perfect time to show the world is right... now. of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms.
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>> it is time now for the fox business brief and oil, it was over 40 bucks earlier today for the first time since the 7th of december. just barrel below it up 4% nonetheless. interesting story developing in the oil world today. as the top producers will get together and have a meeting to talk about some of the issues that lower oil prices had created for them. and with the word about meeting the price going up, opec and other major oil producers will have a meeting on the 17th of april. that's why we have very big writing right now. this is going to be over in cudder. so look forward to that. they had the meeting last month. something to boost the prices further. last time they did meet there was a proposal to freeze oil output. put it at january levels. that seems to be popular and the thinking is that that will stay in place and thinking as well that iraq is onboard with
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you seem to be advocating, he gets it and that's not fair. well, if he's close and he doesn't get it, that's the way the cookie crumbles; right? >> absolutely what the rules are. the rules should be followed. my belief is if he's that far ahead and he's close, if we don't choose donald trump, then we'll have a very difficult time winning in november. . neil: all right. i'm a math nerd here. 1237. 1237. 1237. that's what you need. that's what you need. half the delegates of the republican convention plus one. if we start changing the rules for that and everyone gets into a you know what fit over, well, let's send them to this person or that person, and we don't have rules, we don't have ballots, we shouldn't have conventions. so what does this at this all mean? charlie on the fallout. i would understand the heated argument on both sides of this. >> i would say to let governor that, you know, vast portions of the republican party disagree with him. they believe the rules are the rules. we should point out when we talk about establishment or republican.
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the delegates that go to -- the part of the republican party are not exactly like hedge fund managers sipping tea and, you know, drinking champagne. are these average people who are giving their lives to the political process. neil: have an important role. >> have an important role and maintain the role. this was a party created a long time ago. one guy doesn't come in and threaten the riots and stopping it from operating. and i will say one other thing. donors are telling me big donors just if you think donald trump will go in there. big donors are not going to give to the party. he's going to have a hard time doing the election. he's going to have to sell one of his buildings. neil: who would be angry if their side didn't win? the trump folks or anyone but trump folks? >> it's both. it's a hobsons choice. it's not a good choice either way. the people in the party believe, listen, if we give into a guy -- listen, he's not tapping down. personally i like donald.
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but think about his rhetoric and his attitude. he's not tapping that down. he's threatening riots now. neil: you said he wouldn't be surprised -- >> he plays that mind game where he just throws it out there. neil: but do you think the other riots -- you've heard cases where they walked out of convention. >> well, they -- okay. neil: either side. >> okay. and they really believe he's on erratic and just so you know donald plays that mind game. i don't know if john mccain is a war hero. maybe he is. he throws it out there and raises the question. neil: the governor of florida is that, well, he's close enough. he's got a big enough lead. and by the time we get to cleveland, he might. but he has those delegates in hand, even mitt romney no fan of donald trump if he gets to 1237, it's his. >> and, by the way, the process plays out. . neil: what worries me people saying oh, you know, he's so close, he's got a big enough -- >> you know why?
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because they're allowing mob -- the mob to rule. which is every -- which is anti-american. what he's -- what donald's doing by throwing out that riot stuff not tapping down the violence at his convention, what he's telling the gop establishment or whatever you want to call it. neil: right. >> you know, you mess with us, prepare for war, real war, and i'm willing to go there. and i think most people that i know in the republican party are tough enough -- will call his bluff and say okay. you want to go there, donald? you will be ostracized foreve. neil: yeah, well, they all signed up for the same deal; right? and the same deal is you need that 1237. >> yeah. and, by the way, he could run independent if he doesn't like it. good luck. neil: well, also and you can maybe get -- parlay together what you need. all i know in plenty cases where a leader has failed on the first ballot -- >> but if he gets that rhetoric -- he's not done presidential. he's talking about riots now. if he becomes the nominee, the party has to get him money. neil: we will see. just saying. i don't want to obsess too
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much on this. but, again, i'm a stickler for details and numbers and there's a rule for this just as the democrats 2383 is what they need to have the nominee. hillary clinton is leading there. she's not there. donald trump is leading among the candidates vying for his nomination. the party's nomination. but he's not there and neither are they. we'll have more after this when a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill? or stop to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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neil: all right. florida governor rick scott among those saying donald trump has a big enough lead and will enter cleveland in the republican convention with the big enough lead. and that alone makes the nomination his to turn down. but, again, there is little rule getting 1237 delegates and to follow their point of view because of that big lead, it's maybe not as important. let's say that were the case. he has a big lead, but he doesn't have that 1237. just give it to him? i say stick to the rules everyone abided by. and if that is donald trump, well, great.
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he's won. done. jamie weinstein on that delegate. it seems there might be a move to say, well, close is a cigar. what do you think? >> yeah. that seemed what governor scott was saying. but i think there was two misnomers in what he was pronouncing there. one was pointed out by charlie gasparino. the idea that there's establishment on high who can choose the nominee. this doesn't exist anymore, if it ever did. these are individual delegates who will choose a part of the process. there is no mitt romney in washington or paul ryan in washington choosing who they will support. these are individual delegates, which we really actually don't even know the composition of who they support. neil: and, by the way, those delegates, by the way, or the establishment, they're -- they're much divided. some like donald trump, some don't like donald trump, some like ted cruz, some don't like donald trump. there's no sort of consensus candidate that they support. what we do know at this point is no one has unequivocally
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settled on someone and donald trump all of his impressive victories hasn't closed the deal. >> yeah. and the other misnomer that governor scott said is that donald trump is destined to go into the convention with the most delegates. there's no question he's on a strong path right now. but there's certainly a scenario where ted cruz can come into the convention with more or close to as many delegates as donald trump. so this -- there's still a race to be had here. so i wouldn't be so quick to cut it short. but, neil, if i can make one final point here? neil: sure. >> you mention the riots. the threat of the riots. the reason that this republic was lasted for as long as it has and the oldest constitutional system is because -- in close elections we have patriots who could while skauble over this state or that state and maybe challenge states and bring their supporters to the street, have decided to, you know, congratulate the winner and go home and fight another day. the worry for me here is that donald trump is not in line of those other patriots who will
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actually call his supporters to go to the streets if he loses a close election at the convention. neil: i don't think he'll do that. i'm going to give him the benefit that he didn't intend to do that. i know people speak and go to terms. i'm not that cynical. i will say this. it's just as much chance of a establishment plan or whoever they are to your point are satisfied with the results while they might not go rioting, they might sit on their hands. trump's folks might sit on their hands if he doesn't win. >> that's possible. neil: assume the most negative outcome. but i do think there are rules and there is a procedure and even mitt romney when he was here with me said, look, if he gets to 1237, i lose. he wins. game on. >> yeah. no, there's certainly a profess to be played out here. and donald trump is in a commanding position. but it's not over. ted cruz certainly has the path to go to the convention or even more than donald trump. so let's have it play out. neil: let's have it play out as well. jamie, thank you very much my friend. thank you for juggling with the breaking news as well.
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the dow 176 points. the highs of the day over 12,500. on the news this year toss to ashley webster, it's all about the math. not taking sides here. it's the math, the numbers, take in mind if we subscribe to the view that abraham lincoln wouldn't have become president. >> he doesn't stand a chance. thank you very much. well, the attacks on donald trump coming from all sides today. the democratic leader senator harry reed blasting the front-runner while a group of conservative republicans meeting to try and take him down. have we have we ever seen an election like this one? i don't think so. anyway i'm ashley webster in today to trish regan. so much to talk about. welcome to the intelligence report. now, the antitrump brigade setting its sights on the new target today. the media, yeah, they say the media should be doing more to take down the donald. why? well, media critic howard
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