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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 9, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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@kennedynation. and thank you so much for watching the show. have a beautiful weekend. it starts now. . good evening, i'm lou dobbs. donald trump unexpected clearing his schedule, skipping the colorado republican state convention saturday, a campaign spokeswoman confirming the front-runner will be campaigning throughout new york. part of the reason trump may be able to do that is because he's leading ted cruz in all of of the polls in upcoming primary states, including new york. a brand-new field poll out of california shows trump with a 7-point lead over cruz. a "washington post" poll out of maryland showing trump with a
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10-point lead over governor john kasich. cruz running third. this week could hardly have started better for cruz but his wisconsin win hasn't produced momentum in any other state to this point and new york is down right hostile to the senator from texas. the daily news cover didn't mins words, take the fu train, ted. trying to block trump from winning 50% of the vote and taking all of the 95 delegates. >> donald trump has been supporting liberal democratic politicians for 40 years. i have no experience with that. >> i'll take all of that up with the former chairman of the republican party in south carolina among our guests here tonight. i'll be talking about who's the
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best candidate for jobs and economy and middle class with sokol and bernie sanders doubling down on his criticism that hillary clinton isn't qualified to be president. >> are you qualified to be president of the united states when you're raising millions of dollars from wall street, an entity whose greed and reclessness and illegal behavior -- if she think i've come from the small state of vermont, i'm not used to. they will fight back. >> our next guest says senator cruz's new york value remark is haunting him now. chairman of american defense international, van hipp. ted cruz has walked into
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retribution for that those remarks he made in your fair state. >> he's trying to finness and say he was talking about governor cuomo and anthony winner. he's actual little running third in the polls behind kasich and kasich his super pac is spending seven figures to remind the people of new york what he said about new york values. here's the key. if trump can hit 50 and cruz comes in third, i think what happens in new york could basically take away all and any momentum he had coming out of wisconsin. >> obviously what he wanted to achieve was momentum coming out of the best performance he could imagine in wisconsin. and he has just run into a swamp in new york. and it does, it all centers around that utterly unnecessary
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remark he made. i mean, trump is generally either credited or blamed for not following a script and being spontaneous. it's obvious cruz regrets that one. >> i was there, that was the fox business debate when he said it i couldn't believe it. it was probably trump's best moment in a debate when he reminded the people of this country how the people came together and we were all new yorkers on september 11th. so but with john kasich, helping trump right now with those ads. this will be a fun next 12 days. >> it is and where kasich finishes is immaterial basically and the trump strategy is critically important to him. do you think he's doing the right thing, not traveling to other states who have contests coming up, some of them somewhat distant like california that doesn't do anything until the first week of june, but focusing
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on new york, do you think that's a lesson of wisconsin? >> i think he's got to do it and he sees it as an opportunity to hit the 50 and get on 95 and if he does that, people think -- i believe as long as he gets to 1187 within 50 they have a shot to pull it off. i do think bringing on paul was a good move. counted delegates for ford and reagan in 80 and lee atwater's business partner. probably should have been brought on a long time ago. >> what about the ground game? you would have thought trump would have learned his lesson watching what happened to him without a ground game. can you comprehend why he does not want to have a ground operation? >> i can't. that's going to be key for the general election. there are two weaknesses, first of all his strength has been his message, bringing jobs back home. >> that message he backed away
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from for two weeks. >> that's what got him to the point to being the front-runner. but what his weakness has been, two things, i think had he addressed these early on he could have sealed the deal. number one, the lack of a campaign infrastructure to capture people who want to get involved and that includes the delegate selection process. no sinster method involved. the analytics and technology. had he had the technology that cruz or kasich had, he would have won new york by ten points instead of three and got more delegates. i think he's the key guy to address that. >> the support that he's got, the energized support of so many millions of voters, they've got to be pulling their hair out because he refused to go there. it appears he's going there and we're talking about the anl lit ticks and get out the vote that
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the entire republican party failed to deploy and have ready. van, as always, good to have you with us. >> great to be with you. >> bill clinton stumping for his wife today in philadelphia. he was repeatedly interrupted by black lives matter demonstrators. in one fiery exchange which lasted several minutes, clinton ripped those protesters saying they were defending the very criminals who were killing the very lives they say matter. listen. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. now you're screaming. let's do -- whoa. i want to be -- come on, no. i don't know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kid hopped up on crack and sent him out on the street to murder other
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african-american children. maybe you thought they were good citizens. she didn't. she didn't. you are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. tell the truth. >> tell the truth. at the same event president clinton took a not so sut p swipe at president obama. unlike when he was president, quote, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now, end quote. a few weeks ago he slammed what he called the awful legacy of the last eight years end quote. the state affairs not much better in europe, where the illegal immigrant and refugee crisis turned violent again today. clashes breaking out on the border with macedoozens of people were demanding borders be order. officials are giving 11,000 refugees and immigrants two
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weeks to leave voluntarily, to voluntarily move to army built camps or they will be expelled by force. pope francis will meet with refugees on the greek island of lesbos next weekend. the political pope has urged europeans to open hearts and doors to refugees. more than a million have already entered europe. and chaos has ensued in a number of countries. we're learning more today about how the fbi was able to crack that cell phone that belonged to one of the san bernardino terrorists. speaking at kenyan college in ohio. they confirmed the bureau bought the technology. >> it is simply not the case that if apple wrote software for the killer's phone it would inhe have itably be at catastrophic risk, now that the government
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purchased a tool that allows court authorized access to the phone. >> if it was that simple, why didn't the fbi buy the tool in february and avoid a very public month and a half long legal battle? comey ask about the clinton e-mail scandal investigation. >> we aspire to and i think we are, three things, we're honest, we're competent and we're independent. we're not perfect. we're competent and independent. i stayed closed to that investigation to ensure this done that way, that we have the resources and technology and people and that there's no outside influence. >> and if there's no outside influence, why then has this investigation already taken eight months? and secretary clinton still hasn't been contacted for an interview. republican candidates turning their attention to new york, the next primary battle ground. does ted cruz stand a chance on
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trump's home turf. ed raw linz our guest next. rancy understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families that have supported them, we offer our best service in return. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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joining us now former reagan white house director, as ted cruz lamenting some media types
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have not called correctly the race in wisconsin, i want you to know ed rollins sitting right here, move in tight with the camera, ed rollins can we try to move in tight on mr. rollins, he correctly called the race against all odds and as usual was 100% right in the outcome. >> i've been around the game a long time. i pretty much can read what's going on. what's going on, cruz had a big night, he now has momentum and that doesn't mean trump can't still win this thing and does not mean that trump certainly is still a front-runner. he has to change his tactics and strategy in the sense where he's getting killed by these delegate fights. you may win the state and have the state delegates committed to you but you have to if i can pi right people. >> one of the things people are paying attention to and we will be paying attention to on this broadcast tonight, the democratic contest is far tighter than the republican
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contest but the national liberal media doesn't look at it that way and therefore most people would be shocked to find that out. >> she would base basically be in the ditch and everybody would be throwing dirt on her, the front-runner getting 60% when she started this race is struggling and this guy is not going away. he has money -- >> he has more money than she does. >> if you knock the superdelegates out -- there is chaos in the campaign in brooklyn and her husband has never run a campaign this bad before. >> with trump getting shellaked in wisconsin, went back and had three appearances on monday in wisconsin and whipped by 13 points, which suggests his internal polling is either messed up or nonexistent. >> he has no media team.
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he reads the polls but they have no internal pollster, why should i spend money on polling when i read the public polls. you need individual because you track certain things you don't see in other polls. if he doesn't win it on first ballot and he still could, i think it's going to be a very tough race for him and i think cruz has a great chance on a second or third ballot. >> really? what would be the reason? >> a bunch of people being picked as trump delegates in the states, are pledged to go forward, trump the first ballot they have to by law. when they get three after the first pal lotple ng knoue v fru nd bt a lot are. >> jeff dewitt, the treasurer,
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also the trump campaign person for the state. they are in the delegate selection process in arizona. speaking to him briefly before the broadcast, they are in quite a battle there to make sure what you're describing does not happen in arizona. >> this is going on everywhere and arizona is a better state and trump did very well there but this is what he's cry babying about, saying they are taking my delegates. they are not stealing delegates. the other side knows the rules and the trump people are not in there fighting the way they should be. there's all kinds of story about chaos in the campaign. he needs to quick knocking cruz and push his message and try to win this thing. if he doesn't do that, he's got a real serious contender. >> cry babying, ed? >> that's what last night was, cry babying, talked about a trojan horse, that was a stallion that ran over him last night. >> by the way, for the trump campaign, if you're paying close attention to mr. rollins and you
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should be, that's a five time golden gloves champion -- >> totally neutral in the race. >> totally neutral. >> when you hear cry baby from him, you can take cry baby to the bank. ed, it's great to have you with us. >> the folks at red bull taking to the skies of austria for their latest aerial stunt. prepare yourself. this is amazing. the pilot flying slal lom through a wind farm at nearly 200 miles an hour. the maneuver popular among skiers but this is the first pilot to create such a stunt through a wind farm. i can't even believe it can do this. bernie sanders has -- well, i don't know if he started it, but he's in an all-out war now with hillary clinton. the gloves are off. >> if you want to question my
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qualifications, let me suggest this, that maybe the american people might wonder about your qualifications, madam secretary, when you voted for the war in iraq, the most disastrous foreign policy blunder in the modern history of america. >> in my commentary, i'm going to gently explore what's happening suddenly in the democratic contest for the party's presidential nomination. stay with us. real be right back. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders
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of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles
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so strap yourselves in for action flo! small business edition. oh, no! i'm up to my neck in operating costs! i'll save the day! for plumbers and bakers and scapers of lawn, she's got customized coverage you can count on. you chipped my birdbath! now you're gonna pay! not so fast! i cover more than just cars and trucks. ♪ action flo
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did somebody say "insurance"? children: flo! ♪ action flo cut! can i get a smoothie, please? ooh! they got smoothies? for me. a few thoughts on the democratic battle for the presidential nomination and it is now a battle. the left engaged in a profound conflict finally, the democrats divided into a deeper divide, a potentially mortal contest within their party. hillary clinton taking sharp aim at bernie sanders after the big win in wisconsin. questioning whether the candidate is even a democrat or understands the issues he's talking about.
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sanders fired right back. >> secretary clinton appears to be getting a little bit nervous. she has been saying lately that she thinks that i am quote/unquote, not qualified to be president. i don't think that you are qualified if you get $15 million from wall street for your super pac. >> and clinton has good reason to be getting a little nervous. sanders has moved two points ahead of clinton in the latest mcclachthy marist poll. sanders has 1,030 delegates and clinton has 1280. to put it in perspective, hillary's lead is 25% more pledge delegates. trump has 44% more delegates than cruz. and given sanders' recent and mounting victories, clinton must
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surely here echos of pounding feet of another senator gaining on her eight years ago, an upset in new york is a possibility. some say on the verge of likelihood the way things are going. and if sanders achieves a victory in new york, it would change it for clinton and the democrats and throw the race for the presidency wide open. our quotation of the evening, given sanders advances and improvements in the race we should turn to socialism itself. admittedly he's a democratic socialist but let's address it by halves. a quotation from margaret thatcher who said, socialists cry power to the people and and raise the clenched fist as they say. we know what they really mean, power over people, power to the state. ted cruz ramping up attacks on
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donald trump. >> donald has no solutions to the problems we're likes to yell and scream and insult and curse. but he has no real solutions to bringing jobs back to america. >> we're going to find out about that, we'll be talking with the head of the trump campaign in the great state of arizona. treasurer jeff dewitt sees things very differently and he's our guest next. it's a fact. kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. but i only had a salad. it was a buffalo chicken salad. salad. ♪ [engine revs] ♪ ♪
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start your free thirty-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. joining us, arizona state treasurer and head of the trump
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campaign in the state of arizona. >> pleasure to be here. >> you're in the middle of the delegate selection process right now. we have been told that you guys are just getting run over by the cruz campaign and that they own all of those delegates that you worked so hard to deliver for donald trump. what's the truth? >> the truth is we don't have any of the national delegates selected yet at all. we're selecting 1200 state delegates, basically you control 601, you'll control the slate that goes to national. >> how are you doing on that? >> we're doing great. we have the lead and great ground game. of the 63 slots for state delegates, we got 58 trump in. we're doing very well. they've had good meetings themselves have they've taken some. >> what's your sense of how it's going to work out? is trump going to have the delegates he should from the state of arizona at the convention in cleveland? >> i believe he will have the
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delegates from arizona, we're working hard at it. if you add up -- do you know donald trump can still get to 1500 delegates, he needs the minimum 1237. he could still get the 1534 if he were to win everything -- and he won't but -- >> he'll have to outperform incredibly. >> mathematically he could get there easily. >> that is something that eliminated kasich and we're on the cusp of cruz being eliminated, it will be impossible mathematically if it is not now. >> i hopes he takes his own advice, he's been saying to kasich, get out, you have no chance. i hope we play that tape on april 26th but that's what's going to happen to him and he should take that advice. >> my guess is we could play that day and night 24/7 and it wouldn't have much influence on decision-making nor would it on anyone else. i love the fact that cruz said he was -- no, trump said kasich
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is a stubborn man. and i thought, you could say that's true of all three of these. so what -- where do you theink this is headed now. trump loses wisconsin, underperformed in his polling in nearly every state -- i think this is true, massachusetts and florida, he's got to do serious stuff. i do want to show everyone, we've just gotten this in from beth page. this is donald trump showing everybody how he's going to h d handle the remark from ted cruz about new york values. >> do you remember during the debate when he started lecturing me on new york values, like we're no good, like we're no good. and i started talking to him about the world trade center, the bravery, the incredible
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bravery of everybody, our police, our firemen, our everybody. >> all right, just an introduction to what ted cruz is going to have to face in new york. it's going to be a tough road. >> ted is cruzing for a bruising in new york. he's going to get obliterated here. i think he would have anyways without comments like that and that's going to get played. new york is a vibe brant city, i've had fun hanging out here today. they take that seriously here. the new york values are they are going to punch ted in the nose over that comment. >> this is a wonderful state with wonderful people in it, like any other state in the union, but maybe a little more so and an insult is laid down as an insult and the response will be appropriate. as we look at what's coming up
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and you've mentioned the friendlier aspect of the primary battlegrounds that now face them. where do you think it ends up and if we take even talking about a battle after the first ballot of the convention. if you will, tell us what happens after that? are you satisfied they are going to be -- that the delegates are going to be sufficiently committed to trump that he's won to hold with him through the nominating process? >> i don't think we could get past the first ballot. i really don't. what everybody keeps talking about, he might not get 1237 to xir the nomination. let's suppose he gets 1200 and short 37, that's a floor, it's not a ceiling. there are 350 unbound delegates already. all that donald trump has to do secure the missing number. on the first ballot it won't get passed -- >> if you have him secure before
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the convention -- >> we're working hard to do it. i think we will. >> are you guys going to have a ground operation? it's like fighting with one arm behind your back. is the man going to build a ground operation in these remaining states? >> lou, we have one. it keeps get reporting that we don't but we have a great ground operation. i think we're just quieter about it. >> the hell with quiet, you better make in noise. >> jeff dewitt, great to have you. >> joining me tonight, david sokol chairman the mid american energy and chairman emeritus as well. let's first start with what's going on in this -- we've got a front-runner in the republican party who says we've got a bubble economy, recession is imminent. your judgment is as one of the foremost business men? >> we've had a lot of headwinds for sure. i don't think we have to go in a
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recession but we have to turn back this set of policies where we're putting so much weight on american business through regulation, administrative orders and things of that nature. the uncertainty of what's going to be next, things like yesterday where the white house stops a merger that's perfectly legal under the tax law and retroactively changes the tax law. america was known as a country that had a rule of law that people could depend on and made it one of the best investing locations in the world. all of that affects where the economy goes so -- >> where is business leadership here? we're not hearing from the chamber of commerce. individual ceos about this new treasury rule against inversions as they are called. and it seems that when he breaks, he being barack obama, decides not to enforce immigration law that's convenient to some parts of corporate america. and then when there's something like this, there's still a
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silent, silent leadership in our business community. >> i think it goes back to the fact that we have become a country that deals with politics through either deconstruction or division. business leaders are scared. i can't tell you the number of dinners i've had with senior business folks who say one thing, say, shouldn't you say that publicly and the answer is the administration will come after me. they are worried about environmental agencies coming after them and irs coming after them which we've seen targeting individual groups. that's a problem. >> it's a problem and it's also -- that means there's fear throughout the country. if our business leaders are scared of this administration, which is lawless in so many ways, whether it's immigration, of whether it is treaties that are not addressed as such, for example, the iranian nuclear deal, that's a treaty but no one will whisper the word treaty because that would require senate approval.
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it's extraordinary and working men and women in this country are scared to death. haven't had a pay raise in real terms for nearly 40 years. where are we going to muster the courage here? >> the reason this is happening is america by the way is exceptional. you and i aren't exceptional but america is exceptional. it was built on three premises, freedom, free enterprise and human kindness. that's what the founding fathers built our constitution around and every element of our society. every one of those three pillars of our country are under attack. freedom -- if you don't enforce the laws, i don't have any issue with any hispanic person or any race but come into the country legally. enforce our laws. if you're going to change tax laws retroactively, all of the different things government is doing to try and socialize our society takes away freedoms. free enterprise is under attack in every way. we shouldn't have class warfare. success in this country is what was intended. >> and we're watching warfare
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within the class. i mean, when you've got the republican establishment trying to stop donald trump, trying to in some ways to use ted cruz as some sort of tool of deflection so someone else can be inserted, that is the gop elites, the country is getting very concerned, it's been reflected in many ways. and you talk about the politics of destruction and division. we're watching hbo put up the justice clarence thomas -- what would you call it, docudrama, may be fiction. >> fantasy, i think. >> hbo is doing this at the worst possible time. >> and they are doing it on purpose. this gets to the civility that we've lost. we used to debate issues and you and i could have an argument. my dad was a rural nebraskan and
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taught us to sit and argue things and argue without being disagreeable. the clarence thomas nomination was one of the most despicable events in our history. here is one of the finest human beings, greatest judges we've had on the supreme court phenomenal background, accused by one person, uncorroborated to attack his person because the left realized they can't attack his resume and can't attack his background so they -- they found a person to make something up that was uncorroborated. 100 other people testified on his behalf and he almost wasn't confirmed. >> even though she was absolutely dismissed by both the evidence and the testimony in the hearing. >> and now hbo is saying, let's run a movie that's a fantasy. if you look at it, it is absolutely -- i've seen the script a month ago. it is make believe. they are promoting a movie they say this is an important issue of sexual harassment.
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we have to have a movie about it. if that's -- that's not why they are doing it. they are doing it to apply pressure to a conservative supreme court justice to see if he'll resign so the left can appoint a second. >> you know him very well -- >> a fabulous human being. >> a terrific man and great, great public servant, we've got to call it here, you get the last word. >> if there is a movie that should be aired, it's about a president committing sexual harassment in the white house but that movie shouldn't be aired either. hbo is doing our society a disservice. we have to deal with facts and arguments and make them fairly and not have this politics of destruction because we don't like someone's views. >> and it would be nice to see business leaders who have the courage of david sokol to stand before cameras and say exactly what they mean. we appreciate you doing it here. >> thanks, lou, glad to be here. >> iran, doubling down on its posture and pro vocations
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following the nuclear deal with president obama. >> the iran deal was supposed to be -- iran is going to change its behavior and welcome into the rural community and $100 billion and let them go on the nuclear program eventually but they were going to change. they've changed. they've doubled down. >> stay with us, we're coming right back. when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a.
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new threats from iran over its missile program and military leader borrowing from president obama's own rhetoric. warning that any interference from the united states would across a quote, red line, some pro vocations becoming disturbingly frequent, it was recently said they needless negotiation and more missiles. joining us now, former pentagon official, fox news national security analyst, k.t. mcfarland and con tell rain yously, opening an investigation into whether president obama and his administration intentionally misled congress about the contents of the deal and the
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assurances by the united states, specifically the president of the united states, to the iranians. >> you know, i spent all day carefully looking at what the iranians had said during the negotiations and since and what secretary clinton, president obama said and secretary kerry said during negotiations and i think there's a possibility that it's even worse that iran is cheating. i think there's a distinct possibility that the administration told the american congress one thing, and they told the iranians something else so that the iranians in fact are following what they think is the iran deal. >> and either way, either way, the bizarre reality is this, there's been no document put before the united states congress called a treaty with iran, the entire thing has been sub ter fuj from the very beginning and to the release of $100 billion in frozen assets to the iranians and now this gross
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conduct by the iranians, whether it's launching icbms or running ak-47s and 50 caliber machine guns to the houthi rebels in yemen. >> it is the most significant foreign policy decision of the obama administration. it is going to affect generations to come. however this turns out, i think what the administration has done is enable iran to get nuclear weapons. in addition to that, they've been able to be a major power in the region as well as the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism. that's going to affect everything. >> the president looks to be right now -- well, i'll put it this way, the congress is investigating whether he's a fool. i don't see any middle ground. let's turn to nato, donald trump says realign nato.
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we're watching now the immigrant crisis, the illegal immigrant, refugee crisis in europe taking apart europe. we have a june vote in the uk that will remain part of the glorious eu. this is a mess. nato in which the united states is spending two thirds of the money spent providing so much of the material and so much of ordinants. is he right? it would seem on his face he's right? >> nato was formed to prevent russians from coming into europe. is that still the objective? >> apparently not. we've also in the last 15 years used nato to fight extremists in the middle east, afghanistan. we're talking about using nato to fight -- >> as a fig leaf? >> yes, in afghanistan. in nation building. now what is the goal of nato?
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i think trump makes some certain sense to say if it is the first role, let's renegotiate the burden sharing. >> here we go, because a great deal is going to happen both politically and geopolitically here. as we witness what you always call interesting times. we've got them. k.t. mcfarland, thank you. the california highway patrol in another wild chase. a runaway chihuahua, there he is, with a california highway patrolman on the motorcycle trying to run him to ground. the chihuahua led chase -- led to the temporary closing of the oakland san francisco bay bridge. the furry fugitive avoided capture four times before he was finally scooped up and taken to a local shelter. workers there named him ponch, homage to the television show "chips." charlizethxt eron saying she
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missed out because she's too pretty. they know pop culture like nobody else. they are going to educate me here now. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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joining us now, the co-host andy levy and former miss new york usa, joe ann --
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>> you're on it, lou. >> i'm better with jo ann but -- >> it's her first time on the show. >> it is. >> we're all nervous. >> how many times have i had to apologize for something or other. you intimidate me and i -- i have to deal with it. let's get right to it. charlize theron, a very attractive actress in every way i'm sure. she says she's too pretty for some roles. that this happens to all women who are too pretty. your thoughts on this? this is a major discriminatory. >> let's start with a beautiful actress. >> she's not wrong though, right, there are certain roles that won't go to someone who looks like a model if the role itself doesn't call for someone that looked like a model. >> what happened to makeup? >> they still have makeup. no, but if -- she's not wrong
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when she's says there are parts that have more graph tas they don't want to give to someone who looks like a model. >> people like us who are really beautify, andy knows, we tend to be distracting is the thing. if we're trying to do a media role people will be blinded by our beauty. >> i think that's -- i included you -- >> i can't argue. >> truthfully, everyone in hollywood is better looking than the average person, even if you're playing an average person or ugly person in a movie, you're still up there. >> the opposite reaction. my thought has been the movies are filled with beautiful people. >> she wasn't saying woe is me, i'm really pretty. she was saying there are certain types of roles that often times get nominated for oscars or whatever, that they don't necessarily want someone that looks like a model. >> you weren't implying people who were attractive compellingly
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attractive lack gravitas and talent. >> no, we have to work harder to prove it to people. >> people think that. >> okay. having resolved that, i want to go to the tsa and the fact this fellow spent $47,000 to recreate a tsa app for which the tsa paid ibm about $350,000. that's outrageous. >> i wish i could say i was shocked that they spent that much but a government agency overspending, that's not unheard of. >> you're striking at the very content of what he was saying, the suggestion that there's no -- i didn't argue with you. >> if you are going to make an app, have it be a useful one. tell me how long the line is going to be and maybe meditation practices because my stress levels get high. >> i feel you didn't look at the video that shows what the app does. >> it's an arrow.
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>> it points right or left. you can't put a price on that. >> george mason law school, we have to deal with this one, i can't believe this. they were going to anthony scalia's school of law and didn't look at what the acronym actually spelled so a kerr fufle has ensued with a quick fix, i think. >> they are now changing it to law school so they separate the ss. >> parents, don't name your kids names that start with a vowel. >> his middle name was gregory, problem solved right there. this was a dumb snafu but they saw the problem before it went totally -- >> well done. i wish we had more time to explore with andy his emotional state when it comes to donald trump and his new strategy
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but -- >> wisconsin, baby. >> bravo to people of wisconsin. >> there you go. >> andy levy, always fair and balanced. thanks so much, always being patients. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. . >> i happen to think that the majority of people in this country are libertarian. they just don't know it. john: is that true? are you economically conservative and socially liberal? then you're a libertarian. >> it's the first nationally televised debate. john: in part one of our presidential forum, we heard these three libertarians debate. >> gay marriage. >> i met austin in a gay bar. [ laughter ] >> it was different from republican-democrat debates. libertarians focus on getting government out of the way. >> i didn't create a single job, government doesn't create jobs, the private sector does.


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