tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business March 29, 2016 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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donald trump do, it but ted cruz, they all have a responsibility to extend the olive branch to one another and same with the party establishment types. but i think this isn't going to happen until the convention, a lot of battling. charles: all right, guys, we got to leave it there. lou dobbs is next. . lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. this election season has been something of a circus to many observers. the latest side show about as crazy as it gets. police in jupiter, florida today charging trump campaign manager corey lewandowski with misdemeanor battery for allegedly grabbing a reporter working at the time for breitbart news, the reporter, michelle fields. the reporter showed a police officer her arm from bruising what appeared to be several finger marks indicating a type of injury. the officer releasing video
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that shows lewandowski grabbing fields as she walked alongside trump, which is what you see on the screen. trump says look at the video, there is nothing there. in fact, trump says he may have a case himself against fields for touching him. >> corey is a fine person. i looked at the tape. the tapes were supplied by me and conclusive. a lot of people are looking and saying how can anybody be charged? if you look at her, she's grabbing at me, and he's acting as an intermediary and trying to block her from doing that. very unfair to a good person. he's got a family, four beautiful children, very, very unfair to a man with a wonderful family back in new hampshire who gets a criminal situation over that? lou: we'll be taking up the video tonight, and we've brought in fox news legal analyst lis wiehl, one of the finest attorneys in the country.
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also among our guests, former speaker of the house newt gingrich, former trump advisory, and hank sheinkopf all with us tonight. top story is republican front-runner donald trump sticking by his campaign manager after jupiter, florida police charge corey lewandowski with simple battery, we'll examine the surveillance video, we're going to do so in significant and enhanced detail. we'll have the video for you to make your own decision what it reveals and what it doesn't? there's a surprise question about it all tonight as well. trump says there is no smoking gun in this incident, and that authorities are unfairly trying to destroy lewandowski. fox news chief political correspondent carl cameron in janesville, wisconsin, with our report. >> reporter: on first campaign visit to wisconsin, donald trump's campaign manager has now been charged with simple misdemeanor battery in florida. police in jupiter, florida released surveillance video
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shows corey lewandowski grabbing former breitbart reporter michelle fields by the arm. the trump camp issued a statement -- lewandowski initially denied it, tweeting -- at the time, trump accused her of grandstanding. >> perhaps she made the story up, i think that's what happened. >> reporter: florida law defines misdemeanor battery as unintentional strike a person against the will. trump's rivals blame him for creating a hostile environment. >> when you have a campaign built on personal insults and attacks and now physical violence, that has no place in a political campaign. >> my understanding is that the report is that he grabbed somebody, and that's frankly totally and completely inappropriate. >> reporter: after arriving in wisconsin on campaign plane, trump told reporters he's
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standing by campaign manager and questioned the evidence and allegations from the reporter. >> how do you know those bruises weren't there before? i'm not a lawyer. she said she had a bruise on her arm. to me, if you're going to get squeezed, wouldn't you think you would have yelled out a scream or something? >> reporter: with trump's campaign manager accused of battery, senator ted cruz was winning wisconsin's biggest endorsement. >> god bless governor scott walker! [cheers and applause] >> how's that for breaking news this morning? >> reporter: walker said endorsement was for cruz, not against trump. it's a coveted boost. >> ted cruz is the best position by far to both win the nomination of the republican party and to then go on and defeat hillary clinton in the fall this year. >> reporter: walker who has a statewide organization promised to campaign all week for cruz with several joint appearances. cruz has been challenging trump to a debate or joint town hall and belittling twitter insults. >> there's a reason donald
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doesn't want to debate. donald prefers to communicate in 140 characters or less. >> reporter: trump plans to open a new washington, d.c. headquarters in the next few weeks and chose janesville as first wisconsin campaign stop known to house speaker paul ryan who criticized trump for rhetoric at rallies for weeks. organizers sought to get janesville camp canceled for days. he has a chance to beat trump here, so giving up a day on the campaign trail is risky, lou? lou: carl, thank you very much, carl cameron reporting. joining us to analyze the case against lewandowski that has been brought by the district attorney there in palm beach county, florida, one of the best in the business, fox news legal analyst, lis wiehl. thank you forric here. we're going to put up, if we may, the video again, so everyone can see, it and get from you what you see.
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i want to hear from -- as we see, this is michelle fields in the light-colored top next to trump and then drifting back to corey lewandowski. >> right. lou: at any point did you see touching on the part of -- >> when you look at it link by link, screen by screen, you don't actually see the touching. looks like he's coming at her after trump puts the phone up to him, she's trying to ask him the question. he actually looks a little frightened and taken aback the first time. we'll see that a little later. then she is -- you don't see touching either time that corey goes for her with his left or right hand. you don't actually see the touching. but there is the "washington post" reporter who does say -- lou: before we go to that, and staying with the video. >> but just looking at the video, right. lou: three producer and i looked at this today, we came
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to the same conclusion you did. there is no video of a touching. >> you don't see a hand touching her arm touching his hand. lou: you can infer where her arm might have been, but to be precise, there is no frame. >> you don't see a frame of a hand touching the forearm. lou: you mentioned the "washington post" reporter. >> right, the gentleman in the back with the little tie. lou: yes. >> so the "washington post" reporter would be the one who is the witness, not a party, not a defendant or victim here. the "washington post" reporter from that date of and wrote an article about it, and he mentioned it, the day after, here in the police report, he says he saw the touching and that field says to him at scene, my gosh, i'm hurt, and saw the bruiseing. >> and he is the young man you see in the striped shirt, the vertically striped shirt,
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immediately to michelle field's left, and lewandowski's immediate right, as you can see leaning in. >> right. lou: that kind of evidence, it seems to be, one witness versus another witness. >> well, it takes it out of a he said/she said. because right now with the video of the he said/she said, you have the alleged victim and the alleged defendant. so at that point it takes it out of the he said/she said, and brings in a witness. now how reliable that witness, is we don't know, but takes it away, it gives it more reliability than the he said/she said. lou: another of the things i found curious in all of this, three days after the event, bringing the charges. >> she waits three days, correct. lou: and as we look through the police report which i have complete with very fancy coloring to help anchors read more closely, their quotations around statements here. this reads i have seen manuscripts of broadway plays
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that have less professional quotation and citation. this does not look like your typical police report. >> i've read a lot of police reports. this is from the jupiter police department, not fbi 302, which is a very detailed report. lou: this is the police department. >> run-of-the-mill police department. it is very detailed, matter of fact, beautiful grammar, everything. now maybe this police officer is -- lou: the point being? >> certainly more detailed than that i've seen -- by the way, don't forget, this is a very serious charge, but it is still a simple misdemeanor. lou: a simple charge but it is an interesting situation because lewandowski is now threatened with the prospect of a maximum term? >> a year in prison, absolutely.
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not felony but up to a year in prison. lou: let's go now to donald trump, and let's see where he is touched and by whom, if we could see that video, please. now there is the distance shot. we have close-up shots as well, i'd like to see if we play please, if i may, one of those. hello? i don't know what that is. can we get in closer, please? okay, we have boxed that shot instead of putting it on full screen, i apologize. >> we saw it when we first rolled it. that's the closest we've got right now, that appears to be her hand. >> touching, and the definition of simple assault is unwanted touching. if you are sitting in the office and somebody touches you and you didn't want it, by the legal definition, that is assault and battery. would be that charged?
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no, technically under the statute in florida, absolutely, that's as much as a charge as field can bring in the charge. lou: it is interesting to watch the way various news organizations have covered this. some carrying on a litany of charges against trump, of history and lewandowski and obviously doing everything to mask their glee at the discomfort of the trump campaign. could there are a countercharge of some kind? >> again, if you look at charge, technically, absolutely. unintentional touching, i'm sorry, intentional unwanted touching. technically yes. are the charges brought every day? >> no. you can't bring charges like this -- we would be walking like this, we could not touch anybody. lou: because they are silly and trivial? >> does this not look silly and
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trivial? >> if we have to analyze videotape to an nth degree. lou: the police officer signed that police report saying it did. it does not show touching by lewandowski of michelle fields. >> unless you believe the "washington post." lou: he does not say the witness said it. >> the difference between trump being touched and the field touching, if we are to believe her, is a bruising, if we believe that, we have injuries, trump was not injured. that makes it more serious, technically, it's same charge. lou: so this looks like it's going to go on. what's the next step? >> the lawyers will talk, prosecutor and defense lawyer, can we plea this down? that's what you do. both sides are entrenched in positions though. lou: the prosecutor in palm beach county where this occurred? >> yes, that's where the prosecution is going to plea. lou: what's his political
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affiliation? >> democrat. lou: thought i'd ask. >> okay. lou: lis wiehl, thank you so much. >> it's a wild one. lou: we thought it was worth this much time. >> break to down and look at tape. lou: absolutely. because things are not exactly as they appear and what may not appear at all. so here we go. we're coming right back with much more. stay with us. trump well ahead in the delegate counts but cruz and kasich plan on taking the fight all the way to the convention. >> we have three great candidates. this is not finished yet. trump is clearly the front-runner but he is in a real fight. lou: we take up the gop race for the white house and what it will take to win the nomination. our guest, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich, coming up right after these messages. stay with us. your path to retirement... may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings.
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and i don't think he has a chance of getting a nomination, frankly, and he's way point. he's won six states or seven states, i've won 21 or 22 already. lou: we're going to introduce some independent objectivity, my next guest met with mr. trump, he is one of the finest minds in politics today. best-selling author, 2012 presidential candidate himself, former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. newt, great to have you with us. mr. trump not in any way daunted by the contest in wisconsin. is his optimism well placeed? >> look, i think he has a good reason to be optimistic. he is the front-runner. a poll came out this morning said that nationally he's at about 50%. well ahead of anybody else. on the other hand, wisconsin is going to be a tough state for him. governor walker came out today and endorsed cruz. i think cruz has a real shot of winning wisconsin, and the
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question will be can he sweep the state? wisconsin you get a certain number of delegates for winning statewide. all the other delegates go by congressional district. the question will be do they split it up. and trump really needs to have some of those. if he gets swept here, his momentum takes a deep hit. lou: it would take quite something for cruz as strong as he is running to sweep him through the congressional districts and the at-large candidates, so we're probably looking at so goes the conventional wisdom at what you're strike, that is a split or otherwise of the delegates. what we're watching in the run-up, newt, is amazing, the wife spat, to put a nice label on it, seems like one of the most contrived and ill considered and unnecessary conflicts in modern day politics. >> it was dumb, and it was particularly dumb on trump's part. the initial attack came from a
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cruz super pac. lou: right. >> which ran an ad attacking trump's wife, and he took offense at it. when what he should have said is look, melania was a world-class supermodel on, a professional shoot for a very famous fashion, and i'm very proud of her and she'd be a great first lady. if he had done, that he would look so much more statesmanlike. he goes after mrs. cruz, it's a mess. i hope we're past that phase. i hope we'll get to campaigning and much bigger themes and issues which is what the country needs and certainly what the republican party needs. lou: as we look at the issues of illegal immigration. we looked at impact, the consequences, 40 years of trade deficits, terrific imbalance in global trade. policies that are not working for this country, and reducing our gross domestic product as a consequence. why in the world all of this brought him to the the forefront as the day he stepped
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into the campaign, and he has let it drift away from him or he's at least moved it to a different level of priority? >> yeah, i think his big issues were working for him and ought to go back to them. the fact is the country unleashed on the republican and independent side is really upset. and you have to admit, on the democratic party side, when bernie sanders gets 82%, 73% and 71% in three states last saturday, those are huge main right and the left, people are really upset with where we are as a country and should be, and i think we need a disruption in washington. lou: as you talk about that, the middle class, i've urged the republican party to embrace the middle class and what ails it. instead over the course of last 40 years, wages remain stagnant for the middle portion of this
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country, in terms of income, in terms of household net worth, and their jobs have been flying overseas or across borders in the case of mexico. and there seems to be an absolute refusal to look at the pain that has been inflicted by a host of policies and business practices and paul ryan, mitch mcconnell, those, they now seem hell-bent on competing with whoever the front-runner is and ultimately the nominee for president. >> well, i think in ryan's case, he's trying to figure out how to create an agenda that's big enough and bold enough that it begins to meet the country's desire for change. i think he's tried very hard not to get directly involved in the presidential race, he's unhappy with the tone of some of it, but frankly most of us are. the core point is right. you have a country where the reality is that between
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stagnant wages, rising health care costs, evermore expensive government, intrusive bureaucracy, people are just angry and feel the future they were promised is disappears and once the political leadership that recognizes their pain and their concerns and what they get is sort of a new york, washington, los angeles elitism that makes plenty of money out of the world market and leaves behind about 80% of america. lou: is the republican party, as we wrap up, capable of making the shift in terms of platform, its values, and frankly its political momentum and energy to embrace the middle class working men and women and turn back the policies that have led to this result? >> we ought to find out in the next few weeks. certainly if donald trump continues to pick up delegates if he becomes the nominee, you'll see a dramatically different party at the national convention. think about it, cruz, who a year ago would have seemed to
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be the guy out on the extreme, cruz is now the establishment candidate because trump has created such a total momentum that has changed the base of american politics. this is not what anybody would have expected a year ago. lou: yeah, and doing well with what others call me too politics. >> that's right. lou: newt gingrich thanks for being with us. come back soon. >> thank you. lou: and please be sure to vote in tonight's poll. the question is -- they were not entirely kidding there. cast your vote on -- . the war on drugs has gone underwater.
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the u.s. coast guard seizing more than six tons of cocaine from this semi submersible vessel that you see there. the cocaine worth about $200 million. you never can say $200 million without saying street value off of panama's pacific coast. video shows four suspected smugglers, they are more than suspected when you are caught with more than $200 million worth of cocaine, the suspects were arrested on much to the vessel as the coast guard came aboard and took away the booty. john kasich is in it to win it, perhaps he wants to be someone's running mate. no, he wouldn't want to be the candidate coming out of a brokered convention, surely. if kasich isn't winning why, is he running? we'll have a few thoughts in my commentary about just that. stay with us. we'll be right back. every day you read headlines about businesses
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. lou: a few thoughts now on john kasich's candidacy for the republican presidential nomination. kasich entered the race in july of last year, july 21st to be exact. eight long months ago, longer still because he's won exactly one race, and that was his home state of ohio primary. kasich seems to have but one strategy and that's to take away votes from trump and cruz, just enough crumbs from the table as it were, kasich is a little like the overmatched boxer caught in a corner with leather bouncing off his face and blood pouring from battered nose and hamburger mouth and chin. he just won't quit, and doesn't have a corner man to throw in the towel for him. he often doesn't seem to know who he's fighting, trump, the establishment, who? here's what he told his detractors after an event in wisconsin earlier. >> to the establishment, i'm
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still here. maybe you'll warm up to me, i know it's tough, i beat you 25 years ago and i'll beat you again, but i'm still here, and you didn't think i would be. lou: that's a funny way to talk to the folks who decide whether or not you walk away with something from that convention. so that's almost certainly not quite the case that he's describing there. the establishment gop has had enough of kasich's run. so there is. that former romney campaign spokesman, we know who they are, says kasich's campaign is a vanity effort run by a delusional candidate. rich lowry of the "national review" which supports cruz wrote kasich's performance, quote, would have been enough to embarrass any lesser mortal out of the race. kasich has earned 143 delegates and he's in fourth place, behind the departed marco rubio. in fact, he needs all the remaining delegates and then some.
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117% in fact of those remaining delegates to get the nomination, which means it's impossible. and even the few voters that back him aren't enthusiastic about him. a new "gallup poll" shows a third of kasich supporters are extremely or very enthusiastic about voting. the least enthusiastic of all voters in either party. so am i here tonight urging kasich to get out of the race? i've got to be honest with you. i just might be, if it weren't for the fact that the gop elites want him out. i feel almost honor bound to be contrary about it all. hell, stay in governor, if you don't mind the whipping. i'm not adverse to the discomfort and displeasure of the gop establishment. beside, you never know how these things are going to work out. of course, that's exactly where kasich is hanging in against very long odds and even shorter chances.
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our quotation of the evening. this one from benjamin -- we're coming right back, stay with us. the gop elites, corporatists and pals in power line up to try to crush donald trump. >> ted cruz is the best position by far to win the nomination of the republican party and go on and defeat hillary clinton. lou: can trump keep his momentum going? will he win wisconsin? avoid a contested convention in cleveland? we take it up with the former chairman of the south carolina republican party, van hipp and democratic strategist hank sheinkopf here next. this man is trying to take what he presumed to be a harmless selfie at the zoo. what happens next is, well, we'll show you when "lou dobbs tonight" continues. stay with us. we'll be right back. (patrick 1) what's it like to be the boss of you?
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using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen. disraeli. lou: joining us tonight, former chairman of the south carolina republican party, chairman of american defense international van hipp. great to have you here. democratic strategist, only when i think of you, hank sheinkopf is here, great to have you both here. let's start, hank. what is with wisconsin? it's a race that looks to be far too close to call. people have got some ideas. but hank, what is going to make the difference next tuesday and
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where do you think trump will finish? >> wisconsin is among the many states where donald trump has done well, large numbers of blue collar, white working class men, lots of catholics and donald trump should do well there. why? regardless of what scott walker wants. it's not the ideas that are attracting trump, it's the emotional content that people are feeling. lou: do you agree, van? >> yeah, it's a state ted cruz has got to win. i know of no other state other than nebraska where cruz could do better. but this is built for trump. i would say one edge that cruz has got, and said this before is on the data analytics and the get out the vote technology, one weakness of trumps. if he can win and one of the polls has him up by two right now. he can win about 52, 53% and he'll be well on his way to the 1237 he needs. lou: that's optimism, i think, by any definition, van, because
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scott walker has an organization that is already in place. it is animated, presumably, for the governor's selection of ted cruz. that's a lot to overcome, isn't it? >> look, let's hold back a second, lou, i appreciate, and i'm sure the governor appreciates you being so kind to him when he had a chance to put an organization together when he was presidential candidate. didn't work out so well. lou: this is in-state. >> this may be in-state but independent forces operating that donald trump has overcome most every place in the country. we said it's a joke, it's not a joke. this is serious. if enough of those guys are so angry come out, especially now with the arrest business, they'll see it as a gangup on trump. he'll win the primary. lou: again, van, organization, it almost seems as if donald trump is resisting the idea of doing a conventional, traditional campaign, and by the way, who am i to question that because he's doing pretty darn well. he is because he's got the
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message, he's got the message, and this is the most important election of our lifetime, of securing the borders, bringing jobs back to america. keeping the country safe. focused on that. combine that with the technology. this is 2016. had the right kind of technology to level the playing field, he can put this away. lou: and you've been -- and van talking about this with the republican party at large across the country as well which he sees as being in deficit to the democrats, do you concur? >> i agree that the republicans are in deficit by registration and performance, electoral college votes in a presidential election put the republicans at advantage, this half of the century, certainly. lou: ask you both, van, start with you. a capsulization and branding, which is america first that trump brought forward to brand his foreign policy, his values in foreign policy. he's been criticized by one or two folks about bringing back
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the america first brand from 70, 80 years ago during the depression. your thoughts. will it work? is it a smart idea? >> let me tell you, i think he's connecting with the rank and file, the forgotten americans, the silent majority. he's got the right message. the republican party establishment have failed these people. back bone of the republican party many times, propelled ronald reagan to victory in 1980. helped give george w. bush three million-vote margin in 2004. they're coming back. this is one more chance they're giving the republican party, they need to embrace them and welcome them. >> america first in 2016 means the devil would be elites in washington and the state capitols and the people say average folks are keeping them down. lou: america first, and you are first with me. van, thanks for being with us. hank, thank you, appreciate it. a visitor at a local zoo in omaha taking a selfie video. whoa. when he was photobombed by the
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silver back gorilla. i don't know how they knew about the silver back thing. look at that. i don't think he was pleased with that. little more of the catapulting big fella jumping up, slamming into the glass. well, the gorilla wasn't fazed and the selfie taker, man, he was self possessed. up next, donald trump proves he's loyal to his staff. >> i told him, i said you should never settle this case. go all the way. i think they've really hurt a very good person, and i know it would be very easy for me to discard people. i don't discard people. lou: former trump adviser roger stone takes that up and much more stay with us. we're coming right back. you totaled your brand new car.
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them up in the lower third, roger, to save time. good to have you with us. >> thanks, lou. lou: this is -- i want to share with the audience, a portion of an interview that sean hannity did with donald trump, and this is donald trump revealing that he was contacted by no one in law enforcement in the lewandowski deal. roll that, if we can, please. >> i think this was very unjust. nobody called me. nobody interviewed me. i wasn't interviewed by the police. i don't know. is this police -- they're in a town where i have a very big investment. i'm trying to figure out, are these democrats? are these republicans? >> donald is the special guest of sean hannity on the fox news channel at 10:00. roger, are those democrats or republicans doing the policing or prosecuting in palm beach county? >> look, corey lewandowski is entitled to day in court.
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i looked at all the films and it's inconclustestify me. this is an open question. at the same time, it's never a good thing when the campaign manager is a distraction from the candidate and his main message. lou: right. but let me interrupt you, roger, you may not be aware at the beginning of the broadcast, we devoted about 10 minutes to that video, the surveillance video from the trump property that shows the entire sequence of events, i shouldn't say the entire, there are gaps as surveillance tapes do have gaps, and we concluded, three producers of this broadcast and myself, we concluded there is no video of lewandowski touching michelle fields. you can infer it, but the fact of the matter is there's not a single piece of video that shows the actual touching. >> well, i saw the video, and i watched it over and over. lou: you agree? >> it appears that way.
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but to me it's inconclusive. the good news is he will ultimately be cleared in trial. pleading not guilty. trump who doesn't run away from friends and a fight is supporting him. otherwise, this is a distraction. the good news for the trump campaign is i don't think there's going to be any mechanical distraction. yesterday, the campaign announced paul manafort, former partner of mine, the single best vote counter and convention strategist in the republican party, he's intently focused on all the delegate selection moving forward, both primaries, caucuses, conventions, party meetings, he's focused on the rules, focused on credentials. focused on the establishments beginning to nibble on delegates for trump. lou: as long as they don't get piggy, you think they'll get piggy on the delegates? >> i think they will.
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they attempt to try to steal, it we're headed towards armageddon. the woint is wisconsin is actually the one state where trump is running competitively. way ahead in california, new jersey, new york, pennsylvania. those are northeastern states. so this is do or die for ted cruz. he's the one who must win wisconsin. theoretically, trump can get to 1237 winning all the other state bus not winning wisconsin. so it's more crucial for cruz. i do not underestimate the scott walker, paul ryan machine. they beat back two recalls, beat back a state senate recall. lou: hank sheinkopf and van hipp were being -- i won't say dismissive, i think they were personally underestimating the governor's operation in his own state there. what do you think? >> well, but don't underestimate donald trump. i spoke to him sunday to wish him happy easter, he said no one will outcampaign him in wisconsin.
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he's doing two stops, criticized for going to paul ryan's hometown. he's appearing in the two media markets where most of the republican vote is. it's common sense. i wouldn't count trump out in wisconsin by a long shot. lou: i'm not counting him out at all. >> very competitive. lou: that's it. competitive and we're going to find out who is most effective at garnering those votes. so you're feeling good, paul manafort, others coming into the campaign, or is he standing pat? >> i think convention operation is a different and specific animal. manafort was an excellent choice. he's done it for ronald reagan, george bush, bob dole. he's a technician at a perfect time for donald trump. he needs it. lou: roger went through 40 years of political history. roger thanks for being with us, great to be with you. >> thank you. lou: up next, president obama lecturing the national media
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for not being tough enough on donald trump doggone it. chris plante, morgan ortagus join us, they'll weigh in on that and much more. stay with us. we'll be right back. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. whewhat does it look like?ss, is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula
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morgan, first all. who wins wisconsin, and your thoughts real quick. >> i think it will be an incredibly tough race. all the polling you have been talk about shows trump and cruz neck-and-neck. i think it will make an exciting race until june and until the convention potentially. >> do you see this with the ryans and the priebuss and the walkers, is this the battlefield? >> i have a piece on law * where was that? >> it talks about the lessons we need to learn about the trump candidacy. lou: forgive me but we are crushed for time. what do you think? >> we as a republican party have
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not paid enough attention to the working class and middle class voters. lou: what do you think, chris? >> the scott walker endorsement may do ted cruz some good and he's a good solid republican, scott walker, and he may help ted cruz out. i think you summed it up pretty well. if the blue collar middle class republican population of wisconsin is tired of it all, then they will go with donald trump. lou: with that we have hanging over it a second federal judge who decided the democratic presumptive nominee has been less than straightforward, honest with the federal court system and the federal judiciary.
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what does it take for people to understand this woman has serious charges awaiting her. >> i think if i or anyone else in government had don't activity mrs. clinton would have done, i would be behind bars. what's interesting, if she is the democrat nominee, she'll be the most unpopular candidate ever competing for the dem for the presidency. the country has no faith and trust in her. look what's happening to bernie sanders. her own party has no faith and truth in her. lou: he has won five of the last six contests. he's running circles around her. it was a coronation six months ago and now it looks like demolition. some. >> she is not likeable. she is not charming. she is contrived.
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the reality is there is an f.b.i. primary that hangs over her head, and the news media treats it like there is nothing to see there. they are not calling it a scandal. they like to claim it's not about her and she is not the subject of the investigation. and as long as the malls of the so-called mainstream news media continues to treat this like it's nothing, they will be shocked when the indictments come down and they will circle the wagons around her because they convinced themselves there is nothing going on here. lou: morgan, give us the outcome for the establishment middle class working men and women. >> i think it's too close to call between trump and cruz. i hope you learn your lessons of what we need to do for the middle class. learn the le sons. learn why they are both doing so
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well. lou: it's important for cruz, it's more important for cruz to win than trump for the campaigns. lou rrp 93% of you say there is no reasonable justification for kasich to stay in. good night. kennedy: am i watching a revolution burn through this election from both ends? i know this political season has been a chaotic cultural surface. now they are throwing around the "r" word. but that doesn't stop people like susan you are random from waxing poetic about the revolution and the coming end of days. >> i think a lot of people are sorry.
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