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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 6, 2016 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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it with you. i'm jamie colby. thanks for watching "strange inheritance." situatio we're going through this election process. now, lou dobbs. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. republican presidential candidates tonight turning their attention to new york, the next primmary election battle coming up less than two weeks from tonight. donald trump trying to put his loss in wisconsin behind him, holding a big rally in bethpage new york tonight. that rally is set to begin this hour, it will start momentarily, and when he does move to the podium, we'll be there with our cameras and microphones. some 18,000 of his supporters have requested tickets to the trump campaign ent. we'll have it for you le from the graum an studios venue when
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trump does take the stge. cruz's victory, reresounding 36 delegates compared to 3 that go to trump. >> tonight is the tururning point, the rallying cry. the call from the hard working men and women of wisconsin to the people of america. as a result of tonight, as a result of the people of wisconsin defying the media, defying the pundits, i am more and more convinced that our campaign is going to earn the 1237 delegates needed to win the republican nomination. [cheers and applause] . lou: there were no congratulations from the trump campaign. they released a statement ththa said -- so much for congratulations. the presidential race closer, however, on the democratic side, where senator bernie
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sanders won b big in sconsin, which means he's now won six of the past seven contests, and the front-runner, hillary clinton, you will not be surprised, says, she's had enough of senator sanders and his supporters. >> there is a -- a persistent organized effort to misrepresent my record, and i don't appreciate that. and i feel sorry for a lot of the young people who are fed this list of misrepresentations. lou: we'll be taking all of that up here tonight, and among my guests, former reagan white house political director ed rollins, prominent conservative erick erickson, and senior trump adviser stephen miller and the head of the trump campaign in arizona,eff dewit, and we'll be covering the light side of politics with
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andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky. our top story the war of the left versus the left. socialists versus progressives. last night the underdog socialists came out on top. sanders scoring another win, a 13 point victory over clinton in wisconsin, but c clinton stil has a significacant lead in the delegate count. 1749 to sanders 1061, if you include the super delegatetes, and we did there, but we won't later. fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with our report. >> reporter: while hillary clinton has been trying to jump ahead to the general election, and focus on ripping republican donald trump, today she was forced to turn her attention back yet again to bernie sanders. questioning the socialist loyaltities to the democratic party. >> he's a relatively new democrat. and, in fact, i'm not even sure he is one. >> reporter: and charging sanders is not doing homework
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on policy ideas that are not realistic. >> and like a lot of people, i am concerned that some of his ideas just won't work because the numbers don't add up. >> reporter: sanders helped clinton make her poioint in an editorial board meeting with the "new york daily news" whhere he was unprepared not knowing th details of the core of his campaign. whethther he would have the powr to break up big banks. >> i think the administration -- >> reporter: clinton maybe lashing out because beyond sanders double digit victory in wisconsin are danger signs. fox news exit poll shows hee crushed it among young people. he carried men by nearly 30 points and most shocking he edged clinton among women by one point. >> momentum is that within the last couple of weeks, there have been national polls which have had us one point up or one point down. >> reporter: and m momentum for sanders here in pennsylvania,
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where both candidates are campaigning ahead of the april 26 primary, a new "quinnipiac poll" shows clinton has a slim six-point lead. her frustration is boiling over, just days after she accused sanders of lying about her record. >> i know that senator sanders spends a lot of time attacking my husband, attacking president obama. i rarely hear him say anything negative about george w. bush, who i think wrecked o economy. >> reporter: what clinton has going for her is before pennsylvania, the race runs through new york, where sanders is getting pounded. he was skewered in the daily news for other comments in the editorial board meeting. >> he would place gun manufacturers' rights and immunity from liability against the parents of the children killed at sandy hook is just unimaginable to me. >> reporter: sanders aides are clarifying that in the first year of his administration, he would work with regulators to break up big banks. not quite as revolutionary as
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advertised. lou? lou: ed, thank you very much. so much, not quite as advertised in this presidential primary season. joining us former reagan white house political director, republican strategist ed rollins. as senenator cruz lamenting tha some media types had not called correctly the race inn wisconsin, so iant you to know that ed rollins, sitting right here, move in tight on him with the camera. ed rollins, can we move in tight on m rollins, there we go. he correctly called the race against all odds, and as usual was 100% right in the outcome. >> thank you, i've been around the game a long time, i pressure can read what's going on. what's going on is cruz had a big night, he has momentum and that doesn't mean trump can't still win this thing and doesn't mean that trump certainly is still the front-runner. trump has to change his tactics
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and strategy in the sense of where he's getting killed is the delegate fights. you may win the state. you may have the state delegates committed to you but pick the right people, and they're not doing that. lou: one of the things people are not paying attention to which we will be paying attention to on this broadcast tonight is the fact that the democratic contest is far tighter than theepublican contest but the national liberal media doesesn't look ta that way, and erere, most people would be shocked to find that out. she would be thrown in a ditch and people would be throwing dirt on top of her. she is the front-runner getting 60+% when she started this race, struling, struggling, struggling and this guy has not gone away, he's got money. lou: more money than she does. >> you knock the super delegates out and everything i hear is chaos in the campaign in brooklyn and then the ultimate campaign strategist in the world, her husband, who has never run a campaign this bad
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before. lou: and with trump getting shellacked in wisconsin, he went back, had three appearances, i believe, on monday in wisconsin, and was whipped by 13 points, which suggests his internal polling is either messed up or nonexistent. >> he has no polling, no pollster, no mia canteen. he reads the polls and has no inteternal pollster. why should i spend money on polling when i can rea the public polls. you need i individual polling because you track certain things you don't see in polls. the campaign needs to be overhauled dramatically, and if he doesn't win it on the first ballot and still could, i think it's going to be a very tough race for him, and i think cruz has a great chance of winning on the second or third ballot. lou: really? and what would be the reason? >> the reason is aunch of the people being picked as trump delegates in these states which are picked by local officials
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are pledged to go for trump the first ballot as they have to by law, but when they free, 70% are free after the first ballot, they are committed to cruz. cruz's peoe are saying i know you got to vote forrump but will you vote for us on th second ballot and a lot of them are. lou: jff dewit, the treasurer in arizona is the trump campaign chairman for the state. he's going to be joining us here. they're rght now in thee delega selection process in arizona, and just speking to himriefly before the broadcast, they're in quite a batttle there to makee sure tha what you're describing does not hapn in arizona. >> this is going on everywhere. and arizona is a better state and trump did very well ere. this is what he's cry babying about, they're stealing the delegates. they're not. the other side knows the rules and the trump people are not in there fighting the way they should be, and maybe they will. there are all kinds of stories about chaos in the campaign. quit knocking cruz, push his
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message and try and win this thing. if he doesn't do that. he's got a serious contender. lou: cry babying? cry babying, ed? >> he talalked about the trojan horse, the trojan horse was a stallion that ran over him last night. [ laughter ] >> by the way, for the trump campaign, if you are paying close attention to mr. rollins, and you should be, that's a five-time golden gloves champion. >> who's totally neutral in this race. >> and totally neutral, but when you hear cry from him, y c can take cry baby to thebank. ed, great to ve you with us. >> thank you very much,, my pleasasure. lou: ivanka trump, is that correct, is takg the stage in bethpage, new w york. there she is, by the way, bringing her daughter, a new mother and presenting another grandchild to donald trumpand
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back on the trail. here she is! >> a greatasset. >> we have seen this time and time again right here in new york, more times than i can list tonight. we saw it when he took over wallman rink in central park, a project that had failed for almost a decade to get built, despiteany attempts by the city, and then completed it within three months, and under budget. [cheers and applause] >> weaw this time and time again as he built tower after tower in new york city. many b breaking global records for height and scale, and foreve altered and beautified the most beautiful city scape in the world. [chrs and applause] >> and we sawhis most recently when the city asked him to compete and operate the fairy point golf course. a project that spanned over two --. >> i want to bring in ed
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rollins, you're listening to ivankatrump, donald trump's daghter. she's h me at talking about the city scape at new york city. she is teific! >> i went to the opening of trump with friends of mine involved in the campaign, and she was far better than he was. i said there's a future potential candidate. i think she is a critical dvdviser, she got his abortion answer straightenedut and one of the few people h listens to. lou: you know, w didn't somebody straighten outillary clinton's abortion answs when she started talking about an unbornchild. her mistakes were far worse than anything trump did. unborn child, unborn person, she turned both sides of the pro-life, pro-abortion conflict on their heads. >> she's having a hard campaign. ally having a hard campaign. lou: and gts very little attention, apparently. good f her. apparently, she's thrilled with that. let's listen to -- younow what we're going too, we're
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going to take a quick break. we'reoing to come right back. when donald trumpakes the stage, you're looking at ivanka trump setting up her dad and doing so beautifully and compellingly, i tnk we can say. extraordinary. she just had little baby boy over a week ago! i'll tell you, impressive. we're coming rht back, you're gong tbe impressed with everything to follow. stay with us, we'll be right back. >> cruz scoring an impressive 13-point win in wisconsin but front-runner trump says cruz isn't winning honestly. >> then you see the dishonesty, you see wre i won louisiana and find out i'm not supposed get as many delegates as a person they beat? lou: the "washington post" says trump is turning to policy speeches now. we take it up with trump's senior policy adviser stephen miller here next.. and these wind turbines are about too becoome the perfect playground for a red bull stunt
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man, going over 180 miles an hour in this fancy plane. we'll show you the video of his incredible aerobatic stunts right after these when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pt-i-a-a., is ours. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germ this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? we don't know. we swish listerine®. as do listerine® usesers. ththe very people we studied n the study of bold. people w are statistically more likely
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holding a rally at grumman studios, that's ththe venue in bethpage, new york, trump being introduced by his daughter ivanka. he still has not taken the stage, but when he does, we'll be going to him at the podium. my next guest says trump is leading because voters feel betrayed by their party. joining us is stephen miller, senior policy adviser for donald trump. stephen is aormer top aide to senator jeff sessions. stephen, great to have you with us. we're looking at what looked to be a heavily attended event. i want to ask you first, what happened in wisconsin in terms of the message by donald trump? i seldom heard him talking about the issues that had been, me at least, appeared to the foundation of his success in the campaign so far. >> well, first of all, great to be here, and we are going to
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focus on the issues you're talking about relentlessly as we head into new york and the rest of the state. i think you're going to see a las-like focus on trade, immigration and foreign policy. that's where the voters are, that where our campaign is. that's how we're going to win this nomination. lou: andnd donald trump, stephe, i don't know if you can s, just stepped to the podium. we're going to be going to bethpage and to donald trump right now. we'll continue with stephen miller on the policy issues. and here is donald trump. ♪. >> thank you, thank you, everybody. unbelievable! unbelievable! [cheers a applause]
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. >> trump! trump! trump! trump! >> thank you so much. lou: we're told 18,000 tickets had been requested for this event that you're watching live from bethpage, new york. here we go. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you very much. first of all, it's great to o b home. this is home. it's great to be home. [cheers and applause] >> we love new york. we love new york and we are all together going to make america great again, folks. [cheers and applause] >> so i was driving over from manhattan, and i passed queens. i love queens. do we have a lot of queens? i grew up in queens, i grew up in queens, and i used to play -- i used to get here at like
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2:00n the morning to play a round of golf at bethpage. you all know what i mean, right? but i love this city and i love this country, and we are going to start winning again with our country because we don't win, we nev win, we never, er win anymore, we don't w win wit our military,e don't win on trade. we don't win on health care. we don't win on anything, we are going to art winning again, folks. so in coming up, i said to myself a i said to some of the people when we are in the car, i'm campaigning and putting my own money in, right? and all of these people that are running for office, they're lik off the trough. they take money from all the special interests when they
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can't make proper transactions for you. and that's going to stop. it's going to stop. you look -- you look -- you look at what's happening -- >> i love you, too! i love these pele! these are my people. lou:onald trump, happy, obviously to be home, and so he should be. not only does he have an animated, energet rally going there. thousands of pelele, obviously, thrild to be there, but a new monmouth poll has him up in new york and above %. it's rather impressive these latest polls. let's return to stephen miller, if we may. donald trump's senior policy adviser. stephen, he's talking about, just as you suggested, the issues that had been the
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foundation of the success of the campaign to this point. you mentioned laser-like focus. his focus on that seemed to drift away he seemed distracted by a host of events. some under his corol, some not. over the past two weeks. tell us about your strategy going forward. >> well, as you've maybe seen, we're going to be doing a series o policy spches,, getting into mor detail about the issues that he animated the campaign and have been at the center of this eltion, and again, i would really say three of the big issues are foreign policy, trade policy and immiatition policy, and lou, this iss something you covered so much. but in those three areas, the political class has drifted far away from where the voters are. whether it's reckless interventionism, shipping manufacturin jobs overseas or whether admitting such a large number of migrant workers that you can't earn a fair wage in america. lou: and i think tre are a lot of people who will say, as
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they heard stephen miller enumerate tse principal issues again, they're going t be thrilled to hear donald trump talking about it because hi distraction for whatever the reason over the las two weeks. some of it of his making and somef it not of his control, there has been no debate under way on those issues which are so critical to the country's future, so i think a lot f people right now would be cheering loudly the return of trump to the foundation message. as we look a what happened in wisconsin, do you consider it an anomaly within the 50 states what transpired ther or is there some underlying compelling dynamic at work in wisconsin that you and the rest of the camign should be wary of as you move to new york and beyond, ultimately to the california primary to wrapt all up? >> i think it's iortant to
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recogne that wisconsin was always going to be a very favorable state for ted cruz, and that he also had the support and itattered a lot, relly. he had the support of the state gop. that's not a small thing. to have the actual infrastructure o the wisconsin state republican party tough its governor,ho's won three statewide races i four years, that matters a grt deal. that was alws going to be a farable state for ted cruz. kep in mind, the trump campaign has won i think five the clinton campaign has won i think one of the last seve contests. lou: that's corrt. >> we're outperfoming by a ry great degree the democratic fnt-runner for the nomination? >> but as i know whether we're talking about policy or whether e're talking about politics or the logistics of a campaign a its strategy, you're also surroundedn every possible way within the body politic
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from the media, from your opposition whin the republican party, to the left, to the moderate democrats it. matters not where you turn. you guys are in the cross hai. you should expect no qarter -- here earlier ed rollins referred to donald trump as a crybaby, he's talkingbout the delegates of the fight. >> i'm going to disagree with mr. rollins, but ratr than getting into a tit-for-tat between me and ed, wt i want to say, you brought up a really grere point, a great poi. lou: let's cease on the rarity, shall ? >> we're up against the donor class, the washiton, d.c. magazin editors, we're up against the punditry, we're up against the entire infrastructure of what we've known as the establishment and that's not a complaint,
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that's an observation. so for people out there who care abt the, that you and i have been discussing tonight, they have to realize theeason hy people are trying to stop donald trump is because they know he threatens dominance of trade, immmmigration and foreig policies tt have been so damaging to this country. lou: so damaging and alslso tha will be at the exact -- at the ext line between whomever the nominee of the democratic party is and donald trump, prsumptively at this point, or whomever the nominee is of the republican party. all the mo critical because none of is matters if the general election can't be won. >> and note withespect to ms. clinton on theemocrat side, what we're gng to do in the general ection is we're gng to epose how hillary clinton's policies are so extreme that they will basically wipe out the midd class of this
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country. you may remember recently, hillary said barackobama didn't goar enough on execive amnesty. th kind of position should make her and will make her unelectable if it's exposed and if you force the media to talk about it. she's actually very vulnerable becaus of how far to the extreme left she' gone on issues of borrs and sovereignty. lou: in your opinion, and i know you're not the strategist r the campaign itlf, but is it not your sense that as donald trump made a gaffe talking about abortion but his wa a small fooill by comparison to the peak -- >> the hillary comment. >> th unborn chi and person by the statements by hilly clinton. >> i'm so glad to have the opportunity to talk about that for even a second lou: sure. >> hillary'y's comment the othe d was unreal, and then when
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she added to it, this is e part people may not even know, she added to it a stament laterhat the unborn child has no rightsp untilven the moment of conception. lou: right. >> again, puts her so far outside theainstream of american thought. the ideahat the millisecond before a child is conceived, that there's no rights, no protectionses of any kind and any circumstan, puts her in the tinit minority of the americ electorate. lou: and obviously statements that she would- we don't know therigin or the cause of the statements, we know theve never beenttered by her before or many people oerwise whose statementhave been recoed but the national media giving her an absolute pass as they focuse like dogs on fre meatround dald trump's statent. stephen miller,e appreciatee your being wit us. weope you come back soon.
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a l to talk about, and we're delighted to hearhat the campaign is about the issues that matter to millionand millions of americans once more. >> i'd loveo come back any time. lou: you gotta deal. and by the way, folks, stephen miller working as assistant to senator jeff sessions, o of the great americans. credentials galore is the way we wuld put it. stephen miller, thanks for being with . >> thank you.u. lou: be sure to vote in tonight's poll- links to everything at the folks at red bull taking to the skies of austria for their latest aerial stunt. epare yourself, this is amazing. the pilot flying slalom through a wind farm, at nearly -- look
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at this! 200 miles an hour. the maneuver popular among skiers, but this is the first pilot to complete such a stunt throug a wind farm. i can't even believe a plane can do this! we're still, by the way, watchining the trump rally and one eye on the windmill and that incredible daredevil pilot. any news developments we'll go righght back to bethpage, new york, where donald trump is rallying his troops. we're comingg right back with much more. stay with us. > trump standing up to the battering assault of the gop establishment. trump's home state of new york is up next. can he repel the anti-trump elites? we take it up with conservative commentator erick erickson heree next. and this car chase is about to turn from law enforcement to life saving rerescue. all caught on dash cam.
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the story, the video whe ♪ i built my busess with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash carfrom capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash backk from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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. lou: as you're looking at live piures of donald trump with his basic campaign stump speech right now. we'll be going to him live when he moves to a policy issue or starts to break into anykind of news, a lot of good news for donald trump with wisconsin now
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in his rearview mirror. a new monmouth university poll out of new york has tru at 52%. he is leading john kasich who's in second place in new york with25 points. that's a 27-point lead. cruz trailing, he has only 17% in new york. of crse, he is the author of the famous new york values insult that he delivered. that's g goi to take some making up. i guarantee you. a new "quinnipiac poll" out of pennsylvania has trump leading there 39% to cruz who has 30% support, kasich in third place, 24%. pennsylvania with a primary on apapril 26. joining us is erick erickson, the editor of the resurgent, radio hostst, fox nes contributor, all-around grereat
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american and thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. lou:u: you got to feel better, trump was pete up in wisconsin. >> a little bit. moving forward in new york tucker -- it is favorable for trump now. trump headed forward is good, , the rules get weird from here, lou, and take for example pennsylvania, if trump wins the whole state in pennsyllvania, he gets the 17 delegegates not 71 because for reasonsns no one seems to kno pennsylvania dedecided that 50 some odd delegates will be unbbound and can vote for whoever they want to vote for. lou: i'll put it this way, we won't referce his money or ability to bring considerable influennce to bear, but i will say that he will have attractive propositions f for al of the delegates who find themselveses unalignedd with hi to consider, is t that a fair wy toto put it? >> i i think so. we've already had some getting plane rides and other things.
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we'll see what he's able to do. the problem is cruz does have a really good ground game in states, so they can't get to 1237, cruz is g going to stack the delegates on the deck for a second ballot. lou: yeah, we're going to be talking with jeff dewit, the treasurer of arizona here about the battle thatt they have under way right now, ass you well know, erick. >> right. lolou: selecting delegates and the battle that it is. some queion about how fair everybody is playaying. what's f fair when itt comes to politics when it comes to campaign time. >> it's politics. lou: exactly. the view that cruz is going to be able to do well through these next states, particularly the northeast, unfriendly ground for him as a fundamental conservative. what do you think a about the idea now that we're hearing so much talk, speculation, even blather, about an open
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contested conventionon, is it unavoidable in your judgmement? >> i think people are getting the terms confused. conntested convention is like surgery, are you going to have appendectomyy or open-heart surgery. under a contested convention, , it can be open or brokered. lou: our audiennce is very sophisticated. that's why i i used open, contested and brokered altogether. >> itit probably will go to cru. all the guys in d.c. were dreaming after telling conservatives don't d dream abot any of this stuff, and cruzz and trump a are going to stackck th rules comommittee. you're going to have the most delegates, each statete gets tw plus 100 people cruruz and trum, there's no wayhey get rid of rule 40 which says you get eight states, no one that hasn't won eigght states can be considered. lolou: don't say that to reince priebus or paul ryan, they are rather committed to that idea. > they can keep dreaming. listen, i'm fririends with thes
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guys but not goioing to happeen if cruz and trump go i in with the most delegates, having won the most states and turn back of the hand to them, the cruz and trump people can ally together andnd suddenly they're in control. lou: what's your outlook right now? >> my outlook right now is it probably is going to go to open convention, if you take the average wins thus far, 48% of the delegates, n needs to up tht to 58% of the delegate wins and probably not going to be possible for him. we g go to a convention, and probably second ballot. lou: and cruz is sitting out there. he uld have to -- incomparables have to get about 90% of the remaining delegates. >> riht. so i don't think cruz can get on 1237, but at this point, neither can donald trump. lou: goingo be fascinating to watch this. >> it's a fun time to be a political observer. lou: it's a fun time to be an american watching democracy work. erick, great to have you with
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us, erick erickson. >> thanks. >> a missouri police officer, we want to show you this video. it's extraordinary. went from chasing a suspect to having a responsibility and the courage to save his life. the driver lost control of his vehiclduring the high-speed chase, actually thrown from the car. the officer then rushed to him, performed cpr on the suspect. he had no pulse, and he performed cpr until the medics could arrive. the suspect who took off after being pulled over for just a normal traffic violation is expected to fully recover, and our congratulations to the police offer who demonstrate every day that all lives matter. up next, ted cruz ramping up attacks on dononald trump. >> donald has noolutions to the problems we're facing. he likes to yelell and scream ad insult and curse, but has no real solutions to bringg jobs back to america.
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lou: we're going to find out about that. we'll talk with the head of the trumpampaign in the great state of arizona. treasurer jeff dewit. he sees things very, very differently and he's our guest next. the lighter side of politics, andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky join us. can't wait. stay with us, we'll be right back. the heirloom tomato. intensely-flavored. colorfully-diverse.
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. lou: joining us now, arizona state treasurer and the head of the trump campaign in the state of arizona, jeff dewit. great to have you with us. >> mr. dobbs, it's a pleasure to be here. lou: lou, if you don't mind. you're in the middle of the delegate selection process right now. we've been told you are getting run over by the cruz campaign and that they own all of those delegates that you workeked so hard to deliver for donald trump. what's the truth? >> the truth is we don't have any of the national delegates selected yet at all. so we're selecting 1200 state delegates, if you conontrol 601 you control the state that goes the national. lou: how are you doing on that? >> great on that right now. we have the lead and have a great ground game there, and one of the meetings i worked myself of the 63 slots for the state delegates. we got 58 trump in. we're doing very well. again, they've had good meeting
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they've taken some. lou: what's y your sense how its going to work out? is trump going to have the delegates he should, frorom the state of arizona, at the convention in cleveland? >> i believe he will have the delegates from arizona, working hard at it. i think it's a moot point. if you add up right now, y know donald trump can get to over 1500 delegates. he needs the minimum 1237. by my spreadsheet he gets to 1354. lou: he will perform incredibly. >> mathematically he can get there easily. lou: mathematically eliminated kasich, and on the trump of getting kasich eliiminated. >> he has been seeing it kasich, get out. you can't win, you h have no chance, and now i hope w we pla that tape on april 26ecause that's what's going to happen to him, and he should take that advice. lou: my guess is we could play
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that day and night 24-7 and wouldn't have much influence on his decision-making, nor want it on anyone else. i love the fact that cruz said he was -- no,rump said kich is a stubborn man, and i thought youou could say that's true of all three of these fellas. where do you think thishihing is headeded now? trump loses wisconsin, loses it badly in point of fact. he's underperformed against his polling inn nearly every state. i think this is true save massachusetts and florida. so he's got to do seriouss stuff. i adopt to show everybody. we just gotot this in from bethpage, this is donald trump showing everybody how he's going h handle the remark by te cruz about new york values. we'll see how he handles that in the new york primary. here's donald trump just now. >> do you remember during the debate when he started lecturing me on new york
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values, like we're no good. like we're no good. [booing] >> and i started talklk about hm about the world trade center, the bravery, the incredible bravery of everybody,y, our pollice, our firemen, our everybody! [cheers and applause] . lou: just an intrroductn to what ted cruz is going to have to face in new yo. it's going be a tough road. >> ted is cruisining for a bruising in new york. he's going to get obliterated here. i think he would have anyways, without comments like that, but obviously, that's going to get played and new york is a great city, it's a vibrant city. i've had fun hang out here today, and, you know, they take that very seriously here. the new york values are that ey're going to punch ted in the nose over that comment. lou: yeah, you know this is a wonderful state with wonderful people in it, but like any other state in the union, but
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maybe a little more so, you know, an insult is laid down as an insult and the response will be appropriate. as we look at what's coming up, and you mentioned the friendlier asspect of the primary battlegrounds that now face them, where do you think it ends up, and if we take erick erickson talking about a battle after the first ballot at conventi, just, if you will, jeff, telell us what happens after that? are you satisfied that the delegates are going to be sufficiently committed to trump that he's won, at the convention, to hold with him through the nominating process? >> i don't think that we can get past the first ballot. i really don't. what everyone is talalking abou he might not getet 1237 to secue the nominanation, but remember, let's suppose he gets 1210 or 1200 and short 37,, that's a floor,, not a ceiling. there are 350 unbobound delegats
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already. all that donald trump has to do is say secure the missing number. 37 delegates of that on the first ballot. it won't get past that. lou: are you going to have them secured before the connvention? >> we're working hard to do it. i think that we will. i think that we will. lou: are you going to have a ground operation? it't's likeighting with one arm behind your back. is he going to have a ground game? >> we have a great ground operation, i think we're just quieter with it. lou: the hell with quiet. make some noise! jeff dewit, thank you. >> thank you for having me. lou: up next, actress charlize theron, my wife says i don't know anything about pop culture, how wrong could she be, complaining she lost out because she's too dog gone pretty! red eye's andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky know pop culture
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loulou: joining us now, andrew y
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and joanne nosuchinsky. i'm better with joanne. >> it's the first time with her on the show. lou:u: how many times do i haveo apologize to you guys. you intimidate me. charlize theron -- a very attractive actress in every day, i'm sure, she says she is too pretty for some roles. and this happens to all women who are too pretty. your thoughts on this. thisis is a major discriminator. >> she is not wrong. there are certain roles that won't go to somebody who looks like a model.
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lou: what happened to makeup? >> she is not wrong when she says there are parts that have more gravitas that they won't give to someone who look like a model. >> people like us who are beautiful tend to be distracting. if we tend to be a media role. people w will be blinded by our auty. i included you in that. >> that's why i can't argue. >> everyone in hollywood is better looking than the average person. even if you are playing an average person. you are still up there. lou: my thought hahas always bet movies are filled withth beautil people. >> she was just saying there are certain kind of roles that get nominated for oscars that they don't want someone who looks like a model.
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lou: you weren't implying people who are physically attractive lack gravitas to overcome. >> we have to work harder to prove it to people. >> it many bigoted people who think that. lou: i want to go to the tsa. he sent $40,000 to recreate a tsa app that the tsa paid ibm $350,000. so you are striking at the very content of the suggestion. >> if you are going to make an app, have it be a useful one. tell me how longng the line is going to be and maybe some meditation videos.
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>> it's an arrow. >> it points right or left. you can't put a price on that. lou: i can't believe this. they were going -- the antonin scalia school of law, and they didn't look at what the acronym spelled. so a kerfuffle ensued. they changed it to law school to separate the ss. >> his middle name was gregory. they have solved the problem before it went fubar. lou: andy's emotional ste.
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when it comes to donald trumpp and his new strategy. >> wisconsin, baby, bravo to the people of wisconsin. lou: joanne nosuchinsky. 93% of you have said donald trump will best serve this country by destroying political correctness. good night from new york. kennedy: hi, there, middle of the week, i'm watchi a couple of cocky campaigns recoil from badger bites as wisconsin dealt punch and blows. hillary the tip kale wet blanket of after think sat back anlet bernie sandersgnite, excite and deligha grouof


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