tv Kennedy FOX Business April 19, 2016 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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the antiestablishment candids like trump and sanders, fox's andrea is among our guests tomorrow, join us, good night fr york. kennedy: hello welcome to the week, i watched that myopic george clooney trying to dig himself out of a stank trench of political corruption where he caught all kinds of flack. bernie boosters made it rain. pelting hillary clinton with real money as she drove to his mansion.
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>> it is an obscene aim of money, sanders campaign they talk about it is right, it is ridiculous, that we should have this money in politics. kennedy: you are in the ridiculous now. so, why do we have this filthy money in politics, george? >> we need to confirm a supreme court justice because, that fifth vote can overturn citizens united and get this obscene ridiculous aim of amount of money out so i never have to did a fundraiser again, that is why i'm doing it. kennedy: you are so brave, george, there was a supreme court case you fundamentally disagreed with? you are propping up the sim claisystem you claim to despise because you are such a hero, that is like a pro life person, upset with roe v. wade. george went out met the protesters in san francisco.
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>> it was a funny thing, i went to try to talk to him, he said i was a corporate shell, that is funny. kennedy: kissing a of -- arse after a box office bomb with clooney needed protection from reviews. he said, it is getting worse. i have not slept in 30 hours, it is 7 a.m., are these people always acting? i adore you amy, you are only person running a studio that loves film. not my intention, i lost touch who knew, sorry. you did george. tomorrowland, hail caesar, i think -- get out of politics stick to acting but you are not very good at that either.
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at least he has a good handle to the issue. >> i really want citizens united one of the worst laws passed since i have been around. kennedy: have you been around long enough to read a 7 grade political science book. congress did not pass a law called citizens united it went through the supreme court you ordinary nob, clooney is also short. donald trump broke that news. >> he went to larry king and told everyone i was very short. i met you sitting down. kennedy: george, accusing you of midgeetry have you failed. it is time to get out of the, whether raising piles of questionable cash, so you can gain access. or being human anvil that sinks every movie they put you in, to shed your pretty mouth.
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>> i am batman. kennedy: you make adam west look like michael caine, whatever that means. republican elites hope for a brokered convention, contemplating a fresh face, to bring in as their candidate, ben dom inic a grave warning. and it is true she can't see herrine reflection, and demi moore and others accidently register for ultraconservative party, founded by a segregationist, we're just getting warmed up, it is going to be fun, i am kennedy. we just heard from ho jorge cloone clooney.
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>> wake up. >> we naidoo new yorkers. we need new yorkers, it time to vote, show up represent. >> i am not even admitting she is getting the nomination, i am not going there. >> i am going to stay in crazyville. what? let's ask our monday party panel, jimmy faella is here, and michael moynihan. also pod cast host. fifth colony. >> yes. >> these -- so, welcome. >> great. >> thank you. >> great week, great night, let's talk about spike lee. susan si -- sarandon. bernie sanders supporters are they trying to annoy hillary clinton voters to death. >> they are huge stars, i
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wonder where charlotte ray. is i really, i can't stand george clooney now that i saw this clip, i read it before. did not realize how horrible, by the way you say, i'm not some corporate chill, if everyone time i go to europe, there is a billboard of you drinkingness presso you are corporate chill. >> when american actors go overseas. >> you used to be able to get away with it preinternet. but, this every is confused about supreme court, donald trump talking about suprem court, laws and other, but, that drives me crazy, nobody knows what they are talking about, when you talk to people like this, they will say, that roe v. wade is settled law it was settled by the supreme court. well, shall we not extend that to certain other cases like is the citizens united.
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kennedy: he talks about koch brothers, rails against money he puts in politics but does not acknowledge people like tom steyer and unions. danny devito says, that bernie sanders i -- obi-wan kenobi. >> that great we needed a star wars reference. >> people don't realize it but own -- he raised their taxes. kennedy: is clooney a total hypocrite or someone out of touch, surrounded by so many yes people he thinks that everything that comes out his mute is. >> pure gold, he is a hypocrite. what is interesting about
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cele celebrity civil war, oiler generation -- oldser generation movie stars are supporting bernie yet young people are voting for hillary. all the celebrity talk is really more oxygen, and really does not matter. kennedy: i would love to see them in a cage match, i would love to see katy perry and danny devito covered in oil. >> new york primary is tomorrow, real clear politics average has hillary ahead of the bern. bernie sanders, trailing her by 12 points, all the same bernie says he has got this, he is in the game, why won't bernie win new york? jimmy? >> because we're a very jim send rick state -- gym sent
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rick state, bernie reminds us all of that guy who walked around the gym naked, that is why i cannot vote for him, with flip-flops and you to il towel around his neck. kennedy: they have not gone to the fronts runners, my worry is we'll see a big momentum shift with hillary clinton and donald trump racking up huge wins then the election gets boring again. >> i kind of want the trump people and -- trump is here to stay. but sanders i just want them to go away, i did not think that anyone could be more annoying than donald trump supporter. we talked -- >> they are worse. >> they are different, they tweet you, they have a like a "avatar" of a hemler.
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kennedy: you are. >> i thought that ges should open a pet store. >> i want the bernie people to go away, they are bananas, i huge the bernie bros are real, like, we trick ourselves in media, oh, my god 27,000 people in washington square to see bernie sanders that number was given to the media by the bernie campaign, that is actually not a lot of people, there are 9 million people in the city. it a big state. >> 19,000 were there to buy weed. that is why you buy it. >> and watch vampire weekend. >> a big protest -- >> oh, my gosh. kennedy: what happens tomorrow night. >> we know hillary clinton will win, these people showing up protesting for bernie, they
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are all left over occupied people. they are not people that are for bernie, they just want to get out and yell. you know people that have gotten out, before, they say outrageous things like call democrats whores. >> they smell like wet birkin stocks that is horrible. >> tomorrow night, live coverage, don't miss a moment. coming up. donald trump said that the system is rigged. but he refuses to take advantage of that rigged system. >> later, i'll talk with my friend wha -- share la main. [dad] i wear a dozen different hats
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doing small gigs,side gigs...gig gigs. quickbooks self-employed helps me get ready for tax time. to separate expenses,i just swipe. it's one hat i don't mind wearing. [passenger] i work for me. and so does quickbooks. it estimates my taxes,so i know how much stays in my pocket. and that's how i own it. [announcer] stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free thirty-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. so we know how to cover almost alanything.ything, even a stag pool party. (party music) (splashing/destruction) (splashing/destruction) (burke) and we covered it, october twenty-seventh, 2014. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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kennedy: ted cruz won all 14 delegates in wyoming over the weekend, prompting donald trump to cry not fair,io. >> you say, we'll send you to mara logo, you use will spa this and that we' your vote that is a corrupt system. i don't want to go 7 months before that is what you have to do take them on trips. i don't want to play that game. kennedy: i would become a wyoming delegate just to play that game.
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party panel is back. i'mal trump said he has -- i'mal trum trump said he has better toys. >> sure. >> paul o'neill is personal friend. >> yes. >> cruz, has time share in tampa, and designed by chi-chi rodriguez. remember him, he snuck merits on the court. yes, incredible thing about trump, when he is accused of vacillating from democrat to republican he said, no, i went to hillary clinton's wedding, i was friends with her, because i am corrupt, and i was buying her off. now he said, i don't want to do that system, corey lowandowski, was on chris wallace's show this weekend, he was pressed on this, he said, have you not figured out how to play the game, he gives
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fake answer, well, the thing is, this truth. these are rules they knew the rules they are bad at them. kennedy: and a lazy net on part of -- laziness on the part of the trump campaign but ted cruz sad down and read the fine print and said oh, that is what you need to do. >> it feeds into narrative that trump has been playing up this time he is victim, he is winning these votes, and looking out for little guy, there is a huge corrupt system, he needs to you know get nomination just because he has wracked up a lot of votes, but, other thing, i hear a lot of trump supporters say they think that donald trump will get in there and surround himself with great people. just proves that he does not know how to surround himself with people that know what they are doing. kennedy: that is a good point.
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a campaign, is a microcosm for an administration, if that is what you do, what do you do on a macro level you are in charge of the federal government, if he is not surrounding himself with confidence delegate getters months in advance, do you think that system is rigged against donald trump? i don't think it against him, but against anyone who is not a part of the establish glment noestablishment. >> not rigged. >> well, for common man, walking in off street, they don't realize how much things, but trump is try the a presidential run like this is an i-tunes us user agreement, he scrolled down to the bottom, and chicke checked the box. >> also one that federal
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system how each state decides it wants to choose delegates some, have voters. kennedy: they don't have this in new zealand, where i'm moving when hillary is president, panel is returning later, we want to know what happens when you let internet name your polar research vessel. the thatcher, annuit newton or boaty mcboatface? you know which one it should be.
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what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? we don't know. we swish listerine®. as do listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. say they'll save youfor every by switching,surance companies you'd have like a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um..." or "no comment". then there's esurance - born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save: hassle, time, paper work, hair tearing out and, yes, especially dollars. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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say they'll save youfor every by switching,surance companies you'd have like a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um..." or "no comment". then there's esurance - born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save: hassle, time, paper work, hair tearing out and, yes, especially dollars. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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kennedy: welcome back, some establishment republicans are hoping to starv donald trump of an out right win. not everyone is waiting for that white knight to come on in. let's talk about this. a lot of republicans establishment and otherwise, who have a fantasy of a white knight that is stuff of syrupy roman novels you say that is suicide for the party? >> you know, i don't think that their man on the horse is going to show up in cleveland for establishment republicans who want to parachute somebody in. a situation, i feel like there are a lot of people who are playing foolish games with this idea they will bring along someone who has not run
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for president, and been avoiding political fray. paul ryan was at top of everyone's list, he took himself out of the running but there is people reaching out to donors to find a way to insert someone else in the process, they have to recognize the fact no matter what comes out of cleveland. that it is likely to be one of top two candidates not someone they can parachute in. kennedy: i think that is a stupid idea. i know you are no donald trump supporters, i am not a huge fan of his policies, but if paul magers is richard -- paul ryan is richard gere in this, the whole thing is "pretty woman," who is the hooker. >> i am not sure. but i think when the delegate fights that are playing out,
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that i think that donald trump and his time have of late recognize they needed to play a bigger role in, those delegates will be able to make a dig decision in donald trump does not get to 1237. kennedy: donald trump said, it is missing a very important thing, show business. it is very important to put some show business into a convince - -- convention, otherwise people will fall asleep, thank you very much. >> donald trump wants to put sequence all over the republican national convention, that could be very exciting, it could be a disaster. i share his assessment that 2012 convention was boring, except for dirty harry's meltdown with the empty chair that was pretty good. >> that was pretty good. he is getting out his. >giant bedazzler.
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i hope he is not turning this to a miss universe play, the swimsuit competition in this case is not one that anyone would want to tune in to see, you have to give donald trump some credit issue he doesn't that conventions can be boring, but we could have a very interesting floor fight play out that is pretty good showbiz. it could lead to a more exciting convention than we've seen. kennedy: yeah. >> televised production. kennedy: that would be reality show that though one saw coming. -- that no one saw coming. you would not lead lighting on chris christie in a lime green speedo. when donald trump really rides the elephant, who knows.
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>> making conventions great again is manage that donald trump could help matter with, in one case or another, he knows how to manage media, he knows how to deal with television, i think they should listen to him, and have more excitement on the floor add opposed to 2012. there is always a limit to that, you don't' to go too far, a situation right now in this party where things are crazy enough without interjecttion of rose ceremonies, survival games and a sort of jeff hosted back and forth to see who will be last surviving. kennedy: i lovelle i love -- lover bad reality show cliche. >> thank you ben. kennedy: coming up most
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ferocious toddler, defends his grandma with a lead pipe. >> and 11-year-olds get banned >> and 11-year-olds get banned from the my school reunion's coming fast. could be bad. could be a blast. can't find a single thing to wear. will they be looking at my hair? won't be the same without you bro. ♪ when it's go, the new choice privileges gets you there faster. and now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. book now at
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kennedy: when all those wishes you made on a monkey paw are turning evil, turn to me. i'm take you to an episode of the twilight zone of news. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. there is a very special phase of development with children when they are old enough to get into trouble and understand the concept of lying, but they completely lack the knowledge to especially when they have just drawn on mommy's mirror in lipstick. check out this kid. >> i don't know. >> was it you?
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>> no. >> who was it. >> a batman did that. badman did that. kennedy: ben affleck snuck into that kid's house and put that on his mirror. is he just hiding something more brilliant? those lipstick mark look similar to international graffiti artist banksy. look at that. huh? huh? banksy really is batman and the scottish toddler. i have no shame in telling you i'm a gymnastic mom. my girls spend five days a week
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in the jim, between them. it's incredible what they are able to do with their bodies. it takes patience and bravery and incredible balance. he saifts her from certain death. look at that. whoa, they both fall over. did he snap a neck? no, she is a canadian gymnast. but he was brave as any american for snapping that -- for saving that girl from snapping her neck. topic number three. to be a true master of martial
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arts you need to start early. this chinese toddler defending his grandmother using a lead pipes off to a good start. she reportedly has been getting harassed by government bureaucrats cracking down on street convenient doarts. and her grandson didn't like it one bit. watch. kennedy: i don't know what he was saying, but i think it what you i don't want to go work at fox com again. that pumpkin never had a chance.
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topic number 4. if you have kid you already know this. like everyone else in the known world they are fascinated by donald trump. a group of curious -- 11-year-olds decided to draw on giant trump-heads and move them to presidential beats. watch. the dancing trumps. aren't they adorable and funny? and obviously non-political? one fuss budget overbearing parent complained and the dancing trumps were sidelined and disinvited from the talent show. lighten up you humanerrous boobs? i personally invite christian and mark and david to shake it
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right here in this very studio where we perform. we don't perform acts of censorship, we support the arts. topic number 5. if you are a cat owner you know felines are machines which must be recharged he few days. most cats use double a batteries and a few came with extension cords. but now you can wide them up with your foot. -- you can wind them up with your foot. [meowing] kennedy: the cat sounds like it's singing. i have only seen cats do that one other time when my neighbor bill my and i took two hits of
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acrid before going over to carl's house to feed his cat. i miss you, carl. if you have any weird stories. i always miss carl. if you have stories you want to see in the "topical storm" you can tweet me @kennedynation. always use #topicalstorm to tweet me. demi moore have joined a even extra conservative fringe party in california, apparently by mistake. ♪ i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type
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polar research vessel cost $300 million to build and they decided to crowd source the ship's name. the result are in by a landslide. it's boaty mcboat face. of all the names, james hamm is a bbc broadcaster suggested boaty mcboat face, which i think is a lovely name. it got three times as many votes as the next closest competition. will the boaty mcboat face ever sail? >> i hope so. there is a lot of serious depressing things going on in the world. we need a boat called boaty mcboatface.
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kennedy: the great vast bering sea. >> and to spend $300 million on a boat. of course no one predicted that let's let the british public decide. i love that. love that. send it up to the baltic and it's done. which is like -- kennedy: they are going to kick it back to the council. >> superdelegates. what boaty mcboat face is going to be is the person on the other end of his call. saying i like this mcboat face guy. it's ridiculous. hillary did this. the nypd did this. cosby did this.
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kennedy: i'm surprised no one suggested the rrs bill cosby. >> how do you throw something like this out to the internet. this is the future, i can tell you as a millennial. this tactic of throwing things out to the internet to name and people throwing out random names like that. kennedy: the guy who 24069 it apologized and voted for the rrs david attleboro. tens of thousands of california voters accidentally registered for the american independent party when they thought they were registering as independents. the american independent party sounds great, doesn't it? it dates back to 1967 when segregationist george wallace helped launch the ultra
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conservative party for his bid for the white house. it means demi moore is really a gay barber. >> she always has been. you didn't know that? back when thee was de-me. >> i said can you believe they are all registered for george wallace's party? someone said the comedian? i said no, this guy was pretty racist. george wall has the racist. ken require would be odd if george wallace the comedian started a segregationist party. i am registered with no party preference in california because they have the political parties, republican, libertarian, green, the peace and freedom party. and then the american
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independent party. >> you filled out your own card. these super rich the paid some guy fill out their card. did see the george clooney commercial? he was sitting on an illegal. she loves to neat young guys. >> it's like an argument for low voter turnout. if you can't register properly read down to no party preference. i don't want you voaght on important things for this country. >> maybe 300,000 people in california are segregationists and we don't want to confront it. kennedy: they are all celebrities.
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if you had a dollar for every dollar car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have like a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um..." or "no comment". then there's esurance - born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save: hassle, time, paper work, hair tearing out and,
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my favorite and others interviewed her. her topics included tomorrow's primary in new york, beyonce and pandering. >> what do you always carry with you? >> hot sauce. >> really? >> hot sauce. yes. >> people are going to see this and they are going to say you are pandering to black people. >> is it working? kennedy: oh, dear god. all right. that's charlemagne the god. he hosts the breakfast club. how did this interview come to be, charlemagne? >> it was in the works for a while. i approached her. bernie's camp reached out a few times.
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i think we interviewed bernie twice. i moderated a panel for number harlem. kennedy: i think you have been a very important voice in this election. the first person who introduced me to killer mike, and you said tell me about bernie sanders. i'm interested in what he has to say. >> i asked you about bernie. i didn't know anything about bernie at the time. kennedy: i are said he's a come nifort, stay away from him, go libertarian. >> well, doing my research on bernie, i like bernie, i like what he stands for with you i don't know if what he's proposing is realistic. people tell you it's not about reality, it's about dreams. that's what america is built on. kennedy: we are being slapped up side the face with reality. we don't need any more dreams.
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but i feel with this interview you and hillary had some chemistry. has your allegiance shifted? >> a year and a half agive said if hillary ran fear president i said city would -- ran for president i would vote for her because she is a woman. i liked the things bernie was saying. but hillary is the most experienced for the job. she has the most white house experience. but i'm undecided. i don't know who i'm going to be voting for come november. kennedy: we look at the people left in this race. i think we are completely screwed because i love freedom and liberty, i don't want the government in my business. i see all these people, they are going to use government as a giant light saber to cut me in half and destroy my freedom. >> at least with hillary it will be more of the same.
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with bernie it will be somebody attempting to make change happen and he won't able to get anything done. ted cruz, donald trump, anti-christ. kennedy: i would vote for none much these candidates left standing. i'll say that right now. i have got to exer-advise your right to vote. >> i go to war if class. >> you don't have a favorite? >> not among these yahoos. it's still bernie and hillary. hillary is popular with frirms in new york. she has a 40% advantage in new york state and it makes me wonder. she has a horrible track record supporting some of her husband's criminal justice pre-reform that went the wrong way in the 90s and incarcerated an entire generation of black men. >> i said how are we going to
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hold those people accountable. >> she said we do have to hold ourselves accountable and we have to address education and the jail system. and so i kind of like that answer. at least she is recognizing it's a problem. kennedy: i don't think it's enough. i think she is pandering to your audience. i hope you take a hard, throng look at this race and get as depressed as i am. >> my whole thing is she would go on your shows and gab. she was like -- she says no, and she is a bad guy, she is not relatable. she does it to go along and have fun. but when she said, is it working, in reference to the whole hot sauce in the bag, i thought a person actually pandering to people wouldn't admit to pandering. kennedy: maybe she is such a
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super panderer. congratulations on the interview it's a big deal. >> is it really? okay. kennedy: i think you are a big deal and i'm glad you asked her some tough questions. >> i don't know if they were tough. i wanted to talk to her and see if there is a human behind that robotic politician. kennedy: did you touch her skin. >> when she walked in the room, she is good, man. politics is all about the buying and selling of dreams. you are buying into a dream. kennedy: she stole my dream a long time ago, yours, too. love you. >> love you, too, kennedy. kennedy: we'll wade into the breathless parade of bernie
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supporters. what is democratic socialism? >> worried more about the 1% listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? we don't know. we swish listerine®. as do listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™.
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kennedy: bernie sanders fans are quick to point out that their frumpy savior isn't a socialist. he's a democratic socialist which makes all the difference, right? collier wade into a bernie rally to speak with bern imminions. >> aren't you concerned he's a socialist. >> he's a democratic socialist. he's a democratic socialist. >> how is a democratic socialist different from a socialist. >> that's a good question. >> it's not -- i can't --
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>> who is paying for bernie's universal healthcare. >> the government, the taxpayer. >> the american taxpayers. >> taxes are going up with bernie. >> we'll raise taxes. >> should you worry more about the 1% taxes going up. >> bernie said everyone's taxes will go up. he wants america to look more like scandinavia. >> what's wrong with that. he's bringing something different to the table which is something a lot of americans want for the elections, which is exactly what we need. >> i ask you to join in the political revolution. thank you very much. kennedy: so sweet and authentic. thank you for watching the show tonight. be sure to watch neil cavuto and fbn's primary congress starting tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. i'll be back to break it down.
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