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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 29, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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lou: he should have said america first, he might have won. a little power and spark, definitively, like you, guy. and you eboni. thank you for being with us. good night from new york. been * welcome to the week and the best hour of your day. the noose around hillary clinton's neck appears to be tightening. all this while she got trounced by bernie sanders in three western states over the weekend. will hillary get called in by the g-men? but it's the server setter-upper
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bryan pagliano who she should be worried about. maybe some of her closest courtt >> she is on a steady path to the nod. but that hasn't stopped bernie sanders and his supporters who are fueled and are casting ballots in her direction. she wants nothing more than to melt off this socialist wart. even her fancy pants hollywood
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friend are providing endless fodder. don't get the old guy started on george clooney bringing in big checks for the hrc for fundraisers you probably weren't invited to. >> it's obscene secretary clinton keeps going to big money people to fund her campaign. i have a lot of respect for york clooney as an actor. i like him. but this is the problem with american politics. kennedy: york should worry more about making good movies people them pay to see than getting people to pay to back hillary. >> if that ain't the consensus view, let's put it to a vote. kennedy: no wonder candidate are
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flirting with people once considered marginal. 1% of respondent in a monmouth poll said they would vote for libertarian candidate gary johnson. people are so frustrated they are ready to go third party. tonight personal finance instructor tony robins joins me. we will have a sneak peak of "deadliest catch." come on in and let's get scary. here you go. bernie sanders wept the west
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over the weekend winning alaska, hawaii and washington state, and he's angry he lost the yes or no clooney primary to hillary clinton. kat is here and andy levy is here, the coast of red eye. and megyn mccain is here. welcome, everybody. good to see you again. so april 15 is tax pay. that's the day the clooney fundraiser is being held where they are selling three tickets to the head table for $350,000. >> this is not like oz. hearing bernie sanders talk about people donating $50.
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kennedy: is it more honorable to make less money from more people? >> of course. hillary clinton would probably get money from a dictator if she could legally. but i don't think she is worried about legal. kennedy: is sanders right? is george clooney a great actor? >> yes, he's a great actor. kennedy: i don't think he will be the default nominee. if she is indicted. >> i think he's doing everything he need to do to insure he will be the default nominee if she is indicted. she won't be the nominee based on the primaries and caucuses. by winning all these 80s and staying in the race, he's positioning himself -- i don't
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think it will be easy for democratic establishment saying we have to give the nomination to someone else on the slim to greater than zero chance hillary is indicted. >> i think they will find a way to continue that third obama term. i think there is a more passive disdain for him on the left but it's not dissimilar to donald trump. i think bernie sanders has given up such an incredible opportunity to talk about her emails. if he wants to sink her, stop treating it like a personal issue. >> he doesn't want to be called sexist. he's a nice grandpa guy. a nice, loveable. i never felt like i could relate to an old man like that. i thought we could get lunch and a drink. kennedy: you give some of those
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small donations, you would probably end up paying for brunch. and i give the rest away to the poverty family next to you. >> i don't want him to become president and take my money. i don't think he has a loveable face, trump doesn't. is this just a me thing? kennedy: last friday "national enquirer" print an article saying ted cruz had affairs with five people. >> this story is garbage. it's tabloid smear and it came from donald trump and his henchmen. kennedy: here is donald trump on "fox and friends" earlier today. >> i knew nothing by the, i have nothing by the. i have no idea whether it's true. but he should try and blame me
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because he's losing by a lot. kennedy: there is the big losing loser. trump also says the "national enquirer" gets this stuff right, at least in the john edwards case. >> you can count the number of times the "national enquirer" has gone the it right on one freakishly baby hand. he's outraged cruz is blaming him after he blamed cruz for the picture of melania which cruz had nothing to do with. he said you have got lyin' ted. kennedy: i wonder why now? >> in the john edwards case there was a smoking gun. they have him in the beverly hills hotel. he was running away from a journalist. these rumors have been around
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for a long time. i wish people would understand. his daughters will see this and have to live with this. his wife is probably having a tough couple weeks. if ted cruz cheat on his wife and you have something to show me that's proof, fine. >> i think i speak for the whole country when i say i don't want to think of ted cruz as a sexual being. now i have to. i don't want to know about it. i don't care at all. >> i think it matters. kennedy: because of the roinl component? >> if it's true which i highly doubt given the source, i think it matters to a lot of people. people will look at that and say
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that's not the kind guy want running the country. i'm not a fan of cheating. it would matter to me. >> maybe he and heidi are in an open relationship. >> he's definitely not in an open relationship. but i think it matters to voters because it's the religious stuff. he espouses hip self to be of a higher moral authority. kennedy: a new fox news poll says americans are satisfied with the 2016 presidential candidates but some would consider going with a third
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[vet] two yearly physicals down. martha and mildred are good to go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer, but...i wouldn't have it any other way. look at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it.
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kennedy: it's my fun dancing music. glad you are here. a new fox news poll says 21% of americans would consider voting for a third party. and a monmouth poll had gary johnson getting 11% of the vote
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nationally. and hurting clinton more than trump in a hypothetical matchup. >> i'm just thinking about how much i love gary johnson. someone like me, i fit in with nobody. i'm not okay with the government taking all my money and making all niece rules. but i'm like gay people can get married. that's cool, too. everyone is freaking out the whole establishment is breaking down. but maybe i'll finally have somewhere to belong. kennedy: maybe this will be the best thing for america if it gets us out of this tired within stat twoik-party system. >> i midwest felt more lost than i feel right now.
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i'm out of a party if donald trump is our nominee. i couldn't ex fluent my future children. what's exciting is many times during american history parties die. so if there is a situation where there were a strong foreign policy, socially liberal conservative running for office and someone who was pragmatic and living in reality, it would be someone i could vote for. i have no problem voting third party at this point. kennedy: are libertarians making headway? >> i know the numbers are higher this time but every election people say they are going to seriously consider a third party candidate. but on voting day they vote for daddy republican or mommy democrat. this is even by american
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standards the lesser of two evils that has become our norm. there is a decent chance. 49% said they -- 9% say they don't plan to vote at all. kennedy: are you a 9 percenter? >> yes. i won't vote as long as there is an electoral college. kennedy >> i think it's important for women to vote, because a lot of women died trying to get the right to vote. a lot of women died, but a lot of -- >> women couldn't vote as fast as men could. kennedy: a lot of women died
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skydiving too, but i'm not going to jump out of a plane. kennedy: i always vote. i love voting. >> i have to decide to -- who to vote for. kennedy: it thereby john maxi. >> i will not vote for john maxi. kennedy: a high school team dropping their nickname, the midge ets. tony robins joins me to weigh in on the 2016 race.
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♪ every day, america prints about half a billion dollars. wow! sadly, a whole bunch of those dollars are used to pay too much for car insurance. luckily, there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. which saves dollars. and when they save, you save. so you can tell some of your dollars, "good news, gang! we're going out for ice cream!" auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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kennedy: i'm so excited. tony robbins has consulted political leaders on both sides of the aisle for decades. what dose think of this year's crop of weirdoes. his book is coming out tomorrow. good to see you. donald trump, what are some things you know about him that will be surprising to us. >> he came and thought he was speaking to 200 people, and it was 10,000 people. in those days he wouldn't shake anybody's hands. he was a germophobe.
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kennedy: are you surprised at bad stuff people on the left and right and the media have thrown at him that hasn't stuck? >> i'm not surprised because everything they have thrown at him makes him stronger with his followers. with hillary clinton, his followers say she is not being investigated by the f.b.i., her server is. i asked if the were -- if the server has a lawyer. in business you get recontinue forced in the early stages by not listening to people. but eventually the reason 9% of businesses fail is because you don't listen to anybody. but you make choices when you follow your gut all the time. he's doing that well. the question is will that work in the general election. this a tipping point where it
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starts to affect you in the general election? 60% of republican voters have not selected him. it will be interesting to see what happens. kennedy: it will be dramatic with him. he embodies the chaos we are seeing. where do you think that chaos is coming from? >> in donald you mean? >> or in bernie. >> it many the anger and fear. donald gets stronger with terrorism and bernie gets stronger because both of these guys -- we don't have a president sitting down with a first-grade class reading the speech on teleprompters. i like bernie. i don't believe we've should be europe and i don't believe in 92% taxes and i don't believe giving people free education at the community college level is
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going to give them a job. but here is what's beautiful about bernie. he believes what he says. you know he's not lying. he says this is what i always believed and you know he believes it. i think people are starving for consistency. mathematically she can do it. but the struggle is nobody trusts her. she is actually a very brilliant woman and smart as a whip and probably best prepared to be president in some ways. the first thing she should do is the air her script and just authentically have a communication. kennedy: why doesn't she listen to someone like you. >> because she has a machine. kennedy: if she gets swept in three states in one weekend. >> the math won't make a difference.
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kennedy: if you had a table at a great restaurant and you could only take donald or hillary, who would you take for a night of conversation and delightful wine. >> i would probably take donald because it's so damn funny and entertaining as hell. i saw donald a few years ago and we were at steve wynne's wedding at the time. i have used colorful language in my business. but he dropped all these f bombs. i said what were you have thinking? he said tone yib the angrier i get, the more people like me. when you have that belief system it moves you in a different direction. kennedy: we'll see if he can seal the deal. i thank you for your knowledge and expertise. you would be fun to have at a wedding. i'll better a great dancer. but not the tango. >> thank you. kennedy: ben affleck reacts to
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some when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and new infrastructure for a new generation attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in rochester, with world-class botox. and in buffalo,
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where medicine meets the future. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at
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kennedy: when your canoe i springing leaks and the waters are rippling with piranhas. it's a well-known fact piranhas don't eat people. this is the "topical storm." if you have been seeing things in the newspaper about "batman v superman," you probably assumed it was an interesting supreme court case. it has received some pretty nasty review, prompting one interviewer to ask ben affleck all about it. >> i'm wondering how it makes
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you guys feel and if it will affect the film. ♪ hello darkness my old friend, i have come to talk with you again. because visions softly creeping. kennedy: he looks like he's going to cry. that's such better acting than he did in the movie. don't feel bad, i thought your performance was riveting. >> he got in shape for that role. he looks good. topic number 2. in portland, oregon, a tiny bird land on stage at a bernie sanders rally. it clearly wasn't a dove that land on stable.
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but that didn't stop bernie from lying to the crowd and milking a random gesture to preach super natural passiveism. watch. yeah, it's a bird. he probably land on the podium because birds are attracted to moth balls and stateism. part of me wishes the rally ended like this. or like this. >> that looks very good. look how nice and crispy it is. you can taste it through the screen. topic number 3.
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i'm not sure if group jump roping is a sport in the olympics. but fit i i'm environment confident the 6-year tude will win every gold medal. watch this. those kid are amazing and i love their prison uniforms. but wait until you see the mayor keans kid give it a shot. keep in mind the american kid haven't been training for as long but what they lack in coordination they make up for in style. that's just cool.
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the penguins beat the rangers so i'm glad that one fell on his face. topic 4. in washington, d.c. they are always trying to crew us out of money and freedom. but when randy pandas in our washington's capitol get ready to mate, instead of giving voters a bath, they just bathe their bits. look at him go. that's a bucket. that's a little racy. he's like a corp lent hairy raccoon in need of a good hosedown. he's clean, but now i feel so dirty. topic number 5.
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have you wondered what would happen if you lit 6,000 matches at once? would they ignite in a great plume of glory or send out signals to nearby extra gones. let's -- nearby dragons. let's see. here we go. that's lighting up the paper now. where is the extinguisher? it's like a gentle rain of napalm. all the matches are catching fire. this is like the arson version of come knows which the girl scouts said i could never play again. so did the judge. and of course you should never
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play with matches. let this woman's account of a home fire crisis remind you of the severity of the situation. >> the building in it own fire? i say no, what? i have my three kid. we be in no fire. not today. kennedy: and you know what? she wasn't even playing with matches. if you have weird stories you would like to see in this year's "topical storm." go ahead and tweet me at even ski nation. leonardo dicaprio says any climate who doesn't believe in climate change is not qualified to be president. and we'll have a sneak preview of this season's deadliest
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kennedy: a south dakota school district dropped the midgets as the name their athletic teams after a non-profit group called little people. america deemed it offensive. the new name is the mustangs. though we do not know the size of the their mascot. the panel is back, andy levy and meghan mccain. why midgets? >> talk about not instilling fear in your opponents. the big question is why westerly they calling themselves the midgets in the first place. mustangs is a cooler name. kennedy: are you surprised they buckled to the pressure?
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>> i'm surprised this was happening for so long. isn't that cool if you are a mascot? why would you be offended. if somebody had a mascot called single 20-somethings. you would say it is okay. and i wouldn't be protesting it. this makes me sad. i think we have lost something. kennedy: if that's your team's mascot the little people. america have to look at that and think what a breakthrough. this is an aspirational icon and they want to be midgets. but no one sees my logic. >> why don't they change their name to little people. kennedy: are little people bullied? are they the new black lives matter? >> i don't know how to answer these questions.
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i didn't even know you could say midget on television. that's how the politically correct paranoia we have. am i allowed to say this on television? i ess anything like that some people would find offensive. but i want to meet these people. kennedy: a football team's name? i will get frierd fox now. obviously with all the things going on in the world. how do you finds this kind of outrage. isis, extremism, hillary and bernie. >> if you were one of the little people in america you would feel differently. kennedy: at a recent press conference in gentleman fan leonardo dicaprio raised the issue of global warming and his
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concern about republicans who deny mankind's parole in it. he said we d role in it. he says climate change is one of the most concerning issues facing all humanity and the united states needs to do its part. so why doesn't he give his big fancy speech in pakistan or belgium? >> this is what i want to hear from people of l.a. the hypocrisy with it comes to climate change is insane. no more gas, no more private planes. i'll compare my carbon footprint to yours. when you are flying around with your models, you can't lecture us. leonardo dicaprio screaming about how bad republicans are, all it does is make people vote
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for republicans more. doesn't it make you want to burn plastic when you hear one of this speechy preaches? >> i have agree with him to the extent i think climate change is real and important issue of. i also don't give a rat's ass about what leonardo dicaprio says about this. i'm still mad he won the oscar for the awful movie "the revenant" *. kennedy: there were some good parts and good performances. >> it was the worst of the films. kennedy: it was one of those movies that seemed like the was really good. >> i like being out in the wilderness, and i thought what if i was out in the wilderness, would i cut open a horse and get in its body if i was freezing? >> i think leo is saying this because he has a documentary
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coming out about climate change. the reason he picked clue hat change is because he wants to get more chicks. i also believe climate change is a real and important issue. but i don't think government should have all this power to add more and more regulations to stifle my freedom. >> leo has to work hard to get more chicks. ken from he shades climate change so much -- >> by moved to l.a. i was open to climate change being real. if you are ensconced with this liberal b. kvment s., by the end much it i was turning my lights on. i'm not going to recycle. there is so much hypocrisy. the ones who preach the loudest are the ones with the largest environmental footprint. kennedy: coming up, thank you guys so much.
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we'll have a sneak peesk this season's "deadliest catch." what monsters have they dredged from the depths. finds out. when it comes to small business, she's in the know. so strap yourselves in for action flo! small business edition. oh, no! i'm up to my neck in operating costs! i'll save the day! for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, she's got customized coverage you can count on. you chipped my birdbath! now you're gonna pay! not so fast! i cover more than just cars and trucks. ♪ action flo did somebody say "insurance"? children: flo! ♪ action flo cut! can i get a smoothie, please?
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every day, america prints about half a billion dollars. wow! sadly, a whole bunch of those dollars are used to pay too much for car insurance. luckily, there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. which saves dollars. and when they save, you save. so you can tell some of your dollars, "good news, gang! we're going out for ice cream!" auto and home insurance for the modern world.
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esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. >> hang on, hang on! >> my advice to the new guy, don't waste time. >> i don't understand why it hurts so much out here. >> it's always the thing you
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didn't think that will bite in the end. >> oh, my god. kennedy: that makes me so sad. it follows the exploits of commercial fishermen in some of the most interesting spots on earth. house your heart doing? i know you had a heart attack on camera. well done, by the way. >> it was going count widow maker. i had a 50-50 chance. i didn't realize it until the doctors got done with me. kennedy: did the coast guard have to fly you out? >> we were in our final hour. kennedy: now, you joined the show, sean, 24 years old. that's a phenomenal accomplishment because you
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literally have people's lives in your hands when you are the captain of a fishing boat like that. have you always been a fan boy? >> yes. i group a fishing family. so i knew about crab fishing since i was a little kid. but it's fun to watch on and off. but not really a big fan. but it's cool to know what it takes to make the show. i enjoy it. kennedy: you are doing two things at once. it's already filled with multitasking. you are trying the make sure people don't fall off the vessel. and you have to worry about cam are and lighting. >> you have extra people on board and you have to babysit them. it's not easy. you get new camera guys and they have to be retaught. kennedy: how frustrating is it
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to train total civilians or do they find special camera people who have the ability to survive? >> it's not easy. you have got guys more a-personality that want to do it their way it's fishing first, camera second. >> kennedy: is it still it deadliest job on earth, do you think? >> statistically it's not. but it's still dangerous. >> that's how the show got its start. it was featured on "deadliest jobs," and people realized the casualty rate. >> we have gone from 250 boats down to 60-70 boats. it was a rationalized triso a lot of boats were bought out by the government. the tats changed because of that. -- the statistics changed because of that.
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kennedy: what are you going to do this year? >> i can't catch up. >> i got to try my hardest. when i'm out there i'm just fishing. the hardest thing for me was trying to balance the film making part of it. kennedy: he's a millennial. >> can we do that again? take two. there i no second shot on that boat. if you don't get it the first time, that's it. game over. the cameraman crying, let's try that. kennedy: why don't you poach edgar and adam to your misfits? >> i could but he might not show up on time.
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is he okay? he's in seattle working on the boat. he's doing that. i get to know visit you. kennedy: you are here in new york city. >> i'm not going to turn that down. >> we'll have surf and turf and margaritas in 20 minute. i can't wait for season 12. welcome to the show. people will see what you have got in your two dozen years to dominate. any last word for him? >> just know your role, shut your hole. kennedy >> got it. kennedy: i'll get that tattooed on my neck. word of wisdom. next up. charlie leduff goes to hell. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor
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by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. weinto a new american century. born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. and what an amazing time it's been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. so, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. ♪
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kennedy: that sweet charlie leduff recently visited hell. reporter: 71-year-old john cologne is asking $3 million for his theme park. he suspects no one in his right mind would be willing to pay a million dollars for a putt-putt golf course. it allows him to honor the veterans of vietnam. most his platoon died there, and you might say he died there, too, and was resurrected.
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kennedy: what did you find in hell, charlie? >> america. a beautiful man. with all the creaming going on, what he did with hell is he fallen soldier with 101st airborne in vietnam. he takes care of their graves. what he's trying to do is get all 58,000 gravesite adopted. he has a car dealership, he sent other people's children to college. he's on the community theater board and the chamber of commerce. he's been married 50 years. he's a beautiful, lovely man. kennedy: he's selling the town. does that mean it's not profitable? >> i'm not going to divulge it. kennedy: big tease. >> you can go to u tube and see it. his wife want him to sell it. no it doesn't make money, and
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the reason it doesn't make money is he's spending it all on something greater than himself. when he was in vietnam his platoon got wiped out during the tet offensive. he also was toe tagged and put in a body bag. it was on when he rolled off the bodies. you do this job a lot, you drive away from it thinking about yourself and how much you admire this man and what you can do with your life to be more like him. there is a lot of that out there still. kennedy: come back soon. it's great here. it's hell on earth. reporter: i'll be in new york soon. meet me in rochester. kennedy: thank you for watching the show tonight.
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please follow me and twitter and instagram@kennedy fby. we'll me at paid presentation for cindy crawford's new meaningful beauty ultra, brought to you by guthy-renker, you'll discover the secrets to not only aging gracefully, but beautifully while looking your absolute best every step of the way. i think my philosophy on aging is really more my philosophy on living, which is just do it well, take care of yourself. it's about celebrating where you are and being the best you that you can be in that moment. then it's not aging, you're just living. (female narrator) in the next few minutes, some of the world's most inspiring women will share with you the secrets to looking as young on the outside as you feel on the inside. (valerie) i am 54 years old, and i feel like i have that little extra oomph that i need because my skin looks good.


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