tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business March 22, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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resonates he does this babe ruth, kind of politics. charles: right. >> he says this is what is going to happen and then it happens. charles: absolutely. >> he talked about this before 9/11. charles: our prayers go out to all the people in belgium tonight. now here is lou. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. islamic state today struck at the center of europe, carrying out suicide attacks in brussels. attacks began 8:00 a.m. brussels time. two explosions went off close to the american airlines check-in desk at brussels airport. about an hour later another blast went off on subway station in heart of brussels near the headquarters of the european union. islamic state claimed responsibility for those bombings that claimed lives of 34 people and injured more than 200 others including nine americans. an intense manhunt is now
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underway in europe. police searching for the man as you see there, in that light coat and black hat on the right of your screen. witnesses say that he fled the brussels international airport after the deadly explosions. today's attacks carried out four days after the arrest of a key suspect in last year's paris terrorist attacks. salah abdeslam now in does ski following a police raid friday also in brussels. american cities including new york, los angeles and washington, they have stepped un brussels but homeland security secretary jeh johnson says that they have no intelligence that points to a specific or credible threat against the united states. we'll take up the war against radical islammist terrorism tonight with former pentagon official kt mcfarland. also tonight, donald trump renewing his call for tougher, tighter border security after
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these attacks in brussels. trump says he would be the toughest candidate against terrorism. >> waterboarding would be fine and if they could expand the laws i would do a lot more than waterboarding. i would close up our borders to people until we figure out what is going on. look at brussels. look at paris. look at so many cities that were great dis. lou: his stance is likely to help the republican front-runner as voters go to the polls inaro. democrats are in idaho, caucusing. we'll discuss political fallout of the terrorist attacks in brussels with former reagan white house director, ed rollins and pull litter prize winning post columnist michael goodwin as well as others do night. our top stories, horrific terrorist attacks with belgium as hotbed of islamic terrorism.
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they are searching for a man believed to be one of the three involved in the bombing at airport. greg palkot is in brussels and has our report. reporter: desperate house-to-house searchers in the center of brussels as police hunt for those responsible for the terror that ripped through the subway and airport this morning. isis claiming responsibility. a bomb and isis flag were found in another apartment. police are looking for the man before the blast.n moments he is thought to be a suspect. the o la are believed to suicide bombers. at least one of is dead. >> translator: wfeared a terror attk ppen.this is what h. reporter: all told at least 30 people killed in the terror. among them nine americans, one active military service member and five of his family and three mormon missionaries from utah, many in critical condition. eyewitnesses described gunfire, screams in arabic and two
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blasts, glass blowing out, ceiling falling down and smoke and dud.>> everybody was runnin, running, r. sat there ten minutes, then we heard evacuate. evacuate. n i go out i see a lot of people with the bld and i just go, just round out of the airport. [sirs] all the building is like chaos there. reporter: short time later blast hit a subwaatn near theeuropeand u.s. embassy leaving more carnage and -- wreckage. this comes after the arrest of salah abdeslams lassus speck in thearr. they are asking whate s planning plotting. >> translator: terrorism hit belgiubueurope was targete the whole world is concerned. reporter: nails found in the bomb as well as chemicals nearby.
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police think that was the bomb factory for all the explosives used in terror today. lou? lou: thank you very much, greg palkot from brussels. joining us now former pentagon official, fox news national security analyst kt mcfarland. kt, these attacks, we have been concerned about whether the european nations were capable of defending themselves. in instance at least of belgium, not tonight, not today. >> the man was hiding in plain sight the man they picked up four days ago, four for months. he was the most wanted man in europe. somebody was protecting him. there is a lot of infrastructure. people were, look the other way. your rap has been invaded by radical islam by 5000 europeans who have gone to train in the middle east and come back and sleeper cells are launching terror attacks throughout europe. they have no abilityo t in front of it. it is overwhelming them. that's why i think it is so
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frustrating to see the president of the united states who treats it as if it's a police action. we'll round up people responsible. he doesn't realize this is global war against western systemization there. is one person who can step up and lead that. that is the united states president. lou: well this president of course famously said, do we have the video of president obama making his declaration against the islamic state? let's roll that because, this many months later, this is a president who has not taken seriously his promise. he hasn't carried it out. let's roll that if we have it. >> our objective is clear. and that is to degrade and destroy isil so it is no longer a threat, not just to iraq but also the region and to the united states. lou: a year-and-a-half later, kt, there is not a single sign of a substantive effort on the part of this administration, this commander-in-chief, to carry out his promise to the american people.
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>> or to the world. lou: why not just worry about america. >> the american people. the problem with it all everybody is having these debates, should we send boots on the to the middle east, how many? it is a bigger problem than that the solution will be same way we defeated communists in the cold war and nazis in world war ii. we need a economic component, a diplomatic component, military component and idealogical component and we have none of them. lou: what do you think of this idea? we have 15 years into this war with radical islammist terrorism. we are blessed with a president who won't say radical islamic terror. for eight years, half of that time, he has been effectively thrown up his hands and not pursued the war that is coming at us irrespective what our commanders in chief do. my question would be simply this why don't we try to understand how it is that the most powerful
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nation on this planet, a superpower, the only superpower, with all of the resources and technology can not bring this conflict to resolution victoriously? >> i think the president looks at the world and says america is not a source for good or leadership. we pollute the planet. global warming is our biggest issue. by the way we're goingo ke a couple steps and kumbayah, the global world comme and what is in factoriesen up to ta the place of american leadership is isis. it is iran. it is china. it is russia throughout the world. lou: he has carried out effectively psych ops against the american people to, to actually move ahead with his passivity and his indifference to to the destiny of the country. for a man who so almighty consumed with his legacy he doesn't seem to give much of a hoot about our destiny as a nation. >> think where he is.
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he is in cuba cementing his legacy. he is not talking to american people about jitters and fierce, worries they rightfully have is that next attack coming here? lou: we listened to chf the republican candidates today. react to the explosions, to the horrible tragedy in brussels. donald trump, wants the border sealed for a time until we can figure out what we're doing. senator cruz talking about stronger border security. i swear to you, governor kasich suddenly, i mean he is sounds like a man mountain hawk. this is a change in temper for all but trump. where is this going to lead us politically? >> i think what they understand is america is crying out for strong leader and they want to be that strong leader. the bigger election i'm worried about what happens -- one of people will be therepublican nol all be terrific nominees, they will be strong. hillary clinton will try to
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pretend she is strong too. the reason we have the problem we have is not only barack obama it is hillary clinton. lou: she, if to support her words today said it is impractical to think about securing the borders and as long as you have got the internet, it is all but impossible to protect ourselves. an interesting piece of reon kt, alwa gatseyou. thanks so much>> thank you. lou: we're coming right back. much more ahead here tonight. we've got big elections out west to tell you about as well. stay with us. what do you think? is this candidate trying to score cheap political point? >> it is striking the day after donald trump calls for america weakening nato, withdrawing from nato, we see subjects of radical islamic terrorist attack. we take up the political implications of the day's events with ed rollins and michael goodwin here next. stay with us. we're coming right back.
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america should retreat from europe, retreat from nato, hand putin a major victory, and while he is at it hand isis a major victory. lou: that is not all. cruz now proposing law enforcement increase monitoring of muslim neighborhoods in this country. cruz saying in a statement, quote, we need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized. trump however likely to improve his standing in the polls following today's attacks. the 538 blog reporting trump improved his national polling numbers by four points following paris attacks in november. three more points following the terrorist attacks in san bernanadino in december, if you believe such statistics and timing. i don't always. joining us now, former reagan white house political director, republican strategist ed rollins. pulitzer prize-winning columnist for the "new york post," michael goodwin. both fox news contributors. and, michael, let's start, do
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you buy the view that trump is the principle beneficiary of heightened concerns about terrorism against this country? >> i do. i believe that his statements about muslims, about the border, about immigration, about a wall, about enhanced interrogation, now whether you can do all or any of those i think in the immediate term is beside the point. he has staked out the toughest position against these kinds of attacks. and that is what the country wants, particularly in moments like this when the fear meter surges, you want, you want the strongest horse. and he is that. lou: ed, your thoughts? >> totally agree. my sense no matter what the other candidates want to advocate, obviously cruz and even kasich today are sort of a tough line, trump has that space. trump had the space for variety of months and basically was out there early, and was ridiculed for some of it, the wall, the muslims, the whole nine yards.
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today we see kind of events and tragic events makes america want a leader more than ever. our leader is off in cuba at a baseball game. spends 50 seconds talking about it. lou: lecturing people about, you don't want to get overwrought at these things otherwise you give in to the terrorists. rationalization posing as thought is astonishing. >> going to the ballgame he advocated today, was basically a good thing. lou: exactly. >> to me this was the perfect place to stand up, this will not be tolerated. obviously as leader of the free world i will never allow it to happen on our soil again and make sure -- >> if i could, lou, the clip you showed of obama back in 2014, sort of hollow thing about destroying isis, that was about a week after james foley was beheaded. and remember, that that was the first real time islamic state was no longer the jv team as obama dubbed it. that same day obama went golfing.
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i have believed ever since that it is obvious now, his heart is not in this, it never was. he will do the minimum to -- lou: forgive me for this. his little heart being in it or not, it is his job. >> it is his job. but he doesn't want to do that job. lou: you know, at that point, what is a nation to do? i mean, you don't get a mulligan in this thing. his legacy will be simply he lost heart, he lost interest and he lost america. >> he is dying to get to a faculty club somewhere and beat this with a bunch of left-wing liberals. want to have the big picture when desperately the country and world need as leader. my sense offer comes out of predential politics on our side could provide leadership. lou: we'll get a further sense of that direction, arizona and utah tonight for the republicans. also democratic caucuses in idaho but turning to arizona, i just ran into senator cruz
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before the broadcast and he is feeling very good about arizona as well -- >> i don't think that is going to happen. i think trump will win arizona. i may be wrong but i think trump has momentum going there and certainly has individuals. cruz has an excellent chance of winning utah. i think the night ends up being split although arizona has more delegates. >> that sounds right. i think immigration issue being so hot in arizona trump has, ed said, occupied that space. and there is no way to get around him on that issue. lou: and when we watched what happened with, actually the cruz rallies and utah, watching at the same time the trump rallies in arizona, back, the activists, disruptors as trump calls them, freeway, coming to his event, it was amazing to watch and the number of people who are still
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talking about that is somehow first amendment rights when they're trampling on thousands and thousands of people's rights to get to a place of assembly to hear a presidential candidate. it is rough stuff. >> well, probably going to backfire too. i think whets the appetite for what trump has to say. it has, every time worked against his critics because his audiences get bigger and his voting is strong. lou: you think they will change tactics, ed? >> no. as i think they're going to continue to fight this guerrilla war all the way at the convention. after the speech he gave last night, said all the right things to the audience, came off very strong. i think this will be his position. it will be hard to talk him off the box. lou: hardly looked like the same man who entered that arena with what, 18,000 apec members in the audience. i mean standing ovations. there was warmth as he left. and decided chill as he walked into the place. >> right.
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lou: interesting, interesting day for donald trump. thank you both. >> thank you. lou: appreciate it. michael goodwin, ed rollins. a special programing note, donald trump will be among our guests here tomorrow evening, so we hope you'll make a note and be with us tomorrow evening. breaking news. these are, we're going to these, this here, pictures of a vigil taking place in brussels following this morning's terrorist attacks. they claimed the lives of 34 people. president obama has ordered all american flags in the united states be flown at half-staff through saturday out of respect for victims of the radical islammist attack in brussels. be sure to vote on our poll tonight. do you agree with donald trump that the united states should rethink it is involvement in nato? cast your vote on twitter at loudobbsnews. follow me on twitter@lou dobbs news. and follow knee on instagram at
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"lou dobbs tonight." links to everything at up next, trump doubling down on his tough stance on terrorism. >> if they're coming from certain other places, and if they're muslim, they have to be checked very, very carefully. they're having a very hard time assimilating no matter where they go. they're not assimilating easily into other countries. lou: trump and his views how to deal with radical islammist terrorism, well, that sort pa of the subject of my commentary coming up here next. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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lou: a few thoughts now on the obviously organized efforts of some members of the media and media outlets, establishment and otherwise, to discount or discredit donald trump's geopolitical grasp, policies and his perspective. especially when it comes to national security, terrorism and border security. here's what trump said to my colleague, maria bartiromo,
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nearly two months ago. >> go to brussels. go to paris. go to different places. there's something going on, and it's not good where they want sharia law, where they want this, where they want things that, you know, there has to be some assimilation. there is no assimilation. i was in brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago. so beautiful. everything's so -- it's like living in a hell hole right now. lou: trump's comments at the time were quickly mocked by the left and some of his rivals for the republican nomination. "the new york times" mocked him outright, running this headline: donald trump finds new city to insult. brussels. and i'll bet the editors are wishing they had that headline back now. the city's mayor, by the way, told the times we don't react. we don't react to mr. trump's comments. that was back in january. and here we are tonight, two months later, trump looking
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rsighted and, so often the case, accurate in his outlook. the attacks by radical islamist terrorists in brussels today only spurring the republican front-runner to renew his calls for tighter border security and an end to the visa waiver program. >> i would close up our borders to people til we figure out what is going on. this is what i've been saying for a long time, and i guess it's at least a small part of the reason why i'm the number one front-runner. i mean, people are very concerned about this, and they're very concerned about the security of this country. lou: and trump has proven to be remarkably prescient on a wide range of issues and challenges, whether border security, illegal immigration, chinese trade or north korean aggression. in his june campaign announcement, trump warned about the release of criminal illegal immigrants, and just weeks before kate steinle was murdered by an illegal immigrant who had reentered the country numerous
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times despite being a five-time convicted felon. as trump complained of unfair trade deficits with china, those deficits rose ever higher. and last year the united states posted another record high trade deficit with china, even as our economy slowed dramatically. his opponents and detractors are loathe to credit him with setting the political campaign agenda. they'd much rather mock him, they'd much rather make snide remarks. they would much rather do anything but credit him. but that is exactly what he's done since he's entered the race nine months ago. he has earned plaudits for setting the agenda for the gop race. talk radio personality glenn beck has declared that senator ted cruz is fulfilling a prophesy of the mormon church. now, that may be. but i think beck might also want to take a look at trump's record. he's been downright prophetic in some of his soothe saying.
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i'm not sure trump rises to the level of a prophet, but he's certainly the oracle of mar-a-lago, because he sure does get lucky what he thinks. and the quotation of the evening, this one from franklin delano roosevelt who puts luck in some perspective. fdr said, quote: i think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm. we're coming right back, stay with us. ♪ ♪ lou: terrorism rocking the heart of belgium, and we have a president who refuses to even acknowledge the name of the enemy. radical islamist terrorists. which of the presidential candidates would best serve the nation? primary voting underway in arizona and utah. donald trump looking to be the big winner in arizona, cruz in utah. the latest on the race for the white house next.
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monica crowley and chris plant join me. stay with us, we're coming right back. the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at [engines revving] you can't have a hero, if you don't have a villain. the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. ♪ e*trade is all about seizing opportunity. so i'm going to take this opportunity to go off script. so if i wanna go to jersey and check out shotsy tuccerelli's portfolio, what's it to you? or i'm a scottish mason whose assets are made of stone like me heart. papa! you're no son of mine! or perhaps it's time to seize the day. don't just see opportunity, seize it! (applause)
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lou: donald trump says the rise of terror around the world will cost hillary clinton. trump telling breitbart, quote: the terrorists will cause hillary clinton to lose the election. she's weak on borders, she's weak on crime, she's weak on anything having to do with controversy other than controversy with herself. [laughter] joining us now, the host of the chris plant show on wmal, chris pl
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chris, great to have you here. washington times' online editor, fox news contributor, nica crowley. monica, this is -- donald trump says to hillary disadvantage. is it? >> well, it does seem a little crass to be talking politics given the loss of life. lou: blame me. >> i'm not blaming you, everybody's talking -- [laughter] lou: i'll take full respondent. >> the truth is, we are in the middle of a presidential campaign, so everybody talking about this. donald trump is absolutely right. she's weak across the board. but the bigger vulnerability for mrs. clinton is the fact that she's so closely tied to the current president of the united states. she was his steward of foreign policy and national security issues for four years as secretary of state. she has been slowly trying to put only distance between herself and the president on these issues. but every time there is a mass casualty attack of the kind that we have just seen in brussels, the kind we saw in paris, trump stands to benefit because he was out there early and often
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talking about the nature of the threat, talking about a temporary ban on muslims coming into the country until we can get a handle on this, and all other candidates are at a severe disadvantage. lou: and the fact that senator cruz -- and i know that you think highly of him, chris -- he is now saying that he wants to bery bit as tough as donald trump including, you know, saying let's slow it all down and start policing muslim neighborhoods. your reaction. >> well, when it comes to whether hillary's strong or donald trump is strong, i'm with bill clinton on this. i want to put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us x this is part of it. now, when ted cruz says that, no, we start patrolling neighborhoods, i think we do -- you know, we don't have no-go zones that i'm aware of, muslim enclaves -- lou: we've checked. we can't find any either.
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i hope there are none. >> this is something that's already going on. this administration has certainly not been aggressive enough in using the intelligence agencies to get into mosques, to get into communities like the somali community in the twin cities, in new york where mayor de blasio has ratcheted back the surveillance and the coterterrorism activities there for reasons purely of political correctness. there are shortcomings, certainly, and i think all of us are aware that we're going to get hit again. what i think most of us are getting tired of is the obama administration and the democrats minimizing our getting hit, nizi the fort hoods and the san bernardinos and telling us that we've become hysterical if we respond to it in any way, and then starting the to call us names, xenophobic and so on. lou: has president obama basically relinquished any real claim on his authority as president? he'sot trying to destroy the radical islamist, islamic state
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as he promised he would do. there is no, seeming, exertion on the part of this administration to try to destroy the enemy. >> yeah. i mean, there's a whole lot of nothing when you take a look at the separate not just -- strategy not just against al-qaeda, isis, the islamist threat worldwide. when an american, james foley, was beheaded by isis, he made and statement and then went and played golf. after the "charlie hebdo" attacks, after the paris attacks when the world community was gather inside solidarity, the president was nowhere to be found, nor was his secretary of state. and here he is today choosing to remain in cuba with the castro brothers rather than take a stand, come back to the united states and say i'm going to work with my allies, and we're going to retaliate somehow. i don't even care what it is. he won't even make that move. in fact, he's at a baseball game today. so that tells you nothing is going to change, okay? i mean, none of this should be a surprise after seven years of this president.
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but, again, it remains shocking -- lou: well, we're only a year and a half into -- >> effort to defeat this enemy has apparently no interest in doing so. lou: we're only a year and a half into this particular promise. we've got others to gather up that have been longer-running. chri it looks to me like this is a president who is running -- racing against time, and so is this nation. because he is not standing vigilant. it appears to protect the nation and its people. i mean, this is a strange, strange assortment of behaviors by our president. >> well, he's always had an aversion to responding appropriately to radical islam. hillary clinton won't call it radical islam, john kerry won't call it radical islam. not going tocall the enemy by fight it properly. i heard a democrat today saying, oh, things are going very well against isis, they've lost 20%
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of the territory that they held in iraq. now, that is the same claim they made about 14 months ago, that they lost 20% of the territory. they said combining iraq and syria, now they've narrowed it down. if they've only lost 20% of the territory they had in iraq, they're not fighting it. it's a pinprick campaign, just enough to satisfy "the new york times". and whoever inherits the presidency after this president is going to have a very, very full plate with a crazy, on-fire middleast, western europe, radical islam spreading everywhere x this president's legacy will be he did not do enough anywhere, any step of the way. it took him six years to call fort hood a radical islamic attack. lon u: ahe did so fighting all the way. chris plant, monica crowley, thank you both for being here. appreciate it. >> thanks, lou. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonigh do you agree with donald trump that the united states should rethink its involvement in nato? should there be a realignment, a stcturing and a sharing, a proper sharing of financial and
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military burdens? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbsnews. up next, arizona's state treasurer, jeff dewitt, says trump will win big. >> the establishment always wants to tell us who our candidate's going to be. in 2012 they said don't worr we got this. here's mitt romney! how'd that work out? ♪ ♪ >> so now we, the silent majority, are silent no more. lou: jeff dewitt is our guest here next. stay with us, we'll be right back.
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lou: voting in arizona's republican primary is underway tonight. turnout is expected to be especially high, and donald trump is likely to be the beneficiary. the front-runner's strong stance on border security and against illegal immigration aligning well with the values of arizona republican voters. and joining us tonight is arizona's state treasurer, the head of the trump campaign in arizona, jeff dewitt. and, jeff, great to have you with us.
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>> lou, it's great to be here. lou: i got a kick out of seeing you up there on the stage with donald trump and jan brewer and sheriff joe arpaio at that tremendous rally. you looked like you were having a great time. >> that -- i am absolutely having a great time. i feel like i'm part of history right now, as we, the grassroots conservatives of america, stand up and get to pick our own candidate this time. as i said there, the establishment has told us the last two times and more who our candidate's going to be, and it's our turn right now, and i think this is what you see are the grassroots people of america standing up and saying it's our turn to pick the candidate. we want donald trump, and he is not only a candidate, but he is the leader of a movement in this country to take our country back from the control of the politicians and the establishment has over it. lou: yeah, you know, in witness to what you're saying, to see the way in which those protesters, activists, disrupters, whatever you all
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would like to call them, i mean, pushing cars back miles and miles on a freeway, first of all, we haven't seen a rally that attracts that many people, that many -- i don't know how many people were in those cars, but just the drivers would have been a heck of a good-sized rally. and you pulled it off. you were patient and moved ahead, managed to get it recovered and get those people forward. what'd you have, 20,000 some at that rally? >> we had over 20,000 people there. and if you keep in mind too that only, less than 48 hours' notice we had over 20,000 people there. that's what's happening in not only arizona, but in our country. lou: yeah. so what are you expecting tonight in how does it look? are you -- tell us about the early voting. in arizona you vote about a month ahead of time, right? that's when you start. >> yes. lou: so tell us about that. >> so some people can vote well in advance. the way we work it here, turnout is very high. and, in fact, at the polls right
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now if you look at any of the social media going around, there are two and three hour waits. usually in arizona you can walk into a poll and be out in five minutes. that's what normally we're used to here. you walk in, everything's easy. two to three hour waits at many polling spots. that is what donald trump is bringing. think about this. everybody's coming out. he received in our neighbor to the north, nevada, when that election was here just over a month ago, donald trump got more votes just himself than was the entire turnout in nevada four years ago. so that's what we're seeing in arizona. turnout is through the roof. as we've seen in other states, whenever turnout is high, that benefits donald trump because that is the result of a lot of people who don't normally vote coming in to vote. we are seeing massive turnout in arizona, and it should be a great night for donald trump. as you know, he's about 12 points up in the polls, and ted cruz has been trying very hard, he's been running a lot of commercials on tv and doing a lot of things, but i think donald trump's going to really
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pull it off with a big double-digit win. lou: so you think he is going to produce that, the same margin as his polling? >> i think it's going to be a very, very good win here in arizona. he is the leader. you know, there have been many polls where they talk about issues, donald trump owns the polls. they talk about immigration, jobs or the economy, and especially with the events that happened not only last night, so you have, you know, what we woke up to this morning, that terrible news from belgium with, but on top of that, the washington examiner ran a story today saying ted cruz in 2013 pushed to double. he was running a bill in the senate to double the amount of muslim immigrants coming to the country. with that kind of double whammy news for senator cruz, i don't think he's going to have a good day. lou: jeff dewitt, we appreciate your being with us. >> thanks, lou. thank you very much. lou: thanks, jim. on wall street, stocks closing mixed. the dow down 41 points, the s&p lost two, the nasdaq up 13.
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a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, president obama not allowing terrorist attacks in belgium to derail his baseball diplomacy in cuba. guy benson, tony sayeg join me here next to take up the president's priorities and more. we're coming right back, stay with us. ♪ ♪ some cash back cards keep throwing obstacles at you? first - they limit where you earn bonus cash back. then - those places change every few months? i think i'll pass... quicksilver from capital one puts nothing in your way. you simply earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. you can't dodge the question... what's in your wallet? its intelligent drive is
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lou: the islamic state is winning. that's the bleak assessment from president obama's former cia director mike morell. >> we are having some success shrinking the caliphate in iraq and syria, but they are growing rapidly in the rest of the world. probably have more territory today around the world than they did at any time. and they conducted attacks in paris, san bernardino, and now in brussels. i would say they are winning. they are winning and we are going to have to find additional approaches to try to undermine them. lou: joining us guy benson and
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tony saeg. hearing mike morell i that as abstractly and comfortably as one could, that's daunting news from the former leader of one of our most important intelligence agencies. >> it's frightening. i think any american who has seen what isis has common in the east in and the expanding territory aen now attacking western territories. isis does seem to have the upper hand. but to have it spelled out so clearly with someone with such access for so flongt national security constellation is an unsettling thing to hear. >> up until recently we were having an active conversation.
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>> and when you think that and tell was going to have a hearing with the government on whether they should cooperate with the san bernardino investigation. but the point being we need to learn from the lessons of europe based on first of all the fact that they have allowed rampant open borders where muslim populations have come into these cities, have not assimilated, have taken over large swaths of land and allowed to live outsided eye of law enforcement. lou: there is a lack of assimilation and no-go zones in belgium and brussels and suburbs where the police want no part of it. we saw what happened with a news crew in sweden.
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this is getting outrageous. and we have elites mocking trump and other candidates because they are saying hello, we have got a serious threat here and we have to deal with it. cruz saying police muslim neighborhood. >> multi-culturalism sounds great, and we are a country that's always welcomed various cultures and i believe in all of that. however, which an element, islamic extremism, that views itself within the multiculturist melting part, they view themselves as supremacists, they don't play along with the rules. the more we continue with this delusion the more they will be emboldened. >> my entire country i am grietd
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this country. my sympathy is certainly for the multi-culturalism that america embraces. but multi-culturalism also means respecting the rule of law of the country you caught your home. the chief architect of the paris attack walked around the streets brussels in his own community tells you there is a cloak of secrecy they have around their own personnel even when they are conducting things harmful to also sight. lou: there is a reason these are no-go zones. by the way, that terrorist had a belgium pass for the which meant he could have stepped on any plane given the visa waiver program that donald trump wants to shut down, by the way.
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he was mocked for that as well until now. and it could have been on a plane here within hours. >> the trump prognostications in the sanctuary city tragedy in san francisco and these matters show that he thinks about these thriewft prism of common sense, not political correctness. we continue to prosecute the war on terror in a way that's politically correct and you can't do that. lou: i can recall almost 15 years ago george tenet the head of the cia telling me we had too few trained operatives. it would take five years to get them ready. here we are, 15 years since that point in time and still our intelligence community is not winning the war against radical terrorism. that will be the most important
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part of this agenda for the campaign. appreciate it. 92% of you have say donald trump will defeat hillary clinton in november. guy benson says maybe. >> good luck with that. lou: donald trump, dre ben carson and wilbur ross among our guests tomorrow. good night from new york. >> announcer: this is fox business coverage of election 2016. here is neil cavuto. neil: this is now how it was scripted on this primary crip an -- onthis primary and caucus.
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